

FERC-725E, Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Western Electric Coordinating Council


OMB: 1902-0246

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WECC S ta n d a rd P RC-004-WECC-1 — P ro te c tio n S ys te m a n d Re m e d ia l Ac tio n S c h e m e Mis o p e ra tio n

A. Introduction
1. Title:

Protection System and Remedial Action Scheme Misoperation

2. Number:


3. Purpose:

Regional Reliability Standard to ensure all transmission and generation Protection
System and Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) Misoperations on Transmission Paths
and RAS defined in section 4 are analyzed and/or mitigated.

4. Applicability
4.1. Transmission Owners of selected WECC major transmission path facilities and RAS listed in
tables titled “Major WECC Transfer Paths in the Bulk Electric System” provided at
ajor%20Paths%204-28-08.pdf and “Major WECC Remedial Action Schemes (RAS)”
provided at
4.2. Generator Owners that own RAS listed in the Table titled “Major WECC Remedial Action
Schemes (RAS)” provided at
4.3. Transmission Operators that operate major transmission path facilities and RAS listed in
Tables titled “Major WECC Transfer Paths in the Bulk Electric System” provided at
ajor%20Paths%204-28-08.pdf and “Major WECC Remedial Action Schemes (RAS)”
provided at
5. Effective Date: On the first day of the second quarter following applicable regulatory approval.
B. Requirements
The requirements below only apply to the major transmission paths facilities and RAS listed in the
tables titled “Major WECC Transfer Paths in the Bulk Electric System” and “Major WECC
Remedial Action Schemes (RAS).”
R.1. System Operators and System Protection personnel of the Transmission Owners and
Generator Owners shall analyze all Protection System and RAS operations. [Violation Risk
Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon: Operations Assessment]

System Operators shall review all tripping of transmission elements and RAS
operations to identify apparent Misoperations within 24 hours.


System Protection personnel shall analyze all operations of Protection Systems and
RAS within 20 business days for correctness to characterize whether a Misoperation
has occurred that may not have been identified by System Operators.

R.2. Transmission Owners and Generator Owners shall perform the following actions for each
Misoperation of the Protection System or RAS. It is not intended that Requirements R2.1
through R2.4 apply to Protection System and/or RAS actions that appear to be entirely
reasonable and correct at the time of occurrence and associated system performance is fully
compliant with NERC Reliability Standards. If the Transmission Owner or Generator Owner
later finds the Protection System or RAS operation to be incorrect through System Protection
personnel analysis, the requirements of R2.1 through R2.4 become applicable at the time the
Adopted by Board of Trustees: October 29, 2008


WECC S ta n d a rd P RC-004-WECC-1 — P ro te c tio n S ys te m a n d Re m e d ia l Ac tio n S c h e m e Mis o p e ra tio n

Transmission Owner or Generator Owner identifies the Misoperation:

If the Protection System or RAS has a Security-Based Misoperation and two or more
Functionally Equivalent Protection Systems (FEPS) or Functionally Equivalent RAS
(FERAS) remain in service to ensure Bulk Electric System (BES) reliability, the
Transmission Owners or Generator Owners shall remove from service the Protection
System or RAS that misoperated within 22 hours following identification of the
Misoperation. Repair or replacement of the failed Protection System or RAS is at the
Transmission Owners’ and Generator Owners’ discretion. [Violation Risk Factor:
High] [Time Horizon: Same-day Operations]


If the Protection System or RAS has a Security-Based Misoperation and only one
FEPS or FERAS remains in service to ensure BES reliability, the Transmission
Owner or Generator Owner shall perform the following. [Violation Risk Factor:
High] [Time Horizon: Same-day Operations]
R2.2.1. Following identification of the Protection System or RAS Misoperation,
Transmission Owners and Generator Owners shall remove from service
within 22 hours for repair or modification the Protection System or RAS
that misoperated.
R2.2.2. The Transmission Owner or Generator Owner shall repair or replace any
Protection System or RAS that misoperated with a FEPS or FERAS within
20 business days of the date of removal. The Transmission Owner or
Generator Owner shall remove the Element from service or disable the
RAS if repair or replacement is not completed within 20 business days.


If the Protection System or RAS has a Security-Based or Dependability-Based
Misoperation and a FEPS and FERAS is not in service to ensure BES reliability,
Transmission Owners or Generator Owners shall repair and place back in service
within 22 hours the Protection System or RAS that misoperated. If this cannot be
done, then Transmission Owners and Generator Owners shall perform the following.
[Violation Risk Factor: High] [Time Horizon: Same-day Operations]
R2.3.1. When a FEPS is not available, the Transmission Owners shall remove the
associated Element from service.
R2.3.2. When FERAS is not available, then The Generator Owners shall adjust generation to a reliable
operating level, or Transmission Operators shall adjust the SOL and operate the
facilities within established limits.


