RM05-5-022 Standards for Business Practices of Public Utilities (second errata)

RM05-5-022 Standards for Business Practices of Public Utilities (second errata).pdf

FERC-717, (Final Rule in RM05-5-022) Open Access Same-Time Information System and Standards for Business Practices & Communication Protocols

RM05-5-022 Standards for Business Practices of Public Utilities (second errata)

OMB: 1902-0173

Document [pdf]
Download: pdf | pdf

801 Travis, Suite 1675 • Houston, Texas 77002 • Phone: (713) 356-0060 • Fax: (713) 356-0067
email: [email protected] • Web Site Address: www.naesb.org

November 27, 2013
Filed Electronically

The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street N.E., Room 1A
Washington, D.C. 20426


Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities (Docket Nos. RM05-5000, RM05-5-022)

Dear Ms. Bose:
The North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) herewith voluntarily submits this report to the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or “Commission”) regarding errata to Version 003 of the NAESB
Wholesale Electric Quadrant (“WEQ”) standards currently the subject of the FERC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
in Docket No. RM05-5-022 issued on July 18, 2013. The NAESB WEQ Version 003 standards were ratified by the
NAESB membership and published on July 31, 2012 and submitted to the FERC on September 18, 2012. On
January 29, 2013, NAESB submitted a report to the Commission noting the ratification of modifications to several
business practice standards that support the NAESB Public Key Infrastructure (“WEQ-012”) standards. These are
also the subject of the July 18, 2013 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The minor corrections included in this report
were adopted by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013 and October 22, 2013.
This report is filed electronically in Adobe Acrobat® Portable Document Format (.pdf). All of the referenced
documents are available on the NAESB web site (www.naesb.org). Should you need the report in an editable format,
we can provide it in Microsoft® Word® 2010. Please feel free to call me at (713) 356-0060 or refer to the NAESB
website (www.naesb.org) should you have any questions or need additional information regarding the errata to the
NAESB WEQ Versions 003 standards or any other NAESB work products.
Respectfully submitted,

Mr. Jonathan Booe
Vice President, North American Energy Standards Board


801 Travis, Suite 1675 • Houston, Texas 77002 • Phone: (713) 356-0060 • Fax: (713) 356-0067
email: [email protected] • Web Site Address: www.naesb.org

November 27, 2013
Page 2


Acting Chairman Cheryl LaFleur, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Commissioner Tony Clark, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Commissioner Philip D. Moeller, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Commissioner John R. Norris, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Mr. Michael Bardee, Director, Office of Electric Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory
Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin, Office Director, Office of Energy Market Regulations,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Mr. David Morenoff, Acting General Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Ms. Jamie L. Simler, Director, Office of Energy Policy and Innovation, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission
Mr. Mason Emnett, Associate Director, Office of Energy Policy and Innovation, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission
Mr. Michael Goldenberg, Senior Attorney, Office of General Counsel, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission
Ms. Rae McQuade, President, North American Energy Standards Board
Mr. Michael Desselle, Chairman and CEO, North American Energy Standards Board
Ms. Valerie Crockett, Vice Chairman, North American Energy Standards Board
Mr. William P. Boswell, General Counsel, North American Energy Standards Board


801 Travis, Suite 1675 • Houston, Texas 77002 • Phone: (713) 356-0060 • Fax: (713) 356-0067
email: [email protected] • Web Site Address: www.naesb.org


Standards for Business Practices
And Communication Protocols for Public Utilities )

Docket No. RM05-5-000
Docket No. RM05-5-022


The North American Energy Standards Board (“NAESB”) is voluntarily submitting this report in accordance with
the Commission’s Orders in the above referenced docket. This report is organized into appendices; the first six
appendices reference the specific minor correction. The last three appendices reference the NAESB Wholesale
Electric Quadrant (“WEQ”) Executive Committee (“EC”) action approving the WEQ minor correction, the notice to
WEQ membership of the WEQ EC adoption of the minor correction, and NAESB Operating Procedures for minor
clarifications and corrections to standards, respectively.
The list of appendices shown below in tabular form includes the FERC docket number(s) for the amended
standard(s), the version(s) of standard(s) amended, and a description of the amendments:
Appendix No.

Minor Correction Description

Appendix 1

MC13013: [RM05-5-022], minor correction – To comply with 18 CFR 37.7(b) – Auditing
Transmission Service Information [Order 889, 61 FR 21764, May 10, 1996, as amended by Order
889-A, 62 FR 12504, Mar. 14, 1997; Order 890, 72 FR 12496, Mar. 15, 2007]in the following
NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standard, Version 003:

Appendix 2

MC13015: [RM05-5-022], minor correction – make consistency changes by changing “HTML”
to “browser-based” in the following NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003:

Appendix 3

Business Practice Standards WEQ-002 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) and Communication Protocol (S&CP), Version 2.0

Business Practice Standards WEQ-002 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) and Communication Protocol (S&CP), Version 2.0

MC13017: [RM05-5-022], minor correction – correct references to the NAESB WEQ Business
Practice Standards by changing “WEQ-009” to “WEQ-001-9” and “WEQ-010” to “WEQ-001-10”
in the following NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003:

Business Practice Standards WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS), Version 2.0

Report of the North American Energy Standards Board
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013
Page 2

Appendix No.

Minor Correction Description

Appendix 4

MC13019: [RM05-5-022], minor correction – corrections to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ
Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC
to its OSEC Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 35, 154, 284, 300, and 341 Tariff
Filings as noted in the August 12, 2013 FERC Update
(http://www.naesb.org/misc/ferc_osec_implementation_guide_elec_filing_081213_update.pdf ) in
the following NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003:
• Business Practice Standards WEQ-014-A NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for
Electronic Tariff Filing, Version 003

Appendix 5

MC13024: [RM05-5-022], minor correction – clarify the data definition differences for the
OASIS Data Dictionary Element Name STATUS found in WEQ-003-0 OASIS Data Dictionary
and the data definitions found in WEQ-013-2.2 Transaction Status and WEQ-013-101.4 NITS
Application and Modification of Service Status. in the following NAESB WEQ Business Practice
Standards, Version 003:

Appendix 6

Business Practice Standards WEQ-003 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) Data Dictionary, Version 2.0
Business Practice Standards WEQ-013 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) Implementation Guide, Version 2.0

MC13025: [RM05-5-022], minor correction – make consistency changes to NAESB Wholesale
Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards WEQ-000, WEQ-001, WEQ-002, and
WEQ-013, version 2.0 published in WEQ Business Practice Standards version 003:

Business Practice Standards WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms
Business Practice Standards WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS), Version 2.0
Business Practice Standards WEQ-002 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) and Communication Protocol (S&CP), Version 2.0
Business Practice Standards WEQ-013 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
(OASIS) Implementation Guide, Version 2.0

Appendix 7

NAESB WEQ Executive Committee notational ballot results approving NAESB WEQ minor

Appendix 8

Notice to WEQ members of Executive Committee adoption of minor corrections.

Appendix 9

NAESB operating procedures for minor clarifications and corrections to standards.

Appendix 1 – Minor Correction MC13013
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Appendix 1 contains Minor Correction MC13013, minor correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice
Standards, Version 003: Business Practice Standards WEQ-002 Open Access Same-Time Information
Systems (OASIS) and Communication Protocol (S&CP), Version 2.0 as approved by the WEQ EC on
August 20, 2013.

