0515 BD90 resub SS_101614

0515 BD90 resub SS_101614.docx

Alaska Interagency Electronic Reporting System (IERS)

OMB: 0648-0515

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OMB CONTROL NO. 0648-0515

This is a resubmission of a request, with the final rule, for revision of an existing collection due to modifications by RIN 0648-BD90. There were no public comments on the information collection requirements, and there are no changes to the submission with the proposed rule.


The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. (Magnuson-Stevens Act) authorizes the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) to prepare and amend fishery management plans for any fishery in waters under its jurisdiction. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Alaska Region manages: 1) the crab fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters off the coast of Alaska under the Fishery Management Plan for Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab; 2) groundfish under the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish Fishery of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area; and 3) groundfish under the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska. The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) and NMFS manage fishing for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) through regulations established under the authority of the Northern Pacific Halibut Act of 1982. The IPHC promulgates regulations governing the halibut fishery under the Convention between the United States and Canada for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. The king and Tanner crab fisheries in the

EEZ of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) are managed under the Fishery Management Plan for Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs. Implementing regulations are located at 50 CFR parts 679 and 680.


The IERS collection consists of catcher vessel, catcher/processor, and mothership electronic logbooks (eLogs), a pilot catcher vessel trawl electronic logbook, eLandings software, and seaLandings software that are submitted electronically by the respondents to NMFS Alaska Region. These documents may be viewed on the NMFS Alaska Region Home Page at http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/er/ and at



1. Explain the circumstances that make the collection of information necessary.

With this action, all motherships will no longer use a paper logbook but must use a combination of eLogbook and eLandings, both of which are part of IERS. Most of the catcher/processors will use a combination of eLogbook and eLandings; the small catcher/processors will continue to use a paper logbook and eLandings. This change will increase the speed and accuracy of data transmission to NMFS and will assist in accurate quota monitoring.

The paper mothership Daily Cumulative Production Logbook (DCPL) is removed from OMB Control No. 0648-0213 and is added to this collection as electronic logbooks (eLogs). 77 catcher/processors are removed from OMB Control No. 0648-0213 and are added to this collection as, as using eLogs. An eLog for both catcher vessel trawl and catcher vessel longline and pot are now available and may be used voluntarily by the respondent. This action requires a processor using both the trawl and longline eLog to electronically capture the daily flow scale tests – which formerly were recorded on paper.

2. Explain how, by whom, how frequently, and for what purpose the information will be used. If the information collected will be disseminated to the public or used to support information that will be disseminated to the public, then explain how the collection complies with all applicable Information Quality Guidelines.

a. Pilot catcher vessel trawl electronic logbook [UNCHANGED except for labor cost]

A pilot electronic logbook for catcher vessels using trawl gear was created for use by selected vessels during a pilot project in a specified fishery. Fourteen catcher vessel operators still use this electronic method instead of the Daily Fishing Logbook (DFL), as the respondents preferred to continue using it and NMFS agreed. The pilot eLog includes computer data entry. The information recorded in the pilot eLog is submitted to NMFS through a processor of the catcher vessel’s choice on a disc at the end of each fishing trip. The estimated time for an operator to complete the pilot eLog is estimated to be the same as completion of the DFL.

Catcher Vessel trawl gear pilot eLog


Page number


Vessel name and ADF&G vessel registration number

Federal fisheries permit (FFP) number

Name and signature of operator

If inactive, enter start date, end date, and reason for inactivity

Gear type

Federal reporting area of catch

Whether harvest occurred in COBLZ or RKCSA

Number of observers onboard

Name and cruise number of each observer aboard

Crew size

If in a separate management program, mark appropriate box and enter identification number

Catch by haul information

Haul number

Time and begin position of gear deployment

Date, time, and end position of gear retrieval

Average sea depth and average gear depth

Target species code

Hail weight (lb or mt)

Discard/disposition information

Whether deliveries are unsorted cod ends or presorted at sea

If presorted at sea, enter discard/disposition species information

whether records in pounds or metric tons

daily total, balance forward, and cumulative total since last delivery

species and product codes

Delivery information

Delivery date

ADF&G fish ticket number

Recipient’s name and ADF&G processor code

Catcher vessel trawl gear pilot eLog, Respondent

Estimated number of respondents

Using pilot ELB = 14

Total annual responses

Average 34 active days x 14 = 476

Average 3 inactive days x 14 = 42

Total Burden Hours (146.03)

