1014-0012 60-day FR Notice

60-day Part 291 [exp 1-17-14].pdf

30 CFR Part 291, Open and Nondiscriminatory Access to Oil and Gas Pipelines under the OCS Lands Act

1014-0012 60-day FR Notice

OMB: 1014-0012

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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 222 / Monday, November 18, 2013 / Notices

Dated: November 7, 2013.
Robert W. Middleton,
Deputy Chief, Office of Offshore Regulatory
[FR Doc. 2013–27531 Filed 11–15–13; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Safety and Environmental

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[Docket ID BSEE–2013–0010; OMB Control
Number 1014–0012; 134E1700D2
EEEE500000 ET1SF0000.DAQ000]

Information Collection Activities: Open
and Nondiscriminatory Access to Oil
and Gas Pipelines Under the OCS
Lands Act; Proposed Collection;
Comment Request

60-day Notice.

To comply with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995


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(PRA), Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) is
inviting comments on a collection of
information that we will submit to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval. The
information collection request (ICR)
concerns a renewal to the paperwork
requirements in the regulations under
30 Part 291, Open and
Nondiscriminatory Access to Oil and
Gas Pipelines Under the OCS Lands Act.
DATES: You must submit comments by
January 17, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by either of the following methods listed
• Electronically: go to http://
www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,
enter BSEE–2013–0010 then click
search. Follow the instructions to
submit public comments and view all
related materials. We will post all
• Email [email protected]. Mail
or hand-carry comments to the
Department of the Interior; BSEE;
Regulations and Standards Branch;
Attention: Nicole Mason; 381 Elden
Street, HE3313; Herndon, Virginia
20170–4817. Please reference ICR 1014–
0012 in your comment and include your
name and return address.
Nicole Mason, Regulations and
Standards Branch at (703) 787–1605 to
request additional information about
this ICR.

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Title: 30 CFR Part 291, Open and
Nondiscriminatory Access to Oil and
Gas Pipelines Under the OCS Lands Act.
OMB Control Number: 1014–0012.
Abstract: The Outer Continental Shelf
(OCS) Lands Act, as amended (43 U.S.C.
1331 et seq. and 43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.),
authorizes the Secretary of the Interior
to prescribe rules and regulations
necessary for the administration of the
leasing provisions of that Act related to
mineral resources on the OCS. Such
rules and regulations will apply to all
operations conducted under a lease,
right-of-way, or a right-of-use and
easement. Operations on the OCS must
preserve, protect, and develop oil and
natural gas resources in a manner that
is consistent with the need to make such
resources available to meet the Nation’s
energy needs as rapidly as possible; to
balance orderly energy resource
development with protection of human,
marine, and coastal environments; to
ensure the public a fair and equitable
return on the resources of the OCS; and
to preserve and maintain free enterprise
Section 1334(f)(1) states ‘‘Except as
provided in paragraph (2), every permit,
license, easement, right-of-way, or other
grant of authority for the transportation
by pipeline on or across the Outer
Continental Shelf of oil or gas shall
require that the pipeline be operated in
accordance with the following
competitive principles: (A) The pipeline




Public Comment Procedures: Before
including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.



Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 222 / Monday, November 18, 2013 / Notices

must provide open and
nondiscriminatory access to both owner
and non-owner shippers.’’
The Independent Offices
Appropriations Act (31 U.S.C. 9701), the
Omnibus Appropriations Bill (Pub. L.
104–133, 110 Stat. 1321, April 26,
1996), and OMB Circular A–25,
authorize Federal agencies to recover
the full cost of services that confer
special benefits. Regulations at
§§ 291.106(b) and 108 require a
nonrefundable processing fee of $7,500
that a shipper must pay when filing a
complaint to BSEE. Federal policy and
statute require us to recover the cost of
services that confer special benefits to
identifiable non-Federal recipients.
These authorities and responsibilities
are among those delegated to BSEE; and
30 CFR Part 291 implements these
statutory requirements. These
regulations concern open and
nondiscriminatory access to pipelines,
and are the subject of this collection.

