Emergency Conservation Program and Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP)

Emergency Conservation Program and Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP)


Emergency Conservation Program and Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP)

OMB: 0560-0082

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Instructions for Matching Payment Application and Agreement with Form BCAP-1, “Biomass Conversion Facility Overview,” and BCAP Project Area Proposal with Form BCAP-1: “Biomass Conversion Facility Overview.”

The BCAP-1 Form is a multi-functional form; it is used for application under both: 1) The Collection, Harvest, Storage, and Transportation matching payment component of BCAP; or 2) The BCAP project area proposal component. The following instructions guide participants for application to both components. It is important to note that completion of the BCAP-1 for one program component does not automatically initiate application for both components of the program, nor does it guarantee approval for both components.

Biomass Conversion Facility Qualification Application and Agreement and BCAP-1

Biomass Conversion facilities use the BCAP-1 form to qualify as a facility participating in the Biomass Crop Assistance Program’s (BCAP’s) Collection, Harvest, Storage, and Transportation matching payment component. The BCAP-1 form must be completed as an attachment to the Application and Agreement (Agreement) for qualification under the matching payment component. The Agreement will be between the applying biomass conversion facility and the USDA/CCC/FSA.

Completed and approved submission of the Agreement and the BCAP-1 form qualify the submitting biomass conversion facility to receive a Facility ID number. After designation of the Facility ID number, the qualified facility’s suppliers or eligible material owners may apply at a county FSA office to receive a $1 for $1 matching payment of up to $45 per dry ton, for the sale and delivery of eligible materials to the qualified facility.

The biomass conversion facility seeking qualification for matching payments must submit two signed and completed BCAP-1 forms in hard copy along with two signed and completed copies of the Agreement. Submissions must be made to the State FSA Office; State office addresses are located at www.fsa.usda.gov or by calling your local county FSA office.

Please note that a separate, individual Agreement must be submitted for each facility, regardless of the fact that a single biomass conversion facility owner may have multiple biomass conversion facilities. The BCAP-1 form is required as an attachment to the Agreement, requiring each facility to complete and submit the BCAP-1 form for each biomass conversion facility Agreement submitted. The submission for the facility must be made to the State office in the State where the facility is physically located. The BCAP matching payment opportunity is open only to biomass conversion facilities physically located in the United States.

The two completed and signed hard copies of the Agreement and BCAP-1 form will be reviewed and approved by the State FSA office where the submission was made. After review, the State FSA office will sign the Agreement and BCAP-1 Form with attachments.

The State FSA office will enter the form into a central database and then electronically send the Agreement with applicable attachments to the National Office to get a Facility ID number for the submitting biomass conversion facility. The Facility ID number is distributed by the FSA National Office and is accessible for public viewing at the USDA Farm Service Agency’s web site at www.fsa.usda.gov/bcap.

The National Office will contact the State FSA Office once the Facility ID number is assigned and posted. The State Office will then record the Facility ID number on a fully executed original copy of the Agreement and return it to the biomass conversion facility. The biomass conversion facility is considered a qualified facility on the date that the Facility ID number is assigned. Only deliveries of eligible material on and after this date from eligible material owners that have been approved by the County FSA office will be eligible for a BCAP matching payment.

BCAP Project Area Proposal and BCAP-1:

BCAP project sponsors that are participating in the BCAP project area will use the BCAP-1 to provide information for the BCAP project area proposal. The BCAP-1 will be used to provide information about the committed biomass conversion facility (ies) or biomass conversion facility (ies) associated with the proposed BCAP project area proposal. The BCAP-1 is a required part of the BCAP project area proposal. BCAP project sponsors may either be a biomass conversion facility or a group of producers.

The BCAP-1 form is part of the BCAP project area proposal package and must be submitted with attachments to the State FSA office. The State FSA office, where the majority of the proposed project area land is physically located, will review the BCAP-1 as part of the project area proposal and recommend (forward) the National office. If recommended by the State project proposal review team, a National office review will take place. After the National office review, approved project area proposals are assigned project area ID number. BCAP project area designations provide eligibility for certain producers within project areas to apply for establishment and annual payment for the production of certain eligible crops to be used by biomass conversion facilities.

The BCAP project proposal must be mailed or emailed in .pdf format to the appropriate State FSA office. State office addresses are located at www.fsa.usda.gov or by calling your local county FSA office. Please mark the mailing, “Attention: State Con./BCAP Proposal.”

General Submission Information:

Incomplete submissions will be returned to the submitting entity with explanation by the State FSA office. Submissions that fail to meet the BCAP matching payment qualification or BCAP project area proposal requirements will also be notified by the State Executive Director’s office to the submitting entity.

Customers with electronic access may download the Agreement, BCAP-1 form and BCAP project area proposal documents online. The electronic versions are available on the USDA Farm Service Agency’s web site at www.fsa.usda.gov/bcap.

