Attachment 8 Question Bank for Future Surveys

Attachment 8_Question Bank for Future Surveys.docx

The Study of the Center for Global Health's (CGH) Workshops

Attachment 8 Question Bank for Future Surveys

OMB: 0925-0722

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Attachment 3H: Question Bank

  1. How many organizational cancer control objectives have you achieved as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  2. How many tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for cancer control planning have you developed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  3. How many tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for implementation of cancer control activities have you developed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  4. How many new technologies or practices for cancer control and treatment have been adopted as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  5. How many grant applications have you submitted to NIH as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  6. How many grant applications have you submitted to other funding agencies (excluding NIH) as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  7. How many regional research networks have you developed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  8. How many data collection or analysis systems for cancer research have you developed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  9. How many administration systems for cancer research have you developed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  10. If your research has resulted in change in standard of care due to [PROGRAM NAME], please describe how it has changed standard of care and how [PROGRAM NAME] supported this research.

    • Not applicable

  11. If your research has informed programs/policies that reduce cancer burden due to [PROGRAM NAME], please describe how it has informed programs/policies and how [PROGRAM NAME] supported this research.

    • Not applicable

  12. What is the name of the organization that you represented while participating in [PROGRAM NAME]?

  13. Please mark the type of organization you represented:

  • USG

  • Foreign Government

  • Industry

  • Non-governmental organization

  • Academic/Research

  • Health care

  1. What country is the organization you represented located in?

  1. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all that apply)?

  • Development of a new national cancer control and prevention plan

  • Advancement of an existing national cancer control and prevention plan

  • Creation of an evaluation plan for a national cancer control and prevention plan

  • Implementation of a national cancer control and prevention plan

  • Achievement of organizational cancer control objectives

  • Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for cancer control planning

  • Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for implementation of cancer control activities

  • Development or refinement of institutional cancer control priorities

  • Adoption of new technologies or practices for cancer control and treatment

  • None of the above

  1. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all that apply)?

  • Submission of grant applications to NIH

  • Submission of grant applications to other funding organizations

  • Development or refinement of individual research priorities

  • Development or refinement of institutional research priorities

  • Development or strengthening of regional research networks

  • Development or improvement of data collection or analysis systems for cancer research

  • Development or improvement of administration systems for cancer research

  • Research that resulted in change in standard of care

  • Research that informs programs/policies that reduce cancer burden

  • None of the above

  1. How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer control planning or activities have you published as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  2. How much additional funding for cancer control activities (planning, prevention, screening, etc.) have you received as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  3. How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer research have you published as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  4. How many presentations at national or international meetings have you given as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  5. How much additional funding for cancer research have you received as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?

    • Not applicable

  6. How many new partnerships or collaborations have you formed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?

  1. Please indicate the type of partnership(s) formed (please mark all that apply)?

  • Scientific/research

  • Cancer control planning/implementation

  • Government/policy

  • Civil society/NGOs

  • Private sector/industry

  • Not applicable

  1. What regions are these partners primarily located in (please mark all that apply)?

  • Africa

  • Americas

  • Eastern Mediterranean

  • Europe

  • South-East Asia

  • Western Pacific

  • Not applicable

  1. Please mark the types of organizations that of the new partnerships that you formed during [PROGRAM NAME] (please mark all that apply)?

  • USG

  • Foreign Government

  • Industry

  • Non-governmental organization

  • Academic/Research

  • Health care

  • Not applicable

  1. Which of the following training options did you use to share the lessons you learned during the [PROGRAM NAME] with colleagues in your advocacy network? (please mark all that apply)

  • Train-the-trainer model (direct, hands-on, skills-building)

  • Small group workshops

  • Webinars

  • Lecture series

  • One-on-one sharing

  • Team meeting

  • Not applicable

  1. How many colleagues did you share the lessons you learned during the [PROGRAM NAME] with?

  2. Did you develop goals/priorities for your advocacy network as a result of your participation in the [PROGRAM NAME]?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not applicable

  1. Did you develop an action plan for how to achieve your advocacy goals/priorities as a result of your participation in the [PROGRAM NAME]?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not applicable

  1. Describe your networks’ top three advocacy priorities. Please list below.

  • List____

  • Not applicable

  1. What regional partnerships did you develop to help achieve your advocacy goals and share ideas as a result of having attended the workshop?

  • Yes, Please list__

  • No partnerships have been developed

  1. What changes did you or your organization make to your practice as a result having attended [PROGRAM NAME]?


Not applicable

  1. How do collaborations or relationships that you formed as a result of attending [PROGRAM NAME] assist you in your work?