If the Protection System or RAS has a Dependability-Based Misoperation but has
one or more FEPS or FERAS that operated correctly, the associated Element or
transmission path may remain in service without removing from service the
Protection System or RAS that failed, provided one of the following is performed.
R2.4.1. Transmission Owners or Generator Owners shall repair or replace any
Protection System or RAS that misoperated with FEPS and FERAS within
20 business days of the date of the Misoperation identification, or
R2.4.2. Transmission Owners or Generator Owners shall remove from service the
associated Element or RAS. [Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time
Horizon: Operations Assessment]

R.3. Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall submit Misoperation incident reports to
Adopted by Board of Trustees: October 29, 2008


WECC S ta n d a rd P RC-004-WECC-1 — P ro te c tio n S ys te m a n d Re m e d ia l Ac tio n S c h e m e Mis o p e ra tio n

WECC within 10 business days for the following.
Horizon: Operations Assessment]

[Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time


Identification of a Misoperation of a Protection System and/or RAS,


Completion of repairs or the replacement of Protection System and/or RAS that

C. Measures
Each measure below applies directly to the requirement by number.


Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that they reported and
analyzed all Protection System and RAS operations.

Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that System
Operating personnel reviewed all operations of Protection System and RAS
within 24 hours.


Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that System
Protection personnel analyzed all operations of Protection System and RAS for
correctness within 20 business days.

Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence for the following.

Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that they
removed the Protection System or RAS that misoperated from service within 22
hours following identification of the Protection System or RAS Misoperation.


Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that they
removed from service and repaired the Protection System or RAS that
misoperated per measurements M2.2.1 through M2.2.2.
M2.2.1 Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that
they removed the Protection System or RAS that misoperated from
service within 22 hours following identification of the Protection System
or RAS Misoperation.
M2.2.2 Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that
they repaired or replaced the Protection System or RAS that misoperated
within 20 business days or either removed the Element from service or
disabled the RAS.


The Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that they
repaired the Protection System or RAS that misoperated within 22 hours
following identification of the Protection System or RAS Misoperation.
M2.3.1 The Transmission Owner shall have evidence that it removed the
associated Element from service.
M2.3.2 The Generator Owners and Transmission Operators shall have
documentation describing all actions taken that adjusted generation or
SOLs and operated facilities within established limits.


Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that they
repaired or replaced the Protection System or RAS that misoperated including
documentation that describes the actions taken.
M2.4.1 Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that
they repaired or replaced the Protection System or RAS that misoperated
within 20 business days of the misoperation identification.

Adopted by Board of Trustees: October 29, 2008


WECC S ta n d a rd P RC-004-WECC-1 — P ro te c tio n S ys te m a n d Re m e d ia l Ac tio n S c h e m e Mis o p e ra tio n

M2.4.2 Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that
they removed the associated Element or RAS from service.

Transmission Owners and Generation Owners shall have evidence that they reported the
following within 10 business days.

Identification of all Protection System and RAS Misoperations and corrective
actions taken or planned.


Completion of repair or replacement of Protection System and/or RAS that

D. Compliance
1. Compliance Monitoring Process

Compliance Monitoring Responsibility


Compliance Enforcement Authority
Compliance Monitoring Period
Compliance Enforcement Authority may use one or more of the following methods to
assess compliance:
- Misoperation Reports
- Reports submitted quarterly
- Spot check audits conducted anytime with 30 days notice given to prepare
- Periodic audit as scheduled by the Compliance Enforcement Authority
- Investigations
- Other methods as provided for in the Compliance Monitoring Enforcement Program


The Performance-reset Period is one calendar month.

Data Retention
Reliability Coordinators, Transmission Owners, and Generation Owners shall keep
evidence for Measures M1 and M2 for five calendar years plus year to date.


Additional Compliance Information

2. Violation Severity Levels



Adopted by Board of Trustees: October 29, 2008




WECC S ta n d a rd P RC-004-WECC-1 — P ro te c tio n S ys te m a n d Re m e d ia l Ac tio n S c h e m e Mis o p e ra tio n

System Operating personnel
of the Transmission Owner
or Generator Owner did not
review the Protection
System Operation or RAS
operation within 24 hours
but did review the
Protection System
Operation or RAS operation
within six business days.

System Operating personnel of
the Transmission Owner or
Generator Owner did not
review the Protection System
operation or RAS operation
within six business days.

System Protection personnel
of the Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not analyze the Protection
System operation or RAS
operation within 20 business
days but did analyze the
Protection System operation
or RAS operation within 25
business days.

