SNMCS Burden Table

040414 B Respondent Burden Table 2014.04.01.xlsx

School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study

SNMCS Burden Table

OMB: 0584-0596

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Sample Sizes, Estimated Burden, and Estimated Cost of Respondent Burden for the School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study

Responsive Non-Response

Affected Public ID Data Collection Activity Respondents Sample Estimated Number of Respondents Freq of Response Total Annual Responses Average Burden Hours per Response Total Annual Burden Estimate (hours) Estimated Number of Respondents Freq of Response Total Annual Responses Average Burden Hours per Response Total Annual Burden Estimate (hours) Grand Total Annual Burden Estimate (hours) Hourly Wage Rate Total Annualized Cost of Respondent Burden
State C2, C15, C16 Email (Study Introduction Email) State Child Nutrition Directors (Groups 1, 2, 3) 50 50 1 50 0.20 10.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 10.00 $42.98 $429.80
State D4 Telephone Survey (Indirect Cost Survey) State Education Agency Finance Officers (Group 3) 50 48 1 48 0.33 16.00 2 1 2 0.07 0.13 16.13 $42.98 $693.41
Local and Tribal C13 Telephone Call (Recruiting Call Script) Superintendents (Group 2) 98 98 1 98 0.28 27.44 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 27.44 $47.77 $1,310.81
Local and Tribal C14 Telephone Call (Recruiting Call Script) Superintendents (Group 3) 298 298 1 298 0.08 24.83 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 24.83 $47.77 $1,186.29
Local and Tribal C1, C3, C4, C15 Letter (SFA Recruitment Advance and Confirmation Letters) SFA Directors (Group 2) 74 74 1 74 0.20 14.80 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 14.80 $39.37 $582.68
Local and Tribal C13 Telephone Call (Recruiting Call Script) SFA Directors (Group 2) 74 72 1 72 0.28 20.40 2 1 2 0.07 0.13 20.53 $39.37 $808.40
Local and Tribal D1 Telephone Survey (SFA Director Planning Interview) SFA Directors (Group 2) 72 72 1 72 0.33 24.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 24.00 $39.37 $944.88
Local and Tribal C1, C5, C6, C7, C16 Letter (SFA Recruitment Advance and Confirmation Letters, Pre-Visit Advance Letter) SFA Directors (Group 3) 226 226 1 226 0.25 56.50 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 56.50 $39.37 $2,224.41
Local and Tribal C14 Telephone Call (Recruiting Call Script) SFA Directors (Group 3) 226 219 1 219 0.78 170.82 7 1 7 0.07 0.47 171.29 $39.37 $6,743.69
Local and Tribal E1 In-person Interview (SFA Director Cost Interview Prep Forms) SFA Directors (Group 3) 219 219 1 219 0.50 109.50 0 0 0 0.07 0.00 109.50 $39.37 $4,311.02
Local and Tribal F1 Self-Administered Web Survey (SFA Director Survey) SFA Directors (Groups 1, 2, 3) 409 368 1 368 0.83 305.44 41 1 41 0.07 2.73 308.17 $39.37 $12,132.78
Local and Tribal G1 Email (SFA Director Email Invitation) SFA Directors (Groups 1, 2, 3) 409 409 1 409 0.02 6.82 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 6.82 $39.37 $268.37
Local and Tribal D5 Telephone Survey (Follow-Up SFA Director Prep Form) SFA Directors/LEA Business Managers (Group 3) 219 209 1 209 0.17 34.83 10 1 10 0.07 0.67 35.5 $39.37 $1,397.64
Local and Tribal D6, D7, D8 Telephone Survey (Follow-Up SFA Director and Business Manager Cost Interview) SFA Directors/LEA Business Managers (Group 3) 219 209 1 209 2.00 418 10 1 10 0.07 0.67 418.67 $39.37 $16,482.91
Local and Tribal E2, E3, E4, E5, E7 In-person Interview (SFA Director and Business Manager Cost Interview) SFA Directors/LEA Business Managers (Group 3) 219 219 1 219 3.25 711.75 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 711.75 $39.37 $28,021.60
Local and Tribal H1, H3, H4 Self-Administered Web Survey (Basic Menu Survey, A La Carte Foods Checklist) Foodservice Managers (Group 2) 316 300 1 300 8.00 2400 16 1 16 0.07 1.07 2,401 $25.28 $60,698.97
Local and Tribal I In-person Data Request (Request for Data on Reimbursable Meal Sales)a Foodservice Managers (Group 2) 300 300 1 300 0.17 50 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 50 $25.28 $1,264.00
Local and Tribal P2 Interviewer-Completed Observation Form (Point of Sale Form)b Foodservice Managers (Group 2) 300 300 1 300 0.08 25 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 25 $25.28 $632.00
Local and Tribal D2 Telephone Survey (FSM Pre-visit Questionnaire) Foodservice Managers (Group 3) 947 900 1 900 0.25 225 47 1 47 0.07 3.13 228.13 $25.28 $5,767.21
Local and Tribal E6 In-person Interview (FSM Cost Interview) Foodservice Managers (Group 3) 1,026 975 1 975 0.5 487.5 51 1 51 0.07 3.40 490.90 $25.28 $12,409.95
Local and Tribal H2, H3, H4 Self-Administered Web Survey (Expanded Menu Survey, A La Carte Foods Checklist) Foodservice Managers (Group 3) 1,026 975 1 975 10.00 9750 51 1 51 0.07 3.40 9,753.40 $25.28 $246,565.95
Local and Tribal P4 Interviewer-Completed Observation Booklet (Plate Waste Observations)b Foodservice Managers (Group 3) 168 168 1 168 0.17 28 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 28 $25.28 $707.84
Local and Tribal C8, C9, C15, C16 Letter (FSM Introduction Letter) Foodservice Managers (Groups 2, 3) 1,263 1,263 1 1,263 0.13 164.19 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 164.19 $25.28 $4,150.72
Local and Tribal F2 Self-Administered Web Survey (FSM Survey) Foodservice Managers (Groups 2, 3) 1,263 1,200 1 1,200 0.33 396 63 1 63 0.07 4.20 400.2 $25.28 $10,117.06
Local and Tribal P1 Interviewer-Completed Observation Guide (Cafeteria Observation)b Foodservice Managers (Groups 2, 3) 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 0.33 400.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 400.00 $25.28 $10,112.00
Local and Tribal C10, C11, C15, C16 Letter (Principal Intro Letter to Schools) Principals (Groups 2, 3) 1,263 1,263 1 1,263 0.13 164.19 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 164.19 $42.38 $6,958.37
Local and Tribal F3 Self-Administered Web Survey (Principal Survey) Principals (Groups 2, 3) 1,200 1,080 1 1,080 0.50 540 120 1 120 0.07 8.00 548.00 $42.38 $23,224.24
Local and Tribal G2 Email (Principal Email Invitation) Principals (Groups 2, 3) 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 0.02 20.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 20.00 $42.38 $847.60
Local and Tribal C12 Letter (Principal Pre-Visit Advance Letter) Principals (Group 3) 947 947 1 947 0.05 47.35 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 47.35 $42.38 $2,006.69
Local and Tribal D3 Telephone Survey (Principal Cost Interview) Principals (Group 3) 947 900 1 900 0.75 675 47 1 47 0.07 3.13 678.13 $42.38 $28,739.29
Local and Tribal J, K1, K2, K3 Self-Administered Observation Forms (Competitive Foods Checklist and Form)a School Staff Liaisons (Groups 2, 3) 950 760 1 760 0.83 633.33 190 1 190 0.07 12.67 646.00 $19.85 $12,823.10
Subtotal State, Local & Tribal Governments