    • Not Applicable

  1. How has [PROGRAM NAME] affected your relationships with policy makers?


    • Not applicable

  1. How has attending [PROGRAM NAME]helped you shape individual research (priorities, questions, applications for funding, etc.)?


    • Not applicable

  1. How has attending [PROGRAM NAME] helped you shape institutional priorities on global cancer research and control?


    • Not applicable

  1. What track did you participate in:

  • Strengthening Cancer Control and Care through Clinical Research

  • Strengthening Cancer control and Care through Pathology and Cancer Registries

  • The Public, the Patient and the Community Health worker: Cancer Awareness and Education

  • Creating and Implementing Sustainable Cancer Care

  • Unsure

  1. What is the topic of the action plan you worked on?

  2. Please list and describe all collaborations this workshop initiated (include collaborator and objectives of the collaboration).

  1. How much interaction with the [COUNTRY] Ministry of Health does your cancer research/control require?

  • No interaction

  • Occasional Interaction (e.g. 1-4 times/year)

  • Frequent interaction (7-10+ times/year)

  1. Has the number of interactions with [COUNTRY] Ministry of Health changed as a result of this workshop?

  • Decreased

  • No Change

  • Increased

  1. As a result of this workshop, in your opinion, is your work better aligned with [COUNTRY]’s Ministry of Health?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

If yes, please describe how:

  1. As a result of this workshop, in your opinion, is your work better integrated into [COUNTRY]’s National Cancer Control Plan?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

If yes, please describe how:

  1. For United States Government representatives: In your opinion, have you have been able to better align your investments into the [COUNTRY]’s National Cancer Control Strategy as a result of this workshop?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

  • Not USG

  1. For participants who are not United States Government representatives: Do you feel you have been able to better leverage the USG investments in [COUNTRY] to meet your in-country research needs as a result of this workshop?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

  • USG

  1. Have you seen progress/success in implementing the action plans developed as a result of this workshop?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

  1. Has your organization contributed to implementation of the action plan developed in the workshop?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

If yes, please describe how:

  1. Are there any additional comments you would like to share?

  2. Has the number of interactions with non MOH partners changed as a result of this workshop?

  • Decreased

  • No Change

  • Increased

  1. Have action plans from this workshop contributed to furthering the implementation of [COUNTRY]’s National Cancer Control Strategy?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

If yes:

    1. Please explain how the action plans developed in this workshop have contributed to cancer control in [COUNTRY]?

    2. Please explain how the action plans developed in this workshop have contributed to cancer research in [COUNTRY]?

  1. How have partners helped address the areas of need in cancer research and cancer control planning identified in this workshop?

    • Area 1:

    • Area 2:

    • Area 3:

  2. Did this workshop enhance cooperation in identified areas of need?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

IF YES, please describe specific success stories or models that describe the successful types of collaborations this workshop initiated?

  1. What next steps would help facilitate greater interactions between the [COUNTRY] MOH and other partners?

  2. If you have you relocated since participating in the [PROGRAM NAME], what country are you currently located in?

    • Not applicable

  1. What degree(s) do you hold? Please select all that apply.

  • Medical Degree

  • Doctoral Degree

  • Master of Public Health

  • Master of Science in Nursing

  • Other Master Degree

  • Registered Nurse

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing

  • Other Bachelor’s Degree

  • None

  • Other : ________________________________________________

  1. What year did you participate in [PROGRAM NAME]?

  2. What [PROGRAM NAME] Course did you participate in?

  3. Have you received a research grant before participating in [PROGRAM NAME]?

  • Yes Please name the agency(s), funding amount(s),

  • No

  1. How many others have you trained using the [PROGRAM NAME] learning objectives and content?

    • Not applicable

  2. How often have you used the knowledge and skills acquired in the Summer Curriculum in your work?

  • Frequently

  • Sometimes

  • Rarely

  • Never

  1. How often do you contact the colleagues who participated in [PROGRAM NAME] with you?

  • Frequently

  • Sometimes

  • Rarely

  • Never

  1. How useful did you find the content presented in the [PROGRAM NAME] when preparing a grant application?

  • Very useful

  • Moderately useful

  • Not useful

  • Not applicable

Please provide examples of how the workshop content was useful or an explanation of why the content was not useful_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Research Administrators: How useful did you find the content presented in the [PROGRAM NAME] when assisting researchers prepare the administrative areas of a grant application?

  • Very useful

  • Moderately useful

  • Not useful

  • Not applicable

Please provide examples of how the workshop content was useful or an explanation of why the content was not useful_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Which of the following topics would you like further training in? Please select no more than three topics.