System Protection
personnel of the
Transmission Owner or
Generator Owner did not
analyze the Protection
System operation or RAS
operation within 25
business days.





The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not remove from service,
repair, or implement other
compliance measures for the
Protection System or RAS
that misoperated as required
within 22 hours but did
perform the requirements
within 24 hours.

The Transmission Owner and
Generator Owner did not
remove from service, repair,
or implement other
compliance measures for the
Protection System or RAS that
misoperated as required in less
than 24 hours but did perform
the requirements within 28

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not perform the removal
from service, repair, or
implement other compliance
measures for the Protection
System or RAS that
misoperated as required in
less than 28 hours but did
perform the requirements
within 32 hours.

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not perform the removal
from service, repair, or
implement other
compliance measures for
the Protection System or
RAS that misoperated as
required within 32 hours.





The Transmission Operator
and Generator Owner did
not adjust generation to a
reliable operating level,
adjust the SOL and operate
the facilities within
established limits or
implement other compliance
measures for the Protection
System or RAS that
misoperated as required
within 22 hours but did
perform the requirements
within 24 hours.

The Transmission Operator
and Generator Owner did not
adjust generation to a reliable
operating level, adjust the
SOL and operate the facilities
within established limits or
implement other compliance
measures for the Protection
System or RAS that
misoperated as required in less
than 24 hours but did perform
the requirements within 28

The Transmission Operator
and Generator Owner did
not adjust generation to a
reliable operating level,
adjust the SOL and operate
the facilities within
established limits or
implement other compliance
measures for the Protection
System or RAS that
misoperated as required in
less than 28 hours but did
perform the requirements
within 32 hours.

The Transmission
Operator and Generator
Owner did not adjust
generation to a reliable
operating level, adjust the
SOL and operate the
facilities within
established limits or
implement other
compliance measures for
the Protection System or
RAS that misoperated as
required within 32 hours.




R2.1 and R2.2.1


R2.2.2 and R2.4

Adopted by Board of Trustees: October 29, 2008


WECC S ta n d a rd P RC-004-WECC-1 — P ro te c tio n S ys te m a n d Re m e d ia l Ac tio n S c h e m e Mis o p e ra tio n

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not perform the required
repairs, replacement, or
system operation
adjustments to comply with
the requirements within 20
business days but did
perform the required
activities within 25 business

The Transmission Owner and
Generator Owner did not
perform the required repairs,
replacement, or system
operation adjustment to
comply with the requirements
within 25 business days but
did perform the required
activities within 28 business

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not perform the required
repairs, replacement, or
system operation adjustment
to comply with the
requirements within 28
business days but did
perform the required
activities within 30 business

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not perform the required
repairs, replacement, or
system operation
adjustments to comply
with the requirements
within 30 business days.





The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not report the Misoperation
and corrective actions taken
or planned to comply with
the requirements within 10
business days but did
perform the required
activities within 15 business

The Transmission Owner and
Generator Owner did not
report the Misoperation and
corrective actions taken or
planned to comply with the
requirements within 15
business days but did perform
the required activities within
20 business days.

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not report the Misoperation
and corrective actions taken
or planned to comply with
the requirements within 20
business days but did
perform the required
activities within 25 business

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not report the
Misoperation and
corrective actions taken or
planned to comply with
the requirements within
25 business days.





The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not report the completion of
repair or replacement of
Protection System and/or
RAS that misoperated to
comply with the
requirements within 10
business days of the
completion but did perform
the required activities within
15 business days.

The Transmission Owner and
Generator Owner did not
report the completion of repair
or replacement of Protection
System and/or RAS that
misoperated to comply with
the requirements within 15
business days of the
completion but did perform
the required activities within
20 business days.

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not report the completion of
repair or replacement of
Protection System and/or
RAS that misoperated to
comply with the
requirements within 20
business days of the
completion but did perform
the required activities within
25 business days.

The Transmission Owner
and Generator Owner did
not report the completion
of repair or replacement
of Protection System
and/or RAS that
misoperated to comply
with the requirements
within 25 business days of
the completion.



Version History — Shows Approval History and Summary of Changes in the Action Field

April 16, 2008

Permanent Replacement Standard for
PRC-STD-001-1 and PRC-STD-003-1

Adopted by Board of Trustees: October 29, 2008

Change Tracking


WECC S ta n d a rd P RC-004-WECC-1 — P ro te c tio n S ys te m a n d Re m e d ia l Ac tio n S c h e m e Mis o p e ra tio n


April 21, 2011

FERC Order issued approving PRC004-WECC-1 (approval effective June
27, 2011)

Adopted by Board of Trustees: October 29, 2008


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