Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-0009
Exp Date: 04/30/2016
CDC ID ______________
PART I. Acute Neurological Illness with Limb Weakness in Children: Patient Summary Form
Form to be completed by, or in conjunction with, a physician who provided care to the patient during the neurological illness.
Confirmation of case: |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
a. Neurological findings (upon examination by clinician) include focal limb weakness |
b. MRI of spinal cord demonstrates spinal lesion(s) largely restricted to or predominantly affecting the gray matter. (Terms in the spinal cord MRI report such as “affecting mostly gray matter,” “affecting the anterior horn or anterior horn cells,” “affecting the central cord,” “anterior myelitis,” or “poliomyelitis” would all be consistent with this. If still unsure if this criterion is met, consider asking the radiologist directly.) |
c. Age at onset of limb weakness is 21 years or less |
d. Onset of limb weakness was August 1, 2014 or later |
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Answer to ALL 4 criteria must be YES. If yes, continue to Part II on pages 2 - 5.If you have any questions about whether your patient meets all 4 criteria, please e-mail us at
CDC ID ______________
PART II. Acute Neurological Illness with Limb Weakness in Children: Patient Summary Form
Form to be completed by, or in conjunction with, a physician who provided care to the patient during the neurological illness. Once completed, submit to Health Department (HD). HD can also facilitate specimen testing.
1.Today’s date__ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ (mm/dd/yyyy) 2.Name of person completing form: ______________________________________________
3. Affiliation____________________________________Phone: ____________________________Email: __________________________________
4. Name of physician who can provide additional clinical/lab information, if needed _____________________________________________________
5. Affiliation_____________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Email: __________________________________
6. Name of main hospital that provided patient’s care:____________________________________ 7.State: _____ 8.County: __________________
9. Patient ID: ________________________________10. State ID: ________________________________________ 11. Patient’s sex: M F 12. Patient’s age: ______years AND _______months Patient’s residence: 13. State_______ 14. County____________________________
15. Race: Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaska Native
White (check all that apply) 16. Ethnicity: Hispanic Non-Hispanic
17. Date of onset of limb weakness: __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ (mm/dd/yyyy) 18. Was patient admitted to a hospital? yes no unknown 19.Date of admission to first hospital__ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ 20.Date of discharge from last hospital__ __/__ __/__ __ __ __(or still hospitalized)
21. At the time of last / most recent follow-up, how would you best characterize the patient’s outcome, in terms of affected limb strength: Completely recovered; back to baseline strength with no residual sequelae Partially recovered; some improvement in limb strength, but with ongoing weakness compared to initial presentation No demonstrable improvement in limb strength; essentially as weak as at time of first presentation Decline in limb strength; weaker in affected limbs than at time of first presentation Unknown / unable to comment Deceased: 22.Date of death__ __/__ __/__ __ __
23. At the time of last / most recent follow-up, how would you best characterize the patient’s functional outcome, in terms of effect of limb weakness on activities of daily living? (Not applicable if Q21 is ‘Deceased’)
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Completely functionally recovered; able to do all activities as prior to acute illness Somewhat functionally impaired; able to do some activities on own, but needs caregiver assistance with other things (dressing, tying shoes, feeding, etc.) Completely dependent on caregiver for basic daily functionsSigns/symptoms/condition at ANY time during the illness: |
Right Arm |
Left Arm |
Right Leg |
Left Leg |
24. Since neurologic illness onset, which limbs have been acutely weak? [indicate yes(y), no (n), unknown (u) for each limb] |
Y N U |
Y N U |
Y N U |
Y N U |
25. Date of neurologic exam (recorded at worst weakness thus far) (mm/dd/yyyy) |
__ __ /__ __/__ __ __ __ |
26. Reflexes in the affected limb(s): (recorded at worst weakness thus far) |
Areflexic/hyporeflexic (0-1) Normal (2) Hyperreflexic (3-4+) |
27. Any sensory loss/numbness in the affected limb(s), at any time during the illness? (paresthesias should not be considered here) |
Y N U |
28. Any pain or burning in the affected limb(s)? (at any time during illness) |
