State, Local and/or Tribal Agencies

WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Study Phase 2

0584-0548 State Agency Survey paper 6-09 formatted

State, Local and/or Tribal Agencies

OMB: 0584-0548

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State WIC
Agency Survey
Welcome to the State WIC Agency Survey!
Thank you for your participation in the WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Study, which is being
conducted by researchers at Abt Associates Inc. on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). The purpose of this survey is to better understand how the Loving
Support Peer Counselor Program is being implemented in your State or Indian Tribal Organization. Many
of the questions are focused on Loving Support peer counseling, while others address general
breastfeeding promotion and support activities in your State agency, which are helpful in understanding
the context in which the Loving Support peer counseling is implemented.

View General Instructions
Start Survey
OMB Clearance Number: 0584-0548

Expiration Date: 7/31/2011

Estimates of Burden for the Collection of Information.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required
to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The valid OMB control number for this collection is 0584-0548. The
time required to complete this information collection is estimated to
average 150 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions,
search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and
review the information collected.

Use of Cookies
This survey makes use of session cookies and is consistent with OMB guidelines for use of Cookies in
Federally sponsored Web sites. While Cookies are used, they do not contain any identifying information
about the user and will not be used for any purpose other than to ensure that the survey functions
properly. After completing the survey, you may delete the cookies from your hard drive.

Your agency’s name and location will not be identified in reports prepared for this study or in data files
provided to FNS. None of your responses will be released in a form that identifies you or any other staff
member by name, except as required by law. Please note that this study is not part of an audit or
management review of WIC operations. Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary. Failure to
complete the survey will not affect you or your agency in any way.

Introduction and Instructions


Technical Requirements for the Survey
In order for this survey to work properly for you, you will need the following:
•Internet Explorer 5.0 or above, Netscape Navigator 7.0 or above, or Mozilla Firefox Version 1.0 or
•Your browser must be Java-enabled.
•You must have the "pop-up blocker" feature disabled in your browser (if applicable).
If you are not able to meet these requirements, please call 1-877-401-7323.

Save & Continue >>

General Instructions
Survey Structure
The State WIC Agency Survey is divided into the following topic areas:

General Breastfeeding Promotion Programs
State-Level Staff for Loving Support Peer Counseling and Other Breastfeeding Promotion
Training for Loving Support Peer Counseling
State Distribution of Funds for Loving Support Peer Counseling
State Written Guidance for Local Loving Support Peer Counseling Programs
State Data Collection about the Loving Support Peer Counseling Program

Questions for these topic areas are placed within six different modules, which may or may not be
completed by the same staff member. In fact, we expect that multiple people at the State level will need to
respond to the survey, including the State WIC director, the State breastfeeding or peer counselor
coordinator and the State WIC budget officer. Please assign a staff member to complete each of the
above modules, as appropriate for your State, and forward your invitation e-mail and letter containing
your password to these people. The navigation page that follows this introduction will allow each
respondent to jump directly to the module for which they are responsible. The first question in each
module requests the name and title of the primary respondent for that specific module; this information
may help if questions arise at a later point. Please note that this information will be kept confidential and
will not appear in any reports.
At the end of this web survey, there is a “Conclusion” page. This is the place for the State WIC director, or
designated staff member, to certify that the survey is complete. Once all six modules and the conclusion
page have been submitted, your survey will be complete.
Moving Through the Survey & Saving Responses
This web-based survey includes six modules of questions (described above), as well as this general
instruction screen, an introduction screen, navigation screen, key definition screens and a conclusion
page. As you go through this survey, you will see navigation buttons/links at the top and bottom of each
page. These features will help you move through the survey.

Introduction and Instructions


As you are completing questions within a module, please use the buttons on the bottom of the page (see
below). The “Save & Continue >>” button may be safely used to move to the next page of the survey and
save the data you just entered. The “Save & Quit” button may also be used to save data on the current
page and temporarily exit the survey. Please note, however, that the “<< Go Back” button will NOT save
data. If you click the “<< Go Back” button to view previous responses, when you return to the current
page, all questions on this page will be unanswered. If you’d like to save data before going to a previous
page, please click “Save & Continue >>” and then “<< Go Back” twice. Also, it is important that you do not
use the "Back" or "Forward" buttons on the top of your browser while in the survey. By doing so, the
survey will not work properly, and your work will not be saved.
<< Go Back

Save & Quit

Save & Continue >>

On the last page of each module, the “Save & Continue >>” button is replaced with a “Submit” button like
the one below. By clicking this button, all responses in this module will be saved and you will be directed
to the navigation page, allowing you to link to any other module you are responsible for completing. If you
have completed the modules assigned to you, press the submit button and then “Save & Quit” once you
reach the navigation screen. Before your State WIC director has certified your State’s survey as
complete, you may still return to a module that has been “submitted.”
<< Go Back

Save & Quit

Submit Responses for Module 1

On the top of each page, there are underlined phrases such as Return to Start of Survey, View General
Instructions and Go to New Module. Clicking on these "hyperlinks” will redirect you to different section of
the survey (e.g., one sends you to the start of the survey and one sends you to the navigation page,
which allows you to jump to any module in the survey). As with the “<< Go Back” button, clicking one of
these links will not save responses on the current screen. If you responded to any questions on the
current page, please click the “Save & Continue >>” or “Save & Quit” button before moving to another
section of this survey.
Multiple Respondents
As mentioned, we expect that multiple people at the State level may need to respond to this survey. If a
staff member is assigned to complete a specific module, they should click the appropriate module name
on the navigation page after this introduction. Once they are finished with their module and click the
submit button, they should click the “Save & Quit” button.
It is okay for multiple staff members to simultaneously work on questions within different modules.
However, multiple respondents must not work on the same module at the same time. If two
computers have simultaneous access to Module 1, for example, both sets of responses will be saved as
separate records. To avoid problems, please assign one person to complete each module and ask that
this person be the only one to access this module. While it is fine if this person needs to ask another
person for answers, only one staff member should be responsible for entering the data. Please note that
pages may be printed by clicking the print icon on your web browser (or, from your browser's top menu
options, select "File," and then select "Print").
If you do not have all the information on hand to answer a specific question, you may save the answers
you’ve provided and quit until you obtain the data needed. If you plan to leave your computer for an
extended amount of time to gather information, please mind the inactivity rule described below; it may be
recommended that you click “Save & Quit” and re-open the survey once you are ready to continue.

