Start Time: __________________________
Officer Safety in Correctional Facilities-- Correctional Officer Survey
NORC at the University of Chicago, with funding from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is conducting a study to look at the use, care and maintenance of body armor by correctional officers. This study has a “Privacy Certificate” from the National Institute of Justice. This means that the information you provide is for research purposes only and will not be released even if a court or lawyer requests it. Please complete and return this form using the pre-paid envelope, by faxing it to: XXXX or by completing the survey at https://XXXXXXXX. This voluntary form will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Please contact NORC at NUMBER HERE or [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
What is your gender?
1 Female
2 Male
Are you currently married, widowed, divorced, separated, never married, or living with a partner?
1 Married
2 Widowed
3 Divorced
4 Separated
5 Never married
6 Living with a partner
7 Don't know
What is the highest grade of school you completed, or the highest degree you have received?
1 High school graduate
2 GED or equivalent
3 Some college, no degree
4 Associate degree
5 Bachelor’s degree (example: BA, AB, BS, BBA)
6 Master’s degree (example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MBA)
7 Professional school degree (example: MD, DDS, DVM, JD)
8 Doctoral degree (example: PhD, EdD)
9 Refused
10 Don’t know
Are you Hispanic or Latino?
1 Yes
2 No
What is your race? (Select one or more)
1 White
2 Black or African American
3 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
4 Asian
5 American Indian or Alaska Native
The following questions ask about your health. All responses that you provide will be kept confidential. Please think about your health status. In general, would you say your health is…
1 Excellent
2 Very good
3 Good
4 Fair or
5 Poor?
How is your health, in general, compared to 12 months ago? Is it:
1 Much better
2 Somewhat better
3 About the same
4 Somewhat worse or
5 Much worse?
In general, how much time during the past month… |
All of the time |
Most of the time |
A good bit of the time |
Some of the time |
A little of the time |
None of the time |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
In your life, have you ever had any experience that was so frightening, horrible, or upsetting that, in the past month, you… |
Yes |
No |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
How much do you weigh without clothes or shoes? [If you are currently pregnant, How much did you weigh before your pregnancy?]
Weight in pounds: _________
How tall are you without shoes? {Enter
height in feet and inches}
|___|___| ENTER
What is your current rank?
1 Trainee (still in academy)
2 Correctional Officer Recruit (probationary officer)
3 Correctional Officer
4 Senior Correctional Officer
5 Sergeant
6 Lieutenant
7 Captain
8 Chief or above
9 Other (please describe): ____________________________________
How many years of correctional officer experience do you have in this facility?
1 0-1 year
2 2-5 years
3 6-10 years
4 11-20years
5 21 or more years
How many years of active military service have you had? (Round to the nearest year)
1 None
2 1 year
3 2 years
4 3 years
5 4 years
6 5 years
7 6 years
8 7 years
9 8 years
10 9 years
11 10 or more
Mark the response that best describes your current duty
1 Recruit
2 Correctional Officer directly supervising inmates
3 Correctional Officer supervisor overseeing officers who directly supervise inmates
4 Correctional Officer in Administrative Assignment
5 Correctional Officer supervisor in Administrative Assignment
6 Tactical team
7 Command staff
8 Other, please specify:
How long have you been assigned to your current duty? (Round to the nearest year)
1 Less than 1 year
2 1 year
3 2 years
4 3 years
5 4 years
6 5 years
7 6 years
8 7 years
9 8 years
10 9 years
11 10 or more
Typically, how often do you have contact with inmates during your work shift?
1 At all times
2 Most of the time
3 Sometimes
4 Rarely
5 None
In what part of the correctional facility are you currently
all that apply}
1 Armory/Key Control 2 Central Control 3 Perimeter security. 4 Segregation 5 Health/medical facility 6 Kitchen 7 Recreation 8 Visitation 9 Transportation 10 Administration 11 Yard |
12 Utility/Escort 13 Roving 14 Intake/Property 15 Housing/Block 16 Industrial shop 17 Other Work Detail 18 Education 19 Laundry 20 Administrative/office 21 Other _____________________
Have you ever worn body armor as a correctional officer?
1 Yes
2 No {skip to Q55}
Do you currently have access to body armor?
