2014-2015 BASE
Charter School Facilities Survey
Public Burden Statement:
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary (Part B section 5201 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20210-4537 or email [email protected] and reference the OMB Control Number 1855-0024 Note: Please do not return the completed Charter School Facilities National Questionnaire to this address.
Section 1 - General Facility Information
Section 1.1 – Basic Facility Information
S1.1.q1 Please indicate the grade levels served in this facility (select all that apply)
S1.1.q1.1 Pre-K
S1.1.q1.2 Kindergarten
S1.1.q1.3 1st grade
S1.1.q1.4 2nd grade
S1.1.q1.5 3rd grade
S1.1.q1.6 4th grade
S1.1.q1.7 5th grade
S1.1.q1.8 6th grade
S1.1.q1.9 7th grade
S1.1.q1.10 8th grade
S1.1.q1.11 9th grade
S1.1.q1.12 10th grade
S1.1.q1.13 11th grade
S1.1.q1.14 12th grade
S1.1.q1.15 Beyond 12th grade
S1.1.q2 How many years has the school been in operation including the 2014-2015 school year?
S1.1.q3 Does the school use an educational model that has explicit space/equipment implications for the facility?
No, the educational model has typical educational facility requirements
Yes, Montessori model
Yes, Expeditionary Learning model
Yes, Math/Science/Technology (STEM) model
Yes, School of the Arts model
Yes, blended learning model.
Yes, Other
S1.1.q4 For the 2014-2015 school year, what is the usual maximum number of students served in the facility at any one time? Note: Answer 450 if the school has 475 students enrolled but 50 are half-day kindergartners and 25 are served in the morning and 25 are served in the afternoon. If the kindergartners are full-day or all 50 are served in the morning or afternoon, answer 475. Answer 200 if 200 students are in a day program and 150 are in a night program and the programs do not overlap. Answer 450 for a multi-track school that has an enrollment of 600 students, but only serves 450 during any track. Also, if sharing a facility with another school, be sure to report only the number usually in your school. Do not include the students from the shared school.
S1.1.q5 As of October 1st, 2014, how many eligible students (i.e., school age, grade level appropriate) remained on your waiting list? (If none, enter 0; do not include children who are not yet old enough to attend the school.)
S1.1.q6 In the last three years (2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015), how many student instruction days did the school have to be closed due to facilities-related maintenance issues (e.g., broken pipes, a furnace that needed repairing, air quality issues, etc.)? (Enter whole numbers only)
Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
S1.1.q7a Students with disabilities have access to the entire school facility.
S1.1.q7b The school facility contributes to student learning.
S1.1.q7c The school facility contributes to a positive school climate/culture.
S1.1.q7d The school facility has the amenities, including specialized classrooms, to best implement its educational program.
S1.1.q8 Please indicate which of the following issues, if any, the school experienced that delayed the school from opening as planned: (Select all that apply)
S1.1.q8.1 None, the school was able to open on the date planned.
S1.1.q8.2 The school experienced zoning issues with its chosen facility that delayed when the school could open.
S1.1.q8.3 The school experienced issues obtaining an occupancy permit that delayed when the school could open.
S1.1.q8.4 The school experienced problems finding a suitable facility in the desired geographic area that delayed when the school could open.
S1.1.q8.5 The school experienced problems finding an affordable facility in the desired geographic area that delayed when the school could open.
S1.1.q8.6 The school experienced difficulties in obtaining financing for the renovation of the chosen facility that delayed when the school could open.
S1.1.q8.7 The school experienced difficulties in obtaining financing for the purchase of the chosen facility that delayed when the school could open.
S1.1.q8.8 The school experienced difficulties in obtaining financing for the new construction of a facility that delayed when the school could open.
S1.1.q8.9a The school experienced other facility related issues that delayed when the school could open.
S1.1.q8.9b. Please describe the other facility related issue the school experienced that delayed when the school could open.
Section 1.2 – Future Facility Plans
S1.2.q1 What is the school’s desired enrollment in five years (2018-2019)?
S1.2.q2 Does the school’s current facility have adequate space for the desired enrollment five years from now (2018-2019)? [If YES, skip to S2.1.q1]
Yes |
No |
S1.2.q3 Does the school have a feasible, specific facility plan to construct or acquire adequate space for the desired enrollment five years from now (2018-2019)?
Yes |
No |
Section 2 – General Facility Information
Section 2.1 – General Characteristics
S2.1.q1 In which time period was the original (main) facility construction completed?
prior to 1920
2010 or newer
S2.1.q2 Was the original facility constructed to be a school? (Note: If school is made up of all modular/trailers that were put in place for the sole purpose of being a school, please answer “NO” to this question. We are only asking about permanent facilities.)
Yes |
No |
S2.1.q3 Please select the statement that best applies to the permanence of the school’s current facility:
The school has only trailers/modular classrooms.
The school has only permanent building(s), including prefabricated buildings.
The school has both trailers/modular classrooms and a permanent building(s).
