60 Day Red-Lined Hazardous Liquid Annual Report Instructions

60 Day Marked-Up Version - HL Annual Instructions - PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy-2013) 2013-01-24.pdf

Pipeline Safety: New Reporting Requirements for Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Operators: Hazardous Liquid Annual Report

60 Day Red-Lined Hazardous Liquid Annual Report Instructions

OMB: 2137-0614

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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)

All section references are to Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR). The Hazardous
Liquid or Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems Annual Report has been revised as of calendar year 2010
affecting submissions for 2010 and beyond. This Annual Report is required per §195.49 and must be
filed per §195.58. Read through the Annual Report and instructions carefully before beginning to
complete the Report. Where common data elements exist between this Report and an operator’s
NPMS submission, the data submitted by the operator on their Annual Report should be the same as
the data submitted through NPMS when possible. (Additionally, and in order to align an operator’s
NPMS submission with their Annual Report data, PHMSA suggests that operators send their NPMS
submission to PHMSA by June 15, representing pipeline assets as of December 31 of the previous
Each operator must annually complete and submit DOT Form PHMSA F 7000–1.1 for each type of
hazardous liquid pipeline facility operated at the end of the previous year. An operator must submit the
annual report by June 15 each year., except that for the 2010 reporting year the report must be
submitted by August 15, 2011. A separate report is required for crude oil, HVL (including anhydrous
ammonia), petroleum products, carbon dioxide pipelines, and fuel grade ethanol pipelines. All pipeline
mileage not permanently removed from service should be reported, including pipelines and/or pipeline
facilities considered to be idled. Pipelines that have been idled should be reported under the
Commodity Group transported just before idling. For each state a pipeline traverses, an operator must
separately complete those sections on the form requiring information to be reported for each state. In
order to improve the accuracy of reported data, operators are requested to review prior years’ Reports
in order to validate that their reported numbers are accurate, or to identify and correct inconsistencies
or errors that are either found or that may exist in any previously reported data. Operators should file
Supplemental Reports as necessary, including those supplementing prior years’ Reports.
The terms “barrel”, “breakout tank”, “carbon dioxide”, “flammable product”, “gathering line”,
“hazardous liquid”, “highly volatile liquid (HVL)”, “intrastate pipeline”, “interstate pipeline”, “low
stress pipeline”, “maximum operating pressure”, “offshore”, “operator”, “Outer Continental Shelf
(OCS)”, “petroleum”, “petroleum product”, “pipe or line pipe”, “pipeline or pipeline system”,
“pipeline facility”, “rural area”, “specified minimum yield strength (SMYS)”, “stress level”, “toxic
product”, and “Unusually Sensitive Area (USA)” are defined in §195.2.
If you need copies of the Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 and/or instructions they can be found on the
Pipeline Safety Community main page, http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline/library/forms. The
documents are included in the section titled Accident/Incident/Annual Reporting Forms.
http://phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline, by clicking Data and Statistics and then selecting the Forms hyperlink.
If you have questions about this Report or these instructions, please call PHMSA’s Information
Resources Manager at 202-366-8075.

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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)

Annual Reports must be submitted online through the PHMSA Portal at
https://portal.phmsa.dot.gov/portal, unless an alternate method is approved (see Alternate Reporting
Methods below).
You will not be able to submit reports until you have met all of the Portal registration requirements –
see http://opsweb.phmsa.dot.gov/portal_message/PHMSA_Portal_Registration.pdf
Completing these registration requirements could take several weeks. Plan ahead and register well in
advance of the report due date.
The following two requirements must be fulfilled prior to submitting data online:
1. You must have an Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) provided Operator Identification Number (OPID) and
Personal Identification Number (PIN)/password. If you do not have one, please complete and submit
the form located on the OPS Online Data Entry and Operator Registration System New Operator
Registration web site at http://opsweb.phmsa.dot.gov/cfdocs/opsapps/pipes/new_operator.cfm to obtain
2. You must have a Username and Password obtained by registering through the PHMSA Portal. If you
have an OPS OPID and PIN/password, you may obtain a Username and Password through the PHMSA

Important: Each operator without an OPID is to plan accordingly and allow for several weeks prior to
the due date of the Report to obtain their OPID from PHMSA.

Annual Reports must be submitted online unless an alternate method is approved (see Alternate
Reporting Methods below). Use the following procedure:
Use the following procedure for online reporting:
1. Go to the PHMSA Portal at https://portal.phmsa.dot.gov/portal
2. Enter PHMSA Portal Username and Password ; press enter
3. Select OPID; press “continue” button.
4. Under “Create Reports” on the left side of the screen, under Annual select
“Hazardous Liquid” and proceed with entering your data. Note: Data fields marked
with a single asterisk are considered required fields that must be completed before
the system will accept your initial submission. Also, only one annual report by
commodity for an OPID may be submitted per year.
5. To save intermediate work without formally submitting it to PHMSA, click Save. To
modify a draft of an annual report that you saved, go to Saved Reports and click on
Hazardous Liquid. Locate your saved report by the date, report year, or commodity.
Select the record by clicking on it once, and then click Modify above the record.
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)

