Prescribing Authority: "Strengthening our Military Families"

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Prescribing Authority: "Strengthening our Military Families"

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Meeting America’s Commitment

JA N UA RY 2 011

Strengthening Our Military Families:
Meeting America’s Commitment
“This government-wide review will bring together the resources of the
Federal Government, identify new opportunities across the public and
private sectors, and lay the foundation for a coordinated approach to
supporting and engaging military families for years to come.”
—Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, May 12, 2010

The President has made the care and support of military families a top national security policy priority.
We recognize that military families come from the active duty Armed Forces, the National Guard, and
the Reserves. They support and sustain troops fighting to defend the Nation, they care for our wounded
warriors, and they survive our fallen heroes. The well-being of military families is an important indicator of
the well-being of the overall force. At a time when America is at war and placing considerable, sustained
demands on its troops and their families, it is especially important to address the family, home, and
community challenges facing our all-volunteer force. For years to come, military families and Veterans
will continue to face unique challenges, and at the same time will also have great potential to continue
contributing to our communities and country.
Less than 1 percent of Americans serve in uniform today, but they bear 100 percent of the burden of
defending our Nation. Currently, more than 2.2 million service members make up America’s all-volunteer
force in the active, National Guard, and Reserve components. Since September 11, 2001, more than two
million troops have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Fifty five percent of the force is married and
40 percent have two children.1 Only 37 percent of our families live on military installations; the remaining
63 percent live in over 4,000 communities nationwide. Multiple deployments, combat injuries, and the
challenges of reintegration can have far-reaching effects on not only the troops and their families, but
also upon America’s communities as well. These challenges should be at the forefront of our national
In May 2010, the President directed the National Security Staff (NSS) to develop a coordinated Federal
Government-wide approach to supporting military families. By harnessing resources and expertise
across the Federal Government, the Obama Administration is improving the quality of military family life,
helping communities more effectively support military families, and thereby improving the long-term
effectiveness of U.S. military forces. Our vision is to ensure that:

the U.S. military recruits and retains the highest-caliber volunteers to contribute to theNation’s
defense and security;


Service members can have strong family lives while maintaining the highest state of readiness;

1.  Flake EM, Davis BE, Johnson PL, Middleton LS. The psychosocial effects of deployment on military children. J Dev
Behav Pediatr. 2009;30:271-278




s t r e n gt h e n i n g o u r m i li ta ry fam i li e s


civilian family members can live fulfilling lives while supporting their service member(s); and


the United States better understands and appreciates the experience, strength, and commitment to service of our military families.

This report was prepared by an Interagency Policy Committee (IPC) involving representatives from the
staffs of all Cabinet Secretaries, with oversight from the NSS and Domestic Policy Council (DPC), and in
response to Presidential Study Directive/PSD-9.
With the involvement of the National Economic Council, Office of the First Lady, and the Office of Dr.
Biden, the IPC has identified four priority areas to address the concerns and challenges of the families
of Active Duty and Reserve Component Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard members;
Veterans; and those who have fallen. While the Coast Guard is a component with the Department of
Homeland Security, for the purposes of this report, it should be assumed to be included in the initiatives
supporting all military families, as applicable. This government-wide effort will:
1.	 Enhance the well-being and psychological health of the military family,
1.1.	 By increasing behavioral health care services through prevention-based alternatives and
integrating community-based services;
1.2.	 By building awareness among military families and communities that psychological fitness
is as important as physical fitness;
1.3.	 By protecting military members and families from unfair financial practices and helping
families enhance their financial readiness;
1.4.	 By eliminating homelessness and promoting home security among Veterans and military
1.5.	 By ensuring availability of critical substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery
services for Veterans and military families; and
1.6.	 By making our court systems more responsive to the unique needs of Veterans and families.
2.	 Ensure excellence in military children’s education and their development,
2.1.	 By improving the quality of the educational experience;
2.2.	 By reducing negative impacts of frequent relocations and absences; and
2.3.	 By encouraging the healthy development of military children.
3.	 Develop career and educational opportunities for military spouses,
3.1.	 By increasing opportunities for Federal careers;
3.2.	 By increasing opportunities for private-sector careers;
3.3.	 By increasing access to educational advancement;
3.4.	 By reducing barriers to employment and services due to different State policies and standards; and
3.5.	 By protecting the rights of service members and families.



S t r e n gt h e n i n g O u r M i li ta ry Fam i li e s : M e e t i n g A m e r i ca’ s Comm i t m e n t

4.	 Increase child care availability and quality for the Armed Forces,
4.1.	 By enhancing child care resources within the Department of Defense and the Coast Guard.
This is an enduring effort. Each Cabinet secretary has pledged his or her individual commitment to this
important task. Together as a team, we are committed to implementing our plans, assessing our results
on a recurring basis with continued transparency, seeking constant feedback, and ensuring the Federal
Government has the capacity to support and engage military families throughout their lives.





