Atlantic HMS installation and activation checklist

Electronic Monitoring Systems for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) (formerly entitled "Vessel Monitoring Systems for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species")

VMS activiation checklist and reimbursement instructions

Vessel Monitoring System for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species - Installation, installation and activation checklist

OMB: 0648-0372

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OMB Control No. 0648-0372
Expiration Date: 10/31/2014

Vessel Monitoring Systems Installation and Activation Checklist
for the Highly Migratory Species Pelagic Longline Fisheries
INSTRUCTIONS: This Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Installation and Activation Checklist for
the Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Pelagic Longline Fisheries is provided by the National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS) pursuant to the regulatory requirements of 50 C.F.R. ' 635.69(d). The
vessel owner or operator must follow the indicated procedures when installing or re-installing an
NMFS-approved VMS unit.
This checklist is applicable for the listed VMS providers currently approved for use in the HMS
fisheries. Revised checklists will be provided if additional VMS providers are approved. Follow the
particular checklist steps for the communications service and transmitting unit selected by the vessel
owner. The vessel owner is responsible for all installation and activation costs. After completion of
the installation and activation, the owner may confirm that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) is receiving position reports by calling the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement
(OLE) in St. Petersburg, Florida, at 727-570-5344, or by sending email to [email protected].

1. Consult the “Vessel Monitoring System; List of Approved Mobile Transmitting Units and
Communications Service Providers,” published as a Notice in the Federal Register at 68 Fed.
Reg. 11,534 (published 3/11/03), for the list of approved transmitting units and communications
service providers. This was supplemented by a notice published on May 1, 2003 (68 Fed. Reg.
23,285). The list of approved units/providers is available from NMFS by calling 727-570-5344 or
by obtaining the Federal Register notice from archived records on the internet at :
2. If you already have an INMARSAT-C transmitting unit, continue to the next step. If not, go to
Step 4.
3. If you have an INMARSAT-C transmitting unit that is the same make and model as the approved
units, in order to qualify this unit for use in VMS, ensure the unit is functionally equivalent to the
approved unit.

This requires you to upgrade the version of software and firmware for the unit, and/or
reconfigure the message settings (unit parameters and menu options).


Contact the VMS provider for your make and model and upgrade your unit. After the
provider performs the upgrade, go to Step 11. If you do not get an upgrade, continue to the
next step.
4. Purchase new equipment and services for VMS.

Contact the entity(s) identified in the Notice under “VMS PROVIDER ADDRESSES” for


Identify yourself to the providers as participating in the “Highly Migratory Species VMS” to
obtain the product information, pricing, unit configuration, and service options for VMS.
5. Choose INMARSAT-C providers: one for the transmitting unit, and one for communications

The NOAA VMS is designed so that the fisherman has free choice of any combination of
type-approved INMARSAT-C options.


Do the next two steps, Steps 6 and 7, in any order; then go to Step 8.

6. Choose the INMARSAT-C communications service provider you prefer and establish a service

This includes applying for subscriber services, establishing credit, and setting up a billing
account for ongoing communications charges.


If applicable, record the important, identifying information, such as a user name and
password to access your private position information and your transmitting unit, and the
INMARSAT-C email address of your unit.
7. Choose the INMARSAT-C transmitting unit you prefer.

If you purchase a Thrane & Thrane TT3022D or TT3026, request part number “NMFS”.


If you purchase a Trimble Galaxy TNL7005, request part number P/N 17760-45. Or, if you
purchase a Trimble Galaxy Courier TNL8005, request P/N 30090-45.


The Thrane & Thrane provider initially will mail you only the form known as the INMARSAT
Service Activation Request Form (SARF).


The Trimble manufacturer will enclose the SARF, together with its shipment of a unit that has
been appropriately configured for VMS message settings.
8. Register your transmitting unit for INMARSAT-C use, following these steps.

Fill out the SARF form referred to in the above step.


