California Saltwater Sport Fishing Survey
[Insert photo]
We want to learn about your saltwater fishing experience in California waters!
California waters includes all waters off of California’s coast (state and federal waters), excluding Mexican waters.
For questions or comments about this survey, please contact:
Rosemary Kosaka 831-420-3988 |
Cindy Thomson 831-420-3911 |
OMB Control Number: 0648-XXXX Expiration date: xx/xx/xx |
Your Saltwater Sport Fishing Experiences in or from California Waters
A1 About how many years of saltwater sport fishing experience do you have in California waters? By saltwater sport fishing, we mean fishing with a rod and reel, spear, or other gear from beaches, manmade structures, boats or other watercraft to catch saltwater fish or shellfish.
Number of years of experience |
______ |
A2 In the last 12 months, did you own a boat (motorized boat, kayak, surfboard, or other personal watercraft) that you used for saltwater sport fishing in or from California?
Yes, motorized boat |
Yes, kayak or other non-motorized boat |
No |
A3 Approximately how many days in the last 12 months did you spend saltwater sport fishing in California waters in each of the following modes? Count partial days as full days. If you fished in more than one mode in a day, please indicate the mode in which you did most of your fishing on that day.
Fishing mode |
Approximate number of days of saltwater fishing in California in the past 12 months Fill in the blanks. |
Beach, bank or rocky shoreline |
Pier, jetty or other manmade structure |
Party or charter boat |
Private or rental boat (motorized boat, kayak, surfboard, or other personal watercraft) |
A4 Thinking of all your saltwater sport fishing trips in California waters in the last 12 months, how often did you target each of the following species? Please consider all species that you targeted, regardless of whether or not you caught them. “No particular species” pertains to trips where you did not target any particular species.
Target species |
How often you targeted each species in California in the past 12 months Check one box in each row. |
Always or often |
Sometimes |
Rarely or never |
Don’t know |
No particular species |
Salmon |
Striped bass |
Sturgeon |
Groundfishes (except flatfishes): rockfishes (rockcod), greenlings, lingcod, cabezon, scorpionfish (sculpin), etc. |
California halibut |
Pacific halibut |
Other flatfishes: sanddabs, etc. |
Albacore, other tunas |
Sharks, skates, rays |
Bonito, barracuda, kelp/sand bass |
White seabass |
Surf and shoreline perches: barred, calico, redtail, etc. |
Croaker, corbina, queenfish, corvina |
Offshore perches: blacksmith, halfmoon (blue perch), opaleye, etc |
Mackerels, sardines, anchovies |
Crab |
Lobster |
Abalone |
Squid, including Humboldt squid |
Other fish or shellfish (please specify) _______________________ |
Your Groundfish Fishing Experiences in California
In this section, we are interested in learning about your California groundfish sport fishing experiences. For purposes of this survey, groundfish includes all species of rockfish (rockcod), greenlings, California scorpionfish (sculpin), lingcod, and cabezon. It does not include flatfishes, sharks, etc.
B1 Approximately how many days in the last 12 months did you spend groundfish fishing in California waters in each of the following modes? Please include days where you targeted groundfish at some point on the trip, even if groundfish was not your primary or initial target. Count partial days as full days. If you fish more than one mode in a day, indicate the mode in which you did most of your fishing on that day.
Fishing mode |
Approximate number of days targeting groundfish in California in the past 12 months Fill in the blanks. |
Beach, bank or rocky shoreline |
Pier, jetty or other manmade structure |
Party or charter boat |
Private or rental boat (motorized boat, kayak, surfboard, or other personal watercraft) |
Map: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
B2 Considering the map to the right, how often did you go groundfish fishing in each area in the last 12 months?
Area |
Frequency of groundfish fishing in each area in past 12 months Check one box in each row. |
Always or often |
Sometimes |
Rarely or never |
Don’t know |
Northern |
Mendocino |
S.F. |
Central |
Southern |
How California Groundfish Regulations Affect You
C1 California groundfish regulations include bag limits, sublimits, size limits, and bans on keeping prohibited species. Considering each of these regulations separately, how often do you reach each of the following bag limits, sublimits, or size limits, or accidentally catch a prohibited species?
