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CDC - PHPR - Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers - Program Updates

ERP Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers (PERRCs) - Program Updates
Public Health Preparedness Summit, Anaheim, CA, February 21 - 24, 2012


Public Health Preparedness Summit, San Diego, CA, February 18, 2009
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response - Sustainable Public Health Preparedness and Response Systems: The Role of Training, Education,
and Research
Emory Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center: University Research Engagement
University of Pittsburgh Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center: Sustainable Preparedness & Response Systems: Modeling &
Measuring for Outcome Optimization
(../documents/science/SustainablePreparednessResponse_Systems_ Pittsburgh9_22_09.pdf)
7th UCLA Conference on Public Health and Disasters, Torrance, CA, May 21, 2008
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response: Implementation of the PAHPA: Public Health Preparedness and Response Systems Research
(../documents/science/7th_UCLA_Conf on_Public_Health=and_Disasters_mwj.pdf)

PERRC Peer-Reviewed Publications Listed by Institute of Medicine Priorities
The research conducted at PERRCs address several of the research priorities (
( recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM).
PERRC publications are listed below under the related IOM research priority. The findings from these projects will be used to help improve public health
practice for preparedness and emergency response planning and policies at the local, state, federal and tribal levels.
Enhance the Usefulness of Training:
Araz, OM, Jehn, M. Improving public health emergency preparedness through enhanced decision-making environments: A simulation and survey based
evaluation. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2012, 80: 1775-1781 – University of Minnesota ( (
Olson, D. K., Hoeppner, M. H., Scaletta, K., Peck, M., Newkirk, R. Games, simulations, and learning in emergency preparedness: A review of the
literature. American Journal of Disaster Medicine Spring 2012, 145 – 154. – University of Minnesota
year=2012&journal=ajdm ( (
Monahan, C; Ullberg, L.; Harvey, K. Virtual Emergency Preparedness Planning Using Second Life, Service Operations, IEEE/INFORMS International
Conference on Logistics and Informatics (
( , 2009. SOLI 09. Volume, Issue, 22-24 July 2009:306 – 310 – University of Minnesota
Improve Communications in Preparedness and Response:
Baseman, J.G., Revere, D., Painter, I., Toyoji, M., Thiede, H., Duchin, J. Public health communications and alert fatigue. BMC Health Services Research,
2013, 13:295. – University of Washington (

Ivey, S.L., Tseng, T., Dahrouge, D., Engelman, A., Neuhauser, L., Huang, D., Gurung, S. Assessment of State- and Territorial-Level Preparedness
Capacity for Serving Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Populations in Disasters. Public Health Reports, March-April 2014, Volume 129 (2). – University of
California, Berkeley (

Lagasse LP, Rimal RN, Smith KC, Storey JD, Rhoades E, Barnett DJ, Omer SB, Links J. How Accessible Was Information About H1N1 Flu? Literacy
Assessments of CDC Guidance Documents for Different Audiences. PLoS ONE, [Electronic Resource] 2011; 6(10). - Emory University
Karasz, H. N., Eiden, A., Bogan, S. Text Messaging to Communicate With Public Health Audiences: How the HIPAA Security Rule Affects Practice.
American Journal of Public Health: April 2013, Vol. 103, No. 4, pp. 617-622. – University of Washington (

Offenbecher W. What Community Members Want from Public Health Texts. NACCHO Preparedness Brief. January 18, 2012. – University of
Washington (


Meranus DH, Stergachis A, Arnold J, Duchin J. Assessing vaccine safety communication with health care providers in a large urban county.
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2011 Sep 29. doi: 10.1002/pds.2245. – University of Washington (

Reeder B, Turner AM. Scenario‐based design: A Method for Connecting Reusable Design with Public Health Continuity of Operations Planning and
Emergency Management. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2011 Jul 23. – University of Washington

Daugherty J D, Eiring H, Blake S, Howard D. Disaster Preparedness in Home Health and Personal-Care Agencies: Are They Ready? Gerontology,, E-Pub April 6 2012 – Emory University



CDC - PHPR - Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers - Program Updates



Chamberlain A T, Seib K, Wells K , Hannan C ,. Orenstein W A , Whitney E A S , Hinman A R , Berkelman R L, Omer S B . Perspectives of Immunization
Program Managers on 2009-10 H1N1 Vaccination in the United States: A National Survey (
( Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science. Online ahead of print February 23,
2012. doi:10.1089/bsp.2011.0077 – Emory University
Magee M, Isakov A, Paradise HT, Sullivan P. Mobile phones and short message service texts to collect situational awareness data during simulated public
health critical events ( ( . American Journal of Disaster Medicine.
2011 Nov-Dec; 6(6):379-85 – Emory University
Calhoun R, Young D, Meischke H, Allen S. Practice, More Practice: Improving Our Service to Limited-English Callers. Washington State Journal of
Public Health Practice, 2009 June 2 (1): 34-37 – University of Washington
Karasz H, Bogan S. What 2 know b4 u text: Short Message Service Opportunities for Local Health Departments

Journal of Public Health Practice, 2011, 4(1), 20-27 – University of Washington

( . Washington State

Kirchhoff K, Turner AM, Axelrod A, Saavedra F. Statistical Machine Translation of Public Health Information: A Feasibility Study
( . Journal of American Medical
Informatics Association, Epub April 15, 2011. – University of Washington
Ong B, Yip M, Feng S, Calhoun R, Meischke H, Tu SP. Barriers and Facilitators to Using 9-1-1 and Emergency Medical Services in a Limited English
Proficiency Chinese Community
( .
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1 February 2011 – University of Washington
Revere D, Nelson K, Thiede H, Duchin J, Stergachis A, Baseman J. Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Communications with Health
Care Providers: A Literature Review.
BMC Public Health 2011, 11:337. – University of Washington
Yip MP, Ong B, Meischke ( ( H, Calhoun
R, Ida Lam, and Tu SP. The Role of Self-Efficacy in Communication and Emergency Response in Chinese Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Populations.
Health Promotion Practice, 2011 Apr 1. – University of Washington
Yip MP, Ong B, Painter I, Meischke ( (
H, Calhoun R, and Tu SP. Information-seeking Behaviors and Response to the H1N1 Outbreak in Chinese Limited-English Proficient Individuals Living in
King County, Washington. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 2009 Nov-Dec, 4(6):353- 360 – University of Washington
Create and Maintain Sustainable Preparedness and Response Systems:

