0151 60-day FR notice

0151 60-day FR 6-9-14.pdf

30 CFR 550, Subpart B, Plans and Information

0151 60-day FR notice

OMB: 1010-0151

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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 110 / Monday, June 9, 2014 / Notices
Dated: April 24, 2014.
David Tarler,
Acting Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
[FR Doc. 2014–13406 Filed 6–6–14; 8:45 am]



National Park Service

A detailed assessment of the human
remains was made by the State
Historical Society of Wisconsin
professional staff in consultation with
representatives of the Forest County
Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin;
Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin; and the
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin.


Notice of Inventory Completion: State
Historical Society of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI
National Park Service, Interior.


The State Historical Society of
Wisconsin has completed an inventory
of human remains, in consultation with
the appropriate Indian tribes or Native
Hawaiian organizations, and has
determined that there is no cultural
affiliation between the human remains
and any present-day Indian tribes or
Native Hawaiian organizations.
Representatives of any Indian tribe or
Native Hawaiian organization not
identified in this notice that wish to
request transfer of control of these
human remains should submit a written
request to the State Historical Society of
Wisconsin. If no additional requestors
come forward, transfer of control of the
human remains to the Indian tribes or
Native Hawaiian organizations stated in
this notice may proceed.
DATES: Representatives of any Indian
tribe or Native Hawaiian organization
not identified in this notice that wish to
request transfer of control of these
human remains should submit a written
request with information in support of
the request to the State Historical
Society of Wisconsin at the address in
this notice by July 9, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Jennifer Kolb, Wisconsin
Historical Museum, 30 North Carroll
Street, Madison, WI 53703, telephone
(608) 261–2461, email Jennifer.Kolb@

Notice is
here given in accordance with the
Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 25 U.S.C.
3003, of the completion of an inventory
of human remains under the control of
the State Historical Society of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI. The human
remains were removed from Castle Rock
Flowage Burial site, Adams County, WI.
This notice is published as part of the
National Park Service’s administrative
responsibilities under NAGPRA, 25
U.S.C. 3003(d)(3) and 43 CFR 10.11(d).



The determinations in this notice are
the sole responsibility of the museum,
institution, or Federal agency that has
control of the Native American human
remains. The National Park Service is
not responsible for the determinations
in this notice.

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History and Description of the Remains
In 1990, human remains representing,
at minimum, one individual (HP.AD–
0139.1) were removed from the Castle
Rock Flowage Burial site (47–AD–0139)
in Adams County, WI. The human
remains eroded from the shoreline and
were found during an archeological
surface survey of the area. The State
Historical Society’s Burial Sites
Preservation Program took possession of
the human remains. The human remains
were determined to be those of an adult
female of probable Native American
ancestry. No known individuals were
identified. No associated funerary
objects are present.
Determinations Made by the State
Historical Society of Wisconsin
Officials of the State Historical
Society of Wisconsin have determined
• Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001(9), the
human remains described in this notice
are Native American based on State
Historical Society records, location and
context of the burial, and skeletal
• Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001(9), the
human remains described in this notice
represent the physical remains of one
individual of Native American ancestry.
• Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001(2), a
relationship of shared group identity
cannot be reasonably traced between the
Native American human remains and
any present-day Indian tribe.
• Treaties, Acts of Congress, or
Executive Orders, indicate that the land
from which the Native American human
remains were removed is the aboriginal
land of the Ho-Chunk Nation of
Wisconsin and the Menominee Indian
Tribe of Wisconsin.
• Pursuant to 43 CFR 10.11(c)(1), the
disposition of the human remains may
be to the Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin
and the Menominee Indian Tribe of

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Additional Requestors and Disposition
Representatives of any Indian tribe or
Native Hawaiian organization not
identified in this notice that wish to
request transfer of control of these
human remains should submit a written
request with information in support of
the request to Jennifer Kolb, Wisconsin
Historical Museum, 30 North Carroll
Street, Madison, WI 53703, telephone
(608) 261–2461, email Jennifer.Kolb@
wisconsinhistory.org, by July 9, 2014.
After that date, if no additional
requestors have come forward, transfer
of control of the human remains to the
Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin and the
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
may proceed.
The State Historical Society of
Wisconsin is responsible for notifying
the Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin and
the Menominee Indian Tribe of
Wisconsin that this notice has been
Dated: April 24, 2014.
David Tarler,
Acting Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
[FR Doc. 2014–13413 Filed 6–6–14; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
[OMB Control Number 1010–0151]

Information Collection: Plans and
Information; Proposed Collection for
OMB Review; Comment Request;

60-day notice.

