TIMMS 2015 OMB Memo for change to Main Study and Advanced Main Study Questionnaire

TIMSS 2015 Main Study Final Questionnaires Change Memo.doc

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2015 (TIMSS:2015) Main Study

TIMMS 2015 OMB Memo for change to Main Study and Advanced Main Study Questionnaire

OMB: 1850-0695

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To: Shelley Martinez, OMB

Through: Kashka Kubzdela, NCES

From: Stephen Provasnik, NCES

Date: October 16, 2014

Re: 2015 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS:2015) Main Study – Final Questionnaire Versions Change Request (OMB# 1850-0695 v.6)

This submission updates the 2015 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS:2015) Main Study clearance package approved in September 2014 (OMB# 1850-0695 v.5) with the final versions of grades 4, 8, and 12 questionnaires. The updated Appendix C provides the final versions of the:

  • U.S.-adapted TIMSS:2015 Main Study background questionnaires (for grades 4 and 8), and

  • U.S.-adapted TIMSS:2015 Advanced Main Study background questionnaires (for grade 12).

These final background questionnaires reflect all U.S. adaptations that have been made to the international versions of the TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced instruments. The U.S. adaptations have been reviewed and accepted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), which is in charge of TIMSS. NCES submitted a list of all proposed U.S. adaptations along with drafts of the international versions of these instruments to OMB in July 2014.

Per the revisions made to the OMB# 1850-0695 v.5 clearance package before it was approved, and per the second 30-day public comment period announced in the Federal Register on August 27, 2014, the final questionnaires include the small set of items that was added at the request of the TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced National Research Coordinators (NRCs) at the 5th TIMSS NRC meeting in August 2014.

This submission only provides the final versions of the questionnaires. There are no accompanying changes to the TIMSS:2015 materials, procedures, respondent burden, or costs to the federal government from those described in the approved clearance package (OMB# 1850-0695 v.5).

Below we include a finalized list of the differences between the questionnaires that will be used in the main study from those that were used in the field test (these changes were reflected in Appendices C1, C2, and C3 of the OMB# 1850-0695 v.5 approved package; below is their final wording):

School questionnaires

Changes to Grade 4, 8, and 12 background questionnaire sections and questions:

  1. Section header changed from “School Climate” to “School Discipline and Safety.”

  1. Added a new question for the Main Study:

ScQ16 (MS) - To what degree is each of the following a problem among teachers in your school?

Fill in only one circle only.

ScQ16a (MS) Arriving late or leaving early

ScQ16b (MS) Absenteeism

With response options:

1. Not a problem

2. Minor problem

3. Moderate problem

4. Serious problem

  1. Removed an entire question used in the Field Test:

ScQ16 (FT) - During the past year, approximately how much time have you spent on the following school leadership activities in your role as a school principal?

Fill in one circle for each line.

ScQ-16a (FT) Promoting the school’s educational vision or goals

ScQ-16b (FT) Developing the school’s curricular and educational goals

ScQ-16c (FT) Monitoring teachers’ implementation of the school’s educational goals in their teaching

ScQ-16d (FT) Monitoring students’ learning progress to ensure that the school’s educational goals are reached

ScQ-16e (FT) Keeping an orderly atmosphere in the school

ScQ-16f (FT) Addressing disruptive student behavior

ScQ-16g (FT) Advising teachers who have questions or problems with their teaching

ScQ-16h (FT) Initiating educational projects or improvements

ScQ-16i (FT) Participating in professional development activities specifically for school principals

  1. Added a new section for the Main Study:

Principal Experience and Education

  1. Added a new question for the Main Study:

ScQ17 (MS) By the end of this school year, how many years will you have been a principal altogether?

Please round to the nearest whole number.

With response option:

_____ years

  1. Added a new question for the Main Study:

ScQ18 (MS) By the end of this school year, how many years will you have been a principal at this school?

Please round to the nearest whole number.

With response option:

_____ years

  1. Added a new question for the Main Study:

ScQ19 (MS) - What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?

Fill in one circle only.