Appendix 1 - Page 1 of 3

Appendix 1 – Minor Correction MC13013
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013
North American Energy Standards Board
Request for Minor Correction/Clarification of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model
Business Practice or Electronic Transaction

Date of Request: July 11, 2013
1. Submitting Entity & Address:
Southern Company Services and NAESB Office
600 North 18th Street, Birmingham, AL 35291-8210
2. Contact Person, Phone #, Fax #, Electronic Mailing Address:

JT Wood
Reliability Standards Project Manager
[email protected]

3. Version and Standard Number(s) suggested for correction or clarification:
NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-3.4i,
OASIS S&CP, version 2.0 published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version 003.
4. Description of Minor Correction/Clarification including redlined standards corrections:
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-3.4i (Redlined):
i. Time-Stamped OASIS Audit Log
All posting of Transmission Service Information, all updating of Transmission Service
Information, all user logins and disconnects, all user download requests, all service requests,
and all other transactions shall be time stamped and stored in an OASIS Audit Log. This
OASIS Audit Log shall be the official record of interactions, and shall be maintained on-line
for download for at least 90 days. Changes in the values of posted ATC must be stored in the
on-line OASIS Audit Log for 20 days. Audit records must be maintained for 3 years 5 years
off-line and available in electronic form within seven days of a Transmission Customer
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-3.4i (Clean):
i. Time-Stamped OASIS Audit Log
All posting of Transmission Service Information, all updating of Transmission Service
Information, all user logins and disconnects, all user download requests, all service requests,
and all other transactions shall be time stamped and stored in an OASIS Audit Log. This
OASIS Audit Log shall be the official record of interactions, and shall be maintained on-line
for download for at least 90 days. Changes in the values of posted ATC must be stored in the

Appendix 1 - Page 2 of 3

Appendix 1 – Minor Correction MC13013
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

on-line OASIS Audit Log for 20 days. Audit records must be maintained for 5 years off-line
and available in electronic form within seven days of a Transmission Customer request.
5. Reason for of Minor Correction/Clarification:
To comply with 18 CFR 37.7(b) – Auditing Transmission Service Information [Order 889, 61
FR 21764, May 10, 1996, as amended by Order 889-A, 62 FR 12504, Mar. 14, 1997; Order 890,
72 FR 12496, Mar. 15, 2007]

Appendix 1 - Page 3 of 3

Appendix 2 – Minor Correction MC13015
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Appendix 2 contains Minor Correction MC13015, minor correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice
Standards, Version 003: Business Practice Standards WEQ-002 Open Access Same-Time Information
Systems (OASIS) and Communication Protocol (S&CP), Version 2.0 as approved by the WEQ EC on
August 20, 2013.

Appendix 2 - Page 1 of 4

Appendix 2 – Minor Correction MC13015
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013
North American Energy Standards Board
Request for Minor Correction/Clarification of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model
Business Practice or Electronic Transaction

Date of Request: July 16, 2013
3. Submitting Entity & Address:
Southern Company Services and NAESB Office
600 North 18th Street, Birmingham, AL 35291-8210
4. Contact Person, Phone #, Fax #, Electronic Mailing Address:

JT Wood
Reliability Standards Project Manager
[email protected]

3. Version and Standard Number(s) suggested for correction or clarification:
NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards WEQ-002-3.3a, b,
and d, WEQ-002-3.4b(i), WEQ-002-4.2.2a, WEQ-002-, WEQ-002- and WEQ002-, OASIS S&CP, version 2.0 published in WEQ BPS version 003.
4. Description of Minor Correction/Clarification including redlined standards corrections:

a. Display
TSIPs shall format all Transmission Service Information in HTMLbrowser-based format
such that it may be viewed and read directly by users without requiring them to download
it. This information shall be in clear English as much as possible, with the definitions of
any mnemonics or abbreviations available on-line. The minimum information that is to be
displayed is provided in the OASIS Templates in Business Practice Standard WEQ-0024.3.
b. Read-Only Access to Transmission Service Information
For security reasons, users shall have read-only access to the Transmission Service
Information. They shall not be permitted to enter any information except where explicitly
allowed, such as HTMLbrowser-based transaction request forms or by the OASIS
Templates in Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-4.3.

Appendix 2 - Page 2 of 4

Appendix 2 – Minor Correction MC13015
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

d. On-Line Data Entry on Forms
Transmission Customers shall be permitted to fill out on-line the HTMLbrowser-based
forms supplied by the TSIPs, for requesting the purchase of services and for posting of
products for sale (by Transmission Customers who are Resellers). Transmission Customers
shall also be permitted to fill-out and post want- ads.

b. General Postings
Each Transmission Provider shall provide general information on how to use their
OASIS Node and describe all special aspects, such as line losses, congestion charges
and assistance. The address for the directory of this information shall be INFO.HTM
(case sensitive), an HTMLbrowser-based web page, linked to the Transmission
Provider's registered OASIS URL address. See Business Practice Standard WEQ-0024.5 for information required to be on the web page INFO.HTM.

002-4.2.2 OASIS Data Dictionary
The following are the requirements for the OASIS Data Dictionary:
a. Definition of Data Elements
All Data Elements shall be defined in the OASIS Data Dictionary which will be stored in
the OASIS Node directory:
(datadic.htm | datadic.txt)
- Where:
- datadic.htm is the HTMLbrowser-based version of the OASIS Data
Dictionary (case sensitive)
- datadic.txt is the ASCII text version of the OASIS Data Dictionary (case
- The OASIS Data Dictionary is defined in Business Practice Standard WEQ-003.
002- Response to Input
In response to a validly formatted input for each input/response OASIS Template, the
OASIS Node shall return an indication as to the success/failure of the requested action. The
OASIS Node shall respond to the input in one of two forms, based on the
OUTPUT_FORMAT, which was input by a user either as a Query Variable or in a CSV
format header record:
If the user requests the response to have the format of "HTML" (OUTPUT_FORMAT
=HTML) then the response from the OASIS Node shall be a web page using the
HTMLbrowser-based format. This shall be the default for all input/response OASIS
Templates invoked using either the FORM, GET or POST methods of input.

Appendix 2 - Page 3 of 4

Appendix 2 – Minor Correction MC13015
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

002- General
It is critical that all users of OASIS Nodes have a clear and unambiguous representation of
time associated with all information transferred to/from OASIS Nodes. For this reason, all
Data Elements associated with time in OASIS Nodes shall represent "wall clock" times,
which are NOT to be confused with other common industry conventions such as "hour
ending." For the convenience of the user community, OASIS Nodes shall be allowed to
accept the input and display of "time" in any acceptable form provided such non-standard
representations are clearly labeled on the associated HTMLbrowser-based screens.
Alternate representations of time in CSV formatted messages shall not be allowed. The
following rules shall be implemented in OASIS Nodes for the representation of time on
user entries input (query and input) and output (response) OASIS Templates.
002- HTML Output
Specification of the Query Variable OUTPUT_FORMAT=HTML shall minimally result in
an audit report formatted identically to the CSV Format (OUTPUT_FORMAT=DATA)
with the exception that the response shall be returned using the HTTP header "Contenttype: text/plain" specification. This will result in the CSV data records being rendered in
simple text within the user's web-browser. More sophisticated HTMLbrowser-based
formatted responses to audit queries may be provided by the TSIPs at their discretion.
6. Reason for of Minor Correction/Clarification:
To make consistency changes to the NAESB WEQ OASIS S&CP Business Practice Standards.

Appendix 2 - Page 4 of 4

Appendix 3 – Minor Correction MC13017
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Appendix 3 contains Minor Correction MC13017, minor correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice
Standards, Version 003: Business Practice Standards WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information
Systems (OASIS), Version 2.0 as approved by the WEQ EC on August 20, 2013.