Introduction and Instructions


Taking a Break
The average total time to complete this survey will range between 1½ and 2½ hours. It is designed so
that you may respond at your convenience and over multiple visits to this web site. Still, if you need to
take a break for an extended period of time or have someone else work on the survey, make sure you
save any changes made on your current page and close out of the survey.
CAUTION: If you are inactive for more than 15 minutes in this survey, you will automatically be
logged out and any unsaved responses on the current page will be lost. You are considered
"inactive" if you do not move from one page to another page in the survey. If you are logged out due to
inactivity, a login screen will appear, giving you the opportunity to re-open your survey by entering your
username and password.
Opening your Survey
If you are logged out of the survey, either because of inactivity or you clicked “Save & Quit,” you may reenter the survey by either using the link in the survey invitation that was e-mailed to you, or by visiting the
following website and entering your State’s username and password:
Your username and password were sent to you in the e-mailed survey invitation as well as in the letter
that was mailed to your State WIC director. Please note that your password is case sensitive. If you
cannot find this information, please click the Forgot your password? link on the login screen and enter the
e-mail address to which the original survey invitation was e-mailed; instructions will be sent to that e-mail
address allowing you to create a new password. If you create a new password it is important that all staff
members working on your State's survey are made aware of the new password.
Reviewing Completed Modules
As modules are completed, the data are submitted to the researchers at Abt Associates. Data are not
analyzed, however, until the State WIC Director (or designated staff member) certifies that the survey is
complete by completing the questions on the conclusion page. It is recommended that data be reviewed
for completeness and accuracy before the survey is certified as complete. When navigating to a module
that has been submitted, you will see a screen with the following note: "You have already completed this
survey. Click the Edit icon next to the response you wish to edit." Please click the "edit" icon (it looks like
a paper and pencil) and navigate through the pages, revising information as necessary. Please note that
the "Save & Quit" and "Submit Responses" buttons no longer appear at the bottom of the page; to save
changes to a particular page, you must click the "Save & Continue >>" button.

Introduction and Instructions


Finalizing the Survey
At the end of this web survey, there is a “Conclusion” page. This is the place for the state WIC director, or
designated staff member, to certify that the survey is complete. It is recommended that this person review
all modules for completeness and accuracy before completing this page; click the hyperlink next to the
text "To review the responses to this questionnaire" and start with Module 1.
If a module has been completed, you will see a screen with the following note: “You have already
completed this survey. Click the Edit icon next to the response you wish to edit.” Please click the paper
and pencil “edit” icon (see below) and navigate through the pages, revising information as necessary.

5/19/2008 11:13:14 AM


5/20/2008 10:03:22 AM

After all modules have been reviewed and the State WIC director, or designated staff member, certifies
that the survey is complete, click the “Finish” button. This will let us know that no further answers will be
forthcoming, and we will process your responses. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that will indicate
that your survey responses were successfully submitted to Abt Associates Inc. This e-mail will serve as
your "certificate of survey completion." Once you have indicated that your survey is complete, it is very
important that you do not modify any responses within the survey. If you need to revise a response after
certifying that the survey is completed, please contact a member of Abt's survey team by calling 1-877401-7323 or sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Someone at Abt will either update the
survey for you, or provide instructions for you to re-access your survey. Please do not re-access the
survey without first receiving permission or the wrong data may be used in the final report.
After your survey has been submitted, it will be reviewed by staff at Abt Associates. If questions arise, we
will contact you to clarify your responses.
Want to Print Your Survey?
If you would like to print a copy of your responses on this survey, simply print out each survey page once
you have completed it. To print a page, simply click on the print icon on your Web browser, or from the
browser's top menu options, select "File," and then select "Print."
Getting Help
We provided definitions of ”key words” to assist you as you fill out the survey. If a word is underlined, you
may simply click the word and a new window will open titled “Key Terms Used in the State WIC Agency
Survey.” Please locate and review the appropriate definition and then close the window by clicking the on
the top right corner of the page.
If at any time you have questions regarding the survey, you may contact the toll-free Abt help line at 1877-401-7323. You can also reach us by email at [email protected], and a member of our
project staff will respond either by e-mail or telephone.

Introduction and Instructions


Getting Started
You are now ready to begin the survey. Please click on the “Save & Continue >>” button below. Thank
you again for your participation in this important research study.

This Survey is divided into several different modules (listed below). Please complete each section before
certifying that your survey is complete. If you are not able to answer the questions found in a particular
module, please ask another staff person to complete that section.
Please click on the module name to go to that section.
Module 1: General Breastfeeding Promotion Programs
Module 2: State-Level Staff for Loving Support Peer Counseling and Other Breastfeeding
Promotion Activities
Module 3: Training for Loving Support Peer Counseling
Module 4: State Distribution of Funds for Loving Support Peer Counseling
Module 5: State Written Guidance for Local Loving Support Peer Counseling Programs
Module 6: State Data Collection about the Loving Support Peer Counseling Program
Conclusion (Finalize & Submit Survey)

Introduction and Instructions


Module 1: General Breastfeeding Promotion
Information on Primary Respondent Completing Module 1




We would like to learn about the WIC breastfeeding promotion activities supported in your State that are
in addition to Loving Support peer counseling.

Does your State agency provide breastfeeding promotion services or programs (e.g., media campaigns,
educational materials) for WIC participants in addition to Loving Support peer counseling?



Skip to 7

Don't Know

Skip to 7

Please indicate the breastfeeding promotion activities undertaken at the State level that your State
agency funds for WIC participants. Please do not indicate local WIC agency activities.