Time per active response (18 min x 476 = 142.8)

Time for inactive response (5 min x 42 = 3.5)

Total personnel cost

Cost to maintain DFL ($37/hr x 146)

Total miscellaneous cost



146 hr



Catcher Vessel trawl gear pilot eLog, Federal Government

Total annual responses

Total Burden Hours (129.50)

Time per response (15 min x 518)

Total Personnel cost (37/hr x 130)

Total Miscellaneous Cost


130 hr



b. Catcher vessel eLog [NEW]

This category appeared in OMB Control 0648-0213 combined with paper logbooks in order to show that Alaska Region was working on electronic logbooks. There was no burden or cost associated with it. By placing it in this collection, it is removed completely from -0213.

Originally, catcher vessels ≥ 60 ft length overall (LOA) were required to submit fisheries information to NMFS through use of a paper Daily Fishing Logbook (DFL, see OMB Control No. 0648-0213). NMFS is now offering optional use of an electronic logbook (eLog) for trawl and longline catcher vessels through the seaLandings software application. NMFS created software for use by operators of catcher vessels to use instead of a paper DFL to record fisheries information. Use of the eLog will increase the speed and accuracy of data transmission to NMFS and will assist in accurate quota monitoring.

Some basic hardware requirements need to be met, such as having a laptop or personal computer on the vessel with a current Windows Operating system, and a printer to print out paper copies of the eLog.

seaLandings is fishery harvest reporting software program that functions without constant Internet connectivity and is installed on computer workstations. This interface targets at-sea vessels that use a satellite phone for email transmission. seaLandings eLog can be sent via direct transmission - a report file is zipped up and sent over the Internet and processed behind the scenes or via email. The zipped report file is attached to an email that is sent to the email server, [email protected].

All users of the seaLandings software application must Register their Operation in eLandings (the web interface) prior to being able to use the reporting program. This is necessary to identify exactly who is reporting and what type of operation they are running.

The operator must account for each day of the fishing year, January 1 through December 31, in the eLog and indicate whether the vessel was active or inactive during the time period.

Catcher Vessel eLog

Vessel name

Name and signature of operator

ADF&G vessel registration number

FFP number

Federal crab vessel permit number (if longline)

Page number


If inactive, enter start date, end date, and reason for inactivity

Gear type (if trawl)

Whether harvest occurred in COBLZ or RKCSA (if trawl)

Federal reporting area of catch

If separate management program, mark appropriate box and enter identification number

(If longline only)


Operator IFQ permit number

Crew IFQ permit number(s)


CDQ group number

Halibut CDQ permit number

Observer information

Number of observers onboard

Name and cruise number of each observer aboard

Crew size

Gear type( If hook and line)

Gear type

Fixed hook





Length of skate



Spacing (ft)

Number Per Skate

Catch by haul information (if longline)

Set number

Date set, time set

Date hauled, time hauled

Location of set

Begin Position



Buoy or Bag number

End Position



Buoy or Bag number

Begin & end depth (fathoms)

Number of skates or pots



Target species code

CDQ/IFQ Halibut (pounds)

IFQ SABL (pounds)

RD Round wt.

WC Western cut

EC Eastern cut

Hail weight (lb or mt)

CR Crab

Bird avoidance gear

Catch by haul information (if trawl)

Haul number

Time of gear deployment

Date hauled, time hauled

Begin Position of haul



Average sea depth

Average gear depth

Date and time of gear retrieval

End Position of haul



Target species code

Total hail weight (lb or mt)

Check if moved primarily to avoid Chinook salmon bycatch

Discard/disposition information


Species code

Product code


Delivery date

ADF&G fish ticket number

IFQ registered buyer (if longline) or recipient’s name

Unloading Port (if longline)

ADF&G processor code (if trawl)


Currently, actual numbers of voluntary users of the catcher vessel eLog are not available. NMFS will use the number 4 as the number of users of the catcher vessel eLog.

