Comparison Chart

Attachment C - SASS to NTPS Comparison Chart .doc

2015-16 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) Full-Scale Data Collection

Comparison Chart

OMB: 1850-0598

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Attachment C: NTPS content for the first two cycles and changes from 2011-12 SASS content

2015-16 Teacher Instrument

2017-18 Teacher Instrument

2015-16 Principal / School Instruments

2017-18 Principal / School Instruments

2016-17 Follow-up Instrument s

Extant Data Topics

Dropped Topics

Core Instruments

Public principal:

-Count of student expulsions, suspensions, and bullying incidents


-Grades offered

-Enrollment by grade-level

-National School Lunch Program participation

-Teacher and principal counts

-Adjustment of school attendance boundaries

-Magnet program in district

-High school graduation requirements

-Migrant education

-District AYP performance

Public school:

-Student characteristics (migrant, sex, race)

-Magnet program in school

-School offers advanced courses (talented or gifted / honors, AP, and IB courses)

-Info on special programs and services provided by the school

-Charter school status, year became charter, and charter granting body

Public Teacher

-Non-teaching job-last school yr

-Years taught by school sector

-Reading course concentration

-NBPTS certification

-Taken Praxis or other basic skills or subject matter test

-Highly Qualified Teacher status

-Enrollment in tribe

Public Principal

-Positions held before principal

-Bachelor and master’s degree characteristics

-School programs to promote school climate, parent involvement, special instructional approaches

-School instructional time policies for 3rd and 8th grades

-Total hours principal spends interacting with students

-School AYP status last year


-Days in school year for district

-Teacher count by race/ethnicity

-Count of short-term substitutes

-District has policy to encourage teacher attendance

-District has agreement with teachers’/principals’ association or union

-Days in normal contract year for teachers and principals

-Tenure system for principals

-District library media coordinator

-Count of new teachers & principals

-District uses hiring incentives

-District has training program for aspiring administrators

-Teacher dismissals

-Homeschool student monitoring

Public School

-HS graduates in 4-year colleges

-ELL instruction, ELL services for parents with limited-English skills

-Charter school support for homeschooled students

-Security measures

Core teacher topics:

-Years of teaching experience (in general and at current school), number of schools taught in

-Main activity last school year

-Characteristics of current teaching (main assignment, grades, subjects, and students taught (# &IEP/ELL), class organization, hours spent per subject; new items on uses of technology in classroom) 

-Education, training (including characteristics of student teaching experience: full-time commitment, opportunities to teach students from diverse backgrounds, increasing levels of responsibility, clearly communicated expectations, feedback received), and certification/ alternative route to certification

-Days covered by contract in current year

-Current base teaching salary, additional compensation during school year and summer

-Teachers’ union membership

-Tenure status


Core principal / School topics:

-General school info (grades and enrollment (for confirmation), attendance, length of day & year, start time, KG-specific information, library media center, before/after school programs, charter school)

-Uses of technology in the school,

-Community service requirements for graduation

-Teacher counts and teacher demographics

-Years as principal and other administrative or teaching experiences

-Principal’s Education, training, and certification

-Select school safety items ( based on key SASS items and SSOCS items)

-Student growth assessments and teacher evaluations ( will become part of module after 2015)

-Length of time plan to remain principal

-Principal demographics, including current annual salary and meet-and-confer representation

Teacher Follow-up:

-Percentage of teachers who remained at the same school, moved to another school, or left the profession in the year following the SASS administration

-No content changes recommended

Principal Follow-up:

Is principal still at school?


First-year teacher module topics:

-Types of support provided to first-year teachers, including new items on mentor teacher supports and content and quality of teacher induction programs

-How well prepared in first year

-Main activity/ job prior to teaching

-Coursework during teacher preparation program

Teacher professional development module topics:

-Redesign of the existing 2011-12 PD items to provide more depth on current methods/ modes of teacher PD and other opportunities to learn, and its implications on teachers’ approaches to teaching

Principal staffing module topics:

-Counts of non-teacher staff by employment status, including data coaches, technology specialists, and security personnel

-Coaches and specialist

-Difficulty filling teaching vacancies

-Count of new teachers / first-year teachers

Principal professional development module topics:

-Redesign of the existing 2011-12 PD items to provide more depth on current methods and modes of principal PD and other opportunities to learn, and its implications on principals' approach to school leadership

Teacher working conditions module topics:

-Hours required to instruct and earn salary

-Hours spent on teaching/school activities

-Involvement in non-teaching activities (coaching etc.)

-Own money spent on school supplies

Teacher evaluation module topics:

- NEW items to measure teachers’ knowledge and perceptions of teacher evaluations and its influence on their teaching

Principal working conditions & goals module topics:

-Educational goals for students

-Perceived influence on school policies/practices

-Hours spent on school activities

-Breakdown of time spent by tasks

-Days in contract year

Principal evaluation module topics:

- NEW items to measure principals’ knowledge and perceptions of both teacher and principal evaluations and its influence on their practice may be based on NCEE title I/II items fielded in 2015 NTPS

Teacher school climate/ satisfaction/ attitudes module topics:

-Perceived influence on school policies/practices

-Satisfaction and attitudes on school climate indicators

-Extent teachers perceive various behaviors or factors are problems in the school

-Length of time plan to remain in teaching

-Threats to safety from students

School & class organization module topics:

-Programs/ policies that affect school composition (district choice programs, school admissions requirements, lottery-based admissions)

-Methods school uses to organize classes

-School offers college and/or career readiness opportunities and/or academic summer programs

District compensation module topics (if schools can answer):

-Characteristics of district salary schedule/ benefits/ incentives for teachers and principals

-Training offered for staff to teach shortage fields

Hot Topic Instruments

Teacher hot topic: NONE

Teacher hot topic: TBD

Principal hot topic: NONE

Principal hot topic: TBD

NOTES: Underlined topics indicate new content recommended for addition to SASS/NTPS. All of the SASS 2011-12 content except for the Library Media Center questions are accounted for in the table either as core, module, extant data, or dropped items across the four-year time period.

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorKristen Neishi
Last Modified ByU.S. Department of Education
File Modified2015-04-24
File Created2015-04-24

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