Race to the Top ELC APR

Race to the Top - Early Learning Challenge Annual Performance Report


Race to the Top - Early Learning Challenge Annual Performance Report

OMB: 1810-0713

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Race to the Top - Early Learning Challenge

Annual Performance Report

CFDA Number: 84.412

[State Name,

Report Year]

Due: [insert date]

Public Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 120 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (Public Law 112-10-14005 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009(ARRA), as amended ). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-4536 or email [email protected] and reference the OMB Control Number 1810-XXXX. Note: Please do not return the completed Annual Performance Reports to this address.

RTT-ELC Annual Performance Report (APR) Instructions


This APR should be completed with two audiences in mind: your project officers at the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services, and the general public. To that end, this APR should explain clearly the progress you made against your State Plan during the reporting year. It should also explain any challenges faced in the reporting years, such as delays in implementation or spending, and how those challenges are being addressed.

The Departments will use this APR as a way to measure the progress of your grant but also to inform monitoring and technical assistance.

Because this report will be public, remember to clearly define terms and spell out acronyms that might not be commonly understood.

This APR includes the following types of request for information:

  1. Checklists – yes, no, and, in some cases, check all that apply, followed by narrative explanations. If you do not check some of the boxes it would be helpful to include a note explaining the reason.

  2. Narrative boxes – describe progress made during the reporting year toward the relevant selection criterion based on the activities in your State Plan.

  3. Tables – provide updated data on performance measure tables and background data tables. For all areas where performance measure targets have not been met (B2c, B4c1, B4c2, C3d, D2d1, D2d2), describe strategies to ensure measurable progress will be made by the end of the grant year

Note: Some of the data fields will be pre-populated with information previously provided to ED/HHS to reduce the burden on the grantees and to improve the accuracy of the information.

Instructions on Specific Sections:

Cover Sheet

  • Pr/Award #: as per grant award document

  • Grantee Name: as per grant award document

  • Grantee address: as per grant award document

  • Project Director Name, Title, phone, fax, email: as per grant award document

  • Reporting period: 01/01/2012 to 12/31/2012

  • Indirect cost information: checkboxes indicating if there is an indirect cost rate agreement approved by the federal government, the approving federal agency. You must send with your APR a copy of your most current indirect cost agreement, or agreements if applicable.

  • Certification: check boxes for MIECHV, section 619 parts B and C, CCDF.

  • Authorized Representative: the Governor or the person authorized by the Governor to sign grant documents must sign this form.

Executive Summary –

  • In about 1,000 to 3,000 words, provide a summary of the progress made towards your State Plan during the reporting year.

  • You should specifically provide a description of accomplishments, lessons learned, challenges, and improvement strategies for addressing those challenges.

  • You do not need to address each reform area but may want to summarize key accomplishments in each of the projects in your State Plan.

Narrative Boxes

  • In the areas where progress has not been made, describe strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made by the end of the next reporting year and/or the end of the grant period.

  • Consider how your spending relates to your accomplishments. Your narrative should be consistent with the budget tables. For example, if you were not able to award a contract in the time anticipated, how did that impact progress made?

  • There are no word limits to the narrative sections. We ask that you be specific, clear, and concise. You may use bullets for the narrative. Graphics should be included only if explanatory.

  • Please do not include attachments; program staff will request an attachment if deemed necessary.

Performance Measures (Tables B2c, B4c1, B4c2, C3d, D2d1, D2d2) --

    • Do not revise your approved performance measure targets and baseline data. Also, do not reformat these tables from what you submitted in your application.

    • Add notes to explain any gaps in data or methods of calculating data that will not be apparent to the reader.

    • For all targets that were not met, provide an explanation in the narrative box with information about how you will address the need to meet these targets going forward.

    • Should the Number of Programs in the State or the Number of Children with High Needs Served by Programs in the State change from what was submitted in the original application, you should so indicate in the appropriate narrative section along with an explanation and a statement about implications of such changes.

Background Tables (from Section A(1) of your application) --

    • The tables at the end of the report reference the demographic data included in your original application. Please report based on the reporting year.

    • Tables A(1) -1 through 3 should be updated with current data. Tables 4 and 5 should provide data for the reporting year as well as previous years of the grant. Tables 6 and 7 may be updated only where significant changes have occurred (if no changes have occurred, you should note that fact).

Budget and Expenditure Tables --

  • These tables request budget and expenditure information for the reporting year. Expenditures should be reported based on your State’s definition of “expenditures” (for example, funds that have been obligated but not yet drawn down from G5).

  • Project officers will expect explanations for any significant discrepancies between your approved budget and your expenditures for the reporting year. You should explain the reasons for the discrepancy (for example, a delay in making a contract award) and how the difference will be made up in the coming grant year.

  • If changes to your budget will be necessary, please explain. A detailed amendment request may need to be submitted to your project officer, following our amendment guidelines.

Submission expectations and timelines:

  • This APR is due in electronic form to your ED/HHS project officers by [insert date].

