In 1995-6, NIOSH developed and
launched a decade-long partnership program titled the National
Occupational Research Agenda (NORA). Participation in NORA includes
stakeholders from universities, large and small businesses,
professional societies, government agencies, and worker
organizations. NIOSH conducted an internal management review of the
first decade of NORA in 2005 and launched the second decade of NORA
(2006 – 2016) structured for even greater national impact. This
information collection is a necessary part of a larger internal
management review of the second decade of NORA. The results of this
review will inform NIOSH decisions about how to structure a third
decade of NORA (2016 – 2026) for maximum effectiveness and impact.
The second decade of NORA was based on a new sector structure to
better move research to practice within workplaces. The work of the
sectors is managed through a partnership structure of sector
councils. Each council develops and maintains an agenda for the
decade for its sector. The sector agendas become part of the
national agenda for improvements in occupational safety and health
through research and partnerships. Representing all stakeholders,
the councils use an open process to set goals, develop strategies,
encourage partnerships, and promote improved workplace practices.
This collection of information is necessary for NIOSH management to
assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the NORA sector
councils. The target population is all current and former members
and leaders of each of the ten NORA sector councils. The web-based
questionnaire requests information on satisfaction with the
efficiency of the council and its processes, on impacts made in the
sector during the second decade, and suggestions for improving the
effectiveness and impact of NORA in the future.
US Code:
USC 699 Name of Law: Occupational Safety and Health Act of
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with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
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(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
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