S t r e n gt h e n i n g O u r M i li ta ry Fam i li e s : M e e t i n g A m e r i ca’ s Comm i t m e n t

Priority #1: Enhance the overall well-being and psychological health of the
military family.
The Challenge: Since September 11, 2001, more than two million service members have deployed
to Iraq or Afghanistan. The duration and the frequency of deployments are unprecedented since the
establishment of America’s all-volunteer force in 1973. With this increased exposure to combat stress,
there has been a growing number of service members with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and
traumatic brain injury (TBI). The September 2010 Medical Surveillance Report cites service members have
self-reported PTSD symptoms 9 percent of the time and depression symptoms more than 27 percent
when asked 90-180 days post-deployment. Additionally, more than 19 percent of service members
returning from combat reported potentially experiencing TBI during deployment.2
Military families are not immune to the stresses of deployment. There is a growing body of research on
the impact of prolonged deployment and trauma-related stress on military families, particularly spouses
and children. 3,4 There are approximately 700,000 military spouses and an additional 400,000 spouses
of Reserve members. More than 700,000 children have experienced one or more parental deployment. Currently, about 220,000 children have a parent deployed. The cumulative impact of multiple
deployments is associated with more emotional difficulties among military children and more mental
health diagnoses among spouses.5 A 2010 study reports an 11 percent increase in outpatient visits for
behavioral health issues among a group of 3- to 8-year-old children of military parents and an increase
of 18 percent in behavioral disorders and 19 percent in stress disorders when a parent was deployed.6
Reducing these negative effects requires a robust psychological health plan, including better data
collection, reducing stigma-related barriers, and stronger involvement from the chain of command.
While many military families are thriving, common stressors can further erode their resilience. However,
many of these stressful situations are preventable. In addition to the compounding effects of deployments, occasional financial stress, especially with regards to housing and home ownership, substance
abuse, and incarceration, has caused excessive stress for certain military families. For instance, in surveys conducted by the Department of Defense (DOD), military families have listed personal financial
management as number two in their list of biggest sources of stress. Furthermore, homelessness and
home foreclosure can be realities in some Veteran families although this is not widespread. In the most
dire situations, families must cope with incarceration. According the Department of Justice’s (DOJ)
most recent survey of incarcerated Veterans, it was found that an estimated 60 percent of the 140,000
Veterans in Federal and State prisons were struggling with substance use disorders, while approximately
2.  Tanielian, T. L. and RAND Corporation and Center for Military Health Policy Research, 2008. Invisible Wounds of
War: Summary and recommendations for addressing psychological and cognitive injuries. RAND, Santa Monica: 2008.
3.  Mansfield, Alyssa J., Ph.D., M.P.H., Jay S. Kaufman, Ph.D., Stephen W. Marshall, Ph.D., Bradley N. Gaynes, M.D.,
M.P.H., Joseph P. Morrissey, Ph.D., and Charles C. Engel, M.D., M.P.H., N Engl J Med 2010; 362:101-109. January 14, 2010.
4.  Flake EM, Davis BE, Johnson PL, Middleton LS. The psychosocial effects of deployment on military children. J Dev
Behav Pediatr. 2009;30:271-278.
5.  Lesser P, Peterson K, Reeves J, et al. The long war and parental combat deployment: effects on military children
and at-home spouses. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2010; 49(4):310-320 and Mansfield, AJ, Kaufman, JS, Marshall,
SW et al. Deployment and the use of mental health services among U.S. Army wives. N Engl J Med, 2010; 362:101-9.
6.  Gregory H. Gorman, Matilda Eide, and Elizabeth Hisle-Gorman. (2010). Wartime Military Deployment and
Increased Pediatric Mental and Behavioral Health Complaints Pediatrics. peds.2009 2856v1-peds.2009-2856.




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25 percent reported being under the influence of drugs at the time of their offense.7 Substance abuse,
incarceration, and the other stressors aforementioned can be viewed as the result of missed opportunities for preventive actions. Early recognition and treatment-seeking is a sign of new strength for our
military families.

Need 1.1.  Increase behavioral health care services through prevention-based alternatives and
integration of community-based services.
Our Commitments:
1.1.1.	 DOD and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will implement a multi-year Integrated
Mental Health Strategy to promote early recognition of mental health conditions. The Strategy
will deliver effective, evidence-based treatments and implement and expand preventive services for
Active Duty and Reserve Component members, Veterans, and their families. Specific actions will include
education and coaching of family members to help identify service members and Veterans’ mental
health needs; integration of mental health services into primary care; and expanding VA’s Readjustment
Counseling Service to service members and their families.
1.1.2.	 By conducting policy workshops for the states and leveraging the resources of the
Mental Health Block Grants and the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grants,
the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will help Governors to develop strategic
plans to strengthen behavioral health care systems for returning service members, Veterans,
and their families. HHS has conducted two policy workshops which brought together representatives
from various state agencies, DOD and VA, National Guard and Reserves, and other behavioral health
stakeholders to develop a joint strategic plan and share state-level best practices. As a result of these
workshops, strategic plans for 18 of the 59 states and territories have been developed. Additionally, there
have been positive reviews from states that successfully created a single place to handle state-wide
military family issues using DOD’s Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee model.
1.1.3	 DOD is working to improve the Military Health System and to enhance the availability
of mental health providers to increase the quality of care available to service members and
their families. As of October 2010, the TRICARE Reserve Select option acquired enough participating
providers to ensure that Guard or Reserve service members seeking care under this form of TRICARE
coverage will find viable options in most communities. DOD and HHS have implemented a pilot to
assess the onsite TRICARE Technical Assistance Credentialing Teams to enable even more providers to
become part of the TRICARE network.  HHS will also improve and increase efforts to educate and assist
behavioral health care providers about the appropriate referral process to the VA Health Care System
and DOD Military Treatment Facilities (DMTF). Additionally, DOD will conduct an extensive evaluation
of options and possible improvements in the design of future TRICARE contracts to ensure our service
members and their families are getting the best care possible. The TRICARE workgroup was announced
on September 20, 2010, and is undertaking a year-long project to provide the best possible health care
for more than 9.6 million Military Health System beneficiaries beyond 2015. Lessons will be drawn from
VA’s success as they have increased capacity to more than 20,000 mental health professionals that are
now available to serve the growing combat Veteran population and Veterans of other eras.
7.  Office of Justice Programs/Bureau of Justice Statistics. Veterans in State and Federal Prison, 2004. U.S. Department
of Justice. [May 2007]. Available:




