Employment First Survey

Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program Community of Practice Evaluation

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Employment First Survey

OMB: 1230-0007

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Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 1

Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey:
Satisfaction, Impact, and Progress
Welcome to the Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP) Community of Practice (CoP)
survey. The purpose of this survey is to assess your satisfaction with the EFSLMP Community of Practice and to help
us understand its impact on key areas of Employment First systems change activities within your agency. The survey
will also measure your agency’s progress in the development of key Employment First policy reforms and effective
practices. We will ask one representative from each of six key agencies in your state to fill out this survey. We
anticipate the survey will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Social Dynamics, LLC, in collaboration
with the Institute for Community Inclusion and Altarum Institute, are under contract with the Office of Disability
Employment Policy (ODEP) to conduct this survey.
Responses to this data collection are voluntary and will be used only for statistical purposes. Reports prepared for this
study will summarize findings across the entire CoP and will not associate responses with a specific state, or
individual. We will not provide information that identifies you or your, state, to anyone outside the study team, except
as required by law. Responses are intended to be anonymous; therefore, please do not include any person identifiers
(e.g., your name, address, etc.) in your response.

This survey has been approved under OMB Control Number 1230-XXXX. The approval is valid until XX/XX/XXXX. The Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 provides that persons cannot be required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB Control
Number. Your response is estimated to take about 15-20 minutes. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, 200
Constitution Ave., Room S-1303, Washington, DC 20210.




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 2

Respondent Information
*1.) At what agency are you employed? We recognize that names of state agencies vary from state to state. Please
choose the item that best represents your agency.
Department of Education (or similar)
Department of Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (or similar)
Medicaid or Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (or similar)
Department of Mental Health (or similar)
Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (or similar)
Department of Workforce Development (or similar)
Other (please specify):

*2.) How long have you worked at this agency?
More than 20 years
10 to 20 years
6 to 9 years
3 to 5 years
0 to 2 years

*3.) What is your job title?

*4.) How long have you held this position?
More than 20 years
10 to 20 years
6 to 9 years
3 to 5 years
0 to 2 years




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 3

Non-EFSLMP Provided Training and Technical Assistance
5.) Excluding ODEP’s EFSLMP Community of Practice, what additional agencies or organizations have you and your colleagues
working on your state’s Employment First efforts received technical assistance from in the last two years? (Select all that apply)
Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services
State Medicaid Infrastructure Grant
Money Follows the Person
Community First Choice Option
Balancing Incentives Program
Innovations Grant

Employment & Training Administration
Disability Employment Initiative
Other Federal Grant
Other Federal TA/Training Opportunity

Office of Special Education Programs
Federal Grant
Other Federal TA/Training Opportunity

Rehabilitation Services Administration
Technical Assistance & Continuing Education Centers for Vocational Rehabilitation (Regional TACE)
Other Federal Grant
Other Federal TA/Training Opportunity

State Employment Leadership Network (SELN)
State Employment Leadership Network (SELN)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Federal Grant
Other Federal TA/Training Opportunity

Other agencies or organizations
Other Federal Government Entity/Funding/Grant/TA
Local county government/public agencies
Private foundations and private non-profit agencies
National Trade Association/Professional Development Resources

Describe any other agency or organization not listed above from which you received training or technical assistance:

Describe any other agency or organization not listed above from which you received training or technical assistance:

Describe any other agency or organization not listed above from which you received training or technical assistance:



Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Describe any other agency or organization not listed above from which you received training or technical assistance:




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 4

Non-EFSLMP Provided Training and Technical Assistance
6.) Please indicate all the topics that you and your colleagues working on your state’s Employment First efforts received
Training and TA in the last two years from the sources you selected in question 5.
(Check all that apply)
Policy Development/Alignment/Implementation
Service Innovation/Delivery of Effective Practices
Strategic Planning
Funding Alignment/Reimbursement & Rate Restructuring
Leveraging of Public Resources across Systems (i.e. Braiding, blending, individual budgeting)
Data Collection/Outcomes & Performance Measurement
Professional Development, Training and Capacity Building
Stakeholder Engagement




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 5

ODEP - EFSLMP Community of Practice Training and Technical Assistance
*7.) Listed below are 12 features of the ODEP’s Community of Practice T&TA provided to CoP states. Please rate your level of
satisfaction for each of the T&TA characteristics.
*a.) Information presented during webinars:
*b.) Quality of speakers during webinars:
*c.) Level of interaction among participants:
*d.) Opportunities to ask questions and get


*e.) Frequency and duration of webinars:
*f.) Relevance of topics covered in monthly


*g.) Real-world examples from CoP states :
*h.) Quality of contacts made with other states


through participation in the CoP :
*i.) e-Policyworks systems :
*j.) Monthly CoP Electronic Bulletins:
*k.) Annual In-Person National EFSLMP CoP
meeting (held in November 2012):
*l.) Opportunities to provide feedback to Federal
policy-makers via participation in the CoP:






Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 6

Use of what learned through EFSLMP Community of Practice
8.) Below please indicate whether you have used what you have learned from participating in the CoP to influence your
state’s Employment First planning and implementation efforts.
(Please select No Opportunity if you have not participated in this specific activity in your state.)

Strategic Planning

As a result of participating in the EFSLMP CoP, have you used what you learned to:
*a.) develop measurable goals related to increased integrated employment of PWD in your planning efforts.


