Capacity Building Center for the States –
Media Consumption Survey
Control #
0970-0401 THE
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to
average .25 hours per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
reviewing the collection of information. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
Please select one answer unless otherwise noted.
A1. What is your age? ______
A2. Are you male or female?
01 Male
02 Female
03 Other
A3. Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin?
01 Yes
02 No
77 Don’t know / Not sure
99 Refused
A4. Which one or more of the following would you say is your race? Select all that apply.
01 White
02 Black or African American
03 American Indian or Alaska Native
04 Asian
05 Pacific Islander
06 Other (Please specify ____________)
77 Don’t know / Not sure
99 Refused
A5. What is the highest grade or year of school you completed?
01 Grade 12 or GED (High school graduate)
02 College 1 year to 3 years (Some college or technical school)
03 College 4 years (College graduate)
04 Some graduate school (Post-college)
05 Master’s degree
06 Doctoral degree
99 Refused
A6. About how many years have you worked in the field of child welfare? ____
Please select one answer unless otherwise noted.
B1. Do you work for a government agency that is responsible for or provides support for child welfare programs and policies?
01. No.
02. Yes, for a court system
03. Yes, for a Native American tribe
04. Yes, for a state, territorial, or local child welfare agency
05. Other
B2. Are you responsible for supervising operations or people, and/or directing or shaping training, programs, and policy?
01. Yes
02. No
B3. Which state or territory do you work in?
We want to understand how public agency child welfare managers access and use information related to their job. The following questions will ask you to consider how, when, where, and why you gather information and learn new things. We hope to use your insight to build new tools and distribution channels to aid you in your important work.
Please select one answer unless otherwise noted.
C1. What are your three most important sources of information about child welfare policies, best practices, resources, and tools?
C2. If you could create a useful place to get information just for child welfare professionals like yourself, how would you want to access it? Select all that apply.
01. My office computer
02. My personal computer
03. On the web
04. As an app
05. As an e-book or digital magazine
06. As a print publication
07. As a regular/periodic conference call
08. As a regular/periodic webinar
09. A radio/television show
10. Podcast
11. Other (Please specify___________________)
Please select one answer unless otherwise noted.
Please indicate your use or plans to use the following devices to access and use information as part of your job in the next 12 months.
Use |
Plan to Use |
Don’t Use |
D1. Desktop computer |
01 |
02 |
03 |
D2. Laptop computer |
01 |
02 |
03 |
D3. Smart phone (e.g. iPhone, Android, Samsung, HTC) |
01 |
02 |
03 |
D4. Tablet (e.g. Kindle Fire, Galaxy Tablet, Microsoft Surface, iPad) |
01 |
02 |
03 |
D5. Other (Please specify___________________) |
D6. How many smart phone or tablet apps do you use on a weekly basis?
01. None
02. A few, I’ve downloaded just what I want
03. Several, I find different apps very useful
04. Many, I download and use a variety of apps
05. A lot, I try and use a variety of apps
D7. Do you regularly (at least once a week) do any of the following? Select all that apply.
01. Play games on your phone or tablet
02. Play games on a personal computer
03. Play games on a console connected to your television
04. Stream entertainment through the Internet (e.g. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, et03.)
05. Take online courses in subjects that interest you
06. Participate in online forums with subjects that interest you
07. Use services like Yelp and TripAdvisor to make decisions
08. Shop for goods or services online (e.g. Walmart,, eBay)
09. Use a webcam for a meeting, call, or web conference
10. Get alerts via email
We want to better understand how you chose to consume information in the digital age. The following questions ask you to agree or disagree with a statement on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 meaning that you strongly agree and 1 being that you strongly disagree.
Strongly disagree |
Strongly agree |
D8. I prefer to watch video on the Internet rather than on the television |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
D9. I prefer to read news stories and current events online instead of in a newspaper or magazine |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
D10. I prefer to read books and reports in the digital version (e.g. Kindle, eBook, PDF) rather than the print version |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
D11. I prefer online and virtual events to in-person events |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
D12. I prefer a tablet, smart phone or other mobile device to a desktop computer |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
D13. Please indicate which of the following activities describe how you stay up to date with news, information, and current events. Select all that apply.