S t r e n gt h e n i n g O u r M i li ta ry Fam i li e s : M e e t i n g A m e r i ca’ s Comm i t m e n t

1.1.4	 HHS, through its Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), is using innovative approaches to improve the capacity of hospitals in rural areas to deliver mental health and
other health services. The agency is expanding existing networks to provide access to mental health
and other services to rural Veterans via partnerships and coalitions with other healthcare entities. This
community approach will involve critical access hospitals, Federally qualified health centers, rural
health clinics, home health agencies, community mental health clinics, and other providers of mental
health services, pharmacists, local government, private practice physicians and other providers deemed
necessary to provide access to services and meet the needs of rural Veterans. HRSA will draw on VA’s
experience using information and telecommunication technologies to augment care provided by its
mental health clinicians to Veteran families who live in rural areas. Through its Traumatic Brain Injury
Program Implementation Partnership grantees, HRSA is also educating providers on the needs of military
families and helping military families gain access to available and appropriate services in their state.
1.1.5.	 DOD will further implement counseling options that are free, convenient, and confidential
to encourage self-initiated treatment and improve military families’ quality of life. Preventive
approaches often reduce the need for complex forms of treatment involving intervention and drug
therapy. DOD will continue to enhance confidential non-medical counseling via Military OneSource
Counselors and Military Family Life Consultants. Additionally, the Web-based TRICARE Assistance
Program and tele-mental health programs are fielding telecommunication technologies to bring
counseling assistance and behavioral health care to those who need it most. The “Virtual Behavioral
Health Program for Redeploying Soldiers” is an example of this type of counseling. It was established
to maximize behavioral health assets and modern communications technology to provide uniform
contact with all those redeploying. The goal is to identify care requirements early but also help reduce
stigma by encouraging and normalizing psychological health. This capability has been deployed at
Schofield Barracks, Fort Richardson, Fort Carson, Joint Base Lewis McChord, and Fort Stewart. DOD will
also improve awareness of and further enhance its web-based service member and family outreach
resources such as and The VA will offer lessons
from their implementation of over 300 Vet Centers across the United States and surrounding territories
where Veterans and their families can find readjustment counseling and outreach services. Seventy
percent of all widows of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom Service members
have received counseling support at Vet Centers.
1.1.6.	 The VA will develop new and expand existing family caregiver support programs for family caregivers of seriously ill or injured service members and Veterans. At each VA medical center,
Caregiver Support Coordinators have been designated to provide support and assistance to family
caregivers, serve as an expert on caregiving issues, and assure caregiver support is implemented in
all clinical areas. In addition, VA is expanding the availability of family counseling and evidence-based
caregiver support and training programs. The VA is also developing a comprehensive caregiver Web site
and establishing a 1-800 Caregiver helpline.




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Need 1.2.  Build awareness among military families and communities that psychological fitness
is as important as physical fitness.
Our Commitments:
1.2.1.	 The Secretary of HHS and the Secretary of Defense are jointly accelerating efforts that
prevent and address suicide. The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention co-chaired by the
Secretary of the Army and supported by the Secretaries of Defense and HHS will address high risk
populations and will update and advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. Additionally, this
alliance will develop effective public awareness and social marketing campaigns, including targeted
messages for specific segments of the population that can change attitudes and norms and reduce suicidal behaviors. Simultaneously, VA’s National Suicide Call Center is expanding and enhancing services to
battle this trend in the Veteran population. Lessons will inform the National Action Alliance considering
VA’s Call Center has taken over 300,000 calls and has been credited with over 11,000 lives saved.
1.2.2.	 HHS, DOD, and VA will leverage partnerships with professional associations and academic
institutions to ensure military culture is included in core curricula and published standards.
Examples include the American Psychological Association and the Council on Social Work Education,
which have implemented standards of practice for their members who work with military and Veteran
1.2.3.	 HHS and DOD will leverage the reach of the popular media industry to reduce misleading
and inaccurate depictions of behavioral health conditions and people who seek psychological
treatment, particularly Veterans and military families. In order to encourage responsible portrayals
of mental health disorders, HHS’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration aligned
their 2010 Voice Awards program to highlight the mental health challenges associated with combat
and military life; the first year dedicated to honoring service members and families. Similarly, DOD will
host the Entertainment Industry Summit in 2011 to further these goals.
1.2.4.	 The Department of the Interior (DOI) will work with DOD to provide expanded opportunities for military families to use Interior lands and recreational facilities for recovery. DOI, through
use of its 500 million acres of public land and its recreational and educational programs will modify
ongoing programs and services to accommodate military families, especially wounded warriors, in
their efforts to regain psychological health, reintegrate with family, and rehabilitate.  This will entail staff
training on military culture and building stronger partnerships with existing private organizations that
serve military families.