1 Yes
2 No {skip to Q55}
Which of the following statements best describes your current access to body armor?
1 I have body armor dedicated to my personal use.
2 Body armor is readily available for me from a shared supply.
3 I have limited access to body armor.
4 Other ___________________________________
1 No
2 Yes {skip to Q31}
1 I don’t feel I need it. {skip to Q55}
2 It’s uncomfortable. {skip to Q55}
3 Limits my mobility. {skip to Q55}
4 Feels heavy. {skip to Q55}
5 Gets too hot. {skip to Q55}
6 Doesn’t fit well. {skip to Q55}
7 Don’t like the look. {skip to Q55}
8 Other __________________________________ {skip to Q55}
1 Yes
2 No {skip to Q38}
Do you know what level of bullet-resistant body armor you wear?
1 Yes
2 No {skip to Q34}
What level of bullet-resistant body armor do you wear?
you are unsure, you may check the inner ballistic panel label for
this information. }
1 Type IIA (protection from 9 mm; .40 S&W)
2 Type II (protection from 9 mm; .357 Magnum)
3 Type IIIA (protection from.357 SIG; .44 Magnum)
4 Type III (protection from Rifles)
5 Type IV (protection from Armor Piercing Rifle)
6 Don't know
For your bullet-resistant armor, do you use an internal (i.e., you wear body armor under your uniform shirt) carrier?
1 All of the time
2 Some of the time
3 None of the time
For your bullet-resistant armor, do you use an external (i.e., you wear body armor over your uniform shirt) carrier?
1 All of the time
2 Some of the time
3 None of the time
Does your bullet-resistant armor utilize both front and back ballistic panels?
1 Front panel only
2 Back panel only
3 Both front and back panels
4 Don’t know
Do you use any optional trauma/ballistic plates with your bullet-resistant armor?
1 Yes
2 No
1 Yes
2 No {skip to Q44}
Do you know what level of stab-resistant body armor you wear?
1 Yes
2 No {skip to Q41}
What level of stab-resistant body armor do you wear?
{If you are unsure, you may check the inner ballistic panel label for this information. For more information, see}
1 Level I (low energy threats)
2 Level II (medium energy threats)
3 Level III (high energy threats)
4 Don’t know
For your stab-resistant armor, do you use an internal (i.e., you wear body armor under your uniform shirt) carrier?
1 All of the time
2 Some of the time
3 None of the time
For your stab-resistant armor, do you use an external (i.e., you wear body armor over your uniform shirt) carrier?
1 All of the time
2 Some of the time
3 None of the time
Does your stab-resistant armor utilize both front and back ballistic panels?
1 Front panel only
2 Back panel only
3 Both front and back panels
4 Don’t know
Typically, how much of the time do you wear… |
At all times |
Most of the time |
Some of the time |
Rarely |
None of the time |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Which type of body armor do you wear most of the time, stab-resistant or bullet-resistant armor?
1 Stab-resistant armor
2 Bullet- resistant armor
For the remaining questions on this survey, please refer to the body armor that you wear most of the time, either stab-resistant or bullet-resistant armor.
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:
strongly agree |
agree somewhat |
uncertain |
disagree somewhat |
strongly disagree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Why do you wear body armor? {Mark all that apply.}
1 Critical for safety
2 Worker's compensation issues
3 Facility policy requires it
4 Pressure from family members
5 Other (specify): __________________________________
In which of the following situations has your body armor
protected you?
all that apply.}
1 Protection from knife or other edged weapon assault (e.g. spike, puncture, slash, stab)
2 Protection from punch/kick or other blunt trauma
3 Protection from the discharge of a firearm
4 Other (specify): __________________________________
5 Not applicable: I have never been in a situation where my body armor was required to protect me
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:
strongly agree |
agree somewhat |
uncertain |
disagree somewhat |
strongly disagree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 Yes
2 No {Skip to Q60}
3 Don’t know
Are you required to wear body armor…
1 At all times when on duty (i.e., mandatory at all times)
2 At most times when on duty (i.e., mandatory with exceptions)
3 Under special circumstances (e.g., when working with inmates or when assigned to SWAT)
4 Other (please describe):
Have you ever violated your facility’s body armor policy?