How often do you: |
Check one box in each row. |
Always or often |
Sometimes |
Rarely or never |
Don’t know |
Reach the 10-fish bag limit for rockfish (rockcod), cabezon and greenlings |
Reach 3-fish sublimit for bocaccio |
Reach 3-fish sublimit for cabezon |
Reach 2-fish limit for lingcod |
Reach 5-fish limit for CA scorpionfish (sculpin) |
Catch CA scorpionfish (sculpin) smaller than 10-inch size limit |
Catch kelp or rock greenlings smaller than 12-inch size limit |
Catch cabezon smaller than 15-inch size limit |
Catch lingcod smaller than 22-inch size limit |
Catch a cowcod (prohibited species) |
Catch a bronzespotted rockfish (prohibited species) |
Catch a canary rockfish (prohibited species) |
Catch a yelloweye rockfish (prohibited species) |
C2 Sometimes anglers do not keep all the groundfish that they are legally allowed to keep. How often do you keep all the groundfish you are legally allowed to keep in California? By groundfish, we mean all species of rockfish (rockcod), greenlings, CA scorpionfish (sculpin), lingcod, and cabezon. Check one box.
Always or often |
Sometimes |
Rarely or never |
Don’t know or don’t remember |
C3 Anglers respond to groundfish regulations in different ways. How do groundfish regulations affect your enjoyment of the fishing experience? For purposes of this question, prohibited groundfish are those that exceed bag limits or sublimits, are undersized, or cannot be kept.
Possible ways that groundfish regulations affect enjoyment of the fishing experience |
Your opinion - check one box in each row. |
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Doesn’t matter or not relevant to me |
Don’t know |
It reduces my enjoyment to move to another location or stop fishing when I encounter a lot of prohibited groundfish. |
It reduces my enjoyment when I release a groundfish because I’m not sure it’s a prohibited species. |
It reduces my enjoyment to throw back prohibited groundfish that I think are already dead or unlikely to survive. |
It reduces my enjoyment to release large numbers of prohibited groundfish. |
It reduces my enjoyment to release even small numbers of prohibited groundfish. |
I feel a sense of accomplishment when I reach the 10-fish groundfish bag limit for rockfish, cabezon and greenlings. |
The 10-fish groundfish bag limit is too low. |
The 10-fish groundfish bag limit is too high. |
I feel a sense of accomplishment when I reach the bocaccio sublimit. |
I feel a sense of accomplishment when I reach the cabezon sublimit. |
I feel a sense of accomplishment when I reach the 2-fish lingcod bag limit. |
The 2-fish lingcod bag limit is too low. |
The 2-fish lingcod bag limit is too high. |
I know how to use a descending device and it increases my enjoyment to return groundfish safely to depth with the device. |
I don’t know how to use a descending device but it would increase my enjoyment to learn how. |
C4 Rockfish are a large portion of the groundfish catch. When fishing for groundfish, what appeals to you about the rockfish portion of your catch?
Possible rockfish preferences |
Your opinion - check one box in each row. |
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Doesn’t matter or not relevant to me |
Don’t know |
I like catching and keeping lots of rockfish. |
I like catching lots of rockfish, even if I can’t keep them all. |
I like catching only certain species of rockfish. |
I like catching big rockfish. |
I like catching rockfish that are easy to catch. |
I like catching rockfish that are a challenge to catch. |
I like catching rockfish that are easy to clean. |
I like catching rockfish that taste good. |
I like catching rockfish that aren’t wormy. |
Rockfish are all the same to me. |
I’m not very interested in catching rockfish. |
I’m not very interested in fishing in general. |
Questions C5a-C5e and C6 are only for anglers who fish for groundfish from a boat. If you do not fish for groundfish from a boat, please skip to Section D.
Please answer only one of the following five questions (C5a-C5e), depending on where you do most of your groundfish fishing.
C5a Northern California: Answer this question only if you do most of your groundfish fishing in Northern California (Del Norte and Humboldt Counties).
Currently in Northern California, groundfish fishing from boats is allowed for 5½ months (May 15 – October 31) and restricted to depths of 120 feet (20 fathoms) or less.
Suppose that you could fish for groundfish as deep as 180 feet (instead of the current 120 feet) but the season was shortened by one month at the same time. How satisfied would you be with this increase in depth if the season was shortened in one of the following ways?
Fish deeper (180 feet instead of 120 feet) but season shortened in one of the following ways: |
Answer only if you do most of your groundfish fishing in Northern California - check one box in each row. |
Very satisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don’t care |
Don’t know |
Season opened 1 month later (Jun 15 instead of May 15) |
Season closed 1 month earlier (Sep 30 instead of Oct 31) |
C5b Mendocino Area: Answer this question only if you do most of your groundfish fishing in the Mendocino area (Mendocino County).
Currently in the Mendocino Area, groundfish fishing from boats is allowed for 3½ months (May 15 – September 2) and restricted to depths of 120 feet (20 fathoms) or less.
Suppose that you could fish for groundfish as deep as 180 feet (instead of the current 120 feet) but the season was shortened by one month at the same time. How satisfied would you be with this increase in depth if the season was shortened in one of the following ways?
