REIS - Respondents to pilot study

Rural Establishment Innovation Survey (REIS) (Also Known as National Survey of Business Competitiveness)

Attachment B Final Cati Script.rtf

REIS - Respondents to pilot study

OMB: 0536-0071

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Current Phone: $N Phone: <PHONE>    Access Code:          Hello, this is (your name). I'm calling from Washington State University in Pullman, Washington.    I am calling you about a research study we are conducting for USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS).    May I speak to (Respondent's name)? We had contacted you earlier about completing this interview by phone, is now a good time?    (IWR: If asks what is this about, say:" We are studying the challenges businesses are facing in today's tough economy.    We want to understand the linkages of what keeps businesses thriving with available resources.    The results from this study will be used by USDA to enhance its programs aimed at making U.S. businesses more resilient. The results will also be shared with Congress and other Federal and State agencies that assist businesses and develop programs.")

Speaking to R 1 => /CELL

R not available / Set callback (GB, CB, HB) 2 => /INT01

Non contacts (AM, BC, BZ, ED, NA) 3 => /INT02

Refusals (R1, R2, R3, RP) 4 => /F10

Non-working numbers (CC, DS, MP, WN) 5 => /VERFY

Communication barrier (HC, LG) 6 => /INT03

Other codes (DD, DP, OT, RN) 7 => /INT04

Ineligibles (IE) 8 I => /INT05

Special project codes () 9 I => /INT99

Web/Mail codes 10 I => /INT98

17: CELL

First, for safety reasons, I need to ask if this is a cellular phone?            (IWR read only if necessary "By cellular telephone we mean a telephone that is mobile and usable outside of your neighborhood.")


si CELL=2

Yes 1

No 2 => CONFD

Refuse R => CONFD


To ensure your safety and the safety of others can you please tell me if you are currently driving a motor vehicle.      (If yes say: "Sorry to have bothered you, it is our policy to not conduct surveys with people while they are driving, regardless if they are using bluetooth technology. We will call you back at another time." Do not take time to set a call back.)

Yes 1 => /INT01

No 2 => CONFD

Refuse R => /REFUS


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0536-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.    YOUR RESPONSE IS VOLUNTARY.    The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection provisions in Public Law 107-347, your responses will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed in identifiable form.    By law, everyone working on this ERS survey is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both if he/she discloses any information that could identify any confidential survey response.    For quality purpose only, this interview may be monitored by my supervisor.    If I come to any question you would prefer not to answer, just let me know and I will skip over it.    Okay?

Continue with survey 1 => /Q01

No - Try refusal prevention 2 => /F10

Not a good time - Call back later 3 => /INT01

42: Q01

First, what is your job title?

43: Q02

Approximately what year did this business begin operating at this location?

$E 1900 2011

Don't know -8   

Refuse -9   

44: Q03

What is the main product or service at this business location?

Enter response 01 O

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

45: Q04

Does this business have ONLY ONE location or MORE THAN ONE location?

Only one location 01 => Q05A

More than one location 02

Don't know -8 => Q05A

Refuse -9 => Q05A

46: Q04A

Is this location the business's headquarters or is it a branch location?

Headquarters 01

Branch 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

47: Q05A

Please tell me how important each of the following factors are for locating this business in this community.    The first one is owner-ties to the area. Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

48: Q05B

The next one is availability of low-cost labor. Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

49: Q05C

(The next one is)          Available skilled labor pool.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

50: Q05D

(The next one is)          Access to transportation.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

51: Q05E

(The next one is)          Access to broadband or high speed internet.        (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

52: Q05F

(The next one is)          Access to material inputs.        (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

53: Q05G

(The next one is)          Access to customers.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

54: Q05H

(The next one is)          Government incentives.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

55: Q05I

(The next one is)          Low taxes.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

56: Q05J

The last one is          Strong or growing local economy.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for locating this business in this community?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

57: Q05AA

Please tell me how important each of the following factors are for making this community an attractive place to work.      The first one is    Opportunities for outdoor recreation.          Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for making this community an attractive place to work?

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

58: Q05AB

(Please tell me how important each of the following factors are for making this community an attractive place to work. )    The next one is        Scenic beauty    such as natural or architectural beauty.      Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for making this community an attractive place to work?

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

59: Q05AC

(Please tell me how important each of the following factors are for making this community an attractive place to work. )    (The next one is)          Climate.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for making this community an attractive place to work?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

60: Q05AD

(The next one is)          Access to arts and entertainment.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for making this community an attractive place to work?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

61: Q05AE

(The next one is)          Quality of local schools.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for making this community an attractive place to work?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

62: Q05AF

The last one is      Access to health care.          (Would you say this factor was not important, somewhat important, or very important for making this community an attractive place to work?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

63: Q06

What was the AVERAGE number of employees on YOUR PAYROLL in 2012, including all full-time and part-time workers?

