Value Engineering Analysis

Value Engineering Analysis on Federal-aid Highway Projects

VE Proogram Performance Form Instruction Sheet

Value Engineering Analysis

OMB: 2125-0641

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This collection of information is Required to obtain or retain benefits [Value Engineering 23 CFR 627], and will be used to support FHWA's program
oversight of the Value Engineering analyses that State Transportation Agencies (STA) conduct on projects that utilize Federal-aid highway program
funding (as specified in 23 U.S.C. 106(e) and section 1503 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)). Public reporting burden
is estimated to average 3 ½ hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining
the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection
is 2125-XXXX. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden to: Michael Howell Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Highway Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC

FHWA VE Program Performance Form
Instruction Sheet
Purpose: The FHWA’s VE program is focused on continuously improving the development and delivery
of highway improvement projects. The following goals and measures were developed in FY 2009 to
monitor and report on the progress of FHWA’s VE Program:
Goal 1: Maximize the influence VE studies have on a project’s cost and performance;
Goal 2: Enhance the quality of VE programs; and
Goal 3: Improve FHWA’s stewardship and oversight of the VE Program.
These goals also reflect FHWA’s priorities of continuously improving their stewardship and oversight
of the VE program, enhance how VE analyses are conducted, and support State DOTs efforts to
improve their VE programs. Annually FHWA collects, analyzes and reports on the progress that has
been made toward achieving these goals.

For additional information on FHWA’s VE program or assistance with completing the VE
Performance Form, please contact Ken Leuderalbert at [email protected] or 317-226-5351.
Special Note to Divisions: The information collected during this annual request is used to identify
successful practices, trends in practice and improvement opportunities. Please pay particular attention to
dialogue boxes in the survey to ensure your entry is clear, concise and provides the necessary
to convey the issue.

Instructions for completing the Survey:
1. Work with your State DOT counterpart to collect the necessary information for the survey. The data may
be collected and entered into the Attachment A worksheet (below). After the data is collected the
information can be entered electronically into the VE Annual Program Performance Form by FHWA
Division staff (link shown in step #2).
Note: The information collected in the dialogue boxes of the Attachment A worksheet can be cut and pasted
into the electronic survey in order to minimize duplicate entries.
2. Click on the following link to access the Survey Home Page which includes survey instructions,

3. Click on the ‘Begin, Edit or Review Survey’ link to access the survey.



FHWA VE Program Performance Form
Instruction Sheet

4. Click on the ‘Respond to Survey’ button located immediately below the survey title ‘VE Annual Call for
A. You will be able to respond to the survey only once. (If you try and respond to the survey a second time
you will get an error message. Use the instructions in step #5 to return to your survey.)
B. You will be able to ‘Save’ the survey after entering the data for each page. Simply click on the ‘save’
button at the bottom of the page after all data for that page has been entered. Once saved, you will be
returned to the beginning page of the survey. Use step #5 to return to your survey.
C. You will be able to re-enter the survey later to modify or correct your response. (Use the instructions in
bullet #5 to return to your survey.)
D. Once the survey is completely filled out, the column under ‘Complete’ will show ‘Yes’.
5. Conduct a final quality check of the data entered into your State VE Program Performance Form. Click
on the ‘Show all responses’ link located at the bottom of the Survey web page (see bullet #2 for link).
Locate your submission and click on the ‘View Response’. Scroll through your response answers and
double check for accuracy. If there is a correction needed, click on the ‘Edit Response’ button at the top of
the document.
A. You will have to go through all your prior responses until you get to the question you wish to correct.
B. After the correction is made simply click on the Save button to exit the edit mode.
C. Once completed there should be a ‘Yes’ under the ‘Completed’ column for your Survey.
6. After the quality check has been conducted, print out a copy of your State VE Program Performance data
response. Click on the ‘Show all responses’ link located at the bottom of the Survey web page (see bullet
#2 for link). Locate your submission and click on the ‘View Response’. From the file tab on the menu bar,
select ‘Print’.
A. Please keep a copy of your State’s annual VE Program Performance Form for future reference.
B. The data may be used to assist in the annual program and project risk assessments and reviews to
identify areas for improvement.