Fish deeper (180 feet instead of 120 feet) but season shortened in one of the following ways: |
Answer only if you do most of your groundfish fishing In the Mendocino area - check one box in each row. |
Very satisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don’t care |
Don’t know |
Season opened 1 month later (Jun 15 instead of May 15) |
Season closed 1 month earlier (Aug 2 instead of Sep 2) |
C5c San Francisco Area: Answer this question only if you do most of your groundfish fishing in the San Francisco area (Sonoma to San Mateo Counties).
Currently in the San Francisco Area, groundfish fishing from boats is allowed for 7 months (June 1 – December 31) and restricted to depths of 180 feet (30 fathoms) or less.
Suppose that you could fish for groundfish as deep as 240 feet (instead of the current 180 feet) but the season was shortened by one month at the same time. How satisfied would you be with this increase in depth if the season was shortened in one of the following ways?
Fish deeper (240 feet instead of 180 feet) but season shortened in one of the following ways: |
Answer only if you do most of your groundfish fishing In the San Francisco area - check one box in each row. |
Very satisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don’t care |
Don’t know |
Season opened 1 month later (Jul 1 instead of Jun 1) |
Season closed 1 month earlier (Nov 30 instead of Dec 31) |
C5d Central California: Answer this question only if you do most of your groundfish fishing in Central California (Santa Cruz to San Luis Obispo Counties).
Currently in Central California, groundfish fishing from boats is allowed for 8 months (May 1 – December 31) and restricted to depths of 240 feet (40 fathoms) or less.
Suppose that you could fish for groundfish as deep as 300 feet (instead of the current 240 feet) but the season was shortened by one month at the same time. How satisfied would you be with this increase in depth if the season was shortened in one of the following ways?
Fish deeper (300 feet instead of 240 feet) but season shortened in one of the following ways: |
Answer only if you do most of your groundfish fishing In Central California - check one box in each row. |
Very satisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don’t care |
Don’t know |
Season opened 1 month later (Jun 1 instead of May 1) |
Season closed 1 month earlier (Nov 30 instead of Dec 31) |
C5e Southern California: Answer this question only if you do most of your groundfish fishing in Southern California (Santa Barbara to San Diego Counties).
Currently in Southern California, groundfish fishing from boats is allowed for 10 months (March 1 – December 31) and restricted to depths of 300 feet (50 fathoms) or less.
Suppose that you could fish for groundfish as deep as 360 feet (instead of the current 300 feet) but the season was shortened by one month at the same time. How satisfied would you be with this increase in depth if the season was shortened in one of the following ways?
Fish deeper (360 feet instead of 300 feet) but season shortened in one of the following ways: |
Answer only if you do most of your groundfish fishing in Southern California - check one box in each row. |
Very satisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Don’t care |
Don’t know |
Season opened 1 month later (Apr 1 instead of Mar 1) |
Season closed 1 month earlier (Nov 30 instead of Dec 31) |
C6 Which of the following factors, if any, affected your response in Question C5? Check all that apply.
I don’t think that currently closed depths should be reopened.
I think there may be better groundfish fishing in depths that are currently closed.
I don’t know what the fishing is like in depths that are currently closed.
I like fishing in shallower depths that are more accessible from a boat launch.
Someone else chooses the depth at which I fish for groundfish.
I don’t like to fish too deep because it’s too much work to bring up the fish.
I don’t like to fish in deeper depths because it takes more time to get there.
I don’t like to fish in deeper depths because it costs more to get there.
I don’t like to fish in deeper depths because I get seasick.
I don’t like to fish in deeper depths when the weather’s bad because it’s less safe.
I might accept a shorter season but only if I could fish at deeper depths than the ones proposed in Question C5.
A longer season is more important to me than reopening depths that are currently closed.
If the season was shortened, I would probably take the same number of groundfish trips.
If the season was shortened, I would probably take fewer groundfish trips.
If the season was shortened, I would probably spend more time fishing for non-groundfish species.
I don’t care about depths or seasons, as I don’t do much groundfish fishing anyway.
Other (please specify) ______________________________________________________
Your Most Recent Groundfish Trip
D1 Think about your most recent groundfish trip in California waters. In what mode did you primarily fish on that trip? Check one box.
Beach, bank or rocky shoreline
Pier, jetty or other manmade structure
Party or charter boat
Private or rental boat (motorized boat, kayak, surfboard, and other personal watercraft)
D2 How long was that recent groundfish trip? If you fished from shore, include time spent fishing. If you fished from a boat, include all your time aboard the boat (not just fishing time).