6. Once all sections of the form have been completed, click on Validate to ensure all
required fields have been completed and data meets all other requirements. A list of
errors will be generated that must be fixed prior to submitting an Annual Report.
7. Click Submit when you have completed the Report (for either an Initial Report or a
Supplemental Report), and are ready to initiate formal submission of your Report to
8. A confirmation message will appear that confirms a record has been successfully
submitted. To save or print a copy of your submission, go to Submitted Reports on
the left hand side, and click on Hazardous Liquid. Locate your submitted report by
the date, report year, or Commodity Group, and then click on the PDF icon to either
open the file and print it, or save an electronic copy.
9. To submit a Supplemental Report, go to Submitted Reports on the left hand side,
and click on Hazardous Liquid. Locate your submitted report by the date, report
year, or Commodity Group. Select the record by clicking on it once, and then click
“Create Supplemental”.
1. Navigate
http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline, click the ONLINE DATA ENTRY link listed.
2. Click on the Annual Hazardous Liquid or Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems Report
3. Enter Operator Identification Number (OPID) and PIN. [If an operator does not
have an OPID or a PIN, the ONLINE DATA ENTRY page includes directions on
how to obtain one.]
4. Click Add to begin data entry for a new calendar year’s Report. [For Supplemental
Reports, click on the Report ID and select Modify to make corrections or add new
5. To save intermediate work without formally submitting it to PHMSA, click Save.
6. Click Submit when you have completed the Report (for either an Initial Report or a
Supplemental Report) and are ready to initiate formal submission of your Report to
7. A confirmation page will appear for you to print and save for your records.

Alternate Reporting Methods
Operators for whom electronic reporting imposes an undue burden and hardship may submit a written
request for an alternate reporting method. Operators must follow the requirements in §195.58(d) to
request an alternate reporting method and must comply with any conditions imposed as part of
PHMSA’s approval of an alternate reporting method.
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)

Make an entry in each block for which data is available. Estimate data only if necessary. Avoid
entering any data as UNKNOWN or 0 (zero) except where zero is appropriate to indicate that there
were no instances or amounts of the attribute being reported.
Do not report miles of pipe, pipe segments, or pipeline in feet. When reporting mileages that are less
than 1 mile or when reporting portions of a mile, convert feet into a decimal notation (e.g. 2,640 feet =
.5 miles) and report mileage using decimals rounded to the nearest tenth of a mile. Operators may
round all mileages that are greater than 1 mile to the nearest mile. Do not use fractions.
Do not report miles of pipe, pipe segments, or pipeline in feet. When mileage for the same set of
pipelines is reported in different parts of the form, the online system will require the different parts to
be consistent. Mileage values over 60 miles must be within 0.5% of the baseline and values under 60
miles must be within 0.3 miles. Part I, decade of installation, will serve as the mileage baseline for all
parts of the form. For example, if you report 60 miles in Part I, the mileage by diameter in Parts H, J,
and P must be within 0.3 miles of 60. Use the number of decimal places needed to satisfy these
consistency checks.
Enter the Calendar Year for which the Report is being filed, bearing in mind that reporting
requirements are for the preceding calendar year (i.e., for the June 15, 20113 deadline, the Report
should provide information for assets as they existed at the end of the 20102 calendar year).
The Select Initial Report or if this is the original filing for the calendar year. Select Supplemental
Report box will be populated by the online system.if this is a follow-up to a previously filed Report to
amend or correct information for that calendar year. On Supplemental Reports, enter all information
requested in Parts A and N, and only the new or revised information for the other Parts of the Report,
completing Part O as required.
Report miles of pipe, pipe segments, or pipeline in the system at the end of the reporting year,
including any additions or deletions to the system occurring during that year. Report other data for the
duration of the calendar year as appropriate. Adhere to definitions in 49 CFR 195 when reporting
mileage and other data.
For a given OPID, a separate Annual Report is to be completed for each Commodity Group
within that OPID. The separate Annual Report is to cover all pipelines and/or pipeline facilities
– both INTERstate and INTRAstate – included within that OPID that serve to transport that
Commodity Group. As an example, if an operator uses a single OPID and has one set of
facilities and/or pipelines that transport crude oil and another that transports refined products,
this operator is to file two Annual Reports – one Annual Report covering all the facilities and/or
pipelines that transport crude oil and another Annual Report covering all the facilities and/or
pipelines that transport refined products. If another operator utilizes two OPIDs with both
crude oil and refined products facilities and/or pipelines within each OPID, that operator must
file four separate Annual Reports.
Parts A and – EC are to be completed once for each Annual Report, namely once for each
Commodity Group within an OPID, covering ALL of the pipelines and/or facilities (both
Interstate and Intrastate) and combining all states in which those assets exist. Separate
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
reporting by state is not required for these Parts. Parts F – M, however, are to be reported
separately for Interstate and for Intrastate facilities, or by state, or both depending on the
instructions pertaining to each Part.