Appendix 3 - Page 1 of 2

Appendix 3 – Minor Correction MC13017
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013
North American Energy Standards Board
Request for Minor Correction/Clarification of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model
Business Practice or Electronic Transaction

Date of Request: 7/30/2013

1. Submitting Entity & Address:
P.O. Box 4202
Carmel, IN 46082-4202

2. Contact Person, Phone #, Fax #, Electronic Mailing Address:

Edward Skiba
Consulting Advisor
[email protected]

3. Version and Standard Number(s) suggested for correction or clarification:
Version 2.1 and Version 3.0 WEQ-001-11.1.6
4. Description of Minor Correction/Clarification including redlined standards corrections:
001-11.1.6 The Assignee shall have the right to Redirect rights acquired through a Resale in
accordance with this Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-11 subject to Business
Practice Standard WEQ-001-11.6 and Business Practice Standards WEQ-001-9 and
5. Reason for of Minor Correction/Clarification:
In reviewing the Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-11.1.6, which is associated to Redirect
Rights through a Resale, MISO noticed that the standard references WEQ-009 Standards of
Conduct for Electric Transmission Providers and WEQ-010 Contracts Related to Business
Practice Standards. The correct references should be WEQ-001-9 Requirements for Dealing
with Redirects on a Firm Basis and WEQ-001-10 Requirements for Dealing with Redirects on a
Non-Firm Basis.

Appendix 3 - Page 2 of 2

Appendix 4 – Minor Correction MC13019
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Appendix 4 contains Minor Correction MC13019, minor correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice
Standard WEQ-014-A Version 003 and WGQ Standard No. 11.4.1 Version 2.1 (Implementation Guide for
Electronic Tariff Filing) as approved by the WEQ EC on October 22, 2013 and the WGQ EC on October
24, 2013.

Appendix 4 - Page 1 of 3

Appendix 4 – Minor Correction MC13019
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2013
North American Energy Standards Board
Request for Minor Correction/Clarification of NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation
Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing
(NAESB Business Practice Standard WEQ-014-A and WGQ Standard No. 11.4.1)
Date of Request:

Submitting Entity & Address:
Entity Name:
Street Address:
Address 2:
City, State, Zip:


North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB)
801 Travis Street
Suite 1675
Houston, Texas 77002

Contact Person, Phone #, Fax #, Electronic Mailing Address:

Denise Rager
Standards and Membership Administrator

Phone #:






[email protected]

Version and Standard Number(s) suggested for correction or clarifications:
Minor Correction for NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-014-A Version 003 and
WGQ Standard No. 11.4.1 Version 2.1 (Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing)


Description of Minor Correction / Clarification including redlined standards corrections:
Corrections to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to
correspond to modifications made by FERC to its OSEC Implementation Guide for Electronic
Filing of Parts 35, 154, 284, 300, and 341 Tariff Filings as noted in the following FERC Update:
(Updated August 12, 2013)
See attached – redline changes highlighted in yellow


Reason for Minor Correction / Clarification:
The purpose of this request for minor correction is to make corresponding revisions to the
comparable sections of the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing.
The remaining portions of the NAESB WEQ/WGQ implementation guide are unchanged and
therefore, those pages are not included in this request.

Note: The section heading “Technical Specifications” and sub-section headings are provided below as a
reference in locating the redlined changes within the implementation guide. The remaining portions of the
NAESB WEQ/WGQ implementation guide are unchanged and therefore, those pages are not included in this

Appendix 4 - Page 2 of 3

Appendix 4 – Minor Correction MC13019
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Technical Specifications
Electronic Delivery Specifications

High-level Summary

The following section …

Format of Upload Data

The eFiling portal …

Login/authentication Requirements
In order to submit…
eFiling Requirements:
The FERC’s eFiling …
Company Registration Requirements:
To log into FERC’s eTariff portal, the User will be required to have a Company Identifier and password. This
Company Identifier is unique for each company filing tariffs, rate schedules, or service agreements with FERC.
All Users will enter the same Company Identifier for a given company. This Company Identifier’s password is
company proprietary and should be treated as such. Instructions on how to obtain a Company Identifier and
password are located at FERC’s Online Company Registration application, located at www.ferc.gov. Note:
The eTariff Company Identifier should not be confused with the data element Company Identifier contained in
the data dictionary.


Minimum Technical Capabilities of Browser Clients

FERC’s eFiling portal is compatible with most common internet browsers, but is optimized for use with Microsoft®
Internet Explorer 7.09.

Error Codes and Handling

Error codes that …

Security Specifications

Tariff Submitters are responsible for security of the Company Identifier’s password and all data contained in their
filing that resides on their internal systems. The Company Identifier is public information.
Electronic transfer of the ZIP file is via the FERC eFiling portal using secure login (from eRegistration) and HTTPS
for User interaction, and data transfer using a web browser. Refer to FERC eFiling specifications for minimal
requirements of browsers using FERC web pages located at www.ferc.gov.
Data security at FERC is the responsibility of FERC.

Appendix 4 - Page 3 of 3

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Appendix 5 contains Minor Correction MC13024, minor correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice
Standards, Version 003: Business Practice Standards WEQ-003 Open Access Same-Time Information
Systems (OASIS) Data Dictionary, Version 2.0 and Business Practice Standards WEQ-013 Open Access
Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Implementation Guide, Version 2.0 as approved by the WEQ
EC on October 22, 2013.

Appendix 5 - Page 1 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2013
North American Energy Standards Board
Request for Minor Correction/Clarification of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model
Business Practice or Electronic Transaction
Date of Request:

September 19, 2013

Submitting Entity & Address:
Southern Company Services
600 North 18th Street, Birmingham, AL 35291-8210


Contact Person, Phone #, Fax #, Electronic Mailing Address:


JT Wood
Reliability Standards Project Manager
[email protected]

Version and Standard Number(s) suggested for correction or clarification:
NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standard WEQ-003, OASIS Data
Dictionary, version 2.0 published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version 003 and NAESB
Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standard WEQ-013, OASIS Implementation
Guide, version 2.0 published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version 003.


Description of Minor Correction/Clarification including redlined standards corrections:


Reason for of Minor Correction/Clarification:
Clarify the data definition differences for the OASIS Data Dictionary Element Name STATUS found in
WEQ-003-0 OASIS Data Dictionary and the data definitions found in WEQ-013-2.2 Transaction Status
and WEQ-013-101.4 NITS Application and Modification of Service Status.