Y N U |
Y N U |
Y N U |
Y N U |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
29. Sensory level on the torso (ie, reduced sensation below a certain level of the torso)? (at any time during illness) |
30. At any time during the illness, please check if the patient had any of the following cranial nerve signs: |
Diplopia/double vision (If yes, circle the cranial nerve involved if known: 3 / 4 / 6 ) |
Loss of sensation in face Facial droop Hearing loss Dysphagia Dysarthria |
31. Any pain or burning in neck or back? (at any time during illness) |
32. Bowel or bladder incontinence? (at any time during illness) |
33 .Cardiovascular instability (e.g, labile blood pressure, alternating tachy/bradycardia)? (at any time during illness) |
34. Change in mental status (e.g, confused, disoriented, encephalopathic)? (at any time during illness) |
35. Seizure(s)? (at any time during illness) |
36. Received care in ICU because of neurological condition? (at any time during illness) |
37. Received invasive ventilatory support (e.g, intubation, tracheostomy) because of neurological condition? |
CDC ID ______________
Other patient information:
Within the 4-week period BEFORE onset of limb weakness, did patient: |
Yes |
No |
Unk |
38. Have a respiratory illness? |
39. If yes, date of onset __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ |
40. Have a fever, measured by parent or provider and ≥ 38.0°C/100.4°F? |
41. If yes, date of onset __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ |
42. Receive oral, IM or IV steroids? |
43. Receive any other systemic Immunosuppressant(s)? |
44. If yes, list: |
45. Travel outside the US? |
46. If yes, list country |
47. Does patient have any underlying illnesses? |
48. If yes, list |
49. On the day of onset of limb weakness, did patient have a fever? (see definition above) |
Polio vaccination history: |
50. How many doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are documented to have been received by the patient before the onset of weakness? |
_______doses unknown |
51. How many doses of oral polio vaccine (OPV) are documented to have been received by the patient before the onset of weakness? |
_______doses unknown |
52. If you do not have documentation of the type of polio vaccine received: a.What is total number of documented polio vaccine doses received before onset of weakness? |
_______doses unknown |
Neuroradiographic findings: (Indicate based on most abnormal study)
MRI of spinal cord 53. Date of study __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ (mm/dd/yyyy)
54. Levels imaged: cervical thoracic lumbosacral unknown
55. Gadolinium used? yes no unknown
56. Location of lesions: |
cervical cord thoracic cord conus cauda equina unknown |
Levels of cord affected (if applicable):
57. Cervical: _________ 58. Thoracic: _________ |
For cervical and thoracic cord lesions |
59. What areas of spinal cord were affected? |
predominantly gray matter predominantly white matter both equally affected unknown |
60. Was there cord edema? |
yes no unknown |
For cervical, thoracic cord or conus lesions |
61. Did any lesions enhance with GAD? |
yes no unknown |
For cauda equina lesions |
62. Did the ventral nerve roots enhance with GAD? |
yes no unknown |
63. Did the dorsal nerve roots enhance with GAD? |
yes no unknown |
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CDC ID ______________
MRI of brain 64. Date of study __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ (mm/dd/yyyy)
65. Gadolinium used? yes no unknown
66. Any supratentorial (i.e, lobe, cortical, subcortical, basal ganglia, or thalamic) lesions |
yes no unknown |
67.If yes, indicate location(s) |
cortex subcortex basal ganglia thalamus unknown |
68. If yes, did any lesions enhance with GAD? |
yes no unknown |
69. Any brainstem lesions? |
yes no unknown |
70. If yes, indicate location: |
midbrain pons medulla unknown |
71. If yes, did any lesions enhance with GAD? |
yes no unknown |
72. Any cranial nerve lesions? |
yes no unknown |
73. If yes, indicate which CN(s): |
CN_____ unilateral bilateral CN_____ unilateral bilateral |
CN_____ unilateral bilateral CN_____ unilateral bilateral |
74. If yes, did any lesions enhance with GAD? |
yes no unknown |
75. Any lesions affecting the cerebellum? |
yes no unknown |
76. Was an EMG done? yes no unknown If yes, date __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ (mm/dd/yyyy)
77. If yes, was there evidence of acute motor neuropathy, motor neuronopathy, motor nerve or anterior horn cell involvement?yes no unkn
CSF examination: 78. Was a lumbar puncture performed? yes no unknown If yes, complete 79 (If more than 2 CSF examinations, list earliest and then most abnormal)
Date of lumbar puncture |
WBC/mm3 |
% neutrophils |
% lymphocytes |
% monocytes |
% eosinophils |
RBC/mm3 |
Glucose mg/dl |
Protein mg/dl |