S2.1.q4 Which of the following does the school have in place to address the schools facility needs over the next five years? (Please select all that apply).
Strategic facilities plan (Strategic facilities plan identifies the type, quantify and location of spaces required to fully support the school’s mission and should be framed within the organization’s larger strategic vision).
School facilities committee.
Master Plan (Master plan, facility master plan or campus master plan provides a framework for the physical environments that incorporate the buildings).
Other, please describe.
Section 2.2 – Facility Ownership
Please provide the approximate percentage (between 0 and 100) of the school’s FACILITY that is owned by the following (NOTE: the sum of the percentages listed should add to 100):
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
S2.2.q1a The school (or building corporation formed by the school)
S2.2.q1b A school district
S2.2.q1c The state
S2.2.q1d A government entity other than a school district
S2.2.q1e A for-profit company
S2.2.q1f A non-profit organization unrelated to the school
S2.2.q1g A non-profit organization related to the school (e.g., the non-profit founded the school or has a partnership with the school)
Please provide the approximate percentage (between 0 and 100) of the school’s LAND that is owned by the following (NOTE: the sum of the percentages listed should add to 100):
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
S2.2.q2a The school (or building corporation formed by the school)
S2.2.q2b A school district
S2.2.q2c The state
S2.2.q2d A government entity other than a school district
S2.2.q2e A for-profit company
S2.2.q2f A non-profit organization unrelated to the school
S2.2.q2g A non-profit organization related to the school (e.g., the non-profit founded the school or has a partnership with the school)
Section 2.3 – Shared Use
Note: This section primarily addresses shared use, which is when the school shares the same facility with one or more other schools or organizations. .
S2.3.q1 Does the school share its facility with another group (co-location, shared use)? [If NO, skip to S2.3.q14]
Yes |
No |
Please select the types of groups the school shares its facility with. (Please select all that apply.)
S2.3.q2.1 Another public charter school
S2.3.q2.2 A public school that is not a charter
S2.3.q2.3 An organization (e.g., a church, non-profit group) that provides services to students or the school
S2.3.q2.4 An organization (e.g., a church, non-profit group) that does not provide services to students or the school
S2.3.q2.5 Other, please specify
S2.3.q2a Narrative explanation of S2.3.q2 – response 5
S2.3.q4 How many schools, including yours, share this facility? Note: answer ‘1’ if this is the only school that uses the facility.
S2.3.q5 What is the school’s current understanding (based on a written agreement or conversation with the landlord) about how long it may remain in the facility?
Through the end of the 2014-2015 school year
For one additional school year (the end of the 2015-2016 school year)
Two more school years (the end of the 2016-2017 school year)
Three more school years (the end of the 2017-2018 school year)
Four more school years (the end of the 2018-2019 school year)
Five more school years (the end of the 2019-2020 school year)
More than five school years
Do not know
S2.3.q6 How long does the school plan to remain in a shared use facility?
Through the end of the 2014-2015 school year
For one additional school year (the end of the 2015-2016 school year)
Two more school years (the end of the 2016-2017 school year)
Three more school years (the end of the 2017-2018 school year)
Four more school years (the end of the 2018-2019 school year)
Five more school years (the end of the 2019-2020 school year)
More than five school years
Do not know
Please select the response that most accurately describes the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
NA – This is the only school in this facility |
S2.3.q7a Students from other co-located schools have a negative impact on the school’s climate and/or discipline.
S2.3.q7b Administrative/systems issues (e.g., PA announcements, bell schedules) from other co-located schools have a negative impact on the school’s climate and/or discipline.
S2.3.q7c Adults from other co-located schools have a negative impact on the school’s climate and/or discipline
What are the school’s greatest concerns about co-location (shared use)? (Check all that apply.)
S2.3.q8.1 Implementing the school’s curriculum/educational program given the amount of exclusive space that it has been allocated
S2.3.q8.2 Implementing the school’s curriculum/educational program given the amount of time (or time of day) that it has been allocated use of shared space
S2.3.q8.3 Keeping students safe in the facility
S2.3.q8.4 Keeping students safe on the school grounds
S2.3.q8.5 Maintaining a school climate consistent with the school’s mission and that is conducive to learning
S2.3.q8.6 The uncertainty about whether or not the school will be able to remain in the facility
S2.3.q8.7 The quality of the building-wide staff that are shared
S2.3.q8.8 Supervision of and/or interaction with the shared staff
S2.3.q8.11 Difficulty getting maintenance and repairs completed in a timely manner
S2.3.q8.12 Lack of adequate parking (for parents, staff, and/or visitors) and/or lack of adequate pick-up and drop-off areas
S2.3.q8.13 Time spent converting classrooms and other teaching spaces to other uses
S2.3.q8.14 Inability to schedule after-hours school programs
S2.3.q8.15 Inadequate broadband capability due to shared use.