Complete all 8 sections of Part A before continuing to the next Part.
1. Operator’s 5 digit Identification Number (OPID)
For online entries, the OPID will automatically populate based on the selection you made when
entering the Portal. If you have log-in credentials for multiple OPID, be sure the report is being
created for the appropriate OPID. Contact PHMSA’s Information Resources Manager at 202-3668075 if you need assistance with an OPID.All operators that meet the definition of an “operator”
under §195.2 must have a PHMSA-assigned Operator Identification Number (also known as an
OPID). If the person completing the Report does not know the OPID for the system being
reported, this information may be requested from PHMSA’s Information Resources Manager at
202-366-8075. (See instructions on the ONLINE DATA ENTRY page as described above.)
2. Name of OperatorCompany or Establishment
This is the company name associated with the OPID. If the name that appears is not correct, you
need to submit an Operator Name Change (Type A) Notification.
This is the company name used when registering for an OPID and PIN in the Online Data Entry
System. For online entries,When completing the Report online, the Name of Operator is
automatically filled in based on the OPID entered in Part A, Question 1. If the name that appears
does not coincide with the OPID, contact PHMSA’s Information Resources Manager.
If the company corresponding to the OPID is a subsidiary, enter the name of the parent company.
3. Reserved Individual where additional information may be obtained
Enter the name, title, email address, and telephone number of the individual who should be
contacted if additional information regarding this Report submission is needed.

4. Headquarters address
This is the headquarters address associated with the OPID. For online entries, the address will
automatically populate based on the OPID entered in A1. If the address that appears is not correct,
you need to change it in the online Contacts module.Enter the address and phone number of the
operator’s corporate headquarters.
5. This Report pertains to the following Commodity Group
It is a PHMSA requirement (§195.49) that oOperators submit separate Reports for each
Commodity Group within a particular OPID. It should be noted that these Commodity Groups,
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though similar to the Commodity Groups used when reporting accidents to PHMSA, are not
precisely the same when it comes to the reporting of pipelines that transport fuel grade ethanol and
ethanol blends. Whereas fuel grade ethanol and ethanol blends are grouped in the same category
for accident reporting purposes, pipelines that transport fuel grade ethanol have their own
Commodity Group for the purposes of Annual Reporting. Pipelines that transport ethanol in a
blended state should be reported as Refined and/or Petroleum Product (non-HVL) in an operator’s
Annual Report.
File a separate Annual Report for each of the following Commodity Groups (as further defined
in §195.2):
Crude Oil - unrefined oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons.
Refined and/or Petroleum Product (non-HVL) – flammable, toxic, or corrosive
products obtained from distilling and processing of crude oil, unfinished oils, natural gas
liquids, blend stocks and other miscellaneous hydrocarbon compounds. Examples include
motor gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, aviation gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, acetone, benzene,
MTBE, naphtha, or other non-HVL petroleum products. For the sake of this Report,
“petroleum product” is meant to be synonymous with “refined product”.
Highly Volatile Liquids (HVLs) – a hazardous liquid which will form a vapor cloud
when released to the atmosphere and which has a vapor pressure exceeding 276 kPa at
37.8º C (100º F). Examples include ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, butylene, and
anhydrous ammonia (NH3).
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – a fluid consisting of more than 90 percent carbon dioxide
molecules compressed to a supercritical state.
Fuel Grade Ethanol – a clear, colorless, flammable oxygenated hydrocarbon. Ethanol is
typically produced chemically from ethylene, or biologically from fermentation of various
sugars from carbohydrates found in agricultural crops and cellulosic residues from crops or
wood. This Commodity Group is to be selected only if the pipeline and/or pipeline facility
is used predominantly to transport ethanol which has NOT been blended with petroleum
products. This commodity is sometimes also known as “neat” ethanol. Pipelines that
transport ethanol in a blended state should be reported as Refined and/or Petroleum
Product (non-HVL).
Note: When a single pipeline or facility serves to transport two or more of the above Commodity
Groups, that pipeline or facility should be reported only once, reporting within the Commodity
Group for the commodity that is transported most predominantly during the year being reported.
6. Reserved Integrity Management Program
Indicate here whether any portion(s) of the pipelines and/or pipeline facilities for this Commodity
Group covered under this OPID are subject to the integrity management (IM) requirements of
Pipelines and/or pipeline facilities that include segments that could affect high consequence areas
(HCAs) are required to have an IM Program in accordance with §195.452. For the purposes of this
question and, more generally, this Report, do not consider pipelines or portions of pipelines that
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could otherwise not affect an HCA but which are included in an IM Program as a result of other
PHMSA directives (such as Corrective Action Orders, Compliance Orders, Special Permits, etc.).
Select the box indicating that portions of SOME or ALL of the pipelines and/or pipeline facilities
for this Commodity Group covered under this OPID are included in an IM Program as required by
§195.452, and complete other Parts of this Report in accordance with Part A, Question 8.
If NO PORTIONS of the pipelines and/or pipeline facilities for this Commodity Group covered
under this OPID are included in an IM Program as required by §195.452, select the box indicating
such. In this case, Parts B, F, G, L, and O need not be completed.
7. Interstate and/or Intrastate pipeline
Pipeline assets included within a particular Commodity Group under a single OPID may be either
interstate, intrastate, or both. Select the appropriate box or boxes to indicate whether the pipelines
and/or pipeline facilities for the OPID and Commodity Group are interstate or intrastate or both.
List the two-letter state abbreviation for each state in which reported interstate and/or intrastate
assets are located.
The terms INTERnterstate and INTRAntrastate pipeline are defined in §195.2. Appendix A to 49
CFR 195 contains PHMSA’s Statement of Policy and Interpretation on the delineation between
interstate and intrastate pipelines, and provides additional guidance.
8. Reserved Does this Report represent a change from last year’s final reported information for
one or more of the following Parts?
Select “This Report is for calendar year 2010 reporting or is a first-time Report…” only for the
reporting of calendar year 2010 information, including any supplements to that information, or if
this is a first-time filing of an Annual Report for these facilities. Because this revision of the
Annual Report will be used for the first time to report information for calendar year 2010, some of
the “Parts” of this Report referred to in this question are new and, therefore, no comparable
information will have been reported for the prior year. For calendar year 2010 only, respond to this
question by selecting the box “This Report is for calendar year 2010 reporting or is a first-time
Report…”, and then complete all remaining Parts of the Report as applicable. Similarly, if no
Annual Report has been previously filed for this operator, OPID, Commodity Group, or pipelines
and/or pipeline facilities, or for other reasons, select the box “This Report is for calendar year 2010
reporting or is a first-time Report…”, and then complete all remaining Parts of the Report as
For calendar year submissions beyond 2010, an option has been created to allow the operator to
provide information for relevant Parts when certain portions of the information have not changed.
Select “No” if there are no changes in the information reported for the current reporting year
compared against the prior calendar year for Parts B, D, E, H, I, J, K, L, or M for the Commodity
Group reported.
It should be noted that PHMSA expects that the data describing volume transported (Part C) and
integrity management activity (Parts F and G) will change each year. Therefore, Part C, describing
volume transported, must be completed every year. Additionally, those Parts of this Report related
to integrity management activity (Parts F, G and O) must be completed every year by every
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
operator with portions of pipelines and/or pipeline facilities subject to PHMSA’s IM regulations as
indicated in Part A, Question 6.
When there are changes in the information reported for the current reporting year compared against
the prior calendar year, these changes can occur for one of the two following reasons:
1) New information or new calculations may have changed the understanding of
pipeline and/or pipeline facility data, leading to differences in some data elements
reported on the Annual Report in the previous year’s Report, even though the physical
pipeline(s) and/or pipeline facility(ies) themselves have not changed; or,
2) The pipeline(s) and/or pipeline facility(ies) may have changed – either physically or
Select one or both of the two “Yes” boxes if reported system information has changed.
If the change is due to a change in the pipelines and/or pipeline facilities and/or
operations (number 2 above), select the appropriate box or boxes to indicate the nature
of the change(s). If “Other” is selected, provide a brief description of the change.