Catcher vessel eLog, Respondent

Number of respondents

2 trawl catcher vessels

2 lgl or pot catcher vessels

Total annual responses

Average 34 active days x 4 = 136

Average 3 inactive days x 4 = 12

Total burden hours

Time/active response (15 min x 136 = 34)

Time/inactive response (5 min x 12 = 1

Total personnel cost ($37/hr x 35)

Total miscellaneous cost



35 hr



Catcher vessel eLog, Federal Government

Total annual responses

Total burden hours (1.30)

Time per response = 3 min

Total personnel cost ($37/hr x 1)

Total miscellaneous cost


1 hr



c. Catcher/processor eLog [REVISED]

With this action, 77 catcher/processors will no longer use a paper Daily Cumulative Processing Logbook (DCPL) but must use a combination of eLogbook and eLandings to record and report groundfish and PSC information. Seventeen small catcher/processors will still use the paper logbook. This change to eLog will increase the speed and accuracy of data transmission to NMFS and will assist in accurate quota monitoring.

The operator of a specified groundfish catcher/processor must use a combination of NMFS-approved catcher/processor eLog and seaLandings to record and report groundfish and PSC information.

♦ An American Fisheries Act (AFA) catcher/processor

♦ Any catcher/processor harvesting pollock in a Western Alaska community development quota (CDQ) fishery

♦ Any trawl catcher/processor participating in the rockfish fishery

♦ A hook-and-line catcher/processor named on a License Limitation Program (LLP) license with a Pacific cod catcher/processor hook-and-line endorsement for the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, or both the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and direct harvesting Pacific cod

In addition, catcher/processors required to weigh catch on a NMFS-approved scale must use a NMFS-approved eLog to daily record and report the results and timing of daily scale tests to NMFS. This would allow NMFS staff to continuously monitor daily scale tests by vessels when they are at sea and to work with vessel crew to ensure that any bias in daily scale tests is discovered and corrected quickly. Allowing NMFS to identify potential scale problems during, rather than after, a fishing year would result in more effective analysis of overall trends in scale testing.

The respondent must first manually enter the daily flow scale test information onto the paper Record of Daily Scale Tests form (see OMB Control No. 0648-0330). Then the following information from all scale tests, including failed tests, must be reported within 24 hours of the testing using the eLog. The daily test entry screen is shown below.

Daily flow scale test information entered into eLog

Time of test

Platform scale weight (kg)

Flow scale weight (kg)

Percent error

Comments (optional)

Changed personnel cost from $25/hr to $37/hr. Changed miscellaneous cost from $ 6,267 to 0 because initial costs are already met. Changed number of catcher/processors affected by this action from 94 to 77. The action will not impose additional financial costs on the vessels that currently have and use electronic logbooks. It will require a small amount of extra time for the user to enter the additional three numbers for each scale test conducted during the preceding 24 hours, estimated at 3 additional minutes.

Catcher/processor eLog, Respondent

Total number of respondents

Longline or pot gear = 18

Trawl gear = 59

Total annual responses (203 x 77)

Average 200 active (fishing or processing) days

Average 3 inactive days

Total Burden Hours ( 3869.25)

Time per active response (15 min) x 200 x 77 = 3,850

Time per inactive response (5 min) x 3 x 77 = 19.25

Total personnel cost ($37/hr x 3869)

Total miscellaneous cost



3,869 hr

$ 143,153


Catcher/processor eLog, Federal Government

Total annual responses

Total Burden Hours ( 1302.58)

Time per response (5 min x 15631)

Total Personnel cost ($37/hr x 1,303)

Total Miscellaneous Cost


1,303 hr

$ 48,211


d. Mothership eLog [NEW]

This category appeared in OMB Control 0648-0213 combined with paper logbooks in order to show that Alaska Region was working on electronic logbooks. There was no burden or cost associated with it. Now that an eLog is available for motherships, the paper mothership DCPL is removed completely from -0213.

With this action the operator of a mothership that is required to have an FFP under § 679.4(b) must use a combination of NMFS-approved mothership eLog and seaLandings to record and report daily processor identification information, delivery information, groundfish production data, and groundfish and PSC data.

In addition, motherships must use a NMFS-approved eLog to daily record and report the results and timing of daily scale tests to NMFS. The respondent must enter the following information from all scale tests, including failed tests, within 24 hours of the testing using the eLog.

Daily flow scale test information entered into eLog

Time of test

Platform scale weight (kg)

Flow scale weight (kg)

Percent error

Comments (optional)

The number of motherships is corrected, from 36 to 28. The previous burden was zero.

