FRN Notice

FRN Notice 10.29.14.pdf

Specialty Sugar Certificate Application

FRN Notice

OMB: 0551-0025

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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 209 / Wednesday, October 29, 2014 / Notices
1400 Independence Ave. SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–1021.

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William Janis at the address stated
above or telephone at (202) 720–2194, or
by email at: [email protected].
Title: Sugar Imported for Export as
Refined Sugar or as a Sugar-Containing
Product, or used in the Production of
Certain Polyhydric Alcohols.
OMB Number: 0551–0015.
Expiration Date of Approval: March
31, 2015.
Type of Request: Extension of a
currently approved information
Abstract: The primary objective of the
Sugar Import Licensing Program is to
permit entry of raw cane sugar,
unrestricted by the quantitative limit
established by the sugar tariff-rate quota,
for re-export in refined form or in a
sugar containing product or for the
production of certain polyhydric
alcohols. These programs are in use by
as many as 250 licensees currently
eligible to participate. Under 7 CFR part
1530, licensees are required to submit
the following: (1) ‘‘Application for a
license’’ information required for
participation as set forth in section
1530.104; (2) ‘‘Regular reporting’’ of
import, export, transfer, or use for
charges and credits to licenses under
section 1530.109; and (3)
‘‘Miscellaneous submission’’ of bonds or
letters of credit under section 1530.107,
appeals of determinations by the
licensing authority under section
1530.112, or requests to the licensing
authority for waivers under section
In addition, each participant must
maintain records on all program reports
as set forth in section 1530.110. The
information collected is used by the
licensing authority to manage, plan,
evaluate, and account for program
activities. The reports and records are
required to ensure the proper operations
of these programs.
Estimate of Burden: (1) ‘‘Application
for a license’’ would require 20 hours
per response; (2) ‘‘Regular reporting’’
would require between 10 and 15
minutes per transaction with the
number of transactions varying per
respondent; and (3) ‘‘miscellaneous
submission’’ would require between 1 to
2 hours per bond or letter of credit, 2 to
10 hours per waiver request, and 10 to
100 hours per appeal.
Respondents: Sugar refiners,
manufacturers of sugar containing
products, and producers of polyhydric
Estimated Number of Respondents:

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Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: New/Renew License: 1;
Regular reporting: 75 transactions, total;
Miscellaneous: Bonds/letters of credit:
1; Waiver requests: 1; Appeals: 1.
Estimated Total Burden Hours on
Respondents: 1,739 hours.
Copies of this information collection
can be obtained from Connie Ehrhart,
the Agency Information Collection
Coordinator, at (202) 690–1578.
Request of Comments: The public is
invited to submit comments and
suggestions to the above address
regarding the accuracy of the burden
estimate, ways to minimize the burden,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, or any other
aspect of this collection of information.
Comments on issues covered by the
Paperwork Reduction Act are most
useful to OMB if received within 30
days of publication of the Notice and
Request for Comments, but should be
submitted no later than 60 days from the
date of this publication to be assured of
consideration. All responses to this
notice will be summarized and included
in the request for OMB approval. All
comments will also be a matter of public
record. Persons with disabilities who
require an alternative means to
communicate information (Braille, large
print, audiotape, etc.) should contact
USDA’s Target Center at (202) 720–2600
(voice and TDD).
Dated: October 20, 2014.
Philip C. Karsting,
Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service.
[FR Doc. 2014–25634 Filed 10–28–14; 8:45 am]

Foreign Agricultural Service
Notice of Request for Extension of a
Currently Approved Information
Foreign Agricultural Service,
ACTION: Notice and request for

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces that the Foreign
Agricultural Service (FAS) intends to
request an extension for a currently
approved information collection
procedure for entry of specialty sugars
into the United States as described in 7
CFR part 2011.
DATES: Comments should be received on
or before December 29, 2014 to be
assured of consideration.

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Mail or deliver comments to
William Janis, International Economist,
Import Policies and Programs Division,
Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Stop 1021,
1400 Independence Ave. SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–1021.
William Janis at the address stated
above, or telephone at (202) 720–2194;
or by email at William.Janis@


Title: Specialty Sugar Certificate
OMB Number: 0551–0025.
Expiration Date of Approval: March
31, 2015.
Type of Request: Extension of a
currently approved information
Abstract: The quota system
established by Presidential
Proclamation 4941 of May 5, 1982,
prevented imports of certain sugars used
for specialized purposes which
originated in countries without quota
allocations. Therefore, the regulation at
15 CFR part 2011 (Allocation of TariffRate Quota on Imported Sugars, Syrups
and Molasses, subpart B—Specialty
Sugar) established terms and conditions
under which certificates are issued
permitting U.S. importers holding
certificates to enter specialty sugars
from specialty sugar source countries
under the sugar tariff-rate quotas (TRQ).
Nothing in this subpart affects the
ability to enter specialty sugars at the
over-TRQ duty rates. Applicants for
certificates for the import of specialty
sugars must supply the information
required by 15 CFR 2011.205 to be
eligible to receive a specialty sugar
certificate. The specific information
required on an application must be
collected from those who wish to
participate in the program in order to
grant specialty sugar certificates, ensure
that imported specialty sugar does not
disrupt the current domestic sugar
program, and administer the issuance of
the certificates effectively.
Estimate of Burden: Public reporting
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to average 2 hours per
Respondents: Importers.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 1.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 74 hours.
Copies of this information collection
can be obtained from Connie Ehrhart,
the Agency Information Collection
Coordinator, at (202) 690–1578.




Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 209 / Wednesday, October 29, 2014 / Notices

Request for Comments: The public is
invited to submit comments and
suggestions to the above address
regarding the accuracy of the burden
estimate, ways to minimize the burden,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, or any other
aspect of this collection of information.
Comments on issues covered by the
Paperwork Reduction Act are most
useful to OMB if received within 30
days of publication of the Notice and
Request for Comments, but should be
submitted no later than 60 days from the
date of this publication to be assured of
consideration. All responses to this
notice will be summarized and included
in the request for OMB approval. All
comments will also be a matter of public
record. Persons with disabilities who
require an alternative means for
communication of information (Braille,
large print, audiotape, etc.) should
contact USDA’s Target Center at (202)
720–2600 (voice and TDD).
Dated: October 20, 2014.
Philip C. Karsting,
Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service.
[FR Doc. 2014–25632 Filed 10–28–14; 8:45 am]

Forest Service

Purpose and Need for Action

Helena National Forest, Montana,
Tenmile—South Helena Vegetation
Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.

The Helena National Forest is
going to prepare an environmental
impact statement for vegetation
management actions in the Tenmile
Municipal Watershed and the South
Hills of the City of Helena east of the
Continental Divide. The purpose of the
project is to address the need to modify
forest fuels accumulation in order to
reduce the potential for high-severity
wildfire effects within the City of
Helena’s Municipal Watershed,
wildland urban interface, and
surrounding area as well as provide for
firefighter and public safety. Treatment
activities are proposed on both Forest
Service and Bureau of Land
Management Lands (BLM).
DATES: Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis must be received by
November 28, 2014. The draft
environmental impact statement is
expected April 2015 and the final

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environmental impact statement is
expected May 2016.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
William Avey Helena and Lewis & Clark
National Forests Supervisor, Helena
National Forest, 2880 Skyway Dr.,
Helena, MT 59602. Comments may also
be sent via email to [email protected], or via facsimile to
It is important that reviewers provide
their comments at such times and in
such a way that they are useful to the
Agency’s preparation of the EIS.
Therefore, comments should be
provided prior to the close of the
comment period and should clearly
articulate the reviewer’s concerns and
Comments received in response to
this solicitation, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action. Comments submitted
anonymously will be accepted and
considered, however.
Allen Byrd Team Leader, at 406–449–
5201. Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday.

Jkt 235001

The purpose of the project is to
maintain consistent quantity and quality
of water within the municipal
watershed and improve conditions for
public and firefighters safety across the
landscape in the event of a wildfire. In
order to achieve this purpose, there is a
need to create a mosaic of vegetation
and fuel structure more resilient to
disturbance which will provide for
safer, more effective fire suppression
actions. Reducing intensity of wildfires
and increase fire suppression
effectiveness would improve protection
measures for the surrounding
communities and key municipal
watershed infrastructure. These actions
would reduce the probability of postwildfire watershed impacts in the
Tenmile municipal watershed. In
addition, sources of anthropogenic
sediment to streams need to be
addressed in order improve water
quality, watershed function, and other
resource values in the project area.
Proposed Action
Approximately 24,946 acres are
proposed for treatment (24, 020 acres on
Forest Service lands and 926 acres on
BLM lands) which include a

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combination of commercial harvest of
trees, non-commercial vegetation
treatments, and prescribed fire.
Mechanical and/or hand treatment
methods would be used to accomplish
treatment objectives. Proposed
treatment activities include: Roughly
4,002 acres of Improvement Harvest;
11,194 acres of Low Severity Prescribed
Fire; 2,420 acres of Mixed Severity
Prescribed Fire; 470 acres of
Precommercial Thinning; 2,231 acres of
Private Land Buffers; and 4,629 acres of
Regeneration Harvest. Up to 40-miles of
new temporary and/or short-term
specified road construction and
approximately 80 miles of
reconstruction of existing system road
would be necessary to implement the
proposed action. Temporary roads will
be obliterated (restored to natural
contours) upon completion of fuels
removal operations. Site-specific
amendments to the Helena National
Forest (HNF) Plan standards pertaining
to elk hiding cover, elk winter range,
and elk thermal cover may be necessary
in order to meet the project’s purpose
and need. Approximately 35 percent
(8,803 acres) of the project area is
located within the Jericho Mountain and
Lazyman Gulch Inventoried Roadless
Areas (IRAs). The Jericho Mountain IRA
is 8,749 acres. Of this, 78 percent or
6,902 acres are within the project area
boundary. Treatment activities are
proposed on 45 percent or 3,958 acres
within the Jericho Mountain IRA. The
Lazyman Gulch IRA is 11,848 acres and
is entirely within the project area
boundary. Treatment activities are
proposed on 40 percent or 4,845 acres
of the Lazyman Gulch IRA. Proposed
treatment activities in IRAs would
include a combination of commercial
harvest of trees, non-commercial
vegetation treatments, and prescribed
fire. Mechanical and/or hand treatments
methods would be utilized to
accomplish treatment objectives within
both IRAs. Commercial transport of
timber is proposed on Forest Service
System roads 1863 and 1863–E1 which
are located within the Jericho Mountain
IRA. The current maintenance level of
these roads is capable of supporting
commercial activities and no reconstruction of road features is
necessary. Also, use of Forest Service
system road 1864, located in the Jericho
Mountain IRA, is proposed for the
purpose of providing machine access
into proposed treatment units. No
commercial haul of timber is proposed
on road 1864. No road construction of
system or temporary roads is proposed
within either IRA. The legal location of
this project is: Township 10N RO6W



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File Modified2014-10-29
File Created2014-10-29

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