Attachment A: 2012 VE Program Performance Form
Instructions: The following form follows the format of the electronic survey that will be used by FHWA
Division Offices to submit VE Program Performance information via FHWA’s SharePoint website. A few
question numbers are out of sequence due to the logic required in the survey software. There are certain
questions that will be skipped if the first question in a sequence is answered ‘no’ in the SharePoint
survey. There are instructions, below, when this occurs within a series of questions. Provide your answer
to each question in the center column under response. Please make sure to read the specific guidance
and instructions provided in the far right column for each question as these are intended to assist in a
filling out the survey.
What is the State,
Territory or Federal
Lands office being


Guidance and Instructions:
A radio dial will be used in the
survey to select your State. Enter
your State in the response column.

PART 1 –
VE Programs
VE Program
1a_7. Does your DOT
have a formalized VE

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.
Note: If answer is ‘no’, the
survey will skip questions 1a_1
through 1a_6 and automatically
go to 1a_Comments.

1a_1. Does your DOT’s
VE program include a
documented and
adopted VE Policy?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1a_2. Does your DOT’s
VE program have an
identified VE

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1a_3. Does your DOT’s
VE program include a VE
Training initiative?

A VE Training initiative ensures the
necessary resources and activities
to prepare staff to participate in VE
The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1a_4. Does your DOT’s
VE program include VE
Program Performance
Goals and Measures?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1a_5. Does your DOT’s
VE program include a
plan to monitor,
evaluate and report on
the performance of the
VE Program?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.



1a_6. Does your DOT’s
VE program include
documented procedures
for conducting VE

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1a_Comments. Briefly
provide comments on
your State DOT VE

Comments may include lessons
learned, successful practices or
issues influencing your State DOT's
VE Program.
Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough to convey the issue

VE Policy and
1b_9. Does your DOT
have an official VE

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.
Note: If answer is ‘no’, the
survey will skip questions 1b_1
through 1b_8 and will
automatically go to

1b_1. Does your DOT’s
VE Policy/Procedure
include processes to
identify candidate
projects to conduct VE

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1b_2. Does your DOT’s
VE Policy/Procedure
include processes to
assure that required VE
analyses are conducted?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1b_3. Does your DOT’s
VE Policy/Procedure
include processes to
conduct VE analyses?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1b_4. Does your DOT’s
VE Policy/Procedure
include a process for
scheduling VE analyses?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1b_5. Does your DOT’s
VE Policy/Procedure
include processes to
review, accept and
reject VE

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1b_6. Does your DOT’s
VE Policy/Procedure
include processes for
tracking and monitoring
VE analyses?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1b_7. Does your DOT’s
VE Policy/Procedure
include processes for
tracking and monitoring
implementation of VE

The process should include the
requirement to ensure approved
recommendations are incorporated
into projects prior to construction.
The survey will have a checkbox.




Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1b_8. Does your DOT’s
VE Policy/Procedure
include or reference
established VE
coordinator roles and

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

1b_Comments. Briefly
provide comments on
your State DOT’s VE

Comments may include lessons
learned, successful practices or
issues influencing your State DOT's
documented VE Policy.
Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough to convey the issue

VE Program
2. Identify the title and
links to any of your
DOT's VE Program
websites, such as:
- General VE Program
- VE Program Policy
- VE Program
- VE Program
Performance Reporting
- Other VE program
activities, documents, or

Improving VE
3a. Briefly describe any
practices your DOT uses
to improve the VE
Program and VE
analyses conducted
more successful.

Please enter any external State
DOT internet websites where VE
data is stored. Please note the
content of the page (i.e. policy,
procedures, reports, etc)
Please do not include any intranet
sites that would not be available for
other State DOTs.

