NOAA NOS National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Hollings Marine Laboratory
Social Values of NERR and NMS Survey
OMB Control Number 0648-XXXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/201X
Hello. We are interested in learning about how you value the <site name> and its natural resources. Your participation is voluntary and will be kept strictly confidential. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The survey has been approved by the College of Charleston Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Research Participants. IRB Approval Code: XXXX2013
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions and completing both the mapping component and survey. All of the information you provide will be considered private and will be treated as confidential and protected by the NOAA National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean consistent with NOAA standards for confidentiality, privacy, and electronic information. Any information provided will be accessible only by those in need of such information. Only group averages or group totals will be presented in any reports, publications, or presentations of the study's results. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to Susan Lovelace, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Hollings Marine Laboratory 331 Ft. Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412 USA
Section 1. Participation
First, can you please tell us the ZIP code that you live in? _____________
How many years have you lived in or nearby this location? ___________
Do you consider yourself _____seasonal resident _____ permanent resident (please check one)
Have you ever visited the <site name> or areas nearby?
_____Yes _____No _____ Unsure/don’t know
If you answered yes or unsure to question 4, about how often?
_____every day
_____several times to once a week
_____several times to once a month
_____several times a year to once a year
_____less than once a year
Section 2. Conditions of <site name>
Below we ask for your opinion of the change in conditions at the <site name> while you have lived in the area. The possible responses range from “Large Increase” to “Large Decrease.” You may also respond with “Unsure or Don’t Know.”
Large Increase |
Increase |
Neutral |
Decrease |
Large Decrease |
Unsure or Don’t Know |
shellfish habitat |
fish to catch |
Blue crab habitat |
seagrass habitat |
shoreline erosion |
birds and wildlife |
public access to land and water resources |
frequency of adverse conditions (i.e. red tides, algal blooms, jellyfish) |
Section 3. Place Attachment
Below are several questions about your use of the <site name> and the role it plays in the life of your family and your community. The possible responses range from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” You may also respond with “Unsure or Don’t Know.” Please select the response that best represents your opinion of the statement.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Unsure or Don't Know |
The <site name> is the best place to satisfy my outdoor recreation needs |
The <site name> represents a way of life in my community |
The <site name> is important for providing habitat for fish and other wildlife |
I am very attached to the <site name> |
I get more satisfaction out of visiting the <site name> than any other place: |
My community's economy depends on the natural resources of the <site name> |
The <site name> contributes to the character of my community |
Section 4. Values
The <site name> holds different values for each person. We would like to know how important each of the following value types are to you when you think about the <site name>. Later, we will ask you to mark places that you value on the map.
Imagine that you could “spend” 100 pennies to ensure that the <site name> is able to preserve or develop the characteristics that you most value. You may allocate or “spend” the 100 pennies in any way you like, but your total spending may not exceed 100. You might “spend” all 100 pennies on one value (and 0 on all others), or you might “spend” 50 pennies on one value, 25 on another value, and 25 on yet another value. Remember, the total pennies you “spend” should equal 100. (The use of money for this exercise is not made to actual money, your own or an agency’s budget but just a convenient way to compare your choices). Begin by looking over all of the value types, and then decide what value each has for you.
$____ Aesthetic (A) — I value the <site name> because I enjoy the beauty, sights, sounds, and smells.
$____ Biodiversity (B) — I value the <site name> because it provides a variety of fish, wildlife, plant life, etc.
$____ Economic (E) — I value the <site name> because it provides timber, fisheries, minerals, and/or tourism opportunities such as outfitting and guiding.
$ Legacy (Lg) — I value the <site name> because it allows future generations to know and experience the area for its contribution to wisdom, knowledge, traditions and way of life.
$____ In and of Itself (I) — I value the <site name> in and of itself, whether people are present or not.
$____ Learning (L) — I value the <site name> because we can learn about the environment through scientific research and education.
$____ Human Needs (H) — I value the <site name> because it helps produce, preserve, clean, and renew air, soil, water and food.
$____ Recreation (R) — I value the <site name> because it provides a place for my favorite outdoor recreation activities.
$_____Spiritual (S) — I value the <site name> because there are sacred, religious, or spiritually special places for me or because I feel reverence and respect for nature there.
$ Therapeutic (T) — I value the <site name> because it makes me feel better, physically and/or mentally. It is calming.
$ Wilderness (W) I value the <site name> because it is undeveloped with minimal human impact,
$ Inspiration (Ip) I value the <site name> because it motivates me to action or thought.
$ Socializing (So) I value the <site name> because it allows me to comfortably interact with others.
Remember, the total of all your values should be 100.
Section 5. Mapping Values
This map includes the area of the <site name>. We have also included boat ramps and other general reference points to help you orient to places you know. Please make a mark on the map at each place that you most value. You may place up to 20 markers. Next to each mark please put the abbreviation of the value (in red) (for paper based maps), or use the drop-down menu to select the value type (for the on-line version) that represents the most important reason you value that place. You may select different values for different locations.