Davis, V. M., Cilenti, D., Gunther-Mohr, C., Baker, E.L. Participatory Research Partnerships: Addressing Relevant Public Health System Challenges. Public Health
April 2012, Volume 127 p. 230 – 235 - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Vielot, N. A., Horney, J. A. Can Merging the Roles of Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Management Increase the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Emerg
Response? Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11, 2911-2921 - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Belenky, N. M., Bevc, C. A., Mahanna, E., Gunther-Mohr, C., Davis, M. V. Evaluating Use of Custom Survey Reports by Local Health Departments. Frontiers in Pu
and Systems Research, October 18, 2013 Volume 2, Issue 6, Article 4 - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Davis, M. V., Mays, G. P., Bellamy, J., Bevc, C. A., Marti, C. Improving Public Health Preparedness Capacity Measurement: Development of the Local Health
Preparedness Capacities Assessment Survey. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, December 2013, Volume 7, Issue 06, pp 578 – 584 - University
Chapel Hill DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2013.108
Hunter, J.C., Yang, J.E., Crawley, A.W., Biesiadecki, L., Aragón, T. J. Public health response systems in-action: learning from local health departments' experience
emergency incidents. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 13;8(11):e79457. 1 - 13 – University of California, Berkeley doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079457
Sweeney, P. M., Bjerke, E. F., Guclu, H., Keane, C. R., Galvan, J., Gleason, S. M., Potter, M. A.. Social Network Analysis: A Novel Approach to Legal Research on Em
Health Systems. November/December 2013, Volume 19 (6): PE38-E40 - University of Pittsburgh DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0b013e31829fc013
Agboola, F, McCarthy, T, Biddinger, M. Impact of emergency preparedness exercise on performance. Journal of Public Health and Management, 2013, 19 (5): S77
University doi:10.1097/PHH.0b013e31828ecd84
Savoia, E, Preston, J, Biddinger, P D. A consensus process on the use of exercises and after action reports to assess and improve public health emergency prepared
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 2013, 28 (3): 305-308 – Harvard University doi: 10.1017/S1049023X13000289
Engelman, A, Ivey, SL, Tseng, W, Dahrouge, D, Brune, J, Neuhauser, L. Responding to the deaf in disasters: establishing the need for systematic training for
management agencies and community organizations. BMC Health Services Research, 2013 Volume 13: 84: 1-10 – UC, Berkeley doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-84
Eiring H, Blake SC, Howard DH. Nursing Homes' Preparedness Plans and Capabilities. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 2012; 7(2):127‐35. – Emory Unive
Link‐Gelles R, Chamberlain AT, Schulkin J, Ault K, Whitney E, Seib K, Omer SB. Missed Opportunities: A National Survey of Obstetricians About Attitudes on Ma
Immunization. Maternal Child Health Journal, 2012; 16(9):1743‐7 – Emory University doi: 10.1007/s10995‐011‐0936‐0.
Seib K, Gleason C, Richards JL, Chamberlain A, Andrews T, Watson L, Whitney E, Hinman AR, Omer SB. Partners in Immunization: 2010 Survey Examining Diff
Vaccine Providers in Washington State. Public Health Reports, 2013; 128(3):198‐211 – Emory University
Volume=128&Issue=3 ( (
Boyd CA, Gazmararian JA, Thompson WW. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Low‐Income Women Considered High Priority for Receiving the Novel Influen
Maternal Child Health Journal, 2013 17: 852-861 – Emory University doi: 10.1007/s10995‐012‐1063‐2.
Lee A, Berendes D, Seib K, Whitney E, Berkelman R, Omer S, Spaulding A. Receipt of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine by Correctional Facilities in the United States
[Erratum]. MMWR Morbidity Mortality Weekly Report, 2012; 61(3):57. – Emory University

Silvaggio JL, Van Otterloo J, Curran EA, Whitney EA, Weiss PS, Seib K, Omer SB. Vaccine Providers' Perspectives on Impact, Challenges, and Response During th
Pertussis Outbreak. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, January 2014; 10(1): 1-9 – Emory University (http://dx.doi.o

McCabe, OL, Marum, F, Semon, N, Mosley, A, Gwon, H, Perry, C, Moore, SS, Links, JM. Participatory public health systems research: Value of community involv
series in mental health emergency preparedness. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 2012, Volume 7: Number 4: 303-312 – Johns Hopkins University doi:
Yarmand, H, Ivy, JS, Denton, B, Lloyd, AL. Optimal two-phase vaccine allocation to geographically different regions under uncertainty. European Journal of Oper
2014, 233(1), 208-219 – University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Singleton, C-M, Corso, L, Koester, D, Carlson, V, Bevc, CA, Davis, MV. Accreditation and emergency preparedness: linkages and opportunities for leveraging the
of Public Health Management Practice, 2014, Volume 20: Issue 1: 119-124 – University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill doi: 10.1097/PHHobo13e3182a9dbd8
Yarmand, H, Ivy, JS. Analytic solution of the susceptible-infective epidemic model with state-dependent contact rates and different intervention policies.
Volume 89: Number 6: 703-721 – University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill doi: 10.1177/0037549713479052
Yarmand, H, Ivy, JS, Roberts, SD. Identifying optimal mitigation strategies for responding to a mild influenza epidemic. Simulation, November 2013, Volume 89:
1415 – University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill doi: 10.1177/0037549713505334



CDC - PHPR - Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers - Program Updates

O’Keefe, KA, Shafir, SC, Shoaf, KI. Local health department epidemiologic capacity: A stratified cross-sectional assessment describing the quantity, education, trai
competencies of epidemiologic staff. Frontiers in PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION AND PROMOTION, Published Online 2013 Dec. 2, Volume 1: Article 64:1 – 8 –
Gamboa-Maldonado, T, Marshak, HH, Sinclair, R, Montgomery, S, Dyjack, DT. Building capacity for community disaster preparedness: A call for collaboration bet
environmental health and emergency preparedness and response programs. Journal of Environmental Health, Sept. 2012, Volume 75: Number 2:24-29 – UCLA