With response options:

1. Did not complete Bachelor's degree (4-year college program)

2. Bachelor's degree (4-year college program)

3. Master's degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

4. Doctorate (Ph.D., or Ed.D.)

  1. Added a new question for the Main Study:

ScQ20 (MS) - Do you hold the following degrees in educational


Fill in one circle for each row.

ScQ-20a Master's degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

ScQ-20b Doctorate (Ph.D., or Ed.D.)

With response options:

1. Yes

2. No

Changes to Grade 12 school background questionnaire:

  1. Removed three response categories from the following question used in the Field Test:

ScQ12 (FT&MS) - How much do you agree with these statements about advanced mathematics and physics education within your school?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

ScQ12b (FT) The school has teachers qualified to teach advanced mathematics and physics

ScQ12c (FT) The school has the technological resources necessary to teach advanced mathematics and physics

ScQ12j (FT) Parents expect their children to study advanced mathematics and physics

With response options:

1. Agree a lot

2. Agree a little

3. Disagree a little

4. Disagree a lot

Teacher questionnaires

Changes to sections and questions in the Grade 4, 8, and 12 background questionnaires:

  1. Consolidates parts of separate questions in the Field Test into a single question for the Main Study:

TQ11 (MS) - Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

Fill in only one circle only.

TQ11a (MS) There are too many students in the classes

TQ11b (MS) I have too much material to cover in class

TQ11c (MS) I have too many teaching hours

TQ11d (MS) I need more time to prepare for class

TQ11e (MS) I need more time to assist individual students

TQ11f (MS) I feel too much pressure from parents

TQ11g (MS) I have difficulty keeping up with all of the changes to the curriculum

TQ11h (MS) I have too many administrative tasks

With response options:

1. Agree a lot

2. Agree a little

3. Disagree a little

4. Disagree a lot

  1. Removed these response categories used in the Field Test from the following question:

TQ13 (FT); TQ14 (MS) - How often do you do the following in teaching this class?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ13a (FT) Summarize what students should have learned from the lesson

TQ13b (FT) Ask questions to elicit reasons and explanations

TQ13c (FT) Ask questions to check that students understand what I am teaching

TQ13d (FT) Encourage all students to improve their performance

TQ13e (FT) Praise students for good performance

With response options:

1. Every or almost every lesson

2. About half the lessons

3. Some lessons

4. Never

  1. Changed category responses from the following question used in the Field Test:

TQ14 (FT); TQ15 (MS) - In your view, to what extent do the following limit how you teach this class?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ14d (FT) Students with special needs (e.g., physical disabilities, mental or emotional/psychological impairment)

Changed to

TQ15d (MS) Students with physical disabilities

TQ15e (MS) Students with mental, emotional, or psychological disabilities

With response options:

1. Not at all

2. Some

3. A lot

Changes to sections and questions in the Grade 12 teacher background questionnaires:

  1. Removed one response option from the following question used in the Field Test:

TQ04 (FT&MS): What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?

Response option dropped: High school graduate

  1. Removed three response categories from the following question used in the Field Test:

TQ06 (FT&MS) - How much do you agree with these statements about advanced mathematics and physics education within your school?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ06b (FT) The school has teachers qualified to teach advanced mathematics and physics

TQ06c (FT) The school has the technological resources necessary to teach advanced mathematics and physics

TQ06i (FT) Students desire to do well in advanced mathematics and physics

With response options:

1. Agree a lot

2. Agree a little

3. Disagree a little

4. Disagree a lot

  1. Section header changed from “School Climate” to “School Environment.”

  1. Removed three response categories from the following question used in the Field Test:

TQ08 (FT&MS) - In your current school, how severe is each problem?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ08h (FT) There are too many students in the classes

TQ08i (FT) Teachers have too many teaching hours

TQ08j (FT) Teachers have too much material to cover in classes

With response options:

1. Not a problem

2. Minor problem

3. Moderate problem

4. Serious problem

  1. Removed these response categories from the following question used in the Field Test:

TQ09 (FT&MS) - How often do you have the following types of interactions with other teachers?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ09f (FT) Go to other teachers for help