  • Please address any questions in writing to your ED/HHS project officers.

  • You may email the report with the electronic signature of the authorized representative or a scanned copy with that signature or submit online via GRADS360.

  • Remember to include a copy of your most recent indirect cost agreement (or multiple agreements, if applicable).

    • ED and HHS expect to provide feedback on submitted APRs within 45 days of receipt. Feedback may be provided informally through an email or phone call, as well as a formal letter from the Departments of through the GRADS360 system.

    • APRs will be posted on the program website after feedback is provided to each State.


Note: States’ progress on their approved Scopes of Work is not collected in this APR because it is reported to ED/HHS Project Officers on a monthly basis in the online GRADS360 system.

Performance Report: Cover Sheet

General Information

1. PR/Award #:      

2. Grantee Name (Block 1 of the Grant Award Notification.):      

3. Grantee Address      

4. Project Director Name:      Title:      

Ph #: (     )       -       Ext: (     ) Fax #: (     )       -      

Email Address:      

Reporting Period Information

5. Reporting Period: From:      /      /      To:      /      /      (mm/dd/yyyy)

Indirect Cost Information

6. Indirect Costs

a. Are you claiming indirect costs under this grant? Yes No

b. If yes, do you have an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement(s) approved by the Federal Government? Yes No

c. If yes, provide the following information:

Period Covered by the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement(s):
     /      /      To:      /      /      (mm/dd/yyyy)

Approving Federal agency: ED HHS Other (Please specify):      

(Attach current indirect cost rate agreement to this report.)


7. The Grantee certifies that the state is currently participating in:

The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (see section 511 of Title V of the Social Security Act, as added by section 2951 of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-148));



Programs authorized under section 619 of part B and part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA);



The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program



To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this performance report are true and correct and the report fully discloses all known weaknesses concerning the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the data.


Name of Authorized Representative:

Date:      /      /     

Executive Summary

For the reporting year, please provide a summary of your State’s (1) accomplishments, (2) lessons learned, (3) challenges, and (4) strategies you will implement to address those challenges.

(Enter narrative here)

Successful State Systems

Aligning and coordinating early learning and development across the State (Section A(3) of Application)

Governance Structure

Please provide any relevant information and updates related to the governance structure for the RTT-ELC State Plan (specifically, please include information on the organizational structure for managing the grant, and the governance-related roles and responsibilities of the Lead Agency, State Advisory Council, and Participating State Agencies).

(Enter narrative here)

Stakeholder Involvement

Describe State progress in involving representatives from Participating Programs, Early Childhood Educators or their representatives, parents and families, including parents and families of Children with High Needs, and other key stakeholders in the implementation of the activities carried out under the grant.

(Enter narrative here)

Proposed Legislation, Policies, or Executive Orders

Describe any changes or proposed changes to state legislation, budgets, policies, executive orders and the like that had or will have an impact on the RTT-ELC grant. Describe the expected impact and any anticipated changes to the RTT-ELC State Plan as a result.

(Enter narrative here)

Participating State Agencies

Describe any changes in participation and commitment by any of the Participating State Agencies in the State Plan.

(Enter narrative here)

High-Quality, Accountable Programs

Developing and adopting a common, statewide Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System (TQRIS) (Section B(1) of Application).

During this 1st year of RTT-ELC implementation, has the State made progress in developing or revising a TQRIS that is based on a statewide set of tiered Program Standards that include--

  1. Early Learning and Development Standards

    • No

    • Yes

If yes, these standards currently apply to (please check all that apply):

      • State-funded preschool programs

      • Early Head Start and Head Start programs

      • Early Learning and Development programs funded under section 619 of part B of IDEA and part C of IDEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program:

        • Center-based

        • Family Child Care

  1. A Comprehensive Assessment System

    • No

    • Yes

If yes, these standards currently apply to (please check all that apply):

      • State-funded preschool programs

      • Early Head Start and Head Start programs

      • Early Learning and Development programs funded under section 619 of part B of IDEA and part C of IDEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program:

        • Center-based

        • Family Child Care

  1. Early Childhood Educator qualifications

    • No

    • Yes

If yes, these standards currently apply to (please check all that apply):

      • State-funded preschool programs

      • Early Head Start and Head Start programs

      • Early Learning and Development programs funded under section 619 of part B of IDEA and part C of IDEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program:

        • Center-based

        • Family Child Care

  1. Family engagement strategies

    • No

    • Yes

If yes, these standards currently apply to (please check all that apply):

      • State-funded preschool programs

      • Early Head Start and Head Start programs

      • Early Learning and Development programs funded under section 619 of part B of IDEA and part C of IDEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program:

        • Center-based

        • Family Child Care

  1. Health promotion practices

    • No

    • Yes

If yes, these standards currently apply to (please check all that apply):

      • State-funded preschool programs

      • Early Head Start and Head Start programs

      • Early Learning and Development programs funded under section 619 of part B of IDEA and part C of IDEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program:

        • Center-based

        • Family Child Care

  1. Effective data practices

    • No

    • Yes

If yes, these standards currently apply to (please check all that apply):

      • State-funded preschool programs

      • Early Head Start and Head Start programs

      • Early Learning and Development programs funded under section 619 of part B of IDEA and part C of IDEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

      • Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program:

        • Center-based

        • Family Child Care

The State has made progress in ensuring that (please check all that apply):

  • TQRIS Program Standards are measurable

  • TQRIS Program Standards meaningfully differentiate program quality levels

  • TQRIS Program Standards reflect high expectations of program excellence commensurate with nationally recognized standards that lead to improved learning outcomes for children

  • The TQRIS is linked to the State licensing system for Early Learning and Development Programs.