S2.3.q8.16 Other
S2.3.q8.17 No significant concerns
What are the greatest benefits of co-location (shared use) for the school? (Check all that apply)
S2.3.q9.1 Eliminates or reduces facility expenses from what they would be otherwise
S2.3.q9.2 Provides opportunities for faculty/administration from different schools to learn from each other
S2.3.q9.3 Provides opportunities for students from different schools to learn from each other
S2.3.q9.4 Facility’s amenities (gym, lunchroom, science labs, accessibility to individuals with disabilities, etc.) cannot feasibly be duplicated in a space that the school could afford to own or rent
S2.3.q9.5 Makes it possible to phase in grades or grow enrollment over time
S2.3.q9.6 Vacant space that would meet the school’s facility needs is not available in the neighborhoods that the school serves
S2.3.q9.7 Vacant space that would meet the school’s facility needs at a cost that the school could afford to rent or own is not available in the neighborhoods that the school serves
S2.3.q9.8 Eliminates the need to focus on facility related issues like maintenance and repairs
S2.3.q9.9 Other
S2.3.q9.10 No significant benefits
Please describe the extent to which you agree or disagree that the school has equitable access (including number of hours and times of day) to the following [Skip to S3.1.q1 when done]:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
Not Applicable |
S2.3.q10a Gym
S2.3.q10b Lunchroom
S2.3.q10c Athletic / Play Fields
S2.3.q10d Playgrounds
S2.3.q10e General Classrooms
S2.3.q10f Specialized Classrooms (e.g., science labs, computer labs, art rooms)
S2.3.q10g Library
S2.3.q14 How long does the school plan to remain in this facility?
Through the end of the 2014-2015 school year
For one additional school year (the end of the 2015-2016 school year)
Two more school years (the end of the 2016-2017 school year)
Three more school years (the end of the 2017-2018 school year)
Four more school years (the end of the 2018-2019 school year)
Five more school years (the end of the 2019-2020 school year)
More than five school years
Do not know
Section 3 – Site and Facility Amenities
Section 3.1 – Site Amenities
S3.1.q1 Does the school facility have its own playground?
Yes [Skip to S3.1.q.3 if selected]
No [Skip to S3.1.q.4 if selected]
No, but there is a local/adjacent park with a playground that we use for this purpose.
4. N/A the school only serves high school students
S3.1.q2 [For schools answering choice 3 to question Q1] Check the ways, from the following options, in which the local/adjacent playground meets the students' needs.
S3.1.q2.1 Size is adequate
S3.1.q2.2 Number of hours per week of availability is sufficient
S3.1.q2.3 Times of availability are convenient
S3.1.q2.4 None of the above are true
S3.1.q3 Is there a separate playground for the early childhood and kindergarten students?
Yes |
No |
S3.1.q4 Does the school facility have its own play/athletic field(s)?
Yes[Skip to S3.1.q.6 if selected]
No [Skip to S3.1.q.8 if selected]
No, but there is a local/adjacent park with an adequate athletic field that we use for this purpose.
S3.1.q5 [For schools answering choice 3 to question Q4] Check the ways, from the following options, in which the local/adjacent playground meets the students' needs.
S3.1.q5.1 Size is adequate
S3.1.q5.2 Number of hours per week of availability is sufficient
S3.1.q5.3 Times of availability are convenient
S3.1.q5.4 None of the above are true
S3.1.q6 Is the play/athletic field for student use natural grass or artificial turf (schools with dirt, gravel or similar field surfaces should answer ‘no’)?
Yes |
No |
S3.1.q7 Is the play field large enough for normal school activities?
Yes |
No |
S3.1.q8 Does the site have a perimeter fence?
Yes |
No |
Section 3.2 – Physical Education
S3.2.q1 Does the school facility have its own gymnasium (or its equivalent, dedicated space outside)?
Yes [Skip to S3.2.q.3 if selected]
No [Skip to S3.2.q.5 if selected]
No, but there is a local/adjacent facility with a gym that the school uses for this purpose
[For schools answering choice 3 to question Q1] Check the ways, from the following options, in which the local/adjacent gym meets the students' needs.
S3.2.q2.1 Size is adequate
S3.2.q2.2 Number of hours per week of availability is sufficient
S3.2.q2.3 Times of availability are convenient
S3.2.q2.4 None of the above are true
S3.2.q3 Was the gym designed to be a physical education space?
Yes |
No |
S3.2.q4 Are there locker rooms and/or shower facilities associated with the gym (i.e., in close proximity) for student use?
Yes |
No |
S3.2q5 From the items below, please indicate the amenities that students from the school must cross the street to access (select all that apply).
S3.2.q5.1 Playground
S3.2.q5.2 Athletic/play field
S3.2.q5.3 Gymnasium
S3.2.q5.4 Other
S3.2.q5.5 None of the above
S3.2.q5a If other, please specify
Section 3.3 – Lunch Service
S3.3.q1 Does the school have a full preparatory food kitchen that meets the requirements to prepare hot meals under the federally subsidized meal program?
Yes |
No |
S3.3.q2 Does the school have dedicated space and equipment for keeping food for students warm (that typically has been prepared at another location)?
