Biomonitoring Interview Questionnaire, Bhutanese and Bur

Biomonitoring of Great Lakes Populations Program II


Biomonitoring Interview Questionnaire, Bhutanese and Burmese

OMB: 0923-0052

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Biomonitoring Interview Questionnaire, Bhutanese and Burmese

New York State Department of Health

The Healthy Fishing Community Project in Syracuse, NY

October 21, 2014

Readability, calculated using the Flesch-Kinkaid Readability Option in Microsoft Word, has been determined at the 3rd grade level without country names


Form Approved

OMB No. 0923-XXXX

Exp. Date xx/xx/20xx


  1. What is your full name? (Use NYS ID card)

Full name:___________________________________________________________

Other names:__________________________________________________________

  1. Sex


___ Female

  1. What is your birth date? (Use NYS ID card.)




  1. Age: _____ years

  1. Do you have a phone number where we can reach you? (This can be the phone number of a friend, relative, or someone who will know how to find you )

___ Yes _____________________ Home Work Cell Other: ____________

_____________________ Home Work Cell Other: ____________

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Do you have an email address?

___ Yes What is it? ________________________________

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response for total participation, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0923-XXXX).

Script: We would like to give you the results of the blood and urine testing. When we receive the results, someone will help explain them to you.

  1. Do you want your blood and urine results sent to your doctor or clinic?

___ Yes go to #8

___ No go to #9

___ Don’t have a doctor/clinic Go to *script and ask #7 again, or go to #9.

___ Don’t know Go to *script and ask #7 again, or go to #9.

___ Refused

  1. What is your doctor or clinic’s name, telephone number, and address?

Name of doctor or clinic: ______________________________

Telephone number: _________________

Address: ___________________________________________

*Use this script if participant does not provide physician’s name or does not have a physician/clinic.

If you do not want the results sent to your doctor or you don’t have one, the results will be sent to a doctor at the New York State Department of Health. When we receive the results, someone will help explain them to you, and the doctor at the Department of Health can answer any questions you have.


  1. In what country were you born?

___ United States

___ Burma/Myanmar

___ Thailand

___ Malaysia

___ Bhutan

___ Nepal

___ Other country Specify: _________________________

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. What is your ethnicity or tribe?

___ Nepali (Bhutanese)

___ Burman

___ Chin

___ Kachin

___ Karenni

___ Karen

___ Mon

___ Rakhine

___ Other Specify: _________________________

___ Don’t Know

___ Refused


FEMALES only. If MALE go to 17

  1. Are you pregnant?

___ Yes go to #12

___ No go to #13

___ Don’t know go to #13

___ Refused go to #13

  1. When is your due date?




___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Have you given birth?

___ Yes, How many children? ______________

___ No go to #17

___ Don’t know go to #17

___ Refused go to #17

  1. Have you ever breastfed any children?

___ Yes, How many children? _______________

___ No go to #17

___ Don’t know go to #17

___ Refused go to #17

  1. Are you breastfeeding any children now?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Tell me about the children you have breastfed from the first to the most recent child.

Birth order

Birth Year (YYYY)


(country, city / refugee camp)

At what age did they stop breast feeding?

Number of months breastfeeding?












  1. What is your address?

Street Number: ____________________

Street Name:_______________________________________________

Apartment Number: ______________

Unit: ____________________ (“upper” or “lower” )

City: _____________________ State: _______ ZIP Code: _____________

  1. Including yourself and any children, how many people currently live at your address?

___Total number: _____________

___ Lives alone go to #21

___ Don’t know go to #21

___ Refused go to #21

  1. How many people who live with you are female and how many are male?

Female: _____

Male: _____

___ Don’t know go to #21

___ Refused go to #21

  1. How many people who live with you are under the age of 15?

Number under 15 years: _____

___ Don’t know go to #21

___ Refused go to #21


Script: Please answer the following questions about how long you have lived in the Syracuse area and in other places in the past.

  1. How long have you lived in the United States?

_____ years and _____ months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. How long have you lived in the Syracuse area, New York?

_____ years and _____ months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Have you lived in other cities in the United States other than the Syracuse area?

___ Yes go to #24

___ No go to #25

___ Don’t know go to #25

___ Refused go to #25

  1. What other cities in the United States have you lived in?

City #1 (specify): ________________________

How long did you live there? _____ years and _____ months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

How often did you eat fish there?