Appendix 5 - Page 2 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Attachment: Redlined and Clean standards corrections
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-013-2 (Redlined):


The basic OASIS transaction process for PTP is described below. This OASIS Implementation
Guide also provides additional requirements and guidance for processing specific types of business
transactions in the implementation of OASIS. Note that the Transmission Provider may, but is not
limited to, interacting with OASIS using the Transmission Customer template or user interface.
Transmission Providers may also implement OASIS functions on back-end systems and are not
required to perform all transaction processing on an OASIS Node proper, provided that the results of
all transaction processing are correctly posted on OASIS as required by the tariff, regulation, or other
established Business Practices.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-013-2 (Clean):


The basic OASIS transaction process for PTP is described below. This OASIS Implementation
Guide also provides additional requirements and guidance for processing specific types of business
transactions in the implementation of OASIS. Note that the Transmission Provider may, but is not
limited to, interacting with OASIS using the Transmission Customer template or user interface.
Transmission Providers may also implement OASIS functions on back-end systems and are not
required to perform all transaction processing on an OASIS Node proper, provided that the results of
all transaction processing are correctly posted on OASIS as required by the tariff, regulation, or other
established Business Practices.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-013-2.1 (Redlined):


The following are the valid OASIS transaction request types for PTP (OASIS Template Data Element
REQUEST_TYPE) that may be submitted by the Transmission Customer unless otherwise noted,
along with a brief description of their intended use:
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-013-2.1 (Clean):


The following are the valid OASIS transaction request types for PTP (OASIS Template Data Element
REQUEST_TYPE) that may be submitted by the Transmission Customer unless otherwise noted,
along with a brief description of their intended use:
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-013-2.2 (Redlined):


The following are the defined values for PTP that may appear in the STATUS Data
Element associated with a given OASIS transaction:
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-013-2.2 (Clean):


The following are the defined values for PTP that may appear in the STATUS Data
Element associated with a given OASIS transaction:

Appendix 5 - Page 3 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-003-0 (Redlined):

Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name




Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

Valid Values:

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) initial status assigned by the TSIP on receipt of
"Transmission Customer services purchase request".
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) initial status assigned by the TSIP on receipt
of "Transmission Customer services purchase request"
or “Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer NITS
Application request”.
(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the TSIP or Transmission Provider
indicating an invalid field in the request, such as
improper POR, POD, SOURCE, SINK, etc. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the TSIP or Transmission
Provider indicating an invalid field in the request, such
as improper POR, POD, SOURCE, SINK, etc. or that
the request does not meet minimum information or data
requirements. (Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 4 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element


(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller to acknowledge QUEUED requests and
indicate the Transmission Service request is being
evaluated, including for completing the required
ancillary services.
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) to acknowledge QUEUED requests
and indicate the service request is being evaluated,
including for completing the required ancillary services.
(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller to indicate some level of study is required or
being performed to evaluate Transmission Service
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) to indicate some level of study is
required or being performed to evaluate service request.
(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller to indicate Transmission Service request has
been denied due to lack of ATC. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) to indicate service request has
been denied due to lack of ATC. (Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 5 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller to indicate that a new value for OFFER_PRICE
and/or CAPACITY_GRANTED over time is being
proposed in the negotiation of requested Transmission
Service, (i.e., offering of Partial Service or negotiation
of price).
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) to indicate that a new
time is being proposed in the negotiation of requested
service (i.e., offering of Partial Service or negotiation of
(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by Transmission Provider to indicate
that a new value for OFFER_PRICE and/or
CAPACITY_GRANTED over time is being proposed
in the negotiation of requested service for a Coordinated
Request (i.e., offering of Partial Service or negotiation
of price).
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) to indicate that a new
time is being proposed in the negotiation of requested
service for Coordinated Request (i.e., offering of Partial
Service or negotiation of price).

Appendix 5 - Page 6 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Customer to
indicate that a new value for BID_PRICE and/or
CAPACITY_REQUESTED over time is being
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer to indicate that a new value for
BID_PRICE (PTP only) and/or
CAPACITY_REQUESTED over time is being
(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller when a request which has not yet been
confirmed is preempted by another Transmission
Service request. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) when a request which has not yet
been confirmed is preempted by another reservation
request. (Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 7 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller to indicate the Transmission Service request at
the designated BID_PRICE and
approved/accepted. Depending upon the type of
ancillary services required, the Seller may or may
not require all ancillary service reservations to be
completed before accepting a Transmission Service
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) to indicate the service request at the
designated BID_PRICE and
approved/accepted. Depending upon the type of
ancillary services required, the Seller may or may not
require all ancillary service reservations to be
completed before accepting a request.

Appendix 5 - Page 8 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider to
indicate the Coordinated Request at the designated
approved/accepted. Depending upon the type of
ancillary services required, the Seller may or may
not require all ancillary service reservations to be
completed before accepting a Coordinated Request.
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) to indicate the Coordinated Request
at the designated BID_PRICE and
approved/accepted. Depending upon the type of
ancillary services required, the Seller may or may not
require all ancillary service reservations to be
completed before accepting a Coordinated Request.

Appendix 5 - Page 9 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller to indicate that the terms and conditions of the
Transmission Service request, such as the BID_PRICE,
are unacceptable and that negotiations are terminated or
that contractual terms and conditions have not been met.
(Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) to indicate that the terms and
conditions of the request, such as the BID_PRICE, are
unacceptable and that negotiations are terminated or
that contractual terms have not been met or the Eligible
Customer or Transmission Customer has failed to
respond to a deficiency within an established time
frame. (Final state)
(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller when the Transmission Customer fails to
confirm or withdraw the Transmission Service request
within the required time period. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) when the Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer fails to confirm or withdraw
the request within the required time period. (Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 10 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Customer during
an Transmission Service request evaluation to withdraw
the Transmission Service request from any further
action. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer during a request evaluation to
withdraw the request from any further action. (Final
(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Customer in
response to the Transmission Provider or Reseller
to confirm service. Once a request has been set to
CONFIRMED, STATUS a Transmission Service
reservation exists. (Final state, unless overridden by
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer in response to the Transmission
Provider or Reseller (PTP only) posting "ACCEPTED",
“CR_COUNTEROFFER” STATUS, to confirm service
or the NITS Application. Once a request has been
"CONFIRMED", a Transmission Service reservation
exists or the NITS Application is completed. (Final
state, unless overridden by DISPLACED or

Appendix 5 - Page 11 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission Provider or
Reseller when a confirmed Transmission Service
reservation from a Transmission Customer is displaced
by a higher priority Transmission Service reservation
and the Transmission Customer is not offered or has not
exercised right of first refusal (i.e. refused to match
terms of new request). (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) (PTP and Secondary Network Transmission
Service only) - assigned by the Transmission Provider
or Reseller when a "CONFIRMED" reservation from a
Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer is
displaced by a higher priority reservation, and the
Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer is not
offered or has not exercised right of first refusal (i.e.,
refused to match terms of new request). (Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 12 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

STATUS (continued)


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-2.2) assigned by the Seller when, by mutual
agreement with the Transmission Customer, a
confirmed Transmission Service reservation or preconfirmed Transmission Service request is to be
voided, or assigned unilaterally by the Transmission
Provider when a Resale Transmission Service
reservation is to be voided. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Seller when, by mutual
agreement with the Eligible Customer or Transmission
Customer, a confirmed reservation, NITS Application,
or pre-confirmed request is to be voided or assigned
unilaterally by the Transmission Provider when a
Resale reservation is to be voided or NITS Application
is to be voided. (Final state)
(PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by OASIS prior to submission by
the Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer in a
workspace to be saved while developing a NITS
Application or request for modification of service such
that the NITS Application or request for modification of
service can be submitted at a later date.