$E 1 999999

Don't know -8       

Refuse -9       

64: Q06A

The next questions are about this business at this location.    Were there workers at this business NOT ON YOUR PAYROLL in 2012, such as independent contractor(s) or temporary workers?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q07A

Don't know -8 => Q07A

Refuse -9 => Q07A

65: Q06B

What was the average number of such workers at this location in 2012? (We are referring to workers not on your payroll)

$E 1 999999

Don't know -8       

Refuse -9       


=> Q07A

sinon => INT30

si Q06>4

67: INT30

Thank you for your time, but we are currently only interviewing businesses with 5 or more employees.

Ineligible - Less than 5 employees I5 => /END

68: Q07A

During the past 12 months, did this business offer a health insurance option for any employees?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

69: Q07B

During the past 12 months, did this business offer a retirement plan?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

70: Q07C

(During the past 12 months, did this business)          Pay for employee education, professional development or training?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

71: Q07D

(During the past 12 months, did this business)          Offer paid maternity, paternity, or family leave?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

72: Q07E

(During the past 12 months, did this business)          Have an employee-ownership plan?            (IWR Definition:    Profit sharing or company stock)

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

73: Q07F

(During the past 12 months, did this business)          Offer paid time off in order for employees to volunteer?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

74: Q08A

How many employees are managers at this location?                (IWR Definition:    Managers are workers who direct or oversee operations.)

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

75: Q08B

How many employees are professionals (at this location)?                    (IWR Definition:    Professionals are workers who receive a license or credential such as engineers, or accountants.)

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

76: Q09

In the following questions, workforce is defined as all employees aside from managers and professionals.    For 2012, what is your best estimate of the average hourly wage for your non-salaried workers at this location?

$R 1.00 999.99

No non-salaried workers -6       

Don't know -8       

Refuse -9       

77: Q10AP

In 2012, at this location, what percent of employees were in the occupational category of      Management and professional?        (IWR Note if respondent indicates they would prefer to answer in numbers choose -5 and you will skip to this same series of questions asking numbers rather than percent.)

$E 0 100

R prefers to answer in numbers -5 => Q10AN

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

78: Q10BP

(In 2012, at this location,)      What percent of employees were in the occupational category of      Services?          (IWR Note if respondent indicates they would prefer to answer in numbers choose -5 and you will skip to this same series of questions asking numbers rather than percent.)

$E 0 100

R prefers to answer in numbers -5 => Q10AN

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

79: Q10CP

(In 2012, at this location,)      (what percent of employees were in the occupational category of)    The next one is    Sales and office support?    (IWR Note if respondent indicates they would prefer to answer in numbers choose -5 and you will skip to this same series of questions asking numbers rather than percent.)

$E 0 100

R prefers to answer in numbers -5 => Q10AN

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

80: Q10DP

(In 2012, at this location,)      (what percent of employees were in the occupational category of)    (The next one is)    Natural resources, construction, and maintenance?

$E 0 100

R prefers to answer in numbers -5 => Q10AN

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

81: Q10EP

(In 2012, at this location,)      (what percent of employees were in the occupational category of)    The last one is    Production, transportation, and material moving?

$E 0 100

R prefers to answer in numbers -5 => Q10AN

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

82: Q10AN

In 2012, at this location, how many employees were in the occupational category of      Management and professional?

$E 1 999999

Don't know -8       

Refuse -9       

83: Q10BN

(In 2012, at this location,)      How many employees were in the occupational category of      Services?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

84: Q10CN

(In 2012, at this location,)      (how many employees were in the occupational category of)    The next one is    Sales and office support?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

85: Q10DN

(In 2012, at this location,)      (how many employees were in the occupational category of)    (The next one is)    Natural resources, construction, and maintenance?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

86: Q10EN

(In 2012, at this location,)      (how many employees were in the occupational category of)    The last one is    Production, transportation, and material moving?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

87: Q10A

In 2012, what was the minimum educational level needed for the occupational category of management and professional.        Was it . . .

Less than high school or no specific education 01

At least HS diploma or GED 02

At least Assoc degree/vocational certification 03

At least four-year college degree 04

More than four-year college degree 05

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

88: Q10B

(In 2012,)      What was the minimum educational level needed for the occupational category of services?      Was it . .

Less than high school or no specific education 01

At least HS diploma or GED 02

At least Assoc degree/vocational certification 03

At least four-year college degree 04

More than four-year college degree 05

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

89: Q10C

(In 2012, what was the minimum educational level needed for the occupational category of)    The next one is    Sales and office support.      (Was it...)

