Attachment A- Web-based Assessment Instrument: Word Version
Form approved
OMB No. 0920-0879
Expiration date: 03/18/2018
web-based Assessment Instrument
Thank you for taking time to complete this assessment! Your answers will help CDC tailor its school health resources to your work.
We are seeking your input given the role you play in coordinating school-based strategies as part of Cooperative Agreement 1305 (State Public Health Actions to Prevent and Control Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and Associated Risk Factors and Promote School Health) and/or Cooperative Agreement 1308 (Supporting State and Local Education Agencies to Reduce Adolescent Sexual Risk Behaviors and Adverse Health Outcomes Associated with HIV, Other STD, and Teen Pregnancy). This data collection is intended for State Health Department or Department of Education/Public Instructions staff only.
Completing this online assessment is voluntary and takes approximately 25 minutes. Please respond to the questions from your individual perspective and not that of your department. CDC will not publish or share any identifying information about your individual responses.
Please complete the assessment by [ ---- ]
CDC estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of information as 25 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources, gathering and maintaining the data/information needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0879).
What state do you work in?
Where do you work? TESTER PLEASE IGNORE
Department of Health
Department of Education/Department of Public Instruction
I do not work at either of the options listed above [END DATA COLLECTION—SENDS TO THANK YOU PAGE]
What is your current job title?
Which of the following are included among your job responsibilities? Check all that apply.
Selecting school health tools and resources that your agency supports
Promoting awareness of school health tools and resources among district and local level school staff
Training staff and/or district-level staff on how to implement school health tools and resources
Training colleagues at state agencies on school health curriculum, tools, and resources
How long have you worked in your current position?
Less than 1 year
1 year to <2 years
2 years to <5 years
5 years to <10 years
10 or more years
How long have you worked in your agency?
Less than 1 year
1 year to <2 years
2 years to <5 years
5 years to <10 years
10 or more years
How long have you worked in the school health field?
Less than 1 year
1 year to <2 years
2 years to <5 years
5 years to <10 years
10 years or more
Which degrees do you hold? Check all that apply.
MD or DO
PhD, EdD, DrPH, or ScD
Other (please specify) [PROVIDE WRITE-IN RESPONSE]
Which CDC-funded school health program do you work on?
I work on 1305.
I work on 1308. [SKIP TO QUESTION 13]
I work on both.
For your state’s work on Cooperative Agreement 1305/State Public Health Actions, which state agency is the main point of contact for the local education agencies (LEAs)? Check all that apply.
Department of Health
Department of Education/Department of Public Instruction
Is your state’s 1305 cooperative agreement funded at the basic level or at the enhanced level?
How many full-time equivalents (FTEs) focused on school health in your agency are supported through 1305 funding? Please report total FTEs regardless of number of individuals involved.
Less than 0.5 FTE
0.5 FTE to 1.0 FTE
1.1 FTE to 1.5 FTEs
1.6 FTE to 2.0 FTEs
More than 2.0 FTEs
How many full-time equivalents (FTEs) focused on school health in your agency are supported through 1308 funding? Please report total FTEs regardless of number of individuals involved.
Less than 0.5 FTE
0.5 FTE to 1.0 FTE
1.1 FTE to 1.5 FTEs
1.6 FTE to 2.0 FTEs
More than 2.0 FTEs
Does your state have a strategic plan or framework for school health?
Does your state have a course of study, curriculum framework or scope, and sequence for health education in schools?
Considering all of your state’s actions in school health, what level of priority would you assign to each of the following at your state agency? Scale would be Very high priority to Very low priority.
Increasing school capacity to provide healthy foods and beverages
Increasing school capacity to implement high quality health education
Increasing school capacity to provide quality physical education and physical activity
Increasing parent engagement in school health
How would you describe your role in the decisions your state agency makes on school health strategies and policies?
I have a lot of influence on these decisions
I have a moderate amount of influence on these decisions
I have little influence on these decisions
I have no influence on these decisions
Have you ever heard of the following school health tools and resources? Check all that apply.
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) [IF CHECKED ALSO COMPLETE THE CSPAP MODULE, IF NOT THEN SKIP]
School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (Guidelines) [IF CHECKED ALSO COMPLETE THE SHGNPA MODULE, IF NOT THEN SKIP]
In the last 12 months, has your state engaged in marketing and communication activities to promote awareness of any of the following school health tools and resources among schools or school districts? Check all that apply.
