Marine Rcreational Fishing Expenditure Survey

Marine Recreational Fishing Expenditure Survey (MRFE)

Mail trip expenditureSurveypub-rc2

Trip based expanditure mail survey

OMB: 0648-0693

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20XX California Marine Recreational
Fishing Expenditure Survey
How much do you spend on marine recreational fishing?

Your Response is Important!

Sponsored by
NOAA Fisheries Service

Questions? Email [email protected]

Section A: Your Most Recent Day of Marine Recreational Fishing in California
We would like to know about your most recent day of marine recreational fishing in California or from a boat
that left from California to fish in U.S. or non-U.S. waters.
 “Marine” means open ocean or any portion of a bay, sound, or river that is saltwater or brackish water.
 A day of fishing is any portion of a day spent fishing for finfish. Please do not include days spent fishing
for shellfish.
 Except when asked, please do not include any information for other household members or other fishing
party members.
 Please print clearly and mark boxes with an X where appropriate to indicate your response.

When was your most recent day of marine fishing for finfish in California?
(please enter the two digit month and four digit year, e.g., “03, 2011” for March, 2011)




During your most recent day of marine fishing in California, did you primarily fish from a:
(please indicate your primary trip type by making an “X” in one box only):
Party or charter boat

Private or rental boat

Beach or bank

Pier, jetty, bridge, or dock

On your most recent day of marine fishing in California, what city or town was closest to the place where
you cast a line from shore, boarded a party or charter boat, or launched a boat?
_____________________________(City or town)

3a. On your most recent day of marine fishing in California or from a boat that left from California, did you
fish in:
U.S. waters only
Non-U.S. waters only
Both U.S. and non-U.S. waters

Did you target any particular species of fish during your most recent day of fishing in California?


Please go to question 5 on the next page

If yes, please list the top two species you targeted (regardless of whether or not you caught them).
Do not include fish you caught but did not target. Do not include days of fishing for shellfish.
A. ________________________________
B. ________________________________

5. Did you take time off from work without pay in order to go on your most recent day of marine fishing?


6. Including yourself, how many people were in your fishing party on your most recent day of marine fishing?
Number of people, including yourself
7. Was your most recent day of marine fishing in California part of a longer trip in which you spent at least
one night away from your permanent or seasonal residence?


Please go to question 8 on the next page

7a. How many nights were you away from your residence on this trip?
Number of nights
7b. How many days of this trip did you go fishing?
Number of days fished (count partial days as full days )
7c. If you went on an overnight fishing trip on a boat, how many nights did you sleep on the boat?
Number of nights on the boat

Did not take an overnight boat trip

7d. What was the primary purpose of this entire trip away from home?
(please indicate your choice by making an “X” in one box only):

Vacation or other personal reasons


8. On your most recent day of marine fishing, how much did you PERSONALLY spend for the following
items? If your most recent day was part of a longer trip away from home, please provide your expenses
for the entire trip.
 Include expenses that you paid for others, but do not include any expenses paid by others for you.
 For each item, indicate the percentage of your expense that was spent in California.
 If you spent nothing, please write “0” for that item.
Type of Expense

Your Personal Expense
(Round to the nearest dollar)

% Spent in California

Auto, truck, or RV fuel

$ _____________.00


Auto, truck, or RV rental

$ _____________.00


Public transportation and Airfare

$ _____________.00


Lodging (hotels, motels, campgrounds, etc.)

$ _____________.00


Food and drink from grocery or convenience

$ _____________.00


Food and drink from restaurants or bars

$ _____________.00


Non-Live Bait

$ _____________.00


Live Bait

$ _____________.00



$ _____________.00


Parking or site access fees

$ _____________.00


Boat fuel and oil

$ _____________.00


Boat rental

$ _____________.00


Party, charter, or guide fees

$ _____________.00


Fish filleting fee and tips paid to charter crew

$ _____________.00


$ _____________.00


$ _____________.00


Gifts or souvenirs

$ _____________.00


Other __________________

$ _____________.00


Processing, freezing, or shipping fee paid to
fish processing company
Fishing tournament, jackpot, or derby entry

If you had none of the above expenses, check here:


In the past 2 months, how many days did you go marine fishing for finfish in California or from a boat
that left from California to fish in U.S. or non-U.S. waters from a:
(enter the number of days in each trip type; count partial days as full days; enter zero if you took no trips
of a given type)
Party or charter boat

Private or rental boat

Beach or bank

Pier, jetty, bridge, or dock

10. During the past 12 months, how many days have you spent marine fishing for finfish in California or
from a boat that left from California to fish in U.S. or non-U.S. waters?
Number of days (count partial days as full days )
11. In the past 12 months, did you go on a party or charter fishing trip that left from California and fished
only in non-U.S. waters?


Please go to question 4

11a. In the past 12 months, how many total days did you go fishing on a party or charter fishing trip that left
from California and fished only in non-U.S. waters: 
Number of days (count partial days as full days )


Thank You For Completing This Survey!
We appreciate your participation in this survey. If you would like further information on prior surveys or
economic information related to marine recreational angling, please visit our website at
Please write any additional comments you have in the space below:

OMB Control No. XXXX-XXXX. Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to Sabrina Lovell, NOAA Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West Hwy., Silver Spring, MD 20910.
This is a voluntary survey, and responses are kept confidential as required by section 402(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act and NOAA Administrative Order 216-100,
Confidentiality of Fisheries Statistics, and will not be released for public use except in aggregate statistical form without identification as to its source. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMail trip expenditureSurveypub-rc
File Modified2014-04-23
File Created2014-04-23

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