For more information about the Agreement, BCAP-1 form, matching payments and BCAP project area proposals please visit the USDA Farm Service Agency’s web site at www.fsa.usda.gov/energy or contact Kelly Novak at 202.720.4053 or [email protected] .

Biomass Conversion Facility must complete “Biomass Conversion Facility Overview,” Items 1, and 3 through 21.

Items 1 - 21

Fld Name /
Item No.



Name of the Biomass Conversion Facility

Enter the exact name of the facility submitting the application, as specified in applicable business charters.

NOTE: Each facility will need to complete a separate Biomass Conversion Facility Overview as an attachment with their Agreement or BCAP project area proposal.


Facility ID Number

FSA will enter the assigned facility ID number for facilities that are approved as qualified biomass conversion facilities.

NOTE: BCAP-1 forms completed as part of a BCAP project area proposal will NOT be considered an application for qualification for the matching payment participation unless an Agreement is also completed and submitted.


Date ID Assigned

FSA will enter the date (MM-DD-YYYY) the National FSA office assigns a facility ID number for matching payment facility qualification.

3A, B, C, and D

Street Address of Primary Location

Enter the address of the physical location of the applicant facility, including the street number, street name, city, state, and zip code.

NOTE: Each physical facility location must complete a separate Agreement and BCAP-1 form for matching payment qualification ID number or a separate BCAP-1 form for project area proposals.


Mailing Address

Enter the address where the applicant facility desires mailed items to be sent. Mailing address should include the street number, street name, city, state, and zip code.


County of Primary Location

Enter the County where the facility is located.


State/County Code of the primary location

The State/County FSA Code is assigned by the Farm Service Agency. The State and U.S. Territories Codes consist of two digits and the County Code consists of three digits.

The County FSA office can provide these Codes.

NOTE: For example, California is “06” and Shasta county, California is “089,” so the complete entry would be “06089.”


Telephone number

Enter the telephone number for the facility, where the facility can receive telephonic communication from USDA, the general public and eligible material owners.


Email address

Enter the email address for the facility, where the facility can receive electronic communication from USDA, the general public and eligible material owners.


State and County Codes

The county or counties will be the locations where the submitting facility conducts “biomass business” within the State where the entity’s biomass conversion facility is located. The county where the entity conducts “biomass business” can include, but is not limited to, a county where biomass supply is purchased, a county where biomass material is stored, or a county where the biomass crop supply is produced.

The State/County FSA Code is assigned by the Farm Service Agency. The State and U.S. Territories Codes consist of two digits and the County Code consists of three digits.

The County FSA office can provide these Codes.

NOTE: If business is conducted beyond 32 counties, please list only the top 32 counties which have the current highest volume of biomass business in progress.

If biomass business is conducted in the majority of the counties within a State, please record only the State FSA Code.


Company Structure

Check all that apply. Selections should describe the legal standing of the facility.


North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.

NAICS was developed under the auspices of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and adopted in 1997 to replace the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system.

To access the list of 2007 NAICS codes please visit: www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/ or call 1-888-75NAICS.

For example, if your facility produces electricity using biomass, the NAICS code will be 221119.

NOTE: Major source air emission facilities will be able to find the NAICS code on the face page of the Title V air permit.

9A & B

Biomass Conversion Production Status: Production Start-up Date

Check if the production is “Since” for already established and operating biomass conversion facilities or please check “Expected” if the biomass conversion facility is not yet in operation.

Enter the date that the conversion facility began production or will begin production. Production means the act of manufacturing from raw biomass materials or intermediary feedstock to a bioenergy or biobased products.

This production start date should be the date that the facility began or begins operation under the applicable legal authorities from Federal, State, and local government(s).

Please record your date in the following format: MM-DD-YYYY


Brief Overview of Facility Business Operations and Biomass Utilization

Enter items that give an overview concerning the facility operations and biomass use, such as the facility’s production goals and benchmarks, employee numbers, governing board and Executive team profile, credit arrangements, existing contracts, financial overview and company milestones.

Limit your response to the space provided. Attachments may also be submitted to supplement the response.

NOTE: One or two word answers will be deemed insufficient and the form will be considered incomplete. A description should provide the reviewer with an understanding of what the facility’s business operations entail.

11A, 1 - 5

Types of Material Consumed

These selection ranges concern the type(s) of biomass used at this biomass conversion facility only. Check all that apply at present or in cases of start-up operation, indicate the projected type(s) of biomass to be used.

For the basic BCAP list of eligible materials and the regional specific of eligible materials in the location where your facility is located or where your eligible material supply is collected or harvested, please contact the applicable State FSA office.

11B, 1 – 9

Types of Crops (for BCAP project area proposal submission)

Enter the common name of all eligible crops used at the biomass conversion facility.

