iRPA: Internet Representative Payee Report

Representative Payee Report (Adult, Child, and Organizational Representative Payee)

iRPA screen shots - Revised Version

iRPA: Internet Representative Payee Report

OMB: 0960-0068

Document [pdf]
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Internet Representative Payee Accounting (i RPA)

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Welcome to Internet Representative Payee Accounting

To get started
You will need to have the report that you received in
the mail in order to access your beneficiary's records.
For security reasons, we will request information
regarding unique codes on your report.

Completing your report
You must complete this report in one sitting. Your
information will not be saved if you do not complete
your online report, However, you may always log-in in
the future and start your report from the beginning.

When you finish
After you have completed your accounting update,
you will be given a confirmation number for your
reference. This information will be saved for 30 days
in our records for your review.


Start the Payee Accounting Update Process...
-rhe following pages will guide you through
updating your records with Social Security.

I am an eXisting user
I need to register for a user 10

we estimate that it will take about 15 minutes to read the
instructions, gather the facts, and answer the questions.
Social Security Is required by sections 205(j) and 1631 (a) of
the Social Security Act to ask you to complete the report. The
information you provide enables SSA to account for the
beneficiary's payments, and ensures that beneficiary needs
are being met. If you do not complete this report, we may not
be able to continue
ding the beneficiary's payments to
you. For
go to the
Priva<;y and Paperwork Reduction Act Stgtemen!§.

OMB No. 0960-618



iRPA Access Screen

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Access Beneficiary Data

To access the period you want to update. you must enter Information from the
Representative Payee Report mailed to you by SSA for that reporting period.
The picture below shows the locations of the SSN, 10. TAA. and BIC codes on a

sample Representative Payee Report. Use the codes written on the actual report

you received from SSA.

'NWl 1iUlf...._---·-­
, _ lMf4OQl) to Oll)lIolClO'


Please enter the information requested below exaelly as it appears on the Representative
Payee Report you received from Social Security.


• If the 10 and BIC codes appear on the report. you must enter these codes.
• If the 10 and BIC codes do not appear on the report. do not enter them. Mln..!nfg
Now locate and enter your codes (not the sample codes) into the below fields.







3: ID



(six Iligit fonnal)




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iRPA Accounting Screen

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In:cmLll~\..T'rL·:-''-'Jll:l!i\l..\ P:l\l.'I.' \1..·l'l)llnlll1~ IIRf) \)

'\!.../ Accounting

0lI0112008 TO 0713112007

ANYTOWN, fill) 21000 dlange addres5

You received benefits between 0810112006 and 0713112007 for the beneficiary, RANDAL
SIMMONS. You are required to complete this form. More information links are available
throughout this report and may be useful for answering Questions thai you may have.


Your JOb Title
Your Daytime Phone



(payee's job tille)

(include area COde)

Did the beneficiary oontinue to live alone, or wilh the same person, or in the same institution
from 08/0112006 to 07/31120071





r-·----- --".--..--"-'",,--._--­
I _._-..





Benefits paid to you between
08101/2006 and 07131/2007


Benefits you reported as saved
on last year's report


Total Accountabl. Amount

- - - _..


.... _.._.....


_ _ _




iRPA Savings Page

l!l1LTlh,:t f~l..'prL'''\..'llLlli\1...'

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(Log Out 1





08ID112OOl1 TO 0711112081



ANYTOWN. lID 21000 cbl1!lQ1I1lk1re»

Indicate how you are saving the $1255 on behalf of the beneficiary, If you have more
than one account, you may mark more than one box.
Check all that apply:

o AGcounl


01' Checking

Collective $avtngS ()(
Collective Checking A.ccount

o Bond'


o Treasury Bils

o Other


Certificates of


How is the title of the account listed?
(Your Name for Randal Simmons)
-} Your Name for
C Beneflcjary's Name

(Randal Simmons by Your Name)

'-, Beneflciary's Name by
Your Name


General Remarks (if any)






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iRPA Report Summary Screen

IllklllL'l R,:prl'''l'llLlli\L'


P:l: __'l'


\'-"'PlJllllll~ i:RP

Report Summary



1234 N1YPl.ACE RD
ANYTOlMl. 1m 21000

c!lan1» add'.

C-fully ",view the foHowlng Information for accuracy and make any edits I' necessary.

The benalicilll'y did continue to IIwt with you allhe seme residence or inslibJbon.


You (lhe payee) did deelde how !he $6,197 was &penl or saved.


15.1 DO was lpenl for food and housing for the benefICiary.


'1.015 was .pent on other 8Xpenae8 for the benefiCIary.