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP)
The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)
School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (Guidelines)
Parents for Healthy Schools (P4HS)
In the last 12 months, has your state engaged in training and/or technical assistance activities to promote use or implementation of the any of the following CDC school health tools and resources among schools or school districts? Check all that apply.
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP)
The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)
School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (Guidelines)
Parents for Healthy Schools (P4HS)
Please indicate which of the following factors influenced your state’s decision whether to promote awareness or use of the CDC school health tools and resources shown in the table below. Check all that apply for each tool.
CSPAP = Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Guide
HECAT = The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool
P4HS = Parents for Healthy Schools
Guidelines = School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
Factors influencing decision to promote awareness or use |
Guidelines |
P4HS |
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) Guide Module
Which of the following BEST describes your knowledge about the CSPAP Guide?
Excellent. I am fully familiar with the content and features of the guide.
Very good. I am very familiar with the content and features of the guide, although I could still improve my understanding.
Good. I understand the guide’s general content and features, but not in detail.
Limited. I know little about the guide’s content and features.
In what ways have you heard about or received information on the CSPAP Guide? Check all that apply.
CDC website
A website other than CDC
Email from CDC
Email/newsletter from a professional organization
Training by webinar or in person
Colleague at a state agency
School administrator or school staff
Other [provide space for write-in response]
Which of the following BEST describes your confidence in your ability to provide training on the CSPAP Guide?
Excellent. I feel highly confident that I could lead training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Very good. I feel fairly confident that I could provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Good. I am not very confident that I could provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Limited. I would not be able to provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Have you ever participated in Training of Trainers for the CSPAP Guide?
Who led the Training of Trainers you participated in?
Non-governmental organization
Other entity
In the past 12 months, have you (your agency) promoted awareness of the CSPAP Guide to district‑/school-level staff in your target/priority districts through any of the following methods? Check all that apply.
We have not carried out any marketing or promotion efforts for CSPAP in the past 12 months
Newsletters (print or electronic)
Informal conversations
Other (write in option)
Have you or others from your agency ever provided training or technical assistance on the use/implementation of the CSPAP Guide? Check all that apply.
Yes, to colleagues from a state, tribal, or territorial health or education department in my state
Yes, to colleagues from a state, tribal, or territorial health or education department in a different state
Yes, to district-level school administrator(s)
Yes, to district-level staff, such as food service, physical, or health education staff
Yes, to school-level administrator(s)
Yes, to local school staff, such as food service, physical, or health education staff
In the past 12 months, how many times have you or others from your agency provided training on how to use the CSPAP Guide to state, district, or school staff? If you or your agency provided the same training on multiple dates, please count each occurrence.
1 time
2–3 times
4–5 times
6 or more times
In the past 12 months, how many times have you or others from your agency provided technical assistance to state, district, or school staff such as a phone call, meeting, or email exchange on the use of the CSPAP Guide?
1 time
2–3 times
4–5 times
6 or more times
In the past 12 months, has your agency been able to stay on your plan’s schedule to promote awareness or provide training and technical assistance for the CSPAP Guide?
We are on track with all of our plans for promoting awareness or providing training/technical assistance for the CSPAP Guide. [IF CHECKED, SKIP TO QUESTION 12]
We are on track with some of our plans and behind schedule on others.
We are behind schedule on all of our plans but still plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance this school year.
We are behind schedule on all of our plans and plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical next school year.
We are far behind schedule and plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance after the next school year.
ANSWER ONLY IF ITEM 12 RESPONSE IS B-E. Which of the following factors have caused delays? Check all that apply.
Competing priorities related to school health
Competing priorities unrelated to school health
Staff turnover
Staff time available to work on school health
Budget capacity other than staffing
Please tell us about CSPAP Guide support activities that you and other key staff at your agency have done or plan to do.
We have already done this |
We plan to do this in the future |
We do not plan to do this |
Think about the overall concept and content of the CSPAP Guide and share your opinions on the following statements.
Select only 1 answer for each statement |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
In your experience, what are common barriers at the district or school level to implementing a comprehensive school physical activity program as described in the CSPAP Guide? Check all that apply.
Competing priorities related to school health
Competing priorities unrelated to school health
Staff turnover
Staff time available to work on school health
Budget capacity other than staffing
Do you have suggestions for improving the CSPAP Guide?
[IF THIS IS THE ONLY MODULE THE PARTICIPANT IS COMPLETING THEN ASK QUESTION 16; OTHERWISE SKIP TO NEXT MODULE] Do you have suggestions for improving or developing other tools/resources to help schools address nutrition, physical activity, health education, and parent engagement?