Appendix 5 - Page 13 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name


Field Format:
minimum characters
{type of ASCII}
maximum characters

Restricted Values

Definition of Data Element

(PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider to
indicate that a correctable deficiency in the NITS
Application or request for modification of service, such
as missing, incomplete, or inconsistent information.
STATUS (continued)

(PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Transmission Provider to
indicate that there are no deficiencies or all deficiencies
in the NITS Application or request for modification of
service have been met.
(PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer during the NITS Application or
request for modification of service process indicating
that deficiencies have been corrected, and the
revised NITS Application or request for modification
of service is ready for review.
(PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice Standard WEQ013-101.4) assigned by the Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer to permanently remove a
PRESUBMITTED request from the Pre-submittal
Workspace. (Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 14 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-003-0 (Clean):

Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name


Valid Values:

QUEUED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) initial status assigned
by the TSIP on receipt of "Transmission
Customer services purchase request".
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) initial status
assigned by the TSIP on receipt of
"Transmission Customer services purchase
request" or “Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer NITS Application
INVALID – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the TSIP
or Transmission Provider indicating an invalid
field in the request, such as improper POR,
POD, SOURCE, SINK, etc. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
TSIP or Transmission Provider indicating an
invalid field in the request, such as improper
POR, POD, SOURCE, SINK, etc. or that the
request does not meet minimum information or
data requirements. (Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 15 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
RECEIVED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller to
acknowledge QUEUED requests and indicate
the Transmission Service request is being
evaluated, including for completing the
required ancillary services.
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
to acknowledge QUEUED requests and
indicate the service request is being evaluated,
including for completing the required ancillary
STUDY – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller to indicate
some level of study is required or being
performed to evaluate Transmission Service
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
to indicate some level of study is required or
being performed to evaluate service request.

Appendix 5 - Page 16 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
REFUSED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller to indicate
Transmission Service request has been denied
due to lack of ATC. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
to indicate service request has been denied due
to lack of ATC. (Final state)
COUNTEROFFER – (PTP Definition in Business
Practice Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by
the Transmission Provider or Reseller to
indicate that a new value for OFFER_PRICE
and/or CAPACITY_GRANTED over time is
being proposed in the negotiation of requested
Transmission Service (i.e., offering of Partial
Service or negotiation of price).
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
to indicate that a new OFFER_PRICE and/or
CAPACITY_GRANTED over time is being
proposed in the negotiation of requested
service (i.e., offering of Partial Service or
negotiation of price).

Appendix 5 - Page 17 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
CR_COUNTEROFFER – (PTP Definition in Business
Practice Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by
Transmission Provider to indicate that a new
value for OFFER_PRICE and/or
CAPACITY_GRANTED over time is being
proposed in the negotiation of requested
service for a Coordinated Request (i.e.,
offering of Partial Service or negotiation of
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
to indicate that a new OFFER_PRICE and/or
CAPACITY_GRANTED over time is being
proposed in the negotiation of requested
service for a Coordinated Request (i.e.,
offering of Partial Service or negotiation of
REBID – (PTP Definition in Business Practice Standard
WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the Transmission
Customer to indicate that a new value for
BID_PRICE and/or
CAPACITY_REQUESTED over time is being
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer
to indicate that a new value for BID_PRICE
over time is being proposed.

Appendix 5 - Page 18 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
SUPERSEDED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller when a
request which has not yet been confirmed is
preempted by another Transmission Service
request. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
when a request which has not yet been
confirmed is preempted by another reservation
request. (Final state)
ACCEPTED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller to indicate
the Transmission Service request at the
designated BID_PRICE and
approved/accepted. Depending upon the type
of ancillary services required, the Seller may
or may not require all ancillary service
reservations to be completed before accepting a
Transmission Service request.
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
to indicate the service request at the designated
has been approved/accepted. Depending upon
the type of ancillary services required, the
Seller may or may not require all ancillary
service reservations to be completed before
accepting a request.

Appendix 5 - Page 19 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
CR_ACCEPTED - (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider to indicate the
Coordinated Request at the designated
has been approved/accepted. Depending upon
the type of ancillary services required, the
Seller may or may not require all ancillary
service reservations to be completed before
accepting a Coordinated Request.
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
to indicate the Coordinated Request at the
designated BID_PRICE and
approved/accepted. Depending upon the type
of ancillary services required, the Seller may or
may not require all ancillary service
reservations to be completed before accepting a
Coordinated Request.

Appendix 5 - Page 20 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
DECLINED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller to indicate
that the terms and conditions of the
Transmission Service request, such as the
BID_PRICE, are unacceptable and that
negotiations are terminated or that contractual
terms and conditions have not been met. (Final
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
to indicate that the terms and conditions of the
request, such as the BID_PRICE, are
unacceptable and that negotiations are
terminated or that contractual terms have not
been met or the Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer has failed to respond
to a deficiency within an established time
frame. (Final state)
RETRACTED - (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller when the
Transmission Customer fails to confirm or
withdraw the Transmission Service request
within the required time period. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller (PTP only)
when the Eligible Customer or Transmission
Customer fails to confirm or withdraw the
request within the required time period. (Final

Appendix 5 - Page 21 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
WITHDRAWN – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Customer during an
Transmission Service request evaluation to
withdraw the Transmission Service request
from any further action. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer
during a request evaluation to withdraw the
request from any further action. (Final state)
CONFIRMED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Customer in response to the
Transmission Provider or Reseller posting
to confirm service. Once a request has been set
to CONFIRMED, STATUS a Transmission
Service reservation exists. (Final state, unless
overridden by DISPLACED or ANNULLED
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer
in response to the Transmission Provider or
Reseller (PTP only) posting "ACCEPTED",
service or the NITS Application. Once a
request has been "CONFIRMED", a
Transmission Service reservation exist. (Final
state unless overridden by DISPLACED or

Appendix 5 - Page 22 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
DISPLACED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the
Transmission Provider or Reseller when a
confirmed Transmission Service reservation
from a Transmission Customer is displaced by
a higher priority Transmission Service
reservation and the Transmission Customer is
not offered or has not exercised right of first
refusal (i.e. refused to match terms of new
request). (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) (PTP and
Secondary Network Transmission Service
only) – assigned by the Transmission Provider
or Reseller when a "CONFIRMED"
reservation from a Eligible Customer or
Transmission Customer is displaced by a
higher priority reservation, and the Eligible
Customer or Transmission Customer is not
offered or has not exercised right of first
refusal (i.e., refused to match terms of new
request). (Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 23 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
ANNULLED – (PTP Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-2.2) assigned by the Seller
when, by mutual agreement with the
Transmission Customer, a confirmed
Transmission Service reservation or preconfirmed Transmission Service request is
to be voided, or assigned unilaterally by the
Transmission Provider when a Resale
Transmission Service reservation is to be
voided. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Seller when, by mutual agreement with the
Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer,
a confirmed reservation, or pre-confirmed
request is to be voided or assigned unilaterally
by the Transmission Provider when a Resale
reservation is to be voided. (Final state)
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by OASIS
prior to submission by the Eligible Customer
or Transmission Customer in a workspace to
be saved while developing a NITS Application
or request for modification of service such that
the NITS Application or request for
modification of service can be submitted at a
later date.

Appendix 5 - Page 24 of 25

Appendix 5 – Minor Correction MC13024
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013


Definition of Data Element, Version 2.0

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
STATUS (continued)

Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name

OASIS Data Dictionary
Element Name
DEFICIENT – (PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider to indicate that a
correctable deficiency in the NITS Application
or request for modification of service, such as
missing, incomplete, or inconsistent
COMPLETED – (PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Transmission Provider to indicate that there are
no deficiencies or all deficiencies in the NITS
Application or request for modification of
service have been met.
REEVALUATE – (PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer
during the NITS Application or request for
modification of service process indicating that
deficiencies have been corrected, and the
revised NITS Application or request for
modification of service is ready for review.
DELETED – (PTP Definition) N/A
(NITS Definition in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-013-101.4) assigned by the
Eligible Customer or Transmission Customer
to permanently remove a PRESUBMITTED
request from the Pre-submittal Workspace.
(Final state)

Appendix 5 - Page 25 of 25

Appendix 6 – Minor Correction MC13025
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Appendix 6 contains Minor Correction MC13025, minor correction to NAESB Wholesale Electric
Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards Version 003: Business Practice Standards WEQ-000
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms, Business Practice Standards WEQ-001 Open Access
Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS), Version 2.0, Business Practice Standards WEQ-002 Open
Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) and Communication Protocol (S&CP), Version 2.0 and
Business Practice Standards WEQ-013 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS)
Implementation Guide as approved by the WEQ EC on October 22, 2013.