17,178 16,521 1 16,521 1.09 17,956.70 657 1.00 657 0.07 43.80 18,000.50 - $504,563.66
Private Sector for-Profit C1, C3, C4, C15 Letter (SFA Recruitment Advance and Confirmation Letters) SFA Directors (Group 2) 27 27 1 27 0.20 5.40 0 0 0 0.00 0 5.40 $39.37 $212.60
Private Sector for-Profit C13 Telephone Call (Recruiting Call Script) SFA Directors (Group 2) 27 26 1 26 0.28 7.28 1 1 1 0.07 0.07 7.35 $39.37 $289.24
Private Sector for-Profit D1 Telephone Survey (SFA Director Planning Interview) SFA Directors (Group 2) 26 26 1 26 0.33 8.67 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 8.67 $39.37 $341.21
Private Sector for-Profit C1, C5, C6, C7, C16 Letter (SFA Recruitment Advance and Confirmation Letters, Pre-Visit Advance Letter) SFA Directors (Group 3) 81 81 1 81 0.25 20.25 0 0 0 0.00 0 20.25 $39.37 $797.24
Private Sector for-Profit C14 Telephone Call (Recruiting Call Script) SFA Directors (Group 3) 81 79 1 79 0.70 55.30 2 1 2 0.07 0.13 55.43 $39.37 $2,182.28
Private Sector or-Profit E1 In-person Interview (SFA Director Cost Interview Prep Forms) SFA Directors (Group 3) 79 79 1 79 0.50 39.50 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 39.50 $39.37 $1,555.12
Private Sector for-Profit F1 Self-Administered Web Survey (SFA Director Survey) SFA Directors (Groups 1, 2, 3) 149 134 1 134 0.83 111.22 15 1 15 0.07 1 112.22 $39.37 $4,418.10
Private Sector for-Profit G1 Email (SFA Director Email Invitation) SFA Directors (Groups 1, 2, 3) 149 149 1 149 0.02 2.48 0 0 0 0.00 0 2.48 $39.37 $97.77
Private Sector or-Profit D5 Telephone Survey (Follow-Up SFA Director Prep Form) SFA Directors/LEA Business Managers (Group 3) 79 76 1 76 0.17 12.67 3 1 3 0.07 0.20 12.87 $39.37 $506.56
Private Sector or-Profit D6, D7, D8 Telephone Survey (Follow-Up SFA Director and Business Manager Cost Interview) SFA Directors/LEA Business Managers (Group 3) 79 76 1 76 2.00 152.00 3 1 3 0.07 0.20 152.20 $39.37 $5,992.11
Private Sector or-Profit E2, E3, E4, E5, E7 In-person Interview (SFA Director and Business Manager Cost Interview) SFA Directors/LEA Business Managers (Group 3) 79 79 1 79 3.25 256.75 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 256.75 $39.37 $10,108.25
Subtotal Private Sector for-Profit Business