Fax or mail the SARF to the “routing organization” indicated on the form for U.S.-flagged
Enclose proof of the fishing vessel=s “ship radio license” (copy of FCC Form 506) with the


When the SARF is processed, you will be given an “INMARSAT Number” (also known as
“IMN” or “Mobile Number”).


This number uniquely identifies your unit within the INMARSAT system, similar to a
telephone number. Record this number.
9. If you purchased a Thrane & Thrane unit, go to the next step. If you purchased a Trimble unit,
go to Step 11.
10. Contact your Thrane & Thrane provider and inform him of your INMARSAT Number and the
communications service provider company name you have chosen (in Step 6).

The Thrane & Thrane provider will configure the unit to be ready for VMS (VMS message
settings and satellite operations), and will then ship the unit.
11. Install the transmitting unit and antenna according to the installation instructions contained in the
manual supplied by the manufacturer, or contact a marine electronics specialist or dealer to
install the unit. (Also see Step 12.)
12. Run the cable connecting the unit (or, for the TT3026M-NMFS, the terminating end of the cable)
in the wheelhouse to the antenna mounted outside, through a solid, immovable and permanent
part of the vessel such as a bulkhead, deck, or console.
13. Turn on the power to the vessel transceiver.
• If you purchased a Trimble unit, continue to the next step. If not, go to Step 15.
14. In order to configure the Trimble unit for satellite operations, contact your communications
service provider.

Have Customer Service download pre-determined NMFS position report and broadcast
commands (“DNIDs”) from its control center to the vessel transceiver via satellite. These
commands will set up and start the VMS position reporting between your INMARSAT
Number and NOAA OLE.


Make sure the Customer Service performs this step twice, for each of INMARSAT Ocean
Areas, Atlantic East and Atlantic West.

15. Confirm, by phone, with your communications service provider’s Customer Service that periodic
position reports are now automatically being sent to NOAA OLE.
16. The vessel owner must sign the statement certifying compliance with the installation procedures
of the above steps, then submit the certified checklist to the Office for Law Enforcement (OLE),
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NMFS, 9721 Executive Center Drive North,
Suite 130, St. Petersburg, Florida 33702.

Vessel Name:______________________________ HMS Permit Number:__________
VMS Transmitting Unit Manufacturer:_________________________________
VMS Communications Service Provider:_____________________________
In accordance with 50 C.F.R. ' 635.69(d), as the owner of a vessel participating in the Highly
Migratory Species Pelagic Longline Fisheries, I hereby certify that the VMS system on my vessel
has been installed in compliance with the applicable procedures of this checklist.
Vessel Owner Name:____________________________________________________
Vessel Owner Signature:___________________________ Date:_________________

Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PL 104-13) and the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-579), you are advised that disclosure of the
information requested in the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) checklist is mandatory for the purpose of managing the Atlantic Pelagic Longline fishery. The
checklist information is used to ensure proper operation of the VMS unit. Reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 4 hours per
installation, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the
information. The burden for submission of this checklist is estimated at 5 minutes per response. Confidentiality of the information provided will be treated in
accordance with NOAA Administrative Order 216-100. It is the policy of the National Marine Fisheries Service not to release confidential data, other than in
aggregate form, as the MSA protects the confidentiality of those submitting data. Whenever data are requested, the NMFS ensures that information identifying
the pecuniary business activity of a particular individual is not identified. This information collection has been issued a valid OMB control number, and is
subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act and penalties associated with non-compliance. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or
suggestions for reducing this burden to: NMFS, Office of Law Enforcement, 8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 415, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Vessel Monitoring Systems Certification Statement
for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fisheries
INSTRUCTIONS: This form should be completed and signed by the owner and the qualified marine
electrician that installed the VMS unit on the vessel named below. The completed form should be sent to
NOAA Office of Law Enforcement, 263 13th Avenue South, Suite 109, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701. This
Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Certification Statement for the Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fisheries
is provided by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) pursuant to the regulatory
requirements of 50 C.F.R. § 635.69. This certification statement is applicable for the VMS providers currently
approved for use in HMS fisheries.
A qualified marine electrician must follow the manufacturer’s installation procedures when installing or reinstalling a NOAA Fisheries-approved VMS unit. The vessel owner is responsible for all installation and
activation costs. After completion of the installation and activation, the owner should confirm that NOAA
Fisheries is receiving position reports by calling NOAA Office of Law Enforcement in St. Petersburg, Florida,
at, 800-758-4833 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Vessel Name:___________________ U.S Coast Guard Documentation Number:_______________
Installing marine electrician or dealer (name, address, and telephone number):
Date of Installation (mm/dd/yyyy):__________________
VMS Enhanced Mobile Transceiver Unit (E-MTU):
Manufacturer name:_________________________________________________________________
Manufacturer serial number (S/N):_____________________________________________________
Communication network serial number (ISN):____________________________________________
VMS Mobile Communications Service Provider (MCSP)
Communications provider name:________________________________
Communications ID number assigned by service provider:____________________
Once the VMS E-MTU was installed, did the electrician/dealer, or the owner and/or operator of the
vessel verify with NOAA OLE VMS Program personnel that position data was being received?
Yes No
In accordance with 50 C.F.R. § 635.69(d), as a qualified marine electrician, I hereby certify that the
VMS system on the vessel named above has been installed in compliance with applicable procedures.
Vessel Owner/Operator’s Name: ______________________________________________
Vessel Owner/Operator’s Signature___________________________ Date: ____________
Installer’s Name:___________________________________________________________

OMB #0648-0372
Expires 10/31/2014

Installer’s Signature:________________________________________ Date:____________
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PL 104-13) and the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-579), you are advised that disclosure of
the information requested in the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) certification statement is mandatory for the purpose of managing the Atlantic HMS
fisheries. The certification statement is used to ensure proper operation of the VMS unit. Reporting burden for the collection of information is
estimated to average 4 hours per installation, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data
needed, and completing and reviewing the information. The burden for submission of this certification statement is estimated at 5 minutes per response.
Confidentiality of the information provided will be treated in accordance with NOAA Administrative Order 216-100. It is the policy of the National
Marine Fisheries Service not to release confidential data, other than in aggregate form, as the MSA protects the confidentiality of those submitting data.
Whenever data are requested, NMFS ensures the information identifying the pecuniary business activity of a particular individual is not identified. This
information collection has been issued a valid OMB control number, and is subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act and penalties
associated with non-compliance. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or suggestions for reducing this burden to: NMFS, Office of Law
Enforcement, 8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 415, Silver Spring, MD 20910.


205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 
Portland, OR 97202 
Tel: (503) 595‐3100     Fax: (503) 595‐3444 

The following contains instructions for and descriptions of the required elements on the VMS Reimbursement 
Request Form.  The reimbursement request form is a fillable form that can be completed and printed using free 
Adobe® Reader® software.  To download free Adobe® Reader® software go to  
To enter text into the form, using Adobe® Reader® software, click in the spaces provided and begin typing.  To 
move to the next fillable field press the tab key on your keyboard, or click in the space provided.   
The blank reimbursement request form can also be printed and filled out by hand.  For assistance with the VMS 
Reimbursement Request Form, contact Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission at 503‐595‐3100.   
Failure to supply information may result in delayed reimbursement processing.  It is strongly advised that vessel 
owners/operators provide as much information as possible.   