Less than high school or no specific education 01

At least HS diploma or GED 02

At least Assoc degree/vocational certification 03

At least four-year college degree 04

More than four-year college degree 05

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

90: Q10D

(In 2012, what was the minimum educational level needed for the occupational category of)    (The next one is)    Natural resources, construction, and maintenance.    (Was it...)

Less than high school or no specific education 01

At least HS diploma or GED 02

At least Assoc degree/vocational certification 03

At least four-year college degree 04

More than four-year college degree 05

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

91: Q10E

(In 2012, what was the minimum educational level needed for the occupational category of)    The last one is    Production, transportation, and material moving.    (Was it...)

Less than high school or no specific education 01

At least HS diploma or GED 02

At least Assoc degree/vocational certification 03

At least four-year college degree 04

More than four-year college degree 05

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

92: Q11

Is any part of the workforce unionized or covered by a collective bargaining agreement?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

93: Q12

In the last 3 years, has finding qualified applicants for your workforce, not including managers and professionals, been very difficult, somewhat difficult, or not difficult?

Very difficult 01

Somewhat difficult 02

Not difficult 03 => Q13

Don't know -8 => Q13

Refuse -9 => Q13

94: Q12A

Why has it been difficult to find qualified applicants for your workforce?      Is this due to the quality of the labor pool?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

95: Q12B

(Why has it been difficult to find qualified applicants for your workforce?)          Is this due to increases in required skills and knowledge?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

96: Q12C

(Is this due to an)          Insufficient number of workers available locally?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

97: Q12D

(Is this due to)    Limited interest among job seekers for openings at this business?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

98: Q13

Does this business have written position descriptions?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q14A

Don't know -8 => Q14A

Refuse -9 => Q14A

99: Q13A

Are training requirements documented in those position descriptions?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q14A

Don't know -8 => Q14A

Refuse -9 => Q14A

100: Q13B

Does this business track whether employees complete or if they have already completed these training requirements?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

101: Q14A

Please tell me if the following technologies are currently used at this business.    Does this business currently use personal computers or laptops, not including smart phones?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q17A

Don't know -8 => Q17A

Refuse -9 => Q17A

102: Q14B

Does this business use broadband or high speed internet?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

103: Q14C

Does this business use the Internet for sales of products or services (also known as e-commerce)?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

104: Q14D

Are supplies purchased over the Internet (also known as e-procurement)?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

105: Q14E

Is this business currently using web advertising?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

106: Q14F

Does this business market by direct email?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

107: Q14G

Does this business currently use social media, such as LinkedIn or Facebook?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

108: Q14H

Does this business issue smart phones to (any) employees?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

109: Q14I

Does this business use RFID readers or optical scanners (such as hand held scanners)?      (IWR: RFID is read as R-F-I-D)

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

110: Q14J

Does this business use computer software specifically designed for your business or industry?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

111: Q14K

Does this business use an integrated enterprise resource planning system, such as SAP or Microsoft Dynamics?          (IWR Prompt: SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, or Oracle Applications include functions for accounting, logistics, human resources, and/or sales management, along with other functions).

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

112: Q14L

Does this business use a stand alone supply chain, logistics management software?          (IWR: standalone means software that is used independently of other software to provide a specific set of services.)

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

113: Q14M

Does this business use a stand alone customer relationship management software?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

114: Q15

What percent of this business's sale of products or services comes from the internet?

$E 0 100

=> +1

si Q14C<>01

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

115: Q16

What percent of your workforce, not including managers and professionals, use computers on a daily basis?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

116: Q17A

Next we would like to ask about factors that may limit a business's use of information and communications technology. Has the cost of equipment and software limited this business's use of technologies?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

117: Q17B

Has the cost of information and communications services limited this business's use of technology?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

118: Q17C

(Has the)          Lack of access to adequate broadband or high speed internet?          (limited this business's use of technology?)

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

119: Q17D

(Has the)          Lack of knowledge?          (Limited this business's use of technology?)

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

120: Q17E

Does this business have difficulty integrating new technologies into the current way you do business?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

121: Q18A

Next we would like to know the main sources businesses' use to learn about new opportunities or ways of doing things. How valuable are your SUPPLIERS as a source of new information? Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

122: Q18B

How valuable are your CUSTOMERS as a source of new information? Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

123: Q18C

(How valuable are)          Other business people in your industry (as a source of new information)?          (Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?)

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

124: Q18D

(How valuable are)          Other business people NOT in your industry (as a source of new information)?          (Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?)

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

125: Q18E

(How valuable are)          Business or trade association conferences or publications (as a source of new information)?          (Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?)

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

126: Q18F

(How valuable are)          Your own employees (as a source of new information)?          (Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?)

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

127: Q18G

(How valuable is)          Media?        (such as newspapers, television, and internet (as a source of new information)? (Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?)

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

128: Q18H

(How valuable are)          Private consultants (as a source of new information)?          (Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?)

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

129: Q18I

(How valuable are)          University extension, community colleges, or business schools (as a source of new information)?        (Would you say not at all valuable, somewhat valuable or very valuable?)

Not at all valuable 01

Somewhat valuable 02

Very valuable 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

130: Q19A

Are your suppliers that are your most valuable sources of information, located in your community, outside of your community within a reasonable drive, or beyond a reasonable drive?

=> +1

si Q18A<>3

In your community 01

Outside community within a reasonable drive 02

Beyond a reasonable drive 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

131: Q19B

Are your customers that are your most valuable sources of information, located in your community, outside of your community within a reasonable drive, or beyond a reasonable drive?

=> +1

si Q18B<>3

In your community 01

Outside community within a reasonable drive 02

Beyond a reasonable drive 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

132: Q19C

Are other business people in your industry that are your most valuable sources of information, located in your community, outside of your community within a reasonable drive, or beyond a reasonable drive?

=> +1

si Q18C<>3

In your community 01

Outside community within a reasonable drive 02

Beyond a reasonable drive 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

133: Q19D

Are other business people not in your industry that are your most valuable sources of information, located in your community, outside of your community within a reasonable drive, or beyond a reasonable drive?

=> +1

si Q18D<>3

In your community 01

Outside community within a reasonable drive 02

Beyond a reasonable drive 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

134: Q20A

Approximately what percent of 2012 final shipments or billed services went to local customers that are within a reasonable drive of this business?

$E 0 100

No sales in 2012 -6 => Q21

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

135: Q20B

Approximately what percent of 2012 final shipments or billed services went to customers who are within the rest of the United States beyond a reasonable drive    (not including those within a reasonable drive)?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

136: Q20C

Approximately what percent of 2012 final shipments or billed services went to international customers?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

137: Q20SU

Sums Q20A-Q20C

=> *

si SMR(0,Q20A,Q20B,Q20C)

138: Q20CH

I'm sorry, but those percentages do not add up to 100%    These are the numbers I have:    <Q20A>% went to local customers within a reasonable drive <Q20B>% went to customers in the rest of the United States and    <Q20C>% went to international customers. Totaling <Q20SU>%    Are there any of those you would like to change?

=> +1

si (Q20SU==100)

Changes % to local customers 01 => /Q20A

Changes % to U.S. customers 02 => /Q20B

Changes % to international customers 03 => /Q20C

Go with the numbers given 04

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

139: Q21

Was this location in business in 2007?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q22A

Don't know -8 => Q22A

Refuse -9 => Q22A

140: Q21A

What is your best guess of the percent of 2007 final shipments or billed services that went to local customers, within a reasonable drive of this location?

$E 0 100

No sales in 2007 -6 => Q22A

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

141: Q21B

What is your best guess of the percent of 2007 final shipments or billed services that went to customers who are within the rest of the United States beyond a reasonable drive    (not including those within a reasonable drive)?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

142: Q21C

What is your best guess of the percent of 2007 final shipments or billed services that went to international customers?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

143: Q21SU

Sums Q21A-Q21C

=> *

si SMR(0,Q21A,Q21B,Q21C)

144: Q21CH

I'm sorry, but those percentages do not add up to 100%    These are the numbers I have:    <Q21A>% went to local customers within a reasonable drive <Q21B>% went to customers in the rest of the United States and    <Q21C>% went to international customers. Totaling <Q21SU>%    Are there any of those you would like to change?

=> +1

si (Q21SU==100)

Changes % to local customers 01 => /Q21A

Changes % to U.S. customers 02 => /Q21B

Changes % to international customers 03 => /Q21C

Go with the numbers given 04

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

145: Q22A

In 2012 what percent of goods and services sold by this business were sold to other businesses?

$E 0 100

No sales in 2012 -6 => Q23

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

146: Q22B

In 2012 what percent of goods and services sold by your business were sold to government?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

147: Q22C

In 2012 what percent of goods and services sold by your business were sold to individuals?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

148: Q23

Is the CURRENT market for your products or services growing, stable, declining, mixed (that is some are declining and others are growing), or are you uncertain?

Growing 01

Stable 02

Declining 03

Mixed 04

Uncertain 05

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

149: Q24

Does this business require employees to DOCUMENT good work practices and lessons learned?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

150: Q25

How often does this business monitor customer satisfaction through analysis of complaints, customer satisfaction surveys, focus groups, or other methods? Would you say never, occasionally or regularly?

Never 01

Occasionally 02

Regularly 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

151: Q26

How often are processes changed to fix problems identified through customer complaints? Would you say never, occasionally or regularly?