$1255 was saved lor the ~iary


The S1255 is being sawd In a ..vine- IICCOlIM.


The name lilted on this aooouni is R8nd8181mmons.


Your IiUe (!he pa~) is AcImlnIlCrMor.


The daytilTl9 phone number whent you can be reac:hed is 41G-655-1DOO.

If the _ove Inform«lon Ie conKt proceed by reepondlng to the folIowlng .untlilion.

I. JOHN SMITH, dlldar. under pen.lly of pe?Jry thai I hew .xamined aillt.
Information on Ihill form, and on any aocompenying ste~ or Iorms. !WId it II true
ane daytime phone number wtl_ you CIIIl be reactl8d •• 4tG-556-tooa.

Thank you for uSing the Internet Representative Payee


(iRPA) system.

Access Code Definitions
Last. reviewed or mo dified Monday Mar 11,2008

SSN • Social Security Number (the number holder's Social Security number on Vlr'hose
account benefits are payable)
TAA· Total Accountable Amount (the amount of money you received on behalfofthe
benefi ciary plus any saved funds that were reported on the last accounting report)
ID - Individual Recipient Information this code identifies the type of SSI eligibility and
type of recipient)

DIC - Beneficiary Identification Code (this code identifies the type of Social Security
benefits payable)
Close Uri s window

Address Change
Last. reviewed or modified Wednesday Mar 19, 2008
Please call SSA at 1-800-172-1213 or visit your local field office to update your address.
You can only update the beneficiary's address on the online accounting report.

Cia se this window O/hlp-irpa003-pra.shtml

See Revised Privacy Act and PRA Statements Attached

The law sometimes requires us to give out the facts on this form without your consent. The
information must be released to another person or government agency if Federal law requires
the information for research and audits in order to administer or improve our representative
payee program.
We may also use the information you give us when we match records by computer. Matching
programs compare our records with those of other Federal, State, or local government
agencies. Many agencies may use matching programs to find or prove that a person
qualifi es for benefits pai d by the Federal government. The law allows us to do t~li s even if you
do not agree to it. Explanati ons about these and other reasons why informati on you provi de
us may be used or given out are available in Social Security offices. If you want to learn more
about this, contact any Social Security office.
This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C. 3507, as amended by
section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these
questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.
You may send comments on our time estimate to: Social Security Administration, 6401
Security Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21235-0001. Send only comments on our time estimate to

this address, not the completed form.
Close this window

Title: iRPA Error Messages
Versioo: 0.4
Date: May 1,2008

Error 1: Strike 1 error - form not found (Pop-up window overlays existin screen)

.. ,



Representatin~ Payee

L\ccotillting (iRPA)


:~ Your record has not been found
" . . . . . .1

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we cannot match the information you
have provided with our records. Please check your records again for accuracy.
If the information that you have provided is correct. then it may be necessary to
correct your Social Security record. Please call 1-800·772·1213 or contact your
local Social Security office if you require further assistance. If you are deaf or
hard of hearing, call our toll-free "TTY" number, 1-800·325-0778.

Error 2: Strike 2 error - form not found (Pop-up window overlays existin screen)


Inten1l't Representat i\ e

Pa~ l'C

Accolillt ing (i R P/\ )

~ Your record has not been found
., h"

We still cannot match the information you have provided with our records. Please
check your records once again for accuracy. If the information that you have
provided is correct, then it may be necessary to correct your Social Security
record. Please call 1-800·772·1213 or contact your local Social Security office if
you require further assistance. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call our toll-free
"nY" number, 1-800-325-0778.


P""ored by OSESIDQTV/EDG Md Lockheed Mortm

Page 1

Title: iRPA Error Messages
VersioD: 0.4

Date: May 1,2008
Error 3: Strike 3 error - form not found (Full Window! New SCreen)

Internet Repre~el1tati" c Pa~ ee Accounting (i R PA)



~, You have reached the limit on number of requests
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but after several attempts we cannot
match the information you have provided with our records. You may return
after 24 hours of inactivity. If the information that you have provided is correct,
then it may be necessary to correct your Social Security record. Please call 1­
800-772-1213 or contact your local Social Security office. If you are deaf or
hard of hearing, call our toll-free "TTY" number, 1-800-325-0778.