79a. CSF from LP1 |
79b. CSF from LP2 |
Pathogen testing performed:
80. Was CSF tested for the following pathogens? |
Date of specimen collection __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ Not done |
Enterovirus PCR: Positive Negative Not done If positive: type: Not typed |
West Nile Virus PCR: Positive Negative Not done If positive, test type: IgM PCR |
Herpes Simplex Virus PCR: Positive Negative Not done |
Cytomegalovirus PCR: Positive Negative Not done |
Varicella Zoster Virus PCR: Positive Negative Not done |
Other pathogen identified: specify: Type of test: |
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CDC ID ______________
81. Was a respiratory tract specimen tested for the following pathogens? |
Date of specimen collection __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ Not done |
Enterovirus/rhinovirus PCR: Positive Negative Not done If positive: type: Not typed |
Adenovirus PCR: Positive Negative Not done If positive: type: Not typed |
Influenza virus PCR: Positive Negative Not done If positive: type: Not typed |
Other pathogen identified: specify: Type of test: |
82. Was a stool specimen tested for the following pathogens? |
Date of specimen collection __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ Not done |
Enterovirus PCR: Positive Negative Not done If positive: type: Not typed |
Poliovirus PCR: Positive Negative Not done |
Poliovirus culture: Positive Negative Not done |
Other pathogen identified: specify: Type of test: |
83. Was serum tested for the following pathogens? |
Date of specimen collection __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ Not done |
West Nile Virus: Positive Negative Not done If positive, test type: IgM PCR |
Other pathogen identified: specify: Type of test: |
84. Describe any other laboratory finding(s) considered to be significant_____________________________________________________________
85. Was/Is a specific etiology considered to be the most likely cause for the patient’s neurological illness? yes no unknown 86. If yes, please list etiology and reason(s) considered most likely cause ____________________________________________________________
Treatment: 87. Were any of these therapies administered for the acute neurologic illness? (as of time of form completion)
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
a. Antibiotics |
If yes, date first administered: __ __/__ __/__ __ |
b. Antivirals |
If yes, specify___________________; date first administered: __ __/__ __/ |
c. Corticosteroids |
If yes, date first administered: __ __/__ __/__ __ |
d. Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) |
If yes, date first administered: __ __/__ __/__ __ |
e. Plasma exchange or Plasmapheresis |
If yes, date first administered: __ __/__ __/__ __ |
f. Interferon |
If yes, specify___________________; date first administered: __ __/__ __/ |
g. Other immunosuppressive therapy |
If yes, specify___________________; date first administered: __ __/__ __/ |
88. Other information you would like us to know _______________________________________________________________________________
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89. Indicate which type(s) of specimens from the patient are currently stored, and could be available for possible additional testing at CDC:
CSF Nasal wash/aspirate BAL spec Tracheal aspirate NP/OP swab Stool Serum Other, list __________________
No specimens stored
This section below for CDC use
CSID (DASH ID) _________________________ |
CSID (DASH ID) _________________________ |
CSID (DASH ID) _________________________ |
CSID (DASH ID) _________________________ |
CSID (DASH ID) _________________________ |
CSID (DASH ID) _________________________ |
CSID (DASH ID) _________________________ |
CSID (DASH ID) _________________________ |
Patient Number (assigned by CDC PPLB Lab)_________________________________________ |
State Specimen ID_______________________ |
State Specimen ID_______________________ |
State Specimen ID_______________________ |
State Specimen ID_______________________ |
State Specimen ID_______________________ |
State Specimen ID_______________________ |
State Specimen ID_______________________ |
State Specimen ID_______________________ |
Other specimen notes________________________________________________________________________________ |
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
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Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74 Atlanta, Georgia 30333;
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File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Patient Under Investigation (PUI) Short Form |
Subject | Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Patient Under Investigation (PUI) Short Form |
Author | CDC/NCIRD |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-25 |