Never 01

Occasionally 02

Regularly 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

152: Q27A

Next I am going to ask about any new services and methods that your business might have introduced in the last 3 years.      In the last 3 years did this business produce any new or significantly improved goods (or products)?

Yes 01

No 02

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

153: Q27B

In the last 3 years did this business provide any new or significantly improved SERVICES?

Yes 01

No 02

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

154: Q27C

(In the last 3 years did this business introduce)          New or significantly improved methods of manufacturing or producing goods or services?

Yes 01

No 02

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

155: Q27D

(In the last 3 years did this business introduce )          New or significantly improved logistics, delivery, or distribution methods for your inputs, goods, or services?

Yes 01

No 02

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

156: Q27E

(In the last 3 years did this business introduce )          New or significantly improved support activities for your processes?

Yes 01

No 02

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

157: Q27F

(In the last 3 years did this business introduce )          New or significant improvements in your marketing methods?

Yes 01

No 02

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

158: Q28A

In the last 3 years did this business have any improvement or innovation activities that were abandoned?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

159: Q28B

In the last 3 years did this business have any improvement or innovation activities that were incomplete?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

160: Q29SK

(Programmer; if all of the Q27A through Q27F are no, dk, rf AND Q28a=2,D,R and Q28b=2,D,R, ask go to Q29A    else go to Q30A)

=> Q30A

sinon => Q29A

si Q27A=01 OR Q27B=01 OR Q27C=01 OR Q27D=01 OR Q27E=01 OR Q27F=01 OR Q28A=01 OR Q28B=01

161: Q29A

Please tell us why improvement or innovation activities been not been necessary or possible for this business?

Enter response 01 O => Q35A

Not applicable -7 => Q35A

Don't know -8 => Q35A

Refuse -9 => Q35A

162: Q30A

Now I am going to read a list of improvements you may have made to any new or significantly improved GOODS or SERVICES sold by this business in 2012.    In 2012, did this business sell any new or significantly improved GOODS OR SERVICES with improved performance?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

163: Q30B

In 2012, did this business sell any new or significantly improved GOODS OR SERVICES that were more user-friendly?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

164: Q30C

(In 2012, did this business sell any new or significantly improved GOODS OR SERVICES that)          Reduced costs?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

165: Q30D

(In 2012, did this business sell any new or significantly improved GOODS OR SERVICES with)          New features?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

166: Q30E

(In 2012, did this business sell any new or significantly improved GOODS OR SERVICES with)          New service capabilities?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

167: Q31

In last three years, did this business start selling any new or significantly improved goods or services BEFORE your competitors in at least one of your markets? (Please include all products even if it was available in another market.)

Yes 01

No 02

Uncertain 03

Refuse -9

168: Q32

In 2012, what percent of this business's SALES came from new or significantly improved GOODS OR SERVICES?

$E 0 100

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

169: Q33A

In the last 3 years, did this business engage in any of the following innovation-related activities? The first one is in-house research and development, to increase knowledge or devise innovations?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

170: Q33B

In the last 3 years did this business purchase research and development from research organizations or other branches of this business?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

171: Q33C

In the last 3 years did this business conduct in-house design activities (to improve aesthetics of product or a product's packaging)?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

172: Q33D

(In the last 3 years did this business)          Purchase design services?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

173: Q33E

(In the last 3 years did this business)          Purchase machinery, equipment, computers or software to implement innovations?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

174: Q33F

(In the last 3 years did this business)        Purchase or license patents or inventions to implement innovations?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

175: Q33G

(In the last 3 years did this business)          Purchase knowledge or expertise to implement innovations?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

176: Q33H

(In the last 3 years did this business)          Plan, engineer, design, or conduct development work to implement innovations?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

177: Q33I

(In the last 3 years did this business)          Train staff to develop or introduce innovations?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

178: Q33J

(In the last 3 years did this business conduct)          Market research, advertising, or other marketing activities linked to implementing innovations?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

179: Q34A

In the current environment, if excess cash were available how likely would this business provide additional training of employees? Would you say not at all likely, probably, or most definitely?

Not at all likely 01

Probably 02

Most definitely 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

180: Q34B

(In the current environment, if excess case were available)          How likely would this business repay debt? Would you say not at all likely, probably, or most definitely?

Not at all likely 01

Probably 02

Most definitely 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

181: Q34C

(In the current environment, if excess case were available)          How likely would this business provide a reserve or cushion? Would you say not at all likely, probably, or most definitely?

Not at all likely 01

Probably 02

Most definitely 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

182: Q34D

(In the current environment, if excess case were available)          How likely would this business fund additional innovation projects? Would you say not at all likely, probably, or most definitely?

Not at all likely 01

Probably 02

Most definitely 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

183: Q34E

(In the current environment, if excess case were available)          How likely would this business fund additional investment projects such as replacing old equipment or for expansion? Would you say not at all likely, probably, or most definitely?