Briefly describe unique practices or
policies that assist the State in
conducting successful VE analyses.
Examples could include:
- Program Coordination
- Planning, coordinating and
conducting VE analyses
-Integrating VE within the project
development process
- Coordinating with other project
cost and quality reviews
- Reviewing/Accepting/Rejecting
- Monitoring and tracking
- Other practices and policies
Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough to convey the issue

3b. Briefly describe any
practices your DOT uses
to encourage the use of
and help make
construction VE Change


Briefly describe unique practices or
policies that enable VECPs to be
implemented in a successful
Examples could include:


Proposals (VECPs) more

- Encouraging submittals of
- Reviewing/approving/rejecting
- Monitoring and tracking the
implementation of VECPs
- Implementing VECPs on
design-build projects
Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough to convey the issue

4a. Identify the typical
project factors and
associated measures
that your State DOT
used on VE analyses
conducted in 2012.

Identify and briefly describe how
project functions (e.g., traffic
flow, safety, etc) are typically
analyzed, evaluated and used
during the Investigation,
Speculation, and Evaluation phases
of VE analyses; explain the typical
level of effort expended in
analyzing these critical project
Traffic flow


4b. Describe how your
DOT incorporates life
cycle cost analysis in VE

Summarize your DOTs use of life
cycle cost analyses while
conducting VE analyses; indicate
whether they are conducted as
part of the study directly, if the
study incorporates an
independently conducted life
cycle cost analysis, etc.

4c_1 What percentage
of VE analyses
completed in FY 12
occurred during the
Planning and Concept
Development Phase?

For the total number of VE
analyses completed in FY 12 (as
reported in Question 9a) select
the approximate percentage of
analyses completed during the
timetables shown.
Please note that questions 4c_1
through 4c_4 must add up to

4c_2 What percentage
of VE analyses
completed in FY 12
occurred during the
Preliminary Design
Phase from 0-30% Final

Please note that questions 4c_1
through 4c_4 must add up to

4c_3 What percentage
of VE analyses
completed in FY 12
occurred during the
Final Design Phase from
30-60% Final Design?

Please note that questions 4c_1
through 4c_4 must add up to



4c_4 What percentage
of VE analyses
completed in FY 12
occurred during the
Final Design Phase from
60% or later?

Please note that questions 4c_1
through 4c_4 must add up to

4c_Comments. Briefly
describe your State
DOT’s experience
regarding the timing of
VE analyses.

Provide additional details about
successful practices, lessons
learned and opportunities for
improvement regarding the timing
of VE analyses.

4d. For design-build
projects, select the
option that best
represents when VE
analyses are typically
conducted by your DOT.
-Planning and Concept
Engineering and prior to
issuance of RFP
-After issuance of RFP
-State DOT does not
currently use design

Select the timetable that best
matches your DOTs timing for
scheduling and conducting VE
analyses for design-build projects.
If your state does not
use or permit design-build
contracting, indicate as

4d_Comments. Briefly
describe your State
DOT’s experience
regarding the timing of
conducting VE analyses
for design build

Use the "Comments" section to
briefly detail the approach taken
to conduct the study based on
the stage of the project when the
study was conducted and identify
successes and lessons learned.
Enter N/A if your State does not
allow design build.

4e_1. Did your State
DOT conduct more than
one VE study for any
Major Project during FY

This question is referring to
whether your State conducted
more than one VE study on a single
major project.
The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.
Note: If answer is ‘no’, the
survey will skip question 4e and
will automatically go to
question 5.

4e. Identify all
milestones of the
development of a Major
Project where the VE
analyses occurred.
- Planning and Concept
Development Phase
- 0-30% Preliminary
Design Phase
-30-60% Final Design
-60% Final Design or


This question is attempting to
capture your State DOT’s
experience with conducting more
than one VE study on a single
major project. This question is not
attempting to capture average
information, rather, if a single
major project underwent more than
one VE analysis, at what point in
the life of the project were they


5. Briefly describe any
special VE analyses
conducted by your DOT
in FY 2012.

Special studies may include process
reviews, streamlining initiatives,
organizational reviews, etc.
Describe any other special VE
analyses that were completed
during FY 2012.
Answer "N/A" if your State did not
conduct any special studies.

6. Describe any
successful VE analyses
that were completed by
your DOT in FY 2012.

Briefly describe one or two
successful VE analysis or "lesson
learned" from conducting a VE
analysis that is an agency "best
practice". If a web link to the study
is available, please provide the web
Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough to convey the successful

7_1. Describe a unique
or innovative VE
recommendation that
provided a significant
benefit to the project on
which it was

Describe any implemented VE
recommendation(s) that could
potentially be of value to other

7_2. Describe a unique
or innovative VECP that
provided a significant
benefit to the project on
which it was

Describe any implemented VECP
that could potentially be of value to
other DOTs.

VE Training
The following three
questions relate to the
number of individuals
attending VE training
activities conducted by
your State DOT during
FY 2012.

Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough to convey the issue

Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough to convey the issue

Enter the number of State DOT and
LPA staff that your State DOT
trained during FY 2012.

8a_1. Enter the number
of State DOT and LPA
staff that received VE
training in your State
during FY 2012.
8a_2. Enter the number
of FHWA staff receiving
VE training within your
State during FY 2012.


Enter the number of FHWA staff
trained during FY 2012.


8a_3. Enter the number
of consultant staff
receiving VE training in
your State during FY

Enter the number of consultant
staff trained during FY 2012.

The following seven
questions relate to your
State DOT's approach to
conducting VE training
during FY 2012.
8b_1. Did your DOT
conduct any VE
awareness building
presentations or
briefings for agency
8b_2. Did your DOT
conduct and VE
awareness building
presentations or
briefings for technical
8b_3. Did your DOT
conduct short duration
workshops on
conducting VE analyses?
8b_4. Did your DOT
conduct an NHI VE
Training Course
(Workshop) during FY
8b_5. Did your DOT
conduct a SAVE Mod I
training course during
FY 2012?
8b_6. Did your DOT
conduct a SAVE Mod II
training course during
FY 2012?

(Check the box for yes. Leave
blank for no.)

(Check the box for yes. Leave
blank for no.)

(Check the box for yes. Leave
blank for no.)

(Check the box for yes. Leave
blank for no.)

(Check the box for yes. Leave
blank for no.)

(Check the box for yes. Leave
blank for no.)

8b_7. Did your DOT
conduct another type of
VE training course
during FY 2012?

If your state conducted training
other than one of the six types
listed please describe the type of

Part 2 – Summary of
VE Analyses

Report on the VE analyses that
were completed during FY 12 which
were completed by agency staff.

9a_1. Enter total
number of VE analyses
completed in FY 2012
and completed by
agency staff.

Note: 9a_1 and 9a_2 should
represent all project VE
analyses completed during FY

9a_2. Enter total
number of VE analyses
completed in FY 2012
and completed by
consultant staff.


Report on the VE analyses that
were completed during FY 12 which
were completed by consultant staff.
Note: 9a_1 and 9a_2 should
represent all project VE
analyses completed during FY


9b_1. Enter number of
VE analyses completed
in FY 2012 that were
required by Federal Law
and completed by
agency staff.

Of the numbers reported in
Question 9a_1 and 9a_2, indicate
the number of analyses that were
conducted to meet current Federal
Regulations which were completed
by agency staff.

9b_2. Enter number of
VE analyses completed
in FY 2012 that were
required by Federal Law
and completed by
consultant staff.

Of the numbers reported in
Questions 9a_1 and 9a_2, indicate
the number of analyses that were
conducted to meet current Federal
Regulations which were completed
by consultant staff.

9c_1. Enter number of
VE analyses completed
in FY 2012 that were
specially designated by
FHWA and completed by
agency staff.

The FHWA Division Offices have the
authority to require States to
conduct VE analyses on any project
determined to be appropriate (as
specified in 23 USC 106(e)(2)(c)).
Of the analyses reported in
Questions 9a_1 and 9a_2, indicate
if any of these were specially
directed by FHWA which were
completed by agency staff.

9c_2. Enter number of
VE analyses completed
in FY 2012 that were
specially designated by
FHWA and completed by
consultant staff.

The FHWA Division Offices have the
authority to require States to
conduct VE analyses on any project
determined to be appropriate (as
specified in 23 USC 106(e)(2)(c)).
Of the analyses reported in
Questions 9a_1 and 9a_2, indicate
if any of these were specially
directed by FHWA which were
completed by consultant staff.

9f_1. Enter the
anticipated number of
VE analyses to be
completed during FY

For informational purposes only,
report on any analyses that were
initiated in FY 12 but will be
finalized in FY 13, in addition to all
other VE analyses planned for
completion in FY 13.

9f_3. Enter the
anticipated number of
VE analyses to be
completed during FY

For informational purposes only,
report on any VE analyses that are
planned for FY 14.

10a. Enter the
estimated costs
associated with
conducting the VE
analyses during FY

The costs associated with
conducting the VE analyses is
developed using an estimate of the
direct costs attributed to the VE
program and includes the following;
- Contract amounts associated with
consultant-led VE analyses
- Approximate salary, travel and
incidental agency costs associated
with supporting consultant-led VE
- Approximate salary, travel and


10 | P a g e

incidental costs associated with
conducting VE analyses
- Approximate costs with
documenting VE analyses
It is understood that these costs
are an estimate, however, the
estimate must be documented and
retained to justify the value used.
10b. Enter the
estimated costs of the
projects studied during
FY 2012.

This is not the total cost of the
project. These costs should reflect
the cost of those items considered
during the VE study. The cost of
construction should always be
used, however, right of way costs
should only be used if ROW
recommendations were considered.

11a. Enter the total
number of proposed VE
during FY 2012.

Only count the highest number of
potential implementable VE
recommendations, keeping in mind
that if two recommendations are
mutually exclusive, that is selection
of one recommendation eliminates
the possibility of implementing the
other, only one recommendation
should be counted. (see 12a for an

11b. Enter the total
number of approved VE
during FY 2012.

Enter the total number of the VE
recommendations that were
approved and implemented.

12a. Enter the value of
proposed VE
during FY 2012.

Enter the total net value of the
proposed recommendations. Same
as in 11a, only count the highest
value of mutually exclusive
recommendations proposed. For
example if 1 recommendation is for
$1.5M and another mutually
exclusive recommendation is for
$0.25M, count only 1
implementable recommendation for
a total of $1.5M.

12b. Enter the value of
approved VE
during FY 2012.

Enter the total net value of the VE
recommendations that were
approved and implemented.

13a. Enter the total
number of VECPs
submitted for FY 2012.
13b. Enter the total
number of VECPs
approved for FY 2012.

Enter the total number of the VECP
recommendations that were
approved and implemented.

14a. Enter the value of
VECPs submitted for FY
14b. Enter the total
value of VECPs
approved for FY 2012.


Enter the total net value of the
VECP recommendations that were
approved and implemented.

11 | P a g e

Part 3 – Benefits of
VE Analyses & VE
Change Proposals
The next five questions
relate to the type of VE
approved. If a specific
recommendation can be
shown to provide
benefit to more than
one category as defined
in questions 15_1
through 15_6, count the
recommendation in each
category that is
15_1. Enter the number
of approved VE
recommendations that
improved safety.
15_2. Enter the number
of approved VE
recommendations that
improved traffic

Report each approved
recommendation (from Question
11b) in terms of the project feature
or features that the
recommendation benefits. If a
specific recommendation can be
shown to provide benefit to more
than one feature described below,
count the recommendation in each
category that is applicable:
- Safety: Recommendations that
mitigate or reduce hazards on the
- Operations: Recommendations
that improve real-time service
and/or local, corridor, or regional
levels of service of the facility.
- Environment: Recommendations
that successfully avoid or mitigate
impacts to natural and or cultural
- Construction: Recommendations
that improve work zone conditions,
or expedite the project delivery.
- Right of Way: Recommendations
that lower the impacts or costs of
right of way.