Appendix 6 – Page 1 of 12

Appendix 6 – Minor Correction MC13025
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2013
North American Energy Standards Board
Request for Minor Correction/Clarification of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model
Business Practice or Electronic Transaction
Date of Request:

September 25, 2013

1. Submitting Entity & Address:
Southern Company Services
600 North 18th Street, Birmingham, AL 35291-8210
2. Contact Person, Phone #, Fax #, Electronic Mailing Address:

JT Wood
Reliability Standards Project Manager
[email protected]

3. Version and Standard Number(s) suggested for correction or clarification:



NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standard WEQ-000, Abbreviations,
Acronyms, and Definition of Terms published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version
NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standard WEQ-001, OASIS, version
2.0 published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version 003,
NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standard WEQ-002, OASIS
Business Practice Standards and Communication Protocol (S&CP), version 2.0 published in NAESB
WEQ Business Practice Standards, version 003 and
NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standard WEQ-013, OASIS
Implementation Guide, version 2.0 published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version

4. Description of Minor Correction/Clarification including redlined standards corrections:

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Appendix 6 – Minor Correction MC13025
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-000-2 (Redlined):
Capacity Eligible for Rollover
The net amount of capacity that is held on a
long-term firm PTP Transmission Service
reservation with rollover rights after subtracting
the capacity held on any confirmed reservations
for Renewal of those rollover rights for a
subsequent term of service and after subtracting
any capacity conveyed as an on-going rollover
right to a qualifying confirmed Redirect on a
firm basis.1
The footnote:
1 Example: A Transmission Customer holds a
long-term firm PTP Transmission Service
Parent Reservation for 100 MW with rollover
limited to 90 MW pursuant to conditions
identified when the Parent Reservation was
negotiated. The Transmission Customer has
already confirmed a Renewal of 25 MW on the
Parent Reservation’s path and confirmed a
Redirect on a firm basis of an additional 20 MW
with conveyance of rollover rights to the
redirected path.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-000-2 (Clean):
Capacity Eligible for Rollover
The net amount of capacity that is held on a longterm firm PTP reservation with rollover rights
after subtracting the capacity held on any
confirmed reservations for Renewal of those
rollover rights for a subsequent term of service
and after subtracting any capacity conveyed as an
on-going rollover right to a qualifying confirmed
Redirect on a firm basis.1
The footnote:
1 Example: A Transmission Customer holds a
long-term firm PTP Parent Reservation for 100
MW with rollover limited to 90 MW pursuant to
conditions identified when the Parent Reservation
was negotiated. The Transmission Customer has
already confirmed a Renewal of 25 MW on the
Parent Reservation’s path and confirmed a
Redirect on a firm basis of an additional 20 MW
with conveyance of rollover rights to the
redirected path.

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Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-2 (Redlined):
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-2 Table 2-1 identifies the standard terminology in OASIS for
Values shown in Business Practice Standards WEQ-001-2 Table 2-1 as N/A (Not Applicable) are not
sufficiently common in the market to require standards.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-2 (Clean):
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-2 Table 2-1 identifies the standard terminology in OASIS for the
Practice Standards WEQ-001-2 Table 2-1 as N/A (Not Applicable) are not sufficiently common in the
market to require standards.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-2 (Redlined):
The existence of an attribute value in this table does not imply the services must be offered by a
Transmission Provider. Requirements as to which services must be offered are defined by regulation
and tariffs. Likewise, absence of a service period value in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-2
Table 2-1 does not restrict a Transmission Provider from offering a service. The intent of the table is
to establish common terminology associated with standard products.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-2 (Clean):
The existence of an attribute value in this table does not imply the services must be offered by a
Transmission Provider. Requirements as to which services must be offered are defined by regulation and
tariffs. Likewise, absence of a service period value in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-2 Table 2-1
does not restrict a Transmission Provider from offering a service. The intent of the table is to establish
common terminology associated with standard products.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.6 (Redlined):
A Transmission Provider/Reseller shall respond to a Transmission Customer’s service request,
consistent with filed tariffs, within the Transmission Provider evaluation time limit defined in
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 Request Timing Requirements. The time limit
is measured from the time the OASIS Transmission Service request is QUEUED. A Transmission
Provider may respond by setting the state of the reservation request to one of the following:

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Appendix 6 – Minor Correction MC13025
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.6 (Clean):
A Transmission Provider/Reseller shall respond to a Transmission Customer’s service request,
consistent with filed tariffs, within the Transmission Provider evaluation time limit defined in
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2. The time limit is measured from the time the
OASIS Transmission Service request is QUEUED. A Transmission Provider may respond by setting
the state of the reservation request to one of the following:
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.10 (Redlined):
Transmission Customer may change the status to CONFIRMED, REBID or WITHDRAWN. The
Transmission Customer has the amount of time designated as Transmission Customer confirmation
time limit in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 Request Timing Requirements to
change the state of the request to CONFIRMED. For Coordinated Requests, the Transmission
Customer confirmation time limit is measured from the time the last of all Coordinated Requests in
the Coordinated Group has been set to either CR_ACCEPTED, or CR_COUNTEROFFER or some
final state, and is not reset with subsequent iterations of negotiation. For all other requests, the
Transmission Customer confirmation time limit is measured from the first time the request is moved
to ACCEPTED or COUNTEROFFER, and is not reset with subsequent iterations of negotiation.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.10 (Clean):
Transmission Customer may change the status to CONFIRMED, REBID or WITHDRAWN. The
Transmission Customer has the amount of time designated as Transmission Customer confirmation
time limit in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 to change the state of the request
to CONFIRMED. For Coordinated Requests, the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit is
measured from the time the last of all Coordinated Requests in the Coordinated Group has been set to
either CR_ACCEPTED, or CR_COUNTEROFFER or some final state, and is not reset with
subsequent iterations of negotiation. For all other requests, the Transmission Customer confirmation
time limit is measured from the first time the request is moved to ACCEPTED or COUNTEROFFER,
and is not reset with subsequent iterations of negotiation.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.11 (Redlined):
After expiration of the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit, specified in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 Request Timing Requirements, the Transmission Provider has a
right to move the request to the RETRACTED state, with the following exception.

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Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.11 (Clean):
After expiration of the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit, specified in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2, the Transmission Provider has a right to move the request to the
RETRACTED state, with the following exception.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.11.1 (Redlined):
For a Coordinated Request, after expiration of the applicable confirmation time limit specified in
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 PTP Request Timing Requirements or WEQ001-105.1.5 Table 105-A NITS Request Timing Requirements, the Transmission Provider has a right
to move a request with the STATUS of CR_ACCEPTED to the CONFIRMED state and to move a
request with the STATUS of CR_COUNTEROFFER to the RETRACTED state.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.11.1 (Clean):
For a Coordinated Request, after expiration of the applicable confirmation time limit specified in
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 or WEQ-001-105.1.5 Table 105-A, the
Transmission Provider has a right to move a request with the STATUS of CR_ACCEPTED to the
CONFIRMED state and to move a request with the STATUS of CR_COUNTEROFFER to the
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.12 (Redlined):
Should the Transmission Customer elect to initiate or continue the negotiation of price and/or
capacity by moving a Transmission Service request to REBID, the Transmission Provider shall
respond by taking the request to a DECLINED, SUPERSEDED, ACCEPTED, or COUNTEROFFER
state within the Transmission Provider counter time limit, specified in Business Practice Standards
WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 Request Timing Requirements. The Transmission Provider response time is
measured from the most recent REBID time.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.12 (Clean):
Should the Transmission Customer elect to initiate or continue the negotiation of price and/or
capacity by moving a Transmission Service request to REBID, the Transmission Provider shall
respond by taking the request to a DECLINED, SUPERSEDED, ACCEPTED, or COUNTEROFFER
state within the Transmission Provider counter time limit, specified in Business Practice Standards
WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2. The Transmission Provider response time is measured from the most
recent REBID time.