Half day – 6 hours or less, whether fishing during the day or evening
More than a half day but not overnight
Overnight – one night
Overnight – more than one night
I don’t know or I don’t remember
D3 Where did you do most of your fishing on that recent groundfish trip? Name the California city or town where you fished from shore or launched a boat. ___________________________
D4 Approximately how much money did you personally spend on yourself and others on the recent groundfish trip? Please include expenses related to this trip only.
Cost category |
Fill in the blanks. Write “0” if a particular category does not pertain to you. |
Your estimated expenditure ($) |
Number of people covered by this expense (including yourself) |
Travel cost: gasoline, bridge tolls, parking fees, etc. |
New tackle and gear, if purchased specifically for this trip |
Bait, ice |
New fishing license (e.g., one-day license), if purchased specifically for this trip |
Party/charter fees, gear rental, tips, galley fees, etc. |
Private boat fuel, launch fees, etc. |
Food and beverage from grocery stores |
Food and beverage from delis/restaurants |
Lodging |
Other (please specify)__________________ |
Total Estimated Trip Cost (sum of all costs) |
D5 Can you identify the particular species that you targeted and/or caught on your most recent groundfish trip?
Yes |
No → Skip to Question D7. |
D6 Sometimes anglers target and/or catch non-groundfish species together with groundfish. Which of the groundfish and non-groundfish species in the following table did you target and/or catch on your most recent groundfish trip?
Check the box for each species that you targeted and/or caught on your most recent groundfish trip. |
Groundfish species (pictures not drawn to scale) |
Black rockfish Targeted Caught
Gopher rockfish Targeted Caught |
Treefish Targeted Caught |
Black-and-yellow rockfish Targeted Caught |
Grass rockfish Targeted Caught |
Vermillion rockfish Targeted Caught |
Blue rockfish Targeted Caught |
Greenspotted rockfish Targeted Caught |
Yellowtail rockfish Targeted Caught |
Bocaccio (salmon grouper) Targeted Caught |
Kelp rockfish Targeted Caught |
Cabezon Targeted Caught |
Brown rockfish (bolinas) Targeted Caught |
Olive rockfish Targeted Caught |
Kelp greenling Targeted Caught |
China rockfish Targeted Caught
Rosy rockfish Targeted Caught |
Lingcod Targeted Caught |
Copper rockfish (chucklehead) Targeted Caught |
Starry rockfish Targeted Caught |
CA scorpionfish (sculpin) Targeted Caught |
Non-groundfish species sometimes caught with groundfish (pictures not drawn to scale) |
Barred sandbass Targeted Caught |
Ocean whitefish Targeted Caught |
CA sheephead Targeted Caught |
Kelp bass Targeted Caught |
Dungeness crab Targeted Caught |
Monkeyface eel Targeted Caught |
Photos courtesy of California Department of Fish and Wildlife. |
D7 About how many fish did you take home on your most recent groundfish trip? Enter the combined number of groundfish and non-groundfish species.
_______ fish
D8 Considering the total cost of your most recent groundfish trip, the number of fish you caught, the species you may have targeted and/or caught, and your overall trip experience: was this trip worth it to you?
Yes |
No |
D9 Which of the following factors affected how positively or negatively you viewed this trip? Check all that apply.
The number of fish I caught
The types of fish I caught
Trip conditions other than the fish (weather, ocean, company, crowding, etc.)
Nothing specific about the trip – just like fishing
Nothing specific about the trip – just like getting away from it all
Other, please specify ____________________________________________________
About You and Your Household
The following questions will help us learn more about groundfish anglers. The information you provide will remain strictly confidential and you will not be identified with your answers.
E1 What is your age?
Under 18 years |
18 - 24 |
25-34 |
35-44 |
45-54 |
55-64 |
65 years and older |
Male |
Female |
E3 Are you Hispanic or Latino? Please check one.
Yes |
No |
E4 Which of the following best describes you? Check all that apply.
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Caucasian or White |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Other (please specify) __________________________________ |
E5 What is the highest level of education you have completed? Check one box only.
Some high school |
High school graduate |
Technical or professional school |
Some college |
4-year college graduate |
Postgraduate degree |
E6 Including yourself, how many adults and children (under 18) live in your household?
______ adults, including yourself ______ children
E7 Which of the following categories best describes your household’s total annual income before taxes in 2013?
Less than $25,000 |
$25,000 - $34,999 |
$35,000 - $49,999 |
$50,000 - $74,999 |
$75,000 - $99,999 |
$100,000 - $149,999 |
$150,000 - $199,999 |
$200,000 or more |
Thank you for participating in this survey!
Your responses will be combined with the responses of other anglers to help us better understand what groundfish anglers are like, what is important to them, and how groundfish regulations affect their enjoyment.
Please feel free to provide comments below regarding the survey, fishing regulations, or anything you would like us to know about your fishing experiences.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Rosemary Kosaka |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |