BIC Telephone Interview

Evaluation of Core Violence and Injury Prevention Program

Attachment D - BIC Telephone Interview Questions

BIC Telephone Interview

OMB: 0920-0916

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Attachment D – Core VIPP Evaluation

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Core VIPP BIC Telephone Interview Questions
Hello [insert name of state director],
Thank you for participating in today’s interview. My name is [insert your name], and I am part of the Safe
States/SAVIR team working with CDC evaluators on the Core VIPP evaluation. The goal of today’s discussion is
to hear about your experiences with Core VIPP during the first year of the program. This is an opportunity for
you to provide greater detail about the activities you’ve already reported on in project reporting like the
Annual Progress Report and the State of the States survey. The information from this interview will be used in
the evaluation, including the Year 1 Report and future process improvement activities.
Today’s interview will last about 1 hour. I hope you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and experiences
with me, but if at any time you don’t want to answer a question, that is fine. I want to make you aware that
we have a limited amount of time to talk, and a lot of topics to cover. So when I perceive that you’ve
answered a question fully, I’ll move us to the next question. Please note that this interview is being recorded
and our conversation will be transcribed after the call. Safe States, SAVIR and CDC will have access to the
information in this interview for the purposes of the evaluation only. Just as a reminder, the evaluation
information acquired will not be used by CDC for future funding decisions.
You should have received an email with the questions I would like to ask you today. Did you receive that
email? Do you have any questions before we begin?
Q1. How has state injury surveillance data informed the development and implementation of action plans?
a. How did you use data to inform the parts of your plan that are related to policy analysis,
implementation and evaluation?
Q2. I’d like to know how, if at all, your MVP action plan assisted your state to advance its work in the following
a. Increasing awareness of focus areas?
b. Broadened participation of ICPG stakeholders?
c. Improving knowledge of evidence-informed practices and policy strategies statewide?
d. Movement towards achieving your MVP-related proximal and distal objectives SMART objs?
Q3. What steps have you taken to strengthen your partnerships/collaboration among ICPG members around
MVP topics?
a. What have been challenges?
Q4. We recognize that the VIPP works with a number of partners through the MVP Expanded Component.
Please list up to 3 key MVP partners. Please describe how these partners assist you in the following areas:
a. Implementation of programs (for example access to experts for direct interventions with participants)
b. Program and/or resource promotion (for example publicity through mailings, listserv, etc.)

c. Sharing networks to reach target populations (for example assistance with accessing target
d. Allocating financial or in-kind resources (for example cash support or loan of facilities/equipment)
Q5. Did receiving the MVP component allow you to increase work around motor vehicle injury prevention in
your state?
a. (IF YES) How? Were you able to begin work on new motor vehicle injury prevention focus areas? Did you
intensify the ongoing efforts taking place around previously identified motor vehicle injury prevention
focus areas?
Q6. Were there any helpful factors in implementing your MVP Action Plan? If so, what are they?
Q7. Were there any deterring or inhibiting factors in implementing your MVP Action Plan? If so, what are
Q8.What factors have helped you to use and access injury data?
Q9.What factors have inhibited you from using and accessing data?
Q10.How are you are disseminating injury data?
Q11.To whom are you disseminating the data?
Q12.What factors have supported your ability to disseminate data?
Q13.What factors have hampered your ability to disseminate data?
What is going well in your evaluation activities?
Q14.Are there external factors that impact data collection for SMARTs? If so, what are they?
Q15.What are the challenges in implementing process/outcome/formative evaluations?
Q16.Why are you not conducting process/outcome/formative evaluations?
Q17.What resources or assistance would help support your evaluation work?
Q18.What is going well in tracking progress toward your SMART objectives? What are some challenges in
tracking progress toward your SMART objectives?
Q19.Looking forward, what are some factors that you think will be helpful or harmful to you as you try to
show progress in your Focus Area SMART objectives?
Q20.Based on your response to the BIC Questionnaire, why did you not review the outcome evaluation
findings for [Insert Focus Area]?
Q21.What are some factors that have helped or inhibited you when sharing evaluation findings with your
Q22.What are some challenges in identifying key partners for your focus area work?

Q23.We noticed in [Insert Focus Area] that [you or insert partner] is the lead agency. Can you tell me more
why [you or insert partner] are the lead agency or why it is not an equal partnership?
Q24.What has helped you with implementing your strategies?
Q25.What has prevented you from implementing your strategies effectively?
Q26.What resources are you using to help guide the strategies you are implementing?
Q27.How did the BARE analysis and documents affect the strategies you are implementing?
Q28.What challenges have you encountered while implementing BARE strategies?
Q29.Has implementing BARE strategies helped your state advance its work in your Focus Areas? If so, how? If
not, why not?

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorResearch Analy
File Modified2013-11-25
File Created2013-11-08

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