NPPP Brand and Message Testing Expedited Review Form

HMTSExpeditedReviewForm- NPPP branding and message testing 011113.pdf

CDC and ATSDR Health Message Testing System

NPPP Brand and Message Testing Expedited Review Form

OMB: 0920-0572

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Health Message Testing System Expedited Review Form
1. Title of Study: (Please append screener and questionnaire)
Testing of brand concepts, messages and materials for CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP)

2. Study Population: (Discuss study population and explain how they will be selected/recruited.)
Discussion groups will be conducted with consumers and health care professionals (HCPs). A total of 12 focus groups will be conducted with
individuals who have or who are at high risk for developing prediabetes (i.e., consumers). A total of6 triads (mini-groups) will be done with
health care professionals (HCPs), including physicians (3 triads) and non-physicians (3 triads) (e.g., nurses, physician's assistants,
nutritionists) who work with people with or who are at risk for prediabetes. A professional recruitment agency will identify, screen, and
schedule participants.

Respondent characteristics:
Number of subject: 144

Number of males:

Age range: Consumers: 40-65; HCPs: 18+

Number of females: 72

Racial/ethnic composition:


Consumers:Even mix of Hispanics, African Ams, Caucasians/Other. HCPs: N/A

Special group status: (e.g., risk group, health care providers)
Type of group(s): (1) Consumers: individuals with prediabetes or at-risk for it (2)
HCPs: physicians and non-physicians
Geographic location(s): Consumers: 4 regions (South; Northeast; Midwest; and West) in
in the US (1 location per region). HCPs: Nationwide across US.
3. Incentives: (State what incentive will be offered and justify proposed incentives to be used in study.)
All participants will receive an incentive of $50. Research on participation in focus groups indicates that without providing minimal levels of
incentive, insufficient numbers of participants will attend and results will not be useful. Although the triads with the HCPs will be done
remotely (over the phone and computer) and will be shorter in length than the in-person focus groups with the consumers (60 minutes versus
90 minutes), these individuals (who are being recruited for their professional role) have multiple demands on their time and a comparable
incentive will help ensure sufficient attendance and participation. (Refer to the brand, message and materials testing supplement document for
additional information.)

4. Study method: (Please check one below)
Central location intercept interview:
Online Interview:
Telephone interview:

Focus group:
Individual in-depth interview (cognitive interview):

(CATI used: yes or no): No

Other (describe): Triads (mini-groups) will also be done [similar to focus groups but with 3-4 people].

5. Purpose of the overall communication effort into which this health message(s) will fit:
(Please provide 2-3 sentences below.)
CDC's National DPP offers a proven, group-based lifestyle intervention to prevent and reduce the onset of type 2 diabetes. CDC is working to
dramatically expand the National DPP to meet the needs of the millions of Americans at high risk for type 2 diabetes. Marketing efforts are
key to supporting this expansion. The foundation for the marketing strategy lies in the development of a consistent, recognizable, and
compelling consumer-facing brand for the program and effective messages and materials. The current effort seeks to test with consumers and
HCPs 2 potential branding concepts currently under consideration by CDC as well as key messages and elements of materials that will
support the marketing of the program. The focus group findings will help CDC develop and select a consumer-facing brand, messages and
materials that can support the National DPP program goals and improve future communication efforts.

6. Category of time sensitivity: (Please check one below)
Health emergency:
Time-limited audience access:
Press coverage correction:
Time-limited congressional/administrative mandate:
Trend Tracking
Ineffective existing materials due to historical event/social trends:
7. Describe nature of time sensitivity: (Please provide 2-3 sentences below.)
If current trends continue, as many as 1 in 3 Americans will have diabetes by the year 2050. The goal of CDC's National DPP is for more than
15 million individuals to take part in the lifestyle intervention program by 2050. Effective communications are key to the success of any
program, including enrolling participants and engaging key partners. Developing a consumer-facing brand and key messages that will resonate
with consumers and HCPs is imperative to the success of the National DPP. Brand and message testing are essential steps in the creative
process for developing an effective brand and key messages. Therefore, brand testing is a time sensitive issue for the success of the National
DPP. The development of a unique brand will also help to distinguish the National DPP from the National Diabetes Education Program, and
the National Diabetes Prevention Program, the NIH research study on which the development of the National DPP was based.

8. Number of burden hours requested: 228

No. of
Respondents Time

Category of Respondent


Consumers (screening/scheduling, consent, discussion)


100 minutes

200 hours

Health Care Professionals (screening/scheduling, consent, discussion)


70 minutes

28 hours

144 respondents

170 minutes

228 hours

9. Are you using questions from the approved question bank?


If yes, please list the item number(s) for questions used from the question bank separated by a comma.
(e.g., 1a, 3c, 130d)
22f,24d,25a,25d,25f,26d,28a,28d, 29a,29d,30a,30d,31d,32d,33d,34d,35d,39d,42a,44a,45d,46d,51d,57d,60f,64d,64e,65d,
65e,66e,67d,70d,72d,74d,75d,79d,80d,81d,87d,88d,89d,90d,93d,94d, 98d, 102d,103d,104d,106d,110d,113d,114d,118d, 120d

*** Items below to be completed by Office of Associate Director for Communication (OADC)***
1. Number of burden hours remaining in current year's allocation:


2. OADC confirmation of time-sensitivity:

Sarah Lewis
Project Officer
Print Form

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2013-01-11
File Created2012-12-19

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