Merger/acquisition involves a change in ownership or operating responsibility that
would likely result in increases or other changes in the reported miles of pipeline in
most Parts of the Report.


Divestiture involves a change in ownership or operating responsibility that would
likely result in decreases or other changes in the reported miles of pipeline.


New construction or new installation that would likely result in increases or other
changes in the reported miles of pipeline, including rerouting of pipelines.


Conversion of service, change in commodity transported, or change in MOP
(maximum operating pressure).

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Conversion to service means conversion to transportation of
hazardous liquids under §195.5 that would likely result in increases or
other changes in the reported miles of pipeline. (This is selected if a
pipeline that was previously used to transport a commodity or
material that was not covered under 49 CFR 195, such as water, is
being converted to move a commodity that is covered under 49 CFR
195, such as a crude oil line.)


Change in commodity transported means a change in the commodity
predominately transported and thus in the Commodity Group reported
in Part A, Question 5. (This is selected if the previous commodity
moved in a pipeline covered under 49 CFR 195 is changed to a
different commodity moved under 49 CFR 195, for example a refined
products line being changed to a crude oil line.)


Change in MOP (maximum operating pressure) could result in
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
changes to the mileage of pipeline operating in different categories of
hoop stress (i.e., percent SMYS (Specified Minimum Yield Strength))
as reported in Part J.

“Abandoned,” as defined in § 195.2, means permanently removed from service.
All pipeline mileage not permanently removed from service should be reported,
including pipelines and/or pipeline facilities considered to be idled.


Change in various aspects of an operator’s IM Program may result in changes to
information reported in Parts B, F, and/or G.


Change in an operator’s OPID number – or changes in pipelines and/or pipeline
facilities covered by a particular OPID number – may result in changes throughout
the Annual Report.