To comply with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), the Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM) is inviting
comments on a collection of information
that we will submit to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval. The information
collection request (ICR) concerns the
paperwork requirements in the
regulations under 30 CFR 550, Subpart
B, Plans and Information.
DATES: Submit written comments by
August 8, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Please send your comments
on this ICR to the BOEM Information
Collection Clearance Officer, Arlene
Bajusz, Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, 381 Elden Street, HM–
3127, Herndon, Virginia 20170 (mail); or
[email protected] (email); or
703–787–1209 (fax). Please reference
ICR 1010–0151 in your comment and
include your name and return address.




Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 110 / Monday, June 9, 2014 / Notices



Arlene Bajusz, Office of Policy,
Regulations, and Analysis at (703) 787–
1025 to request a copy of the ICR and
OMB Control Number: 1010–0151.
Title: 30 CFR 550, Subpart B, Plans
and Information.
Forms: BOEM–0137, BOEM–0138,
BOEM–0139, BOEM–0141, BOEM–
Abstract: The Outer Continental Shelf
(OCS) Lands Act, as amended (43 U.S.C.
1331 et seq. and 43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.),
authorizes the Secretary of the Interior
to prescribe rules and regulations to
administer leasing of mineral resources
on the OCS. Such rules and regulations
apply to all operations conducted under
a lease, right-of-use and easement, or
unit. The OCS Lands Act, at U.S.C.
§§ 1340 and 1351, requires the holders
of OCS oil and gas or sulphur leases to
submit exploration plans (EPs) and
development and production plans
(DPPs) to the Secretary for approval
prior to commencing these activities.
Also, as a Federal agency, we have a
continuing affirmative duty to comply
with the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
This includes a substantive duty to
carry out any agency action in a manner
that is not likely to jeopardize protected
species as well as a procedural duty to
consult with the United States Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS) and National
Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Fisheries (NOAA
Fisheries) before engaging in a
discretionary action that may affect a
protected species.
This authority and responsibility are
among those delegated to BOEM. The
regulations at 30 CFR 550, Subpart B,
concern plans and information that
must be submitted to conduct activities
on a lease, right-of-use and easement, or
unit and are the subject of this
collection. The collection also covers

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the related Notices to Lessees and
Operators (NTLs) that BOEM issues to
clarify, supplement, or provide
additional guidance on some aspects of
our regulations.
BOEM geologists, geophysicists, and
environmental scientists and other
Federal agencies (e.g., FWS, NOAA
Fisheries) analyze and evaluate the
information and data collected under
Subpart B to ensure that planned
operations are safe; will not adversely
affect the marine, coastal, or human
environment; and will conserve the
resources of the OCS. We use the
information to: (a) Make an informed
decision on whether to approve the
proposed exploration or development
and production plan as submitted, or
whether modifications are necessary
without the analysis and evaluation of
the required information. The affected
States also review the information
collected to determine consistency with
approved Coastal Zone Management
(CZM) plans and (b) report annually to
NOAA Fisheries the effectiveness of
mitigation, any adverse effects of the
proposed action, and any incidental
take, in accordance with 50 CFR
The following forms are submitted to
BOEM under Subpart B.
BOEM–0137—Plan Information Form
is submitted to summarize plan
information. BOEM uses the
information to review and evaluate
submitted OCS plans. In this renewal,
BOEM is modifying the form to clarify
the wording of some fields, remove
redundant fields, and make some minor
formatting adjustments. We do not
expect any change in the hour burden
as a result.
BOEM–0138—GOM Air Emission
Calculations for Exploration Plans and
BOEM–0139—GOM Air Emission
Calculations for Development
Operations Coordination Documents
(DOCDs) are submitted to standardize