Mothership eLog, Respondent

Total number of respondents

Total annual responses (203 x28)

Average 200 active (receiving or processing) days

Average 3 inactive days

Total Burden Hours

Time per active response (15 min x 200 x 28 = 1400)

Time per inactive response (5 min x 3 x 28 = 7)

Total personnel cost ($37/hr x 1407)

Miscellaneous cost



1,407 hr

$ 52,059


Mothership eLog, Federal Government

Total annual responses

Total Burden Hours

Time per response (5 min x 28 = 2.33)

Total Personnel cost ($37/hr x 2)

Total Miscellaneous Cost





e. Registration, eLandings [CHANGED]

With this action, catcher vessels will also register in eLandings to use the Catcher Vessel eLog. Registration was previously only for processors and their operations. The heading for this topic is changed from eLandings processor registration to “eLandings registration”. Before using the eLandings system, the User must request authorization to use the system, reserve a unique User ID, and obtain a password by using the Internet to complete the eLandings Registration at https://elandings.alaska.gov/elandings/Register.

Upon receipt of the registration information, eLandings verifies that all of the required information is provided in the correct format, and that the requested User ID is not already in use. NMFS will email confirmation to indicate that the User is registered, authorized to use eLandings, and that the User ID and User’s account are enabled.

User Agreement Form

Entering information in the registration form generates the User Agreement which needs to be printed out, signed, and faxed to NMFS to enable the operation. This process is only necessary for brand new operations. The User must print and submit a signed original User Agreement Form:

♦ By mail to: NMFS Sustainable Fisheries eLandings Registration

P.O. Box 21668

Juneau, AK 99802-1668

♦ By fax to: (907) 586-7131 attn: eLandings Registration

♦ By courier to: NMFS Sustainable Fisheries eLandings Registration

709 West 9th Street, Suite 401

Juneau, AK 99801

The User’s signature on the registration form means that the User agrees to the following terms:

♦ Use eLandings access privileges only for submitting legitimate fishery landing reports, production reports, and eLogs;

♦ Safeguard the User ID and password to prevent their use by unauthorized persons; and

♦ Ensure that the User is authorized to submit landing reports, production reports, and eLog for the permit number(s) listed.

The User must enter the following information to obtain operation registration and User ID registration. Information collected on an eLandings registration is necessary to identify the participant and to provide authorization for the participant to use eLandings.

eLandings Registration

Operation type

Operation name

ADF&G processor code (if applicable)

Enter all Federal permit numbers

If a shoreside processor or SFP, enter FPP number

If a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, or mothership, enter FFP number

If a Registered Buyer, enter the Registered Buyer permit number

If a Registered Crab Receiver, enter the Registered Crab Receiver (RCR) permit number

Home port code

ADF&G vessel registration number, if catcher vessel, mothership, or catcher/processor

If a buying station, enter the home port code

If a tender, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number

If a vehicle, enter the vehicle license number and state of license

Primary User

If user is already registered, just enter userID and password.

Otherwise, enter all data including userID and password, and a new userID will be created

User ID


Company name

User name

City and state

Business telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address

Security question and security answer.

Once registered, the User is not required to register again unless ownership changes. New ownership requires a new Federal permit and ADF&G code.

Changed respondents – four catcher vessels are registered to use Catcher Vessel eLog + 15 regular number of respondents that may change or add operations. Changed personnel cost from $25/hr to $37/hr. Changed postage for mailing User Agreement Form from 0.42 to 0.45.

eLandings Registration, Respondent

Number of respondents

Total annual responses

Frequency of response = 1

Total burden hours (4.75)

Time per response = 15 minutes

Total personnel cost ($37/hr x 5)

Total miscellaneous cost (9.50)

Photocopy = 0.05 x 1 x 19 = 0.95

Postage = 0.45 x 19 = 8.55



5 hr



eLandings registration, Federal Government

Total annual responses

Total burden hours (4.25)

Time per response = 15 minutes

Total personnel cost ($37/hr x54)

Total miscellaneous cost


5 hr



f. eLandings or seaLandings landing report [CHANGED -- Personnel & Postage Costs]

eLandings and seaLandings are components of IERS. The IERS provides the Alaska fishing industry with a consolidated electronic means of reporting production and landings of commercial fish and shellfish to multiple management agencies. Some of the benefits of the electronic reporting system include: improved data quality, automated processing of data, improved process for correcting or updating information, availability of more timely data for fishery managers, and reduction of duplicative reporting of similar information to multiple agencies. seaLandings is a stand-alone software package for clients with no web access, such as the at-sea fleet. This software facilitates submission of production and landing reports through email attachments.