(Check all that apply)

Media campaigns and educational materials (e.g., television ads, posters, brochures)
Breastfeeding promotion training to staff other than Loving Support peer counselors
Make lactation consultants available to WIC participants
Sponsor certified lactation counselor training (or similar certification training)
Equipment (e.g., breast pumps)
Peer counseling or other counseling by clinic staff to WIC participants that is different than Loving Support peer
Warmline or hotline
Classes or support group meetings for WIC participants

Module 1


Only answer if Q3 = Other.
3a. For the previous question, you checked the box next to "other." Please specify.


Are you able to track at the State level the amount of Nutrition Services and Administration (NSA) funds
spent for the breastfeeding promotion activities that you specified in Question 3?



Skip to 7

Don't Know

Skip to 7

Do you track just what the State spends on the above-indicated activities or do you also include what
local WIC agencies spend on those activities using NSA funds?
Just what the State spends
What both the State spends and what local WIC agencies spends
Don't Know


How much NSA funding was spent on breastfeeding promotion activities described in Question 3 in FFY

This amount includes NSA funding that augmented the Loving Support peer counseling grant.
This amount excludes NSA funding that augmented the Loving Support peer counseling grant.
Don't Know

Module 1



How has your State chosen to use the Loving Support grant funds?
(Check all that apply)

Use some Loving Support grant funds at the state level (e.g., for staff training, planning, etc.)
We chose to focus the grant funds on a small number of sites, rather than trying to make funding available to
all sites
We chose to distribute the grant funds to as many sites as possible rather then concentrating funding on
relatively few sites
We chose initially to focus the grant funds on sites that were enhancing existing peer counseling
We chose initially to focus the grant funds on sites that were beginning peer counseling programs
Other (Specify:)

At the State level, what other major initiatives are underway that you believe have an impact on
breastfeeding rates in your State:
(Check all that apply)

Major public education campaigns, sponsored by either public or private funding
Efforts to change hospital policies to limit the distribution of formula and make them more “Baby Friendly”
Major training initiatives for health professionals to support breastfeeding
Other (Specify:)

Module 1


Module 2: State-Level Staff for Loving Support Peer
Counseling and Other Breastfeeding Promotion
Information on Primary Respondent Completing Module 2




Please list the FIRST name and title of all State WIC employees who work on the Loving Support peer
counseling program in your State (Do not include last names of State WIC employees). Please include
anyone who is involved in either policy guidance, resource allocation, financial monitoring, and/or
management information systems as they relate to Loving Support peer counseling. Please include

(Please press the tab key or use your mouse to move between lines. Pressing the enter key will take you out of the survey.)

Name & Title







Module 2



For each Loving Support staff person listed in Question 9, please indicate how long this person has been in this position, whether s/he
is a Loving Support peer counseling coordinator, the types of activities in which this person is involved and whether this person’s
salary is fully supported, partially supported, or not supported by the FNS Loving Support peer counseling grant.
Approximately how Is this person a
Is this person involved in...
long has this
person been in this Loving Support
peer counseling
Allocation Guidance Monitoring




Specify other activities
(if applicable)









Module 2


How is this person's salary
supported? (Select one)

Supported Supported Supported
by Loving By Loving by Loving


Adding up all of the time of all of the State WIC staff involved in the Loving Support peer counseling
program, what is the approximate average number of staff hours per month paid for by the Loving
Support peer counseling program, as opposed to the staff hours supported by NSA or other funding?
Hours per Month


Don't Know

When you think about Loving Support peer counseling in your State, is there one person you would
consider its champion whose efforts and enthusiasm really make it work?

Skip to 12

Don't Know

Skip to 12

11a. Who would you consider your state's Loving Support peer counseling champion - i.e., the person
whose efforts and enthusiasm really make it work?


Please indicate if anyone at the State level who is involved in the Loving Support peer counseling
program undertakes the following activities:
(Check all that apply)

Conducts needs assessment to identify the local program, population, geographic areas, and potential sites to
target the WIC peer counseling services
Provides technical assistance to local WIC programs to hire a breastfeeding/peer counseling coordinator
Develops statewide program policies for Loving Support peer counseling
Provides technical assistance to local WIC programs on basic policies and procedures for a peer
counseling program
Provides training to local WIC staff (other than peer counselors) about breastfeeding and peer counseling
Provides training to peer counselors about peer counseling duties and responsibilities
Develops informational materials about breastfeeding, which may include collecting data
Monitors the implementation of local WIC peer counseling services
Designs and/or participate in evaluation or ongoing monitoring of local WIC peer counseling services
including data collection
Conducts program promotion with local organizations in the community
Provides information to WIC clients about the peer counseling program
Reports on the program operations to WIC administrative staff
Provides direct supervision to local peer counselors
Other (Specify:)
Module 2


Module 3: Training for Loving Support Peer
Information on Primary Respondent Completing Module 3



Training Received By WIC State Agency Staff
13. Please indicate the training related to Loving Support peer counseling that State-level WIC staff have
received since your State first accepted the Loving Support peer counseling funding.

No training

received one

received more
than one time

Don't Know

Loving Support peer counseling training

Other locally and/or State-offered training on
breastfeeding and/or role of peer counselors
Lactation management training approved
through IBCLC Continuing Education
Recognition Points (CERPS)
Other lactation courses that award
If State-level WIC staff received other types
of training related to Loving Support, please
specify below.


Module 3


Training Offered By State Agency Staff or Sponsored by the State
14. In the last question we asked you about training State staff received. Here we ask about training State
staff provided or sponsored. Please indicate the training related to Loving Support peer counseling that
State staff provided to local WIC agency staff since your State first accepted the Loving Support peer
counseling funding. We would like to know about training that the State provided directly or paid for
through contracts or other agreements.
No training

offered one

offered more
than one time

Don't Know

"Using Loving Support to Manage Peer
Counseling Programs" training
Other locally and/or State-offered training on
breastfeeding and/or role of peer counselors
Lactation management training approved
through IBCLC Continuing Education
Recognition Points (CERPS)
Other lactation courses that award certificates
If State-level WIC staff provided other types of
training related to Loving Support, please
specify below.