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the way potential air emissions are
estimated and approved as part of the
OCS plan. BOEM uses the data from
these forms to determine the effect of air
emissions on the environment.
BOEM–0141—ROV Survey Report is
submitted to report the observations and
information recorded from two sets of
ROV monitoring surveys to identify
high-density benthic communities that
may occur on the seafloor in deep water.
BOEM uses the information to help
design mitigation measures to avoid
these areas and to help assess the
effectiveness of avoidance criteria.
BOEM–0142—Environmental Impact
Analysis Worksheet identifies the
environmental impact-producing factors
for the listed environmental resources.
BOEM uses the information to help
assess impacts and determine
compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act.
We will protect information
considered proprietary under the
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.
552) and its implementing regulations
(43 CFR part 2), 30 CFR 550.197, ‘‘Data
and information to be made available to
the public or for limited inspection,’’
and 30 CFR part 552, ‘‘Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas
Information Program.’’ No items of a
sensitive nature are collected.
Responses are mandatory.
Frequency: On occasion, semimonthly, and varies by section.
Description of Respondents: Potential
respondents comprise Federal OCS oil,
gas, or sulphur lessees and operators.
Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Hour Burden: We expect
the estimated annual reporting burden
for this collection to be 429,142 hours.
The following table details the
individual components and respective
hour burden estimates of this ICR.



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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 110 / Monday, June 9, 2014 / Notices

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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 110 / Monday, June 9, 2014 / Notices

Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 110 / Monday, June 9, 2014 / Notices

Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Non-Hour Cost Burden:
We have identified three non-hour costs
associated with this information
collection that are cost recovery fees.
They consist of fees being submitted
with EP’s ($3,673), DPP’s or DOCD’s
($4,238), and CID’s ($27,348).
There is also one non-hour cost
burden associated with the protected
Species Observer Program. The cost
associated with this program is due to
observation activities that are usually
subcontracted to other service
companies with expertise in these areas
(see above table). The total non-hour
cost burden for this collection is
Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Until OMB approves a
collection of information, you are not
obligated to respond.
Comments: We invite comments
concerning this information collection
• Whether or not the collection of
information is necessary, including
whether or not the information will
have practical utility;
• The accuracy of our burden
• Ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Ways to minimize the burden on
If you have costs to generate,
maintain, and disclose this information,
you should comment and provide your
total capital and startup costs or annual

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operation, maintenance, and purchase
of service costs. You should describe the
methods you use to estimate major cost
factors, including system and
technology acquisition, expected useful
life of capital equipment, discount
rate(s), and the period over which you
incur costs. Capital and startup costs
include, among other items, computers
and software you purchase to prepare
for collecting information, monitoring,
and record storage facilities. You should
not include estimates for equipment or
services purchased: (a) before October 1,
1995; (b) to comply with requirements
not associated with the information
collection; (c) for reasons other than to
provide information or keep records for
the Government; or (d) as part of
customary and usual business or private
We will summarize written responses
to this notice and address them in our
submission for OMB approval. As a
result of your comments, we will make
any necessary adjustments to the burden
in our submission to OMB.
Public Availability of Comments:
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.

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Dated: May 29, 2014.
Deanna Meyer-Pietruszka,
Chief, Office of Policy, Regulations, and
[FR Doc. 2014–13278 Filed 6–6–14; 8:45 am]

[Investigation Nos. 701–TA–522 and 731–
TA–1258 (Preliminary)]

Certain Passenger Vehicle and Light
Truck Tires From China; Institution of
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Investigations and Scheduling of
Preliminary Phase Investigations
United States International
Trade Commission.
ACTION: Notice.

The Commission hereby gives
notice of the institution of investigations
and commencement of preliminary
phase antidumping and countervailing
duty investigation Nos. 701–TA–522
and 731–TA–1258 (Preliminary) under
sections 703(a) and 733(a) of the Tariff
Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. §§ 1671b(a) and
1673b(a)) (the Act) to determine
whether there is a reasonable indication
that an industry in the United States is
materially injured or threatened with
material injury, or the establishment of
an industry in the United States is
materially retarded, by reason of
imports from China of certain passenger
vehicle and light truck tires, provided
for in subheadings 4011.10.10,
4011.10.50, 4011.20.10, and 4011.20.50
of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of
the United States, that are alleged to be







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File Modified2014-06-07
File Created2014-06-07

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