Report in Part B the total miles of Onshore and Offshore pipe that could affect High Consequence
Areas (HCAs) and are thus in the IM Program. Operators should NOT double-count mileage for a
single segment of pipeline that may be able to affect HCAs of multiple types (e.g., an Other Population
Area as well as a Drinking Water USA). Also, do not include miles of pipeline that could not affect an
HCA but which are included in the IM Program as a result of other PHMSA directives (such as
Corrective Action Orders, Compliance Orders, Special Permits, etc.). This Part should be left blank if
no portions of the pipelines and/or pipeline facilities covered by this OPID are in an IM Program, as
indicated in Part A, Question 6.
In Part L of this report, the number of HCA miles are reported by-State/OCS and by the
INTERstate/INTRAstate status of the pipeline. All Part L data will be summed and displayed in Part
Barrel-miles means the total of the number of barrels transported multiplied by the distance in miles
the specific barrels were moved. Report the volume of all commodities transported during the calendar
year for this Commodity Group. Include the annual total volume transported in barrel-miles for all
states and for all pipelines and/or pipeline facilities – both INTERstate and INTRAstate – included
within this OPID and for this Commodity Group. Volumes of any Commodity Group transported in
addition to the Commodity Group predominately transported through these pipelines and/or pipeline
facilities should also be reported in Part C within the proper row. Example: If 2,000,000 barrels of
crude oil were moved in one 35-mile onshore pipeline from end to end and 80,000,000 barrels of crude
oil were moved in a second 1,000-mile onshore pipeline from end to end, both occurring in a given
reporting year, then the total volume transported in barrel-miles for the Crude Oil Commodity Group
for Onshore is equal to (2,000,000 x 35) + (80,000,000 x 1,000) = 70,000,000 + 80,000,000,000 =
80,070,000,000 Onshore Crude Oil Barrel-Miles. If, additionally, 500,000 barrels of an HVL were
moved in the same 35-mile onshore pipeline from end to end, then 17,500,000 barrel-miles (500,000 x
35) should also be included in Part C for the Crude Oil Commodity Group under the “HVL” row and
“Onshore” column in the table.
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
For steel pipe only, report the total miles of Onshore and Offshore pipe that is cathodically protected
and cathodically unprotected subdivided, in each case, into the amount that is bare and the amount that
is coated pipe. COATED means steel pipe coated with an effective hot or cold applied dielectric
coating or wrapper. Enter zero (0) in any cell for which the pipeline system includes no mileage. Do
not leave any cells blank.
For non-steel pipe, specity the type of non-steel material in the space provided and enter the total for
that type of non-steel pipe. Repeat in the Online tool with one row for as many types of non-steel that
the operator has within the reported system.
In Part P of this report, the miles of pipeline by material type and corrosion prevention status are
reported by-State/OCS and by the INTERstate/INTRAstate status of the pipeline. All Part P data will
be summed and displayed in Part D.
Report here only pipe that was manufactured using an electric resistance welded (ERW) process.
Report separately, each by decade installed, the miles of installed pipe manufactured using a highfrequency ERW process and that manufactured with a low-frequency or DC ERW process.
“High Frequency” means the ERW pipe was manufactured using a high frequency ERW process.
High frequency ERW pipe is pipe that was manufactured using a high frequency electrical current,
usually about 450 thousand Hertz (kHz) to provide heat for fusion of the weld seam. Most pipe
manufactured using this process has been manufactured since the late 1960s.
“Low Frequency” means the ERW pipe was manufactured using a low frequency ERW process. Low
frequency ERW pipe is pipe that was manufactured using a low frequency, usually about 250 Hertz
(Hz) alternating electrical current to provide heat for fusion of the weld seam. Most pipe manufactured
using this process was manufactured prior to 1970.
Flash welded pipe (EFW) is NOT a type of ERW pipe and should NOT be included in the reported
numbers for this Part E.
“DC” means direct current.
Make an entry in each block. PHMSA recognizes that some companies may have pipe for which
installation records may not exist. If records do not exist, enter estimates of the totals of such mileage
in the “Pre-40 or Unknown” section of Part E. Enter zero (0) in any block for which the pipeline
system includes no mileage. Do not leave any blocks blank.
In Part Q of this report, the miles of electric resistance welded pipe by weld type and decade are
reported by-State/OCS and by the INTERstate/INTRAstate status of the pipeline. All Part Q data will
be summed and displayed in Part E.
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
For the designated Commodity Group, complete Parts F and G one time for all INTERstate
pipelines and/or pipeline facilities included within this OPID and multiple times as needed for
the designated Commodity Group for each State in which INTRAstate pipelines and/or pipeline
facilities included within this OPID exist.
For example: Consider a set of crude oil pipeline systems that includes INTERstate pipeline
facilities in seven states and INTRAstate pipeline facilities in three states. Parts F and G should
be completed four times for this set of crude oil pipeline systems – once for all INTERstate assets
(combined) and once for the INTRAstate assets in each of the three states in which INTRAstate
assets are located (separately).
PART F includes inspection, assessment, and repair data both within and outside HCAs. In Part
L, the number of HCA miles is collected by-State/OCS portion and by INTERstate/INTRAstate.
The online system will provide Part F for INTERSTATE assets only after an INTERstate Part L
is created. Until HCA miles are entered in an INTERstate Part L, the “within HCA” portions of
Part F will remain locked. For INTRAstate assets, a similar process is followed but Part F will
be created for each State with INTRAstate mileage.
Part G includes assessment data only within an HCA. Until HCA miles are entered in the
applicable Part L, this section will remain locked.