  • Identifying funding opportunities at NIH and other agencies

  • Grant Application: Developing and presenting your ideas

  • Establishing collaborations

  • Understanding confidentiality and financial conflict of interest

  • Intellectual property

  • Overseeing the grant management process (such as pre- and post-award activities)

  • The Application Process: Moving from an idea to submitting an application

  • Grant Application Review: What goes on behind the scenes once an application has been received

  • Concept Paper development: tips/tools

  • None of the above

  1. Do you need training in writing scientific research proposals, abstracts and manuscripts?

  • Yes

  • No, I have these skills

  • No, I don’t use these skills in my work

  1. How useful do you think the [PROGRAM NAME] would be if offered through a webinar?

  • More useful

  • As useful

  • Less useful

  • Not useful

  1. Which of the funding agencies below have awarded you grants since you participated in [PROGRAM NAME]? Please select all that apply.

    • NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI)

    • NIH’s National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

    • NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

    • NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

    • NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

    • NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

    • NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

    • NIH’s Fogarty International Center (FIC)

    • NIH’s Office of AIDS Research (OAR)

    • NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)

    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

    • World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO)

    • South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)

    • African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC)

    • Wellcome Trust

    • Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

    • International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

    • American Cancer Society (ACS)

    • Other funders: _______________________________________

    • I have not applied for any grants

  1. Which of the funding agencies below have awarded you grants since you participated in [PROGRAM NAME]? Please select all that apply.

  • NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI)

  • NIH’s National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

  • NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

  • NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

  • NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

  • NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

  • NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

  • NIH’s Fogarty International Center (FIC)

  • NIH’s Office of AIDS Research (OAR)

  • NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

  • Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

  • World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO)

  • South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)

  • African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC)

  • Wellcome Trust

  • Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

  • International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

  • American Cancer Society (ACS)

  • Other funders: _______________________________________

  • I have not been awarded any grants

  1. If you have not applied for any research or training grants since participating in [PROGRAM NAME], please explain why: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. What are your biggest challenges when writing and submitting a grant application? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  3. If you created collaborations, have those collaborations resulted in a grant application submission?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not applicable

  1. What additional tools or resources would facilitate collaborations for you with other researchers in your region? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Did the knowledge gained from the grant writing workshop provide you with research leadership opportunities in your institution?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. What are the action items that the team agreed to complete within [NUMBER] months of [PROGRAM NAME]?

  2. To what extent have each of the action items identified during [PROGRAM NAME] been implemented by the country team?

  3. What challenges has the country team encountered in implementing [PROGRAM NAME] action plan? How has the team addressed these challenges? In what ways could the team address the remaining challenges?

  4. Have adjustments/additions been made to the action plan? If so, what has been changed or added? What prompted the changes?

  5. What successes did the country team have related to implementing their action plans?

  6. What types of resources/support has the country team used to implement the action plan?

  7. Has your country team been successful in finding new resources/support including funding?

  8. Are there resources you were referred to at [PROGRAM NAME] or in subsequent communications with NCI that you have found useful? If so, describe:

  9. Have new partners joined the cancer planning and implementation efforts? If so, who? What will be their contribution?

  10. With regard to the cancer planning and implementation team, have there been any challenges in areas such as communication, roles/responsibilities, leadership, etc.? If so, describe:

  11. Has your country team developed any written materials as a group (e.g. publications, reports, white papers) or presentations (seminars, webinars, etc.)? If so, describe:

  12. Has your country team developed any tools related to cancer control planning and implementation? If so, describe:

  13. Is the country team communicating regularly with government leaders on their work and progress? If so, who and how often?

  14. Has the country team been involved in building new cancer control planning and implementation partnerships or strengthening existing ones? If so, describe challenges and successes (e.g. in the areas of new partner recruitment, partnership accomplishments, national visibility):

  15. Has the country team been involved in using data and information to guide cancer control efforts and policymaking? If so, describe challenges and successes (e.g. improving data reporting from registries, improving data quality, using data to guide policy):

  16. Has the country team been involved in strengthening implementation of the cancer control plan? If so, describe challenges and successes (e.g. identification of priorities, securing funding, mobilizing support, tracking progress):

  17. Has the country team been involved in enhancing evaluation of the cancer control plan? If so, describe challenges and successes (e.g. formulating measurable objectives, consulting evaluation experts, developing strategies):

  18. Has the work you are doing with international or regional partners on cancer control planning and implementation changed? If so, describe:

  19. Were there any events in the country that have bolstered cancer control planning and implementation efforts or impeded progress?

  20. How likely would you be to participate in an active alumni network for the [PROGRAM NAME]?

  21. In your opinion, how would an alumni network be useful to you?

  22. Would you be willing to serve as a contact for NCI alumni activities in your country?

  23. Are there any additional comments or feedback that you would like to share about the [PROGRAM NAME]??


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