856 832 1 832 0.81 671.52 24 1.00 24 0.07 1.60 673 - $26,500.47
Individual L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10 Letter (Household Advance Letters) and Brochure Parents (Households) 3,663 3,663 1 3,663 0.18 671.55 0 0 0 0.00 0 671.55 $22.01 $14,780.82
Individual M1, M2 Consent Form (Parent Passive Consent Response Form) Parents 3,663 3,663 1 3,663 0.05 183.15 0 0 0 0.00 0 183.15 $22.01 $4,031.13
Individual N1, N2 Self-Administered Form (Food Diary, Day 1) Parents 800 800 1 800 0.17 133.33 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 133.33 $22.01 $2,934.67
Individual N1, N2 Self-Administered Form (Food Diary, Day 2) Parents 200 200 1 200 0.17 33.33 0 0 0 0.00 0 33.33 $22.01 $733.67
Individual N5, N6 In-person or Telephone Interview (Parent Interview) Parents 2,637 2,400 1 2,400 0.42 1,000.00 237 1 237 0.07 15.80 1,015.80 $22.01 $22,357.76
Individual N7 In-person Interview (AMPM 24-Hour Dietary Recall, Day 1) Parents 800 800 1 800 0.25 200.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 200.00 $22.01 $4,402.00
Individual N7 Telephone Survey (AMPM 24-Hour Dietary Recall, Day 2) Parents 236 200 1 200 0.75 150.00 36 1 36 0.07 2 152.40 $22.01 $3,354.32
Individual M3, M4 Assent Form (Student Assent Form) Students 2,747 2,747 1 2,747 0.05 137.35 0 0 0 0.00 0 137.35 $- $-
Individual N3, N4 In-person Interview (Child/Youth Interview) Students 2,747 2,637 1 2,637 0.17 439.50 110 1 110 0.07 7.33 446.83 $- $-
Individual N7 In-person Interview (AMPM 24-Hour Dietary Recall, Day 1) Students 2,637 2,637 1 2,637 0.92 2,426.04 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2,426.04 $- $-
Individual N7 Telephone Survey (AMPM 24-Hour Dietary Recall, Day 2) Students 708 600 1 600 0.75 450.00 108 1 108 0.07 7.2 457.20 $- $-
Individual O In-person Measurement (Height and Weight Measurement Form) Students 2,637 2,637 1 2,637 0.05 131.85 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 131.85 $- $-
Subtotal Individuals

23,475 22,984 1 22,984 0.260 5,956.11 491 1 491 0.07 32.73 5,988.84 - $52,594.36
Grand Total

41,509 40,337 1.00 40,337 0.61 24,584.32 1,172 1.00 1,172 0.07 78.13 24,662.45 - $583,658.50

a Request for Data on Reimbursable Meal Sales (I) will be verbally collected from FSM respondents (or cashiers).

b The Cafeteria Observation Guide (P1), Point of Sale Form (P2), and Plate Waste Observation Booklet (P4) are each completed by contractor staff, but require FSM assistance.

Notes: The Milk Form (P3) will be completed by contractor staff and is not reported in the respondent burden table.

For those data collection documents that are grouped together for individual data collection activities, the cumulative burden estimate matching this table is displayed on each associated document.

"Total Annualized Cost of Respondent Burden" is equal to the "Grand Total Annual Burden Estimate (hours)" times an average hourly wage rate.

Average hourly wage rates used included School Foodservice Director or LEA Business Manager - (Education Administrators, All Other) - $39.37, Foodservice Managers-$25.28, School Staff Liaisons (Miscellaneous Education, Training, and Library Workers) -$19.85, Superintendent (Education Administrators, Postsecondary) - $47.77, Principal (Education Administrators) - $42.38, Parent (All Occupations) - $22.01, and State Education Agency Financial Officer (Financial Analyst) - $42.98 Students (elementary and secondary school students) were assumed to not have an hourly wage rate. Average hourly wage rates are taken from: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wages by Occupation, May 2012.
LEA = local education agency; SFA = school food authority.

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