Form 1800-54 2011 General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey

General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics Survey

GA2012_SFMail Survey_2013

General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity and Avionics Survey

OMB: 2120-0060

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Federal Aviation Administration

C/O Tetra Tech

6410 Enterprise Ln, Ste 300

Madison, WI 53719

2012 General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey

( As of December 31, 2012)

Instructions: Aircraft Characteristics:

  • Please answer questions for the aircraft shown to the right.

  • If this is not your aircraft, please check this box and return the survey
    in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

  • When entering numbers, use numbers that look like this:

  • R ound all numbers to the
    nearest WHOLE number.

Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement: A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2120-0060. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the collection of information. Submission of this form is voluntary.  The information obtained in the survey will only be used for statistical purposes, and will be kept private to the extent permitted by law.  FAA will not publish any reports or tables that would reveal specific information reported by an individually identifiable respondent. If you wish to comment on the accuracy of the estimate or make a suggestion for reducing this burden, please direct your comments to FAA and OMB at the following addresses:

U.S. DOT Federal Aviation Administration Office of Management and Budget

800 Independence Avenue SW Paperwork Reduction Project

AAI-220 (2012 Survey) OMB (2120-0060) Expiration 3/31/2014

Washington, DC 20591 Washington, DC 20503

When reporting aircraft activity, please report for all users of this aircraft. If you do not know the exact information for a particular question, please provide your best estimate.

Q1 Was this aircraft flown in 2012? (Check one)

Yes Continue to Q2

No Why was this aircraft inactive? (Check one)

Sold – Year Under restoration

Destroyed – Year Under construction

Museum piece Other (Specify)_________________________

The survey is complete. Please return the survey in the enclosed

postage-paid envelope.

Q2 In 2012, was this aircraft leased to or operated primarily by a FAR Part 121 or 129 air carrier? (Check one)




( (Lifetime airframe hours to nearest
WHOLE number - no decimals please)

3 What were the total lifetime airframe hours as of December 31, 2012?

Q4 How many total hours did this aircraft fly in 2012? (Include estimated rental and leased hours; if you purchased this aircraft in 2012, please include hours flown for the entire year; NOTE: the maximum number of hours you could have flown in 2012 is 8,784 hours.)

( Hours (rounded to the nearest WHOLE number - no decimals please)

Q5 In what U.S. state or territory was this aircraft primarily flown in 2012?

( (Please use 2-character state/territory abbreviation)

Q6 FLIGHT IN ALASKA: For what percent of the total hours flown in 2012 was the aircraft flown in Alaska? (If no hours were flown in Alaska in 2012, please enter 0 below.)


Q7 What percent of the total hours flown by this aircraft in 2012 were flown in each of the
following categories? (Estimate the percent of total hours flown in 2012 in each of the following categories so that the total equals 100%.)


% of Hrs Flown

General Use

Personal/Recreation – Flying for personal reasons (excludes business transportation)


Instructional – Flying under the supervision of a flight instructor, including student pilot solo (excludes positioning flights, proficiency flights, training, ferrying, sales demos)


Business Transportation – Individual or group use for, or in the furtherance of, a business without a paid flight crew


Corporate/Executive Transportation – Individual or group business transportation with a paid flight crew (includes fractional ownership)


Air Medical Services – Air ambulance services, rescue, human organ transportation, emergency medical services (excludes AMS conducted under FAR Part 135)


Sight-seeing – Commercial sight-seeing conducted under FAR Part 91


Aerial Observation – Aerial mapping/photography, patrol, search and rescue, hunting, traffic advisory, ranching, surveillance, oil and mineral exploration, etc.


Aerial Application in Agriculture and Forestry – Crop and timber production, including fertilizer and pesticide application


Other Aerial Application – Public health sprayings, cloud seeding, fire fighting including forest fires, etc.


External Load – Operation under FAR Part 133, rotorcraft external load operations, examples include: helicopter hoist, hauling logs, etc.


Other Work Use – Construction work (excluding FAR Part 135 operation), parachuting, aerial advertising, towing gliders, etc.


Other – Positioning flights, proficiency flights, training, ferrying, sales demos, etc.


FAR Part 135

Air Taxi – FAR Part 135 on-demand passenger and all cargo operations (excluding
air tours, air medical services, or scheduled passenger service)


Air Tours – Commercial sight-seeing conducted under FAR Part 135


Air Medical Services – Air ambulance services, rescue, human organ transportation, emergency medical services conducted under FAR Part 135


Commuter – FAR Part 135 scheduled passenger service only




Q8 For what percent of the total hours flown in 2012 was the aircraft flown under a fractional ownership program? (This is NOT simply joint ownership. This is ONLY for turbine aircraft in a fractional ownership program meeting Part 91, subpart K, and issued FAA Management Specifications. Flights under Part 135 should not be included. Enter 0 if no hours were flown under a fractional ownership program.)


