60-Day FR Notice


Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets

60-Day FR Notice

OMB: 3041-0127

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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 89 / Thursday, May 8, 2014 / Notices

financial.6 Additionally, the
composition of the FirstNet Board must
satisfy the other requirements specified
in the Act, including that: (i) At least
three Board members have served as
public safety professionals; (ii) at least
three members represent the collective
interests of states, localities, tribes, and
territories; and (iii) its members reflect
geographic and regional, as well as rural
and urban, representation.7 An
individual Board member may satisfy
more than one of these requirements.
The current non-permanent FirstNet
Board members are (noting length of
• Samuel ‘‘Sam’’ Ginn (Chair),
telecommunications executive
(retired) (Term expires: August 2014)
• Susan Swenson (Vice Chair),
executive (Term expires: August
• Barry Boniface, private equity
investor and telecommunications
executive (Term expires: August
• Tim Bryan, CEO, National Rural
Telecommunications Cooperative
(Term expires: August 2015)
• Charles ‘‘Chuck’’ Dowd, Assistant
Chief, New York City Police
Department (Term expires: August
• F. Craig Farrill, wireless
telecommunications executive (Term
expires: August 2015)
• Paul Fitzgerald, Sheriff, Story County,
Iowa (Term expires: August 2014)
• Jeffrey Johnson, Fire Chief (retired);
former Chair, State Interoperability
Council, State of Oregon; CEO,
Western Fire Chiefs Association
(Term expires: August 2016)
• Kevin McGinnis, Chief/CEO, North
East Mobile Health Services (Term
expires: August 2015)
• Ed Reynolds, telecommunications
executive (retired) (Term expires:
August 2014)
• Teri Takai, government information
technology expert; former CIO, States
of Michigan and California (Term
expires: August 2016)
• Wellington Webb, Founder, Webb
Group International; former Mayor,
Denver, Colorado (Term expires:
August 2015)
More information about the FirstNet
Board is available at www.firstnet.gov/
about/Board. Board members will be
appointed for a term of three years, and
Board members may not serve more
than two consecutive full three-year
6 47
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U.S.C. 1424(b)(2)(B).
U.S.C. 1424(b)(2)(A).

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III. Compensation and Status as
Government Employees
FirstNet Board members are
appointed as special government
employees. FirstNet Board members are
compensated at the daily rate of basic
pay for level IV of the Executive
Schedule (approximately $155,000 per
year).8 Each Board member must be a
United States citizen, cannot be a
registered lobbyist, and cannot be a
registered agent of, employed by, or
receive payments from, a foreign
IV. Financial Disclosure and Conflicts
of Interest
FirstNet Board members must comply
with certain federal conflict of interest
statutes and ethics regulations,
including some financial disclosure
requirements. A FirstNet Board member
will generally be prohibited from
participating on any particular matter
that will have a direct and predictable
effect on his or her personal financial
interests or on the interests of the
appointee’s spouse, minor children, or
non-federal employer.
V. Selection Process
At the direction of the Secretary of
Commerce, NTIA, in consultation with
FirstNet, will conduct outreach to the
public safety community, state and local
organizations, and industry to solicit
nominations for candidates to the Board
who satisfy the statutory requirements
for membership. In addition, by this
Notice, the Secretary of Commerce,
through NTIA, will accept expressions
of interest until May 23, 2014 from any
individual, or any organization that
wishes to propose a candidate, who
satisfies the statutory requirements for
membership on the FirstNet Board.
All parties wishing to be considered
should submit their full name, address,
telephone number, email address, a
current resume, and a statement of
qualifications that references the Act’s
expertise, representational, and
geographic requirements for FirstNet
Board membership, as described in this
Notice, along with a statement
describing why they want to serve on
the FirstNet Board and affirming their
ability to take a regular and active role
in the Board’s work.
The Secretary of Commerce will select
FirstNet Board candidates based on the
eligibility requirements in the Act and
recommendations submitted by NTIA,
in consultation with the FirstNet
Board’s Governance and Personnel
Committee. NTIA will recommend
candidates based on an assessment of
8 47

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U.S.C. 1424(g).

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their qualifications as well as their
demonstrated ability to work in a
collaborative way to achieve the goals
and objectives of FirstNet as set forth in
the Act. Board candidates will be vetted
through the Department of Commerce
and may be subject to an appropriate
background check for security
Dated: May 2, 2014.
Lawrence E. Strickling,
Assistant Secretary for Communications and
[FR Doc. 2014–10562 Filed 5–7–14; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. CPSC–2010–0056]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Extension of
Approval of Information Collection;
Comment Request—Safety Standard
for Bicycle Helmets
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice.

In accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35), the Consumer Product
Safety Commission (Commission or
CPSC) invites comments on a proposed
request for extension of approval of a
collection of information relating to the
Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets
(OMB No. 3041–0127). The Commission
will consider all comments received in
response to this notice before requesting
an extension of approval of this
collection of information from OMB.
DATES: The Office of the Secretary must
receive comments not later than July 7,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. CPSC–2010–
0056, by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit
electronic comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
The Commission does not accept
comments submitted by electronic mail
(email), except through
www.regulations.gov. The Commission
encourages you to submit electronic
comments by using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal, as described above.
Written Submissions: Submit written
submissions by mail/hand delivery/
courier to: Office of the Secretary,
Consumer Product Safety Commission,
Room 820, 4330 East West Highway,



Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 89 / Thursday, May 8, 2014 / Notices
Bethesda, MD 20814; telephone (301)
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this notice. All
comments received may be posted
without change, including any personal
identifiers, contact information, or other
personal information provided, to:
http://www.regulations.gov. Do not
submit confidential business
information, trade secret information, or
other sensitive or protected information
that you do not want to be available to
the public. If furnished at all, such
information should be submitted in
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to: http://
www.regulations.gov, and insert the
docket number CPSC–2010–0056, into
the ‘‘Search’’ box, and follow the
further information contact: Robert H.
Squibb, Consumer Product Safety
Commission, 4330 East West Highway,
Bethesda, MD 20814; (301) 504–7815, or
by email to: [email protected].
seeks to renew the following collection
of information:
Title: Safety Standard for Bicycle
OMB Number: 3041–0127.
Type of Review: Renewal of
Frequency of Response: On occasion.
Affected Public: Manufacturers and
importers of bicycle helmets.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 30
manufacturers and importers will
maintain test records of an estimated
200 models total annually, including
older models and new models. Testing
on bicycle helmets must be conducted
for each new production lot and the test
records must be maintained for 3 years.
Estimated Time per Response: 200
hours/model to test 40 models
(including new prototypes) plus 4 hours
for recordkeeping for 200 models
Total Estimated Annual Burden:
8,800 hours (8,000 hours for testing and
800 hours for recordkeeping).
General Description of Collection: In
1998, the Commission issued a safety
standard for bicycle helmets (16 CFR
part 1203). The standard includes
requirements for labeling and
instructions. The standard also requires
that manufacturers and importers of
bicycle helmets subject to the standard
issue certificates of compliance based
on a reasonable testing program. Every
person issuing certificates of

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compliance must maintain certain
records. Respondents must comply with
the requirements in 16 CFR part 1203
for labeling and instructions, testing,
certification, and recordkeeping.
Request for Comments
The Commission solicits written
comments from all interested persons
about the proposed collection of
information. The Commission
specifically solicits information relevant
to the following topics:
—Whether the collection of information
described above is necessary for the
proper performance of the
Commission’s functions, including
whether the information would have
practical utility;
—Whether the estimated burden of the
proposed collection of information is
—Whether the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected could be enhanced; and
—Whether the burden imposed by the
collection of information could be
minimized by use of automated,
electronic or other technological
collection techniques, or other forms
of information technology.
Dated: May 2, 2014.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2014–10488 Filed 5–7–14; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. CPSC–2010–0022]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Safety Standard for
Toddler Beds
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice.

As required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35), the Consumer Product
Safety Commission (CPSC or
Commission) requests comments on a
proposed extension of approval of a
collection of information under the
safety standard for toddler beds,
approved previously under OMB
Control No. 3041–0150. The
Commission will consider all comments
received in response to this notice,
before requesting an extension of this
collection of information from the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB).


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Submit written or electronic
comments on the collection of
information by July 7, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. CPSC–2010–
0022, by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit
electronic comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
The Commission does not accept
comments submitted by electronic mail
(email), except through
www.regulations.gov. The Commission
encourages you to submit electronic
comments by using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal, as described above.
Written Submissions: Submit written
submissions in the following way: mail/
hand delivery/courier to: Office of the
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Room 820, 4330 East West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814;
telephone (301) 504–7923.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this notice. All
comments received may be posted
without change, including any personal
identifiers, contact information, or other
personal information provided, to:
http://www.regulations.gov. Do not
submit confidential business
information, trade secret information, or
other sensitive or protected information
that you do not want to be available to
the public. If furnished at all, such
information should be submitted in
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to: http://
www.regulations.gov, and insert the
docket number, CPSC–2010–0022, into
the ‘‘Search’’ box, and follow the


Robert H. Squibb, Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814; (301)
504–7815, or by email to: rsquibb@
seeks to renew the following currently
approved collection of information:
Title: Safety Standard for Toddler
OMB Number: 3041–0150.
Type of Review: Renewal of
Frequency of Response: On occasion.
Affected Public: Manufacturers and
importers of toddler beds.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 78
firms supply toddler beds with an
estimated 10 models/firm annually.




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File Modified2014-05-08
File Created2014-05-08

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