Using the eLandings web-based application, processors report production and landings data. Once data are entered and submitted, Users receive a printed production report, fish ticket, and/or an IFQ report as a receipt.

Information collected on an eLandings landing report is needed to identify the participant, to monitor the deliveries to the facility as well as record discard and disposition of species, and for management of various fisheries. Each of these reports is guided by a data entry time limit.

Manual Landing Report

An optional manual landing report is available in the event the eLandings system and/or the Internet is unavailable. A User who for any reason is unable to properly submit a landing report or production report through eLandings must enter the information onto a manual landing report.

(see Crab Manual Landing Report at http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/rr/forms/crabmanualanding.pdf)

(see Manual Landing Report Halibut & Sablefish IFQ/CDQ at http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/rr/forms/ifqlandrpt.pdf)

The manual landing report must be used until network connections are restored. When the network is restored, the User must enter this same information into eLandings. Because the manual landing report collects information that is meant to be entered into eLandings, this information is incorporated into the cost and burden of eLandings.

Out-of-state Landing Report

If the processor is not located in Alaska, the manager of a shoreside processor must complete and submit to NMFS a separate out-of-state landing report for each shipment of groundfish and donated prohibited species caught in the Alaska groundfish fisheries. If not located in Alaska, the Registered Buyer must complete and submit a separate out-of-state landing report for each shipment of halibut or sablefish. The out-of-state landing report that is available on the NMFS website at http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/rr/forms/outofstateelandings.pdf.

The Registered Buyer or manager of a shoreside processor must enter information from a specific vessel by noon of the day following completion of the delivery and submit the completed Out-of-State Landing Report to NMFS by fax to: 907-586-7131.

The cost and burden for this report is included in the cost for processors using eLandings.

Shoreside processor or SFP

Information entered automatically for eLandings landing report

User ID

Processor company name

Business telephone number and e-mail address

Port of landing

ADF&G processor code and Federal permit number

Unique landing report number assigned by eLandings upon completion of data entry

Groundfish delivery information

Number of observers onboard

Crew size (including operator)

Management program name and identifying number (if any)

ADF&G groundfish statistical area of harvest

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) delivery was completed

If delivery is received from

a buying station other than a tender, enter name of buying station

a tender, enter ADF&G vessel registration number

a catcher vessel, enter ADF&G vessel registration number

If blue logsheet not received from a catcher vessel, enter NO and code for reason not provided

Gear type of harvester

Total estimated hail weight (to nearest pound)

ADF&G fish ticket number provided to catcher vessel

Landings information

Date of landing (mm/dd/yyyy)

Landed scale weight (to the nearest pound) by species code and delivery condition code

Discard or disposition information

Record discard or disposition information

that occurred on and was reported by a catcher vessel

that occurred on and was reported by a buying station

that occurred prior to, during, and after production of groundfish at the shoreside processor or SFP

when no groundfish are delivered but the blue Daily Fishing Logbooks (DFL) contains records of discards or disposition

If groundfish or herring prohibited species catch (PSC)

Species code, delivery condition code, and disposition code

Weight (to the nearest pound)

If PSC halibut, salmon, or crab

Species code, delivery condition code, and disposition code

Count (in numbers of animals)


Groundfish delivery information

Number of observers onboard

Crew size (including operator)

Management program name and identifying number (if any)

ADF&G groundfish statistical area of harvest

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) that delivery was completed

If the delivery is received from a tender, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number of the vessel

If delivery received from a catcher vessel, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number of the vessel

Indicate whether the blue logsheet was received from catcher vessel.

If NO, select the reason provided by the catcher vessel for not supplying this copy

Gear type of harvester

Total estimated round weight by species (pounds)

ADF&G fish ticket number provided to catcher vessel

Discard or disposition information

Record discard or disposition information

that occurred on and was reported by a catcher vessel

that occurred on and was reported by a buying station

that occurred prior to, during, and after production of groundfish at the mothership

when no groundfish are delivered but the blue DFL is submitted containing records

of discards or disposition

If groundfish or PSC herring

Species code, delivery condition code, and disposition code

Weight (to the nearest pound)

If PSC halibut, salmon, or crab

Species code, delivery condition code, and disposition code

Count (in numbers of animals)