Describe progress made during the reporting year in developing or revising a TQRIS that is based on a statewide set of tiered Program Standards. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in this area by the end of the four-year grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Promoting Participation in the TQRIS (Section B(2) of Application)

Describe progress made during the reporting year in promoting participation in the TQRIS. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in this area by the end of the four-year grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Performance Measure (B)(2)(c)

In the table, provide data on the numbers and percentages of Early Learning and Development Programs that are participating in the State’s TQRIS by type of Early Learning and Development Program. Targets must be consistent with those in the State’s application unless a change has been approved.

Performance Measure (B)(2)(c): Increasing the number and percentage of Early Learning and Development Programs participating in the statewide TQRIS.

Type of Early Learning and Development Program in the State

Number of programs in the State

Number and percentage of Early Learning and Development Programs in the TQRIS


Year One (Target)


Year Two (Target)


Year Three (Target)-


Year Four (Target)












State-funded preschool


Early Head Start and Head Start1

Programs funded by IDEA, Part C

Programs funded by IDEA, Part B, section 619

Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

Programs receiving from CCDF funds



[Please indicate if baseline data are actual or estimated; describe the methodology used to collect the data, including any error or data quality information; and please include any definitions you used that are not defined in the notice.]

For all targets that were not reached in the reporting year, please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in reaching the established grant targets by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Rating and monitoring Early Learning and Development Programs (Section B(3) of Application).

The State has made progress in developing and enhancing a system for rating and monitoring the quality of Early Learning and Development Programs that participate in the TQRIS that (please check all that apply):

  • Includes information on valid and reliable tools for monitoring such programs

  • Has trained monitors whose ratings have an acceptable level of inter-rater reliability

  • Monitors and rates Early Learning and Development Programs with appropriate frequency

  • Provides quality rating and licensing information to parents with children enrolled in Early Learning and Development Programs (e.g., displaying quality rating information at the program site)

  • Makes program quality rating data, information, and licensing history (including any health and safety violations) publicly available in formats that are easy to understand and use for decision making by families selecting Early Learning and Development Programs and families whose children are enrolled in such programs.

Describe progress made during the reporting year in developing and enhancing a system for rating and monitoring the quality of Early Learning and Development Programs that participate in the TQRIS. Describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in rating and monitoring Early Learning and Development Programs by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Promoting access to high-quality Early Learning and Development Programs for Children with High Needs (Section B(4) of Application).

Has the State made progress in improving the quality of the Early Learning and Development Programs that are participating in your State TQRIS through the following policies and practices? (If yes, please check all that apply.)

  • Program and provider training

  • Program and provider technical assistance

  • Financial rewards or incentives

  • Higher, tiered child care subsidy reimbursement rates

  • Increased compensation

Number of tiers/levels in the State TQRIS ________

How many programs moved up at least one level within the TQRIS over the last fiscal year?

  • State-funded preschool programs ____

  • Early Head Start ____

  • Head Start programs ____

  • Early Learning and Development programs funded under section 619 of part B of IDEA and part C of IDEA ____

  • Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA ___

  • Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program:

    • Center-based ___

    • Family Child Care ___

How many programs moved down at least one level within the TQRIS over the last fiscal year?

  • State-funded preschool programs ____

  • Early Head Start ____

  • Head Start programs ____

  • Early Learning and Development programs funded under section 619 of part B of IDEA and part C of IDEA ____

  • Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA ___

  • Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program:

    • Center-based ___

    • Family Child Care ___

Has the State made progress in developing high-quality benchmarks at the highest level(s) of the TQRIS in the following areas? (If yes, check all that apply.)

  • Standards alignment or reciprocity with Early Learning and Development Programs that meet State preschool standards (e.g., content of the standards is the same, or there is a reciprocal agreement between State preschool and the TQRIS)

  • Standards alignment or reciprocity with Early Learning and Development Programs that meet Federal Head Start Performance Standards (e.g., content of the standards is the same, there is a reciprocal agreement between Head Start and the TQRIS, or there is an alternative pathway to meeting the standards)

  • Standards alignment or reciprocity with Early Learning and Development Programs that meet national accreditation standards (e.g., content of the standards is the same, or an alternative pathway to meeting the standards)

  • Early Learning and Development Standards

  • A Comprehensive Assessment System

  • Early Childhood Educator qualifications

  • Family engagement strategies

  • Health promotion practices

  • Effective data practices

  • Program quality assessments

Please provide more detail on your development of high-quality benchmarks at the highest level(s) of the TQRIS. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in developing high-quality benchmarks at the highest level(s) of the TQRIS by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Performance Measures (B)(4)(c)(1) and (2)

In the table below, provide data on the number of Early Learning and Development Programs in the top tiers of the TQRIS. Targets must be consistent with those in the State’s application unless a change has been approved.