No Opportunity

*b.) use your state’s data to better inform your strategic plan with respect to employment of PWD.


No Opportunity

Policy Development & Operational Alignment

As a result of participating in the EFSLMP CoP, have you used what you learned to:
*c. influence your agency’s Employment First policy development.


No Opportunity

*d.) promote best practices related to integrated employment.


No Opportunity

Interagency Collaboration

As a result of participating in the EFSLMP CoP, have you used what you learned to:
*e.) initiate a regularly scheduled cross agency meeting around the topic of Employment First.


No Opportunity

*f.) initiate the development of an MOU/MOA to establish interagency collaboration


No Opportunity

*g.) share responsibilities and coordinate service delivery across systems


No Opportunity




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 7

Use of what learned through EFSLMP Community of Practice
Funding and Reimbursement

As a result of participating in the EFSLMP CoP, have you used what you learned to:
*h.) influence your agency’s agenda in the area of employment funding and service contracting.


No Opportunity

*i.) revise service definitions that support integrated employment.


No Opportunity

*j.) inform the restructuring of rates to encourage employment over other day service options.


No Opportunity

Outcomes and measures

As a result of participating in the EFSLMP CoP, have you used what you learned to:
*k.) promote data sharing between your agency and other agencies to better measure the collective performance
around employment for people with disabilities.


No Opportunity

*l.) develop changes for collecting individual and provider level outcome data (e.g., hours worked, wages,
work/employment setting) to assess progress toward employment.


No Opportunity




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey


OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx



Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Page 8

Your state agency's Employment First Progression and Development
9.) Listed below are six components of Employment First that have been topics of discussion during various CoP technical
assistance events. Please select the "stage of development/implementation" in your state agency for each of these components
using the following scale:
Not yet present
In its infancy (e.g., early conversations are happening)
Under development (e.g., beginning to formulate, conceptually planning, drafting language etc.)
in existence (e.g., approved, formalized, beginning to be operationalized)
Fully implemented (e.g., fully established, monitored with a focus on improvement, and used to guide policy
Status unknown
Then for each component, please indicate whether or not involvement in the CoP influenced the progression of the item (y/n).
Policy Development
*a.) A formal, written Employment First policy is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*b.) An executive order that promotes employment as the first option for individuals with disabilities is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*c.) A legislative change/bill that promotes employment as the first option for individuals with disabilities is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*d.) Employment First as a top priority of senior career and political leadership in my agency is….
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*e.) Operational policies that support integrated employment are…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*f.) Cross agency policies that increase access to integrated employment are…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*g.) Using data on disability service funding, outcomes, and trends to inform strategy and strategic planning is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*Overall, has participation in the CoP activities influenced your state's integrated employment policy developments?






Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 9

Your state agency's Employment First Progression and Development
Services and Service Innovations
*a.) Encouraging transition age students to choose employment or post secondary education over other options is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*b.) Using of “best practices” in promoting integrated employment (including person-centered career planning, job
carving, customized employment strategies, self-employment) is….
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*Overall, has participation in the CoP activities influenced your state's integrated employment services and service



Interagency Collaboration
*a.) Informal relationships focused on operationalizing aspects of our state’s Employment First efforts between multiple
agency levels including state, regional and provider agencies are…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*b.) Informal relationships with employers to support integrated employment are…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*c.) Formal interagency agreements that support integrated employment are…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*d.) Partnership among state agencies in the implementation of pilot or other initiatives related to integrated
employment is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*e.) Regularly scheduled state cross-agency meetings on Employment First are…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*Overall, has participation in the CoP activities influenced your state's integrated employment related interagency






Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 10

Your state agency's Employment First Progression and Development
Funding/ Reimbursement
*a.) Rate(s) and rate structures that encourage employment over other day service options are…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*b.) Service definitions that clearly define integrated employment and encourage providers to meet employmentrelated goals are…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*c.) Seamless coordination of funding between agencies is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

*Overall, has participation in the CoP activities influenced your state's integrated employment related
funding/reimbursement changes?



Performance Measurement

*a.) Measuring annual performance goals with clear benchmarks with respect to expanding integrated employment is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

b.) Data collected on individual employment outcomes (hours, wages, employment setting) is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*c.) Data sharing on employment outcomes with key stakeholders is...
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*d.) A statewide data collection system is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

*e.) One or more agencies developing shared outcomes standards for measuring performance across systems in
helping people with disabilities to obtain integrated employment is…
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*Overall, has participation in the CoP activities influenced your state's integrated employment related performance
measurement developments?



Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First



Capacity building to support Employment First
*a.) Agency supported training and technical assistance opportunities to direct support professionals on best practices
in the delivery of integrated employment services
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*b.) Agency specified minimum training requirements and qualifications
Not yet present

In its infancy

Under development

In existence

Fully implemented

Status Unknown

*Overall, has participation in the CoP activities influenced your state's integrated employment capacity building






Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Page 11

Section Six - Tell us about your state agency’s Employment First Progression and Development
10.) Please describe what you thought was most valuable in your experience with the EFSLMP CoP.

11.) Please provide recommendations for how you would improve the EFSLMP CoP in the future.




Survey Preview - ODEP Employment First

Employment First State Leadership
Mentoring Program Community of Practice Survey

OMB Control Number xxxxxxxx
Valid until xx/xx/xxxx

Thank you for taking the survey.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2014-02-04
File Created2013-09-16

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