Error 4: Re-entry after lock out (Full Window! New Screen)

Internet Representati\c Payee Accounting (iRPA)



~ We cannot process your request at this time
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but this account has been suspended
for 24 hours due to several unmatched access attempts. Please try back in
24 hours or if you need further assistance you may call our toll-free number,
1-800-772-1213. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call our toll-free "TTY"
number, 1-800-325-0778. Representatives are available Monday through
Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.



desl n



Prepared by OSES/DQTV/EDG and Lockheed Martm

Page 2

Title: iRPA Error Messages
Version: 0.4
Date: May I, 2008
Errors 5&9: Previously submitted report (Full Windowl New Screen)

rntcrnd Rcpn:scntati \ c


Pa~ ce

Accounti ng

(i RPA)


~ This record has already been submitted
A Representative Payee Accounting form has already been submitted to Social
Security for this claimant. If you have new information, you must contact us. We
cannot accept additional information over the Intemet. Call our toll-free number,
1-800-772-1213. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call our toll-free "TTY"
number, 1-800-325-0778. Representatives are available Monday through Friday
from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Error 6: Non-responder Full Windowl New Screen

IntcrnL'l Rerrcsentat i\ c Paycc Accolll1ting (i RPA)
rt ...


~; We cannot process your request at this time
~...; ...<'

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we cannot process your request at this
time. If you want to know about other options for completing the representative
payee accounting form; call our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213. If you are deaf
or hard of hearing, call our toll-free "TTY" number, 1-800-325-0778.
Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.




desl n



Prepared by OSES/DQTVIEDG and Lockheed Martm

Page 3

Title: iRPA Error Messages
Version: 0.4
Date: May I, 2008
Error 7: Re

Pa ee Number not equal to IRES Re

IntlTnct Represl'ntati\e


Accollnting (iRPA)

:~; Check the Social Security Number you entered
The Social Security Number you entered for registration access does not match
the Social Social Security number of the Internet Representative Payee
Accounting form you are trying to access.
Please check this number:
If you typed the wrong number, you will need to correct it before continuing.
If this is the claimant's correct Social Security Number, you may complete the
paper Representative Payee Accounting form.

Error 10: Cancel or previous on accounting screen button use (Po -up window overlays existing screen



Repre~clltative Pa~ee

Accounting (iRPA)


;~; Your infonnation will not be saved

You are now leaving the application and your information will not be saved.
Use the cancel button to return to your session.




Prepared by OSES/DQTV/EDG and Lockheed Martin

Page 4

Title: iRPA Error Messages
Version: 0.4
Date: May 1, 2008
Error 11: Check the amounts


Internet Representat i vePa: ('e Accounting (i RP A)
~ Check the amounts you have entered for accounting

The amounts that you have entered do not add up to the Total Accountable
Amount (TAA). Would you like to correct these amounts?





Prepared by OSESIDQTV/EDG and Lockheed Martin

Page 5

SSA will insert the following revised Privacy Act and PRA Statements into the form at
its next scheduled reprinting:
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Section 205 of the Social Security Act, as amended, the Government Paperwork
Elimination Act (P.L. 105-277), and the Federal Information Security Management Act
of 2002 (Title III) of the E-Government Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-347) authorize us to
collect this information to permit access to our online applications for completing and
submitting representative payee accounting forms electronically. Your responses are
voluntary. However, without the information, we may not be able to continue sending
the claimant’s payments to you.
We rarely use the information you give us for any purpose other than for accounting
purposes. However, we may use it for the administration and integrity of Social Security
programs. We may also disclose information to another person or to another agency in
accordance with approved routine uses, which include, but are not limited to, the
1. To comply with Federal laws requiring the release of information from Social
Security records (e.g. to the Government Accountability Office and Department
of Veterans Affairs);
2. To facilitate statistical research, audit , or investigative activities necessary to
assure the integrity and improvement of Social Security programs;
3. To respond to a request on your behalf from a Congressional office or the Office
of the President; and
4. To other Federal agencies and our contractors, including external data sources, to
assist us in efficiently administering our programs.
We may also use the information you give us in computer matching programs. Matching
programs compare our records with records kept by other Federal, State, or local
government agencies. We use the information from these programs to establish or verify
a person’s eligibility for federally funded or administered benefit programs and for
repayment of incorrect payments or delinquent debts under these programs.
A complete list of routine uses for this information is available in our Privacy Act System
of Records Notice (SORN) entitled, Master Representative Payee File (60-0222). The
complete SORN, additional information about the accounting process, routine uses of
information, and our programs and systems are available online at or your local Social Security office.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement - This information collection meets the
requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office
of Management and Budget control number. We estimate that it will take about 15
minutes to read the instructions, gather the facts, and answer the questions. Send only
comments relating to our time estimate above to: SSA, 6401 Security Blvd, Baltimore,
MD 21235-6401.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-04-14
File Created2008-07-31

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