Sammartinova, J, Glik, D, Prelip, M, Stajura, M, Martel, A, Eisenman, D. The long and winding road: Finding disaster preparedness coordinators in a national sam
departments. Public Health Reports, September/October 2013, Volume 128: Number 5: 364-366 – UCLA
Volume=128&Issue=5 ( (
Stajura, M, Glik, D, Eisenman, D, Prelip, M, Martel, A, Sammartinova, J. Perspective of community- and faith-based organizations about partnering with local hea
disasters. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, June 28, 2012, Volume 9: 2293-2311 – UCLA doi: 10.3390/ijerph9072293
Neuhauser, L., Ivey, S. L., Huang, D., Engelman, A., Tseng, W., et al. (2013) Availability and Readability of Emergency Preparedness Materials for Deaf and HardOlder Adult Populations: Issues and Assessments. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55614. Published Online February 25, 2013 – University of California, Berkeley (

Blake SC, Eiring H, Howard DH. San Diego’s Area Coordinator System: A Disaster Preparedness Model for U.S. Nursing Homes. Disaster Med Public Health Prep.
Doi:10.1001/dmp.2012.65 – Emory ( (
Dunlop AL, Logue K, Vaidyanathan L, Isakov A. Facilitators and Barriers for the Effective Academic-Community Collaboration for Disaster Preparedness and Res
Public Health Management and Practice. December 12, 2012, 1-9. – Emory


Errett, N. A., Barnett, D. J., Thompson, C. B., Tosatto, R., Austin, B., Schaffzin, S., Ansari, A., Semon, N. L., Balicer, R. D., Links, J. M. Assessment of Medical Reser
Emergency Response Willingness Using a Threat- and Efficacy-Based Model. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice and Science. Vol. 11, Nu
Hopkins - E Published March 11, 2013 (

Smith, K. C., Rimal, R. N., Sandberg, H., Storey, J. D., Lagasse, L., Maulsby, C., Rhoades, E., Barnett, D. J., Omer, S. B., Links, J. W. Understanding newsworthines
pandemic: International newspaper coverage of the H1N1 outbreak Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: E Published Ahead of Print December 24, 2012 – Jo ( (
Rutkow, L., Vernick, J. S., Mojtabai, R., Rodman, S. O., Kaufmann, C. N. Legal challenges for substance abuse treatment during disasters. Psychiatric Services, 201
Johns Hopkins ( (
Vernick, J. S., Gakh, M., Rutkow, L. Emergency detention of persons with certain mental disorders during public health disasters: legal and policy issues. America
Medicine. ( ( 2012 Fall; 7(4):295-302. – Johns Hopkins ( (
Rutkow, L. The role of law in addressing mental health-related aspects of disasters and promoting resilience. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 2
140 – John Hopkins

Errett, N., A., Barnett, D., J., Thompson, C.,B., Semon, N., L., Catlett, Christina, C., Hsu, E., Gwon, H., Balice, R., D. Assessment of psychological preparedness
willingness of local public health department and hospital workers. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 01/2012 Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.125-133 – John


Samoff, E., MacDonald, P., D., Fangman, M., T., Waller, A., E. Local surveillance practice evaluation in North Carolina and value of new national accreditation
Public Health Management and Practice ( ( : 2013 Mar-Apr;19(2):146-52
North Carolina


Potter, M., A., Brown, S., T., Cooley, P., C., Sweeney, P., M., Hershey, T., B., Gleason, S., M., Lee, B., Y., Keane, C., R., Grefenstette, J., Burke, D., S. School closure
mitigation strategy: how variations in legal authority and plan criteria can alter the impact. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:977 – Pittsburgh - http://www.biomedce
2458/12/977 ( (
Hunter JC, Yang JE, Petrie M, Aragon TJ. Integrating a framework for conducting public health systems research into statewide operations-based exercises to im
preparedness. BMC Public Health, 2012 Aug 20;12(1):680. – UC, Berkeley


