An Examination of Yellowstone National Park Visitor Segments and Predictive Analysis of National Park Support

Programmatic Review and Clearance Process for NPS-Sponsored Public Surveys

Phone Survey Interview Guide 12-19-14

An Examination of Yellowstone National Park Visitor Segments and Predictive Analysis of National Park Support

OMB: 1024-0224

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Yellowstone Telephone Interview Guide


* Italic type indicates what the interviewer will say

* Non-italic type indicates directions for the script


Script for visitors recruited at the exit gates

Hello, I am calling today because you recently visited Yellowstone National Park. As you may recall, you agreed to participate in a telephone interview after you completed a roadside survey. This conversation will take about 30 minutes and we will talk about your experiences in and park support for Yellowstone. Do you have time now?”

If NO - interviewer will ask for a better time to call back.

If NO – and not at all interested, interviewer will say, “Thank you and have a nice day.”

If YES - interviewer will ask if the interview can be recorded.

Before we begin, I would like to let you know that this survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget. I am also required to tell you that a Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and that you are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it has a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this collection is 1024-0224. Secondly, your participation is voluntary and your name will never be connected with your individual responses. Finally, if you have any questions about this survey, I have a name and contact number available if you would like to have it. Can we begin?

Script for the members of Yellowstone Park Foundation and the Yellowstone Association

Hello, I am calling today because you were recently contacted by the Yellowstone Park Foundation [or the Yellowstone Association] and asked if you would be willing to be interviewed by a graduate student from the Univ. of MT. This conversation will take about 30 minutes and we will talk about your experiences in and park support for Yellowstone. Do you have time now?

If NO - interviewer will ask for a better time to call back.

If NO – and not at all interested, interviewer will say, “Thank you and have a nice day.”

If YES - interviewer will ask if the interview can be recorded.

Before we begin, I would like to let you know that this survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget. I am also required to tell you that a Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and that you are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it has a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this collection is 1024-0224. Secondly, your participation is voluntary and your name will never be connected with your individual responses. Finally, if you have any questions about this survey, I have a name and contact number available if you would like to have it. Can we begin?

Interview Questions

The first topic I’m interested in concernsyour experiences with Yellowstone in general, and the connection you have to the area.

Topic Area 1: VISITHIS5

  1. How many times have you been to Yellowstone during your lifetime?

    Topic Area 1: VISITHIS4: (variation)

  2. How old were you on your first visit?

    Topic Area 1: VISITHIS5

  3. In the past five years, about how many times have you visited Yellowstone?

    Topic Area 3: TRIPC8

  4. What is your average length of stay while visiting Yellowstone?

    Topic Area 4: PA (variation)

  5. We are interested in your memories of a past experience or event at Yellowstone. Please describe the memory that first comes to mind of an experience or event at YNP?

    Topic Area 3: ACT1

  6. During a typical visit can you describe your day in Yellowstone from the time you get up to the time you go to sleep.

    Topic Area 4: PA3:

  7. Why is Yellowstone important to you?

    Topic Area 3: TRIPC2 and PA1:

    1. Are there other places that hold similar meanings?

      Topic Area 3: ACT2: (variation) and PA1 (variation)

  8. Why do you come to Yellowstone?

Thank you. Next I’m interested in how you interact with the park and the area at large.

We are requesting to use this question because we hypothesize that YELL visitors may have various ways in which they think they support the park. This will help inform YELL of its visitor’s connection to the park and gateway communities.

  1. What are some of the ways you support the park?

    1. What are some of the ways you support the local communities?

If interviewee has been previously identified as a Yellowstone Association or Yellowstone Park Foundation affiliate, go to Yellowstone Association/Yellowstone Park Foundation Section.

If interviewee has not been previously identified as an affiliate with YA or YPF, go to Repeat Visitor Section.

Yellowstone Association/Yellowstone Park Foundation Section:

Interviewees will be previously identified as being a member of the Yellowstone Association or contributor of the Yellowstone Park Foundation. Depending on which organization they are affiliated with, the questions will reflect their involvement with that select organization.

As a member of the Yellowstone Association [or Park Foundation] I would like to ask you a few more questions about your affilation with the organization.

Topic Area 1: PART1: (variation)

  1. How many years have you been a member of the Yellowstone Association [or Park Foundation]?

    Topic Area 1: PART1: (variation)

  2. Can you tell me why you are a member of the Yellowstone Association [or Park Foundation]?

    Topic Area 4: PA1: (variation)

  3. What was it that inspired you to join the Yellowstone Association [or Park Foundation]?

    Topic Area 1 PART: - We are requesting to use this question because YELL is interested in how park visitors support other organizations. It is unknown if park supporters also support other types of non-profits in similar ways. This will help inform park managers of the characteristics of the people who visit the park and their propensity to support national parks.

  4. What other types of non-profit organizations have you supported in the last year?

    1. Why do you support these causes?

      Topic Area 1: PART2

  5. Are you aware of the Yellowstone Park Foundation [Or Yellowstone Association]? Yes No

    1. Are you a supporter [ or member]? Yes No

Repeat Visitor Section: (If they are a return visitor of at least 5 visits and are not a part of either the Yellowstone Association or Yellowstone Park Foundation.)

As a repeat visitor to Yellowstone I have a few more questions for you, associated with your many visits to the park.

Topic Area 3: VISITHIS1: (variation)

  1. Would you mind telling me why you are a frequent visitor to Yellowstone?

    Topic Area 3: TRIPC2: (variation)

  2. Are there other similar areas, over three hours away from your home that you also visit frequently?

    1. Where?

    2. Why those places?

Topic Area 1: PART2

  1. Are you aware of the Yellowstone Association? Yes No

  2. Are you aware of the Yellowstone Foundation? Yes No

Park Support Section (Asked of all interviewees at end of interview):

We are requesting to use this question because we hypothesize that visitors may have a variety of ways in which they think they support the park. This will help inform YELL of its visitor’s connection to the park and gateway communities.

  1. Here are some additional ways people can support Yellowstone National Park. Can you please respond with how often you do these activities? How often do you…

    1. Share (talk about) experiences in Yellowstone with others?

    2. Spend nights in lodging facilities in Yellowstone National Park?

    3. Spend nights in gateways communities outside of Yellowstone?

    4. Become a member of the Yellowstone Association?

    5. Donate money to other conservation organizations?

    6. Donate money to the Yellowstone Park Foundation?

    7. Bring visitors to Yellowstone who have never been before?

    8. Spend nights camping in Yellowstone?

    9. Visit Yellowstone’s Facebook page?

    10. Volunteer time with Yellowstone National Park?

Topic Area 6: OPMGMT3

Is there anything else about Yellowstone that you would like to share with me?

Thank you so much for your time, and have a great day.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-27

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