Need 1.3.  Protect military members and families from unfair financial practices and help families enhance their financial readiness.
Our Commitments:
1.3.1	 To strengthen protections for military families against abusive financial practices in
the provision of consumer financial products and services, the Administration’s new Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will have an Office of Service Member Affairs to ensure that the
CFPB addresses the financial challenges that confront military families. In partnership with DOD,


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this new office will be responsible for addressing three key areas: military family education on financial
readiness, complaint monitoring and response, and coordination among Federal and state agencies of
consumer protection measures for military families.
1.3.2.	 The Department of the Treasury’s (Treasury’s) Office of Financial Education and Financial
Access will continue to help military families identify predatory lending practices. Treasury will
continue to distribute educational materials at schools on military bases. Treasury will also continue
encouraging high school students at schools located on military installations to enroll in the National
Financial Capability Challenge, an awards program designed to increase the financial knowledge.
1.3.3.	 DOD is evaluating compensation levels for service in a combat zone, Reserve and National
Guard compensation and benefits, benefits for caregivers and surviving families, and incentive
pay for critical career fields such as mental and behavioral health professionals. At the direction
of the President, the 11th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation will review benefits provided
to key populations within the military family community. This review will be complete in May 2011 and
will first compare military pay levels with civilian counterparts.

Need 1.4.  Eliminate homelessness and promote housing security among Veterans and military
Our Commitments:
1.4.1.	 The Federal Government will continue to mobilize resources to achieve VA’s goal of ending
Veteran’s homelessness by 2015. In partnership with the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness,
the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and VA will continue working together to
reduce the number of homeless Veterans to 59,000 by June 2012 and toward ending Veteran’s homelessness completely. In addition, VA will continue to use every opportunity to reach out to homeless Veterans
through a National Registry for Homeless Veterans and a National Homeless Hotline (1-877-4AID VET).
1.4.2	 As part of its 3-year Veterans Homelessness Prevention Demonstration project, the HUD,
Department of Labor (DOL), and VA with cooperation from HHS will provide early intervention
and test strategies to help prevent Veterans from becoming homeless. This effort will pay particular
attention to female Veterans, families, and National Guard and reservists who have recently returned
from Iraq and Afghanistan. Selected sites for the project include Camp Pendleton (San Diego, CA), Fort
Hood (Killeen, TX), Fort Drum (Watertown, NY), Joint Base Lewis-McChord (Tacoma, WA) and MacDill
Air Force Base (Tampa, FL). Additionally, the Supportive Services for Veterans Families program (SSVF) is
another new program under VA and HUD. It will provide enhanced services to low income Veterans and
their families who are at risk of being homeless by providing grants to private nonprofit organizations
and consumer cooperatives.
1.4.3.	 DOL is committed to supporting the VA’s vision of ending homelessness for Veterans. DOL’s
Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program provides services to help homeless Veterans obtain
meaningful employment and to stimulate the development of effective services. The program
serves over 21,000 homeless Veterans, and includes separate programs for the homeless female Veterans,
homeless Veterans with families, and incarcerated Veterans.


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1.4.4.	 DOL, through the Women’s Bureau, has made women Veterans experiencing homelessness one of its four priorities. The Women’s Bureau has commissioned a guide for service providers
titled Trauma-Informed Care for Women Veterans Experiencing Homelessness. This program will create
a deeper understanding of the unique experiences and needs of female Veterans while offering a toolkit for providers on how to recognize the military trauma that impacts the reintegration process. It will
also provide a comprehensive approach to help organizations create effective trauma informed care

Need 1.5.  Ensure availability of critical substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery
services for Veterans and military families.
Our Commitment:
1.5.1.	 The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) will incorporate issues specific to
military families in the President’s annual National Drug Control Strategy. This strategy is a plan for
Federal, state, and local stakeholders to implement effective drug prevention, intervention, treatment,
recovery, and enforcement in the United States and abroad. This action step will help substance abuse
service providers and stakeholders reduce drug use and further ensure that our service members and
their families live in safe and healthy communities.

Need 1.6.  Make court systems more responsive to the unique needs of Veterans and Families.
Our Commitment:
1.6.1.	 In order to address the root causes of criminal behavior and reduce involvement with
the criminal justice system, DOJ, and HHS will partner to further develop the Veterans Treatment
Court concept. In response to the growing need for Veterans courts, a program that is endorsed by
the VA, the National Drug Court Institute is developing a curriculum for “Veterans only” Drug Courts that
addresses crimes related to a Veteran’s substance abuse or dependence. Training and technical assistance
dollars have been reallocated to address this growing need.  The next Veterans Drug Court Planning
Initiative will be held in 2011 to train 10 teams from various cities in the country, in order to best coordinate services for Veterans with PTSD, TBI, and substance abuse problems.   Currently, there are 41 courts
in operation.  VA has a staff member at each Veteran Drug Court proceeding to help enroll the Veteran
into the VA’s health care system for the important health care and services the Veteran may need.