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Appendix 6 – Minor Correction MC13025
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.16 (Redlined):
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.16 Table 4-3 describes the relative queue priorities of
competing service requests and reservations, with respect to the conditions whereby a subsequent
request preempts a previously queued request or reservation, and the rules for offering right-of-firstrefusal. If two competing requests, do not meet the specific criteria listed in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-001-4.16 Table: 4-3, the requests shall be evaluated and processed in a first-comefirst served order based on QUEUE_TIME. While the table indicates the relative priorities of two
competing requests, it also is intended to be applied in the more general case of more than two
competing requests.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.16 (Clean):
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.16 Table 4-3 describes the relative queue priorities of
competing service requests and reservations, with respect to the conditions whereby a subsequent
request preempts a previously queued request or reservation, and the rules for offering right-of-firstrefusal. If two competing requests, do not meet the specific criteria listed in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-001-4.16 Table 4-3, the requests shall be evaluated and processed in a first-come-first
served order based on QUEUE_TIME. While the table indicates the relative priorities of two
competing requests, it also is intended to be applied in the more general case of more than two
competing requests.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.18 (Redlined):
Given competing requests for a constrained resource when a right-of-first-refusal is not required to be
offered, the Transmission Provider may immediately move requests in the CONFIRMED state to
DISPLACED, or from any pending (not confirmed) state to SUPERSEDED, if the competing request
is of higher priority, based on the rules represented in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.16
Table 4-3. These state changes require dynamic notification to the Transmission Customer if the
Transmission Customer has requested dynamic notification on OASIS.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.18 (Clean):
Given competing requests for a constrained resource when a right-of-first-refusal is not required to be
offered, the Transmission Provider may immediately move requests in the CONFIRMED state to
DISPLACED, or from any pending (not confirmed) state to SUPERSEDED, if the competing request
is of higher priority, based on the rules represented in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.16
Table 4-3. These state changes require dynamic notification to the Transmission Customer if the
Transmission Customer has requested dynamic notification on OASIS.

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Appendix 6 – Minor Correction MC13025
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.20 (Redlined):
A Transmission Customer who has been extended a right-of-first-refusal according to Business
Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.16 Table 4-3 shall have a Transmission Customer confirmation time
limit equal to the lesser of (a) the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 or (b) 24 hours.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.20 (Clean):
A Transmission Customer who has been extended a right-of-first-refusal according to Business
Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.16 Table 4-3 shall have a Transmission Customer confirmation time
limit equal to the lesser of (a) the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 or (b) 24 hours.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-18 (Redlined):
The Transmission Provider shall incorporate Postbacks in the ATC posted on OASIS due to a change
in status of transmission reservations or unscheduled Firm Transmission Service or other conditions
according to the following Business Practice Standards WEQ-001-18.1 through WEQ-001-18.2. (See
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-D Table 18-4 and examples in Business Practice Standard
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-18 (Clean):
The Transmission Provider shall incorporate Postbacks in the ATC posted on OASIS due to a change
in status of transmission reservations or unscheduled Firm Transmission Service or other conditions
according to the following Business Practice Standards WEQ-001-18.1 through WEQ-001-18.2. (See
Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-D Table 18-4 and examples in Business Practice Standard
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-23.2.1 (Redlined):
The Coordinated Group shall be contiguous over time and path. Contiguity of a Coordinated Group
shall encompass all Coordinated Requests, and may include existing reservations, such that there shall
be no gaps in service over a commercially reservable path across all the Transmission Providers’
systems in the Coordinated Group from the earliest START_TIME of any Coordinated Request in the
Coordinated Group and the latest STOP_TIME of any Coordinated Request in the Coordinated
Group. See Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-E23 Appendix E. Examples. Reservations used in
establishing the contiguity requirements may start prior to the earliest START_TIME of all
Coordinated Requests or extend beyond the latest STOP_TIME of all Coordinated Requests in the
Coordinated Group.

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Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-23.2.1 (Clean):
The Coordinated Group shall be contiguous over time and path. Contiguity of a Coordinated Group
shall encompass all Coordinated Requests, and may include existing reservations, such that there shall
be no gaps in service over a commercially reservable path across all the Transmission Providers’
systems in the Coordinated Group from the earliest START_TIME of any Coordinated Request in the
Coordinated Group and the latest STOP_TIME of any Coordinated Request in the Coordinated
Group. See Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-E. Reservations used in establishing the contiguity
requirements may start prior to the earliest START_TIME of all Coordinated Requests or extend
beyond the latest STOP_TIME of all Coordinated Requests in the Coordinated Group.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-D (Redlined):
Appendix D – Postback Conditions for Use in Calculation of ATC or AFC, as
Postback Condition

Standard WEQ001 Reference
of FATC33

Practice Standard
Reference for
Determination of
NFATC44 for
calculations prior
to the time
identified in the
Provider’s tariff
for release of
unscheduled firm

Practice Standard
Reference for
Determination of
calculations after
the time
identified in the
Provider’s tariff
for release of
unscheduled firm

The footnotes:
3 FATC as used in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-D Table 18-4 includes firm ATC and firm
AFC, as appropriate.
4 NFATC as used in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-D Table 18-4 includes non-firm ATC and
non-firm AFC, as appropriate.

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Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-D (Clean):
Appendix D – Postback Conditions for Use in Calculation of ATC or AFC, as
Postback Condition

Standard WEQ001 Reference
of FATC3

Practice Standard
Reference for
Determination of
NFATC4 for
calculations prior
to the time
identified in the
Provider’s tariff
for release of
unscheduled firm

Practice Standard
Reference for
Determination of
calculations after
the time
identified in the
Provider’s tariff
for release of
unscheduled firm

The footnotes:
3 FATC as used in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-D Table 18-4 includes firm ATC and firm
AFC, as appropriate.
4 NFATC as used in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-D Table 18-4 includes non-firm ATC and
non-firm AFC, as appropriate.

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-101.6.1 (Redlined):
002-101.6.1 AddNITSDNR/TerminateNITSDNR Integration
Data Element Name

NITS Template
Not Applicable

NITS Template Data
Element Name
Implied with value based on
the duration of the DNR
requested as specified for
“Request Interval” in
Business Practice Standard
WEQ-001-105.1.5 and Table

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Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-101.6.1 (Clean):
002-101.6.1 AddNITSDNR/TerminateNITSDNR Integration
Data Element Name

NITS Template
Not Applicable

NITS Template Data
Element Name
Implied with value based on the
duration of the DNR requested
as specified for “Request
Interval” in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-001-105.1.5
Table 105-A.

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-101.6.2 (Redlined):
002-101.6.2 AddNITSSecondary/TerminateNITSSecondary Integration
Data Element Name

NITS Template
Not Applicable

NITS Template Data
Element Name
Implied with value based on
the duration of the Secondary
Network Service requested as
specified for “Request
Interval” in Business Practice
Standard WEQ-001-105.1.5
and Table 105-A.