Not at all likely 01

Probably 02

Most definitely 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

184: Q35A

Please tell me if this business produces products or provides services in any of the following five green sectors. Does this business produce renewable energy?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

185: Q35B

Does this business increase energy efficiency?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

186: Q35C

(Does this business)      Conserve natural resources?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

187: Q35D

(Does this business)      Prevent, reduce or clean up pollution?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

188: Q35E

(Does this business)      Produce clean transportation fuels?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

189: Q36

In the last 3 years did this business participate in any patent applications?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q37A

Don't know -8 => Q37A

Refuse -9 => Q37A

190: Q36A

In the last 3 years how many patent applications did this business participate in?

$E 1 99

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

191: Q36B

In the last 3 years how many patent applications were successful?

$E 1 99

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

192: Q37A

In the last 3 years did this business register an industrial design?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

193: Q37B

In the last 3 years did this business      register a trademark?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

194: Q37C

(In the last 3 years did this business)      Produce materials eligible for copyright?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

195: Q37D

In the last 3 years did this business)      Use trade secret protections?        (DEF: "Trade secret protections such as non-disclosure agreements, or non-compete clause or sought remedies for misappropriation")

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

196: Q38

During the economic recession period between 2008 and 2009, to what extent did this business commit resources to innovate? Would you say this business increased resources for innovation activities, there was no change in innovation resources, or was there a delay or decrease in resources for innovation?

Increase resources for innovation activities 01

There was no change in innovation resources 02

Decrease resources for innovation 03

Not applicable, e.g. not in business at that time 04

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

197: Q39

Compared to 2012, in this current year (2013) would you say resources for innovations at this business have been increased, kept the same or decreased?    (NOTE: If the project does not start until 2013 this wording will be incorrect.)

Increased 01

Kept the same 02

Decreased 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

198: Q40A

Over the last 3 years has this business increased the variety of goods or services it has offered?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

199: Q40B

Over the last 3 years has this business increased their market share or entered new markets?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

200: Q40C

(Over the last 3 years has this business)          Begun exporting goods or services?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

201: Q40D

(Over the last 3 years has this business)          Reduced time to respond to customer needs?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

202: Q40E

(Over the last 3 years has this business)          Improved flexibility of production or service provision?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

203: Q40F

(Over the last 3 years has this business)          Increased capacity of production or service provision?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

204: Q40G

(Over the last 3 years has this business)          Reduced labor costs per unit output?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

205: Q40H

(Over the last 3 years has this business)          Reduced materials and energy required per unit output?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

206: Q40I

(Over the last 3 years has this business)          Improved employee satisfaction or reduced worker turnover?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

207: Q41A

Next we would like to ask about factors related to this business's location. For each one please tell us whether it is NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business's ability to compete.      The first one is zoning or development regulations.    Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

208: Q41B

The next one is vitality of local economy.      (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

209: Q41C

(The next one is)          Access to financial, legal, and other business services.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

210: Q41D

(The next one is)          Access to equipment and software suppliers.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

211: Q41E

(The next one is)          Access to training courses.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

212: Q41F

(The next one is)          Access to transportation or freight forwarding facilities and services.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

213: Q41G

(The next one is)          Availability of broadband or high speed internet.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

214: Q41H

(The next one is)          Local availability of mobile or cellular service.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

215: Q41I

(The next one is)          Local roads and bridges.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

216: Q41J

(The next one is)          Cost of facilities and land.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

217: Q41K

(The next one is)          Attractiveness of area to managers and professionals.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

218: Q41L

(The next one is)          Quality of primary and secondary schools.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

219: Q41M

(The next one is)          Environmental regulations.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

220: Q41N

(The next one is)          State and local tax rate.          (Is this NOT A PROBLEM, A MINOR PROBLEM, or A MAJOR PROBLEM for this business?)

Not a problem 01

A minor problem 02

A major problem 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

221: Q42A1

Please tell me how involved in promoting business are the following institutions in your community. The first one is development effort by the local government at the village, town or city level.    Is it not at all active or not present,    somewhat active, or very active within your community?

Not at all active or not present 01

Somewhat active 02

Very active 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

222: Q42A2

The next one is development effort by the local government at the county level.    Is it not at all active or not present,    somewhat active, or very active within your community?

Not at all active or not present 01

Somewhat active 02

Very active 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

223: Q42A3

(The next one is development effort by the local government at the)          Regional or multi-county level.        (Is it not at all active or not present,    somewhat active, or very active within your community?)

Not at all active or not present 01

Somewhat active 02

Very active 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

224: Q42B

(The next one is development effort by)          Business associations (such as the Chamber of Commerce).      (Is it not at all active or not present,    somewhat active, or very active within your community?)

