Supporting Statement for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund)
Bank Enterprise Award (BEA) Program Application, OMB 1559-0005
A. Justification
1. Circumstances necessitating collection of information
The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) administers the Bank Enterprise Award (BEA) Program that awards insured depository institutions for increasing their support of CDFIs and their direct financing and service-related activities in economically distressed communities. The Application form and materials are used by applicants to apply for BEA Program awards. Applicants are required to complete and submit an application to the CDFI Fund to be considered for a BEA Program award.
2. Method of collection and use of data
The data collected via this form will be collected by voluntary submission once per funding round by insured depository institution applicants seeking BEA Program awards. The CDFI Fund uses data collected to evaluate the merits of individual applications and to determine BEA Program award amounts.
3. Use of Information Technology
The BEA Program application is available on allows applicants to submit their applications electronically. In addition, the CDFI Fund has an online mapping system that allows applicants to geocode addresses and determine whether transactions occurred in BEA qualified distressed communities. The mapping system is simple to use and reduces the burden on applicants. The CDFI Fund also allows applicants to submit a list of all application materials electronically, which also reduces the burden on applicants and is a more efficient process.
4. Efforts to identify duplication
The BEA Program application does not request information that is publicly available from other Federal agencies other than the total asset size of the insured depository institution applicant.
5. Impact on small entities
This collection of information does not have a significant impact on small entities.
6. Consequences of less frequent collection and obstacles to burden reduction
The CDFI Fund is statutorily required to have an application process for making BEA Program awards. The CDFI Fund cannot meet its statutory requirement without an application that collects data from applicants. Required elements of the collection specified in the BEA Program Regulations limit the amount of burden that can be reduced.
7. Circumstances requiring special information collection
Not applicable.
8. Solicitation of comments on information collection
Comments on the BEA Program application were solicited in the Federal Register on December 23, 2014 (79 FR 77086). The CDFI Fund received seventeen responses. The majority of the responses were related to a proposed internal process change that respondents overwhelmingly opposed. As a result, the CDFI Fund has decided to postpone implementation of this internal process change to a later date that has not yet been determined. Respondents also expressed their support for the proposed program policy change and their understanding for the need to address new OMB Uniform Requirements. Three respondents also commented on the accuracy of the CDFI Fund’s burden estimates. The CDFI Fund updated its current burden estimate based on the average number of applications received in each of the past 3 years. It should also be noted that the CDFI Fund recently moved from a paper to a fully electronic application which significantly reduces applicant burden. Comments on other topics were also taken under advisement. A detailed summary of the comments and the CDFI Fund’s responses is included as Appendix I, Comment and Response Summary.
9. Provision of payment to respondents
No payments or gifts will be made to respondents.
10. Assurance of confidentiality
The CDFI Fund is subject to all Federal regulations with respect to the confidentiality of information provided in the BEA Program Application. No other assurances of confidentiality have been provided.
11. Justification of sensitive questions.
No personally identifiable information (PII) is collected.
12. Estimate of the hour of burden of information collection
Based on the average number of applications received in each of the past three years (Fiscal Years 2012-2014), the CDFI Fund anticipates 89 respondents to the application, with an estimated 44.4 hours per applicant. The total burden of this information collection is estimated at 3,952 hours.
13. Estimate total annual cost burden to respondents
There is no cost burden to applicants related to the collection of this data. No purchase of equipment or services will need to be made by applicants for this information collection other than as required as a part of customary and usual business practices.
14. Estimate of annualized cost to the Government
The cost to the Government is the CDFI Fund staff and contractor time required to develop the application, review submitted applications, collect follow-up information from applicants, and report the results.
15. Any program changes or adjustments
In response to feedback from the industry, the burden estimates were updated based on the analysis of actual applicant data from the last three years (Fiscal Years 2012 – 2014). The analysis focused on two factors: (1) applicant reported burden in the application; and (2) the actual increase in applicants from 75 to 89. Therefore, the increase of 14 responses and 2,827 burden hours is an adjustment reflected in the total burden requested of 3,952 hours.
Plans for information tabulation and publication
Confidential or proprietary information collected through the application will not be published.
17. Reasons for not displaying expiration date of OMB approval
The CDFI Fund’s requests not to display the OMB expiration date on the current application because the specific application period, as identified in the NOFA, may cause confusion on when the application is due.
18. Explanation of exception to certification statement
Not applicable.
B. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods
This section is not applicable.