[IF THIS IS THE ONLY MODULE THE PARTICIPANT IS COMPLETING THEN ASK QUESTION 17; OTHERWISE SKIP TO NEXT MODULE] Other than the CDC School Health tools reviewed in this survey, what other school health tools/resources do you use to help with developing, implementing, and/or evaluating school-based efforts related to physical activity/health education/nutrition/engaging parents in school health?
The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) Module
Which of the following BEST describes your knowledge about the HECAT?
Excellent. I am fully familiar with the content and features of the resource.
Very good. I am very familiar with the content and features of the resource, although I could still improve my understanding.
Good. I understand the resource’s general content and features, but not in detail.
Limited. I know little about the resource’s content and features.
In what ways have you heard about or received information on the HECAT? Check all that apply.
CDC website
A website other than CDC
Email from CDC
Email/newsletter from a professional organization
Training by a webinar or in person
Colleague at a state agency
School administrator or school staff
Other [provide space for write-in response]
Which of the following BEST describes your confidence in your ability to provide training on the HECAT?
Excellent. I feel highly confident that I could lead training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Very good. I feel fairly confident that I could provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Good. I am not very confident that I could provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Limited. I would not be able to provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Have you ever participated in Training of Trainers for the HECAT?
Who led the Training of Trainers you participated in?
Non-governmental organization
Other entity
In the past 12 months, have you (your agency) promoted awareness of the HECAT to district-/school-level staff in your target/priority districts through any of the following methods? Check all that apply.
We have not carried out any marketing or promotion efforts for HECAT in the past 12 months
Newsletters (print or electronic)
Informal conversations
Other (write in option)
Have you or others from your agency ever provided training or technical assistance on the use/implementation of the HECAT? Check all that apply.
Yes, to colleagues from a state, tribal, or territorial health or education department in my state
Yes, to colleagues from a state, tribal, or territorial health or education department in a different state
Yes, to district-level school administrator(s)
Yes, to district-level staff, such as food service, physical, or health education staff
Yes, to school-level administrator(s)
Yes, to local school staff, such as food service, physical, or health education staff
In the past 12 months, how many times have you or others from your agency provided training on how to use the HECAT to state, district, or school staff? If you or your agency provided the same training on multiple dates, please count each occurrence.
1 time
2–3 times
4–5 times
6 or more times
In the past 12 months, how many times have you or others from your agency provided technical assistance to state, district, or school staff such as a phone call, meeting, or email exchange on the use of the HECAT?
1 time
2–3 times
4–5 times
6 or more times
In the past 12 months, has your agency been able to stay on your plan’s schedule to promote awareness or provide training and technical assistance for HECAT?
We are on track with all of our plans for promoting awareness or providing training/technical assistance for the HECAT. [IF CHECKED, SKIP TO QUESTION 12]
We are on track with some of our plans and behind schedule on others.
We are behind schedule on all of our plans but still plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance this school year.
We are behind schedule on all of our plans and plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance next school year.
We are far behind schedule and plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance after the next school year.
ANSWER ONLY IF ITEM 12 RESPONSE IS B-E. Which of the following factors have caused delays? Check all that apply.
Competing priorities related to school health
Competing priorities unrelated to school health
Staff turnover
Staff time available to work on school health
Budget capacity other than staffing
Please tell us about HECAT support activities that you and other key staff at your agency have done or plan to do.
We have already done this |
We plan to do this in the future |
We do not plan to do this |
Think about the overall concept and content of the HECAT and share your opinions on the following statements.
Select only 1 answer for each statement |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
In your experience, what are common barriers at the district or local level to assessing health education curricula as described in the HECAT? Check all that apply.
Competing priorities related to school health
Competing priorities unrelated to school health
Staff turnover
Staff time available to work on school health
Budget capacity other than staffing
Do you have suggestions for improving the Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool?
[IF THIS IS THE ONLY MODULE THE PARTICIPANT IS COMPLETING THEN ASK QUESTION 33; OTHERWISE SKIP TO NEXT MODULE] Do you have suggestions for improving or developing other tools/resources to help schools address nutrition, physical activity, health education, and parent engagement?