The BSEE will use the submitted
information to initiate a more detailed
investigation into the specific
circumstances associated with a
complainant’s allegation of denial of
access or discriminatory access to
pipelines on the OCS. The complaint
information will be provided to the
alleged offending party. Informal
resolution of the complaint is an option
via a hotline or alternative dispute
resolution. The BSEE may request
additional information upon completion
of the initial investigation.
Commercial or financial information
submitted to the Department of the
Interior relative to minerals removed
from the Federal OCS may be
proprietary. The BSEE will protect
information considered proprietary and
will not disclose documents exempt
from disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and its
implementing regulations (43 CFR part
2). The BSEE will protect personally
identifiable information about

individuals according to the Privacy Act
(5 U.S.C. 552a) and DOI’s implementing
regulations (43 CFR part 2). No items of
a sensitive nature are collected.
Responses to this ICR are required to
obtain and retain a benefit, or are
Frequency: On occasion.
Description of Respondents: Shippers
who do business on the OCS and
companies that pay royalties on the
Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Hour Burden: The
currently approved annual reporting
burden for this collection is 51 hours.
The following chart details the
individual components and respective
hour burden estimates of this ICR. In
calculating the burdens, we assumed
that respondents perform certain
requirements in the normal course of
their activities. We consider these to be
usual and customary and took that into
account in estimating the burden.

Hour burden
Citation 30 CFR 291

Reporting & recordkeeping requirement
Non-hour cost burden

105, 106, 108, 109, 111 ..................

Submit complaint (with fee) to BSEE and affected parties. Request
confidential treatment and respond to BSEE decision.


mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

$7,500 processing fee
106(b), 109 ......................................

Request waiver or reduction of fee .......................................................


104(b), 107, 111 ..............................

Submit response to a complaint. Request confidential treatment and
respond to BSEE decision.

Information that is required after
an investigation is opened
against a specific entity is exempt under the PRA (5 CFR

110 ..................................................
114, 115(a) ......................................

Submit required information for BSEE to make a decision.
Submit appeal on BSEE final decision.

Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Non-Hour Cost Burden:
The currently OMB approved non-hour
cost burdens total $7,500. We have
identified one non-hour cost burden for
this collection. The BSEE requires that
shippers pay a nonrefundable fee of
$7,500 for a complaint submitted to
BSEE. We have not identified any other
non-hour cost burdens.
Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Until OMB approves a
collection of information, you are not
obligated to respond.
Comments: Before submitting an ICR
to OMB, PRA section 3506(c)(2)(A)
requires each agency ‘‘. . . to provide

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notice . . . and otherwise consult with
members of the public and affected
agencies concerning each proposed
collection of information . . .’’.
Agencies must specifically solicit
comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the
collection is necessary or useful; (b)
evaluate the accuracy of the burden of
the proposed collection of information;
(c) enhance the quality, usefulness, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) minimize the burden
on the respondents, including the use of
Agencies must also estimate the nonhour paperwork cost burdens to
respondents or recordkeepers resulting
from the collection of information.
Therefore, if you have other than hour
burden costs to generate, maintain, and
disclose this information, you should

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comment and provide your total capital
and startup cost components or annual
operation, maintenance, and purchase
of service components. For further
information on this burden, refer to 5
CFR 1320.3(b)(1) and (2), or contact the
Bureau representative listed previously
in this notice.
We will summarize written responses
to this notice and address them in our
submission for OMB approval. As a
result of your comments, we will make
any necessary adjustments to the burden
in our submission to OMB.
Public Comment Procedures: Before
including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment–including your
personal identifying information—may



Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 222 / Monday, November 18, 2013 / Notices
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
BSEE Information Collection
Clearance Officer: Cheryl Blundon (703)
Dated: November 7, 2013.
Robert W. Middleton,
Deputy Chief, Office of Offshore Regulatory

Fish and Wildlife Service



Draft Long Range Transportation Plan
for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Lands in the Midwest Region
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability; request
for comments.