Yes |
No |
S3.3.q3 Does the school have dedicated space and equipment for keeping food for students cold (that typically has been prepared at another location)?
Yes |
No |
S3.3.q5 Does the school have lunches brought in by an outside vendor or caterer, including a school district? [If NO, SKIP to 3.3.q4]
Yes |
No |
S3.3.q6 What is the regular, unsubsidized price for the students’ lunches? (Note, If grade levels pay different prices for lunch, please provide the average.)
S3.3.q4 Does the school participate in the National School Lunch Program?
Yes |
No |
Section 4 - District Land and Facilities
Section 4.1 – Use of District Owned Facilities
S4.1.q1 Does the school currently use a district owned facility?
Yes |
No |
S4.1.q2 To the best of your knowledge, is there a vacant district owned facility near the school? [SKIP to S4.2_1 if responded NO]
Yes |
No |
S4.1.q6 Would the school consider relocating to the vacant district facility if the district offered the option?
Yes |
No |
S4.1.q3 Has the school ever approached the district about use of its vacant facility? [SKIP to S4.2_1 if responded NO]
Yes |
No |
S4.1.q4 Was the school offered use of the district’s vacant facility? [If YES, skip to S4.2_1]
Yes |
No |
S4.1.q5 What explanation was given for denying the school use of the district's vacant facility?
The district said it had plans for future use or possible use as a school.
The district said it had plans for future use or possible use as a support facility (storage, office space, etc.).
The district gave another explanation, please provide information on this explanation.
The district gave no explanation.
Section 4.2 – Use of District Owned Land
S4.2.q1 Does the school currently have use of district owned land?
Yes |
No |
S4.2.q2 To the best of your knowledge is there unused district owned land near the school? [SKIP to S4.3_1 if responded NO]
Yes |
No |
S4.2.q3 Has the school ever approached the district about use of its unused land? [SKIP to S4.3_1 if responded NO]
Yes |
No |
S4.2.q4 Was the school offered use of the district’s unused land? [SKIP to S4.3_1 if responded YES]
Yes |
No |
S4.2.q5 What explanation was given for denying the school use of the district's unused land?
The district said it had plans to for future use or possible use as a school site
The district said it had plans for future use or possible use as a support facility site (storage, office space, etc.).
The district gave another explanation, please provide information on this explanation
The district gave no explanation.
Section 4.3 – Underutilized District Facilities
S4.3.q1 To the best of your knowledge, is there a district owned facility near the school that is significantly underutilized (i.e., 30 percent or more unused capacity)? [SKIP to Section 5 if responded NO]
Yes |
No |
S4.3.q2 Would the school consider co-location in the underutilized district school if the district offered the option?
Yes |
No |
S4.3.q3 Has the school ever approached the district about use of its underutilized facility? [SKIP to Section 5 if responded NO]
Yes |
No |
S4.3.q4 Was the school offered use of the district’s underutilized facility? [If YES, skip to Section 5, if responded NO]
Yes |
No |
S4.3.q5 What explanation was given for denying the school use of the district's underutilized facility?
The district said it had plans for future use or possible use as a school.
The district said it had plans for future use or possible use as a support facility (storage, office space, etc.).
The district gave another explanation, please provide information on this explanation.
The district gave no explanation.
Section 5 – Site and Facility Characteristics
Section 5.1 – School Site
Please select the response that most accurately describes the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding the school's site:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
Not Applicable |
S5.1.q1 The roof leaks rarely, if ever.
S5.1.q2 The site does not exhibit regular drainage problems such as standing water.
S5.1.q3 The site shows no signs of apparent erosion.
S5.1.q4 Sidewalks are adequately located and sized for student safety.
S5.1.q5 The site is adequately lighted.
S5.1.q6 The parking lot is adequately lighted.
S5.1.q7 The site is free of hazards like large cracks in the pavement or sidewalks and uneven ground.
Section 5.2 – Windows and Lighting
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements regarding the school's windows and lighting:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
S5.2.q1 Most classrooms/instructional spaces have enough natural day-lighting, sufficient to occasionally turn off electric lights.
S5.2.q 2 Most classrooms/instructional spaces have windows permitting views of the outside.
S5.2.q 3 Most classrooms/instructional spaces have windows that operate (open and close).
S5.2.q 4 Most of the school's windows have insulated glass (thermal pane).
S5.2.q 5 Electric lighting is adequate for a majority of the school's activities.
Section 5.3 – Noise
Please select the response that describes the extent to which you agree with each of the following:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
S5.3.q1 Noise generated by the building mechanical systems (e.g., furnace, air conditioner, etc.) is disruptive in the classrooms.
S5.3.q2 Exterior noise intrusion (e.g., traffic, trains, aircraft, and industry) is disruptive in the classrooms.
S5.3.q3 Noise generated from other classrooms or corridors is disruptive in the classrooms.
S5.3.q4 Noise generated by the building mechanical systems (e.g., furnace, air conditioner, etc.) can be heard inside the specialized instructional spaces (e.g., library, computer lab, science lab, music room, etc.) and learning is significantly impacted.