Performance Measure (B)(4)(c)(1): Increasing the number of Early Learning and Development Programs in the top tiers of the TQRIS.


Year One



Year Two



Year Three



Year Four



Total number of programs covered by the TQRIS

Number of programs in Tier 1

Number of programs in Tier 2

Number of programs in Tier 3

Number of programs in Tier 4

Number of programs in Tier 5

In the table below, provide data on the number and percentage of children with high needs who are enrolled in Early Learning and Development Programs in the top tiers of the TQRIS. Targets must be consistent with those in the State’s application unless a change has been approved.

Performance Measure (B)(4)(c)(2): Increasing the number and percentage of Children with High Needs who are enrolled in Early Learning and Development Programs that are in the top tiers of the TQRIS.

Type of Early Learning and Development Program in the State

Number of Children with High Needs served by programs in the State

Baseline and Annual Targets -- Number and percent of Children with High Needs Participating in Programs that are in the top tiers of the TQRIS


Year One (Target)


Year Two (Target)


Year Three (Target)


Year Four (Target)












State-funded preschool


Early Head Start and Head Start2

Early Learning and Development Programs funded by IDEA, Part C

Early Learning and Development Programs funded by IDEA, Part B, section 619

Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program



For all targets that were not reached in the reporting year, please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in reaching the established targets by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Validating the effectiveness of the State TQRIS (Section B(5) of Application).

Describe progress made during the reporting year in validating the effectiveness of the TQRIS during the reporting year, including the State’s strategies for determining whether TQRIS tiers accurately reflect differential levels of program quality and assessing the extent to which changes in ratings are related to progress in children’s learning, development, and school readiness. Describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Focused Investment Areas -- Sections (C), (D), and (E)

Check the Focused Investment Areas addressed in your RTT-ELC State Plan:

(C)(1) Developing and using statewide, high-quality Early Learning and Development Standards.

(C)(2) Supporting effective uses of Comprehensive Assessment Systems.

(C)(3) Identifying and addressing the health, behavioral, and developmental needs of Children with

High Needs to improve school readiness.

(C)(4) Engaging and supporting families.

(D)(1) Developing a Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework and a progression of credentials.

(D)(2) Supporting Early Childhood Educators in improving their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

(E)(1) Understanding the status of children’s learning and development at kindergarten entry.

(E)(2) Building or enhancing an early learning data system to improve instruction, practices, services, and policies.

Grantee should complete only those sections that correspond with the focused investment areas outlined in the grantee’s RTT-ELC application and State Plan.

Promoting Early Learning Outcomes

Early Learning and Development Standards (Section C(1) of Application)

The State has made progress in ensuring that its Early Learning and Development Standards (check all that apply):

  • Are developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate across each defined age group of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers;

  • Cover all Essential Domains of School Readiness;

  • Are aligned with the State’s K-3 academic standards; and

  • Are incorporated in Program Standards, curricula and activities, Comprehensive Assessment Systems, the State’s Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework, and professional development activities.

Describe the progress made in the reporting year, including supports that are in place to promote the understanding of and commitment to the Early Learning and Development Standards across Early Learning and Development Programs. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in these areas by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Comprehensive Assessment Systems (Section C(2) of Application)

The State has made progress in implementing a developmentally appropriate Comprehensive Assessment System working with Early Learning and Development Programs to (check all that apply):

  • Select assessment instruments and approaches that are appropriate for the target populations and purposes;

  • Strengthen Early Childhood Educators’ understanding of the purposes and uses of each type of assessment included in the Comprehensive Assessment Systems;

  • Articulate an approach for aligning and integrating assessments and sharing assessment results; and

  • Train Early Childhood Educators to appropriately administer assessments and interpret and use assessment data in order to inform and improve instruction, programs, and services.

Describe the progress made during the reporting year. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in these areas by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Health Promotion (Section C(3) of Application)

The State has made progress in (check all that apply):

  • Establishing a progression of standards for ensuring children’s health and safety;

  • Ensuring that health and behavioral screening and follow-up occur; and

  • Promoting children’s physical, social, and emotional development across the levels of your TQRIS Program Standards;

  • Increasing the number of Early Childhood Educators who are trained and supported in meeting the health standards;

  • Promoting healthy eating habits, improving nutrition, expanding physical activity; and

  • Leveraging existing resources to meet ambitious yet achievable annual targets.