We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
availability of a draft long range
transportation plan for public review
and comment. The Draft Long Range
Transportation Plan outlines a strategy
for improving and maintaining
transportation assets that provide access
to Service-managed lands in the
Midwest Region (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio,
and Wisconsin) over the next 20 years.
DATES: We must receive written
comments on or before December 18,

Document Review: If you
wish to review the draft plan, you may
obtain a copy by visiting our Web site
at http://www.fws.gov/midwest/
Alternatively, you may contact
Brandon Jutz, Regional Transportation
Coordinator, Midwest Region, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, 5600 American
Boulevard West, Suite 990,
Bloomington, MN (612–713–5407).
Submitting Comments: If you wish to
comment on the plan, you may submit
your comments in writing by any one of
the following methods:
• U.S. mail: Regional Transportation
Coordinator, at the above address.
• Hand-delivery: Regional
Transportation Coordinator, at the above
• Fax: 612–713–5288.

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Brandon Jutz, at the above address,
phone number, or email.
With this notice, we make the Draft
LRTP for the Midwest Region of the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service available for
public review and comment. When
finalized, the LRTP will apply to
Service-managed lands in Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin.


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[FR Doc. 2013–27532 Filed 11–15–13; 8:45 am]


• Email: [email protected].
For additional information about
submitting comments, see the ‘‘Public
Availability of Comments’’ section

The Moving Ahead for Progress in the
21st Century Act (Map-21) requires all
Federal land management agencies to
conduct long-range transportation
planning in a manner that is consistent
with metropolitan planning
organization and State departments of
transportation planning. This LRTP was
initiated within the Service to achieve
the following:
• Establish a defensible structure for
sound transportation planning and
• Establish a vision, mission, goals,
and objectives for transportation
planning in the Service’s Midwest
• Implement coordinated and
cooperative transportation partnerships
in an effort to improve the Service’s
transportation infrastructure.
• Bring the Service into compliance
with the Moving Ahead for Progress in
the 21st Century Act (MAP–21), which
requires all Federal land management
agencies (FLMA) to conduct long-range
transportation planning in a manner
that is consistent with metropolitan
planning organization (MPO) and State
department of transportation (DOT)
• Integrate transportation planning
and funding for wildlife refuges and fish
hatcheries into existing and future
Service management plans and
strategies—e.g., comprehensive
conservation plans (CCPs) and
comprehensive hatchery management
plans (CHMPs).
• Increase awareness of Alternative
Transportation Systems (ATS) and
associated benefits.
• Develop best management practices
(BMP) for transportation improvements
on Service lands.
• Serve as a pilot project for the
implementation of a region-level

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transportation planning process within
the Service.
LRTP Mission, Goals, and Objectives
Through a collaborative effort, the
Refuge and Fisheries Programs, in
cooperation with the planning and
visitor services programs within the
Service’s Midwest Region, have
contributed to defining the mission,
goals, and objectives presented in this
document. The resulting mission, goals,
and objectives are intended to provide
a systematic approach to guide the
process for evaluating and selecting
transportation improvement for the
Service lands in the Midwest Region.
These guiding principles have shaped
the development, conclusions, and
recommendations of this LRTP.
To support the Service’s mission by
connecting people to fish, wildlife, and
their habitats through strategic
implementation of transportation
Goals and Objectives
This long-range transportation plan
has six categories of goals: Resource
protection, safety and condition,
welcome and orientation, planning,
partnerships, and sustainability. Under
each goal, we present distinct objectives
that move us to the goal.
• Natural Resource Protection: Ensure
that the transportation program helps to
conserve and enhance fish, wildlife, and
plant resources and their habitats.
Objective 1: Identify, research, and
adopt BMPs for planning, design,
construction, and maintenance that
mitigate impacts of transportation.
Objective 2: Reduce transportationrelated conflicts with fish and wildlife
corridors on or adjacent to Service
• Safety and Conditions: Provide a
safe and reliable transportation network
to and within Service lands.
Objective 1: Identify and reduce safety
problems and modal conflicts to and
within Service lands.
Objective 2: Ensure that missioncritical transportation assets are
maintained in ‘‘good’’ condition.
• Welcome and Orientation: Develop
and maintain a transportation network
that enhances the welcoming and
orienting experience of visitors.
Objective 1: Provide public
information to enable visitors to easily
get to refuges and hatcheries and to use
their sites.
Objective 2: Engage the visitors with
compelling information so he/she has a
better understanding of the purpose of
wildlife conservation and enjoyment of
natural resources.



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File Modified2013-11-16
File Created2013-11-16

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