Module 3


Module 4: State Distribution of Funds for Loving
Support Peer Counseling
Information on Primary Respondent Completing Module 4



This section focuses on how the State distributes funding for the
Loving Support peer counseling program, which may be funded by FNS
Loving Support peer counseling grants exclusively or in combination
with other funding sources.

Does the WIC State Agency currently distribute the FNS Loving Support peer counseling grant and/or
state funds to any local WIC agencies to implement the Loving Support peer counseling program?


Does the WIC State Agency currently distribute the FNS Loving Support peer counseling grant and/or
state funds to any regional entities (i.e., that include more than one local WIC agency, such as a
regional health district) to implement the Loving Support peer counseling program?


Does the WIC State Agency currently distribute the FNS Loving Support peer counseling grant and/or state funds to
agencies that are not local WIC agencies or regional entities?


If yes, please explain

Answer Q15c and Q16d if Q15b = Yes.

How many regional entities are there?


How many receive FNS peer counseling grant funds?

Module 4


Unless this is an ITO, if Questions 15a, 15b, and 15c = No, Module 4 is completed. Go to next
16. How many local WIC agencies are in your State?
Number of local agencies

17. Of these local agencies, how many offer Loving Support peer counseling?

17a. Of the local agencies that offer Loving Support, how many had peer counseling programs in
place the same as or similar to Loving Support peer counseling prior to the FNS peer
counseling grants?
(Include voluntary programs)

Number of

Don't Know

18. Of local agencies that offer Loving Support peer counseling, how many receive funding from FNS peer
counseling grants?
Number of

Don't Know

19. In addition to providing local sites with funding from the Loving Support peer counseling grant, did your
State allocate additional funds from NSA or from other sources for the Loving Support peer counseling
Yes, we distribute NSA and/or other funds to sites to augment Loving Support peer counseling programs
No, we do not distribute any funding to sites in addition to the Loving Support grant to support the Loving
Support peer counseling program

19a. Whether or not your State explicitly allocates NSA and other funds to sites to augment the FNS Loving
Support grant, does your State allow sites to choose to spend some of their NSA funds to augment
Loving Support?

Skip to 21

What are the sources of the additional funds that your State allocates for Loving Support peer

Module 4


Nutrition Services and Administration (NSA) funds
State non-WIC funds (e.g., State public health dollars)
Other funds (e.g., private philanthropic funding)

On the previous page you indicated that your State allocates “other funds” (e.g., private philanthropic funding) that
were used to provide additional financial support for the Loving Support peer counseling program. Please
specify the sources of these funds below.


You indicated that your State provided the following sources of additional funds for Loving Support peer
counseling. Please provide the amount of funding in FFY 07 that went to local Loving Support peer counseling

$ Amount of Funding

Do not
collect this

Nutrition Services and Administration (NSA) funds

State non-WIC funds (e.g., State public health dollars)

(Response from Q20a)


Taking into account all sources of funding for Loving Support peer counseling, what percentage of
funding to local agencies comes from the FNS Loving Support peer counseling grant?
(Select one)

75 - 99%
50 - 74%
25 - 49%
Less than 25%

Module 4


Module 5: State Written Guidance for Local Loving
Support Peer Counseling Programs
Information on Primary Respondent Completing Module 5



This section is about written guidance the State WIC Agency provides to local
WIC agencies about major aspects of the Loving Support peer counseling
Module 5 includes intricate skip patterns based on items selected for Question 22. There are 14
subsections, but the respondent should only answer questions related to items checked for
Question 22.

Does the State provide guidance to local WIC agencies about the following aspects of local Loving
Support peer counseling programs? Guidance can include either State recommendations or State
(Check all that apply)

Role, responsibilities, and qualifications of local WIC peer counseling coordinators. (If checked, answer
Questions 23-28)
Qualifications of local WIC peer counselors. (If checked, answer Questions 29-30)
Timing of peer counselor’s first contact with pregnant women or new mothers (e.g., during pregnancy, in
hospital). (If checked, answer Question 31)
Frequency of peer counselor’s contact with program participants. (If checked, answer Questions 32-34)
Maximum length of time that WIC participants may receive peer counseling. (If checked, answer Question 35)
Settings where peer counseling services are provided to clients. (If checked, answer Questions 36-38)
The types of contact (i.e., in-person, telephone) that peer counselors have with WIC participants. (If checked,
answer Question 39)
Accessibility of peer counselors to clients outside WIC clinic hours. (If checked, answer Question 40)
Caseload, number of clients for each peer counselor. (If checked, answer Question 41)
Wages or benefits and career paths for peer counselors. (If checked, answer Questions 42-47)
Nature and amount of initial and ongoing training and support that peer counselors receive. (If checked, answer
Questions 48-52)
Supervision and job monitoring of peer counselors. (If checked, answer Question 53)

Module 5


Community partnerships related to the Loving Support peer counseling program that local agencies must
establish. (If checked, answer Questions 54-55)
Peer counselors’ job activities (e.g., duties related to staff training, making referrals, service documentation and
program administrative tasks).
Documentation of peer counselors’ interactions with WIC participants. (If checked, answer Question 56)
Content of peer counseling activities with clients (e.g., topics/issues to discuss with clients, educational
activities) and participants.
Procedures for referrals of Loving Support peer counseling participants to other related services participants.
No Written Guidance

If no written guidance, Module 5 is completed. Go to next module.

Local Peer Counseling Coordinators
Answer if guidance is provided about role, responsibilities, and qualifications of local WIC peer counseling
23. Does the State recommend or require that local WIC agencies with a Loving Support peer counseling
program designate a local peer counselor coordinator?

Skip to 25

Does the State recommend or require that the local Loving Support peer counseling coordinator be a
different person than the local breastfeeding promotion coordinator?