TQ09i (FT) Participate in teacher mentoring

With response options:

1. Very Often

2. Often

3. Sometimes

4. Never or almost never

  1. Removed these response categories from the following question used in the Field Test:

TQ10 (FT&MS) - How frequently do you feel the following way about being a teacher?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ10g (FT) I am frustrated as a teacher

TQ10h (FT) I am supported by the teachers at my school

With response options:

1. Very Often

2. Often

3. Sometimes

4. Never or almost never

  1. Added these response categories for the Main Study:

TQ13 (FT); TQ14 (MS) - How often do you do the following in teaching this class?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ14a (MS) Relate the lesson to students’ daily lives

TQ14b (MS) Ask students to explain their answers

With response options:

1. Every or almost every lesson

2. About half the lessons

3. Some lessons

4. Never

  1. Removed these response categories from the following question used in the Field Test:

TQ17 (FT); TQ18 (MS) - In teaching advanced mathematics/physics to this class, how confident do you feel to do the following?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ17a (FT) Answer students’ questions about advanced mathematics/physics

TQ17i (FT) Build supportive relationships with students

TQ17j (FT) Manage the classroom to avoid disruptions

With response options:

1. Very confident

2. Somewhat confident

3. Not confident

  1. Added a response category for the Main Study:

TQ17 (FT); TQ18 (MS) - In teaching advanced mathematics/physics to this class, how confident do you feel to do the following?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQ18a (MS) Inspiring students to learn advanced mathematics/physics

With response options:

1. Very confident

2. Somewhat confident

3. Not confident

  1. Section header changed from “Resources for Teaching Mathematics/Physics” to “Technology for Teaching Mathematics/Physics to the TIMSS class.”

  1. Removed an entire question used in the Field Test:

TQ19A (FT) - When you teach advanced mathematics/physics to this class, how do you use the following resources?

Fill in only one circle only.

TQ-19Aa (FT) Textbooks

TQ-19Ab (FT) Workbooks or worksheets

TQ-19Ac (FT) Computer software/applications (apps) for mathematics instruction

TQ-19Ad (FT) Internet resources

With response options:

1. Basis for instruction

2. Supplement

3. Not used

  1. Removed an entire question used in the Field Test:

TQ19B (FT) - How often do you require students to do the following?

Fill in only one circle only.

TQM-19Ba (FT) Do problems or exercises

TQM-19Bb (FT) Read examples of how to do problems or exercises

TQM-19Bc (FT) Read about mathematical theory

With response options:

1. Every or almost every lesson

2. About half the lessons

3. Some lessons

4. Never

  1. Section header changed from “Mathematics/Physics Homework to “Mathematics/Physics Homework for the TIMSS class.”

  1. Removed this response category from the following question used in the Field Test:

TQM27/TQP28 (FT&MS) - In the past two years, have you taken part in any of the following activities in mathematics?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQM27c/TQP28c (FT) I published an article in a journal or magazine for teachers (print or online)

With response options:

  1. Yes

  2. No

Changes to sections and questions in the Grade 12 Calculus teacher background questionnaire:

  1. Removed these response categories from the following question used in the Field Test:

ScQ18 (FT); ScQ19 (MS) - In teaching advanced mathematics to this class, how often do you ask students to do the following?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQM18h (FT) Explain their answers

TQM18j (FT) Relate what they are learning in mathematics to their daily lives

TQM18k (FT) Decide on their own procedures for solving complex problems

With response options:

1. Every or almost every lesson

2. About half the lessons

3. Some lessons

4. Never

  1. Changed response categories in the following question used in the Field Test:

TQM21 (FT&MS) - The following list includes the main topics addressed by the TIMSS Advanced mathematics test. Choose the response that best describes when the students in this class have been taught each topic. If a topic was in the curriculum before this year, please choose “Mostly taught before this year.” If a topic was taught half this year but not yet completed, please choose “Mostly taught this year.” If a topic is not in the curriculum, please choose “Not yet taught or just introduced.”