Aesthetic (A) — I value <site name> because I enjoy the beauty, sights, sounds, and smells.
Biodiversity (B) — I value <site name> because it provides a variety of fish, wildlife, plant life, etc.
Economic (E) — I value <site name> because it provides timber, fisheries, minerals, and/or tourism opportunities such as outfitting and guiding.
Legacy (Lg) — I value <site name> because it allows future generations to know and experience the area for its contribution to wisdom, knowledge, traditions and way of life.
In and of itself (I) — I value <site name> in and of itself, whether people are present or not.
Learning (L) — I <site name> because we can learn about the environment through scientific research and education.
Human Needs (H) — I value <site name> because it helps produce, preserve, clean, and renew air, soil, water and food.
Recreation (R) — I value <site name> because it provides a place for my favorite outdoor recreation activities.
Spiritual (S) — I value <site name> because there are sacred, religious, or spiritually special places for me or because I feel reverence and respect for nature there.
Therapeutic (T) — I value <site name> because it makes me feel better, physically and/or mentally. It is calming.
Wilderness (W) I value <site name> because it is undeveloped with minimal human impact,
Inspiration (Ip) I value <site name> because it motivates me to action or thought.
Socializing (So) I value <site name> because it allows me to comfortably interact with others.
Section 7. Demographics
Finally, we would like to ask just a few questions to help us understand your needs.
Does your household income depend on products or services related to <site name> resources?
_____Yes _____No _____Unsure
If yes, please describe the source of the income:
In what year were you born? __________
Are you ______male ______female?
What is your highest level of education?
_____Less than high school diploma
_____High school diploma or GED
_____college degree- 4-year or
_____Graduate degree
What is your average yearly income?
______ Less than $ 10,000
______$39,999 or below
______$70,000 or more
What is your occupation? _______________________
What is your ethnicity?
_____ Hispanic or Latino
_____ Not Hispanic or Latino
With which racial group(s) do you most identify? (Choose one or more)
_____American Indian or Alaska Native
_____Black or African American
_____Native American
_____Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
1. This data collection request involves the gathering of value, use, and location information specific to ecosystem services as well as general socioeconomic information from those using NERR and NMS sites. This data collection ensures that NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) and National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) have available important social data to satisfy the legal requirements put forth by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.), the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA) (16 U.S.C. § 1431 et seq.), the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) (16 U.S.C. § 1451 et seq.), and Executive Order 12898 of 1994. The latter three mandates require federal agencies to establish conservation and management measures, which take into account the importance of marine and estuarine resources to local communities in order to provide sustained community participation and to minimize, to the extent possible, adverse economic impacts on such communities. Furthermore, all of these requirements mandate that NERR and NMS sites establish conservation and management plans and measures using the best available information.
The absence of up-to-date socio-economic information would limit the ability of NERR and NMS sites to estimate the social impacts of management proposals and examine the performance of existing regulations. Hence, the merits of management proposals would continue to be debated without the inclusion of social data. In addition, the availability of current information would minimize the likelihood of unforeseen impacts of existing regulations and court challenges on the grounds of deficient analysis. Lastly, the collection of detailed stakeholder data will allow NERR and NMS site managers to make timely and better-informed decisions by having the best information available.
Finally, if this data collection is not carried out, gaps in data relative to visitor attitudes, knowledge, perceptions, and resource use patterns in the NERR and NMS sites will persist and resource managers in the sites will not have the information to understand the nature of the resource users at the NERR and NMS sites.
2. This data collection will be used by resource managers in selected NERR and NMS sites to better understand the nature of stakeholder use patterns so as to inform management decisions. This information could be used by NERR and NMS resource managers to inform NERR and NMS management plans or programs, outreach/education activities, or policies related to the management of the NERR and NMS sites.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions and completing and reviewing both the survey and the mapping component. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to Susan Lovelace, Hollings Marine Laboratory, 331 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412 (or via the Internet at [email protected]).
Your participation is voluntary and will be kept strictly confidential. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. NOAA National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science will retain control over the information and safeguard it from improper access, modification, and destruction, consistent with NOAA standards for confidentiality, privacy, and electronic information. Any information provided will be accessible only by those in need of such information and will be stored in a password protected database. Only group averages or group totals will be presented in any reports, publications, or oral presentations of the study's results; in no case will individual responses be used.
Management Modules - Two will be inserted into Surveys for Mission-Aransas NERR and Olympic National Marine Sanctuary
MM #1
Next, we would like to ask you about the role that you think the public should play in the management of <site name>. Please select one response.
_____None, Public officials and staff should conduct the planning and management.
_____The public should provide suggestions for managers to consider.
_____Public should be full and equal partners with public officials and resource managers in planning and management decisions.