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S t r e n gt h e n i n g O u r M i li ta ry Fam i li e s : M e e t i n g A m e r i ca’ s Comm i t m e n t

Priority #2: Ensure excellence in military children’s education and their
The Challenge: There are 1.9 million chilData on Military-Connected Children
dren with a parent serving in the military.
(Figures are approximate as of November 2010)
220,000 of these children have a parent
Total military-connected, 0-18
1.9 million
currently deployed. There are 153,669
•	 of which, school-aged
1.2 million
single parents serving in the military.
•	 of which, children of active duty
The demands of extended conflict add
•	 of which, attend a DOD school
to the challenges faced by military famiChildren of a currently-deployed parent
lies. Research suggests that children of
•	 of which, school-aged
deployed parents experience more stress
•	 of which, deployed multiple times
than their peers. While they are often
Percent of service members with children
described as a resilient group, the cumu43%
lative effects of multiple moves and sig- (Active duty and Reserve Component)
nificant parental absences can erode this Active duty single parents
resilience. Too many of our military children Active duty dual-military families
in public schools feel like their classmates and teachers do not understand what they are going through.
Between frequent moves and service member time away from home, many parents worry about their
children getting a good education. A recent survey found 34 percent are “less or not confident” that
their children’s school is responsive to the unique aspects of military family life.8
The quality of education available to military children can affect overall recruitment, retention, and
morale. Military families frequently say that the quality of their children’s education is one of most
important criteria when selecting a place to live. Military children face added stressors due to frequent
relocations. The differences between State standards and requirements for academic and athletic participation, when coupled to frequent relocations, can negatively impact achievement and participation
for military children.

Need 2.1.  Improve the quality of the educational experience.
Our Commitments:
2.1.1.	 The Department of Education (Education) will make supporting military families one of its
supplemental priorities for its discretionary grant programs. This priority, when applied, will, for the
first time ever, favor grant applications to meet the needs of military-connected students. Additionally,
Education will seek new means of collecting and reporting data to promote transparency around the
performance of military-connected children as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Data collection is critical to directing education and counseling resources to those areas most impacted
by deployments and other stressors. Finally, Education is working to improve its Impact Aid funding
of school districts serving military children. This includes seeking authority that would allow school
districts that experience high growth due to military base realignment to apply for funds using current
year rather than previous year student counts.
8.  Blue Star Families, 2010 Military Family Lifestyle Survey. [May 2010]


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2.1.2	 DOD will ensure that military children have school facilities that are safe, secure, in good
repair, and provide an optimal learning environment that supports current and future educational
requirements. DOD established an interagency task force to survey military installation education
facilities and is committed to funding priorities for school reconstruction and expansion.
2.1.3	 The President’s Educate to Innovate Campaign will mobilize its efforts to support military
children’s math and science achievement.  As a key step, the National Math and Science Initiative,
in partnership with the White House Office of Science and Technology, DOD, and leading nonprofits
and companies, will lead efforts to expand access for military-connected children to attend advanced
placement classes in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to public high schools that
serve a large number of military families.  The initiative starts this year with four schools serving Fort
Campbell and Fort Hood, and additional support for another three schools in September 2011.
2.1.4.	 DOD commits to making DOD Education Activity (DODEA) schools a leader in the use of
advanced learning technologies that have the potential to significantly improve student performance.  DOD will invest in research, development, and demonstration projects that involve DODEA
schools, building on relevant research by agencies such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency and the Office of Naval Research. Examples of advanced learning technologies include software
that is as effective as a personal tutor, engaging and compelling “games for learning,” student-authored
and sharable simulations, and online courses that improve the more students use them.

Need 2.2.  Reduce negative impacts of frequent relocations and absences.
Our Commitments:
2.2.1.	 DOD in coordination with the Council of State Governments will pursue the complete
development of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. The
Interstate Compact addresses mobility-related challenges by harmonizing and adapting state laws to
include transfer of records, course placement, graduation requirements, exclusion from extra-curricular
activities, redundant or missed entrance or exit testing, kindergarten and first grade entrance age variations, and power of custodial parents while parents are deployed. As of November 24, 2010, 35 states
have enacted the Compact and 4 other states and the District of Columbia have pending legislation.
2.2.2.	 DOD will accelerate professional development programs to inform school staff of the
academic challenges facing military children. These include training modules and sessions on special
education, and an interactive educational resource for military families, military leaders, and school
leaders, titled “Students at the Center.”
2.2.3.	 In order to encourage quality reintegration time, Education and DOD will provide guidance to school districts based on best practices for approving “block leave.” This concept seeks
to permit students to take time to be with a recently-returned parent while minimizing the impact on
their course of study or attendance record.
2.2.4.	 Education will continue the Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP) project,
dedicated to serving military parents of children with special needs. This project provides workshops focusing on accessing special education resources and enabling families to navigate a variety of
educational and medical systems and programs.


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Need 2.3.  Encourage the healthy development of military children.
Our Commitments:
2.3.1.	 The Department of Agriculture’s 4-H National Headquarters will enhance their enduring partnership with active, National Guard and Reserve military service branches to support
4-H clubs and activities for military children and youth. These 4-H Military Partnerships bring the
resources of the Land Grant University and Cooperative Extension System – youth development professionals, research based curricula, and high quality training and technical assistance – to the child and
youth programs of the military.
2.3.2. 	 DOI, one of the largest Federal employers of youth ages 15-25 in conservation, will partner
with DOD to identify military youth for employment opportunities. These opportunities reside in
a wide range of educational, recreation and conservation, and cultural programs, including First Lady
Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Outside Initiative, the National Park Service’s Junior Ranger Program and
Parks as Classrooms, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Let’s Go Outside and Nature Rocks, and the Bureau
of Land Management’s Take it Outside program.