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

City #2 (specify): ________________________

How long did you live there? _____ years and _____ months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

How often did you eat fish there?

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Did you live in any refugee camps?

___ Yes go to #26

___ No go to #27

___ Don’t know go to #27

___ Refused go to #27

  1. Where were the refugee camps?

Camp #1 (location): ________________________

How long did you live there? _____ years and _____ months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

How often did you eat fish there?

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

Camp #2 (location): ________________________

How long did you live there? _____ years and _____ months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

How often did you eat fish there?

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Did you live in any other countries?

___ Yes go to #28

___ No go to #29

___ Don’t know go to #29

___ Refused go to #29

  1. What other countries did you live in?

Country #1 (location): ________________________

How long did you live there? _____ years and _____ months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

How often did you eat fish there?

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

Country #2 (location): ________________________

How long did you live there? _____ years and _____ months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

How often did you eat fish there?

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


  1. Have you eaten fish or shellfish in the past week?

___ Yes go to #30

___ No go to #31

___ Don’t know go to #31

___ Refused go to #31

  1. When was the last time you ate fish or shellfish?

___ Today (same day)

___ Yesterday (1 day ago)

___ Day before yesterday (2 days ago)

___ 3 days ago

___ 4-7 days ago

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

Script: The next group of questions is about the following nearby waters. (READ THE LIST AND SHOW PICTURES)

Lake Ontario

Oswego River

Seneca River

Onondaga Lake and surrounding creeks including Sawmill Creek, Onondaga Creek, Ninemile Creek and Bloody Brook

  1. Which of these nearby waters have you eaten fish from? (Check all that apply.)

___ Lake Ontario

___ Oswego River

___ Seneca River

___ Onondaga Lake and surrounding creeks including Sawmill Creek, Onondaga Creek, Ninemile Creek, Ley Creek, and Bloody Brook

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

___ None

  1. How do you get your fish from these waters? This is private information that will not be shared. (Check all that apply)

___ Catch it

___ Received as a gift from friends/family

___ Collect from people fishing

___ Buy it down by the river/lake

___ Collect it from the water or ground (without fishing for it)

___ Don’t Know

___ Refused

  1. Do you freeze the fish caught from nearby waters to eat later?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. How often did you eat fish caught from these nearby waters in the past 12 months? This includes frozen fish.

In summer? (months: June, July, August; description: when it’s hot outside)

___ times eats fish per (circle one) day week month

___ Does not eat during these months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

In fall? (months: September, October; description: when it’s cold outside but not snowing)

___ times eats fish per (circle one) day week month

___ Does not eat during these months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

In winter? (months: November, December, January, February, March; description: when there is snow on the ground)

___ times eats fish per (circle one) day week month

___ Does not eat during these months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

In spring? (months: April, May; description: when it’s rainy, cool, but there’s no snow)

___ times eats fish per (circle one) day week month

___ Does not eat during these months

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Does anyone else in your household, including children, eat fish from these nearby waters?

___ Yes, Number: _____

___ No go to #37.

___ Don’t know go to #37

___ Refused go to #37

  1. How many people in your house that eat fish caught from nearby waters are children under 15 years old?

Number of children under 15 years: ___

___ None

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Which of the following fish caught from nearby waters have you eaten in the past 12 months? SHOW POSTER with pictures of fish ALONG with 15” fish model (Check All that Apply.)

___ Chinook “King” salmon

___ Coho salmon

___ Pink Salmon

___ Muskellunge

___ Northern pike

___ Chain Pickerel

___ Walleye

___ Yellow perch

___ Lake trout

___ Rainbow trout/Steelhead

___ Brown Trout

___ Brook Trout

___ Lake sturgeon

___ White bass

___ White perch

___ Common Carp

___ Goldfish

___ Largemouth (black) bass smaller than 15 inches long

___ Largemouth (black) bass 15 inches long or larger

___ Smallmouth (black) bass

smaller than 15 inches long

___ Smallmouth (black) bass 15 inches long or larger

___ American eel

___ Freshwater drum “Sheephead”

___ Rock bass

___ Pumpkinseed/Sunfish

___ Black Crappie

___ Bluegill

___ Quillback

___ Northern Hog Sucker

___ White sucker

___ Rainbow smelt

___ Channel Catfish

___ Brown Bullhead

___ Yellow Bullhead

___ Round goby

___ Minnow

  1. How do you usually prepare the fish before it is cooked? (Check all that apply.)

Smaller fish (smaller than your hand)

