N U.S. Department of the Interior
Social Science Program |
OMB Control Number 1024-0224 Current Expiration Date:8-31-2014 |
Approval for NPS-Sponsored Public Surveys
Submission Date |
8/27/2015 |
1. |
Project Title: Cape Lookout National Seashore Cultural Resource Values and Vulnerabilities Community Member Interview
2. |
Abstract: |
Managers of Cape Lookout National Seashore (CALO) are interested in understanding local cultural resource values and perceptions of cultural resource vulnerability and feasible adaptation strategies to sustain its cultural resources for future generations. Interviews with community members known to have direct ties to the cultural resources within the historic districts will be conducted. The collection will be used to understand the values these stakeholders place on these cultural resources, and perceptions of strategies to adapt and respond to changes in cultural resource conditions. The information from this collection will facilitate community engagement as NPS managers prepare climate adaptation plans for the historic districts. |
(not to exceed 150 words) |
3. |
Principal Investigator Contact Information |
First Name: |
Erin |
Last Name: |
Seekamp |
Title: |
Associate Professor |
Affiliation: |
NC State University, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management |
Street Address: |
Campus Box 8004 |
City: |
Raleigh |
State: |
NC |
Zip code: |
27695 |
Phone: |
919-513-7407 |
Fax: |
Email: |
4. |
Park or Program Liaison Contact Information - |
First Name: |
Patrick |
Last Name: |
Kenney |
Title: |
Park Superintendent |
Park: |
Cape Lookout National Seashore |
Street Address: |
131 Charles St |
City: |
Harkers Island |
State: |
NC |
Zip Code: |
28531 |
Phone: |
Fax: |
252-728-2160 |
Email: |
Project Information |
5. |
Park(s) For Which Research is to be Conducted: |
Cape Lookout National Seashore |
6. |
Survey Dates: |
October 1, 2015 – April 30, 2016 |
7. |
Type of Information Collection Instrument (Check ALL that Apply) |
Mail-Back Questionnaire |
On-Site Questionnaire |
Face-to-Face Interview |
Telephone Survey |
Focus Groups |
Other (explain): |
8. |
Survey Justification: (Use as much space as needed; if necessary include additional explanation on a separate page.) |
Social science research in support of park planning and management is mandated in the NPS Management Policies 2006 (Section 8.11.1, “Social Science Studies”). The NPS pursues a policy that facilitates social science studies in support of the NPS mission to protect resources and enhance the enjoyment of present and future generations (National Park Service Act of 1916, 38 Stat 535, 16 USC 1, et seq.). NPS policy mandates that social science research will be used to provide an understanding of park visitors, the non-visiting public, gateway communities and regions, and human interactions with park resources. Such studies are needed to provide a scientific basis for park planning, management, and policy.
Managers at Cape Lookout National Seashore (CALO) are currently developing cultural landscape plans that will include climate adaptation strategies for the structures and cemeteries located within the park unit’s two historic districts -- Portsmouth and Lookout Village. In 1969, the State of North Carolina claimed the barriers islands to convey it to the Federal Government to establish CALO. This condemnation of the buildings has continually challenged relationships between the park and adjacent communities, as the owners and their descendants of these structures were displaced to adjacent communities within Carteret County, NC. Any changes in their management can enhance or further strain park–community relations.
To enhance future community engagement efforts, CALO resource managers requested a study to better understand these stakeholders’ perceptions of the changing resource conditions and their connections to the cultural resources located within the park unit’s two historic districts.
We will conduct in-person interviews with residents of Carteret County known to have connections with the historic and cultural resources at CALO. The results will provide in-depth, descriptive information that will be used by CALO managers to develop communication and engagement strategies. Additionally, the opinions of these stakeholders can be used to inform CALO managers during future planning efforts. |
9. |
Survey Methodology: (Use as much space as needed; if necessary include additional explanation on a separate page.) |
Adult (18 years old and older) residents of Carteret County with known ties (i.e., are descendants of former island residents, held a lease on a structure, or spent time within a structure during the leasing period) to the cultural resources at Cape Lookout National Seashore.
We will use purposive sampling to identify subject matter experts within the community who have ties to Portsmouth Village and/or Lookout Village.
As our goal is not a representative sample of community members, we are looking for subject matter experts (individuals with direct ties to the historic structures) to understand the following themes:
Interviewers will place telephone calls requesting participation in the study to the list of names provided by CALO park staff. Telephone numbers of these initial contacts will be obtained through the phone book. At the conclusion of each interview and when an individual declines to participate in the study, participants will be asked to refer three other individuals with ties to Portsmouth Village and Lookout Village (providing contact telephone number). A database of telephone numbers will be stored on a password-protected computer in a locked office; the list will be permanently deleted after the last interview is conducted.
The following recruitment script will be read:
Hello, my name is ________________. I am a researcher at NC State and working with the National Park Service to better understand local community members’ connections to the cultural resources at Cape Lookout National Seashore. May I please speak with __________________?