1 Yes
2 No {Skip to Q60}
Have you ever received some form of discipline for a body armor policy violation?
1 Yes
2 No Skip to Q60}
For your most recent violation of the body armor policy, what was the most serious disciplinary action against you?
1 Suspension
2 Written reprimand
3 Verbal reprimand
4 Fined
5 Sent to retrieve and wear body armor
6 Policy is not enforced
7 Other (please specify):
1 Issued by the facility {Skip to Q62}
2 Inherited it / Hand-me-down {Skip to Q62}
3 Pooled/Shared supply within the facility {Skip to Q70}
4 You purchased it yourself
What factors were important to you in selecting your body armor? {Mark all that apply.}
1 Protection level
2 Warranty
3 Price
4 Comfort
5 Confidence in brand
6 Referrals
7 Recommended by facility staff
8 Meets NIJ standard
(please describe):
1 Less than one year ago
2 More than a year but fewer than two years ago
3 More than two years but fewer than three years ago
4 More than three years but fewer than four years ago
5 More than four years but fewer than five years ago
6 More than five years but fewer than six years ago
7 Six or more years ago
1 Fitted formally, with a measuring tape or sizing template.
2 Received body armor that approximated my body size (e.g., small, medium, large, etc.)
3 Brought my measurements from another source.
4 Used same measurements as my colleague / someone of a similar size.
5 Assessed the fit myself.
Who assessed the fit of your body armor?
1 Representatives from the manufacturer/supplier.
2 Internal facility representatives.
3 Both the manufacturer AND facility representatives.
4 I did myself.
5 Other ___________________________________
6 None of the above
Has your body armor fit been re-checked in the past year? (That is, a measuring tape or sizing template was used to re-check the fit of your current armor.)
1 Yes
2 No
Where do you generally store your body armor when you are not
all that apply.}
1 Locker
2 Gear bag
3 In vehicle (interior)
4 In vehicle (trunk)
5 At home
When not in use, how do you store your body armor? {Mark all that apply.}
1 Lie it flat
2 Hang it up on standard hanger/hook
3 Fold it up
4 Use specialized device/container to hold armor for storage
5 Other (please specify):
Do you clean your body armor carrier?
1 Yes
2 No {Skip to Q70}
How do you clean your body armor carrier? {Mark all that apply.}
1 Soap and water
2 Laundry detergent
3 Professional cleaning
4 Fabric deodorizer (e.g., Febreze)
5 Other (please specify):
The following questions are about body armor education and training:
How were you educated or trained regarding… {Mark all that apply.} |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
If your body armor that you primarily use were damaged, would your facility have temporary replacement body armor available for you to use?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Don’t know
My chance of being assaulted with one of the following weapons is… |
High |
Medium |
Low |
None |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:
Strongly agree |
Agree somewhat |
Uncertain |
Disagree somewhat |
Strongly disagree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
This is the end of the
Time: _______________
Please return this form
using the postage paid envelope provided.
Yes No
How many times have you been assaulted… |
Never |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 or more times |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Did any of these assaults happen in the facility where you currently work?
1 Yes
2 No
When did the most recent of this/these assaults occur?
1 Within past year
2 2 to 5 years ago
3 6 to 10 years ago
4 11 or more years ago
What was the extent of your injuries from the most serious of these assaults?
1 No injury
2 Superficial injury requiring first aid
3 Injury requiring medical treatment with no subsequent time off/disability
4 Injury requiring medical treatment with subsequent time off/disability
What was the context of the most serious of these assaults?
1 Assault occurred during a prepared effort (e.g. cell extraction)
2 Assault was spontaneous (e.g. during my rounds)
In the most serious of these assaults, which of the
following weapons were used?
all that apply.}
1 Dagger / knife (manufactured blade)
2 Shank / sharpened personal item
3 Writing implement / nail/ other spiked object
4 Razor
5 Club / sap
6 Firearm
7 Other, specify: ___________________________________
End Time: __________________________
Please send your completed form to NORC using the enclosed postage paid envelope. You may also return the completed survey by faxing it to:
File Type | application/msword |
Author | mumford-elizabeth |
Last Modified By | Lynn Murray |
File Modified | 2014-04-09 |
File Created | 2014-04-09 |