Not at all active or not present 01

Somewhat active 02

Very active 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

225: Q42C

(The next one is)          College, university or extension support for local business.      (Is it not at all active or not present,    somewhat active, or very active within your community?)

Not at all active or not present 01

Somewhat active 02

Very active 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

226: Q42D

(The next one is)        Community foundations or nonprofit organizations.        (Is it not at all active or not present,    somewhat active, or very active within your community?)

Not at all active or not present 01

Somewhat active 02

Very active 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

227: Q42E

(The next one is)          Local investors.        (Is it not at all active or not present,    somewhat active, or very active within your community?)

Not at all active or not present 01

Somewhat active 02

Very active 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

228: Q42F

The last one is          Banks.        (Is it not at all active or not present,    somewhat active, or very active within your community?)

Not at all active or not present 01

Somewhat active 02

Very active 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

229: Q42AA

How much civic leadership does THIS business provide in the community is it none, some, or a lot?

None 01

Some 02

A lot 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

230: Q43

Do you have a good understanding of the decisions that led to the founding of this business?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44A

Don't know -8 => Q44A

Refuse -9 => Q44A

231: Q43A

Was the business originally founded around a new or customized product or service that was created by one of the founders of the business?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44A

Don't know -8 => Q44A

Refuse -9 => Q44A

232: Q43B

Thinking about this new or customized product or service, why was it originally developed? Was it because one of the founders created it for personal use, one of the founders created it for use at a previous job or business, or one of the founders identified a business opportunity?

One of the founders created it for personal use 01

One of the founders created it for use at a previous job or business 02

One of the founders identified a business opportunity 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

233: Q44A

The final section of the survey is to assess which types of government-sponsored programs are the most helpful to businesses.    In the last 3 years has this business used direct loans from a government agency (such as a USDA B&I Direct Loan)?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44B

Don't know -8 => Q44B

Refuse -9 => Q44B

234: Q44A1

How important were direct loans from government agencies?    Was this program not important, somewhat important, or very important?

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

235: Q44B

In the last 3 years has this business used government insurance or guarantee for loans?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44C

Don't know -8 => Q44C

Refuse -9 => Q44C

236: Q44B1

(The next one is) How important were government insurance or guarantee for loans?    Was this program not important, somewhat important, or very important?

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

237: Q44C

In the last 3 years has this business used revolving loan funds run by a nonprofit or government organization?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44D

Don't know -8 => Q44D

Refuse -9 => Q44D

238: Q44C1

(The next one is)          How important were revolving loan funds run by a nonprofit or government organization?            (Was this program not important, somewhat important, or very important?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

239: Q44D

In the last 3 years has this business used tax incentives by state or local government, including enterprise zones, urban revitalization areas, or Tax Increment Financing Districts?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44E

Don't know -8 => Q44E

Refuse -9 => Q44E

240: Q44D1

(The next one is)          How important were tax incentives by state or local government, including enterprise zones, urban revitalization areas, or Tax Increment Financing Districts?            (Was this program not important, somewhat important, or very important?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

241: Q44E

In the last 3 years has this business used government-assisted industrial parks or business incubators?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44F

Don't know -8 => Q44F

Refuse -9 => Q44F

242: Q44E1

(The next one is)          How important were government-assisted industrial parks or business incubators?            (Was this program not important, somewhat important, or very important?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

243: Q44F

In the last 3 years has this business used government-funded technology assistance programs?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44G

Don't know -8 => Q44G

Refuse -9 => Q44G

244: Q44F1

(The next one is)          How important were government-funded technology assistance programs?            (Was this program not important, somewhat important, or very important?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

245: Q44G

In the last 3 years has this business used government-assisted worker-training programs?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q44H

Don't know -8 => Q44H

Refuse -9 => Q44H

246: Q44G1

(The next one is)          How important were government-assisted worker-training programs?            (Was this program not important, somewhat important, or very important?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

247: Q44H

In the last 3 years has this business used National Innovation Marketplace?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45A

Don't know -8 => Q45A

Refuse -9 => Q45A

248: Q44H1

(The next one is)          How important was the National Innovation Marketplace?            (Was this program not important, somewhat important, or very important?)

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

249: Q45

Did this business try to borrow money for any purpose over the past three years?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q47

Don't know -8 => Q47

Refuse -9 => Q47

250: Q45A

Did this business try to borrow money for any purpose over the past three years from a commercial bank?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45B

Don't know -8 => Q45B

Refuse -9 => Q45B

251: Q45A1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from the commercial bank?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

252: Q45B

Did this business try to borrow money for any purpose over the past three years from a savings and loan or credit union?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45C

Don't know -8 => Q45C

Refuse -9 => Q45C

253: Q45B1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from the savings and loan or credit union?

