National Public Health Improvement Initiative: Program Assessment
OSTLTS Generic Information Collection Request
OMB No. 0920-0879
Submitted: June 23, 2014
Program Official/Project Officer
Garry Lowry
Health Scientist
Applied Systems Research and Evaluation Branch
Division of Public Health Performance Improvement
Office of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support
Centers for Disease Control
1825 Century Center MS E-70
Phone: 404-498-0361
Email: [email protected]
The NPHII awardees consist of the seventy-three states, tribes, locals and territories (STLTs) funded by the National Public Health Improvement Initiative (NPHII). This includes forty-nine state health departments representing forty-eight states and the District of Columbia, nine local health departments, eight organizations representing the U.S. Territories and Pacific Islands, and seven organizations representing American Indian/Alaska Native Tribes/Organizations for a total of 73 grantees (Att. A –NPHII Awardees in statement A).
To complete phase one of this data collection, awardee agencies will be selected from the 58 awardees who have maintained a full-time PIM (i.e., at >75% FTE) over the course of the NPHII program. Among these 58 awardees, only the 32 awardees who met at least two of the following three key indicators of successful implementation of NPHII objectives will be included in the sample (metrics 58 and 32 were identified through previous NPHII annual progress reports):
Establishment of the four components of a performance management system
Implementation of two quality improvement projects in year three
Completion of the three Public Health Accreditation Board prerequisites
Of these 32 awardees, 21 awardee agencies will be selected using the following three sampling criteria:
Prior experience with NPHII-like activities: Indicator for this will be the existence of a performance improvement (PI) office at baseline.
NPHII funding level: The amount of funding awardee agencies received in year four provides context for program outcome achievements. There are four categories of funding levels used by the NPHII program staff that will be applied ($250k, $300k, $400k, and $500k).
STLT type: We want to ensure representation across state, tribal, local, and territorial awardees. To ensure representation, the awardee types (i.e., state, local, territorial, and tribal) selected for the interviews will be approximately proportional to NPHII awardee types: 67% state, 12% local, 11% territorial, and 10% tribal.
A total of 21 Performance Improvement Managers (PIMs), one from each selected awardee agency, will complete an interviewee request form to identify interviewees for phase two of the data collection.
Phase two will consist of interviews that will be conducted with the select NPHII awardee agencies. Two leaders from each of the 21 selected awardee agency will be interviewed. These 42 interviewees will be identified by the interviewee request form completed by each of the 21 PIMs of the selected agencies.
An advance interview notification email will be sent to all NPHII awardee PIMs by the NPHII Team Lead a month in advance of the projected initial contact of selected awardee agencies (Att. G - Advance Notification Email). Following this notification email, an email to PIMs at selected awardee agencies will be sent that provides an introduction to the data collection and a request for potential leadership interviewees at their agency (Att. D Interviewee Request Form and Att. E Screenshots of Interviewee Request Form in statement A).
Potential participants identified by PIMs at select awardee agencies will be sent introduction emails and invited to participate (Att. H – Interview Invitation Email). Those who agree to be interviewed will be contacted via email to send information about the data collection and schedule the interview (Att. I – Interview Confirmation Email) and a reminder email will be sent to participants (Att. J – Participant Reminder Email).
Forty-two health agency leaders will be interviewed. Each interview will last one hour. The interviews will be conducted by senior associates from ICF International that are working on the qualitative data collection.. The interview methodology was chosen over a web-based assessment because it allows awardees to discuss in detail the extent to which NPHII supported improved public health practice and performance and provides more in-depth understanding about the value of NPHII. The findings from the interviews will be used to provide lessons learned to inform current and future performance management and quality improvement initiatives.
Once the information has been collected, it will be analyzed using qualitative data software such as Atlas.ti. The software will facilitate analysis by organizing, classifying, and sorting data into frequencies. Qualitative thematic analyses will be performed on open-ended questions.
Data (i.e., transcripts of recorded interviews and/or detailed notes) will be collected by ICF International and provided to CDC and protected under data privacy policies. Data will be stored at CDC on a secured shared drive with access limited to NPHII staff and select NPHII leadership at CDC.
For potential interviewees that do not respond to the initial contact, a follow-up invitation email will be sent (Att. K – Follow-up Invitation Email). Once the interview is scheduled and confirmed, reminder emails (Att. J – Participant Reminder Email) will be sent to encourage participants and maximize response rates. The reminder email will note the confirmed date and time of the interview along with dial-in information including a toll-free number and passcode.
To ensure that items are understandable by respondents and provide the information needed, the interviewee request form and interview guide were each pilot-tested by six CDC NPHII project officers. The average time to complete the SurveyMonkey suggested interviewee form was 10 minutes, with a range of 5-15 minutes. . It is estimated that respondents will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the form. The average time to complete the interview during the pilot test was 40 minutes, with a range of 30-44 minutes. Based on these results, the estimated time range for actual respondents to complete the instrument is 45-60 minutes, given feedback from pilot testers that the actual interviews with leaders would likely exceed 40 minutes, given the leaders’ experiences. Thus, an upper limit of 60 minutes for the interview will be applied. Pilot test participants also provided specific feedback on the clarity of the questions from different perspectives (e.g., agency- vs. program-leader and STLT awardee type) and suggestions for improving the overall flow of the interview (e.g., question order, addition of transitional language), and item and response wording.
Anita McLees
Health Scientist
Applied Systems Research and Evaluation Branch
Division of Public Health Performance Improvement
Office of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support
Centers for Disease Control
1825 Century Center MS E-70
Phone: 404-498-0316
Email: [email protected]
Garry Lowry
Health Scientist
Applied Systems Research and Evaluation Branch
Division of Public Health Performance Improvement
Office of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support
Centers for Disease Control
1825 Century Center MS E-70
Phone: 404-498-0361
Email: [email protected]
Nikki Rider
Associate Director, Research and Evaluation
National Network of Public Health Institutes
1515 Poydras St, Suite 1490, New Orleans, LA
Phone: 251-928-8534
Email: [email protected]
Tamara Lamia
Senior Manager, Public Health Research and Evaluation
ICF International
3 Corporate Square, Suite 370, Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone: 404-592-2248
Email: [email protected]
Mary Ann Hall
Senior Associate, Public Health Research and Evaluation
ICF International
3 Corporate Square, Suite 370, Atlanta, GA 30329
Email: [email protected]
Kari Cruz
Senior Associate, Public Health Research and Evaluation
ICF International
3 Corporate Square, Suite 370, Atlanta, GA 30329
Email: [email protected]
Dara Schlueter
Senior Associate, Public Health Research and Evaluation
ICF International
3 Corporate Square, Suite 370, Atlanta, GA 30329
Email: [email protected]
Att. G - Advance Notification Email
Att. H– Interview Invitation Email
Att. I – Interview Confirmation Email
Att. J – Participant Reminder Email
Att. K – Follow-up Invitation Email
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | gel2 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |