PRDA - J:APC Products

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100 products

Capability 1: Community Preparedness
Capability 2: Community Recovery




























^ Top
A Prescription for Preparedness: An Online Community for Local Health Departments and Pharmacists to Help
Ready America for Emergencies

Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
Capability 4: Emergency Public Information and

[ Website, Podcast ]

Capability 5: Fatality Management

Prepare for medical surge by engaging community pharmacies/pharmacists with preparedness efforts.

Capability 6: Information Sharing

Federal, state, and local governments must reach out to pharmacists to ensure that they are included in policy
decisions and emergency planning, and to seek their input on the pharmaceutical needs of vulnerable
populations. Rx4Prep is an interactive, educational website to help local health departments obtain information
about collaborating with pharmacies and connect with other users.

Capability 7: Mass Care
Capability 8: Medical Countermeasure
Capability 9: Medical Materiel Management and

Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Capability 10: Medical Surge
Alternative Care Site Computer Model (Beta Version)

Capability 11: Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions

[ Website ]

Capability 12: Public Health Laboratory Testing
Capability 13: Public Health Surveillance and
Epidemiological Investigation

Alternative care sites, shelters, and points of dispensing (PODs) require a specific number and type of facility
depending upon the public health scenario and the number of persons affected.

Capability 14: Responder Safety and Health

The Alternative Care Site Planning Model is intended to help public health officials evaluate the resources
required to staff and equip alternative care sites in multiple emergency scenarios.

Capability 15: Volunteer Management

Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

All Topics
Biosurveillance, Disease Detection, and
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and
Explosive Preparedness


^ Top
Bio-Pack Toolkit
[ HostedVideo, PDF ]

Continuity of Operations Planning
Environmental Health Emergency Preparedness

Prepare for an emergency by equipping first responders with the medication they need to safely respond to a
biological incident or other public health disaster. Protect first responders while cutting down on response time.

Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place
Isolation and Quarantine

The Bio-Pack toolkit demonstrates an effective model of medication prepositioning implemented in Montgomery
County, MD.

Mass Care and Fatality Management
Mass Medical Countermeasures

Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
Partnerships and Collaborations
Risk Communication
Volunteer Management
Vulnerable Populations

Blueprint for the Use of Volunteers in Hospitals and Rural Medical Centers
[ Website, Podcast ]
Foster relationships with community partners and incorporate volunteers into local preparedness and response.
This toolkit was developed to help hospitals and public health agencies integrate volunteer support into hospital
inpatient, emergency department, and incident response operations through deployment of just-in-time training
(JITT) and exercise curricula.

All Applications

Author: Mesa County Advanced Practice Center

Reference / Guides
All Formats

Building a Continuity of Operations Plan: Identifying & Prioritizing Critical Health Services
[ Word ]
A Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) facilitates the performance of a health department's functions during a
public health emergency or other situation which may interrupt normal services.
This tip sheet guides local health departments through the second phase of COOP planning, the process of
identifying critical functions and services.


Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center


Building a Public Health Community of Practice – A Biosurveillance Resource Compendium
[ PDF ]
Building a Public Health Community of Practice – A Biosurveillance Resource Compendium is a CD toolkit



APC Products


intended to help public health agencies implement an effective, comprehensive biosurveillance program.


Providing approximately 40 resources, the CD includes a series of articles on implementing biosurveillance
initiatives, materials defining and discussing the development of a public health community of practice, specific
examples of real-world tools and resources that have proven beneficial in North Texas (including system
response protocols), and a research report on biosurveillance system efficacy.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Business Not As Usual: Preparing for Pandemic Flu
[ HostedVideo, PDF ]
Help businesses, government agencies, and community-based organizations in your jurisdiction with pandemic
flu planning efforts.
This 20-minute video profiles leaders from a variety of organizations as they prepare for the consequences of an
influenza pandemic.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
CERT Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Train-the-Trainer Toolkit
[ PDF, HostedVideo, Word, PowerPoint ]
Partner with Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trainers in your jurisdiction to provide them with
pandemic H1N1 influenza training resources.
Increase awareness of the threat of a pandemic influenza and its impact on the community and give CERT
participants the education and tools needed to increase preventive health behaviors and limit the spread of the
pandemic influenza virus.
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center, revised by the San Francisco Bay Area Advanced
Practice Center

Clinic Planning Model Generator
[ Website ]
Avoid congestion, crowding, and confusion by quickly creating an accurate model that will provide assistance
with planning for a public health vaccination or dispensing clinic.
This tool can be used either in the advance planning stages or for immediate support during an actual event.
computer model is designed to assist in planning a clinic with improved efficiency and performance while
enlightening the planners on what to expect in the event of an outbreak.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Closed POD Partnerships
[ Website ]
The Closed POD Partnerships: Train the Trainer website is designed for businesses, faith-based and communitybased organizations, higher education institutions (colleges and universities) and federal agencies that are
interested in partnering with their local health department as closed Points of Dispensing (PODs) for mass
dispensing of antibiotics to employees, family members and/or clients in the event of a large scale infectious
disease emergency.
This resource includes self-guided online training modules, forms, templates, fact sheets, planning resources,
checklists, and information useful for staff setting up and working a closed POD.
Author: San Francisco Bay Area Advanced Practice Center

Conducting a BT Tabletop: A How-To Guide
[ PDF ]
Tabletop exercises are one of the strategies that the public health workforce can use to convene and engage
their community partners. This resource provides state and local public health entities with information and
guidance on the key ingredients to consider when developing and facilitating a bioterrorism tabletop exercise.
Author: Dekalb County Board of Health Advanced Practice Center, revised by the San Francisco Bay Area
Advanced Practice Center

Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Training for Child Care Providers
[ PDF ]
Provide child care providers with the knowledge and skills to develop a continuity of operations plan (COOP) for
emergency events, specifically an H1N1 influenza pandemic.



APC Products
This tool includes a trainer outline, notes, handouts, and PowerPoint presentations. The training can be used by
local health departments or other community service agencies to help prepare the child care community for
emergency events.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Core Training for Medical Reserve Corps Volunteers
[ HostedVideo, PowerPoint, CD ]
This training program guides Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteer candidates through various topics that
conform to the MRC Core Competencies Matrix. The tool covers various topics, including disaster preparedness,
universal precautions, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and other topics
essential for the proper training of volunteers.
The CD-ROM includes resource links, videos, a course map, and exercises for self-assessment.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Creating and Operating a Family Assistance Center: A Toolkit for Public Health
[ Website ]
This toolkit is intended to serve as a resource to help you develop a plan for family assistance services that can
be applied to all hazards. It contains four sections related to developing a Family Assistance Center (FAC) plan:
Prepare to Plan, Components of Plan, Role of Federal Partners, and Training Resources.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center

Cross-Border Issue Analysis: Guide to Multi-Jurisdictional Collaborations
[ PDF ]
The Guide to Multi-jurisdictional Collaborations is a resource for leaders in Public Health Emergency
Preparedness who seek answers about their community's capacity to respond to disasters. This Guide provides
examples of laws, inter-jurisdictional cooperation agreements, collaborations, policies, practices, and
procedures. Additionally, the Guide addresses various formal and informal means to develop agreements,
potential legal issues these agreements may generate, and the benefits and liabilities governments and their
agents may reasonably expect when entering into such agreements.
Author: Western New York Public Health Alliance Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Decision Making in the Field During Disasters
[ Podcast, Website ]
This module provides an engaging educational experience that simulates field-based decisions related to
environmental health issues for two scenarios: a major flood and a chemical spill caused by a train derailment.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center, revised by the Mesa County Advanced Practice Center

Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Public Health Exercise — A Dirty Bomb Disaster
[ HostedVideo, PDF ]
Design and conduct a full-scale disaster exercise using a DVD-based interactive training course designed to
assist public health and emergency management professionals.
The DVD includes video footage that details Tarrant County's full-scale dirty bomb disaster drill. The tool also
includes an interactive training manual as well as a chapter-based lecture series focused on the design and
evaluation components of a public health exercise.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Developing Effective and Sustainable Medication Dispensing Strategies
[ Website ]
Discover the process for utilizing pharmacies as medication dispensing and vaccination sites during
emergencies by building effective partnerships between local health departments and community pharmacists.
This toolkit contains four sections related to Developing Effective and Sustainable Medication Dispensing
Strategies: Background, Planning, Activation & Operation, and Policy & Legal. A user guide and table top
exercise are also available on the website.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center



APC Products
Disaster Strikes — EH Responds: Stories from the Field
[ Website ]
For this training module, environmental health professionals from around the country shared how they dealt with
actual disasters and emergencies. Their real-world stories – through which they share valuable tips, techniques,
and lessons learned – will guide you through the preparation, response, and recovery stages of emergencies and
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
eMedCheck for Blackberry/iPhone/iPad/Palm PDA
[ Website ]
During a public health emergency, time, accuracy, and data collection are essential in medical clinics. One way
to improve results is through the use of an electronic medical screening tool.
eMedCheck, an ongoing project with the University of Maryland, is a medical screening tool used on
iPhone/iPad, Blackberry, or Palm PDA. Two medical screening tools have been developed: one for a Cities
Readiness Initiative (CRI) anthrax scenario and a second for a hepatitis A outbreak.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Emergency Dark Site: A toolkit on how to build, use, and maintain a dark site for public health emergencies
[ CD ]
The Santa Clara County Public Health Department Advanced Practice Center created The
Emergency Dark Site Toolkit: A Toolkit on How to Build, Use and Maintain an Emergency Dark Site for Public
Health Emergencies. This toolkit is intended to serve local health departments in setting up a public health
department emergency dark site -- a static Web page used to post critical public health emergency messages
when a server goes down. The Santa Clara County APC, in conjunction with Stanford University and Google,
tested their newly created Dark Site during the April 2009 H1N1 outbreak. Due to an overwhelming number of
web hits, the Santa Clara County Public Health Department's server went down, resulting in the activation of their
Dark Site. When the site was activated, the Public Information Officer had a new tool to manage the public
demand for H1N1 information. The Emergency Dark Site Toolkit: A Toolkit on How to Build, Use and Maintain an
Emergency Dark Site for Public Health Emergencies includes step-by-step instructions to build your own
emergency dark site for public health emergencies. Insert the CD into your computer or download the program
and follow the interactive menus to view the simple instructions.
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center

Emergency Handbook for Food Managers
[ PDF ]
Download a quick reference guide to provide step-by-step emergency information to food managers and other
supervisory personnel at food service establishments. The handbook addresses both naturally-occurring and
man-made emergencies.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center, revised by the Mesa County Advanced Practice Center

Emergency Preparedness and Response Fundamentals: Training for Environmental Health Professionals
[ Website, Podcast, PowerPoint, Word, PDF ]
This web-based training course focuses on the role of environmental health professionals in emergency
Divided into two modules, “Emergency Preparedness and Response Fundamentals” and “Putting Principles into
Practice,” this course addresses basic environmental health concepts important to front-line staff with years of
experience as well as those new to the field.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center, revised by the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department
Advanced Practice Center

Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Case Management and Home Care Services
[ PDF ]
The Emergency Preparedness Checklist is designed to ensure that clients receiving home care and case
management services develop an emergency plan and gather a three-day or more supply of nine essential items
in preparation for an emergency event.
The Checklist is designed to be cut out or copied and directly inserted into a client's chart. This checklist can be
used in conjunction with Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center's Plan to Be Safe Campaign materials.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center



APC Products
Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, and Group Homes
[ PDF ]
This Checklist is designed to ensure that health care facilities are well prepared and able to shelter-in-place and
remain self-sufficient during a variety of emergencies.
Although licensing and quality standards vary by jurisdiction, public health professional and local, state, and
federal regulators can view the Checklist as a template that is readily adaptable to their needs and uses.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Emergency Preparedness Policies & Procedures Guide: A Resource Tool for Local Health Departments
[ Word ]
This “Best Practices Resource Guide” will help public health agencies develop and implement special policies
and procedures during an emergency. Please note that this tool is currently being revised and a new version will
be released in 2012.
Author: Dekalb County Board of Health Advanced Practice Center, revised by the Multnomah County Advanced
Practice Center

Emergency Preparedness Training Curriculum for Latino Health Promoters
[ PDF ]
This linguistically and culturally appropriate intervention, available in both English and Spanish, is designed to
train promoters de salud (lay health promoters) in the basic elements of emergency preparedness.
This toolkit is available in English and Spanish and includes key concepts, messages, and guidance regarding
the use of educational materials, conduct of group interventions, and documentation of activities to increase
awareness, knowledge, and practices regarding emergency preparedness among the Latino community.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Emergency Readiness for Food Workers — Trainer Guide
[ PDF ]
This trainer guide offers food trainers a scripted, two-hour course on the fundamentals that will help food workers
prevent or mitigate impacts to the safety of food and people in the panic of an emergency.
The Emergency Handbook for Food Managers serves as the basis for this training guide. The trainer guide is
recommended for food manager certification renewal training.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center, revised by the Mesa County Advanced Practice Center

Emergency Response Planning for Child Care Providers
[ PDF ]
This toolkit is designed to prepare child care providers for emergency events and to assist in recovery efforts by
helping children cope with traumatic events.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Emergency Risk Communication for Public Health Professionals
[ Website ]
Effective communication with the public during an emergency is vital to protect the community's health. This
module provides an overview of how to plan for an emergency, create effective messages, and interact with the
media and community in times of crisis.
Author: Seattle-King County Advanced Practice Center

Environmental Health Emergency Response Guide
[ PDF ]
Does your agency have an environmental health emergency response plan? The Environmental Health
Emergency Response Guide can complement existing emergency plans or serve as a foundation when
developing a new environmental health emergency response plan. The guide addresses 15 environmental healthrelated topics and describes the potential roles for environmental health professionals during an emergency or
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center, revised by the Mesa County Advanced Practice Center



APC Products
Environmental Health Resource Compendium for Emergency Response
[ Website ]
This compendium highlights information on environmental health issues likely to be faced during emergencies
and is organized around the major functional areas of environmental health.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center

Epi Essentials for Public Health Practitioners
[ PDF, Word, PowerPoint ]
This toolkit contains two tutorials: Just-in-Time Trainings for Managing Disease Outbreak Information and Simple
Steps to Create a Health Assessment.
Author: Cambridge Advanced Practice Center, revised by the San Francisco Bay Area Advanced Practice

Equipment and Supplies List for Food Service
[ PDF ]
This list addresses equipment and supplies useful for responding to an emergency. It was created to help food
service establishments plan ahead, so that they are not left without basic necessities in the event of an
This fact sheet is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Hmong, Laotian,
Oromo, Russian, Vietnamese, and Somali.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Flu Prevention and Care Guide
[ PDF ]
The Flu Prevention and Care Guide is a public educational flyer designed to appeal to a wide audience with
specific focus on low-literacy and limited English proficiency populations.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Food Protection Self-Audit Picture Guide and Poster Set
[ Website ]
Designed for use with the Food Safety & Security Self-Audit Checklist, this picture guide and poster set—
English and Spanish—clarifies best practices for comprehensive food protection that includes food security and
emergency preparedness. This resource is useful for staff training and in situations where literacy or language
barriers exist.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center

Food Safety & Security Self Audit Checklist
[ PDF ]
An essential tool for food managers, the self-audit checklist integrates food defense and emergency readiness
into food safety management offering a single system for food protection. Using this self audit tool will reduce:
Risks of unsafe practices; Uncertainty in emergencies; and Food-borne illness outbreak. This checklist is
available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Hmong, Laotian, Oromo, Russian,
Vietnamese, and Somali.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Get Ready for Call Center Surge: A Toolkit for Local Health Departments
[ Website ]
Develop or enhance existing resources and partnerships to increase call center capacity and improve the
effectiveness of phone-based emergency communications with the public. This toolkit was developed with a
focus on rural and suburban settings.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Hospital Surge Capacity Toolkit
[ CD, Podcast ]
This toolkit is intended to assist healthcare facilities in thinking through critical issues related to healthcare
surge and to create comprehensive plans to address these needs including: providing medical surge capacity;
patient tracking within the hospital and during patient forwarding activities; status reporting; requesting resources
and establishing alternate care sites. The Hospital Surge Capacity Toolkit is designed to give you easy access
to all the documents you will need to create your program.



APC Products
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center

How to Create a Partnership Between Your Public Health Agency and Area Hospitals
[ PDF ]
This two-page, step-by-step tip sheet outlines how to create partnerships with community hospitals around the
issue of emergency preparedness. The tipsheet also summarizes some of the benefits of a hospital-public health
partnership that will lead to a more effective emergency response.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

How to Create a Partnership Between Your Public Health Agency and the Child Care Community
[ PDF ]
This two-page tip sheet provides information on how to enhance emergency preparedness efforts by creating and
fostering a collaborative partnership with the community, with a specific focus on long term child care. The
document helps identify needs and partners for initiating child care planning in a public health emergency and
helps identify solutions for meeting child care needs of critical service workers.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
In An Emergency: Food Service Fact Sheets
[ PDF ]
Two fact sheets provide food managers and environmental health professionals with guides for emergency
preparedness on recommended items to include in an emergency kit, and, making costly decisions after an
emergency event. Prepared by the Twin Cities Metro APC, the two fact sheets address equipment and supplies
useful for responding to an emergency, and a single-page reference for deciding whether to salvage or discard
food, furnishings and equipment during cleanup and recovery.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center

Incident Management Team Training
[ Word, PowerPoint ]
This introductory training for the Incident Management Team develops participants' knowledge and skill in
managing mass prophylaxis operations. The training draws on participant experience and expertise, and
encourages participants to identify their learning needs. The training is suitable for senior managers or
supervisors with limited time.
Author: Cambridge Advanced Practice Center

Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations
[ PDF, Word, HostedVideo, Podcast ]
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training (I-JITT) for Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations is a comprehensive and systematic
toolkit designed to support individuals leading and responding to a public health emergency. Its approach to
training is aligned with best practice from the field of adult learning theory.
The toolkit consists of five components: Implementation Instructions for the Preparedness Planner, an
Operational Briefing Checklist for the Mass Prophylaxis/POD Supervisor, a Field Training Guide for Team
Leaders (complete with Job Action Sheets), a “Go-Guide” job aide for surge responders to utilize during an
incident, and a short evaluation form to evaluate the I-JITT approach.
Author: Multnomah County Advanced Practice Center

Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for Public Health Investigations (PHI)
[ PDF, HostedVideo, Word, Podcast ]
Inclusive Just-in-Time Training (I-JITT) for Public Health Investigations is a comprehensive and systematic toolkit
designed to support individuals leading and responding to a public health emergency. Its approach to training is
aligned with best practice from the field of adult learning theory.
The toolkit consists of five components: Implementation Instructions for the Preparedness Planner, an
Operational Briefing Checklist for the Epidemiology/Surveillance Group Supervisor, a Field Training Guide for
Team Leaders (complete with Job Action Sheets), a “Go-Guide” job aide for surge responders to utilize during an
incident, and a short evaluation form to evaluate the I-JITT approach.
Author: Multnomah County Advanced Practice Center

Infectious Disease Emergency Response (IDER) Toolkit
[ Website ]
The IDER Toolkit is for local health department staff and others involved in planning and preparing for infectious
disease emergencies. The toolkit integrates key elements of communicable disease control and prevention with
emergency management principles, and provides a customizable, ready-to-go infectious disease emergency



APC Products
response plan via a variety of functional forms and templates.
Author: San Francisco Bay Area Advanced Practice Center