Does the State have guidelines about the educational level or experience of local peer counseling

Module 5

Skip to 27



Please indicate whether the State has guidelines for the following education, experience, and other
qualifications for local peer counseling coordinators.
(Check all that apply)

Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant or IBCLC eligible
Registered dietitian or nutritionist
Registered nurse
Experience in program management
Experience in breastfeeding promotion
Training in lactation management
Experience as health-related program supervisor
Personal experience in breastfeeding
Computer skills
Experience in counseling
Experience in peer counseling
Other (Specify:)

Does your State have guidelines about the responsibilities of local peer counseling coordinators?

If yes, please indicate whether the State has guidelines about the responsibilities of peer
counseling coordinators in the following areas.
(Check all that apply)

Conduct needs assessments related to Loving Support peer counseling services
Participate in local WIC program’s establishing the basic policies and procedures for Loving
Support peer counseling program
Supervise and monitor work performance of Loving Support peer counselors
Participate in the training of local WIC agency staff about breastfeeding and peer counseling
Provide training to local Loving Support peer counselors

Module 5


Monitor the implementation of local Loving Support peer counseling services
Design and/or participate in evaluation of local Loving Support peer counseling services
Conduct promotion activities for the Loving Support peer counseling program
Provide information to WIC clients about the Loving Support peer counseling program
Initiate or serve as point of contact for community organizations that collaborate on Loving
Support activities
Report on the program operations to State WIC administrative staff
Other (Specify:)

Local Peer Counselor Qualifications
Answer if guidance is provided about qualifications of local WIC peer counselors.

Does the State have guidelines about the educational level or experience of local peer counselors?

Skip to 31a

If yes, please indicate whether the State has guidelines about the qualifications of local peer
counselors in the following areas.
(Check all that apply)

Professional certification, e.g., International Board Certified Lactation Consultant or IBCLC eligible,
registered dietitian or nutritionist, lactation management
GED or high school completion
Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Current or previous WIC recipient
Current or previous breastfeeding experience
Ethnic background similar to the target peer counseling program participants
Age similar to the target peer counseling program participants
Speak the same language as the target peer counseling program participants
Live in the same community as the target peer counseling program participants

Module 5


Available to clients outside the usual clinic hours
Available to clients outside the WIC clinic setting
Willing to travel to remote parts of the WIC service area
Available to conduct peer counseling services for a minimum number of required hours per week
If selected, what is the required minimum hours/week? ________ hours

Minimum length of commitment to serve as peer counselor
If selected, what is the minimum length of commitment required? ________ months
Good parenting model
Project positive image of WIC, present information consistent with WIC philosophy
Enthusiastic about breastfeeding
Have good interpersonal communication skills
Recognize when to make referrals to other services, specialists, and programs
Have access to reliable transportation
Must have telephone
Other (Specify:)

Timing of First Contact
Answer if guidance is provided about timing of peer counselor’s first contact with pregnant women or new
mothers (e.g., during pregnancy, in hospital).
31a. Does the State recommend or require that peer counselors first contact WIC participants during


Skip to 31d

31b. Does the State recommend or require that peer counselors first contact WIC participants during a
specific trimester?

Module 5

Skip to 31d


31c. During which trimester does the State recommend or require that peer counselors first contact WIC
31d. Does the State recommend or require that peer counselors first contact WIC participants within a
specific time frame after delivery?
31e. If yes, when after delivery does the State recommend or require that peer counselors first
contact WIC participants?
While in hospital
Within first week at home
Other/It depends (Specify:)

Frequency of Contact
Answer if guidance is provided about frequency of peer counselor’s contact with program participants.
32. Does the State have guidelines about how soon a response is required after a request for breastfeeding
assistance from a WIC participant?

Skip to 34

33. Please specify below—either in days or hours—the guideline for the maximum time that can elapse after
a request.

Number of days that can elapse after a request
Number of hours that can elapse after a request

Module 5


34. What are the State guidelines about frequency of contact during the following time periods?

1 week

At least 1 time every...
2 weeks 1 month months

Specify Other


During 1st

During 2nd

During 3rd
During last
month of
Week 1
Weeks 2-4

Months 2-4

Months 4-6

After 6

Module 5


Maximum Length of Time
Answer if guidance is provided about maximum length of time that WIC participants may receive peer

Please indicate your State's guidelines about the maximum number of months after delivery that a WIC
participant may receive Loving Support peer counseling.
Enter number of months

Answer if guidance is provided about settings where peer counseling services are provided to clients.

Please indicate the settings for which the State has guidelines regarding peer counselors' in-person
contact with WIC participants.
(Check all that apply)

In the hospital
In WIC participants’ homes
In local WIC offices during office hours
In local WIC office after hours
Other (Specify:)

Do your guidelines prohibit in-person contact between WIC participants and peer counselors in the any
of the settings listed below?
(Check all that apply)

In the hospital
In WIC participants’ homes
In local WIC office after hours
Our guidelines do not prohibit contact between WIC participants and peer counselors in any of the WIC
participants in any of these settings
Other (Specify:)

Module 5



Do your guidelines address liability issues related to in-person contact between WIC participants and
peer counselors in the any of the settings listed below?
(Check all that apply)

In the hospital
In WIC participants’ homes
In local WIC offices during office hours
In local WIC office after hours
Our guidelines do not address liability issues in any of these settings
Other (Specify:)

Type of Contact
Answer if guidance is provided about the types of contact (i.e., in-person, telephone) that peer counselors
have with WIC participants.
39. Does the State recommend or require that at least some of the contact between peer counselors and
WIC participants be in-person?

Answer if guidance is provided about accessibility of peer counselors to clients outside WIC clinic hours.

What are the State's guidelines about accessibility of Loving Support peer counselors outside of WIC
program hours?

Must a peer counselor be available by telephone for specific periods of time?
Must a peer counselor be available in person for some periods of time?