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQM21A Algebra

TQM21Aa Operations with exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and radical expressions; complex numbers

TQM21Ab Evaluate algebraic expressions (e.g., exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and radical)

TQM21Ac The nth term of numeric and algebraic series and the sums to n terms or infinity of series

TQM21Ad Linear, simultaneous, and quadratic equations and inequalities; surd (radical) equations, logarithmic, and exponential equations

TQM21Ae Equivalent representations of functions as ordered pairs, tables, graphs, formulas, or words

TQM21Af Values of functions, including rational functions, for given values and ranges of the variable; function of a function

TQM21B Calculus

TQM21Ba Limits of functions including rational functions; conditions for continuity and differentiability of functions

TQM21Bb Differentiation of functions (including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, rational, radical, composite, and parametric functions); differentiation of products and quotients

TQM21Bc Using derivatives to solve problems (e.g., in kinematics, optimization, and rates of change)

TQM21Bd Using first and second derivatives to determine gradient, turning points, and points of inflection of functions

TQM21Be Integrating functions (including polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, and rational functions); evaluating definite integrals

TQM21C Geometry

TQM21Ca Properties of geometric figures; proving geometric propositions in two and three dimensions

TQM21Cb Gradients, y-axis intercepts, and points of intersection of straight lines in the Cartesian plane

TQM21Cc Equations and properties of circles in the Cartesian plane; tangents and normals to given points on a circle

TQM21Cd Properties of vectors and their sums and differences

TQM21Ce Trigonometric properties of triangles (sine, cosine, and tangent); solving equations involving trigonometric functions

TQM21Cf Graphs of sine, cosine, and tangent functions

Changed to

TQM21A Algebra

TQM21Aa Operations with exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and radical expressions

TQM21Ab Operations with complex numbers

TQM21Ac Evaluating algebraic expressions (e.g., exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and radical)

TQM21Ad The nth term of arithmetic and geometric sequences and the sums of finite and infinite series

TQM21Ae Linear, simultaneous, and quadratic equations and inequalities; radical equations, logarithmic, and exponential equations

TQM21Af Slopes, y-axis intercepts, and points of intersection of straight lines

TQM21Ag Equivalent representations of functions, including composite functions, as ordered pairs, tables, graphs, formulas, or words

TQM21Ah Properties of functions including domain and range

TQM21B Calculus

TQM21Ba Limits of functions

TQM21Bb Conditions for continuity and differentiability of functions

TQM21Bc Differentiation of functions (including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, rational, and radical functions); differentiation of products, quotients, and composite functions

TQM21Bd Using derivatives to solve problems (e.g., in optimization and rates of change)

TQM21Be Using first and second derivatives to determine slope and local extrema of functions

TQM21Bf Using derivatives to determine points of inflection of functions

TQM21Bg Integrating functions (including polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, and rational functions); evaluating definite integrals, including calculation of areas

TQM21C Geometry

TQM21Ca Properties of geometric figures in two and three dimensions

TQM21Cb Properties of vectors and their sums and differences

TQM21Cc Trigonometric properties of triangles (sine, cosine, and tangent)

TQM21Cd Trigonometric functions and their graphs

With response options:

1. Mostly taught before this year

2. Mostly taught this year

3. Not yet taught or just introduced

  1. Removed the section Preparation to Teach Advanced Mathematics/Physics by dropping the one question in this section used in the Field Test:

TQM28 (FT) - How well prepared do you feel you are to teach the following mathematics topics?

If a topic is not in the curriculum for this class or you are not responsible for teaching this topic, please choose “Not applicable.”

Fill in only one circle only.