Describe the progress made during the reporting year. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in this area by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Performance Measure (C)(3)(d)

In the table, provide data on leveraging existing resources to meet ambitious yet achievable statewide targets. Targets must be consistent with those in the State’s application unless a change has been approved.

Performance Measure (C)(3)(d): Leveraging existing resources to meet ambitious yet achievable annual statewide targets.

Baseline and annual targets

(from application)

Year One (Target)


Year Two (Target)


Year Three (Target)


Year Four (Target)


Number of Children with High Needs screened

Number of Children with High Needs referred for services who received follow-up/treatment

Number of Children with High Needs who participate in ongoing health care as part of a schedule of well child care

Of these participating children, the number or percentage of children who are up-to-date in a schedule of well child care

[Please indicate if baseline data are actual or estimated; describe the methodology used to collect the data, including any error or data quality information; and please include any definitions you used that are not defined in the notice.]

For all targets that were not reached in the reporting year, please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in reaching the established targets by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Engaging and Supporting Families (Section C(4) of Application)

The State has made progress in (check all that apply):

  • Establishing a progression of culturally and linguistically appropriate standards for family engagement across the levels of your Program Standards;

  • Including information on activities that enhance the capacity of families to support their children’s education and development;

  • Increasing the number and percentage of Early Childhood Educators trained and supported to implement the family engagement strategies; and

  • Promoting family support and engagement statewide, including by leveraging other existing resources.

Describe the progress made during the reporting year. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in this area by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Early Childhood Education Workforce

Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework and progression of credentials. (Section D(1) of Application)

The State has made progress in developing (check all that apply):

  • A common, statewide Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework designed to promote children’s learning and development and improve child outcomes; and

  • A common, statewide progression of credentials and degrees aligned with the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework.

Describe the progress made during the reporting year, including progress in engaging postsecondary institutions and other professional development providers in aligning professional development opportunities with the State Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in this area by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Supporting Early Childhood Educators in improving their knowledge, skills, and abilities. (Section D(2) of Application)

The State has made progress in improving the effectiveness and retention of Early Childhood Educators who work with Children with High Needs with the goal of improving child outcomes (check all that apply):

  • Providing and expanding access to effective professional development opportunities that are aligned with your State’s Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework;

  • Implementing policies and incentives that promote professional and career advancement along an articulated career pathway that is aligned to the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework, and that are designed to increase retention, including

    • Scholarships

    • Compensation and wage supplements,

    • Tiered reimbursement rates,

    • Other financial incentives

    • Management opportunities

  • Publically reporting aggregated data on Early Childhood Educator development, advancement, and retention

  • Setting ambitious yet achievable targets for --

    • Increasing the number of postsecondary institutions and professional development providers with programs that are aligned to the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework and the number of Early Childhood Educators who receive credentials from postsecondary institutions and professional development providers that are aligned to the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework; and

    • Increasing the number and percentage of Early Childhood Educators who are progressing to higher levels of credentials that align with the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework.

Describe the progress made during the reporting year. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in this area by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Performance Measures (D)(2)(d)(1) and (2):

In the tables below, indicate State progress toward meeting ambitious yet achievable targets for:

(1) Increasing the number of postsecondary institutions and professional development providers with programs that are aligned to the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework and the number of Early Childhood Educators who receive credentials from postsecondary institutions and professional development providers that are aligned to the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework; and

(2) Increasing the number and percentage of Early Childhood Educators who are progressing to higher levels of credentials that align with the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework.

Performance Measure (D)(2)(d)(1): Increasing the number of Early Childhood Educators receiving credentials from postsecondary institutions and professional development providers with programs that are aligned to the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework.


(From Application)

Year One



Year Two



Year Three



Year Four



Total number of “aligned” institutions and providers

Total number of Early Childhood Educators credentialed by an “aligned” institution or provider

Performance Measure (D)(2)(d)(2): Increasing number and percentage of Early Childhood Educators who are progressing to higher levels of credentials that align with the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework.

Progression of credentials (Aligned to Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework)

Baseline and Annual Targets -- Number and percentage of Early Childhood Educators who have moved up the progression of credentials, aligned to the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework, in the prior year

Baseline (From Application)

Year One (Target)


Year Two (Target)


Year Three (Target)


Year Four (Target)












Credential Type 1



Credential Type 2


Credential Type 3


Credential Type 4


Include a row for each credential in the State’s proposed progression of credentials, customize the labeling of the credentials, and indicate the highest and lowest credential.

[Please describe the methodology used to collect the data, including any error or data quality information.]

