Fra F 6180.126b


Confidential Close Call Reporting System Evaluation-Related Interview Data Collection

FRA F 6180.126B

OMB: 2130-0574

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A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2130-0574. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the collection of information.

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One of the objectives of the C3RS lessons learned team is to determine what is required to improve the way C3RS is implemented. We need this information to make recommendations for future implementations of the program. This interview is part of that effort.  It will take about half an hour.  I am only interested in the how C3RS is going, not the substance of reports.  To protect individual’s privacy, we are not recording any names. All we need is a general description of respondents, e.g. “member of PRT; labor or management”. Thanks for being willing to help us.

C3RS (if labor)

L-1: Have you heard of C3RS? (if No skip to S-1)

L-2: Do you think you understand the C3RS well enough to know a reportable close call if you saw one?

Probe: What kinds of events have you been told can be reported?

L-3: Have you submitted a C3RS report?

L-3a: (If they submitted a report) What did you think of your experience with the reporting system and BTS/NASA?

L-4: Do you know if C3RS has resulted in any changes at your railroad?

L-5: Please tell us what changes you have seen.

L-6: How did you find about that these changes were made?

C3RS (if manager)

M-1: Have you heard of C3RS? (if No skip to S-1)

M-2: Do you think you understand the C3RS well enough to give advice to your employees about what to report?

M-3: Do you know if C3RS has resulted in any changes at your railroad?


  • What are the changes?

  • How did you find out about them? (formal vs. informal communication)

  • Impact on

    • Safety culture: How management and labor interact.

    • Safety awareness

    • Safety (incidents, injuries, decertification)

    • Discipline

    • Cost

M-4: Have you personally been involved implementing any C3RS corrective actions?

C3RS (all)

A-1: From what you have seen of C3RS, what changes would you suggest to make it work better or be more effective in improving safety?

A-2: To what extent do you think management is supportive of C3RS?

A-3: To what extent do you think labor officials are supportive of C3RS?

A-4: To what extent are your friends and colleague supportive of C3RS?

A-5: If you had to bet $5.00, would you bet that C3RS will be up and running at UP in five years? Why?

Safety in general (leave out if running out of time)

S-1: Over the past year or so have any safety initiatives taken place other than C3RS?

S-1a:- Do they overlap or interact with C3RS?

S-1b:- Do you think that C3RS can improve safety in ways that other safety programs can’t?

S-2: How would you describe the average worker’s attitude about safety at your railroad?

S-3: How would you describe management’s attitude about safety at your railroad?

S-4: How would you describe labor management relations regarding safety at your railroad?

S-5: How would you describe relations between labor and management regarding issues other than safety at your railroad?

S-6: Have relations between labor and management changed over the past year?

FRA F 6180.126B (03/2014)

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorMelinda Davey
Last Modified ByToone, Kim (FRA)
File Modified2014-03-20
File Created2014-03-20

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