Frew PM, Hixson B, Kulb C, del Rio C, Esteves-Jaramillo A, Omer SA. Factors Related to Seasonal and Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccination among Minority Communi
Vaccine. Vaccine, 30: 4200-4208 April 2012 PMID: 22537991 – Emory (

Freedman AM, Mindlin M, Morley C, Griffin M, Wooten W, Miner K. Addressing the Gap Between Public Health Emergency Planning and Incident Response: Les
the 2009 H1N1 Outbreak in San Diego County. Disaster Health. 2012; 1(1) - Emory


McCabe, O.L., Perry, C., Azur, M., Taylor, H.G., Bailey, BS, MBA, and Links, J.M. (2011). Psychological first aid training for paraprofessionals: A systems-based m
capacity of rural emergency response. Pre-Hospital and Disaster Medicine, 26, 4, 1-8. – Johns Hopkins
fromPage=online&aid=8438864 ( (
Samoff, E., Waller, A., Fleischauer, A., Ising, A., Davis, MK., Park, M., Haas, SW., DiBiase, L., MacDonald, P.D. Integration of syndromic surveillance data
into public health practice at state and local levels in North Carolina. Public Health Rep. 2012 May-Jun; 127(3):310-7. – University of North Carolina (

Markiewicz, M., Bevc, C. A., Hegle,, J., Horney, J.A., Davies, M., MacDonald, P.D. Linking public health agencies and hospitals for improved emergency
preparedness: North Carolina's public health epidemiologist program. BMC Public Health. 2012 Feb 23; 12:141 – University of North Carolina

Hunter, J.C., Rodríguez, D.C., Aragón, T.J. Public health management of antiviral drugs during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic: a survey of local
health departments in California. BMC Public Health. 2012 Jan 25;12:82. – University of California, Berkeley

Hunter, J. C., Crawley, A. W., Petrie, M., Yang, J. E., Aragon, T. J. Local Public Health System Response to the Tsunami Threat in Coastal California
following the Tohoku Earthquake. PLOS July 16, 2012 – University of California, Berkeley (


Irmiter C, Subbarao I, Shah JN, Sokol P, James J. Personal Derived Health Information: A Foundation to Preparing the United States for Disasters and
Public Health Emergencies. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2012 Jun 25. [Epub ahead of print] – American Medical Association



CDC - PHPR - Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers - Program Updates (

Dunlop AL, Logue KM, Beltran G, Isakov AP Role of Academic Institutions in Community Disaster Response Since September 11, 2001. Disaster Med
Public Health Prep. 2011 Oct;5(3):218-26. – Emory ( (
Van Otterloo J, Richards JL, Seib K, Weiss P, Omer SB (2011) Gift Card Incentives and Non-Response Bias in a Survey of Vaccine Providers: The Role of
Geographic and Demographic Factors. PLoS ONE 6(11): e28108. – Emory


Barnett D.J., Thompson C.B., Errett N.A., Semon N.L., Anderson M.K., Ferrell J.L., Freiheit J. M., Hudson R., Koch M. M., McKee M., Meji-Echeverry A.,
Spitzer J., Balicer R.D., Links J.M., Determinants of emergency response willingness in the local public health workforce by jurisdictional and scenario
patterns: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health 2012 12:164. – Johns Hopkins University
Chamberlain A T, Wells K, Seib k, Kudis A, Hannan C, Orenstein W A, Whitney E A S, Hinman A R, Buehler J W, Omer S B, Berkelman R L. Lessons
Learned From the 2007 to 2009 Haemophilus influenzae Type B Vaccine Shortage: Implications for Future Vaccine Shortages and Public Health
Preparedness. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice:
May/June 2012 - Volume 18 - Issue 3 - p E9–E16 – Emory University

Watson CM, Barnett DJ, Thompson CB, Hsu EB, Catlett CL, Gwon HS, Semon NL, Balicer RD, Links JM. Characterizing public health emergency
perceptions and influential modifiers of willingness to respond among pediatric healthcare staff (
( . American Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2011 Sep-Oct; 6(5):299-308 – Johns Hopkins University
Kumar S, Quinn SC, Kim KH, Musa D, Hilyard LM, Freimuth VS. The Social Ecological Model as a Framework for Determinants of 2009 H1N1 Influenza
Vaccine Uptake in the United States. (
( Health Education Behavior. Epub 2011 Oct 7 – University of Pittsburgh
Thomas JC, Young S. Wake me when theres a crisis: Progress on state pandemic influenza ethics preparedness
( . American Journal of Public Health,
November 2011, Vol. 101, No. 11, pp. 2080-2082 – University of North Carolina
Rutkow L, Vernick JS, Wissow LS, Kaufmann CN, Hodge JG. Prescribing authority during emergencies: challenges for mental health care providers
( . J Leg Med. 2011; 32:249-260.
– Johns Hopkins
Kumar S, Quinn SC, Kim KH, Daniel LH, Freimuth VS. The Impact of Workplace Policies and Other Social Factors on Self-Reported Influenza-Like
Illness Incidence During the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic
(../documents/science/AJPH_2011_300307v1.pdf) . American Journal of Public Health, 2011 Nov 17.
[Epub ahead of print] – University of Pittsburgh
Balicer RD, Barnett DJ, Thompson CB, Hsu EB, Catlett CL, Watson CM, Semon NL, Gwon HS, and Links JM, Characterizing hospital workers' willingness
to report to duty in an influenza pandemic through threat- and efficacy-based assessment (
( . BMC Public Health. 2010; 10: 436 – Johns Hopkins
Barnett DJ, Balicer RD, Thompson CB, Storey JD, Omer SB, et al. 2009 Assessment of Local Public Health Workers’ Willingness to Respond to Pandemic
Influenza through Application of the Extended Parallel Process Model
( . PLoS ONE 4(7): e6365.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006365 – Johns Hopkins
Barnett DJ, Levine R, Thompson CB, Wijetunge GU, Oliver AL, et al. (2010) Gauging U.S. Emergency Medical Services Workers’ Willingness to Respond
to Pandemic Influenza Using a Threat- and Efficacy-Based Assessment Framework (
( . PLoS ONE 5(3): e96856 – Johns Hopkins
Brown ST, Tai JHY, Bailey RR, Cooley PC, Wheaton WD, Potter MA, Voorhees RE, LeJeune M, Grefenstette JJ, Burke DS, McGlone SM, and Lee BY.
Would school closure for the 2009 H1N1 influenza epidemic have been worth the cost? A computational simulation of Pennsylvania
( . BMC Public Health. 2011
May 20; 11:353. – University of Pittsburgh
Carr S, Roberts S. Planning for Infectious Disease Outbreaks: A Geographic Disease Spread, Clinic Location, and Resource Allocation Simulation
( . 2010, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2171-2184. - University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Epstein JM, Pankajakshan R, and Hammond R. Combining Computational Fluid Dynamics and Agent-Based Modeling: A New Approach to Evacuation
Planning (
( . Public Library of Science One Journal (PloS One). Research Article, 31 May 2011,
10.1371/journal.pone.0020139 – University of Pittsburgh
Hegle J, Markiewicz M, Benson J, Horney J, Rosselli R, MacDonald P. Lessons Learned From North Carolina Public Health Regional Surveillance Teams’
Regional Exercises (
( , Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science; Volume 9, Number 1, 2011. –
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Hodge, JG, Rutkow L, Corcoran, AJ. A Hidden Epidemic: Assessing The Legal Environment Underlying Mental and Behavioral Health Conditions in
( Saint
Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy, 2010; 4(1): 33-92 – Johns Hopkins
Horney JA, Markiewicz M, Meyer AM, Macdonald PD. Support and Services Provided by Public Health Regional Surveillance Teams to Local Health
Departments in North Carolina (
( . Journal of Public Health Management Practice; 2011 Jan-Feb; 17(1):E7-13le – University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill

Horney JA, Markiewicz, Meyer AM, Casani J, Hegle J, MacDonald PDM. Regional Public Health Preparedness Teams in North Carolina: An Analysis of Their Stru
Services Provided (

( . American Journal of Disaster Medicine; Vol 6, No. 2, March/April 2011, 107 - 117 - University of North Carolina, C

