you may recall all 17 fellows replied to the first survey with
questions about the first half of the fellowship program
(approximately September 2012 through December 2013). Similar to the
first survey, the exit survey will pose some questions about the SC2
Fellowship’s core elements and processes, as well as fellows’
communication and relationships with primary actors engaged in the
program and project work. The exit survey includes questions about
project work with a special focus on adding and/or building capacity.
may be some overlap with the first survey, in which case please
answer the question for the time frame indicated. Additionally,
please note that some of the questions may be addressed in your final
report, however we view the survey as a more candid outlet. As a
significant input in the program evaluation in their own right,
survey responses may also be used by the Evaluation Team to further
tailor exit interviews.
welcome comments and thoughtful critiques of the questions and
definitions posed.
In light of the last several months of your fellowship
placement, please provide us with feedback by completing the
following survey. The survey is broken down into categories (e.g.
communication and relationships, projects, organizational
culture/capacity), which include a mix of likert and open-ended
Communication and
Have you engaged in other
community service/civic projects or programs (not directly
related to your project work or placement) within your pilot
city? If so, please list the projects/programs. How did you find
out about these projects and why did you decide to
How did each of
the following contribute to helping you build connections with
other SC2 Fellows. (Likert scale for each – Very helpful,
helpful, somewhat helpful, of little help, not at all helpful).
How much
interaction did you have with the CST?
Very Frequent
How helpful was
CST interaction to you and your project efforts toward
building/adding capacity?
Very Helpful
Of little help
Not at all
In what ways could
CST interactions have been more helpful to you and your placement
More broadly,
please share your suggestions for how the federal government
might enhance and improve connections across SC2 program
Did you engage
with other local partner organization outside of your immediate
placement organization/department in the course of implementing
your project?
If so, who were your closest
local partners? What were the biggest benefits of this
organizational connection? How frequently were you engaged?
If not, how do you think this
affected your placement? Who would have been a good local
partner? How can local partners be better engaged in the future?
In general, how
satisfied were you with the level of contact and availability of
your mentor?
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
In general, how
would you rate your relationship with your LPM?
Very good
Somewhat good
Has your relationship with your
LPM experienced any major changes or challenges since January
2014? If so, please describe how this affected your ability to
pursue your project work.
In general, how
effective was the PPA in guiding your work.
Very effective
Of little
Not at all effective
How would you
modify or change the PPA process and/or document for future
fellowship programs?
Where in your
work plan are you with respect to you major SC2 project, the
project of focus in the Management Academies. (Provide a
percentage, e.g. 30% completed.) Please indicate whether this
project is different from project recorded in first survey.
Professional Development
Did you seek any
additional professional development opportunities (outside and/or
through the fellowship program) since January 2014? Why or why
not? If yes, please list them.
Since January
2014, have you engaged in other formal professional development
projects or programs offered by your host city or nonprofit
groups in your community? If so, please list the
projects/programs and the host organization or sponsor.
Reflecting on
your experience in the SC2 Fellowship program, how did it measure
up to your personal expectations?
Very good
Somewhat good
How did it meet
your professional goals?
Very good
Somewhat good
What specific
skills did you develop or enhance as a result of your fellowship
Were any of your
skills or capabilities underutilized in your placement? If so,
please discuss the skill(s) and why.
What did you
learn that will be useful moving forward in your career (this can
be substantive, concrete skills, or general awareness of local
governments, etc.)
Did you develop a
transition plan with guidance or assistance from your LPM? Why or
why not?
Were others
involved in developing or implementing your transition plans? If
so, who and why were they involved?
Do you think your
project work reached its full potential? Explain.
What are the
plans for your project work after the fellowship?
Ideally what
would you recommend that your organization do for your project
work moving forward?
Did transition
planning with your mentor or the Academy presentation assist you
with your project and/or professional transition?
If yes, what was most
If no, what would have been
Did you
consider staying with your host organization or institution? Why
or why not?
How would you
characterize your professional transition and career plan at this
In-placement – you
plan to remain in your current organization (department) and to
continue project work listed in your PPA
In-organization – you
plan to remain in your current organization (department) and
work on new projects, those not listed in your PPA.
In-project – you plan
to continue your project work but in a position at a different
organization or department
In-city – you plan to
stay in your placement city and work for a new organization
Out-city – you plan to move to another city and
work for a new organization
Please rank
the factors influencing your transition plan:
Relationship with LPM and
host organization leadership
Fellowship project work
Project status
Available funding/resources
for creating a permanent position and/or hiring a consultant
Authorization process for
creating a permanent position and/or hiring a consultant
Organizational Culture/Capacity
In general,
did you find your host institution to have an advantageous
(informal or formal) structure and/or organizational culture for
hosting fellows? What about organizational capacity?
What type(s)
of structure and capacity do you think are critical for an
organization to best utilize capacity provided from
placement of a SC2 fellow?
What type(s)
of structure and capacity do you think are critical for an
organization to best absorb capacity provided from
placement of a SC2 fellow?
Do you believe
your placement was a good match with your – please explain.