_____Planning and management should be based solely on public opinion.
_____Don't know or I am unsure.
Changes over Time
We would like to ask you about your general opinions of the <site name>. The possible responses range from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” You may also respond with “Not sure or Don’t Know.” Please select the response that best represents your opinion of the statement.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Not sure or Don't Know |
I am interested in what happens in the <site name> in the next 10-15 years. |
I have seen an improvement in the natural environment of the <site name> since I have been living/visiting the area. |
Since I have been living/visiting the <site name>, there are more opportunities to recreate and enjoy the area. |
Development has reduced my access to and enjoyment of the <site name>. |
Public Access
Public access to coastal waters and waterways has been identified as a priority management issue. From your perspective, how adequate is existing public access to the <site name>? For each access type please select the response that best represents your opinion. The possible responses range from “More than Adequate Access” to “Little or No Access.” You may also respond with “Don’t Know.”
More than Adequate Access |
Adequate Access |
Neutral |
Inadequate Access |
Little or No Access |
Don't Know |
Boat Ramps |
Beaches |
Boat Slips |
Restaurants and restaurant dockage |
Scenic view points |
Waterway nature trails (Blue ways) |
Nature trails adjacent to water |
Natural swimming areas |
Boardwalks |
Dune walkovers |
Mooring buoys |
Whale watching sites |
Diving sites |
Camping |
Surfing sites |
Kayaking sites |
Fishing sites |
Clamming areas |
Board sailing sites |
Tide pooling sites |
Spearfishing sites
MM #4
Condition of Site [Expanded prompts from Question #6.]
Below we ask for your opinion of the change in conditions at the <site name> while you have lived in the area. The possible responses range from “Large Increase” to “Large Decrease.” You may also respond with “Unsure or don’t know.”
Large Increase |
Increase |
No change |
Decrease |
Large Decrease |
Unsure or don’t know |
Debris and trash in the water: |
Congestion at water and beach access sites |
Natural areas and associated wildlife |
Restaurants and other shoreline recreational opportunities |
Natural shoreline due to development |
N/A |
N/A |
Public education programs |
Parking spaces at water and beach access sites |
Boats |
Hunters |
Waterway maintenance (canals, channels, passes) |
Safe operation of vessels |
Vessel discharges |
Management Goals
Local communities have identified goals to guide management decisions that affect the <site name> and its watershed. Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the potential goals for the <site name>. The possible responses range from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” You may also respond with “Unsure or don’t know.” Please select the response that best represents your opinion of the statement.
High priority |
Priority |
Neutral |
Low priority |
Not a priority |
Unsure or don’t know |
Improve water quality: |
Manage the quantity and improve the quality of storm water runoff to the <site name>: |
Restore shoreline and wetland habitats: |
Eliminate further loss of shoreline and wetland habitats: |
Restore and sustain fish stocks and other living marine resources in the <site name> : |
Provide increased levels of public access to the <site name> and its resources: |
Increase the resilience of coastal communities in the face of natural and human-induced disasters (such as hurricanes and rising seas): |
Incorporate local social and cultural heritage into management of the <site name> resources (such as public input and community advisory boards): |
Increase awareness of human-use patterns that influence resource sustainability |
Integrate understanding of human uses with knowledge of natural processes |
Purchase additional non-wetland areas to add to publically owned lands within or adjacent to the <site name>: |
Create areas in the <site name> where no fishing is allowed |
Establish areas in the <site name> where motorized crafts are limited to no-wake and non-motorized crafts are encouraged: |
Place Attachment [Expanded prompts from Question #7.]
Below are several questions about your use of the <site name> and the role it plays in the life of your family and your community. The possible responses range from “Strongly agree” to “Strongly disagree.” You may also respond with “Don’t know.” Please select the response that best represents your opinion of the statement. [Expanded prompts from Question #7.]
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Don't Know |
Mine or my family's income or livelihood depends on the <site name>. |
The tourism dollars that the <site name> attracts are essential to my community's economy. |
I identify strongly with the <site name>: |
The <site name> means a lot to me. |
Many important memories of my family are tied to the <site name>. |
The <site name> is a special place for my family. |
No other place can compare to the <site name>. |
In any development plan, it is important to consider protecting the environment of the <site name>. |
I feel a sense of pride in my heritage when I am in the <site name>. |
My community's history is strongly tied to the <site name>. |
It is important to preserve/conserve natural and unique ecosystems like the <site name>. |
To help us better understand how local residents understand the characteristics of the <site name>, please rate your level of understanding of the following management dimensions. Please select “Excellent,” “Good,” “Fair,” “Poor,” or “Not sure” for each of the dimensions.
Excellent |
Good |
Fair |
Poor |
Not sure |
Policy |
Ecology |
History/Culture |
Recreational Opportunities |
Engagement Opportunities |
Educational Opportunities |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | susan.lovelace |
Last Modified By | Sarah Brabson |
File Modified | 2013-12-23 |
File Created | 2013-12-23 |