Module 5


Ask Questions 40a-40e if a peer counselor must be available by telephone for specific periods of

What kind of equipment does the State recommend or require that local agencies provide to make WIC
peer counselors accessible to WIC participants?
(Check all that apply)

Cell phones
Answering machines
No equipment
Other (Specify:)

What time periods does the State recommend or require that peer counselors be available by phone
for their own clients (if they are assigned a caseload) at least some of the time?
(Check all that apply)

The programs in our state do not operate this way.
Other (Specify:)

Do the recommendations or requirements for peer counselor availability by phone depend on the
status of the WIC participant (i.e., if she is pregnant, just after delivery, etc.)?


If yes, which types of clients are high priority (i.e., if she is pregnant, just after delivery, etc.)?

Does your state have guidelines on time periods that at least one peer counselor must be available to
WIC clients, whether or not these clients are in that counselor’s caseload?

Module 5

Skip to 40f



Does your State recommend or require that at least one peer counselor be available by phone to all
WIC clients, or only some types of WIC clients (e.g., when pregnant, just after delivery, etc.)?

All WIC clients

Skip to 40f

Only some WIC clients

If only some WIC clients, please indicate which ones are high priority (e.g., when pregnant,
just after delivery, etc.)?

Ask Questions 40f-40h if a peer counselor must be available in person for some periods of time.
40f. What time periods does your State recommend or require that peer counselors be available in person
for their own clients at least some of the time?
(Check all that apply)

Not applicable. Peer counselors in this State do not have specific caseloads.
Other (Specify:)
40g. Does your State recommend or require a peer counselor to be available in person to all of their own
clients or only some clients, depending upon their status (e.g., when pregnant, just after delivery)?

All of their caseload
Only some of their caseload
40g1. If only some of their caseloads, please indicate the priority groups (e.g., when pregnant, just
after delivery)?

40h. Does your State have guidelines about when a peer counselor must be available in person at least
some time periods for WIC participants not on their caseload?


Module 5


40h1. If yes, which of the following time periods do your State’s guidelines require peer counselors
to be available in person (for at least some time periods) for WIC participants not on their

Other (Specify:)

Answer if guidance is provided about caseload, number of clients for each peer counselor.

Please indicate the State's caseload guidelines for peer counselors.
No guidelines

Maximum caseload

Are these guidelines




Pregnant women

Breastfeeding women



All pregnant and breastfeeding women


If one or more maximum caseloads were based on part-time hours for peer counselors, please indicate
the average number of hours per week upon which you based these caseloads.

Module 5


Wages, Benefits and Career Paths
Answer if guidance is provided about wages or benefits and career paths for peer counselors.
42. Does your State require that all peer counselors be paid?


Skip to 45

43. Does your State set a minimum amount that peer counselors must be paid?


Skip to 45

44. Is the minimum amount that peer counselors must be paid equivalent to WIC-entry level wages?


Skip to 45

44a. If no, what is the minimum amount that peer counselors must be paid?

45. Does your State have any guidelines about non-wage compensation (e.g., travel reimbursement, paid
leave) for peer counselors?


Skip to 47

Please indicate below the non-wage compensation about which your State has guidelines.
(Check all that apply)

Paid leave (e.g., sick, holiday, vacation)
Health insurance benefits
Other benefits (e.g., life insurance, disability insurance)
Compensation for job-related expenses (e.g., mileage, telephone)
Other types of compensation (Specify:)

Module 5



Does the State have guidelines about career paths for peer counselors?

Training and Support
Answer if guidance is provided about nature and amount of initial and ongoing training and support that peer
counselors receive.
48. Does the State have guidelines about the minimum types and levels of initial training that peer
counselors must receive?

Skip to 50

Does the State's minimum training guidelines exceed the Loving Support peer counseling model
(To view these guidelines, click here and read item V of the "Ten components of the FNS model for the Loving Support peer
counseling program" table)

Don't Know

Does the State have guidelines about the amount of in-service training that peer counselors must


Does the State have guidelines about other types of ongoing supervision and support that peer
counselors receive?

Module 5



If yes, please specify the areas in which there are State guidelines about support to peer
(Check all that apply)

Access to breastfeeding consultants and other experts
Regular contact with local peer counseling supervisor
Participation in WIC agency or clinic staff meetings
Opportunities to meet regularly with other peer counselors

Supervision and Job Monitoring
Answer if guidance is provided about supervision and job monitoring of peer counselors.

Please indicate in which of the following areas the State provides guidance to local WIC programs.
(Check all that apply)

Frequency of contact with Loving Support peer counselor coordinator/supervisor
Review of client contact logs/activity records by coordinator/supervisor
Routine spot checks by coordinator/supervisor
Attendance of Loving Support peer counselors in supervisory meetings and/or WIC staff meetings
Observation of Loving Support peer counseling activities by coordinator/supervisor
Formal performance evaluation/review of Loving Support peer counselors
Submission of monthly work activity reports by peer counselors
Monitoring client participation and retention rates for individual peer counselors
Review of peer counselors’ time sheets, travel vouchers, phone logs, paperwork
Other (Specify:)

Community Partnerships
Answer if guidance is provided about community partnerships related to the Loving Support peer counseling
program that local agencies must establish.

Does the State provide guidance about the types of agencies that should participate in community

Module 5



If yes, in the State guidance, what types of organizations should participate in community
(Check all that apply)

Community agencies
Other government agencies
Other (Specify:)

Peer Counselors Documentation of Interactions with WIC Participants
Answer if guidance is provided about peer counselors’ job activities (e.g., duties related to staff training,
making referrals, service documentation and program administrative tasks).