Comment Date |
Author Name |
Author Position |
Organization |
File Name |
Category |
Comment |
BEA Program Office Response |
1/23/2015 |
Holly Logue |
McKay Lawler Franklin & Foreman, PLLC |
20150123 - Holly Logue - McKay Lawler Franklin Foreman PLLC |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period Amounts would negatively impact applicants that applied in 2014 using legacy eligibility data by making it more difficult to demonstrate an increase in activities in their 2015 application using the updated ACS data to determine Assessment Period activity levels. |
Postponed this requirement |
1/23/2015 |
Holly Logue |
McKay Lawler Franklin & Foreman, PLLC |
20150123 - Holly Logue - McKay Lawler Franklin Foreman PLLC |
Program Policy: New Activity Type - Small Dollar Consumer Loans |
Recommended a ceiling of $5,000 for New Activity Type - Small Dollar Consumer Loans |
Adopted recommendation |
1/26/2015 |
Myra Dunlap |
Senior Vice President |
Guaranty Bank |
20150126 - Myra Dunlap - Guaranty Bank and Trust Company |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
1/27/2015 |
Colette Loesher |
President/CEO |
ABC Bank |
20150127 - Colette Loesher - ABC Bank |
Internal Process Change - Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
1/27/2015 |
Joel Horton |
President |
RiverHills Bank |
20150127 - Joel Horton - RiverHills Bank |
Internal Process Change - Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
1/27/2015 |
William Dana Jr. |
President/ CEO |
Central Bank of Kansas City |
20150127 - William Dana Jr - Central Bank of Kansas City |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
1/28/2015 |
Sylvia Chung |
Executive Vice President/ CFO |
Pacific Global Bank |
20150128 - Sylvia Chung - Pacific Global Bank |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
1/29/2015 |
Jeannine Jacokes |
Community Development Bankers Association |
20150129 - Jeanine Jacokes - Community Development Bankers Association |
OMB Uniform Requirements: Projected Use of BEA Program Award |
Recommend that the CDFI Fund allow maximum flexibility with this requirement given that award size is uncertain and to allow applicants to amend their forecast when they receive notification of their award. Recommends that this requirement be treated only as an estimate with no penalties or restrictions on amending it post award notice. |
Adopted recommendation |
1/29/2015 |
Jeannine Jacokes |
Community Development Bankers Association |
20150129 - Jeanine Jacokes - Community Development Bankers Association |
Internal Process Change - Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would create unintended consequences and inequities in the applicant pool. Insufficient advanced notice regarding this change is problematic as banks were not aware of the change prior to planning their loans and investments. Recommends postponing implementation. |
Postponed this requirement |
1/29/2015 |
Jeannine Jacokes |
Community Development Bankers Association |
20150129 - Jeanine Jacokes - Community Development Bankers Association |
Program Policy: New Activity Type - Small Dollar Consumer Loans |
Pleased that the addition of this activity will help banks continue to provide these products in the future. Recommended that the CDFI Fund provide flexibility in defining this product to account for differences amongst applicants. Also recommends: (1) that the CDFI Fund allows community services used to promote financial literacy be reported and ranked as a distressed community financing activity and not a service activity: and (2) that auto loans be adopted as an eligible BEA activity. |
Adopted recommendation that the definition of Small Dollar Loans by flexible to account for difference amongst applicants. |
1/29/2015 |
Jeannine Jacokes |
Community Development Bankers Association |
20150129 - Jeanine Jacokes - Community Development Bankers Association |
Burden |
The CDFI Fund's BEA application burden estimates are incorrect. The CDFI Fund can minimize burden by: (1) enhancements to the CDFI Fund's geocoding system; and (2) adopting eligible activity definitions that align with reporting categories required for Call Reports. |
The CDFI Fund has revised the burden estimates based on an analysis of the most recent data. |
1/29/2015 |
Max Yates |
Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer |
Bank Plus |
20150129 - Max Yates - BankPlus |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/2/2015 |
Faruk Daudbasic |
Vice President |
First Eagle Bank |
20150202 - Faruk Daudbasic - First Eagle Bank |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/2/2015 |
Robert Earl James, II |
Carver State Bank |
20150202 - Robert Earl James II - Carver State Bank |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/3/2015 |
Buddy Mortimer |
President/ CEO |
Bank of Kilmichael |
20150203 - Buddy Mortimer - Bank of Kilmichael |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/3/2015 |
Connie Hawkins |
First Security Bank and Security Capital Corporation |