TQM28A Algebra

TQM28Aa Operations with exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and radical expressions; complex numbers

TQM28Ab Evaluate algebraic expressions (e.g., exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and radical)

TQM28Ac The nth term of numeric and algebraic series and the sums to n terms or infinity of series

TQM28Ad Linear, simultaneous, and quadratic equations and inequalities; surd (radical) equations, logarithmic, and exponential equations

TQM28Ae Equivalent representations of functions as ordered pairs, tables, graphs, formulas, or words

TQM28Af Values of functions, including rational functions, for given values and ranges of the variable; function of a function

TQM28B Calculus

TQM28Ba Limits of functions including rational functions; conditions for continuity and differentiability of functions

TQM28Bb Differentiation of functions (including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, rational, radical, composite, and parametric functions); differentiation of products and quotients

TQM28Bc Using derivatives to solve problems (e.g., in kinematics, optimization, and rates of change)

TQM28Bd Using first and second derivatives to determine gradient, turning points, and points of inflection of functions

TQM28Be Integrating functions (including polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, and rational functions); evaluating definite integrals

TQM28C Geometry

TQM28Ca Properties of geometric figures; proving geometric propositions in two and three dimensions

TQM28Cb Gradients, y-axis intercepts, and points of intersection of straight lines in the Cartesian plane

TQM28Cc Equations and properties of circles in the Cartesian plane; tangents and normals to given points on a circle

TQM28Cd Properties of vectors and their sums and differences

TQM28Ce Trigonometric properties of triangles (sine, cosine, and tangent); solving equations involving trigonometric functions

TQM28Cf Graphs of sine, cosine, and tangent functions

With response options:

1. Not applicable

2. Very well prepared

3. Somewhat prepared

4. Not well prepared

Changes to sections and questions in the Grade 12 Physics teacher background questionnaire:

  1. Removed these response categories from the following question used in the Field Test:

ScQ18 (FT); ScQ19 (MS) - In teaching advanced mathematics to this class, how often do you ask students to do the following?

Fill in only one circle for each row.

TQM18l (FT) Give explanations about something they are studying

TQM18m (FT) Relate what they are learning in physics to their daily lives

With response options:

1. Every or almost every lesson

2. About half the lessons

3. Some lessons

4. Never

  1. Changed category responses in the following question used in the Field Test:

TQ22 (FT&MS) - The following list includes the main topics addressed by the TIMSS Advanced physics test. Choose the response that best describes when the students in this class have been taught each topic. If a topic was in the curriculum before this year, please choose “Mostly taught before this year.” If a topic was taught half this year but not yet completed, please choose “Mostly taught this year.” If a topic is not in the curriculum, please choose “Not yet taught or just introduced.”

TQP-22A Mechanics and Thermodynamics

TQP-22Aa The dynamics of different types of movement, including Newton’s laws of motion

TQP-22Ab Forces, including frictional force, acting on a moving body

TQP-22Ac Forces acting on a body moving in a circular path; the body’s centripetal acceleration, speed, and circling time

TQP-22Ad The law of gravitation in relation to the movement of celestial objects

TQP-22Ae Kinetic and potential energy; conservation of mechanical energy

TQP-22Af Elastic and inelastic collision; the law of conservation of momentum

TQP-22Ag The first law of thermodynamics

TQP-22Ah Heat transfer and specific heat capacities

TQP-22Ai Expansion of solids and liquids in relation to temperature change; the law of ideal gases

TQP-22B Electricity and Magnetism

TQP-22Ba Electrostatic attraction or repulsion between isolated charged particles – Coulomb’s law

TQP-22Bb Charged particles in an electric field

TQP-22Bc Electrical circuits – Ohm’s law and Joule’s law for complex electrical circuits

TQP-22Bd Charged particles in a magnetic field

TQP-22Be Relationship between magnetism and electricity; electromagnetic induction; Faraday’s and Lenz’ laws of induction

TQP-22C Wave Phenomena and Atomic/Nuclear Physics

TQP-22Ca Mechanical waves; the relationship between speed, frequency, and wavelength

TQP-22Cb Electromagnetic radiation; wavelength and frequency of various types of waves (e.g., radio, infrared, x-rays, light)

TQP-22Cc Thermal radiation, temperature, and wavelength

TQP-22Cd Reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction

TQP-22Ce The structure of the atom and its nucleus in terms of electrons, protons, and neutrons; atomic number and atomic mass number; Light emission and absorption and the behavior of electrons