S5.3.q5 Noise from the gym, auditorium, or lunchroom impacts learning in classrooms.
S5.3.q6 Noise from the specialized instructional spaces (e.g., library, computer lab, science lab, music room, etc.) impacts learning in other classrooms.
Section 5.4 – Air Quality
Please answer the following questions regarding the school's air quality:
Yes |
No |
S5.4.q1 Has the school experienced air quality problems due to mold or mildew?
S5.4.q2 Is the air quality in the majority of classrooms good?
S5.4.q3 Is the air quality throughout the rest of the facility good?
Section 5.5 – Mechanical and Electrical
Please respond to the following statements regarding the general temperature in the school:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
S5.5.q1 The temperature in the classrooms is reasonably comfortable throughout the school year.
S5.5.q2 The temperature throughout the building is reasonably comfortable throughout the school year.
S5.5.q3 Most classrooms are air conditioned.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
S5.5.q4 Most classrooms have a telephone available for teacher use.
S5.5.q5 Most classrooms have electrical power outlets adequate in number and location for the majority of activities.
Section 5.6 – Plumbing and Fixtures
Please select the response that describes the extent to which you agree with each of the following:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
S5.6.q1 The water pressure inside the facility is adequate.
S5.6.q2 The quantity of student toilet rooms is adequate.
S5.6.q3 The student toilet rooms are well-located.
S5.6.q4 The quantity of adult toilet rooms is adequate.
S5.6.q5 The adult toilet rooms are well-located.
S5.6.q6 The quantity of drinking fountains is adequate.
S5.6.q7 The drinking fountains are well-located.
Section 5.7– Facility Security
Please indicate which of the following security items the school has installed in the school’s facility:
Yes |
No |
S5.7.q1 A functioning two-way communication system between the administration office and the rest of the facility
S5.7.q2 A functioning two-way communication system between the administration office and the exterior of the building
S5.7.q3 A functioning controlled access system at the main entrance of the facility that is used during school hours
S5.7.q4 Functioning locks on all exterior facing doors in the facility
S5.7.q5 Functioning locks on all classroom doors that can be locked from both the inside and outside of the classroom
S5.7.q6 A functioning interior video surveillance system
S5.7.q7 A functioning exterior surveillance system
S5.7.q8 An other fixed security device
S5.7.q8b Other described
Section 5.8– Technology
Please select the way(s) that students in the school access technology while during school hours. (Select all that apply.)
S5.8.q1 Computer lab(s) space
S5.8.q2 Mobile computer lab(s)
S5.8.q3 Individual student laptops/tablets
S5.8.q4 Computer(s) in every classroom
S5.8.q5 Other
S5.8.q5b Describe other
S5.8q6 Are there any facility challenges that prevent the installation of sufficient broadband to access high quality digital content?
Yes |
No |
Section 6 – Facility Funding and Expenditures
Section 6.1 – Capital Projects
Note: In this section you will be asked for dollars amounts. Please enter whole numbers rounded to the nearest dollar -- no dollar signs, decimal points or commas.
S6.1.q1 Has the school facility undergone, or will it undergo, any major capital projects between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2013? [Skip to S6.1.q4 if NO]
Yes |
No |
What types of capital project(s) has the facility undergone, or will it undergo, in this five year period ______ through _______)? [Check all applicable]
S6.1.q2a Purchased land and/or a facility
S6.1.q2b Constructed a facility
S6.1.q2c Constructed an addition to an existing facility
S6.1.q2d Renovated or upgraded an existing facility
S6.1.q2e Undertaken major facility repairs
S6.1.q2f Other
S6.1.q2g Narrative explanation if S6.1.q2f checked
Please list the amount of funding (enter whole numbers only – no dollar signs, decimal points or commas) from each of the following sources and the total amount spent on capital projects during this five year period (7/1/2011 through 6/30/2015). For schools with expenditures on capital projects in 2014-2015, include the estimate of the dollars that will be spent by the end of the school year. Note: the sum of the funds from each source should be equal to the total amount spent over the five year period.
S6.1.q3a Cash from school district (other than bond dollars)
S6.1.q3b School per pupil grant (if such program exists in the state) and reserve funds generated from grant program
S6.1.q3c Gifts and fundraising
S6.1.q3d Local tax revenue (e.g., district bonds, sales or property tax)
S6.1.q3e Bond(s) and/or loan(s), including bonds issued by the school district or the State Bond Program
S6.1.q2g Other
S6.1.q2h Narrative explanation of other
S6.1.q3f Total spent over the last five years on capital projects (should equal the sum of a-e above)
S6.1.q4 Is the school currently (in 2014-2015) saving money from state grant program to create a reserve for any of the following? Note: answer NO if the dollars being saved are a bond program reserve requirement for capital replacement or repair. Do not include dollars that will be spent in 2014-2015
Yes, for the purchase of an existing facility (current facility or other)
Yes, for the renovation of the current facility
Yes, for the construction of a new facility
No, not currently saving from state grant program[Skip To S6.2_1, If Selected]
S6.1.q 4b Please estimate the amount that will be saved in the 2014-2015 school year.