Registered Buyer

IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, and IFQ sablefish delivery information

User ID and password

Date (mm/dd) of the landing

Location of the landing (port code)

Permit numbers for receiving

IFQ hired master

CDQ halibut hired master

Registered Buyer

Delivery information

Harvesting vessel's ADF&G vessel registration number

Gear code used to harvest

ADF&G fish ticket number(s) for the landing

ADF&G statistical area of harvest

If ADF&G statistical area is bisected by a line dividing two IFQ regulatory areas, provide the

IFQ regulatory area of harvest

Initial accurate scale weight(s) (to the nearest pound) made at the time of offloading

for IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut sold and retained (where retained includes: fish intended

for personal use, fish weighed and reloaded for delivery to another processor, and fish landed but rejected

at the dock by the Registered Buyer)

Species codes, delivery condition code, and disposition code for each ADF&G statistical area of harvest


Accurate weight of IFQ sablefish processed product obtained before the offload may be substituted before the initial accurate scale weight at time of offload if the vessel operator is a Registered Buyer reporting an IFQ sablefish landing

Whether initial accurate scale weight is given with or without ice and slime

Whether IFQ halibut is incidental catch concurrent with legal landing of salmon or concurrent with legal landing of lingcod harvested using dinglebar gear

Signatures of Registered Buyer, IFQ permit holder, IFQ hired master permit holder, or CDQ hired master permit holder

Registered Crab Receiver

IFQ crab delivery information

RCR permit number, IFQ crab permit number, and individual processing quota (IPQ) crab permit number, as appropriate

ADF&G vessel registration number of the harvesting vessel

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) fishing began

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) of the IFQ crab landing

ADF&G fish ticket number (automatically supplied)

ADF&G statistical area of harvest

Species code and delivery-condition codes of catch

Number of crab retained and sold, condition code, product type, size/grade, sold pounds, and

optionally, price per pound

Scale weight of deadloss (to the nearest pound)

Scale weight of crab retained for personal use (to the nearest pound)

Information entered for IFQ crab custom processing landings. In addition to the information required for an IFQ

crab delivery, if custom processing IFQ crab, enter the ADF&G processor code of the person for which the IFQ crab was custom processed

Signatures of Registered Crab Receiver, IFQ crab permit holder, IFQ crab hired master permit holder

eLandings landing report, Respondent

Number of respondents

Groundfish (IFQ and non IFQ): 95

Crab: 44

Total annual responses

Groundfish (IFQ and non IFQ): 20,422

Crab: 1,201

Total burden (12613.42)

Time per response = 35 minutes

Total personnel cost ($37/hr x 12,613)

Total miscellaneous cost (2162.3)

Internet = 0.05 x 21,623 = 1081.15

Copies = 0.05 x 21,623 = 1081.15






eLandings landing report, Federal Government

Total annual responses

Total burden hours

Total personnel cost

Total miscellaneous cost





g. eLandings or seaLandings production report [CHANGED – Personnel & Postage Costs]

The eLandings production reports are required for groundfish and are additional to the eLandings landing reports. Information collected on an eLandings production report is necessary to identify the participant; to monitor the discards and disposition product; and to monitor the product leaving the facility.

Shoreside processor or SFP

Automatic information for eLandings production report

FPP number

Company name

ADF&G processor code

User name

email address

Production information

Reporting date

Number of observers onsite

Area of harvest (GOA or BSAI)

Product description -- Product by species code, product type, and product code

Product weight – actual scale weight (to the nearest pound)

Whether no production or deliveries for the day

Catcher/processor or mothership

Automatic information for eLandings production report

FFP number

Company name

ADF&G processor code

User name

email address

Telephone number

Production information

Reporting date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Whether processor is a catcher/processor or mothership

Crew size (including operator)

Management program

Gear type of harvester

Federal reporting area of harvest

If harvest with trawl gear,

whether C. Opilio Bycatch Limitation Zone (COBLZ) or Red King Crab Savings Area (RKCSA)

Product by species code, product type, and product code

Product weight (to nearest 0.001 mt)

Whether no production for the day

Discard or disposition information

Record discard or disposition that occurred

Prior to, during, or after production

Species code and disposition code

Discard weight of groundfish and PSC herring (to nearest 0.001 mt)

Discard number of PSC Pacific salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific halibut, king crab, and Tanner crab)

