Assessing Satisfaction with Technical Assistance (TA) Provided to Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Awardees

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Assessing Satisfaction with Technical Assistance (TA) Provided to Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Awardees

OMB: 0920-0800

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Assessing Satisfaction with Technical Assistance Provided to

REACH Awardees



Thank you for participating in this group discussion. My name is [Interviewer Name]. I work for RTI, a research organization contracted by CDC to evaluate the technical assistance (TA) provided to REACH awardees. It’s important to note that we are only evaluating TA delivered by CDC contractors—that includes resources and services provided through the TACTIC portal, support provided by ICF evaluation TA liaisons (TALs), and support provided by FHI 360 communication TA liaisons (TALs). We are not evaluating training and TA provided by CDC Project Officers or other CDC staff. Does anyone have any questions about that?

Thank you for sending us your signed consent forms. Let’s review a few key points about today’s discussion:

  • Your participation is voluntary, and you can decide not to respond to a question or to stop participating in the discussion at any time.

  • We have reserved 60 minutes for today’s group discussion. So, I may have to interject at times to help us stay on topic, or to introduce a new topic. This will help us get through all the questions within the allotted time.

  • [Note taker], also from RTI, is on the line and will be taking high level notes. [Introduce any other team members who are listening in silently.] We are also recording the session and will have the notes transcribed so we have a full record of our conversation. The recording and transcribed notes will be stored on RTI’s secure project drive, and these will not be shared with CDC. We will de-identify discussion summaries before submitting them to CDC.

  • We’ll be submitting a summary report to Tim LaPier. He is the CDC staff person overseeing this project.

  • Because this is a group discussion, please state your name before responding to a question. This will help me follow the conversation and direct follow-up questions to the right person.

Does anyone have questions before we begin?


Let’s start with introductions. Please share your first name and tell me a little bit about your primary responsibilities within the REACH program.


  1. Please think about all the TA you’ve received from TACTIC providers, evaluation TALs, or communication TALs over the past year—so, since [MONTH YEAR]. Have the TA services been provided in a way that was useful for your REACH or other related work?

  1. Think of a specific TA service you’ve received over the past year that you were highly satisfied with. Briefly describe the TA service for me, and tell me how you applied the TA you received to your REACH work.

  1. Over the past year, what challenges have you experienced with obtaining TA from CDC contractors for your REACH work?

  1. How can CDC increase your satisfaction with the TA offered to REACH awardees?


  1. Do you have any closing thoughts about the training and TA services REACH awardees receive from TACTIC providers, evaluation TALs, or communication TALs?

Thank you for your time and valuable feedback.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorArena, Laura
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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