Report all integrity assessments (inspections) required by PHMSA’s IM regulations which were
conducted and actions which were taken during the calendar year based on inspection results. Include
all inspections conducted in the reporting period calendar year including baseline assessments and reassessments. Do not consider pipelines or portions of pipelines that could otherwise not affect an HCA
but which are included in an IM Program as a result of other PHMSA directives (such as Corrective
Action Orders, Compliance Orders, Special Permits, etc.). Part F is subdivided into six (6) sections.
Section 1 - Mileage inspected in calendar year using the following In-Line Inspection (ILI)
Report the mileage inspected using each of the listed tool types. Include total miles
inspected, not just the mileage that could affect a high consequence area. Where
multiple ILI tools are used (e.g., a metal loss tool and a deformation tool), report the
mileage in both categories. Where a combination tool is used (i.e., a single tool with
multiple capabilities), report the mileage separately in each category included as part of
the combination. Thus, the total mileage inspected during the calendar year (the sum of
the mileage reported for individual tools) may be greater than the actual number of
physical pipeline miles on which ILI inspections were run.
Enter zero (0) for any tool which was not used for IM assessments during the year.
Leave no rows blank.

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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
Section 2 - Actions taken in calendar year based on In-Line Inspections.
Include all actions taken during the calendar year that resulted from information
obtained during an ILI inspection. This should include actions taken as a result of
information developed during ILI inspections conducted during the calendar year PLUS
actions taken as a result of ILI inspections conducted during prior years and for which
all required actions were not completed during the year of the inspection. Do not
include actions which are anticipated based on review of ILI results but which did not
actually occur during the reporting year.
Report in items a. and b. the total number of anomalies excavated and repaired based on
the operator’s repair criteria even if those criteria are different from (i.e., require repair
of damage more or less significant) than the repair criteria in IM regulations applicable
to anomalies in pipeline segments that could affect HCA. (The operator’s criteria for
anomalies in segments that could affect an HCA must be at least as conservative as
those required by the regulations).
Anomalies not excavated and eliminated by pipe replacement are reported in Parts F6d
and F6e.
Report in a. the total number of anomalies excavated, recognizing that multiple
anomalies may be exposed in a single excavation.
Report in b. only those anomalies actually repaired, not those for which other mitigative
actions, such as recoating, (not repair) were undertaken.
Report in c. only the anomalies in pipeline segments that could affect an HCA that were
repaired because they met one of the three repair criteria in the IM regulations. (The
total of repairs reported in item c. should not exceed the total number of repairs reported
in item b.)
Enter a value in each row, using zero (0) as appropriate. Leave no rows blank.
Section 3 – Mileage inspected and actions taken in calendar year based on Pressure
Report in a. the total miles inspected by pressure testing, including both mileage that
could affect an HCA and mileage that could not affect an HCA.
Report in b. the total number of test failures (ruptures and leaks) repaired on all mileage
tested during the year.
Report in c. the ruptures and in d. the leaks repaired ONLY in segments that could
affect an HCA.
Enter a value in each row, using zero (0) as appropriate. Leave no rows blank. Enter
zero (0) in all rows of section 3 if no IM assessments were conducted by pressure test
during the year.

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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
Section 4 - Mileage inspected and actions taken in calendar year based on ECDA
(External Corrosion Direct Assessment)
Include all actions taken during the calendar year that resulted from information
obtained during an ECDA inspection. This should include actions taken as a result of
information developed during ECDA inspections conducted during the calendar year
PLUS actions taken as a result of ECDA inspections conducted during prior years and
for which all required actions were not completed during the year of the inspection. Do
not include actions which are anticipated based on ECDA inspection results but which
did not actually occur during the reporting year.
Report in b. the total number of anomalies excavated and repaired based on the
operator’s repair criteria even if those criteria are different from (i.e., require repair of
damage more or less significant) than the repair criteria in IM regulations applicable to
anomalies in pipeline segments that could affect an HCA. (The operator’s criteria for
anomalies in segments that could affect an HCA must be at least as conservative as
those required by the regulations). Report in b. only those anomalies actually repaired,
not those for which other mitigative actions, such as recoating, were undertaken.
Report in c. the number of anomalies in pipeline segments that could affect an HCA that
were repaired because when excavated and examined they met one of the three repair
criteria in the IM regulations. Anomalies not excavated and eliminated by pipe
replacement are reported in Parts F6d and F6e.