Not important 01

Somewhat important 02

Very important 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

254: Q45C

(The next one is)          Finance or leasing company?    (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45D

Don't know -8 => Q45D

Refuse -9 => Q45D

255: Q45C1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from the finance or leasing company?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

256: Q45D

(The next one is)          Insurance or mortgage company?        (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45E

Don't know -8 => Q45E

Refuse -9 => Q45E

257: Q45D1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from the insurance or mortgage company?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

258: Q45E

(The next one is)          Family or friends?    (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45F

Don't know -8 => Q45F

Refuse -9 => Q45F

259: Q45E1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from family or friends?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

260: Q45F

(The next one is)          Federal, state or local government?      (Did this business try    to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45G

Don't know -8 => Q45G

Refuse -9 => Q45G

261: Q45F1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from a federal, state or local government?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

262: Q45G

(The next one is)          Credit or advance from a customer?        (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45H

Don't know -8 => Q45H

Refuse -9 => Q45H

263: Q45G1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from a credit or advance from a customer?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

264: Q45H

(The next one is)          Angel capital funding?        (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45I

Don't know -8 => Q45I

Refuse -9 => Q45I

265: Q45H1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from angel capital funding?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

266: Q45I

(The next one is)          Venture capital funding?        (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45J

Don't know -8 => Q45J

Refuse -9 => Q45J

267: Q45I1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from venture capital funding?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

268: Q45J

(The next one is)          Personal sources of funds, other than personal credit cards?        (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45K

Don't know -8 => Q45K

Refuse -9 => Q45K

269: Q45J1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from personal sources of funds, other than personal credit cards?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

270: Q45K

(The next one is)          Personal home equity loan?        (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45L

Don't know -8 => Q45L

Refuse -9 => Q45L

271: Q45K1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from a personal home equity loan?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

272: Q45L

(The next one is)          Other personal loan?        (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02 => Q45M

Don't know -8 => Q45M

Refuse -9 => Q45M

273: Q45L1

Did this business receive all, some, or none of the funding applied for from some other personal loan?

All 01

Some 02

None 03

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

274: Q45M

(The next one is)          Personal credit card?        (Did this business try to borrow money from this source for any purpose over the past three years?)

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

275: Q46A

How were the funds this business borrowed or wanted to borrow to be used? Were they for cash flow or operating costs?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

276: Q46B

(How were the funds this business borrowed or attempted to borrow to be used?)        Were they for real estate or structures?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

277: Q46C

(How were the funds this business borrowed or attempted to borrow to be used?)        Were they for replacement of old industrial plant location, equipment or vehicles?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

278: Q46D

(How were the funds this business borrowed or attempted to borrow to be used?)        Were they for investment in additional plant, equipment or vehicles?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

279: Q46E

(How were the funds this business borrowed or attempted to borrow to be used?)      Were they for repayment of debt?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

280: Q46F

(How were the funds this business borrowed or attempted to borrow to be used?)        Were they for a reserve or cushion?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

281: Q46G

(How were the funds this business borrowed or attempted to borrow to be used?)        Were they for inventory?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

282: Q46H

(How were the funds this business borrowed or attempted to borrow to be used?)        Were they for funding innovation projects?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

283: Q46I

(How were the funds this business borrowed or attempted to borrow to be used?)        Were they for investment in intangible assets such as branding, training, or design?

Yes 01

No 02

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

284: Q47

Over the past 3 years, were business profits (retained earnings) used to finance the business?

Yes 01

No 02 => Q48

Don't know -8 => Q48

Refuse -9 => Q48

285: Q47A

Compared with borrowed funds, how important were business profits for funding investment?    Would you say more important, less important or equally important?

More important 01

Less important 02

Equally important 03

Not applicable -7

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

286: Q48

Which of the following best describes your current position? Mid level manager, senior manager, executive or owner, or other?

Mid level manager 01

Senior manager 02

Executive/owner 03

Other (Please describe) 04 O

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

287: Q49

Which best describes your familiarity with how innovation is carried out in this business? Would you say you are not familiar, slightly familiar, moderately familiar, strongly familiar, or completely familiar?

Not familiar 01

Slightly familiar 02

Moderately familiar 03

Strongly familiar 04

Completely familiar 05

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

288: Q50

(What is your gender?)          (IWR: Only ask if necessary.)

Male 01

Female 02

Refuse -9

289: Q51

How long have you been employed at this business?

$E 1 99

Don't know -8

Refuse -9

290: THX

That is my last question.    Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today. If you have any additional comments about this survey or innovation in general, I can note them now.

Yes, comments 01 O

No comments 02

File Typetext/rtf
AuthorYi-Jen Wang
Last Modified By%USERNAME%
File Modified2012-12-07
File Created2012-12-06

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