For all targets that were not reached in the reporting year, please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in reaching the established targets by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Measuring Outcomes and Progress

Understanding the Status of Children’s Learning and Development at Kindergarten Entry (Section E(1) of Application)

The State has made progress in developing a common, statewide Kindergarten Entry Assessment that (check all that apply):

  • Is aligned with the State’s Early Learning and Development Standards and covers all Essential Domains of School Readiness;

  • Is valid, reliable, and appropriate for the target population and for the purpose for which it will be used, including for English learners and children with disabilities;

  • Is administered beginning no later than the start of school year 2014-2015 to children entering a public school kindergarten; States may propose a phased implementation plan that forms the basis for broader statewide implementation;

  • Is reported to the Statewide Longitudinal Data System, and to the early learning data system, if it is separate from the Statewide Longitudinal Data System, as permitted under and consistent with the requirements of Federal, State, and local privacy laws; and

  • Is funded, in significant part, with Federal or State resources other than those available under this grant, (e.g., with funds available under section 6111 or 6112 of the ESEA).

Describe the domain coverage of the State’s Kindergarten Entry Assessment, validity and reliability efforts regarding the Kindergarten Entry Assessment, and timing of the administration of the Kindergarten Entry Assessment.

(Enter narrative here)

Describe the progress made during the reporting year. Please describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in this area by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Early Learning Data Systems (Section E(2) of Application)

The State has made progress in enhancing its existing Statewide Longitudinal Data System or building or enhancing a separate, coordinated, early learning data system that aligns and is interoperable with the Statewide Longitudinal Data System and that (check all that apply):

  • Has all of the Essential Data Elements;

  • Enables uniform data collection and easy entry of the Essential Data Elements by Participating State Agencies and Participating Programs;

  • Facilitates the exchange of data among Participating State Agencies by using standard data structures, data formats, and data definitions such as Common Education Data Standards to ensure interoperability among the various levels and types of data;

  • Generates information that is timely, relevant, accessible, and easy for Early Learning and Development Programs and Early Childhood Educators to use for continuous improvement and decision making; and

  • Meets the Data System Oversight Requirements and complies with the requirements of Federal, State, and local privacy laws.

Describe the progress made during the reporting year, including the State’s progress in building or enhancing a separate early learning data system that aligns with and is interoperable with the Statewide Longitudinal Data System and that meets the criteria described above. Describe the State’s strategies to ensure that measurable progress will be made in this area by the end of the grant period.

(Enter narrative here)

Data Tables:

Commitment to early learning and development.

In the tables that follow, provide updated data on the State’s commitment to early learning and development as demonstrated in Section A(1) of the State’s RTT-ELC application. Tables A(1) -1 through 3 should be updated with current data. Tables 4 and 5 should provide data for the reporting year as well as previous years of the grant. Tables 6 and 7 may be updated only where significant changes have occurred (if no changes have occurred, you should note that fact).

Table (A)(1)-1: Children from Low-Income3 families, by age

Number of children from Low-Income families in the State

Children from Low-Income families as a percentage of all children in the State

Infants under age 1

Toddlers ages 1 through 2

Preschoolers ages 3 to kindergarten entry

Total number of children, birth to kindergarten entry, from low-income families

[Enter text here to indicate data source and clarify or explain any of these data if needed]

Table (A)(1)-2: Special populations of Children with High Needs

The State should use these data to guide its thinking about where specific activities may be required to address special populations’ unique needs. The State will describe such activities throughout its application.

Special populations: Children who…

Number of children (from birth to kindergarten entry) in the State who…

Percentage of children (from birth to kindergarten entry) in the State who…

Have disabilities or developmental delays4

Are English learners5

Reside on “Indian Lands”

Are migrant6

Are homeless7

Are in foster care

Other as identified by the State


[Enter text here to indicate data source and clarify or explain any of these data if needed.]

Table (A)(1)-3a: Participation of Children with High Needs in different types of Early Learning and Development Programs, by age

Note: A grand total is not included in this table since some children participate in multiple Early Learning and Development programs.

Type of Early Learning and Development Program

Number of Children with High Needs participating in each type of Early Learning and Development Program, by age

Infants under
age 1

Toddlers ages 1 through 2

Preschoolers ages 3 until kindergarten entry


State-funded preschool


Data Source and Year:

Early Head Start and Head Start8

Data Source and Year:

Programs and services funded by IDEA Part C and Part B, section 619

Data Source and Year:

Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

Data Source and Year:

Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program

Data Source and Year:



Data Source and Year:



Data Source and Year:

Add additional rows as needed.

[Enter text here to clarify or explain any of these data if needed.]

Table (A)(1)-3b: Participation of Children in Early Learning and Development Programs in the State, by Race/Ethnicity

Note: A grand total is not included in this table since some children participate in multiple Early Learning and Development programs.

Type of Early Learning and Development Program in the State

Number of Hispanic children

Number of Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native Children

Number of Non-Hispanic Asian Children

Number of Non-Hispanic Black or African American Children

Number of Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Children

Number of Non-Hispanic Children of Two or more races

Number of Non-Hispanic White Children

State-funded preschool


Early Head Start and Head Start9

Early Learning and Development Programs funded by IDEA, Part C

Early Learning and Development Programs funded by IDEA, Part B, section 619

Early Learning and Development Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

Early Learning and Development Programs receiving funds from the State’s CCDF program



[Enter text here to indicate data source and clarify or explain any of these data if needed.]