Section 6.2 – Bond and Loan Information
S6.2.q1 Does the school have bond or loan expenditures for the current land and/or facility? [SKIP to S6.3_1 if NO]
Yes |
No |
S6.2.q2 What will be the total annual principal and interest payment for the bonds and/or loans in 2014-2015?
S6.2.q5 What was the amount of the bond or loan at the time at the time of origination?
S6.2.q6 What is the interest rate on the bond or loan? (Numbers to one decimal place only, no percent sign; for example, 6.7).
S6.2.q7 What was the length of the loan at the time when it was originated? (Whole numbers only)
S6.2.q3 Does the school have a required reserve for capital replacement or repair? [SKIP to S6.3.q1 if answered NO]
Yes |
No |
S6.2.q4 How much will the school pay into this reserve account in 2014-2015? (Whole numbers only)
S6.2.q8 How many financing options did the school consider before deciding on the bond/loan described above?
Section 6.3 – Rental Information
Note: for the questions below, use whole numbers only. Also, please do not include dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.
S6.3.q1 Does the school currently pay for the school's land or facility? [SKIP to S6.4.q1 if answered NO]
Yes |
No |
S6.3.q2 What is the total payment the school will make for the facility or land in 2014-2015?
Please check all items that are included in the payment:
S6.3.q3a Gas/fuel oil/propane
S6.3.q3b Electricity
S6.3.q3c Water
S6.3.q3d Sewage
S6.3.q3e Custodial services
S6.3.q3i Building maintenance and upkeep (i.e., structural maintenance)
S6.3.q3j Site maintenance (i.e., trash removal, yard maintenance)
S6.3.q3f None of the above
S6.3.q3g Other, please specify and briefly describe the purpose of the payment
S6.3.q3h Narrative explanation of S6.3.q3g
S6.3.q4 .Does the school make any payments to the owner other than rent (including facility assessments paid to the district)? Note, do not include authorizer administration fees if authorized by the local school board. [SKIP TO S6.4.q1 IF NO]
Yes |
No |
S6.3.q4b If yes, please provide the total payment for 2014-2015.
S6.3.q4c If yes, briefly describe the purpose of the payment.
S6.3.q5 Does the school have a written lease agreement with the landlord (or district)? Note: schools that own their own facility should answer NA. [SKIP TO S2.2.q1, if NO or NA]
Yes |
No |
NA – the school owns the facility |
S6.3.q6 What is the length of the current lease agreement? (Round to the nearest number of years, whole numbers only; for example, ‘3’ if the lease is for a three-year period; ‘4’ if the lease is for3 and one-half years.)
S6.3.q7 Does the school make payments for the use of an off-site gym and/or athletic facility?
Yes |
No |
S6.3.q8 What is the annual rental payment for the school’s use of a gym and/or athletic field at another location (if the school does not rent a separate gym and/or athletic field, enter zero.)?
S6.3.q9 What are the annual costs for transporting students to and from the gym and/or athletic field at another location (if the school does not pay for transportation or transport students, enter zero.)?
Section 7 – Access to Special, State and Local Sources of Facility Funding
Section 7.1 – Local Funding Sources
S7.1.q1 Has the authorizing district had a general obligation bond election for facilities since July 1, 2006, or since the charter school opened, whichever is later? [SKIP to S7.2_Q1 if NO]
Yes |
No |
Please answer the following questions regarding the school's participation in district bond elections.
Yes |
No |
N/A |
S7.1.q2a Has the authorizing school district ever given the school notice of a future bond election? [SKIP to 2c if NO]
S7.1.q2b Was the notice in time for the school to submit a request for inclusion on the bond?
S7.1.q2c Has the school ever been invited by the district to participate in a district bond election?
S7.1.q2d Has the school ever requested that it be included in a district bond election?
S7.1.q2e Did the district deny or discourage the school from being included?
S7.1.q3 Since July 1, 2006, has the authorizing district included funding for the school in a district bond election intended to fund facility projects? [SKIP to S7.2_1 if NO]
Yes |
No |
Complete the following set of questions for each bond initiative for facilities since July 1, 2006. In the web version, additional bond initiatives are added by clicking on the “Click to add another bond” button.
S7.1.q4a In what year was the election held?
S7.1.q4b What school district held the election?
S7.1.q4c What was the total amount requested? (Round to the nearest dollar - whole numbers only)
S7.1.q4d What amount was designated for the charter school?
S7.1.q4e Did the ballot measure pass?
S7.1.q4f Did the school experience any difficulty accessing its bond allocation? [Applicable only if S7.1.q4e is YES]
Section 7.2 – State Facilities Grants
S7.2.q1 Since July 1, 2006, has the school ever submitted an application to [THE STATE] Department of Education for a STATE FACILITIES GRANT? [Skip to 3a if YES; go to 2a if NO]
Yes |
No |
Please select all applicable reasons why the school has not applied for a STATE FACILITIES GRANT since July 1, 2006.