Hilyard KM, Freimuth VS, Musa D, Kumar S, Quinn SC. The Vagaries Of Public Support For Government Actions In Case Of A Pandemic (http://content.healthaffai
( . Health Aff December 2010 29 (12):2294-2301. - University of Pittsburgh

Hodge JG, Rutkow L, Corcoran AJ. Mental and behavioral health legal preparedness in major emergencies (
( . Public Health Reports 2010; 125:759-762 – Johns Hopkins

Lee BY, Brown ST, Cooley P, Grefenstette JJ, Zimmerman RK, Zimmer SM, Potter MA, Rosenfeld R, Wheaton WD, Wiringa AE, Bacon KM, Burke DS. Vaccination
potential mechanisms for a "third wave" and the impact of vaccination ( (
39(5):e21-9. - University of Pittsburgh



CDC - PHPR - Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers - Program Updates

Lempel H, Hammond R, Epstein J. “Economic Cost and Health Care Workforce Effects of School Closures in the U.S” (
( PLoS Currents: Influenza, 2009 Oct 5; 1:RRN10512009. - University of Pittsburgh

McCabe, OL, Barnett, D, Taylor, HG, & links, JM: Ready, Willing and Able: A Framework for Improving Public Health System Emergency Preparedness (http://dm
( . Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2010; 4(2):161-168 – Johns Hopkins

Moore Z, Standberry N, Bergmire-Sweat D, Maillard J-M, Horney J, MacDonald PDM, Fleischauer AT. Intent to Receive Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent a
Two Counties, North Carolina, August 2009
( . Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; December 25, 2009/58
North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Quinn SC, Kumar S, Freimuth VS, Kidwell K, Musa D. Public willingness to take a vaccine or drug under Emergency Use Authorization during the 2009 H1N1 pan
( . Biosecurity and Bioterrorism. 2009 Sep; 7(3):275-90.- University of

Quinn, S., Kumar, S., Freimuth, V., Musa, D., Casteneda‐Angarita, N., & Kidwell, K. Racial ( (
Exposure, Susceptibility, and Access to Health Care in the US H1N1 Influenza Pandemic ( (
Feb 2011; 101: 285 – 293. - University of Pittsburgh

Rabins PV, Kass NE, Rutkow L, Vernick JS, Hodge JG. Challenges for mental health services raised by disaster preparedness: mapping the ethical and therapeutic
( . Biosecurity & Bioterrorism. Volume 9, Number 2, 20

Rutkow L, Gable L, Links JM. Protecting the mental health of first responders: legal and ethical considerations
( . Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 2011; 39Supp.1:56-59. – Johns Hopkins

Worth T, Meyer AM, Uzsoy R, Malliard JM, Samoff E, Wendelboe A: Modeling The Response Of A Public Health Department To Infectious Disease
( . 2010, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2185- 2198. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Wynter S, Ivy J. Simulating Public Health Emergency Response: A Case Study of the 2004 North Carolina State Fair E. Coli Outbreak
( . 2009, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 1957 – 1968. –
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Yarmand H, Ivy J, Roberts S, Bengtson M, Bengtson N. Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Vaccination and Self-Isolation in Case of H1N1
( . 2010, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2199-2210. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Zhang Y, May L, Stoto MA. Evaluating Syndromic Surveillance Systems at Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) During the 2009 HINI Influenza
( . BMC Public Health. EPublished July 26, 2011. - Harvard
Generate Criteria and Metrics to Measure Effectiveness and Efficiency:
Stoto, M. A. The Effectiveness of U.S. Public Health Surveillance Systems for Situational Awareness during the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A Retrospective
Analysis. PLoS ONE 2012 7(8): e40984. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040984 - Harvard


Larson RC, Teytelman A (2012): Modeling the effects of H1N1 influenza vaccine distribution in the U.S. In: value in health, Value In Health, The Journal
of The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 15 (X) 158-166. – Harvard


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Savoia E, Rodday AM, Stoto MA. Public Health Emergency Preparedness at the Local Level: Results of a National Survey
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A, Drenzek C, Lewis S, Bailey E,Buehler JW, Spotts Whitney EA, Berkelman RL.(Emory University) J Correct Health Care 2009 Apr15(2):118-28; quiz
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