Isolation and Quarantine Toolkit
[ Website ]
In the absence of rapid and definitive diagnostic tests, vaccines, or cures, isolation and quarantine remain public
health's best strategy against the spread of communicable diseases. These strategies were historically used for
the large-scale epidemics of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, but more recently as an individual
strategy that is carried out in a quiet, small-scale manner, out of public view.
Recent events and concern about the deliberate release of biological agents such as plague and anthrax or the
spread of emerging diseases such as pandemic influenza and SARS have changed the context of public health
preparedness. Proactively planning for and managing the implementation of a large-scale isolation and
quarantine has once again become part of public health's fundamental responsibility.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Local Health Department Guide to Pandemic Influenza Planning
[ PDF, Word ]
Intended for use by local health departments (LHDs) as part of a multi-sector effort to coordinate planning for and
response to a pandemic influenza outbreak, the 60-page guide offers the following: An overview of key issues
that should be considered for inclusion in a local jurisdiction's pandemic influenza plan. An examination within
each issue area of questions that should be asked, ideas on where to find information that may be needed, and
partners that could be consulted to address those topics within the plan. Examples of ways in which other
jurisdictions have addressed the topics described in the guide. Links to information that can be used to further
investigate the topics or resources that can be used to customize tools for individual jurisdictions. At the core of
this guide are plans developed by departments that host two of NACCHO's Advanced Practice Centera, cuttingedge learning laboratories that develop and test tools that help other LHDs tackle all-hazards preparedness.
Santa Clara County, California and Seattle-King County, Washington, have both produced notably
comprehensive, but very different, plans addressing pandemic influenza that serve as the foundation of this
document's findings.
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center

Local Heroes
[ PDF ]
Local Heroes is an emergency preparedness training and social marketing campaign for public health agencies
that is designed to introduce public health workers to the concepts within emergency preparedness and their role
in a response. This DVD-Rom is a “train-the-trainer” and “train-the-workforce” resource that includes training
materials and presentations designed to teach individuals how to deliver training to their public health workforce,
and to introduce public health employees at all levels to the concept of emergency preparedness. Local Heroes
also includes a number of branding and promotional items that can be customized to stimulate interest in
emergency preparedness and instill a positive desire among individual public health workers to help them
recognize and understand their specific role in response to a public health emergency.
Author: Dekalb County Board of Health Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Managing Mass Fatalities: A Toolkit for Planning
[ CD ]
This comprehensive toolkit evolved from recognition of the need for communities to increase their preparedness
for managing mass fatalities. Its focus—the care and management of the dead—is one of the most difficult
aspects of disaster response and recovery operations. Toolkit materials are based on lessons learned from
actual events, including the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina. The toolkit provides scalable,
operational direction and tools to guide jurisdictions in creating a local plan. Highlights include: Identification of
stakeholders involved in mass fatality management and recommendations for a planning process that is co-led
by public health and the medical examiner/coroners office; Specific guidelines for all medical examiner/coroner
responsibilities at the incident site, morgue, and family assistance center Guidance on infection and other health
and safety threats; and Requirements and recommendations for managing mass fatalities during a worst-case
scenario pandemic influenza.
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center

Managing Surge Response and Workforce Activation
[ Website ]
The Managing Surge Response and Public Health Workforce Activation Toolkit provides knowledge, information
and tools developed by the Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center in preparing its own surge response
and Public Health Workforce Activation response plans.
The toolkit is designed as a guide, not a substitute, for the collaborative planning process that each health
jurisdiction must undertake. The planning process, embedded in your local context, is necessary to develop a
plan. Your team may add or eliminate sections of the process that will best fit the planning needs of your
jurisdiction. The purpose of the toolkit is to help your jurisdiction save time during your planning process by
suggesting a planning framework.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center



APC Products

Marta the Planner
[ HostedVideo ]
Marta the Planner is an educational video on the Plan to Be Safe Campaign that encourages individuals to plan
and prepare for an emergency, and should be used in conjunction with the Plan to Be Safe Campaign materials.
The CD-ROM includes closed captioning for the hearing impaired, with universal preparedness messages for all
localities and regions.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Mass Triage Interactive Training– A Short Course
[ Website ]
This train-the-trainer toolkit provides refresher and just-in-time training in triage methods for public health and
healthcare providers responding to mass casualty incidents involving hazardous agents.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Master the Disaster!/LIVE
[ Podcast, Website ]
Master the Disaster!LIVE (MTD!/LIVE) is an online, web-based tool that will run on any computer platform
(Windows, Linux, or Mac) that offers a simplified, step-by-step process for creating your own customized
tabletop exercise (TTX) slide presentation for several chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) and
natural disaster scenarios.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Medical Mass Care During an Influenza Pandemic: Guide & Toolkit for Establishing Care Centers
[ PDF ]
This toolkit serves as a resource for local public health departments to develop plans for medical
mass care. The toolkit provides scalable, operational direction and tools for the establishment of alternative care
sites, i.e. Influenza Care Centers (ICC) to meet the health care needs of patients requiring hospital care who are
not able to receive such care at one of the local hospitals. Although the guide focuses on pandemic influenza,
the approaches described and the tools provided can be adapted for other medical-health emergencies and
hazards requiring medical mass care.
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center

Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Populations: Equity in Emergency Preparedness
[ PDF, Website ]
Every community is made up of diverse groups of residents with varied and sometimes complex everyday needs.
Is your community prepared to handle those needs so that no resident is left behind? Meeting the Needs of
Vulnerable Populations: Equity in Emergency Preparedness is a web toolkit that will help you organize,
communicate and connect with your community.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center

Monitoring Community Health Status for Emergency Preparedness
[ PDF ]
This tip sheet is designed for epidemiologists, disease control and emergency preparedness directors, and
information technology professionals. It highlights the importance of disease surveillance and the need for the
right tools to help assess data accurately and in a timely manner.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
No Ordinary Flu
[ PDF ]
No Ordinary Flu is a comic that illustrates a compelling story through the eyes of a survivor of the 1918
pandemic. The comic connects the audience to the present-day threat, communicating crucial preparedness
messages to limited-English-proficient, non-English-proficient, and low-literacy groups.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center



APC Products
Notes from the Field: A Collection of Emergency Preparedness Exercise and Evaluation Reviews
[ PDF, Podcast ]
This resource contains peer reviews of a variety of exercise and evaluation documents that have been prepared to
assist public health emergency planners. Most are directed to public health practitioners, while some are written
for first responders and others are designed for use in a hospital setting, highlighting the roles of partners in
emergency preparedness. All may be adapted for use by local health departments.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
On The Safe Side: A Security Planning Toolkit for Public Health Emergencies
[ HostedVideo, CD, Podcast ]
On The Safe Side: A Security Planning Toolkit for Public Health Emergencies was developed to assist local
public health agencies, hospitals, and law enforcement agencies in planning for and responding to public health
Author: South Carolina Region 7 Advanced Practice Center

Online Training-Module I: Introduction to Computer Planning Models
[ Website, HostedVideo ]
The goal of the research project between the University of Maryland and Montgomery APC is to create
mathematical and simulation models of mass dispensing and vaccination clinics (also known as points of
dispensing or PODs) and to develop decision support tools to help emergency preparedness planners plan for
clinics and other events. As part of the project we will develop a series of training modules on the topic of using
computer planning models for public health preparedness. Module I is the first in a series of training videos
discussing public health planning models.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Orientation to Inclusive Just-in-Time Training (I-JITT): An online course
[ Website, PDF, HostedVideo, Podcast ]
This online training module serves as a companion to our APC white paper on Inclusive Just-in-Time training as
well as a primer for LHD leaders and administrators in understanding the model of I-JITT and how it can be
adopted, adapted, and tailored in their organization. Learning Objectives By the end of this training, the learner
should be able to: Define Inclusive Just-In-Time Training (JITT) Describe how to apply Inclusive JITT in a public
health response Explain the importance of incorporating Inclusive JITT into ongoing organizational training and
preparedness efforts Describe how to adopt Inclusive JITT at the local level The online module uses the example
of Susan, a health administrator, and the type of training she received during a mass vaccination event.
Additionally, through the use of video, the module reinforces the learnings and provides examples to illustrate
visually, the concepts within. Contained within the course are knowledge checks and interactive activities
intended to stimulate the learners in applying the content in the module.
Author: Multnomah County Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Pan Flu & Us: A Toolkit for Developing a Pandemic Flu Preparedness Workshop
[ PDF ]
This toolkit is designed to assist local health departments in developing a program for home care providers to
integrate emergency preparedness into their daily activities with their clients. The toolkit includes participant
materials and customizable promotional items. Original files are available by request.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Pandemic Influenza School Planning Toolkit
[ PDF ]
The Santa Clara County Public Health Department Advanced Practice Center created the Pandemic Influenza
School Planning Toolkit to assist local public health agencies in partnering with the schools within their
jurisdictions for pandemic emergency preparedness planning. The toolkit is designed to: Increase awareness of
the threat of a pandemic influenza and its impact on the school community. Guide schools in developing specific
pandemic influenza measures to integrate into their emergency crisis plans. Specifically, To increase preventive
health behaviors that limit the spread of viruses, such as a pandemic influenza. To continue student learning and
core operations during the pandemic. To recover, returning to the "new normal," when the pandemic has passed.
A plan template is provided to guide development of pandemic specific measures to augment a school's
emergency crisis plan. The plan template is supported by several tools (e.g., communications tools and
continuity of instruction tools) to assist schools in completing specific template sections. The template, when
completed by a school, becomes the school's pandemic plan. The Santa Clara County Public Health
Department Advanced Practice Center created the Pandemic Influenza School Planning Toolkit to assist local
public health agencies in partnering with the schools within their jurisdictions for pandemic emergency
preparedness planning. The toolkit is designed to: Increase awareness of the threat of a pandemic influenza and
its impact on the school community. Guide schools in developing specific pandemic influenza measures to
integrate into their emergency crisis plans. Specifically, To increase preventive health behaviors that limit the
spread of viruses, such as a pandemic influenza. To continue student learning and core operations during the
pandemic. To recover, returning to the "new normal," when the pandemic has passed. A plan template is
provided to guide development of pandemic specific measures to augment a school's emergency crisis plan. The
plan template is supported by several tools (e.g., communications tools and continuity of instruction tools) to
assist schools in completing specific template sections. The template, when completed by a school, becomes
the school's pandemic plan.
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center



APC Products

Pandemic Readiness and Response Toolkit
[ Website ]
The Pandemic Readiness and Response Toolkit was developed to empower communities to initiate a proper,
measured response before an actual outbreak strikes the community. The Pandemic Readiness and Response
toolkit was successfully used during the 2009-2010 H1N1 Pandemic by the Toledo-Lucas County Health
Department and regional partners. About The Toolkit: The Pandemic Readiness and Response toolkit provides:
Sample Transitional Medical Model templates for the following jurisdictions - urban county, suburban county,
rural county with a hospital, and rural county without a hospital. Also included are resources to develop tabletop
and functional exercises that automatically create customized materials, specific to your jurisdiction. These
resources will provide an agency with cost efficient, adaptable exercises they can use in preparing and
exercising their Pandemic plan. This toolkit has been designed to support NACCHO’s Project Public Health
Ready goals.
Author: Toledo-Lucas County Advanced Practice Center

Pictogram-Based Site Signage and Pocket Translator Tools
[ PDF, Podcast ]
The Site Signage and Pocket Translator tools were developed for use in Point of Dispensing (POD) operations.
They are intended to enhance understanding of POD stations/functional areas and related activities for individuals
with limited English proficiency or disability.
Author: Cambridge Advanced Practice Center, revised by the Multnomah County Advanced Practice Center

Pictographic Product Recalls
[ CD ]
The Pictographic Product Recalls CD is designed for use by local health department staff. The CD, used
together with an FDA announcement of a product recall, enables local health staff to create product recall
materials for distribution in their communities. The CD includes a Guide to Creating pictographic recall alerts, as
well as template announcements for use with undeclared ingredients, foreign materials and product
contamination announcements and a selection of 26 pictograms for inclusion in the recall notices. With these
materials, a local health official can produce a functional product recall notice in 30 minutes or less.
Author: Cambridge Advanced Practice Center

Plan to Be Safe - Training Modules for Emergency Operations of Dispensing & Vaccination Clinics
[ PDF, HostedVideo ]
This public health clinic operations toolkit, developed by the Montgomery County Advanced
Practice Center, incorporates four training modules and comes with the following items: an instructors guide;
appendices of resources and templates; and two videos. Operation Caroline demonstrates a mock dispensing
and vaccination clinic and Operation Dagwood demonstrates a mock smallpox vaccination clinic.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Plan to Be Safe Campaign Toolkit
[ PDF ]
The Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center has developed an educational tool that promotes preparing a
disaster kit with at least 9 items. The toolkit includes the following items: Poster; Take-away brochure; and
fold brochure. In addition to emphasizing the 9-item disaster kit, the materials also introduce a three-step
disaster plan, which includes: Starting a conversation; Making a plan; and Making a kit. Each product within the
toolkit is available in a downloadable format that will allow for individual customization.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Planning and Implementing a Public Health Exercise for Radiological Events: An Exercise Guide
[ HostedVideo, PDF ]
This exercise guide is a rich resource tool utilizing tools previously developed by the Tarrant
County APC to provide guidance on performing a public health-focused radiological exercise. The document
distills key information from a variety of authoritative sources, to be used as a process guide for local health
departments to perform one of the most critical but often neglected aspects of public health readiness: the
operations-based or test exercise for an incident involving radioactive agents such as a radioactive dispersion
device or so-called “dirty bomb.” The guide contains numerous links to planning and training resources from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US Department of Homeland Security, and Department of
Energy websites. The CD also contains a 17 minute video overview of a major field functional exercise performed
in November 2004 involving a simulated dirty bomb at a major NASCAR facility, the Texas Motor Speedway.
CD should be used as a didactic piece along with the DVD, “Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Public
Health Exercise – A Dirty Bomb Disaster.” The CD covers additional operational considerations in performing a
radiological exercise.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Point of Distribution Staff Training Series
[ Word ]
POD 1: The Mechanics of a POD; POD 2: Facilitating Clients Through a POD. This training is designed to
develop knowledge and skills by drawing upon participant experience and expertise. This approach is well suited
for an audience of local public health and MRC volunteers who are leaders either within their departments or in
their communities.
Author: Cambridge Advanced Practice Center



APC Products
PPE, Decontamination, and Mass Triage – A Short Course
[ DVD ]
PPE, Decontamination, and Mass Triage – A Short Course is a DVD training tool that provides introductory level
and refresher training in three critical competency areas for public health and healthcare providers responding to
mass casualty incidences (MCI) involving hazardous agents. It contains both didactic and disaster exercise
videos showing 1) proper use of medical Level C personal protective equipment, 2) mass casualty triage, and 3)
setup/takedown of a field decontamination unit that might typically be used in the event of a chemical or
radiological disaster. It is based on the National Disaster Life Support Foundation NDLS-Decon training, a two
day training course offered by the NDLSF National Training Center at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas,
TX. The DVD-ROM also provides other resource links for readiness assessments for health departments and
their communities for chemical and radiological preparedness, as well as other training resources. NOTE: This
DVD is not intended as a substitute for hands-on training, nor does it result in NDLS-D or any haz-mat
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Preparar Su Negocio Para Emergencias Naturales y Causadas por el Hombre
[ CD ]
The Preparar Su Negocio Para Emergencias Naturales y Causadas por el Hombre tool is a Spanish translation
of APC’s Preparing Your Business for Emergencies, Natural & Man-Made Disasters CD toolkit, developed in
2006. The original product was developed to guide business decision-makers through the planning process in
preparing for emergencies and disasters. Completed in September 2010 and available at no cost to NACCHO
members, the translated product reflects the need to address preparedness planning among small to mid-size
businesses in the Latino community, a vulnerable population. This tool uses best practices identified to assist
local Latino businesses in preparedness planning. It provides a guideline for the management of actions and
operations required to respond to an emergency or disaster. The tool offers information on actions to be taken,
key resources required, and procedures to be followed. The benefits of using this product for preparedness
planning are to reduce the impact of disasters, prevent injury, and facilitate business continuity. Specific topics
covered include developing an emergency plan, evacuation procedures, shelter-in-place training, recovery
locations, communications, preparing for specific disasters, computer and data security, personal preparedness
at home and work, decision-making in a disaster, and volunteer opportunities. All of these topics are translated
into Spanish. Hispanic business owners can use the resources on this product “as is” or customize them for
their unique needs. Users can complete a self-assessment before they start reviewing the various topics on the
CD. This self-assessment allows them to determine areas that may require further information and review.
can select relevant topics and even complete and print out forms and planning guides that may help better
prepare their business for disasters and emergencies. The product requires no special training or computer
equipment other than the availability of a CD drive or access to the Internet.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Preparation for Pandemic Flu: A Health Promoter Training
[ PDF ]
This training module outlines how to conduct a five-hour training session for experienced health promoters and
includes a review of the basic concepts of emergency preparedness, pandemic flu, and risk communications.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Preparing for Outbreak Investigations: How to Plan Your Operation and Prepare Your Staff
[ PDF ]
This tip sheet highlights essential tasks in being prepared for outbreak investigations including the advance
preparation of epidemiological questionnaires and other data collection resources.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Preparing for Pandemic Flu Pocket Guide
[ PDF, Word ]
The customizable Pandemic Flu Pocket Guide outlines what the public should know about pan flu. This easy-tocarry guide folds to wallet size. It describes the distinctions between seasonal flu and pandemic flu; provides
information on what to expect during a pandemic event; and explains how to control the spread of disease. It can
be customized with local emergency broadcast information local emergency resource listings and personal
contact numbers. It is also available in most languages that can be customized to your area. This tool was
developed by Santa Clara County Public Health Department with the assistance of Worldways Social Marketing.
A Web sample of the Santa Clara County Pocket Guide is available here. To create a Pocket Guide customized
for your area, contact Worldways Social Marketing at 303.779.3004 ext. 3517.
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center

Preparing Your Business for Emergencies, Natural and Man-Made Disasters
[ CD ]
Preparing your Business for Emergencies, Natural and Man-Made Disasters is a CD-ROM toolkit designed to
assist administrators of small- to mid-sized businesses in preparing for emergencies and disasters. This toolkit
includes a 10-question self-assessment, emergency preparedness plan forms, educational presentations,
disaster scenario and exercise, videos and additional resources. The materials were created from a variety of
government and university sources specializing in the topic areas. Some of the topics covered include developing
an emergency plan; evacuation and in-place protection; choosing a recovery location; communications; preparing
for specific disasters; computer and data security; personal preparedness at home (training for employees);
volunteer opportunities; and decision-making in a disaster.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center



APC Products
Pre-School and School Health Surveillance Guide
[ Podcast, PDF, Word ]
This guide offers insight to help local public health departments develop a Web-based portal using open source
software to facilitate health information exchange between the local health department and schools and childcare
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

PsychoSocial/Behavioral Response to Radiological and Nuclear Disasters
[ PowerPoint, PDF, HostedVideo ]
PsychoSocial/Behavioral Response to Radiological and Nuclear Disasters is an awareness-level orientation
course that addresses mental health/behavioral health issues relevant to radiological/nuclear disasters. The
training incorporates elements of established disaster mental health knowledge gleaned from actual
radiological/nuclear events as well as practices described in leading academic and governmental publications.
Completed in September 2010 and available at no cost to NACCHO members, the course provides curriculum for
educators and trainers responsible for workforce development in behavioral health response competencies for
radiological/nuclear disaster workers. The CD tool provides training materials that allow public health
departments, healthcare, EMS personnel, other public safety responders and public health partners to effectively
understand how to provide for early detection of, and the mitigation of the deleterious behavioral health and
psychosocial effects of a nuclear or radiological disaster. The course also includes exercises that cover radiation
exposure devices, radiological dispersion devices (dirty bomb) or improvised nuclear devices, and how to
effectively interact with the public and healthcare community via the application of Psychological First Aid and
effective Risk Communication. The CD is a train-the-trainer tool that consists of didactic instruction including
PowerPoint slides as presentation aids as well as practice of concepts learned using vignettes/scenarios, group
discussion, and decision-making with feedback. Handouts and references also provide detail that extends the
scope of the presented materials. Trainer guidance is also provided as self-study material. Training addresses
the four major intervention strategies for mental health/behavioral health management of a radiological/nuclear
mass casualty incident: mental health triage, psychological first aid, risk communication, and building personal
and community resilience. Local health departments can use the resources on the CD “as is” or customize them
for their unique needs. The product requires no special training or computer equipment other than the availability
of a CD drive with optional Internet connection.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Public Health 101: An Introduction for Stakeholders
[ CD, PowerPoint, PDF ]
Introduction to Public Health for Local Partners and Stakeholders is a CD training tool that introduces police and
fire/EMS cadets to the principles of public health, with particular emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of
public health during an emergency. This course reinforces the collaborative nature of emergency preparedness
and the critical need to work together to ensure a coordinated, efficient community response. It contains both a
didactic piece and Train-the-Trainer notes on public health, preparedness, Strategic National Stockpile (SNS),
epidemiology, and isolation and quarantine. In addition to the didactic piece, there are two scenarios -- avian
influenza and white powder incident -- to help demonstrate how and where public health and law enforcement
interface. This tool was pilot tested among Tarrant County police and fire/EMS, and the material for this tool is
used on a regular basis at police academies to teach cadets. At each session pre- and post-tests were
conducted to determine if cadets truly gained some knowledge from these sessions; all sessions demonstrated
improvement from pre- to post-test. All classroom sessions provide course evaluation feedback forms, as well,
that are used for course improvements and adjustments.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Public Health Mutual Aid Agreements
[ PDF ]
The Cambridge Advanced Practice Center for Emergency Preparedness has developed materials to assist local
health departments in creating public health mutual aid agreements. These materials have been used to develop
and implement a public health mutual aid agreement in a 27-community region in Massachusetts. The materials
include 5 PDF documents that can help local health departments begin the process of creating jurisdiction
appropriate mutual aid agreements: Public Health Mutual Aid Agreement: A Template Explanation of a Public
Health Mutual Aid Agreement Scenarios for Use of a Public Health Mutual Aid Agreement Frequently Asked
Questions: Public Health Mutual Aid A Public Health Mutual Aid Agreement: White Paper
Author: Cambridge Advanced Practice Center, revised by the San Francisco Bay Area Advanced Practice


^ Top
Responding to Chemical and Radiological Disasters – A Self-Paced Training Course
[ PowerPoint ]
Responding to Chemical and Radiological Disasters – A Self-Paced Training Course is an interactive CD training
tool targeted at public health and healthcare professionals. It is organized along two basic learning tracks
starting with the basics of radiation and toxicology, followed by the role of public health in radiological disasters,
and more detailed training on radiological and chemical incidents. All-hazards modules introducing mass triage,
decontamination and the use of personal protective equipment are also included. The CD contains supplemental
videos and additional training resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and OSHA.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Responding to Chemical/Radiological Terrorism: Training Manual
[ PDF, Word, PowerPoint, HostedVideo ]
This three-volume set is a collection of training and tutorial material compiled for awareness level training on how
to respond to incidences involving nuclear, radiological or chemical weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The
material was created from a variety of government, university, and private foundation sources specializing in
WMD emergency preparedness. It is targeted at three distinct audiences involved in emergency response: public



APC Products
health staff, medical ER staff, and fire/first responders. It also contains a training section for trainers who may
present the material as provided, or may customize from the various sections to emphasize certain emergency
response concepts as needed. Users should first review the README file, study the tutorial modules in
Appendix A, step through the training presentation slides in the folder for their particular background interest,
then take the post-training tests in Appendix B. Tutorial tests are also provided at the end of each module in
Appendix A and may be submitted to the University of North Texas Health Sciences Center Office of
Professional and Continuing Education for CME/CEU credits.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

Risk Communication and Public Education Tool Kit
[ PDF, Word ]
This tool kit identifies techniques for conducting pre-event public education activities, as well as strategies for
pre-event and event risk communication planning. The tool kit is organized into three sections: Plan, Prepare and
Perform. Each section includes Santa Clara County Public Health Department insights, key tactics, lessons
learned and tools when communicating to the public during a health or medical emergency event.
Author: Santa Clara County Advanced Practice Center, revised by the Toledo-Lucas County Advanced Practice

Risk Communication in Rural Settings
[ Website, Podcast ]
Risk Communicating Resources for Rural Areas is a toolkit to help rural public health clinics communicate their
message to the community during an emergency or disaster. The goal of this tool is to put comprehensive,
accessible, and ready-to-use materials in the hands of local health departments. The tool contains information
on the following topics: Communicating during a natural event Communicating during a biological event
Communicating during a chemical event Communicating during a radiological event Communicating during a
mass vaccination/medical event How to have a Joint Information Center in your community Non-traditional ways
to communicate
Author: Ware County Board of Health -- APC Mini Site

Rural Preparedness Planning Guide
[ PDF ]
This guide highlights findings from a panel of local health department directors and emergency responders.
discuss their experiences handling population surge and to identify guidelines other rural responders might use
to improve their preparedness work.
Author: Western New York Public Health Alliance Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza Vaccination Assessment Toolkit
[ Website ]
The SPIVA Toolkit is for local health department staff and others involved in planning and implementing seasonal
and pandemic influenza campaigns. The toolkit promotes community assessment as an emergency
preparedness tool. Examples in the toolkit illustrate three data collection methods: key informant interviews,
focus groups, and surveys. There are sections on identifying and engaging target populations and putting
community assessment data to use. The toolkit includes a 7-step method to plan, implement, and manage
surveys and discussion on using online tools. By using this product, staff members will be trained in practical
survey and assessment techniques applicable to various public health functions. Expected outcomes are: to
improve mass vaccination planning and coordination with private providers, community-based organizations, and
other key public health partners; and increase staff awareness of local health conditions and potential gaps in
public health preparedness to inform future preparedness planning. Onsite evaluation of this product by LHDs is
Author: San Francisco Bay Area Advanced Practice Center

Signs for Mass Decontamination
[ CD, Podcast ]
The Signs for Mass Decontamination provide essential instructions in a simple and easy to understand format to
help victims safely navigate through the decontamination process. The use of pictograms and simple
descriptions address communication barriers caused by languages differences, physical impairments or
environmental factors such as noise or responder PPE. The CD contains 8 design files of pictograms with 13
translations and a User Guide.
Author: Cambridge Advanced Practice Center

Speak First: Communicating Effectively in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty
[ Word, PowerPoint, PDF ]
Speak First: Communicating Effectively in Times of Crisis and Uncertainty is a proven, practical training for
building the skills to delivering first messages in the early hours of a crisis. Learn what you need to know, how to
sharpen your skills, and how to teach others how to master these best practices. This training was designed for
two types of users: (1) Trainers who will be teaching Speak First skills to others; (2) Self-directed individuals and
group learners. Those who will benefit from acquiring these skills include anyone who may have to speak to the
public during a crisis. This could include public health directors, communication specialists, receptionists, onscene responders, call center operators, elected officials, and others.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center