What is the State's guidance about the type of information peer counselors record/document about peer
counseling activities?
(Check all that apply)

Location of contact
Method of contact (e.g., home visit, phone)
Topics/issues discussed with client
Referrals made
Status of breastfeeding (e.g., initiation, exclusivity)
Unsuccessful contacts
Materials sent to participants
Demographic data about participant and her baby
Other (Specify:)

Module 5


Module 6: State Data Collection about the Loving
Support Peer Counseling Program
Information on Primary Respondent Completing Module 6



The next section addresses information on breastfeeding collected at the State level, the method
used to collect it, and the schedule for data collection. Some of the questions are designed to
understand information on breastfeeding in general, not just about the Loving Support peer
counseling program.
57. How does the State define each of the following:
57a. Ever breastfed (breastfeeding initiation)
Breastfed or fed breast milk to infant at least once.
Don't Know
Other definition (Specify)
57b. Breastfeeding duration
Number of weeks an infant is at least partially breastfeeding
Number of months an infant is at least partially breastfeeding
Don't Know
Other definition (Specify)
57c. Breastfeeding exclusivity
No solids, water, or other liquids besides breastmilk
Receives exclusive breastfeeding package
Don't Know
Other definition (Specify)

Module 6 and Conclusion


58. Please specify which of the following indicators are collected by the State for either all WIC participants
or for Loving Support peer counseling participants.
(Check all that apply)

Breastfeeding at hospital discharge
Ever breastfed
Breastfeeding duration
Breastfeeding exclusivity
None of the Above

Answers to Question 58 determine which of Questions 59-64 should be answered. If None of the
Above, skip to Question 65.
The following questions pertain to information your state collects on breastfeeding initiation.
Answer this section if “Breastfeeding at hospital discharge” was checked for Question 58.
59. About which populations are breastfeeding initiation data collected?
All WIC participants
Loving Support peer counseling participants only

Skip to 59b

59a. Can a separate rate for Loving Support peer counseling participants be calculated?
59b. How are data on breastfeeding initiation (i.e., “at hospital discharge” and/or “ever breastfed”)
(Select all that apply)

Entered by local WIC agencies into centralized data base
Periodic paper or electronic reports produced by local WIC agencies and sent to State office as part of program
Survey sent from State to local WIC agenices for completion.
Other (Specify:)

Module 6 and Conclusion


59c. How are data on breastfeeding initiation available at the State level?
(Select all that apply)

Stored in an electronic spreadsheet or data base (e.g., Excel, ACCESS or other data base)
Available in electronic document formats
Available in paper only
Not all data are in one format
Other (Specify:)
59d. How often are data on breastfeeding initiation collected?
(Select one)

On an ongoing basis
More than once a year
Less often than annually
Other (Specify:)
59e. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the least accurate, please tell us a number that reflects how accurate you
think the data for breastfeeding initiation is.
Least Accurate


Most Accurate



The following questions pertain to information on breastfeeding duration. Answer this section if
“Breastfeeding duration” was checked for Question 58.
60. Do you measure breastfeeding duration in weeks or months?
Measured in weeks
Measured in months
Other (Specify:)
61. About which populations are breastfeeding duration data collected?
All WIC participants
Loving Support peer counseling participants only

Module 6 and Conclusion

Skip to 61b


61a. Can a separate rate for Loving Support peer counseling participants be calculated?
61b. How are data on breastfeeding duration collected?
(Select all that apply)

Entered by local WIC agencies into centralized data base
Periodic paper or electronic reports produced by local WIC agencies and sent to State office as part of program
Survey sent from State to local WIC agenices for completion.
Other (Specify:)
61c. How are data on breastfeeding duration available at the State level?
(Select all that apply)

Stored in an electronic spreadsheet or data base (e.g., Excel, ACCESS or other data base)
Available in electronic document formats
Available in paper only
Not all data are in one format
Other (Specify:)
61d. How often are data on breastfeeding duration collected?
(Select one)

On an ongoing basis
More than once a year
Less often than annually
Other (Specify:)
61e. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the least accurate, please tell us a number that reflects how accurate you
think the data for breastfeeding duration is.
Least Accurate


Most Accurate

Module 6 and Conclusion




The following questions pertain to information your State collects on breastfeeding exclusivity.
Answer this section if “breastfeeding exclusivity” was checked for Question 58.
62. Do you collect breastfeeding exclusivity data by the age of the infant?

Skip to 63

Don't Know

Skip to 63


If yes, at what age(s) do you measure exclusivity?
(Enter # of months)

63. About which populations are data on breastfeeding exclusivity collected?
All WIC participants
Loving Support peer counseling participants only

Skip to 63b

63a. Can a separate rate for Loving Support peer counseling participants be calculated?
63b. How are data on breastfeeding exclusivity collected?
(Select all that apply)

Entered by local WIC agencies into centralized data base
Periodic paper or electronic reports produced by local WIC agencies and sent to State office as part of program
Survey sent from State to local WIC agenices for completion.
Other (Specify:)
63c. How are data on breastfeeding exclusivity available at the State level?
(Select all that apply)

Stored in an electronic spreadsheet or data base (e.g., Excel, ACCESS or other data base)
Available in electronic document formats
Available in paper only
Not all data are in one format
Other (Specify:)

Module 6 and Conclusion


63d. How often are data on breastfeeding exclusivity collected?
(Select one)

On an ongoing basis
More than once a year
Less often than annually
Other (Specify:)
63e. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the least accurate, please tell us a number that reflects how accurate you
think the data for breastfeeding exclusivity is.
Least Accurate


Most Accurate



Answer if Question 58 was not “None of the Above.”
64. How are these indicators (ie., data on breastfeeding initiation, duration and/or exclusivity) used?
(Check all that apply. Not all indicators may be used for all purposes.)