[IF THIS IS THE LAST MODULE THE PARTICIPANT IS COMPLETING THEN ASK QUESTION 34; OTHERWISE SKIP TO NEXT MODULE] Other than the CDC School Health tools reviewed in this survey, what other school health tools/resources do you use to help with developing, implementing, and/or evaluating school-based efforts related to physical activity/health education/nutrition/engaging parents in school health?
Parents for Healthy Schools (P4HS) Module
Which of the following BEST describes your knowledge about P4HS?
Excellent. I am fully familiar with the content and features of the guide.
Very good. I am very familiar with the content and features of the guide, although I could still improve my understanding.
Good. I understand the guide’s general content and features, but not in detail.
Limited. I know little about the guide’s content and features.
In what ways have you heard about or received information on P4HS? Check all that apply.
CDC website
A website other than CDC
Email from CDC
Email/newsletter from a professional organization
Training by a webinar or in person
Colleague at a state agency
School administrator or school staff
Other [provide space for write-in response]
Which of the following BEST describes your confidence in your ability to provide training on P4HS?
Excellent. I feel highly confident that I could lead training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Very good. I feel fairly confident that I could provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Good. I am not very confident that I could provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Limited. I would not be able to provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Have you ever participated in Training of Trainers for P4HS?
Who led the Training of Trainers you participated in?
Non-governmental organization
Other entity
In the past 12 months, have you (your agency) promoted awareness of P4HS to district-/school-level staff in your target/priority districts through any of the following methods? Check all that apply.
We have not carried out any marketing or promotion efforts for P4HS in the past 12 months
Newsletters (print or electronic)
Informal conversations
Other (write in option)
Have you or others from your agency ever provided training or technical assistance on the use/implementation of P4HS? Check all that apply.
Yes, to colleagues from a state, tribal, or territorial health or education department in my state
Yes, to colleagues from a state, tribal, or territorial health or education department in a different state
Yes, to district-level school administrator(s)
Yes, to district-level staff, such as food service, physical, or health education staff
Yes, to school-level administrator(s)
Yes, to local school staff, such as food service, physical, or health education staff
In the past 12 months, how many times have you or others from your agency provided training on how to use P4HS to state, district, or school staff? If you or your agency provided the same training on multiple dates, please count each occurrence.
1 time
2–3 times
4–5 times
6 or more times
In the past 12 months, how many times have you or others from your agency provided technical assistance to state, district, or school staff such as a phone call, meeting, or email exchange on the use of P4HS?
1 time
2–3 times
4–5 times
6 or more times
In the past 12 months, has your agency been able to stay on your plan’s schedule to promote awareness or provide training and technical assistance P4HS?
We are on track with all of our plans for promoting awareness or providing training/technical assistance for P4HS. [IF CHECKED, SKIP TO QUESTION 12]
We are on track with some of our plans and behind schedule on others.
We are behind schedule on all of our plans but still plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance this school year.
We are behind schedule on all of our plans and plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance next school year.
We are far behind schedule and plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance after the next school year.
ANSWER ONLY IF ITEM 12 RESPONSE IS B-E. Which of the following factors have caused delays? Check all that apply.
Competing priorities related to school health
Competing priorities unrelated to school health
Staff turnover
Staff time available to work on school health
Budget capacity other than staffing
Please tell us about P4HS support activities that you and other key staff at your agency have done or plan to do.
We have already done this |
We plan to do this in the future |
We do not plan to do this |
Think about the overall concept and content of P4HS and share your opinions on the following statements.
Select only 1 answer for each statement |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
In your experience, what are common barriers at the district or local level to providing parents with education, resources, and suggestions on healthy school environments as described in P4HS? Check all that apply.
Competing priorities related to school health
Competing priorities unrelated to school health
Staff turnover
Staff time available to work on school health
Budget capacity other than staffing
Do you have suggestions for improving the Parents for Healthy Schools Guide?
[IF THIS IS THE LAST MODULE THE PARTICIPANT IS COMPLETING THEN ASK QUESTION 50; OTHERWISE SKIP TO NEXT MODULE] Do you have suggestions for improving or developing other tools/resources to help schools address nutrition, physical activity, health education, and parent engagement?
[IF THIS IS THE ONLY MODULE THE PARTICIPANT IS COMPLETING THEN ASK QUESTION 51; OTHERWISE SKIP TO NEXT MODULE] Other than the CDC School Health tools reviewed in this survey, what other school health tools/resources do you use to help with developing, implementing, and/or evaluating school-based efforts related to physical activity/health education/nutrition/engaging parents in school health?