TQP-22Cf Wave-particle quality and the photoelectric effect; types of nuclear reactions (i.e., fission, fusion, and radioactive decay) and their role in nature (e.g., in stars) and society (e.g., reactors, bombs); radioactive isotopes

TQP-22Cg Mass-energy equivalence

Changed to

TQP-22A Mechanics and Thermodynamics

TQP-22Aa Applying Newton’s laws and laws of motion

TQP-22Ab Forces, including frictional force, acting on a body

TQP-22Ac Forces acting on a body moving in a circular path; the body’s centripetal acceleration, speed, and circling time

TQP-22Ad The law of gravitation in relation to the movement of celestial objects

TQP-22Ae Kinetic and potential energy; conservation of mechanical energy

TQP-22Af The law of conservation of momentum; elastic and inelastic collisions

TQP-22Ag The first law of thermodynamics

TQP-22Ah Heat transfer and specific heat capacities

TQP-22Ai The law of ideal gases; expansion of solids and liquids in relation to temperature change

TQP-22B Electricity and Magnetism

TQP-22Ba Electrostatic attraction or repulsion between isolated charged particles – Coulomb’s law

TQP-22Bb Charged particles in an electric field

TQP-22Bc Electrical circuits; using Ohm’s law and Joule’s law

TQP-22Bd Charged particles in a magnetic field

TQP-22Be Relationship between magnetism and electricity; magnetic fields around electric conductors; electromagnetic induction

TQP-22Bf Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws of induction

TQP-22C Wave Phenomena and Atomic/Nuclear Physics

TQP-22Ca Mechanical waves; the relationship between speed, frequency, and wavelength

TQP-22Cb Electromagnetic radiation; wavelength and frequency of various types of waves (radio, infrared, visible light, x-rays, gamma rays)

TQP-22Cc Thermal radiation, temperature, and wavelength

TQP-22Cd Reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction

TQP-22Ce The structure of the atom and its nucleus; atomic number and atomic mass; electromagnetic emission and absorption and the behavior of electrons

TQP-22Cf Wave-particle duality and the photoelectric effect; types of nuclear reactions and their role in nature (e.g., in stars) and society; radioactive isotopes

TQP-22Cg Mass-energy equivalence in nuclear reactions and particle transformations

With response options:

1. Mostly taught before this year

2. Mostly taught this year

3. Not yet taught or just introduced

  1. Removed the section Preparation to Teach Advanced Mathematics/Physics by dropping the one question in this section used in the Field Test:

ScQ29 (FT) - How well prepared do you feel you are to teach the following physics topics?

If a topic is not in the curriculum for this class or you are not responsible for teaching this topic, please choose “Not applicable.”

Fill in only one circle only.

TQP-29A Mechanics and Thermodynamics

TQP-29Aa The dynamics of different types of movement, including Newton’s laws of motion

TQP-29Ab Forces, including frictional force, acting on a moving body

TQP-29Ac Forces acting on a body moving in a circular path; the body’s centripetal acceleration, speed, and circling time

TQP-29Ad The law of gravitation in relation to the movement of celestial objects

TQP-29Ae Kinetic and potential energy; conservation of mechanical energy

TQP-29Af Elastic and inelastic collision; the law of conservation of momentum

TQP-29Ag The first law of thermodynamics

TQP-29Ah Heat transfer and specific heat capacities

TQP-29Ai Expansion of solids and liquids in relation to temperature change; the law of ideal gases

TQP-29B Electricity and Magnetism

TQP-29Ba Electrostatic attraction or repulsion between isolated charged particles – Coulomb’s law

TQP-29Bb Charged particles in an electric field

TQP-29Bc Electrical circuits – Ohm’s law and Joule’s law for complex electrical circuits

TQP-29Bd Charged particles in a magnetic field

TQP-29Be Relationship between magnetism and electricity; electromagnetic induction; Faraday’s and Lenz’ laws of induction

TQP-29C Wave Phenomena and Atomic/Nuclear Physics

TQP-29Ca Mechanical waves; the relationship between speed, frequency, and wavelength