___ Removes scales (but not skin)

___ Cut off head

___ Remove guts

___ Remove skin

___ Fillet (cut the large piece off the side)

___ Cut off belly fat

___ Keeps whole, does not remove parts of fish before cooking

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

Larger fish (larger than your hand)

___ Removes scales (but not skin)

___ Cut off head

___ Remove guts

___ Remove skin

___ Fillet (cut the large piece off the side)

___ Cut off belly fat

___ Keeps whole, does not remove parts of fish before cooking

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. What parts of fish do you usually eat? (Check all that apply.)

Smaller fish (smaller than your hand)

___ Whole with head

___ Whole without head

___ Fillet (cut the large piece off the side)

___ Guts/innards

___ Skin

___ Head

___ Other->Specify: _____________________________________________

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

Larger fish (larger than your hand)

___ Whole with head

___ Whole without head

___ Fillet (cut the large piece off the side)

___ Guts/innards

___ Skin

___ Head

___ Other->Specify: _____________________________________________

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. How is the fish usually cooked? (Check all that apply.)

Smaller fish (smaller than your hand)

___ Fish paste

___ Dried

___ Pickled

___ Smoked

___ Pan fried

___ Deep fried

___ Boiled/poached

___ Soup / curry

___ Grilled / roasted

___ Baked/broiled in oven

___ Eaten raw

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

Larger fish (larger than your hand)

___ Fish paste

___ Dried

___ Pickled

___ Smoked

___ Pan fried

___ Deep fried

___ Boiled/poached

___ Soup / curry

___ Grilled / roasted

___ Baked/broiled in oven

___ Eaten raw

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


Script: I'm going to ask you some questions about fish paste [“nya u” (Karen) or “ngape” (Burmese)]

  1. Do you eat fish paste?

___ Yes How often?___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ No go to #46

___ Don’t know go to #46

___ Refused go to #46

  1. Do you eat store bought or homemade fish paste?

___ Homemade

___ Store bought go to #46

___ Don’t know go to #46

___ Refused go to #46

  1. Is the homemade fish paste made from fish caught in nearby waters?

___ Yes

___ No go to #46

___ Don’t know go to #46

___ Refused go to #46

  1. What kinds of fish from nearby waters is the fish paste made from?

SHOW POSTER with pictures of fish ALONG with 15” fish model (Check All that Apply.)

___ Chinook “King” salmon

___ Coho salmon

___ Pink Salmon

___ Muskellunge

___ Northern pike

___ Chain Pickerel

___ Walleye

___ Yellow perch

___ Lake trout

___ Rainbow trout/Steelhead

___ Brown Trout

___ Brook Trout

___ Lake sturgeon

___ White bass

___ White perch

___ Common Carp

___ Goldfish

___ Largemouth (black) bass smaller than 15 inches

___ Largemouth (black) bass 15 inches or larger

___ Smallmouth (black) bass smaller than 15 inches

___ Smallmouth (black) bass 15 inches or larger

___ American eel

___ Freshwater drum “Sheephead”

___ Rock bass

___ Pumpkinseed/Sunfish

___ Black Crappie

___ Bluegill

___ Quillback

___ Northern Hog Sucker

___ White sucker

___ Rainbow smelt

___ Channel Catfish

___ Brown Bullhead

___ Yellow Bullhead

___ Round goby

___ Minnow

  1. What parts of the fish is the homemade fish paste made from? (Check all that apply.)

___ Whole fish

___ Flesh and skin only

___ Flesh only

___ Whole fish with head and tail removed

___ Other: (specify) ___________________________

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


  1. In the past year, have you eaten any of these wild birds or animals? Circle Answers

Waterfowl (ducks or geese)

Crows or other scavenger birds


Frogs or toads

Rats or Mice




___ Other (specify): ______________________________

___ None

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


Script: The following questions are about fish you have eaten that were bought at a store, restaurant, fish vendor, open air market, Asian market or supermarket?