15_3. Enter the number
of approved VE
recommendations that
environmental impacts.
15_4. Enter the number
of approved VE
recommendations that
improved construction.
15_6. Enter the number
of approved VE
recommendations that
mitigated right of way

VE Change
The next five questions
relate to the type of
VECP proposals
approved for
construction projects. If
a specific VECP can be
shown to provide
benefit to more than
one category as defined
in questions 16_1
through 16_6, count the
VECP in each category
that is applicable.


Report each approved VE change
proposal (from Question 13b) in
terms of the project feature or
features that were benefited by the
recommendation. If a specific
recommendation can be shown to
provide benefit to more than one
category as described below, count
the recommendation in each
category that is applicable:
Safety: Recommendations that
mitigate or reduce hazards on the
Operations: Recommendations
that improve real-time service
and/or local, corridor, or regional

12 | P a g e

16_1. Enter the number
of approved VECPs that
improved safety.
16_2. Enter the number
of approved VECPs that
improved traffic
16_3. Enter the number
of approved VECPs that
environmental impacts.

levels of service of the facility.
Environment: Recommendations
that successfully avoid or mitigate
impacts to natural and or cultural
Construction: Recommendations
that improve work zone conditions,
or expedite the project delivery.
Other: Recommendations not
readily categorized by the above
performance indicators.

16_4. Enter the number
of approved VECPs that
improved construction.
16_6. Enter the number
of approved VECPs that
mitigated right of way

Part 4 – FHWA
Stewardship and
Oversight of VE
17a Is VE evaluated as
part of your Division's
Annual Risk Assessment

Enter yes if the Division considered
and documented risks for the VE
program during FY 12.
The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.
Note: If the answer to this
question is no questions 17b
and 17c will be skipped in the

17b Is VE evaluated
directly (i.e. individual
VE risk assessment
conducted specifically
for VE) or indirectly (i.e.
VE incorporated as a
part of a larger program
such as Design) during
your Division's Annual
Risk Assessment?

Enter Directly if the Division
considered and documented risks
specific for the VE program during
FY 2011. Enter indirectly if VE was
considered during the risk
evaluation of a larger program.

17c. What was the
identified level of risk
assigned to VE by your

Select one of the following levels of
risk assigned by your Division.

Note: If the answer to this
question is ‘indirectly’ question
17c will be skipped in the

- High Risk to program
- Moderate Risk to program
- Low Risk to program
- Not Evaluated

17d_Comments. Provide
comments on how VE
was considered or
integrated into your
Division’s Annual VE
Risk Assessment.


Comments should include the
process used to conduct the VE risk
assessment and could include
challenges, best practices
improvement recommendations or
other comments

13 | P a g e

18a. Did your DOT or
Division conduct a
review of the DOT's VE
Program between FY
2010 and FY 2012?

Enter yes if either the DOT or
Division evaluated any component
(policies, procedures, analyses
conducted, etc) of the VE program
and documented the results during
the specified period.
The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

18b. Does your DOT or
Division plan to conduct
a review of the DOT's VE
Program in FY 2013?

