Supporting Statement

2700-0159 Supporting Statement_Supplemental Form_OE NIAS Student-level Data DC Screens-3.5.18.pdf

Generic Clearance for the NASA Office of Education Performance Measurement and Evaluation (Testing)

Supporting Statement

OMB: 2700-0159

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REQUEST FOR APPROVAL under the Generic Clearance for NASA Education Performance Measurement
and Evaluation (Testing), OMB Control Number 2700-0159


NASA Education Internship Data Collection Screens: NASA Internship Application Management
System (NIAMS) Student-level Data


 Attitude & Behavior Scale
 Baseline Survey
 Cognitive Interview Protocol
 Data Collection Screens
 Focus Group Protocol
 Follow-up Survey
 Satisfaction Survey
 Usability Protocol

III. GENERAL OVERVIEW: In compliance with the Government Performance and Results Modernization

(GPRAMA) Act of 2010, NASA collects data on its educational activities to ensure that progress is
being made toward Strategic Objective 3.3: Inspire and Engage the Public in Aeronautics, Space, and
Science, its associated performance goals, and to collect evidence of the impact of NASA educational
programs. NASA is committed to inspiring an informed society; enabling the public to embrace and
understand NASA’s work and value, today and tomorrow; engaging the public in science, technology,
discovery, and exploration; equipping our employees to serve as ambassadors to the public, and
providing unique STEM opportunities for diverse stakeholders (2018 NASA Strategic Plan, page 29).
The information from this data collection will be used in accordance with the criteria established by
NASA for monitoring research and education projects. This information collection is also necessary to
provide NASA Education projects with information on participants necessary to determine
participant eligibility, selection for activity participation, identify accommodations participants may
have, and provide other information necessary for effective activity implementation. Currently
project activity data is collected via the Office of Education Performance Management (OEPM)
application and the NASA Internship, Fellowship, and Scholarship (NIFS) One Stop Shopping Initiative
(OSSI). A NASA Office of Education development team has redesigned, and improved internship
project activity data collection screens under a unified, modernized, commercial IT infrastructure for
the internship data collection entitled the NASA Internship Application Management System
(NIAMS). The NIAMS is a comprehensive tool designed to allow student applicants to apply to NASA
internship opportunities in a single location. NASA personnel manage the intern selection process
and implementation of internship sessions in a single system. This request pertains to NIAMS data
collection screens only, which constitute student-level data. Rigorous testing of data collection
screens underneath this clearance is a key step in the NIAMS team’s plan for this redesigned and
consolidated project activity data collection.


INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE: Project activity data is collected through data collection screens, a set
of data fields strategically aligned to NASA Education Internship projects to facilitate participant
eligibility, selection for activity participation, performance measurement, analysis, and accurate
reporting of NASA’s contributions to STEM education. The project activity data collected characterizes
our recruitment pool, educational opportunities, participant pool, participant experiences, our

outputs, and outcomes, and enables effective program administration, communication, and program
and project monitoring and review. The data also allows NASA Education to assess portfolio
performance by tracking activity outputs, which help identify best practices and constitutes
information vital to strategic planning and continuous process improvement. Internal users of this
data collection use it to make data driven decisions and to monitor and assess performance of the
NASA education portfolio of projects administered by NASA field centers and facilities.
While the NIAMS development team is responsible for the IT infrastructure and system usability
testing, the Performance, Assessment, Evaluation & Information Management (PAEIM) team is
responsible for the constitution, reliability and validity of NASA Education data collection instruments,
to include attitude and behavior scales, surveys, and project activity data collection screens. Testing is
an integrated, two- pronged approach supported by subject matter expertise from the NIAMS
development and PAEIM teams. NIAMS will execute quality assurance and operability testing and
implement usability testing while the PAEIM will review testing data to determine reliability and
validity characteristics. The teams’ combined efforts will accomplish two objectives:
• Obtain baseline quality assurance and operability (QA & O) measures in support of current
use and in support of the efforts to modernize the information technology infrastructure
supporting the data collection screens.
• Gain an understanding of why particular fields within the data collection screens are
yielding inconsistent, unreliable data, meaning understanding the degree to which users
are misinterpreting specific questions, and determining what to change to positively
improve the user experience and increase the quality of data collected in those fields of
concern; and
The purpose of testing this compendium of data collection screens is to garner information regarding
the challenges and success of the user experience to shape and improve the future design of the data
collection screens. Specific fields within the data collection screens in question will undergo
methodologically rigorous testing to identify issues with the wording of questions and instructions, for
instance, and navigation within and between data collection screens. Lastly, testing under this
clearance will allow NASA Education to establish a procedure for testing annual updates to the data
collection screens that arise in response to changes in project activities, the NASA Education portfolio,
Congressional mandates and budget requirements.