Q9 For what percent of the total hours flown in 2012 was the aircraft rented or leased
to others?
(Include all hours where someone other than an owner paid to operate the aircraft, including instructional flights. Enter 0 if the aircraft was not rented or leased to others.)


Q10 For what percent of the total hours flown in 2012 was the aircraft owned or hired by the federal, state, or local government for the purpose of fulfilling a governmental function? (Enter 0 if the aircraft was not used for the purpose of fulfilling a governmental function.)


Q11 What percent of the total hours flown by this aircraft in 2012 were flown under… (Estimate the percent of total hours flown in 2012 in each of the following categories so that the total equals 100%.)

Flight Plans / Conditions

% of Hours Flown


Flight Plans

Day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)


Night Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)



Flight Plans

Day Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC)


Day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)


Night Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC)


Night Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)



Flight Plans

Day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)


Night Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)



1 0 0 %

Q12 How many landings did this aircraft perform in 2012? (Include water & touch-and-go landings.)

(Number of 2012 landings)

Q13 What type of landing gear system did this aircraft primarily use in 2012? (Check one)

Fixed wheels Straight floats Other (e.g., skis)

Retractable wheels Amphibious floats None (e.g., hot air balloon)

Q14 What kind/grade of fuel was primarily used in this aircraft in 2012? (Check one)

Jet Fuel - Turbine Aviation Fuel: 100-Low Lead None

Jet Fuel - Piston Aviation Fuel: 100 Octane

Automotive Gasoline Other

Q15 What was the average fuel burn rate (in gallons per hour) for this aircraft in 2012?

Gallons per hour (rounded to the nearest WHOLE number - no decimals please)

Q16 In 2012 was this aircraft prohibited from flight in icing? (Check one)


Yes How was this aircraft prohibited? (Check one)

Placard POH or AFM limitation Both

Q17 Was the aircraft equipped with ice protection on any of the following in 2012?

(Check all that apply)

Wing Propeller Stall warning sensor

Horizontal tail Windshield Pitot system

Vertical tail Engine (Nacelle lip or inertial separator)

Q18 In 2012 was this aircraft certified and maintained to operate under instrument flight rules (IFR)?

(Check one)



Q19 Installed Avionics Equipment: Check all boxes below that reflect this aircraft’s installed avionics equipment capabilities as of December 31, 2012. (Check the first box if the aircraft has only one of the item; check the second box if the aircraft is equipped with more than one of the item; if none of an item, check neither box.)

More than One


Installed General Equipment:

Electrical System

Radar Altimeter

Ground Proximity Warning System

Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS)

Flight Data Recorder

Cockpit Voice Recorder

Electronic Primary Flight Display (PFD)

Multi-Function Display (MFD)

Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) - Installed

Emergency Locator Transmitter (121.5 MHz capable)

Emergency Locator Transmitter (406 MHz capable)

Air Bag

Ballistic Parachute

Image Recorder

Installed Transponder Equipment:

Mode A (TSO-C75-b/c)

Mode C (Altitude Encoding)

Mode S (TSO-C112)

Collision Avoidance (TCAS or TCAD)

ADS-B (Mode S):

Transmit Only (Out)

Transmit and Receive (In)


Transmit Only (Out)

Transmit and Receive (In)

Installed Communications Equipment:

360 channel (50kHz channel spacing)

720 channel (25kHz channel spacing)

760 channel (25kHz channel spacing)

2280 channel (8.33kHz channel spacing)

HF Radio


SATCOM (Comsat, Inmarsat) ………….

ACARS (AFIS) .……………..…………….

FANS ..……….…………………………....

Installed Weather Equipment:

Airborne Weather Radar

Lightning Detection Equipment

Flight Information Service (XM, WSI, UAT)

Installed Navigation Equipment:

Global Positioning System (GPS):

Not IFR approved

IFR-approved for en route operation only

GPS Operational Capability:

IFR-approved for en route & terminal
operation only (TSO C-129/129A)

IFR-approved for non-precision (LNAV)
approach operation (TSO C-129/129A)

IFR approved for Baro VNAV

Approved for LNAV approach only
(WAAS Class 1)

Approved for LNAV and LNAV/VNAV
(WAAS Class 2)

Approved for LPV approach
(WAAS Class 3)

Moving map capability



100 channel VOR Receiver

200 channel VOR Receiver

VOR/DME-based Area Navigation
Equipment (RNAV)

DME/DME-based Area Navigation
Equipment (RNAV) (AC 90-100A)

Inertial Reference/Navigation System

Terminal & Enroute Baro-VNAV……………

Installed Guidance and Control Equipment:

Flight Management System

Flight Director

Autopilot-Axis Controls:

Lateral Guidance

Approach Mode (vertical guidance)

Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)

Heads Up Display (HUD)

Enhanced Vision System (EVS)

Synthetic Vision System (SVS)

File Typeapplication/msword
File Title2000 FAA Mail Survey
AuthorMatt Anderson
Last Modified ByDahl, Taylor CTR (FAA)
File Modified2014-02-24
File Created2014-02-24

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