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Priority #3: Developing career and educational opportunities for military
The Challenge: The military spouse is part of an adaptable, resilient, educated, and dedicated work
force. The average age of active duty military spouses is 31.9. Of the 711,375 active duty spouses,
66 percent are already in the workforce. A DOD survey in September 2008 identified that 84 percent of all military spouses have at least some college education; 25 percent hold a bachelor’s
degree; and 10 percent hold advanced degrees. The majority of military spouses work outside
of the home to supplement their family income and wish to stay in their current career of choice
regardless of relocation. Seventy-seven percent of military spouses surveyed report they want or
need to work.9 Ninety three percent of the military spouse population is female and recent studies
reveal the extent of the disparity in pay. The overall wage gap between civilian and military wives is
42 percent. This gap represents both lower labor force participation by military wives, and lower earnings for employment. Among households that moved the year prior to the survey, a common situation
in the military, the wage gap rises to over 47 percent.10
The challenge is to reduce the barriers that currently prevent military spouses from maintaining a career
or employment on a normal progression path regardless of reloction. The lack of broad-based reciprocity among the states to recognize professional licenses or certificates held by military spouses creates
a significant barrier to employment. Additionally, frequent moves result in military spouses incurring
high costs for recertification and increased delays before they are able to work due to state licensing
requirements in fields such as teaching and medical services. Finally, employers may need more exposure
to the benefits of hiring military spouses.

Need 3.1.  Increase opportunities for Federal careers.
Our Commitment:
3.1.1.	 The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will continue to promote, educate and assess
Federal employment mechanisms for improving hiring trends for military spouses. There are
currently two specific means to gain Federal employment as a military spouse; the Noncompetitive
Appointing Authority under Executive Order 13473 and the Derived Veterans Preference. The Derived
Veterans’ Preference may also be applied to widows, widowers, or mothers of Veterans. Additionally, OPM
will ensure the interests of military spouses are part of the Veteran Employment Initiative. Executive Order
13518 established a Federal Interagency Council on Veterans Employment, a Veterans Employment
Program Office in 24 Federal agencies, and a requirement for a government-wide Veterans Recruitment
and Employment Strategic Plan. All Federal Government Veterans employment Program Managers are
authorized, trained, and committed to assisting military spouses.

9.  Defense Manpower Data Center, 2008 DMDC Survey of Active Duty Spouses.
10.  Kniskern, Mary K. & David R. Segal, Ph.D. Mean Wage Differences between Civilian and Military Wives. Center
for Research on Military Organization, University of Maryland. November 15, 2010. Data used from the American
Community Survey 2006-2008.


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S t r e n gt h e n i n g O u r M i li ta ry Fam i li e s : M e e t i n g A m e r i ca’ s Comm i t m e n t

3.1.2.	 The Department of State will continue to employ military spouses in a range of positions in our Consulates and Embassies, using a hiring mechanism known as the Family Member
Appointment. This appointment accrues credit for Federal service time, and benefits including the
Thrift Savings Plan. This mechanism also entitles military spouses to non-competitive hiring eligibility
once the spouse has worked for 52 weeks. Approximately 17 percent of the Department’s Community
Liaison Office staff are military spouses hired through this mechanism.
3.1.3.	 DOL, VA, and DOD will reform the Employment Workshop portion of the Transition
Assistance Program (TAP) for the first time in 19 years to include a special outreach initiative for
military spouses. The current TAP course curriculum covers 2 1/2 days of classroom instruction and
has provided over 1.7 million separating and retiring military members and their spouses with employment and job training assistance and other transition services. However, DOL, through the Veterans’
Employment and Training Services (VETS), is working to redesign the DOL TAP Employment Workshop
that will include an aggressive, hands-on tailored workforce readiness program for service members and
their spouses to include employment assistance during relocations and permanent changes of station.

Need 3.2.  Increase opportunities for private-sector careers.
Our Commitments:
3.2.1. 	 DOL will promote the ability of its public workforce system to provide priority of service
to eligible military spouses and Veterans. Military spouses can access information about job opportunities and services provided by these programs through a nationwide network of about 3,000 local
One-Stop Career Centers. One-Stop Career Centers address the employment needs of both job seekers
and businesses in every community and draw from an array of community partners to make available a
broad range of services and resources to support military spouses. Services that are available to military
spouses include: employment services such as job search, matching, and placement assistance; career
counseling; and assistance with job interviewing skills. Depending on eligibility criteria and funding
constraints, military spouses may also access no-cost training services; assistance with Pell Grants
and student loans; referral to other programs and services in the community; and supportive services
through the One-Stop Career Centers; or they can visit the Career One-Stop Pathways to Career Success
3.2.2.	 DOD will leverage the successful partnerships created under the Army Spouse Employment
Partnership and expand this program to the Navy, Marines, and Air Force spouses. The Army
Partnership has a signed Statement of Support with 42 Fortune 500/100 companies that have a national
employment footprint. Since 2003, these companies have hired over 84,000 Army spouses. In 2010, the
Army expanded the program into Korea and has signed on eight new partners in South Korea. DOD
will also modify this program to improve employment counseling, education, and readiness along with
placement assistance.
3.2.3.	 DOL and the Department of Commerce will educate corporate America on the benefits of
hiring from the military and encourage them to hire more military spouses. DOL and Commerce
will conduct business outreach and employment efforts for Veterans and military spouses to include an
assessment of unique initiatives, best practices, and employment data across America.  The Departments
will also seek to involve various business networks and organizations such as the Small Business
Administration (SBA) and the Chambers of Commerce network.