Needs assessment
Federal reporting
Monitoring Loving Support peer counseling program
Evaluating Loving Support peer counseling program
Monitoring other breastfeeding promotion initiatives
Evaluating other breastfeeding promotion initiatives
Other (Specify)

Module 6 and Conclusion


Loving Support Peer Counseling Program Data
65. Which of these data items about the Loving Support peer counseling program does the State collect?
(Check all that apply)

Overall number of WIC participants in Loving Support peer counseling
Number of pregnant WIC participants receiving Loving Support peer counseling
Number of postpartum WIC participants receiving Loving Support peer counseling
Number of Loving Suport peer counseling contracts
Type of prenatal Loving Support peer counseling received by individual participants
Frequency of prenatal Loving Support peer counseling received by individual participants
Type of Loving Support peer counseling received by individual participants after delivery
Frequency of Loving Support peer counseling received by individual participants after delivery
Number of weeks or months over which postpartum Loving Support peer counseling services are
received by individual participants
Demographic information about Loving Support peer counseling participants (e.g., race, age, region)
Feedback from WIC participants about the effects of Loving Support peer counseling
Caseload, hours worked, breastfeeding rates, or other disposition information for individual peer
Please specify:
Other Response 1

Other Response 2

Other Response 3

None of the above .
If “None of the above” Module 6 is completed. Go to next module.

Module 6 and Conclusion


66. How are these data used?
(Check all that apply)

Needs assessment
Federal reporting
Monitoring Loving Support peer counseling program
Evaluating Loving Support peer counseling program
Don't Know
Other (Specify:)

Are the program data that you indicated the State collects gathered through one method or by more
than one method?
One method
More than one method

Answer Questions 68 and 69 if Question 67 = “One method.”
68. How are these data collected?
(Check all that apply)

Entered by local WIC agencies into centralized data base
Periodic paper or electronic reports produced by local WIC agencies and sent to State office as part of program
Survey sent from State to local WIC agencies for completion
Other (Specify:)
69. How often are these data collected?
On an ongoing basis
More than once a year
Less often than annually
Don't Know

Module 6 and Conclusion


Answer Questions 70-72 if Question 67 = “More than one method.”
70. How are these data collected?
(Check all that apply)

Entered by local
WIC agencies into
centralized data

Periodic paper or
electronic reports
produced by local
WIC agencies
and sent to State
office as part of

Survey sent from
State to local WIC
agencies for


If Other, Specify:

Overall number of WIC
participants in Loving
Support peer counseling
Number of pregnant WIC
participants receiving
Loving Support peer
Number of postpartum
WIC participants
receiving Loving Support
peer counseling
Type of prenatal Loving
Support peer counseling
received by individual
Frequency of prenatal
Loving Support peer
counseling received by
individual participants
Type of Loving Support
peer counseling received
by individual participants
after delivery
Frequency of Loving
Support peer counseling
received by individual
participants after delivery
Number of weeks or
months over which
postpartum Loving
Support peer counseling
services are received by
individual participants
information about Loving
Support peer counseling
participants (e.g., race,
Feedback from WIC
participants about the
effects of Loving Support
peer counseling
Caseload, hours worked,
number of contacts,
breastfeeding rates, or
other disposition
information for individual
peer counselors
Other 1
Other 2
Other 3
Module 6 and Conclusion


71. How are these data available at the State level?
(Check all that apply)

Stored in an
or database
(e.g., Excel,
Access or

Available in

Available in
paper only

Not all data
are in one

Don't Know

Overall number of WIC participants in Loving
Support peer counseling
Number of pregnant WIC participants receiving
Loving Support peer counseling
Number of postpartum WIC participants
receiving Loving Support peer counseling
Type of prenatal Loving Support peer
counseling received by individual participants
Frequency of prenatal Loving Support peer
counseling received by individual participants
Type of Loving Support peer counseling
received by individual participants after delivery
Frequency of Loving Support peer counseling
received by individual participants after delivery
Number of weeks or months over which
postpartum Loving Support peer counseling
services are received by individual participants
Demographic information about Loving Support
peer counseling participants (e.g., race, age)
Feedback from WIC participants about the
effects of Loving Support peer counseling
Caseload, hours worked, number of contacts,
breastfeeding rates, or other disposition
information for individual peer counselors
Other 1
Other 2
Other 3

Module 6 and Conclusion


72. How often are these data collected?
(Check all that apply)

On an

More than
once a year


Less often

Don't Know

Overall number of WIC participants in Loving
Support peer counseling
Number of pregnant WIC participants receiving
Loving Support peer counseling
Number of postpartum WIC participants
receiving Loving Support peer counseling
Type of prenatal Loving Support peer
counseling received by individual participants
Frequency of prenatal Loving Support peer
counseling received by individual participants
Type of Loving Support peer counseling
received by individual participants after delivery
Frequency of Loving Support peer counseling
received by individual participants after delivery
Number of weeks or months over which
postpartum Loving Support peer counseling
services are received by individual participants
Demographic information about Loving Support
peer counseling participants (e.g., race, age)
Feedback from WIC participants about the
effects of Loving Support peer counseling
Caseload, hours worked, number of contacts,
breastfeeding rates, or other disposition
information for individual peer counselors
Other 1
Other 2
Other 3

Module 6 and Conclusion


Review responses before completing this section

Thank you very much for responding to this survey. Before submitting your
responses, we would like your State's WIC director to certify that this survey is
complete by clicking the appropriate boxes below.
Enter Name:

I am the State WIC director.
I have been designated by the State WIC director to review the survey and determine the information is complete.
I have reviewed the following modules and certify that they are complete:
(Clicking on a module name will bring you to that module)

Module 1: General Breastfeeding Promotion Programs
Module 2: State-Level Staff for Loving Support Peer Counseling and Other Breastfeeding Promotion Activities
Module 3: Training for Loving Support Peer Counseling
Module 4: State Distribution of Funds for Loving Support Peer Counseling
Module 5: State Written Guidance for Local Loving Support Peer Counseling Programs
Module 6: State Data Collection about the Loving Support Peer Counseling Program

By checking all 6 modules above you are certifying that this online survey is complete and ready to
be processed.
Thank you for submitting responses for the State WIC Agency Survey.
We will be in contact with you if we have further questions. If you’d like to contact us, please do not hesitate to
call 1-877-401-7323 or email [email protected].

Module 6 and Conclusion


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - Paper survey Intro 6.09.doc
File Modified2009-06-30
File Created2009-06-26

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