Vessel Name  
The name of the vessel that the VMS transmitter has been installed on and reimbursement is being 
requested for.  The name on the request form should match the vessel names as listed on title, permit, 
Certification of Documentation, etc. 
Place a check mark in the check box to the left of the region the applicant vessel fishes and is required to 
carry a VMS transmitter in (e.g., Northwest, Southeast, Northeast, Alaska or Pacific Islands).  If a vessel 
holds permits in multiple regions select the region that VMS Reimbursement is being requested for and 
has been approved by NOAA OLE. 
Permit Number  
If a vessel has been issued a Federal Fisheries Permit Number or other Permit Number provide the 
number(s) in the space allowed.  A Federal Fisheries Permit Number is required of vessels in Northeast 
Fisheries Region.  Vessels located in all other regions are strongly advised to provide a Permit Number in 
addition to a USCG Document Number and/or State Registration Number.

Instructions for VMS Reimbursement Request Form VMS‐2009‐2.1 

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205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 
Portland, OR 97202 
Tel: (503) 595‐3100     Fax: (503) 595‐3444 

Fishery/Permit Type 
Provide the fishery or fisheries or permit type that requires the applicant vessel to have a VMS unit to fish.  
Fishery/Fisheries may be identified by one or more of the following elements (the following is not an 
exhaustive list of possible fishery classifications): 
• Fishing Area (waters or seabed), Region (Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, Alaska, 
etc.), and/or Type (High Seas, Coastal, Migratory, etc.) 
• Fishing Methods and/or Devices: trap, trawl, troll, purse seine, gillnets, longlines, droplines, etc. 
• Class of Boat 
• Species or Class Fished: groundfish, rockfish, crab, salmon, shellfish, albacore, sablefish, etc. 
• Fishery Access and/or Purpose of Fishing Activities: open access, limited entry, gear restrictions, 
catch limits, closed, Northeast Limited Access Scallop, etc. 
For example: Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery, United States Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fishery, 
NW Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument, Northeast Surfclam/Ocean Quahog, Northeast 
Multispecies, etc. 
State Registration Number 
If a vessel has been issued a State Registration Number (i.e., CF numbers, FL numbers, OR numbers, etc.) 
provide it in the space allowed.  Vessels that do not have a USCG Documentation Number and/or Federal 
Fisheries Permit Number must provide a State Registration Number.    
USCG Documentation Number 
United States Coast Guard (USCG) issued Documentation Number is required of all fisheries.  In cases 
when a vessel does not have a USCG Documentation Number provide a State Registration Number (see 
Registration Number for more information) and/or Permit Number (see Permit Number for more 
information).  Vessels that have a USCG Documentation Number are strongly advised to provide a State 
Registration Number, Permit Number, and/or License Number in addition to providing a USCG 
Documentation Number. 
License Number 
Provide any license numbers held by the fishing vessel and/or vessel owner in the space provided. 
This section can be used to provide any additional vessel information. 

Instructions for VMS Reimbursement Request Form VMS‐2009‐2.1 

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205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 
Portland, OR 97202 
Tel: (503) 595‐3100     Fax: (503) 595‐3444 


Provide the name of the vessel owner as it appears on the vessel’s documentation (i.e., title, permits, 
Certification of Documentation, etc.).  If under business ownership, provide the name of the owner of the 
business in addition to the name of the business. 
Provide the name of the business as it appears on the vessel’s documentation (i.e., title, permit(s), 
Certification of Documentation, etc.) as well as the name of the owner of the business. 
Provide the mailing address as it appears on the vessel’s documentation (i.e., title, permit(s), Certification 
of Documentation, etc.). 
Provide the phone number where PSMFC or NOAA OLE will be able to contact the vessel owner. 
Provide the email address where PSMFC or NOAA OLE will be able to contact the vessel owner.   

Instructions for VMS Reimbursement Request Form VMS‐2009‐2.1 

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205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 
Portland, OR 97202 
Tel: (503) 595‐3100     Fax: (503) 595‐3444 


Confirmation Number 
Type or write the four‐digit confirmation number in the space provided.  A confirmation number is 
required for all reimbursement requests.  Contact NOAA OLE’s VMS Helpdesk at 1‐888‐219‐9228 to 
acquire the four‐digit confirmation number.   
Only vessels that are eligible for reimbursement will receive a confirmation number.  Eligibility is 
determined by NOAA OLE.  Questions regarding eligibility, requirements, and compliance contact the 
NOAA OLE VMS Helpdesk at 1‐888‐219‐9228.  
Date Confirmation Issued 
Provide the date NOAA OLE issued the four‐digit confirmation number in the space provided. 

VMS Transmitter ID/Serial Number  
VMS Transmitter ID (VMS unit serial or MCT number) is required for all fisheries regions.  Contact the VMS 
vendor (e.g., Boatracs/AirIQ, Marine Inc.; CLS America, Inc.; Faria Watchdog, Inc.; GMPCS Personal 
Communications, Inc.; SkyMate, Inc.; Thrane & Thrane, Inc.), or electronics dealer that installed VMS unit 
on the applicant vessel for assistance.  
The email associated with the VMS unit installed on the applicant vessel. 
The brand of VMS unit installed on the applicant vessel (i.e., Boatracs, Faria Watchdog, Thrane & Thrane, 

Instructions for VMS Reimbursement Request Form VMS‐2009‐2.1 

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205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 
Portland, OR 97202 
Tel: (503) 595‐3100     Fax: (503) 595‐3444 

The model of the VMS unit installed on the applicant vessel (i.e., Sailor VMS Gold, Stellar ST2500G, etc.). 
The date the VMS unit was installed on the applicant vessel. 
The person responsible for installing the VMS unit on the applicant vessel. 
The electronics dealer whom the VMS was purchased from and/or installed by.  If the VMS unit was 
purchased directly from a vendor (i.e., Boatracs, CLS America, Faria Watchdog, GMPCS Personal 
Communications, Skymate, or Thrane & Thrane) provide the vendor name. 
Provide the name of the person that assisted you with the purchase and installation of the VMS unit.  If 
the VMS unit was purchased directly from a vendor (i.e., Boatracs, CLS America, Faria Watchdog, GMPCS 
Personal Communications, Skymate, or Thrane & Thrane) provide the name of the individual that assisted 
Provide the phone number where PSMFC and/or NOAA may reach the dealer or dealer contact that sold 
and/or installed the VMS unit.  If the VMS unit was purchased directly from a vendor (i.e., Boatracs, CLS 
America, Faria Watchdog, GMPCS Personal Communications, Skymate, or Thrane & Thrane) provide the phone 
number for the vendor or vendor contact. 

Instructions for VMS Reimbursement Request Form VMS‐2009‐2.1 

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205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 
Portland, OR 97202 
Tel: (503) 595‐3100     Fax: (503) 595‐3444 


Check the box to the left of the entity (i.e., Vessel Owner, Vessel Operator, Boatracs Inc., CLS America Inc., 
Faria Watchdog Inc., etc.) that reimbursement should be paid to.  Select only one option.   
Applicant Name (First, MI, Last Name) 
The applicant is either the vessel owner or operator of the vessel that reimbursement is being requested 
for.  If reimbursement is to be paid to a business print the vessel owner or operator name in the space 
provided for Applicant Name, and type or print the business name in the space provided for Business 
Name.  The applicant name and signature must match or processing will be delayed.   
Reimbursement checks will be made out to the person or business name written in this section; unless 
PSMFC is informed otherwise or reimbursement is to be paid to a specified vendor (e.g., Boatracs/AirIQ, 
Inc.; CLS America, Inc.; Faria Watchdog, Inc.; SkyMate, Inc.; Thrane & Thrane, Inc.), in which case the 
reimbursement check will be made out and paid to the specified vendor.   

