Form Approved
OMB No: 0920-1009
Exp. Date: 3/31/2017
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of information is estimated at 15 minutes per response, including
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Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NW, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; Attn:
PRA (0920-1009).
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey about your organization’s experience with the CDC HEADS UP resources. This survey asks questions about your organization’s awareness of the CDC HEADS UP resources, and your experience using and sharing the HEADS UP resources within your organization and with other organizations. The findings from this survey will help CDC better understand how the HEADS UP materials are used and shared, and how they can improve future dissemination. Below are a few notes about the survey:
Your input is important. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may choose not to participate. You may also choose to stop the survey at any time, or not answer a question, for any reason. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes. It is being administered by ICF International, in partnership with CDC.
Benefits: Your participation will not result in any direct benefits to you. Your input will help to provide a better understanding of how CDC HEADS UP materials are used and shared.
Risks: There are no potential risks to you or your organization associated with participating in this survey.
Confidentiality: Your identity will not be disclosed and the survey will only be connected to your organization anonymously as having been completed by a representative.
Contact information: If you have any concerns about completing this survey or have any questions about the study, please Rosanne Hoffman, [email protected], 301-407-6596.
Organization Demographics
Organization Name:
What is your role/title?
Organizational leadership (e.g. Executive Director, President, CEO, other Chief Officer)
Program director
Program staff
Administrative staff (e.g. finance, development, human resources)
Health Care Provider
School Professional
Other (specify)
How often do you focus on concussion in your work?
Very often
Somewhat often
Not very often
Not often at all
CDC HEADS UP Material Use at Organizational Level
How long have you been using CDC HEADS UP materials?
>1 year
1-3 years
4-7 years
7-11 years
11-12 years
What CDC HEADS UP materials do you find most useful? (Check all that apply)
HEADS UP Youth Sports
Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents (Customizable)
Parent and Athlete Concussion Information Sheet (Customizable)
Concussion Information Sheet (English)
Parent and Athlete Concussion Information Sheet (Customizable)
Fact Sheet for Athletes Ages 11-13 (English)
Fact Sheet for Athletes Ages 14-18 (English)
Concussion Information Sheet (English)
HEADS UP High School Sports
Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents (Customizable)
Parent and Athlete Concussion Information Sheet (Customizable)
Parents Fact Sheet (English)
HEADS UP to Schools
School Nurses
Concussion Fact Sheet for School Professionals (Customizable)
Know Your Concussion ABCs - A Fact Sheet for School Nurses: English version
Know Your Concussion ABCs - A Fact Sheet for School Nurses: Spanish version
Concussion Signs & Symptoms card (7.25 x 5.5 in.) - English version
Concussion Signs & Symptoms card (7.25 x 5.5 in.) - Spanish version
Concussion Signs & Symptoms Poster for Schools - English version
Concussion Signs & Symptoms Poster for Schools - Spanish version
Teachers, Counselors, School Professionals
Concussion Fact Sheet for School Professionals (Customizable)
Concussion Fact Sheet for Teachers, Counselors, and School Professionals - English version
Concussion Fact Sheet for Teachers, Counselors, and School Professionals - Spanish version
Concussion Signs & Symptoms Information Sheet - English version
Concussion Signs & Symptoms Information Sheet - Spanish version
Returning to School after a Concussion: A Fact Sheet for School Professionals
Helping Students Recover from a Concussion: Classroom Tips for Teachers
HEADS UP to Health Care Providers
Emergency Department ACE form
Resources for patients
From where do you receive information about CDC HEADS UP? (Check all that apply)
Emails from CDC
CDC HEADS UP Facebook page
National sports organization (list specific name of org)
Local sports organization (list name of org)
National education organization (list name of org)
School or local education association (list name of org)
Professional medical association (list name of org)
Health care system/ health care professional (list name of health care system)
A colleague
Other (please specify):
How often do you receive information about CDC HEADS UP?