20150203 - Connie Hawkins - First Security Bank and Security Capital Corporation |
Internal Process Change - Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/3/2015 |
Dawn Reiff |
President |
Community Funding Advisors |
20150203 - Dawn Reiff - Community Funding Advisors |
Internal Process Change - Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts will have unintended consequences such as: (1) Baseline Periods for 2015 will not accurately reflect activity levels resulting in inaccurate Applications; and (2) additional effort for those that applied in 2014 as a result of having to determine the eligibility of transactions made under old data against the new data. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/3/2015 |
Dawn Reiff |
President |
Community Funding Advisors |
20150203 - Dawn Reiff - Community Funding Advisors |
Program Policy: New Activity Type - Small Dollar Consumer Loans |
Recommended that the CDFI Fund provide flexibility in defining the small dollar consumer loan poduct to account for differences amongst applicants. |
Adopted recommendation |
2/3/2015 |
Dawn Reiff |
President |
Community Funding Advisors |
20150203 - Dawn Reiff - Community Funding Advisors |
OMB Uniform Requirements: Projected Use of BEA Program Award |
Not sure what the intent of this requirement is. Claimed that it is difficult for applicants to project without knowing the award amount or what the market conditions will be. Concerned that failing to meet projections will have a negative impact on an organizations standing with the CDFI Fund. |
This change is mandated by the OMB Uniform Requirements for all Federal grant award Recipients. Recipients will be allowed to modify its projected use of its BEA Program Award in its Award Agreement. |
2/3/2015 |
Ruth Barber & Lolita Sereleas |
Partner and Founding Partner |
Fund Consulting |
20150203 - Ruth Barber and Lolita Sereleas - Fund Consulting |
Internal Process Change - Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new applicants, adversely impact applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. Recommends implementing this requirement in 2016 and allowing for CDFI Banks to add new Distressed Communities year to year. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/3/2015 |
Ruth Barber & Lolita Sereleas |
Partner and Founding Partner |
Fund Consulting |
20150203 - Ruth Barber and Lolita Sereleas - Fund Consulting |
Program Policy: New Activity Type - Small Dollar Consumer Loans |
Commends the CDFI Fund's addition of small dollar consumer loans as an eligible activity type. |
Adopted recommendation |
2/3/2015 |
Ruth Barber & Lolita Sereleas |
Partner and Founding Partner |
Fund Consulting |
2015.2.3 - Fund Consulting - 2015 BEA Application |
Other |
Recommends the following enhancements to the application process: (1) consider reinstituting the mapping requirement for all applicants; (2) consider requesting loan documentation only from applicants whose applications are determined to have eligible activities and are being considered for an award; (3) consider requiring detailed baseline activity, similar to the assessment period. |
The CDFI Fund is taking all comments under advisement. |
2/3/2015 |
Ruth Barber & Lolita Sereleas |
Partner and Founding Partner |
Fund Consulting |
20150203 - Ruth Barber and Lolita Sereleas - Fund Consulting |
Burden |
The CDFI Fund's BEA application burden estimates are incorrect. Although it may take 15 hours to complete the application itself there is between 45-75 hours of time spent collecting and confirming information. |
The CDFI Fund has revised the burden estimates based on an analysis of applicant reported burden over the past 3 years. |
2/4/2015 |
Andy Salk |
President |
First Eagle Bank |
20150204 - Andy Salk - First Eagle Bank |
Internal Process Change: Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/17/2015 |
Frank Cerrone |
President/ Co-CEO |
Pan American Bank |
20150217 - Frank Cerrone - Pan American Bank |
Internal Process Change - Baseline/Assessment Period |
Concerned that the proposed requirement that Applicants use their 2014 Assessment Period amount as their 2015 Baseline Period amounts would advantage new Applicants, adversely impact Applicants that planned to increase lending in previously eligible distressed communities, and discourage serving new areas. |
Postponed this requirement |
2/23/2015 |
Kristin Faust |
President |
Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago, Inc. |
20150223 - Kristin Faust - Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago |
Burden |
This CDFI Partner expressed concern that the Application and reporting requirement burden is currently too high and that it is too costly for local community banks to apply. |
The CDFI Fund has revised the burden estimates based on an analysis of the most recent data. |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Supporting State for the Bank Enterprise Award Program of the |
Author | harrisj |
Last Modified By | Wolfgang, Dawn |
File Modified | 2015-03-26 |
File Created | 2015-03-26 |