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3.2.4.	 To further complement the outreach efforts of VA’s Office of Service Disabled Veterans
Business Utilization, the SBA has partnered with Syracuse University to institute two new small
business-oriented programs for Veterans and their families, Women Veterans Igniting the Spirit
of Entrepreneurship (V-WISE) and Operation Endure & Grow.  According to the SBA, nearly one
quarter of Veterans indicate they are interested in starting a business or they own a small business, and
that percentage is even higher among women Veterans. V-WISE provides training, networking and
mentorship to women Veterans through a 3-day, off-site training program, online training, and network
support structures. V-WISE will be delivered in several locations around the Nation, and anticipates
serving up to 1,200 female Veterans over the next 36-month period. Operation Endure & Grow targets
National Guard and Reserve members, their families and business partners. The goal of the program is
to mitigate the economic hardship of deployed members and their families. The 8-week online course
will focus on the fundamentals of launching and growing a small business for those who will sustain
the business when the service member is deployed, injured, or killed. In total, V-WISE and Operation
Endure & Grow will serve over 1,700 individuals.

Need 3.3.  Increase access to educational advancement.
Our Commitments:
3.3.1.	 DOD will assist spouse education counseling for all ranks and provide stipends for those
pursuing portable career opportunities for entry-level ranks usually 6 years or less of service.
Specifically, the Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts program will be focused on E1-E5,
W1-W2, and O1-O2 ranks for financial assistance to encourage spouses working on 2-year degrees,
licenses, and certifications. The Departments of Education and Veterans Affairs will work with Defense
to assist Military Spouse Career Advancement Account education counselors to help military spouses
maximize Federal financial aid options, to include assistance with GI-Bill and Pell Grants.
3.3.2.	 The VA will continue to ease the Post-September 11 GI Bill application process, including transferability to spouses or children for service members with over 6 years of service. This
benefit offers transferability to a family member once the service member has been in longer than 6
years and agrees to serve 4 additional years. As of December 1, 2010, VA has issued over $6.6 billion in
tuition, housing, and stipends for 413,313 student Veterans or eligible family members pursuing higher
education. Early in the program’s implementation, VA took unprecedented steps to expedite over $350
million in advance payments and is in the process of automating application processing and payment
functions. To further encourage more Veterans to use this historic program, in February 2010, VA launched
a nationwide Post-September 11 GI Bill advertising campaign through college newspapers, radio adds,
outdoor posters and information handouts at 60 schools with large Veteran-student populations. The VA
also administers the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship for children of service members
who die in the line of duty after September 10, 2001. Eligible children may receive up to the highest public,
in-state undergraduate tuition and fees, plus a monthly living stipend and allowance under this program.
3.3.3.	 Education has greatly simplified the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). As
part of an overall strategy to increase access to postsecondary education and meet President Obama’s
goal of having “the best educated, most competitive workforce in the world” by 2020, this process has
been overhauled, eliminating an administrative barrier to financial aid for military spouses. Beginning


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S t r e n gt h e n i n g O u r M i li ta ry Fam i li e s : M e e t i n g A m e r i ca’ s Comm i t m e n t

in January 2010, applicants (both students and parents) now have the ability to retrieve their tax
information online directly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and pre-populate that data directly
into their application.  This not only makes it easier for families to complete the application, but also
increases the accuracy of submitted applications.  In an effort to better inform students and families as
they make decisions about college, Education also provides Federal Pell Grant award and student loan
eligibility estimates to the applicant immediately upon completion of the FAFSA, rather than requiring
applicants to wait several weeks.  In addition, Education provides graduation and retention rates for
schools the student is interested in attending. Education commits to sending guidance out to all financial
aid officers highlighting the need for sensitivity to military personnel and families, including Guard and
Reserve personnel and emphasizing flexibility in cases where a military family may lose financial aid
due to temporary spikes in pay from activation and deployments.

Need 3.4.  Reduce barriers to employment and services due to different state policies and
Our Commitments:
3.4.1.	 DOD State Liaison Office will engage and educate State policymakers, not-for-profit
associations, concerned business interests, and other State leaders about the needs of military
members and their families through the USA4 Military Families Initiative. So far, the initiative has
brought unemployment compensation benefits to military spouses in 38 states.
3.4.2.	 Treasury, in collaboration with DOD, will release a report on licensing and credentialing
practices faced by military spouses subjected to multiple relocations across state jurisdictions.
Treasury and DOD will also work with DOL, Department of Transportation, and Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) to identify lessons and experiences that inform the study’s recommendations. The report
will examine the effects of occupational licensing on military spouses by: (1) documenting the rate of
interstate mobility of military spouses compared with others; (2) documenting the extent which military
spouses work in state licensed occupations; and (3) examining licensing requirements in the states with
large military family populations. This report will also highlight best practices for overcoming occupational licensing hurdles.