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-101.6.2 (Clean):
002-101.6.2 AddNITSSecondary/TerminateNITSSecondary Integration
Data Element Name

NITS Template
Not Applicable

NITS Template Data
Element Name
Implied with value based on the
duration of the Secondary
Network Service requested as
specified for “Request Interval”
in Business Practice Standard
WEQ-001-105.1.5 Table 105A.

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Appendix 6 – Minor Correction MC13025
Errata for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 003
November 27, 2013

WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-013-2 (Redlined):


m. If the Transmission Customer has identified the transaction as PRECONFIRMED and the Seller
has set the transaction STATUS to CR_ACCEPTED, OASIS Nodes shall not set the transaction’s
STATUS to CONFIRMED until after expiration of the Transmission Customer confirmation time
limit, as specified in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 Request Timing
Requirements, without Transmission Customer interaction.
n. If the Transmission Customer has identified the transaction as PRECONFIRMED and the Seller
has set the transaction STATUS to CR_COUNTEROFFER, OASIS Nodes shall set the transaction’s
STATUS to RETRACTED after expiration of the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit,
specified in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2 Request Timing Requirements,
without any Transmission Customer interaction required.
WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-013-2 (Clean):


m. If the Transmission Customer has identified the transaction as PRECONFIRMED and the Seller
has set the transaction STATUS to CR_ACCEPTED, OASIS Nodes shall not set the transaction’s
STATUS to CONFIRMED until after expiration of the Transmission Customer confirmation time
limit, as specified in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2, without Transmission
Customer interaction.
n. If the Transmission Customer has identified the transaction as PRECONFIRMED and the Seller
has set the transaction STATUS to CR_COUNTEROFFER, OASIS Nodes shall set the transaction’s
STATUS to RETRACTED after expiration of the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit,
specified in Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.13 Table 4-2, without any Transmission
Customer interaction required.
5. Reason for of Minor Correction/Clarification:
To make consistency changes to NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice
Standards WEQ-000, WEQ-001, WEQ-002, and WEQ-013, version 2.0 published in WEQ Business
Practice Standards version 003.

Appendix 6 – Page 12 of 12

Appendix 7 – NAESB WEQ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Approving NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Minor Corrections
November 27, 2013

Appendix 7 contains the meeting minutes of the NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Executive Committee and the
action taken by the Wholesale Electric Quadrant Executive Committee to approve the following minor corrections:

Appendix No.

NAESB WEQ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Appendix 7

MC13013, MC13015 and MC13017 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
August 20, 2013.
Meeting Minutes: http://www.naesb.org/pdf4/weq_ec082013dm.docx
MC13019, MC13024 and MC13025 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
October 22, 2013.
Meeting Minutes: http://www.naesb.org/pdf4/weq_ec102213dm.docx

Appendix 7 – Page 1 of 1

Appendix 8 – Notice to WEQ Members of Executive Committee Adoption of Minor Corrections
November 27, 2013

Appendix 8 contains the correspondence sent to all Wholesale Electric Quadrant members notifying them of the
Executive Committee action taken on the minor corrections, requesting comments that opposed the minor
corrections, and informing them of future actions and timelines related to the minor corrections.

Appendix No.


Appendix 8

Minor Corrections MC13013, MC13015 and MC13017 – Request for Comments due
September 9, 2013:
No Comments Received
Minor Corrections MC13019, MC13024 and MC13025 - Request for Comments due
November 11, 2013:
No Comments Received

Appendix 8 – Page 1 of 1

Appendix 9 – NAESB Operating Procedure for Minor Clarifications and Corrections to Standards
November 27, 2013

Appendix 9 contains the excerpt from the NAESB Operating Procedures detailing the procedures to be followed for
minor clarifications and corrections to existing NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards.

Procedures for Minor Corrections as excerpted from the NAESB Operating Procedures

D. Minor Clarifications and Corrections to Standards
Minor clarifications and corrections to existing standards include: (a) clarifications or corrections made by a
regulatory agency to standards that are of a jurisdictional nature, or by the American National Standards Institute or
its successor; (b) clarifications or corrections to the format, appearance, or descriptions of standards in standards
documentation; (c) clarifications or corrections to add code values to tables; and (d) clarifications and corrections
that do not materially change a standard. Any request for a minor clarification or correction to an existing standard
should be submitted in writing to the executive director. This request shall include a description of the minor
clarification or correction and the reason the clarification or correction should be implemented.
1. Processing of Requests
The executive director shall promptly notify the EC and any appropriate subcommittee(s) of the receipt of the
request. The members of the applicable quadrant’s EC shall promptly determine whether the request meets the
definition of a minor clarification or correction. Through the decision of the vice chair of the applicable quadrant,
this determination may be delegated to one of the quadrant’s subcommittees, with the concurrence of the
subcommittee chair, in which case the subcommittee shall make a prompt decision.
If the request is determined to meet the definition of minor clarification or correction, the applicable quadrant’s EC,
with input from any subcommittee(s) to which the request has been forwarded, shall act on the request within one
month of its receipt. A meeting to discuss the request is not required; the decision may be made by notational vote.
A simple majority of the votes received shall determine the outcome. The members of the applicable quadrant’s EC
shall be given at least three working days to consider and vote on the request.
2. Public Notice
The results of the vote on the request for a minor clarification or correction shall be posted on the NAESB website
and the members of the applicable quadrant shall be notified of the request by e-mail. If the request has been
approved by the applicable quadrant’s EC, the notification shall include a brief description of the request, the contact
name and number of the requester so that further information can be obtained, and the proposed effective date of the
clarification or correction. Any interested party shall have an opportunity to comment on the request, and the
comments shall be posted on the NAESB website. The comment period is two weeks.
3. Final Disposition of Approved Requests
If no comments are received on an approved request, the standard shall be clarified or corrected as specified in the
approved request on the effective date proposed. If comments are received, they shall be forwarded to the members
of the applicable quadrant’s EC for consideration. Each comment requires a public written response from the
applicable quadrant’s EC. The applicable quadrant’s EC shall determine whether changes are necessary as a result of
the comments. Members of the applicable quadrant’s EC shall be given three working days to consider the
comments and determine the outcome, which shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes received. A meeting
to discuss the request is not required; the decision may be made by notational vote. The standard shall be clarified or
corrected in accordance with the outcome of the vote, effective with the completion of voting, and notice thereof
shall be posted on the NAESB website. In the case of minor corrections which are discovered during the editorial

Appendix 9 – Page 1 of 2

Appendix 9 – NAESB Operating Procedure for Minor Clarifications and Corrections to Standards
November 27, 2013

review process of publication of a new version and are categorized as clarifications under (b) or (c) above 1, the
proposed effective date may be (i) two weeks from the date of public notice, following simple majority approval by
the applicable Quadrant(s) EC(s) of the shortened effective date, or (ii) one month from the date of the public notice
For all others, the proposed effective date of the minor clarification or correction shall normally be one month from
the date of the public notice upon simple majority approval of the applicable Quadrant(s) EC(s).


Minor clarifications and corrections to existing standards include: (a) clarifications or corrections made by a regulatory agency
to standards that are of a jurisdictional nature, or by the American National Standards Institute or its successor; (b) clarifications
or corrections to the format, appearance, or descriptions of standards in standards documentation; (c) clarifications or corrections
to add code values to tables; and (d) clarifications and corrections that do not materially change a standard.

Appendix 9 – Page 2 of 2

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