S7.2.q2a The school does not have capital construction needs qualified for support from the grant program.
S7.2.q2b The school does not have capital construction needs.
S7.2.q2c The application process was too cumbersome or confusing.
S7.2.q2d Lack of success of other charter schools discouraged us from applying.
S7.2.q2e The school could not obtain the required matching funds.
S7.2.q2f The size of the typical award amount does not warrant the effort required to complete an application.
S7.2.q2g The school was unaware of the grant program.
S7.2.q 2h Other
Please describe each of the state grant applications that the school has submitted since July 1, 2006, whether awarded or not. In the web version, additional bond initiatives are added by clicking on the “Click to add another bond” button.
S7.2.q3a Year applied
S7.2.q3b Amount requested
S7.2.q3c Amount awarded
This ends your portion of the STATE Charter School Facilities Survey. Thank you for your participation. This information will be used to create a charter school facilities database that identifies prominent strengths and shortcomings in multiple states’ facility landscapes and provides valid data for analysis that will enable states to develop policy responses.
If you have not already been contacted by the STATE CSO to make an appointment to come measure your school’s facility, please contact CSO CONTACT immediately. If you have been contacted and have not yet set a time, please do so immediately.
A final report outlining the results of the STATE charter school facilities survey will be available in ANITICIPATED MONTH.
Thank you!
Section 8 – Total Facility and Site Measurements
Note: All questions in Section 8 should be answered based on the 2014-2015 school year.
Section 8.1 - Facility and Site Size
S8.1.q1 How large is the facility in square feet (total square feet including modular classrooms)?
S8.1.q2 How large is the school site, in acres (space that is exclusively for the school’s use)? 1 acre = 43,560 sq. feet, so to get acres from square feet, divide the square footage by 43,560. Enter up to one decimal place. Note: the site measurement includes the facility footprint. However, if the school does not have any dedicated outdoor area, please enter 0.
S8.1.q3 Does this facility rely upon exterior (outside) space to connect different buildings serving a single population of students? [Skip to S9.1_1 if NO]
Yes |
No |
S8.1.q4 What percentage of the exterior walkways are covered?
Section 9 - Classroom Summary
Section 9.1 - General Classroom Summary (enter whole numbers only)
S9.1.q1 How many early childhood education and or kindergarten classrooms does the school have?
S9.1.q2 How many elementary classrooms (grades 1-5) does the school have?
S9.1.q3 How many middle school classrooms (grades 6-8) does the school have?
S9.1.q4 How many high school classrooms (grades 9-12) does the school have?
Section 9.2 – Specialized Learning Spaces Summary (enter whole numbers only)
S9.2.q1 How many libraries/media centers does the school have?
S9.2.q2 How many computer labs does the school have?
S9.2.q3 Does the school have a mobile computer lab(s) in addition to, or instead of, a classroom lab(s)?
Yes |
No |
S9.2.q4 How many science labs does the school have?
S9.2.q5 How many art rooms does the school have?
S9.2.q6 How many music rooms does the school have?
S9.2.q7 How many special education recourse rooms does the school have?
S9.2.q8 How many gyms, auditoriums, and lunchrooms does the school have?
S9.2.q9 How many health clinics does the school have?
Section 10 - Classroom Measurements
Note: All questions in Section 9 should be answered based on the 2012-2013 school year. This section should be completed by the school’s facility survey contractor. The number of classrooms entered must match the number reported in the section above.
Section 10.1 - Pre-K and/or Kindergarten Classrooms
Please describe all Pre-K and Kindergarten Classrooms in this section by answering the questions below for each classroom or group of classrooms. In the web version, additional classrooms are added by clicking on the “Add a Pre-k and/or Kindergarten Classroom” button.
S10.q1 # of rooms fitting this description
S10.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S10.q3 Square footage
S10.q4 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S10.q5 Is there a bathroom inside the classroom? Yes/No
S10.q6 Is there a working sink inside the classroom? Yes/No
S10.q7 Is there a permanently mounted LCD projector and projecting surface? Yes/No
S10.q8 Are Pre-K students served in this classroom? Yes/No
Section 10.2 - Elementary Classrooms (Grades 1-5)
Please describe all elementary classrooms (Grades 1-5) in this section by answering the questions below for each classroom or group of classrooms. In the web version, additional classrooms are added by clicking on the “Add an Elementary School Classroom” button.
S10.q1 # of rooms fitting this description
S10.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S10.q3 Square footage
S10.q4 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S10.q6 Is there a working sink inside the classroom? Yes/No
S10.q7 Is there a permanently mounted LCD projector and projecting surface? Yes/No
Section 10.3 - Middle School Classrooms (Grades 6-8)
Please describe all middle school classrooms (Grades 6-8) in this section by answering the questions below for each classroom or group of classrooms. In the web version, additional classrooms are added by clicking on the “Add a Middle School Classroom”.