Enter a value in each row, using zero (0) as appropriate. Leave no rows blank.
Section 5 – Mileage inspected and actions taken in calendar year based on Other
Inspection Techniques
IM regulations allow operators to use other assessment techniques provided that they
notify PHMSA (or states exercising regulatory jurisdiction) in advance. Report here the
mileage inspected and actions taken as a result of inspections conducted using any
technique other than those covered in Sections 1-4 of Part F.
As for the other techniques, include all actions taken during the calendar year that
resulted from information obtained during an inspection using another technique. This
should include actions taken as a result of information developed as part of inspections
conducted during the calendar year PLUS actions taken as a result of inspections
conducted during prior years and for which all required actions were not completed
during the year of the inspection. Do not include actions which are anticipated based on
inspection results but which did not actually occur during the reporting year.
Report only those anomalies actually repaired, not those for which other mitigative
actions, such as recoating, (not repair) were undertaken. Anomalies not excavated and
eliminated by pipe replacement are reported in Parts F6d and F6e.
Enter a value in each row, using zero (0) as appropriate. Leave no rows blank.
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
Section 6 - Total Mileage Inspected (all Methods) and Actions Taken.
These entries will be calculated automatically based on data entered in Sections 1-5.
For operators completing a paper form as a result of PHMSA approval to use alternate
reporting measures (see above), report here the total mileage inspected and actions
taken as the sum of the indicated elements from other sections.
Items a. through c. will be calculated automatically based on data entered in sections 15.
Items d and e require information about actionable anomalies eliminated from HCAs by
pipe replacement and abandonment. An anomaly is considered actionable if it may
exceed acceptable limits, based on the operator’s anomaly and pipeline data analysis.
Any anomaly excavated and repaired should be reported in section 2, 4, or 5. Do not
report these anomalies again in items d and e. If pipeline facilities in an HCA were
abandoned and the operator replaced the transportation functionality with new pipeline
facilities, enter the anomalies in item d, replacement. If the transportation functionality
of the abandoned facility was NOT replaced by the operator, enter the anomalies in item
e, abandonment.
IN CALENDAR YEAR (segment miles that could affect HCAs ONLY)
Report the number of miles of pipeline that could affect an HCA (as reported in Part B) that were
assessed during the calendar year pursuant to §195.452. Report separately the number of miles
inspected for baseline assessments (e.g., initial baseline assessments and new baseline assessments,
including those which occur due to new pipelines or facilities, new or newly identified HCAs, new
spill flow paths, new spill volume calculations, low-stress pipe for which the baseline assessment
deadline has not yet passed, etc.) and miles for which a reassessment was conducted. Do not include
pipelines or portions of pipelines that could otherwise not affect an HCA but which are included in an
IM Program as a result of other PHMSA directives (such as Corrective Action Orders, Compliance
Orders, Special Permits, etc.).
Report only assessments that were completed during the calendar year. These “completed
assessments” are defined consistently with FAQ 4.13 http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/iim/faqs.htm. The
date on which an assessment is considered complete will be the date on which final field activities
related to that assessment are performed, not including repair activities. That is, when a hydrostatic
test is completed, when the last in-line inspection tool run of a scheduled series of tool runs is
performed, when the last direct examination associated with external corrosion direct assessment is
made, or the date on which "other technology" for which an operator has provided timely notification
is conducted.
Operators should report in Part G the total number of miles actually assessed. This differs from Part F
where operators report the number of miles inspected by individual inspection methods where some
mileage may be reported multiple times. Operators should note that the mileages reported as
completed assessments in Part G should be a subset of the total miles of onshore/offshore pipe that
could affect High Consequence Areas reported in Part(s) B and L. Operators should validate the total
completed and scheduled assessment mileage in their Assessment Plans with the mileage reported
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
here. The comparison of these two numbers will highlight any discrepancies resulting from new HCA
segments being added or deleted, acquired or sold, or idled 1 or converted, and which need to be
properly reflected in this Report.


While the regulations do not recognize an intermediate state between operational and abandoned (see instructions for Part
A, Question 8 above), PHMSA has acknowledged that operators sometimes maintain some of their pipe in an idle status in
which conducting IM assessments is impractical. This consideration of “idle” pipe is discussed in FAQ 2.3 on the PHMSA
IM website (http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/iim/faqs.htm).

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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
For the designated Commodity Group, complete Parts H, I, J, K, L, and M, P, and Q covering
INTERstate pipelines and/or pipeline facilities separately for each State in which INTERstate
systems exist within this OPID and again covering INTRAstate pipelines and/or pipeline facilities
separately for each State in which INTRAstate systems exist within this OPID.
For example: Consider a set of crude oil pipeline systems that includes INTERstate pipeline
facilities in seven states and INTRAstate pipeline facilities in three states. Parts H, I, J, K, L, and
M, P and Q should be completed ten times for this set of crude oil pipeline systems – seven times
for INTERstate assets (once for each of the seven states in which INTERstate assets are located)
and once for the INTRAstate assets in each of the three states in which INTRAstate assets are
Each time the remaining Parts are completed, indicate whether the data reported is for
INTERstate or INTRAstate pipelines and/or pipeline facilities, and enter in the space provided
the two-letter postal abbreviation for the state.

Report the miles of pipe by Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) and location for both onshore and offshore
locations. Enter the appropriate mileage in the corresponding nominal size blocks.
Pipe sizes which do not correspond to NPS measurements should be included in the “Other Pipe Sizes
Not Listed” columns. Include both the pipe size and the corresponding mileage.
Enter zero (0) in any block for which the pipeline system includes no mileage. Do not leave any
blocks blank.

Report the miles of pipe by decade installed. Make an entry in each block including zero (0) when
appropriate. Some companies may have pipe for which installation records may not exist. When the
decade of construction is unknown, enter estimates of the totals of such mileage in the “Pre-20 or
Unknown” section of Part I.
The sum total of pipeline mileage reported in Part I should match the totals reported in Parts H and J.

Report the total miles of steel pipe by hoop stress (as percent of SMYS) and pipe material type (steel
or non-steel) for pipe onshore (in non-rural and rural areas where indicated) and offshore.
Report the total miles of non-steel pipe operating above 125 psig and at or below 125 psig,
differentiated for location as for steel pipe.
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)

Report data only for pipelines regulated by PHMSA (and their certified State agencies) and not those
which are regulated by other federal or state authorities, including those rural, low stress pipeline
segments subject only to Subpart B of 49 CFR 195.
Enter zero (0) in any block for which the pipeline system includes no mileage. Do not leave any
blocks blank.