Enter yes if either the STA or
Division plans to evaluate any
component (policies, procedures,
analyses conducted, etc) of the VE
program and documented the
results during FY 13.
The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

19a. Is VE specifically
discussed in your
Division's Stewardship
and Oversight
Agreement with your

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

19b_1. Is VE addressed
by reference in the
Design Oversight
Section of the
Stewardship and
Oversight Agreement?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

19b_2. Are the VE
Federal Regulations
referenced in the
Stewardship and
Oversight Agreement?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

19b_3. Are the State
DOT VE Policies and
Procedures referenced
in the Stewardship and
Oversight Agreement?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

19b_4. Is the role of the
Division's VE
Coordinator identified in
the Stewardship and
Oversight Agreement?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

19b_5. Are the
Division's roles and
responsibilities for VE
discussed in the
Stewardship and
Oversight Agreement?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.


Note: If answer to this question
is no, questions 19b_1 through
19b_8 will be skipped in the

14 | P a g e

19b_6. Is the Division's
participation in VE
analyses discussed in
the Stewardship and
Oversight Agreement?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

19b_7. Is the Division's
role in the review of VE
identified in the
Stewardship and
Oversight Agreement?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

19b_8. Is the Division's
role in VE Program
monitoring, evaluating
and reporting discussed
in the Stewardship and
Oversight Agreement?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

20a. Identify your
Division's typical level
of participation in VE
analyses on projects
with full FHWA

Select the answer that best applies.
Normally (80-100% of Projects)
Frequently (60-80% of Projects)
Occasionally (40-60% of Projects)
Sometimes (20-40% of Projects)
Rarely (0-20% of Projects)

20b. Identify your
Division's typical level
of participation in the
process of VE
recommendations on
projects with full FHWA

20c. Identify your
Division's typical level
of effort monitoring the
implementation of VE
recommendations on
projects with full FHWA

Select the answer that best applies.
Normally (80-100% of Projects)
Frequently (60-80% of Projects)
Occasionally (40-60% of Projects)
Sometimes (20-40% of Projects)
Rarely (0-20% of Projects)

Select the answer that best applies.
Normally (80-100% of Projects)
Frequently (60-80% of Projects)
Occasionally (40-60% of Projects)
Sometimes (20-40% of Projects)
Rarely (0-20% of Projects)

The following six
questions are based on
your Division's efforts to
ensure that the States
complete the required
VE analyses prior to
authorizing a project for


15 | P a g e

Does the Division check
that all required VE
analyses are performed
on projects with full
FHWA oversight prior to
authorizing a project for

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

21_2. Does the Division
spot check that required
VE analyses are
performed on projects
with full FHWA
oversight? (e.g.
sampling of projects,
program assessments or
process reviews)

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

21_3. Does the Division
spot check that required
VE analyses are
performed on State
administered projects?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

21_4. Does the Division
verify that the State VE
policies, procedures &
guidance comply with
VE Federal regulations?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

21_5. Does the Division
verify the accuracy of
the data collected
during the annual VE
Call for Data?

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

21_6. Does the Division
have a documented
process to check that all
required VE analyses
are conducted prior to
authorizing a project for

The survey will have a checkbox.
Click on the box for yes or leave
blank for no.

22a. Identify any
clarification or revisions
FHWA should consider
in 2013 when updating
the Federal Regulations
on VE, 23 CFR 627.

FHWA will be updating the VE
Federal Regulation during 2013 and
would like your input on
improvement opportunities.

22b. Identify any
clarifications of
revisions FHWA should
consider in 2013 when
updating the FHWA VE

FHWA will be updating the VE
Policy Guidance during 2013 and
would like your input on
improvement opportunities.


Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough for FHWA to take
appropriate action.

Please make sure your response is
clear, concise and informative
enough for FHWA to take
appropriate action.

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Thank You for your time
assembling and
reporting on your States
VE Program efforts.
Please provide
comments on how the
FHWA VE program can
be improved or how this
data collection process
can be improved.


This is your opportunity (State DOT
and Division) to provide feedback
on any part of the VE program,
training, guidance, sharing, etc.
FHWA HQ will take all comments
and as appropriate and able will act
on them to improve the VE
Thank you for your time.
Ken Leuderalbert
[email protected]

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKen Leuderalbert
File Modified2013-11-22
File Created2012-10-18

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