S10.q1 # of rooms fitting this description
S10.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S10.q3 Square footage
S10.q4 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S10.q7 Is there a permanently mounted LCD projector and projecting surface? Yes/No
Section 10.4 – High School Classrooms (Grades 9-12)
Please describe all high school classrooms (Grades 9-12) in this section by answering the questions below for each classroom or group of classrooms. In the web version, additional classrooms are added by clicking on the “Add a High School Classroom”.
S10.q1 # of rooms fitting this description
S10.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S10.q3 Square footage
S10.q4 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S10.q7 Is there a permanently mounted LCD projector and projecting surface? Yes/No
Section 11 - Specialized Learning Spaces
Section 11.1 - Library/Media Center
Please describe all the school’s library/media Center spaces in this section by answering the questions below for each library/media center or group of centers. In the web version, additional library/media centers are added by clicking on the “Add New Library/Media Center” button.
S11.q1 Number of rooms fitting this description
S11.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S11.q3 Square footage
S11.q4 Lowest grade level served
S11.q5 Highest grade level served
S11.q6 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S11.1.q1 Is there a reading/instructional area? Yes/No
S11.1.q2 Is there a reference/ independent study area? Yes/No
S11.1.q3 Is there an office/workspace for the librarian? Yes/No
S11.1.q4 Is there a computer/ online reference area? Yes/No
Section 11.3 - Science Labs
Please describe all the school’s science labs in this section by answering the questions below for each science lab or group of labs. In the web version, additional science labs are added by clicking on the “Add New Science Lab” button.
S11.q1 Number of rooms fitting this description
S11.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S11.q3 Square footage
S11.q4 Lowest grade level served
S11.q5 Highest grade level served
S11.q6 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S11.3.q1 Is there a separate storage area for chemicals? Yes/No
S11.3.q2 Is there a separate prep room (to prepare demonstrations or lab assignments)? Yes/No
S11.3.q3 Is there a gas connection? Yes/No
S11.3.q4 Is there a built-in fume hood? Yes/No
S11.3.q5 Is biology or chemistry taught in this room? Yes/No
Section 11.4 - Art Rooms
Please describe all the school’s art rooms in this section by answering the questions below for art room or group of rooms. In the web version, additional rooms are added by clicking on the “Add New Art Rooms” button.
S11.q1 Number of rooms fitting this description
S11.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S11.q3 Square footage
S11.q4 Lowest grade level served
S11.q5 Highest grade level served
S11.q6 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S11.q7 Is there a functioning sink (with water)? Yes/No
S11.q8 Is there a storage closet? Yes/No
S11.4.q1 Is there a functioning kiln? Yes/No
Section 11.5 - Music Rooms
Please describe all the school’s music rooms in this section by answering the questions below for music room or group of rooms. In the web version, additional rooms are added by clicking on the “Add New Music Room” button.
S11.q1 Number of rooms fitting this description
S11.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S11.q3 Square footage
S11.q4 Lowest grade level served
S11.q5 Highest grade level served
S11.q6 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S11.q8 Is there a storage closet? Yes/No
Section 11.6 - Special Education Resource Rooms
Please describe all the school’s special education resource rooms in this section by answering the questions below for each special education resource room or group of rooms. In the web version, additional rooms are added by clicking on the “Add Special Education Resource Room” button.
S11.q1 Number of rooms fitting this description
S11.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S11.q3 Square footage
S11.q4 Lowest grade level served
S11.q5 Highest grade level served
S11.q6 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S11.q7 Is there a functioning sink (with water)? Yes/No
S11.6.q1 Is there an accessible bathroom? Yes/No
Section 11.7 - Gym, Auditorium, and Lunchroom
Please describe all the school’s gyms, auditoriums, and lunchrooms in this section by answering the questions below for each gym, auditorium, and lunchroom. In the web version, additional rooms are added by clicking on the “Add Gym, Auditorium, and Lunchroom” button.
S11.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S11.q3 Square footage
S11.q4 Lowest grade level served
S11.q5 Highest grade level served
S11.q6 Is this a modular room (trailer)? Yes/No
S11.7.q1 Room use #1
Auditorium (includes use for assemblies, plays, theater and rainy day room)
S11.7.q2 Room use #2
Auditorium (includes use for assemblies, plays, theater and rainy day room)
S11.7.q3 Room use #3
Auditorium (includes use for assemblies, plays, theater and rainy day room)
Section 11.8 - Health Clinic
Please describe all the school’s health clinics in this section by answering the questions below for each health clinic or group of clinics. In the web version, additional clinics are added by clicking on the “Add Health Clinic” button.
S11.q2 Maximum # of students (at one time)
S11.q3 Square footage
S11.8.q1 Does the health clinic have a sink? Yes/No
S11.8.q2 Does the health clinic have a restroom? Yes/No
Section 12- Decision Making Process for Facilities
S12.q1 In the space below, please describe the school’s decision making process when selecting the current facility.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Snap Questionnaire |
Author | Jody |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-26 |