Instructions for VMS Reimbursement Request Form VMS‐2009‐2.1 

Page 6 of 8 

205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 
Portland, OR 97202 
Tel: (503) 595‐3100     Fax: (503) 595‐3444 

Business Name 
The business name may be the name of the business that operates and/or holds ownership and 
documentation for the vessel that reimbursement is being requested for.  If reimbursement is to be paid 
to a business, type or print the vessel owner or operators name in the space provided for Applicant Name, 
and type or print the business name in the space provided for Business Name.  The applicant name and 
signature must match or processing will be delayed.   
Reimbursement checks will be made out to the business name written in this section; unless PSMFC is 
informed otherwise or reimbursement is to be paid to a specified vendor (e.g., Boatracs/AirIQ, Inc.; CLS 
America, Inc.; Faria Watchdog, Inc.; SkyMate, Inc.; Thrane & Thrane, Inc.), in which case the 
reimbursement check will be made out and paid to the specified vendor.   
Mailing Address 
For reimbursements that are to be paid to the owner and/or operator, supply the address where the 
reimbursement check should be mailed.  For reimbursements that are to be paid to a vendor (e.g., 
Boatracs/AirIQ, Inc.; CLS America, Inc.; Faria Watchdog, Inc.; SkyMate, Inc.; Thrane & Thrane, Inc.), supply 
the applicant’s address (vessel owner or operator). 
Phone Number 
Provide telephone number(s) where NOAA and/or PSMFC personnel will be able to contact the applicant 
(vessel owner or operator). 
Email Address 
Provide an email address if desired for the applicant (vessel owner or operator) for correspondence 
purposes.  If the applicant (vessel owner or operator) does not use email for regular correspondence 
leave this blank. 


Applicant Name (First, MI, Last) 
The applicant is either the vessel owner or operator of the vessel that reimbursement is being requested 
for.  If reimbursement is to be paid to a business print the vessel owner or operator name in the space 
provided for Applicant Name, and type or print the business name in the space provided for Business 
Name.  The applicant name and signature must match or processing will be delayed.   
The applicant name must also match the information provided in Section V. Applicant Information.   

Instructions for VMS Reimbursement Request Form VMS‐2009‐2.1 

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205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 100 
Portland, OR 97202 
Tel: (503) 595‐3100     Fax: (503) 595‐3444 

Business Name 
The business name may be the name of the business that operates and/or holds ownership and 
documentation for the vessel that reimbursement is being requested for.  If reimbursement is to be paid 
to a business, type or print the vessel owner or operators name in the space provided for Applicant Name, 
and type or print the business name in the space provided for Business Name.  The applicant name and 
signature must match or processing will be delayed.   
The business name must also match the information provided in Section V. Applicant Information.   
Applicant Signature 
The applicant (vessel owner or operator) is certifying that all of the information provided is accurate upon 
signing the form.  If a vessel is owned by a business include the signatory’s name (vessel owner or 
operator) along with the business name in the spaces provided for Applicant Name and Business Name.  
The applicant name and signature must match or processing will be delayed.     
Provide the date the form was signed. 
Prior to mailing or faxing the completed VMS Reimbursement Request Form to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries 
Commission, it is advised that applicants and/or vendors review the form for accuracy to ensure timely processing 
of the VMS reimbursement request.   
Inaccurate and incomplete request forms will delay processing of reimbursement, as any missing or inaccurate 
information will need to be verified with all necessary parties (e.g., vessel owner/applicant, NOAA OLE, vendors, 
Mail or fax completed VMS Reimbursement Request Forms along with an invoice for the VMS transmitter as proof 
of purchase to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (mail: 205 SE Spokane Street, Suite 101 Portland, OR 
97202, or fax: 503‐595‐3444).  Also, include a copy of the vessel’s Certificate of Documentation and/or Federal 
Fisheries Permit and/or State Registration. 
For information regarding VMS reimbursement requirements, eligibility, and compliance please consult the 
Summary of Information: VMS Reimbursement Program (this document can be found at, or 
contact the VMS Support Center, operated by NOAA Office for Law Enforcement, at 1‐888‐219‐9228.   


Instructions for VMS Reimbursement Request Form VMS‐2009‐2.1 

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