Table (A)(1)-4: Data on funding for Early Learning and Development.

Type of investment

Funding for each Fiscal Year


Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four

Supplemental State spending on Early Head Start and Head Start10

State-funded preschool


State contributions to IDEA Part C

State contributions for special education and related services for children with disabilities, ages 3 through kindergarten entry

Total State contributions to CCDF11

State match to CCDF

Exceeded/Met/Not Met (if exceeded, indicate amount by which match was exceeded)

TANF spending on Early Learning and Development Programs12

Other State contributions


Other State contributions


Total State contributions:

Note:  For States that have a biennial State budget, please complete for all fiscal years for which State funds have been appropriated. We are not asking for forecasting, but for actual allocations. Therefore, States that do not have biennial budgets need not complete for years for which appropriations do not yet exist.

[Enter text here to indicate data source and clarify or explain any of these data, including the State’s fiscal year end date.]

Table (A)(1)-5: Historical data on the participation of Children with High Needs in Early Learning and Development Programs in the State

Note: A grand total is not included in this table since some children participate in multiple Early Learning and Development programs.

Type of Early Learning and Development Program

Total number of Children with High Needs participating in each type of Early Learning and Development Program13


Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four

State-funded preschool

(annual census count; e.g., October 1 count)


Early Head Start and Head Start14

(funded enrollment)

Programs and services funded by IDEA Part C and Part B, section 619

(annual December 1 count)

Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

(total number of children who receive Title I services annually, as reported in the Consolidated State Performance Report )

Programs receiving CCDF funds

(average monthly served)



[Enter text here to indicate data source and clarify or explain any of these data if needed. Include 2012 if data are available. The final column of data should match that reported in Table (A)(1)-3.]

Table (A)(1)-6: Current status of the State’s Early Learning and Development Standards

Please place an “X” in the boxes to indicate where the State’s Early Learning and Development Standards address the different age groups by Essential Domain of School Readiness

Essential Domains of School Readiness

Age Groups




Language and literacy development

Cognition and general knowledge (including early math and early scientific development)

Approaches toward learning

Physical well-being and motor development

Social and emotional development

[Enter text to explain or clarify information as needed]

Table (A)(1)-7: Elements of a Comprehensive Assessment System currently required within the State.

Please place an “X” in the boxes to indicate where an element of a Comprehensive Assessment System is currently required.

Types of programs or systems

Elements of a Comprehensive Assessment System

Screening Measures

Formative Assessments

Measures of Environmental Quality

Measures of the Quality of Adult-Child Interactions


State-funded preschool


Early Head Start and Head Start15

Programs funded under IDEA Part C

Programs funded under IDEA Part B, section 619

Programs funded under Title I of ESEA

Programs receiving CCDF funds

Current Quality Rating and Improvement System requirements

Specify by tier (add rows if needed):

State licensing requirements



[Edit the labels on the above rows as needed, and enter text here to clarify or explain any of the data, if necessary.]

Additional Performance Measures Tables

Update any additional performance measure, if applicable.

Performance Measures – Other (if applicable)

[Insert title here]

Project Goals/Desired Outcomes:

Narrative: [Briefly describe…]

Annual Targets for Key Performance Measures:

Performance Measures for (other):

[Customize performance measure tables as appropriate]



(from Application)

Year One (Target)


Year Two (Target)


Year Three (Target)


Year Four (Target)
































Budget and Expenditure Tables

Budget and Expenditure Table 1: Overall Budget and Expenditure Summary by Budget Category-- Report your actual budget expenditures for the entire previous budget period and for the current reporting period.

Budget Table1: Budget Summary by Budget Category

Budget Categories

Year 1


Grant Year 2


Year 3



Year 4




1. Personnel

2. Fringe Benefits

3. Travel

4. Equipment

5. Supplies

6. Contractual

7. Training Stipends

8. Other

9. Total Direct Costs (add lines 1-8)

10. Indirect Costs*

11. Funds to be distributed to localities, Early Learning Intermediary Organizations, Participating Programs and other partners.

12. Funds set aside for participation in grantee technical assistance

13. Total Grant Funds Requested (add lines 9-12)

14. Funds from other sources used to support the State Plan

15. Total Statewide Budget (add lines 13-14)

Columns (a) through (d): For each grant year for which funding is requested, show the total amount requested for each applicable budget category.

Column (e): Show the total amount requested for all grant years.

Line 6: Show the amount of funds allocated through contracts with vendors for products to be acquired and/or professional services to be provided. A State may apply its indirect cost rate only against the first $25,000 of each contract included in line 6.

Line 10: If the State plans to request reimbursement for indirect costs, complete the Indirect Cost Information form at the end of this Budget section. Note that indirect costs are not allocated to line 11.

Line 11: Show the amount of funds to be distributed to localities, Early Learning Intermediary Organizations, Participating Programs, and other partners through MOUs, interagency agreements, contracts, or other mechanisms authorized by State procurement laws. States are not required to provide budgets for how the localities, Early Learning Intermediary Organizations, Participating Programs, and other partners will use these funds. However, the Departments expect that, as part of the administration and oversight of the grant, States will monitor and track all expenditures to ensure that localities, Early Learning Intermediary Organizations, Participating Programs, and other partners spend these funds in accordance with the State Plan.