ADF&G statistical area

Corrected burden hours. Changed number of respondents to current. Changed personnel cost from $25/hr to $37/hr.

eLandings production report, Respondent

Number of respondents

Catcher/processors = 94

Motherships = 28

Shoreside = 110

SFP = 14

Total annual responses

Catcher/processors and motherships: 15,128

Shoreside and SFP: 10,798

Total burden hours (6842.34)

At-sea = 20 minutes = 5042.67

Shoreside and SFP = 10 minutes = 1799.67

Total personnel cost ($37/hr)

Total miscellaneous cost (2592.6)

Photocopy = 0.05 x 25926 = 1,296.30

Internet = 0.05 x 25926 = 1,296.30



6,842 hr



eLandings production report, Federal Government

Total annual responses

Total burden hours

Total personnel cost

Total miscellaneous cost





It is anticipated that the information collected will be disseminated to the public or used to support publicly disseminated information. NMFS will retain control over the information and safeguard it from improper access, modification, and destruction, consistent with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) standards for confidentiality, privacy, and electronic information. See response to Question 10 of this Supporting Statement for more information on confidentiality and privacy. The information collection is designed to yield data that meet all applicable information quality guidelines. Prior to dissemination, the information will be subjected to quality control measures and a pre-dissemination review pursuant to Section 515 of Public Law 106-554.

3. Describe whether, and to what extent, the collection of information involves the use of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological techniques or other forms of information technology.

This collection is estimated to be 99 percent electronic. The eLandings registration, landings report, production report, and electronic logbook are submitted by Internet data entry at http://elandings.alaska.gov/. For catcher/processors and motherships that do not have Internet service, a Desktop Client Application (seaLandings) can be used to generate files for submitting via email.

4. Describe efforts to identify duplication.

None of the information collected as part of this information collection duplicates other collections.

5. If the collection of information involves small businesses or other small entities, describe the methods used to minimize burden.

This information collection does not impose a significant impact on small entities.

Even though small numbers of directly regulated vessels and entities may be described as small with respect to their own gross revenues, when affiliations among entities are considered, as required under the RFA, there are no small entities in this fishery. The directly regulated vessels in this fleet have formed a fisheries cooperative that effectively allocates to each vessel a share of the Pacific cod TAC and of the available halibut PSC. These vessel-specific individual quotas are enforced under a private contract among the entities. Therefore, for the purpose of this analysis, the directly regulated entities are all affiliated, with all the entities that would otherwise be characterized as small, having affiliations with larger entities. Thus, there are no directly regulated small entities under this action.

6. Describe the consequences to the Federal program or policy activities if the collection is not conducted or is conducted less frequently.

Modifications to the at-sea scales program will reduce the potential for fraud, improve catch accounting accuracy, and bring regulations up to date with changes in technology.

The use of at-sea scales can provide very precise and potentially accurate estimates of catch. These estimates are especially important in catch share fisheries where catch accounting methods must be verifiable. At-sea scales have proven to be reliable and are now used to account for the vast majority of catch by catcher-processors fishing off Alaska.

Since NMFS first implemented weighing requirements for some catcher processors, in 1998, the program has grown dramatically; scale technologies have evolved; and NMFS has developed greater expertise with at-sea scales. However, recent concerns have arisen with respect to adequate compliance with flow scale regulations, suggesting that catch estimates based on scale weights could systematically underestimate harvest in those fisheries dependent on scale weights for catch accounting, unless these concerns are addressed.

If this collection were not conducted, NMFS fishery data collection would be set back. The benefits from improved accuracy of scale estimates pay off ultimately with improvements in fisheries stock management and cooperative management that increase the value of the fish stock to society. The magnitude of these benefits cannot be quantitatively estimated at this time.

7. Explain any special circumstances that require the collection to be conducted in a manner inconsistent with OMB guidelines.

Not Applicable.

8. Provide information on the PRA Federal Register Notice that solicited public comments on the information collection prior to this submission. Summarize the public comments received in response to that notice and describe the actions taken by the agency in response to those comments. Describe the efforts to consult with persons outside the agency to obtain their views on the availability of data, frequency of collection, the clarity of instructions and recordkeeping, disclosure, or reporting format (if any), and on the data elements to be recorded, disclosed, or reported.

The proposed rule, RIN 0648-BD90, published on July 31, 2014 (79 FR 44372). There were no comments on the proposed information collection requirements.