TQP-29Cb Electromagnetic radiation; wavelength and frequency of various types of waves (e.g., radio, infrared, x-rays, light)

TQP-29Cc Thermal radiation, temperature, and wavelength

TQP-29Cd Reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction

TQP-29Ce The structure of the atom and its nucleus in terms of electrons, protons, and neutrons; atomic number and atomic mass number; Light emission and absorption and the behavior of electrons

TQP-29Cf Wave-particle quality and the photoelectric effect; types of nuclear reactions (i.e., fission, fusion, and radioactive decay) and their role in nature (e.g., in stars) and society (e.g., reactors, bombs); radioactive isotopes

TQP-29Cg Mass-energy equivalence

With response options:

1. Not applicable

2. Very well prepared

3. Somewhat prepared

4. Not well prepared

Student questionnaires

Changes to sections and questions in the Grade 4, 8, and 12 background questionnaires:

  1. Added an additional response option to these questions for the Main Study version:

SQ09A (MS) - What is the highest level of education completed by your mother (or stepmother or female legal guardian)?

SQ09B (MS) - What is the highest level of education completed by your father (or father or male legal guardian)?

Fill in one oval only.

I don’t know.

  1. Changed a response option from the question used in the Field Test:

SQ10 (FT&MS) - What kind of work do your father (or stepfather or male legal guardian) and mother (or stepmother or female legal guardian) do for their main jobs?

For each, fill the circle for the job category that best describes what he/she does. Each category has a few examples to help you decide the correct category. If your father or mother is not working now, think about the last job he/she had.

Fill in only one oval for each column.

Not applicable

Changed to

I don’t know

Changes to Grade 12 student background questionnaires sections and questions:

  1. Added a new question for the Main Study:

SQ19C (MS) - For how many of the last 12 months have you attended extra lessons or tutoring in advanced mathematics?

Fill in one oval only.

1. Less than 4 months

2. 4-8 months

3. More than 8 months

  1. Moved and reworded a response category used in the Field Test:

SQ22 (FT) - How much do you agree with these statements about the advanced mathematics/physics you are studying?

Fill in one oval for each row.

SQ22i (FT) I like the way advanced mathematics/physics is taught in my class

With response options:

1. Agree a lot

2. Agree a little

3. Disagree a little

4. Disagree a lot

Moved and changed to:

SQ20 (MS) - How much do you agree with these statements about your advanced mathematics lessons?

Fill in one oval for each row.

SQ20o (MS) I like the way my teacher teaches mathematics/physics

With response options:

1. Agree a lot

2. Agree a little

3. Disagree a little

4. Disagree a lot

  1. Removed response categories used in the Field Test:

SQ21 (FT); SQ23 (MS) - How much do you agree with these statements about the advanced mathematics/physics you are studying?

Fill in one oval only.

SQ21c (FT) I am studying advanced mathematics/physics because my friends are studying this subject

SQ21f (FT) It is important for me to show that I am better in advanced mathematics/physics than other students

SQ21g (FT) I am studying advanced mathematics/physics because a teacher advised me to take this subject

With response options:

1. Agree a lot

2. Agree a little

3. Disagree a little

4. Disagree a lot

  1. Removed response categories used in the Field Test:

SQ32 (FT&MS)- What do you think about your school? Tell how much you agree with these statements.

Fill in one oval for each row.

SQP32e I like to go to school to see my friends

SQP32g My teachers respect my ideas

With response options:

1. Agree a lot

2. Agree a little

3. Disagree a little

4. Disagree a lot

  1. Added a new question for the Main Study:

SQ34 (MS) - During this school year, did you participate in any of these extracurricular activities?

Fill in ovals for all that apply

1. Sports

2. Performing arts

3. Academic clubs

4. Vocational/professional clubs

5. Honor societies

6. Publications

7. Student government

8. Service clubs

9. Hobby clubs


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorStephen Provasnik
Last Modified Bykatrina.ingalls
File Modified2014-10-17
File Created2014-10-17

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