APC Products
Special Needs Shelter Just-in-Time Training for Non-Medical Personnel
[ PDF, PowerPoint ]
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
staffing of Alternative Care Sites has been identified as a major challenge of other local health departments and
their partners. The goal of this training is to develop a just-in-time template for local health departments to train
non‐medical staff for duties associated with a special needs shelter.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Staff Allocation Decision Guide
[ Word, PDF, Podcast ]
This tool guides an experienced Local Health Department (LHD) administrator or Incident Commander (IC)
through decision-making processes to allocate staff between two major types of public health operations both in
advance of, and during, a public health emergency. Disease investigation (surveillance, investigation, contact
tracing, and case management) due to a naturally occurring disease, food-borne outbreak, or bioterrorist event
Mass prophylaxis (using medicines or vaccines to mitigate disease) While the tool applies to any incident calling
for both disease investigation and prophylaxis operations, it is aimed at larger scale emergency operations
requiring rapid decision-making to obtain and allocate surge staff resources—decisions that may have to be
justified to and approved by authorities within, or outside of, the LHD. This tool is comprised of three distinct
worksheets: Decision points in a flow diagram representing various points in disease investigation and mass
prophylaxis operations Response questions for decision-makers to consider when collecting information to make
decisions Staffing needs based on plans, the scenario, and specific decisions Although intended for disease
investigation and mass prophylaxis operations, this tool operates within a greater public health context that may
involve other interventions (e.g., isolation & quarantine, social distancing, and risk communication). This tool
organizes complex information into simpler categories that will help determine resource needs based on the
local situation, operational objectives, plans, and partnerships. For example: Tested plans that will achieve
operational objectives. Risk communication plans to make the public an informed partner able to adhere to public
health recommendations or requirements. Partner organizations that provide staffing resources to LHD
operations, or that independently conduct operations. The tool includes a example emergency scenario to
illustrate the proper use of the tool and a related public health decision-making pathway.
Author: Multnomah County Advanced Practice Center

Stop the Spread! A Toolkit for Preventing the Spread of Germs in Clinics and Office Settings
[ Website ]
This tool focuses on infection control measures clinics and office settings can take to prevent the spread of
germs, including influenza. It was developed to engage the medical community in pandemic flu preparedness. It
has been reviewed by infection control professionals as well as those who work in offices and medical clinics. It
includes office and clinic information, patient education materials and an audio slide presentation on infection
control measures. It is available in CD-ROM format and materials are customizable for your local health
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Strengthening Emergency Response through a Healthcare Coalition Toolkit
[ Website ]
This Toolkit can be used as a guide to support the development of a healthcare coalition, or as a topic-specific
reference to complement existing health response planning in a community. It is designed as a framework, not a
substitute, for the collaborative planning process that each health jurisdiction must undertake. This Toolkit
provides a planning framework, tools and templates.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center

Strengthening the Strengtheners
[ PDF ]
Strengthening the Strengtheners: A Toolkit in Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response for
Congregations was provided to participants at the recent "Strengthening the Strengtheners: An Emergency
Preparedness Conference for Faith Community Nurses/Health Ministries." It contains a list of resources,
checklists, and assessment questions from various faith-based, community, and federal organizations which can
be used to help congregations develop plans for a potential emergency. Special populations, such as children,
seniors, persons with disabilities, animals and pets, are also addressed within this toolkit.
Author: Montgomery County Advanced Practice Center

Survivor Tales: In Deep Water, Aftershocks, Eye of Houston
[ Podcast, PDF ]
This product includes three comic books with stories told by real-life disaster survivors. In Deep Water (flood),
Aftershocks (earthquake), and Eye over Houston (hurricane) are all designed around the theme of personal
preparedness and community resilience. These stories showcase how neighbors and communities can pull
together and provide practical tips from actual survivors.
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center

Sustaining Critical Services: Continuity of Operations - A Toolkit for Public Health
[ Website, Podcast ]
This toolkit contains ten sections related to continuity planning, including: Prioritizing Services, Line of
Succession, Delegation of Authority, Mission Critical Staff, Mission Critical Vendors, Contingency Planning,
COOP Exercise Planning, ICS Integration, Resource Management and Status Reporting Outcome Objectives:
Advance BC planning in areas of essential function identification, order of succession, vital resource
management, human capital management and emergency operations center management • Enhance leadership
decision-making regarding allocation of resources across continuity and response operations • Integrate



APC Products
continuity of operations into incident command
Author: Seattle & King County Advanced Practice Center

Syndromic Surveillance for Epidemiological Investigation
[ Website ]
The Syndromic Surveillance for Epidemiological Investigation - Response Protocols for Disease Detection guides
the target audience of both public heath and hospital workers in the understanding and development of response
protocols to surveillance alerts. Content is a Web-based course that introduces the concept of response
protocols and guides users on developing and using response protocols through a series of modules. A learning
self-assessment is provided in the form of interactive scenarios prompting response to questions and providing
answers with explanation. The product's content was tested at the 2009 Public Health Preparedness Summit
through classroom didactic and evaluation forms. The requirements were vetted through CDC BioSense and local
health department epidemiology reviews.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Trainer Guide: Emergency Preparedness and Response for Environmental Health Professionals
[ PDF ]
A companion trainer guide for the Emergency Preparedness and Response Fundamentals: Training for
Environmental Health Professionals CD, this guide contains presentation outlines and group activities designed
for environmental health managers and trainers.
Author: Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center


^ Top
Urban to Rural Evacuation Tool
[ Website ]
The Urban to Rural Evacuation Tool, developed by NORC and the Pennsylvania State University's Center for
Environmental Informatics (PSU-CEI), is an online map-based tool that estimates numbers of evacuees expected
to arrive in counties surrounding major U.S. cities in the event of a dirty bomb, pandemic flu or chemical incident.
Users of the tool select a city of interest; a zoom-in map displays the counties surrounding the city that are
within a 150-mile radius. Users can choose to explore the resources these counties offer (e.g. pharmacies, gas
stations, hospitals, etc.) or to model one of the three scenarios. When a scenario is modeled, the tool displays
the percent change in population that each county experiences, the percent of the county's total increased
population that are evacuees, and the actual number of evacuees arriving in each of the counties.
Author: Western New York Public Health Alliance Advanced Practice Center

Using ESSENCE IV — A Self-Paced Training Course
[ Website ]
Using ESSENCE IV — A Self-Paced Training Course is a CD-ROM training tool that provides interactive
guidance to public health and healthcare providers in the understanding and use of surveillance software system,
Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics or ESSENCE. It
contains an objectives-based learning assessment that will introduce the software and highlight its values and
applications through a series of modules: Module 1 describes the purpose of the software and its importance as
a syndromic surveillance system; Module 2 navigates users through the application and learn the various
functions of each page; Module 3 educates the user on the various statistical functions and algorithms employed
in the system; Module 4 explores the use of alerts and queries in daily surveillance; and Module 5 applies the
user's training to the investigation of “real-life” public health scenarios. The training tool incorporates the guidance
and expertise provided by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab in the development of this product.
Author: Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center

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