7 or more times a year
3-6 times a year
1-2 times a year
How do you use CDC HEADS UP materials within your organization? (Select all that apply)
As part of general health promotion education
As part of a concussion prevention program
To educate colleagues within my organization about concussion
To help our regional and local affiliates develop concussion prevention programs
To support our programs that educate health care providers about concussion
To support our programs that educate coaches about concussion
To support our programs that educate school professionals about concussion
To support our programs that educate athletes about concussion
To support our programs that educate parents about concussion
Other (please specify):
How often to do you share CDC HEADS UP materials and resources with colleagues within your organization?
7 or more times a year
3-6 times a year
1-2 times a year
Who do you disseminate CDC HEADS UP materials to within your organization?
Education/Training Director
Communication/Marketing Director
Program/Organization Director
Membership Director/Liaison
Human Resources Specialist
Health Education Specialist
Health care provider
Other health professional
School professional
Coaching or sports professional
Other (please specify):
How do your colleagues use the CDC HEADS UP materials after you share them? (Select all that apply)
Download and print the materials to use as reference
Forward them to other colleagues or programs
Conduct a training at a conference or meeting
Download and print materials to give to coaches
Download and print materials to give to parents
Download and print materials to give to athletes
Download and print materials to give to school professionals
Download and print materials to give to health care providers
Other (please specify):
How familiar are you with the CDC HEADS UP information on how to spot a concussion?
Very Familiar
Somewhat Familiar
Not Very Familiar
Not Familiar At All
How familiar are you with the CDC HEADS UP information on return to learn?
Very Familiar
Somewhat Familiar
Not Very Familiar
Not Familiar At All
How familiar are you with the CDC HEADS UP information on return to play?
Very Familiar
Somewhat Familiar
Not Very Familiar
Not Familiar At All
How familiar are you with the CDC HEADS UP Action Plan?
Very Familiar
Somewhat Familiar
Not Very Familiar
Not Familiar At All
Do you use any CDC HEADS UP concussion information in your website content, protocols, or organization’s communication with your key audience?
Don’t know
Other Concussion Information
Do you receive any other concussion information besides information about HEADS UP?
Don’t know
From where do you receive other concussion information?
National sports organization (list specific name of org)
Local sports organization (list name of org)
National education organization (list name of org)
School or local education association (list name of org)
Professional medical association (list name of org)
Health care system/ health care professional (list name of health care system)
A colleague
Other (please specify):
How often do you receive other information or educational materials about concussion?
7 or more times a year
3-6 times a year
1-2 times a year
How do you use other concussion materials within your organization? (Include a range of options)
Download and print the materials to use as reference
Forward them to other colleagues or programs
Conduct a training at a conference or meeting
Download and print materials to give to coaches
Download and print materials to give to parents
Download and print materials to give to athletes
Download and print materials to give to school professionals
Download and print materials to give to health care providers
Other (please specify):
Inter-Organization Use and Interactions
What types of organizations do you share CDC HEADS UP materials with (check all that apply)?
National or regional health organization(s)
National or regional sports organization(s)
National or regional schools or education-related organization(s)
National or regional parenting organization(s)
National youth-serving organization(s)
Local health organization(s)
Local sports organization(s)
Local schools or education-related organization(s)
Local parenting organization(s)
Local youth-serving organizations(s)
Local community center
Other (please specify):
How often do you share CDC HEADS UP materials and resources with this organization?
How do you share this information?
Which CDC HEADS UP materials do you share with outside organizations?
Why do you share these materials?
Do you share CDC HEADS UP materials directly with any of the following community groups or members?
Health Care Professionals
School Professionals
Sports Officials
Perception of CDC HEADS UP Materials
Are the HEADS UP materials clear and easy to understand?
Have you thought about the contents of the material since you read it?
How would you rate the CDC HEADS UP materials?
Not useful
Somewhat useful
Very useful
Extremely useful
Have you used or cited the HEADS UP materials in your own materials or education efforts?
Do you plan to use or cite use HEADS UP in your own materials?
What do you like best about the CDC HEADS UP materials that you use?
What would make CDC HEADS UP materials better?
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Donnell, Zoe |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-27 |