NOTE: This section is to be completed only by project sponsors of BCAP project area proposals. The information gathered in this section identifies crop production that supports the biomass conversion facility that is offering a letter of commitment or that is associated with the proposal.

12 A – B

Conversion Process

These selection ranges concern the type of conversion process used in production at this biomass conversion facility only. Check all that apply at present.

13 A – D

Biomass Conversion Facility Final Product

This selection range of types of energy and fuel produced concerns the energy and fuel production for the submitting biomass conversion facility only. Check all that apply at present.

NOTE: Please provide a description of any biobased products in 13D.

14 A – C

Annual Production Capacity

Enter all with their corresponding unit of measure.

Annual production” means the 12-month total for production of bioenergy or biobased product for this facility only.

For submitting biomass conversion facilities that have not yet started operations, a projected annual production is acceptable.


On-Site Material Storage Capacity

Enter all that apply and check the corresponding unit of eligible material capacity.

On-site material storage capacity” means the limit for storage of the materials used only at this facility. The capacity recorded must reflect the capacity located at this facility’s physical address.

The capacity reported here also should not violate applicable Federal, State or local laws and ordinances and should reflect present storage capacity.

For submitting biomass conversion facilities that have not yet started operations, a projected on-site feedstock and material storage capacity is acceptable.


Off-Site Feedstock and Material Storage Capacity

Enter all that apply and check the corresponding unit of eligible material capacity.

Offsite material storage capacity” means that limit for storage of the materials used only at this facility, which is not located at this facility’s physical address.

The capacity reported here should not violate applicable Federal, State or local laws and ordinances and should reflect present storage capacity.

For submitting biomass conversion facilities that have not yet started operations, a projected off-site feedstock and material storage capacity is acceptable.

17 A - F

Permits and License Obtained

Enter permit or license numbers and expiration dates.

Enter your dates in the following format: MM-DD-YYYY

NOTE: Permits presented must be issued in the name of the legal entity submitting the BCAP-1. If the permit is not issued in the name of the submitting entity, a legal notice of conveyance of permits and license must be presented with the BCAP-1. Permits must also be current. Expired permits, including boiler permits, will not be accepted. Proof of the re-application for a permit may be considered in the instance where the permitting process is lengthy.

For example, major source emission facilities that require a Title V air quality permit can provide proof of re-application and status of application in combination with permit.

In addition, for facilities under construction or still in the process of retrofit and permitting, a letter of approval for operation may be obtained from the permitting or licensing agency. Please work with your State FSA office to ensure the proper documentation is submitted.

NOTES: Applications submitted with no evidence of environmental licensing or permitting must provide a letter from the applicable State or agency indicating that the facility is exempt from application for permitting or licensing. Failure to present letters of exemption could render the BCAP-1 incomplete.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards are voluntary standards. Please record any ASTM standards related to the biomass conversion process and operations.

For example, if your operation produces wood pellets recording ASTM E871, the Standard Test Method for Moisture Analysis of Particulate Wood Fuels, could be recorded. A recording of E871 is sufficient.


Have all the necessary permits been obtained…

Check only one to indicate whether “YES” all permits have been obtained for this facility or “NO,” all permits have NOT been obtained for this facility.


Please check off all that apply and provide copies of applicable documents.

Check all that apply and complete and attach copies of the representing document(s).

NOTE: If a document attachment is very lengthy, submission of the document on a CD ROM or thumb drive or jump drive is acceptable. Check with your State FSA office to determine the acceptable submission format.


Print Name of Rep.

Enter the first and last name of the representative for the submitting biomass conversion facility that is signing the BCAP-1 form.

NOTE: For those completing the BCAP-1 as a project sponsor, if you are the biomass conversion facility you will be the signing representative. If you are a group of producers and do not own the biomass conversion facility, you will not be the signing representative.



Enter the signing representative’s title that is assigned to the individual by the entity or best reflects the signing representative’s role with the entity.



Enter the signature of the representative.



Enter the date on which the representative signed the BCAP-1 form.

Enter the date in the following format: MM-DD-YYYY



Enter the first and last name of the person that may be contacted by FSA or the public regarding the facility’s participation in BCAP


Street Address

Enter the physical location of the primary contact, including the street number, street name, city, state, and zip code.


Telephone Number

Enter the telephone number for the primary contact. This telephone number will be the number where the primary contact can receive telephonic communication from USDA and eligible material owners.


Email Address

Enter the email address for the primary contact person that can receive electronic communication from USDA and eligible material owners on behalf of the applying Biomass Conversion Facility.

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File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleInstructions for CCC-526
Last Modified ByBall, MaryAnn - FSA, Washington, DC
File Modified2014-06-19
File Created2014-06-19

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