9. Explain any decisions to provide payments or gifts to respondents, other than remuneration of contractors or grantees.

No payment or gift is provided under this program.

10. Describe any assurance of confidentiality provided to respondents and the basis for assurance in statute, regulation, or agency policy.

The information collected is confidential under section 402(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. It is also confidential under NOAA Administrative Order 216-100, which sets forth procedures to protect confidentiality of fishery statistics.

11. Provide additional justification for any questions of a sensitive nature, such as sexual behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs, and other matters that are commonly considered private.

This information collection does not involve information of a sensitive nature.

12. Provide an estimate in hours of the burden of the collection of information.

Total estimated unique respondents: 247 (77 catcher/processors, 28 motherships. 110 shoreside processors, 14 stationary floating processors, 14 catcher/vessel trawl pilot elog users, 4 catcher/vessel trawl longline and pot eLog users), an increase from 203. Total estimated responses: 69,549, an increase from 64,463. Total estimated burden: 24,917 an increase from 10,313 hr. Total estimated personnel cost: $921,929, an increase from $257,825.

13. Provide an estimate of the total annual cost burden to the respondents or record-keepers resulting from the collection (excluding the value of the burden hours in Question 12 above).

Total estimated miscellaneous costs: $4,765, a decrease from $10,759.

14. Provide estimates of annualized cost to the Federal government.

Total estimated responses: 16,344, a decrease from 19,612. Total estimated annual burden: 1,441, a decrease from 1,619 hr. Total estimated personnel cost: $53,317, an increase from $40,475.

15. Explain the reasons for any program changes or adjustments.

Changes: Most catcher/processors and all motherships must use eLog instead of a paper DCPL. Catcher vessels may voluntarily use eLog instead of a paper DFL.

Mothership eLog

an increase of 28 respondents, 28 instead of 0

an increase of 5,684 responses, 5,684 instead of 0 hr

an increase of 1,407 hr burden, 1,407 instead of 0 hr

an increase of $52,059 personnel costs, $52,059 instead of $0

Catcher vessel eLog

an increase of 4 respondents, 4 instead of 0

an increase of 148 responses, 148 instead of 0 hr

an increase of 35 hr burden, 35 instead of 0 hr

an increase of $1,295 personnel costs, $1,295 instead of $0

Catcher/processor eLog

a decrease of 17 respondents, 77 instead of 94

a decrease of 3,451 responses, 15,631 instead of 19,082

a decrease of 855 hr burden, 3,869 instead of 4,724 hr

a decrease of $ 25,053 personnel costs, $ 143,153 instead of $118,100

a decrease of $6,267 miscellaneous costs, $0 instead of $6,267.

There are net increases of 15 unduplicated respondents, 2,381 responses and 587 hours, and a net decrease of $6,267 in miscellaneous costs.


eLandings landing report (Correction, added crab)

an increase of 44 respondents, 139 instead of 95

an increase of 1,198 responses, 21,623 instead of 20,425 hr

an increase of 9,209 hr burden, 12,613 instead of 3,404 hr

an increase of $381,581 personnel costs, $466,681 instead of $85,100

an increase of $119 miscellaneous costs, $2,162 instead of $2,043

eLandings production report

an increase of 57 respondents, 246 instead of 189

an increase of 1,500 responses, 25,926 instead of 24,426 hr

an increase of 4,806 hr burden, 6,842 instead of 2,036 hr

an increase of $202,254 personnel costs, $253,154 instead of $50,900

an increase of $150 miscellaneous costs, $2,593 instead of $2,443

eLandings Registration

an increase of 7 respondents and responses, 19 instead of 12

an increase of 2 hr burden, 5 instead of 3 hr

an increase of $110 personnel costs, $185 instead of $75

Catcher vessel pilot eLog

an increase of $1,752 personnel costs, $5,402 instead of $3,650

There is a net increase of 33 unduplicated respondents, 2,705 responses, 14,017 hours and $273 in miscellaneous costs.

16. For collections whose results will be published, outline the plans for tabulation and publication.

The information collected will not be published.

17. If seeking approval to not display the expiration date for OMB approval of the information collection, explain the reasons why display would be inappropriate.

Not Applicable.

18. Explain each exception to the certification statement.

Not Applicable.


This collection does not employ statistical methods.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorRichard Roberts
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-26

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