RESEARCH DESIGN OVERVIEW: NIAMS QA & O measures are comprised of testing techniques to
establish documented evidence that the IT system accomplishes its intended requirements, and
validate that the product being developed does what the user is expecting it to do. This is facilitated
by validating that requirements are adequately defined, designs and functionality conform to
requirements, data is treated correctly, and that test results are accurate. Some phases of dynamic
testing techniques may include:
• Unit testing – Validates that individual units of product are working as designed
• Integration testing – Units of product are combined and tested as a group
• Function testing - Involves validating product functionality against defined requirements
• System testing – Testing of both hardware and software on a completely integrated
• User acceptance testing – End user testing of product functionality
NIAMS development team and PAEIM team collaborative efforts are both qualitative and quantitative
in nature, seeking to identify description of impact on user experience as well as measure impact of
usability on burden, and determine reliability and validity of the data collection screens. The NIAMS

development team and PAEIM team may first choose to establish baseline information by applying the
following multi-method testing techniques as described briefly:


Focus group interviews: With groups of nine or less per instrument, this qualitative
approach to data collection is a matter of brainstorming to creatively solve remaining
problems identified after early usability testing of data collection screen and program
application form instruments (Colton & Covert, 2007, p. 37).
Think-aloud protocols (commonly referred to as cognitive interviewing): This data
elicitation method is also called ‘concurrent verbalization’, meaning subjects are asked to
perform a task and to verbalize whatever comes to mind during task performance
(Jaaskelainen, 2010). Think-aloud protocols will be especially useful towards the
improvement of existing data collection screens, which are different in purpose from
online applications. Whereas an online application is an electronic collection of fields that
one either scrolls through or submits, completed page by completed page, data collection
screens represent hierarchical layers of interconnected information for which user
training is required. Since user training is required for proper navigation, think-aloud
protocols capture the user experience to incorporate it into a more user-friendly design
and implementation of this kind of technology.
Think-aloud protocols will be in the form of a semi-structured qualitative data collection
method in which there are consistencies across the ways in which each testing session is
introduced and initiated and the ways in which the moderator is trained to intervene
when a participant falls silent. The differences will be in the object of the test scenario,
the various uses of prompts by the moderator to maintain a steady flow of engagement
from the participant, and the length of time (burden) it takes each participant to proceed
through a test scenario.
A test scenario contains the task that a user needs to accomplish during a test session and
when a participant completes the task, the session is over (UX Passion, 2016). A usability
testing scenario will not include any information about how to accomplish the task.
Hence, the usability test will show how the participant accomplishes the task and
demonstrates whether the interface, the NIAS data collection screens, facilitates
completing the scenario. After the test scenario, a comparison of how it was anticipated
that the user would complete the task to how they actually completed the task will
provide insight into the effectiveness of the NIFS-OSSI architecture and navigation (U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services, 2016).


Comprehensibility testing: Comprehensibility testing of program activity survey
instrumentation will determine if items and instructions make sense, are ambiguous, and
are understandable by those who will complete them. For example, comprehensibility
testing will determine if items are complex, wordy, or incorporate discipline- or culturallyinappropriate language (Colton & Covert, 2007, p. 129).

Given the user-centric nature of NASA Education data collections, users’ requirements should drive
initial usability testing for determining the completeness and accuracy with which users achieve their
goals, the speed (with accuracy) with which the information solicited can be inputted, how satisfying
the NIAS user interface is to use, how well the data collection screens prevent errors and help users
recover from errors, and how easy it is to learn to use the NIAS data collection screens (Quensenbery,
This formative testing will utilize a small study environment in an iterative process, which includes:


Identifying a specific user profile (or profiles) for the study;
Creating scenarios that are task based and goal directed;
Encouraging users to think out load as they work;
And testing again to confirm that the changes worked for users (Barnum, 2010).

The time and effort reflected below in the burden estimate chart (Table 2.) indicate time spent across
all NIAS user experience levels and roles only to provide a perspective on the extent of this testing
effort and the depth of information PAEIM is seeking in this testing endeavor to enhance the
redesigned data collection screens in partnership with OE IT.

TIMELINE: The research literature demonstrates that three to five participants per scenario yields
approximately 85% of useful observations (Nielsen & Landauer, 1993, p. 212), and in this instance,
number of scenarios is dependent upon the number of different roles and the number of different
tasks each role must perform. Therefore, a timeline to completion would be devised in collaboration
with the OE IT Manager and the information technology provider or vendor. In addition, usability
testing of the NIAS data collection screens will take place over the same time period during which the
IT infrastructure modernization is underway.