01. Watch the news on TV
02. Listen to news radio
03. Read the news on a desktop/laptop computer
04. Watch news videos on a desktop/laptop computer
05. Hear about important things from friends, neighbors, and work colleagues
06. Find out via social media like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
07. Get alerts via email
08. Read news or watch videos on my phone/tablet
09. Podcasts
10. Other (Please specify____________________)
D14. How frequently do you check news, information, and current event sources (such as Google News, CNN, agency news service, social media, etc.)?
01. Several times an hour
02. Several times a day
03. Once or twice a day
04. Once or twice a week
05. Rarely
Think about the information that you access and use for your job during a typical work day. How much time (in minutes) do you spend taking in information in the following ways that average day?
Number of minutes |
D15. Video (Internet or television) |
D16. Audio (Internet, Radio, or other) |
D17. Person-to-person (face-to-face, phone, email, or text message) |
D18. Digital article, discussion group, or e-book |
D19. Print article or book (maybe add professional journal) |
D20. Telephone call (including conference calls) |
D21. Materials that you acquired from a conference or event |
D22. Meetings |
D23. Computer applications specific to my agency |
D24. Other (Please specify___________________) |
Please select one answer unless otherwise noted.
Now that you have answered some questions about you currently capture and use information, we’d like to understand how you would like to access and use information in the future.
E1. How would you prefer to receive news and information about child welfare policy and practice? Please select your top three.
01. Government-run or government-sponsored sources
02. Non-governmental organizations
03. Internal communications/Intranets
04. Mainstream news organizations
05. Trade or industry media organizations
06. Forums or Internet interest groups
07. Issue advocacy organizations
08. Academic institutions
09. Vendor or service provider organizations
10. Social media channels and networks
11. Other (Please specify_______________________)
E2. How would you prefer to acquire new skills, capabilities, and knowledge sets related to child welfare? Please select your top three.
01. Face-to-face in a classroom setting
02. Virtual simulations/games
03. At a conference or tradeshow
04. During a networking session or seminar
05. Through online learning or a website
06. By watching videos or archived webinars at my convenience
07. Through professional organizations or informal communities/workgroups
08. Independent study/reading
09. At trainings provided by my employer
10. Other (Please specify____________________)
E3. What is the best way to reach you with new or important information about child welfare practice and policy?
E4. Still thinking about information related to your job, select your top three most trusted sources of information
01. Government-run or government-sponsored sources
02. Non-governmental organizations
03. Mainstream news organizations
04. Trade or industry media organizations
05. Forums or Internet interest groups
06. Issue advocacy organizations
07. Academic institutions
08. Vendor or service provider organizations
09. Links accessed via social media connections
10. Information presented at conferences
11. Information shared directly by peers
E5. Do you belong to any social media/networking groups (e.g. LinkedIn groups, Facebook pages) dedicated to the topic of child welfare?
01. LinkedIn groups
02. Facebook
03. Twitter
04. Instagram
05. Pinterest
06. Google+
07. Tumblr
08. Yammer
09. No
E6. When you are looking for information related to child welfare practice or policy, where do you typically start looking? Please select your top three.
01. Google
02. Bing
03. Other search engine
04. Child Welfare Information Gateway
05. My agency intranet or website
06. Social media group or forum
07. Ask a colleague
08. Email listserv (Please specify_______________)
09. Professional organizations
10. Informal workgroups/communities
11. Other (Please specify____________________)
Please select one answer unless otherwise noted.
F1. Think about a typical work day. Excluding reading job-related emails, how many minutes, on average, do you spend searching for and consuming information for your job by reading, listening, or watching at any one time?
01. Less than two minutes
02. More than two, but less than five minutes
03. More than five, but less than 10 minutes
04. More than 10, but less than 30 minutes
05. Between 30 minutes and an hour
06. More than an hour
F2. Still thinking about a typical work day, how much of your time did you spend looking for and using shorter pieces of information like specific facts, news items, or data points?