This Part only applies to the Commodity Group “crude oil” and to those portions of gathering lines that
are regulated by PHMSA. Report the total mileage of these lines only.
Gathering lines are defined in §195.2 as “A pipeline 219.1mm (8-5/8 inch) or less nominal outside
diameter that transports petroleum from a production facility.”
Regulated rural gathering lines are defined in §195.11(a) and should be reported in this Part.
Enter zero (0) in any block for which the pipeline system includes no mileage. Do not leave any
blocks blank.
By Type of HCA. Report the miles of pipeline that the operator has determined could affect an HCA
of each designated type. Operators should note that a single segment of pipeline may be able to affect
HCAs of multiple types (e.g., an Other Population Area as well as a Drinking Water USA).
Accordingly, the total of the miles reported in these columns may add to more than the total mileage
that could affect an HCA reported in Part B.
Not By Type. Report the total miles of pipeline that the operator has determined could affect an HCA.
For this number, Operators should NOT double-count mileage for a single segment of pipeline that
may be able to affect HCAs of multiple types (e.g., an Other Population Area as well as a Drinking
Water USA). Accordingly, the total of the miles reported in this column, when added for each State,
should equal the total mileage that could affect an HCA reported in Part B.
Enter zero (0) in any block for which the pipeline system includes no mileage. Do not leave any
blocks blank.

List the number of tanks by capacity and by Commodity Group, including any Commodity Groups
which are not the predominantly transported Commodity Group within this Report. The Commodity
Groups listed here in Part M should match those listed in Part C. Operators are required to submit all
breakout tank information in their Annual Report. The operator can also submit their breakout tank
information to NPMS, but breakout tanks must always be reported in their Annual Report.
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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
For steel pipe, report the total miles of onshore and offshore pipe that is cathodically protected and
cathodically unprotected subdivided, in each case, into the amount that is bare and the amount that is
coated pipe. COATED means pipe coated with an effective hot or cold applied dielectric coating or
wrapper. For plastic and “other” pipe, report the total miles of onshore and offshore pipe. For any
mileage reported in the “other” column, describe the material in the “Other (specify)” field.

Report here only pipe that was manufactured using an electric resistance welded (ERW) process.
Report separately, each by decade installed, the miles of installed pipe manufactured using a highfrequency ERW process and that manufactured with a low-frequency or DC ERW process.
“High Frequency” means the ERW pipe was manufactured using a high frequency ERW process.
High frequency ERW pipe is pipe that was manufactured using a high frequency electrical current,
usually about 450 thousand Hertz (kHz) to provide heat for fusion of the weld seam. Most pipe
manufactured using this process has been manufactured since the late 1960s.
“Low Frequency” means the ERW pipe was manufactured using a low frequency ERW process. Low
frequency ERW pipe is pipe that was manufactured using a low frequency, usually about 250 Hertz
(Hz) alternating electrical current to provide heat for fusion of the weld seam. Most pipe manufactured
using this process was manufactured prior to 1970.
Flash welded pipe (EFW) is NOT a type of ERW pipe and should NOT be included in the reported
numbers for this Part E.
“DC” means direct current.
Make an entry in each block. PHMSA recognizes that some companies may have pipe for which
installation records may not exist. If records do not exist, enter estimates of the totals of such mileage
in the “Pre-40 or Unknown” section of Part E. Enter zero (0) in any block for which the pipeline
system includes no mileage. Do not leave any blocks blank.

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Instructions (rev xy-2013) for Form PHMSA F 7000-1.1 (rev xy06-20131)
For the designated Commodity Group, complete Part N one time for all of the pipelines and/or
pipeline facilities included within this OPID. Complete Part O one time for all the pipelines
and/or pipeline facilities covered under this Commodity Group and OPID if any portion(s) of the
pipelines and/or pipeline facilities are included in an IM Program subject to §195.452 as
indicated in Part A, Question 6.

The Preparer is the person who compiled the information and prepared the responses to the Report.
Enter the Preparer’s name and title, and e-mail address if the Preparer has one, as well as the phone
and fax numbers used by the Preparer.

CERTIFYING SIGNATURE must be a senior executive officer of the operator. The Pipeline
Inspection, Protection, Enforcement and Safety Act (signed in December 2006) requires pipeline
operators to have a senior executive officer of the company sign and certify annual pipeline Integrity
Management Program (IMP) performance reports (Parts B, F, G, and L of this Report). By this
signature, the senior executive officer is certifying that he or she has (1) reviewed the Report and (2) to
the best of his or her knowledge, believes the Report is true and complete.
Senior Executive Officer is the person who is certifying the information on Parts B, F, G, and L as
required by 49 U.S.C. 60109(f).
The name and title of the senior executive officer certifying the Report should be entered in the
appropriate blanks on this section of the Report. The name of the senior executive officer certifying
the Report should also be entered in the signature block on the Report. Operators should keep in mind
that entering the senior executive officer’s name onto the electronic Report is equivalent to a paper
submission and has the same legal authenticity and requirements.

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File Modified2013-02-12
File Created2013-02-04

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