Need 3.5.  Protect the rights of service members and families.
Our Commitments:
3.5.1.	 DOJ, in partnership with other Federal agencies, is committed to enforcing the Federal
laws that protect the civil rights of service members. DOJ will coordinate with DOD and other
appropriate agencies to ensure military families are aware of their rights under the Uniformed Services
Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (“USERRA”), The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee
Voting Act (“UOCAVA”), the Service Members Civil Relief Act (“SCRA”), and of course the Americans with
Disabilities Act, which so often applies to service members or Veterans with disabilities.
3.5.2	 DOL is committed to assisting military families by enforcing the Family and Medical
Leave Act (FMLA). These provisions allow the military spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the military
member to take unpaid FMLA leave from their employment under certain conditions. In general, it


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allows unpaid FMLA leave to take care of matters, such as the need to make financial arrangements or
attend military briefings, arising when the family member is deployed to a foreign country. Additionally,
a military spouse, son, daughter, parent, or other next of kin may take unpaid FMLA leave to care for a
service member or certain Veterans with a serious injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of
duty. These provisions apply to the family of members of both active duty and reserve components.
Additionally, a former member of the military who has returned to employment may take leave for his
or her own serious health condition under the FMLA.


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S t r e n gt h e n i n g O u r M i li ta ry Fam i li e s : M e e t i n g A m e r i ca’ s Comm i t m e n t

Priority #4: Increasing child care availability and quality within the Armed
The Challenge: Access to quality child care remains a focus of leadership and families across the Armed
Forces. Military families face challenges that are not found in other work environments. Shifting work
schedules that are often longer than the typical 8-hour day, as well as the ever-present possibility of
being deployed anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice, require a child care system that is flexible
and maintains high quality standards.
Child care programs are needed that support Reserve Component families and geographically dispersed
active duty military families while the service member is deployed. Guard and Reserve families are experiencing significantly increased mobilization rates and families who previously had limited exposure to
the military now must deal with the likelihood of multiple or longer deployments.
Programs are also needed to meet the child care needs of families living in areas in the continental
United States where on-installation military child care is unavailable or waiting lists for care are excessive.
In addition, programs such as respite child care can provide a temporary relief or a short break to the
parent or guardian. DOD currently supports deployed families by offering respite child care during and
immediately following deployment, providing up to 16 hours of free child care per month, per child,
for children up to age 12.
Child care during deployment must be provided in community child care centers and family child care
homes that are state-licensed or regulated with annual oversight inspections that protect the health,
safety, and well-being of children in care. Longer-term child care services should be delivered through
local child care centers that are both state-licensed or regulated and nationally accredited programs.
Another option is to use family child care providers in the local community who have, at a minimum,
Child Development Associate credentials. In all cases, the level of program oversight must meet the
existing minimum standard of an annual inspection by the state regulating body.

Need 4.1.  Enhance child care resources within DOD and the Coast Guard.
Our Commitments:
4.1.1.	 DOD, HHS, Education, and Agriculture have committed to increasing the availability of
quality child care options thereby reducing the estimated shortfall of 37,000 child care spaces
based on available demographic data. These efforts support the President’s Early Childhood Platform
goal to “Improve Child Care Quality” using State and local resources and have far reaching implications
for increasing quality child care throughout the Nation. By January 2011, new Child Care Liaison positions will be established with pilot programs in 13 states representing the spectrum of military and
Veteran populations that require child care: Alaska, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Indiana,
Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. Initial efforts will result in
an increase of approximately 8,300 child care spaces available throughout the country. These child care
spaces are not static and can be utilized where needed to support the ever changing needs of Guard
and Reserve families. Analysis is ongoing to compare state child care licensing standards with DoD child
care standards, with a goal of pursuing strategies to bring more alignment between the two oversight
systems. Finally, HHS will also encourage states and territories to consult with military child care programs
as part of their two-year Child Care and Development Fund Plans, starting in 2011.

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4.1.2.	 DHS’ Coast Guard and DOD have partnered to increase access to child care for the families
of the Coast Guard. Currently, there are approximately 28,000 dependents under the age of 12 and only
1,486 (5.3 percent) of those eligible dependents are enrolled in Coast Guard-sponsored child care services.
4.1.3.	 DOD will leverage partnerships outside the Federal Government. The National Association
of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, the Council on Accreditation, and ZERO TO THREE will
be leveraged for assistance in executing training and technical assistance for community child care
providers. Plans to include professional organizations such as the National Association for the Education
of Young Children, the National After School Association, and the National Association of Family Child
Care will expand partnership efforts into the community and encourage a sustainable effort.
4.1.4.	 DOD will continue to plan for construction projects to meet the demand for increased
child care capacity and to replace aging facilities. These actions support the families who access
child care on military installations.


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This study captures the unprecedented steps taken by the Federal Government to improve care and
support to our military families. This enduring effort looks to address immediate needs and then to
develop long-term, sustainable programs. Our commitments will be enhanced along the way by the
creativity and the drive of all involved. Each commitment has associated metrics and will undergo
recurring assessments. Feedback from spouses, children, employers, nongovernmental organizations,
and communities will continue to be solicited to ensure our efforts are taking root not only within the
Federal Government but also at the state, tribal, and local levels. Undoubtedly, readiness and resilience
are matters of national security and this government-wide effort provides a stronger foundation both
for our current force and for our next generation of volunteers.

“We can do this. In every community, every day, we can find concrete ways
to show our military families the respect and gratitude that each of us holds
for them in our hearts. They deserve our support long after the welcome
home ceremonies are over. You don’t have to come from a military family,
have a base in your community, or be an expert in military issues to make
a difference. Every American can do something.”
—Michelle Obama and Jill Biden
USA Today, September 3, 2010

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File Modified2014-03-04
File Created2011-01-23

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