If not available: Can you please let me know when a good time to call back would be? [Record date/time]. Thank you. Have a good day.
If available: I would like to schedule an interviews with you to talk to you about your connections with the history and the changes you have seen at Portsmouth and Lookout Villages over the years. Your name was given to me by someone who thought you have strong ties to the history of this area and that I would benefit from talk to you. Participation in this study is voluntary and you could chose to end the interview at anytime. Would you be willing to schedule a time to meet in person or is this a good time now?
[If yes]: Great – can you talk now or would you like to schedule a time and place to meet in person or another time to talk on the phone? With the questions I have, the conversation should last about an hour. [If YES] conduct interview or schedule a time and place for the interview. Then say: before we finish, can you think of 2 or 3 other people who also have strong ties to the history of Cape Lookout that I should call? Specifically, we are interested in talking to people who are descendants of former island residents, held a lease on a structure, or spent time within a structure during the leasing period. Do you have any recommendations? [If so, ask for name and contact information]
[If NO] That’s okay. Do you know other community members who would be willing to help with me? Specifically, we are interested in talking to people who are descendants of former island residents, held a lease on a structure, or spent time within a structure during the leasing period. Can you recommend three people with these strong ties? [If so, ask for name and phone number]. [continue with non-response bias check; see 9(e) below].
Quality control will be ensured by training interviewers in soliciting participation, scheduling interviews, conducting interviews, making field notes, transcription, data management, and qualitative data analysis procedures. In addition, the interviewer will be trained to keep track of time during the interview, as well as strategies to elicit more in-depth responses (asking follow-up probing questions, pausing) and to streamline interviews that may take longer than 60 minutes.
We estimate a 90% response rate. This estimate is based on the response rate found by the PI for research on climate-change related impacts to the oyster industry conducted in 2012 with individuals residing in Brunswick County, NC (n=17). Interviews conducted by UNC Chapel-Hill researchers in 2008 on residential risk perceptions of flooding in three coastal counties was 86.8% (n=570).
If an individual declines to participate in the study, we will read the following at the end of the recruitment script.
We understand that participating is voluntary and that your time is very valuable to you. Would you be willing to spend another 3 minutes on the phone with me to ask you four questions so that we can assess the integrity of our findings. We will compare your responses to those who completed the interview.
If an individual declines to participate in the study, we will read the following at the end of the recruitment script.
We understand that participating is voluntary and that your time is very valuable to you. Would you be willing to spend another 3 minutes on the phone with me to ask you four questions so that we can assess the integrity of our findings. We will compare your responses to those who completed the interview.
Statistical tests will be conducted to determine if differences exist between the study population and the population of non-responders for question 1. Thematic analysis will be used to examine if differences exist for questions 2 & 3.
Results of the non-response bias check will be reported and any implications for applicability of survey results to generalizations about the study population will be discussed.
Pretesting of the Community Interview was performed by 2 residents of a coastal community (external to Carteret County, NC). The time it took each participant to complete the pre-test interview was 45 and 70 minutes; this helped us determine that the average time to complete an interview would be 60 minutes.
A thorough literature review was conducted prior to designing the instrument. All questions were developed from reviews of CALO’s Foundational Document, other NPS cultural resource management documents (including the Preserving Coastal Heritage Workshop Summary). All questions were reviewed by NPS personnel with expertise in cultural resource management, climate adaptation planning, and the resources at CALO (Dr. Janet Cakir, Marcy Rockman, Cat Hoffman, and Pat Kenney). Peer review was conducted by Dr. Jordan Smith (co-PI, social scientist, NC State University) and Dr. Mae Davenport (social scientist, University of Minnesota), as well as Dr. Janet Cakir (social scientist, NPS). We revised question wording from the comments received during NPS review, peer review and pretesting. |
10 |
Burden Estimates: |
We expect to contact approximately 58 community members. We assume that 90% (n=52) of those contacted will agree to participate in the interview. The initial contact email is expected to take 2 minutes to read, with an additional 2 minutes for collecting information of other people with strong ties to the villages (snowball sampling). Those who decline to participate will be asked to provide a reason for refusal and to answer to four follow-up questions to assess for non-response bias. Non-response bias contact is anticipated to take 3 minutes to complete. It is anticipated that 80% of individuals declining participation (n=6) will answer the non-response bias questions (n=5).
11. |
Reporting Plan: |
The semi-structured interviews will be audio-recorded (digital audio recording device), transcribed, and uploaded into the qualitative data organization software program QSR NVivo. These data will be analyzed using thematic analysis to provide managers with descriptive information about community member perspectives. Study findings will be provided to the NPS in a report.
The information form data will be transferred to an Excel file. The data will be analyzed using SPSS software and analyzed using standard measures of central tendency and rules of variance. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | CPSU |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-27 |