School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (Guidelines) Module
Which of the following BEST describes your knowledge about the Guidelines?
Excellent. I am fully familiar with the content and features of the Guidelines.
Very good. I am very familiar with the content and features of the Guidelines, although I could still improve my understanding.
Good. I understand the Guidelines’ general content and features, but not in detail.
Limited. I know little about the Guidelines’ content and features.
In what ways have you heard about or received information on the Guidelines? Check all that apply.
CDC website
A website other than CDC
Email from CDC
Email/newsletter from a professional organization
Training by a webinar or in person
Colleague at a state agency
School administrator or school staff
Other [provide space for write-in response]
Which of the following BEST describes your confidence in your ability to provide training on the Guidelines?
Excellent. I feel highly confident that I could lead training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Very good. I feel fairly confident that I could provide training or technical assistance to others on its use/implementation.
Good. I could explain its general principles and features to others.
Limited. I would have difficulty explaining its general principles and features to others.
Have you ever participated in Training of Trainers for the Guidelines?
Who led the Training of Trainers you participated in?
Non-governmental organization
Other entity
In the past 12 months, have you (your agency) promoted awareness of the Guidelines to district‑/school-level staff in your target/priority districts through any of the following methods? Check all that apply.
We have not carried out any marketing or promotion efforts for the Guidelines in the past 12 months
Newsletters (print or electronic)
Informal conversations
Other (write in option)
Have you or others from your agency ever provided training or technical assistance on the use/implementation of the Guidelines? Check all that apply.
Yes, to colleagues from a state, tribal, or territorial health or education department in my state
Yes, to colleagues from a state, tribal, or territorial health or education department in a different state
Yes, to district-level school administrator(s)
Yes, to district-level staff, such as food service, physical, or health education staff
Yes, to school-level administrator(s)
Yes, to local school staff, such as food service, physical, or health education staff
In the past 12 months, how many times have you or others from your agency provided training on how to use the Guidelines to state, district, or school staff? If you or your agency provided the same training on multiple dates, please count each occurrence.
1 time
2–3 times
4–5 times
6 or more times
In the past 12 months, how many times have you or others from your agency provided technical assistance to state, district, or school staff such as a phone call, meeting, or email exchange on the use of the Guidelines?
1 time
2–3 times
4–5 times
6 or more times
In the past 12 months, has your agency been able to stay on your plan’s schedule to promote awareness or provide training and technical assistance for the Guidelines?
We are on track with all of our plans for promoting awareness or providing training/technical assistance for the Guidelines. [IF CHECKED, SKIP TO QUESTION 12]
We are on track with some of our plans and behind schedule on others.
We are behind schedule on all of our plans but still plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance this school year.
We are behind schedule on all of our plans and plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance next school year.
We are far behind schedule and plan to promote awareness or provide training/technical assistance after the next school year.
ANSWER ONLY IF ITEM 12 RESPONSE IS B-E. Which of the following factors have caused delays? Check all that apply.
Competing priorities related to school health
Competing priorities unrelated to school health
Staff turnover
Staff time available to work on school health
Budget capacity other than staffing
Please tell us about Guidelines support activities that you and other key staff at your agency have done or plan to do.
We have already done this |
We plan to do this in the future |
We do not plan to do this |
Think about the overall concept and content of the Guidelines and share your opinions on the following statements.
Select only 1 answer for each statement |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
In your experience, what are common barriers at the district or local level to implementing healthy eating and physical activity practices as described in the Guidelines? Check all that apply.
Competing priorities related to school health
Competing priorities unrelated to school health
Staff turnover
Staff time available to work on school health
Budget capacity other than staffing
Do you have suggestions for improving the School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity?
Do you have suggestions for improving or developing other tools/resources to help schools address nutrition, physical activity, health education, and parent engagement?
Other than the CDC School Health tools reviewed in this survey, what other school health tools/resources do you use to help with developing, implementing, and/or evaluating school-based efforts related to physical activity/health education/nutrition/engaging parents in school health?
Exit page
Do you have suggestions for improving or developing other tools/resources to help schools address nutrition, physical activity, health education, and parent engagement?
Other than the CDC School Health tools reviewed in this survey, what other school health tools/resources do you use to help with developing, implementing, and/or evaluating school-based efforts related to physical activity/health education/nutrition/engaging parents in school health?
Thank you for your time and feedback!
If you’d like to learn more about CDC School Health resources, please visit:
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | xxh8 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-26 |