  1. Which of the following fish have you eaten at least five times in your life? (Check all the species that apply)

___ Grouper

___ Shark

___ Swordfish

___ Salmon (including canned)

___ Tuna (not canned)

___ Tuna (canned)

___ Shrimp

___ Snails

___ Mussels

___ None go to #50

___ Don’t know go to #50

___ Refused go to #50


Note: Question 48 should be asked for EACH fish answered in question 47

  1. How many years did you eat [fish/shellfish]?

___ years

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


Note: Question 49 should be asked for EACH fish answered in question 47

  1. In the past year, how many times did you eat [fish/shellfish]?

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


Script: The following questions are about other foods that you may have eaten in the past 12 months. We want to know about the foods you eat that have a lot of animal fat.

In the past 12 months, how often did you eat meals with …..? SHOW CARD.

  1. Whole eggs?(If never, enter 0 times per year.)

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Whole milk products (including 2% milk)? (If never, enter 0 times per year.)

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Poultry meat like chicken and turkey?(If never, enter 0 times per year.)

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Red meat like beef and pork? (If never, enter 0 times per year.)

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


  1. Do you work?

___ Yes go to #55

___ No go to #62

___ Don’t know go to #62

___ Refused go to #62

  1. Do you work full time or part time?

___ Full time

___ Part time

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. What is your current job?


Where do you work? ___________________________________________

How many hours a week do you work? _____ hours per week

How much are you paid per hour? $ _____ per hour

  1. Do you have a second job?

___ Yes go to #58

___ No go to #62

___ Don’t know go to #62

___ Refused go to #62

  1. What is your second job?


Where do you work? ___________________________________________

How many hours a week do you work? _____ hours per week

How much are you paid per hour? $ _____ per hour

  1. Have you worked at any (other) job in the past year?

___ Yes go to #60

___ No go to #62

___ Don’t know go to #62

___ Refused go to #62

  1. Did you work full time or part time?

___ Full time

___ Part time

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. What was this other job?


Where do you work? ___________________________________________

How many hours a week do you work? _____ hours per week

How much are you paid per hour? $ _____ per hour

  1. Do you receive food stamps?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Do you receive WIC services?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. How many years of school have you completed?

Number of years: _____

___ None go to #66

___ Don’t know go to #66

___ Refused go to #66

  1. Have you ever attended school in the United States?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Do you read?

___ Yes Which language? (specify) ____________________________________________

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


Script: The next group of questions will be about any behaviors or customs you have that could expose you to some contaminants found in Great Lakes fish.

  1. Do you swim, dive, or wade in any of these local bodies of water? (READ THE LIST AND SHOW PICTURES)

___ Yes. How many times in the past year? ______

___ No

___ Don't know

___ Refused

  1. On most days, do you take or use any of the following (Check all that apply.)

___ Herbal medicine or supplements Specify:______________________

___ Fish oil

___ Store-bought Betel nut

___ Natural or hand-made Betel nut

___ None

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Do you use a homemade or store-bought yellow powder/cream called Thanakar/Thanakha?

___ Homemade go to #70

___ Store bought go to #70

___ No go to #71

___ Don’t know go to #71

___ Refused go to # 71

  1. How often do you use Thanakar?

___ times per (circle one) week month year

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes (or 5 packs) in your lifetime?

___ Yes go to #72

___ No go to #76

___ Don’t know go to #76

___ Refused go to #76

  1. Do you smoke cigarettes now?

___ Yes go to 74

___ No go to 73

___ Don’t know go to #73

___ Refused go to #76

  1. How long has it been since you last smoked cigarettes regularly?

_____ months or _____ years go to #76

  1. How often do you smoke cigarettes?

___ Daily

___ Weekly go to #76

___ Monthly go to #76

___ Don’t know go to #76

___ Refused go to #76

  1. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? (1 pack=20 cigarettes)

___ 1-5 per day

___ 6-10 per day

___ 11-20 per day (>1/2 and <1 pack per day)

___ >20 per day (>1 pack per day)

___ Don’t know

___ Refused

  1. Do you use chewing tobacco or snuff?

___ Yes go to #77

___ No go to #78

___ Don’t know go to #78

___ Refused go to #78

  1. How often do you use chewing tobacco or snuff?

___ Daily

___ Weekly

___ Monthly

___ Don’t know

___ Refused


  1. Have you heard about health advice on eating fish from nearby waters?

___ Yes From who or where did you hear it? ____________________________

___ No

___ Don’t know

___ Refused



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