SAMPLING STRATEGY: The maximum cost-benefit ratio, derived by weighing costs of testing and the
benefits gained, can be achieved with three to five-person participants per scenario. Participants will
be selected from internship staffing at NASA Centers and representative student applicants selected
to participate in the Fall Internship Session to test the Student Role category as indicated in Table 1:
Table 1. Categories of participants in usability testing
Data Collection Source (Roles)
Student Role (NIAS)
Total Participants


Center Education Staff







BURDEN HOURS: The scenarios would be determined by data collection source and so each scenario
would have no more than five participants. Note, students are the only participants considered
members of the public and therefore burden only applies to their participation time in usability testing.
Table 2. Burden hours for usability testing

Data Collection Source

Center Education Staff

Number of

Frequency of


Total minutes per

Total Response
Burden in Hours

*Burden estimate for testing is solely based on that as determined by the number of Student
testing participants because they are members of the public whereas all other Participant
roles are filled by civil servant employees for whom burden does not apply. Further, given
that this testing will be focused within scenarios on data collection fields that traditionally
yield inconsistent data, 20 burden hours is a maximum estimate.

DATA CONFIDENTIALITY MEASURES: Any information collected under the purview of this clearance
will be maintained in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the e-Government act of 2002, the
Federal Records Act, and as applicable, the Freedom of Information Act in order to protect
respondents’ privacy and the confidentiality of the data collected.


1. Is personally identifiable information (PII) collected? Yes No
2. If yes, will any information that is collected by included in records that are subject to the Privacy
Act of 1974? Yes No
3. If yes, has an up-to-date System of Records Notice (SORN) been published?
Yes  No
Published in October 2007, the Applicable System of Records Notice is NASA 10EDUA, NASA
Education Program Evaluation System
APPLICABLE RECORDS: Submitted data will be retained in accordance with NASA Records
Retention Schedule 1, Item 68D. Records will be destroyed or deleted when ten years old, or no
longer needed, whichever is longer.



Does NASA Education have a respondent sampling plan? Yes  No
If yes, please define the universe of potential respondents. If a sampling plan exists, please
describe? The universe of potential usability testing participants includes NASA NIAMS
Center Education users, Administrators, Site Administrators, Broker Facilitators, and
NIAMS student applicants.
If no, how will NASA Education identify the potential group of respondents and how will they
be selected? Not applicable.


Describe the type of Consent:  Active  Passive
4. How will the information be collected:
 Web-based or other forms of Social Media
 Telephone
 In-person
 Mail
 Other
5. Will interviewers or facilitators be used?  Yes No


 Consent form
 Instructions
 Instrument (Appendix C: NIAMS Data Collection Screens)
 Protocol script (Appendices A and B: Sample Usability Testing Script and Sample NIAMS
Testing Observation Sheet)
 Other (Specify




ANNUAL FEDERAL COST: The estimated annual cost to the Federal government is $6,171. The cost is
based on an annualized effort of 187 person-hours at the evaluator’s rate of $33/hour for administering
the usability testing protocols, collecting and analyzing responses, and drafting a report for the
Information Technology vendor’s use towards development of the modernized system of data collection
screens for ultimate approval under the methodological testing generic clearance with OMB Control
Number 2700-0159, exp. 04/30/2018.
I certify the following to be true:
1. The collection is voluntary.
2. The collection is low burden for respondents and low cost for the Federal Government.
3. The collection is non-controversial and does raise issues of concern to other federal agencies.
4. The results will be made available to other federal agencies upon request, while maintaining
confidentiality of the respondents.
5. The collection is targeted to the solicitation of information from respondents who have
experience with the program or may have experience with the program in the future.



Sponsor: Richard Gilmore
Title: Educational Programs
Specialist/Evaluation Manager
Performance Assessment, Evaluation
& Information Management Team
Office of Education
Email address or Phone number: [email protected]
Date: 02/21/18


Barnum, C. M. (2010). Usability testing essentials: Ready, set...test! Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Colton, D., & Covert, R. W. (2007). Designing and constructing instruments for social reserch and
evaluation. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Jaaskelainen, R. (2010). Think-aloud protocol. In Y. Gambier, & L. Van Doorslaer (Eds.), Handbook of
translation studies (pp. 371-373). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
NASA Education. (2016, January). Retrieved from NASA Education Implementation Plan:
Nielsen, J., & Landauer, T. K. (1993). A Mathematical Model of the Finding of Usability Problems.
INTERCHI 93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 206-213). Amsterdam:
ACM Press. Retrieved July 26, 2016, from
Quensenbery, W. (2011, July 25). WQUsability. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2016, July 28). Scenarios. Retrieved from
UX Passion. (2016, July 28). Usability: What is a test scenario and how to design it. Retrieved from UX


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorWills, Lisa E (HQ-HA000)[VALADOR INC]
File Modified2018-03-05
File Created2018-02-21

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