01. Less than 30 minutes
02. More than 30 minutes, but less than an hour
03. More than an hour, but less than two hours
04. More than two hours
F3. Still thinking about a typical work day, how much of your time did you spend looking for and using larger bodies of information like reports, studies, books, or online courses?
01. No time at all
02. Less than an hour
03. More than an hour, but less than two hours
04. More than two hours, but less than four hours
05. More than four hours, but less than eight hours
06. More than eight hours
F4. What was the last new skill, capability, or knowledge set that you acquired inside of the child welfare profession? ____________________
F5. How did you learn that new skill, capability, or knowledge set?
01. Live classroom instruction
02. On-line course or webinar
03. Seminar or session at a conference
04. Work-site agency-sponsored training
05. Book or eBook reading
06. Other (Please specify____________________)
F6. Where did you first find out about the existence of the new skill, capability, or knowledge set that you recently learned?
01. A friend or colleague mentioned it to me
02. Website (e.g., of an institution, foundation, clearinghouse, technical assistance provider, such as Child Welfare Information Gateway, California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse, NREPP, National Child Welfare Workforce Institute, CalSWEC, etc.)
03. Through an email sent to my work or personal account
04. At a conference
05. While reading a news or professional journal article
06. Part of a professional society (Please specify_______________)
07. Through social media
08. Through a brochure, publication, or other marketing material
09. Other (Please specify____________________)
Please select one answer unless otherwise noted.
G1. Think about the location where you spend most of your workday. Do you have access to any of the following information sources, sites, or applications at that location? Please select all that you have access to at your primary job location.
01. Personal email
02. Mainstream news websites (e.g. CNN, Google, ABC News, etc.)
03. Trade or industry media websites
04. Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)
05. Apple App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Appstore
06. Streaming video (YouTube, Vine)
07. Streaming audio (Pandora, Spotify, NPR)
08. Online learning (Coursera, Udemy, etc.)
G2. Does your agency block or restrict access to any of the following information sources, sites, or applications? Please select all that your agency blocks or restricts access to.
01. Personal email
02. Mainstream news websites (e.g. CNN, Google, ABC News, etc.)
03. Trade or industry media websites
04. Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)
05. Apple App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Appstore
06. Streaming video (YouTube, Vine)
07. Streaming audio (Pandora, Spotify, NPR)
08. Online learning (Coursera, Udemy, etc.)
G3. Do you regularly work in a location outside of your office or agency building where you meet and interact with children, families, or individuals in need of assistance or attend meetings off-site with stakeholders, agency and community partners, etc.?
01. Yes
02. No
G4. Think about the locations outside of your office where you typically operate. Do you have access to any of the following information sources, sites, or applications at that location? Please select all that you have access to away from your office or agency building.
01. Personal email
02. Mainstream news websites (e.g. CNN, Google, ABC News, etc.)
03. Trade or industry media websites
04. Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)
05. Apple App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Appstore
06. Streaming video (YouTube, Vine)
07. Streaming audio (Pandora, Spotify, NPR)
08. Online learning (Coursera, Udemy, etc.)
G5. Still thinking about locations outside the office where you typically operate. How often do you use a mobile device, tablet, or laptop computer to access work-related news or information while operating away from your office or agency building?
01. Constantly
02. At least once during every hour
03. Several times a day
04. Few times every week
05. Rarely
06. Never
G6. Would you use a mobile device, tablet, or laptop computer more frequently while away from the office if there were more job-related information/applications to access?
01. Yes
02. No
G7. Is this device provided by your employer or a personal device?
01. Employer
02. Personal
03. Both
04. I don’t have a mobile device
G8. Now think about how you acquire new skills, capabilities, or knowledge sets. Has your access to in-person training, classroom instruction, conferences, or other learning activities increased or decreased during the last year?
01. Decreased significantly
02. Decreased somewhat
03. Stayed the same
04. Increased somewhat
05. Increased significantly
G9. Has your access to online courses, online news, online subscriptions, social media, or other digital information sources increased or decreased during the last year?
01. Decreased significantly
02. Decreased somewhat
03. Stayed the same
04. Increased somewhat
05. Increased significantly
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Ross, Elle |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-25 |