Line 12: The State must set aside $400,000 from its grant funds for the purpose of participating in RTT–ELC grantee technical assistance activities facilitated by ED or HHS. This is primarily to be used for travel and may be allocated to Participating State Agencies evenly across the four years of the grant.

Line 13: This is the total funding requested under this grant.

Line 14: Show total funding from other sources (including Federal, State, private, or local) being used to support the State Plan and describe these funding sources in the budget narrative.

Please provide a brief explanation of any discrepancies between the State’s approved budget and its total expenditures for the reporting year.

(Enter narrative here)

Please describe any substantive changes that you anticipate to the State RTT-ELC budget in the upcoming year.

(Enter narrative here)

Budget and Expenditure Table 2: by Project -- Report your actual budget expenditures for the entire previous budget period and for the current reporting period. Copy the table and questions below for each project.

Budget Table 2: Project Name

Budget Categories

Year 1


Grant Year 2


Year 3



Year 4




1. Personnel

2. Fringe Benefits

3. Travel

4. Equipment

5. Supplies

6. Contractual

7. Training Stipends

8. Other

9. Total Direct Costs (add lines 1-8)

10. Indirect Costs*

11. Funds to be distributed to localities, Early Learning Intermediary Organizations, Participating Programs and other partners.

12. Funds set aside for participation in grantee technical assistance

13. Total Grant Funds Requested (add lines 9-12)

14. Funds from other sources used to support the State Plan

15. Total Budget (add lines 13-14)

Columns (a) through (d): For each grant year for which funding is requested, show the total amount requested for each applicable budget category.

Column (e): Show the total amount requested for all grant years.

Line 6: Show the amount of funds allocated through contracts with vendors for products to be acquired and/or professional services to be provided. A State may apply its indirect cost rate only against the first $25,000 of each contract included in line 6.

Line 10: If the State plans to request reimbursement for indirect costs, complete the Indirect Cost Information form at the end of this Budget section. Note that indirect costs are not allocated to line 11.

Line 11: Show the amount of funds to be distributed to localities, Early Learning Intermediary Organizations, Participating Programs, and other partners through MOUs, interagency agreements, contracts, or other mechanisms authorized by State procurement laws. States are not required to provide budgets for how the localities, Early Learning Intermediary Organizations, Participating Programs, and other partners will use these funds. However, the Departments expect that, as part of the administration and oversight of the grant, States will monitor and track all expenditures to ensure that localities, Early Learning Intermediary Organizations, Participating Programs, and other partners spend these funds in accordance with the State Plan.

Line 12: The Participating State Agency’s allocation of the $400,000 the State must set aside from its Total Grant Funds Requested for the purpose of participating in RTT–ELC grantee technical assistance activities facilitated by ED or HHS. This is primarily to be used for travel and may be allocated evenly across the four years of the grant.

Line 13: This is the total funding requested under this grant.

Line 14: Show total funding from other sources (including Federal, State, private, or local) being used to support the State Plan and describe these funding sources in the budget narrative.

For this project, please provide an explanation of any discrepancies between the State’s approved budget and expenditures for the reporting year.

(Enter narrative here)

For this project, please describe any substantive changes that you anticipate to the State RTT-ELC budget in the upcoming year.

(Enter narrative here)

1 Including Migrant and Tribal Head Start located in the State.

2 Including Migrant and Tribal Head Start located in the State.

3 Low-Income is defined as having an income of up to 200% of the Federal poverty rate.

4 For purposes of this application, children with disabilities or developmental delays are defined as children birth through kindergarten entry that have an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

5 For purposes of this application, children who are English learners are children birth through kindergarten entry who have home languages other than English.

6 For purposes of this application, children who are migrant are children birth through kindergarten entry who meet the definition of “migratory child” in ESEA section 1309(2).

7 The term “homeless children” has the meaning given the term ”“homeless children and youths” in section 725(2) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (425 U.S.C. 11434a(2)).

8 Including children participating in Migrant Head Start Programs and Tribal Head Start Programs.

9 Including Migrant and Tribal Head Start located in the State.

10 Including children participating in Migrant Head Start Programs and Tribal Head Start Programs.

11 Total State contributions to CCDF must include Maintenance of Effort (MOE), State Match, and any State contributions exceeding State MOE or Match.

12 Include TANF transfers to CCDF as well as direct TANF spending on Early Learning and Development Programs.

13 Include all Children with High Needs served with both Federal dollars and State supplemental dollars.

14 Including children participating in Migrant Head Start Programs and Tribal Head Start Programs.

15 Including Migrant and Tribal Head Start located in the State.


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorSpitz, Deborah
Last Modified ByTomakie Washington
File Modified2013-08-27
File Created2013-08-27

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