15 USC 717i


FERC-549C (Final Rule in RM14-2) Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines

15 USC 717i

OMB: 1902-0174

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such natural-gas company shall in any case include in any form under its operating or other
expenses any depreciation, amortization, or
other charge or expenditure included elsewhere
as a depreciation or amortization charge or
otherwise under its operating or other expenses.
Nothing in this section shall limit the power of
a State commission to determine in the exercise
of its jurisdiction, with respect to any naturalgas company, the percentage rates of depreciation or amortization to be allowed, as to any
class of property of such natural-gas company,
or the composite depreciation or amortization
rate, for the purpose of determining rates or
(b) Rules
The Commission, before prescribing any rules
or requirements as to accounts, records, or
memoranda, or as to depreciation or amortization rates, shall notify each State commission
having jurisdiction with respect to any naturalgas company involved and shall give reasonable
opportunity to each such commission to present
its views and shall receive and consider such
views and recommendations.
(June 21, 1938, ch. 556, § 9, 52 Stat. 826.)
§ 717i. Periodic and special reports
(a) Form and contents of reports
Every natural-gas company shall file with the
Commission such annual and other periodic or
special reports as the Commission may by rules
and regulations or order prescribe as necessary
or appropriate to assist the Commission in the
proper administration of this chapter. The Commission may prescribe the manner and form in
which such reports shall be made, and require
from such natural-gas companies specific answers to all questions upon which the Commission may need information. The Commission
may require that such reports shall include,
among other things, full information as to assets and liabilities, capitalization, investment
and reduction thereof, gross receipts, interest
due and paid, depreciation, amortization, and
other reserves, cost of facilities, cost of maintenance and operation of facilities for the production, transportation, or sale of natural gas, cost
of renewal and replacement of such facilities,
transportation, delivery, use, and sale of natural
gas. The Commission may require any such natural-gas company to make adequate provision
for currently determining such costs and other
facts. Such reports shall be made under oath unless the Commission otherwise specifies.
(b) Unlawful conduct
It shall be unlawful for any natural-gas company willfully to hinder, delay, or obstruct the
making, filing, or keeping of any information,
document, report, memorandum, record, or account required to be made, filed, or kept under
this chapter or any rule, regulation, or order
(June 21, 1938, ch. 556, § 10, 52 Stat. 826.)

§ 717l

§ 717j. State compacts for conservation, transportation, etc., of natural gas
(a) Assembly of pertinent information; report to
In case two or more States propose to the Congress compacts dealing with the conservation,
production, transportation, or distribution of
natural gas it shall be the duty of the Commission to assemble pertinent information relative
to the matters covered in any such proposed
compact, to make public and to report to the
Congress information so obtained, together with
such recommendations for further legislation as
may appear to be appropriate or necessary to
carry out the purposes of such proposed compact
and to aid in the conservation of natural-gas resources within the United States and in the orderly, equitable, and economic production,
transportation, and distribution of natural gas.
(b) Assembly of information relative to operation
of compact; report to Congress
It shall be the duty of the Commission to assemble and keep current pertinent information
relative to the effect and operation of any compact between two or more States heretofore or
hereafter approved by the Congress, to make
such information public, and to report to the
Congress, from time to time, the information so
obtained, together with such recommendations
as may appear to be appropriate or necessary to
promote the purposes of such compact.
(c) Availability of services, etc., of other agencies
In carrying out the purposes of this chapter,
the Commission shall, so far as practicable,
avail itself of the services, records, reports, and
information of the executive departments and
other agencies of the Government, and the
President may, from time to time, direct that
such services and facilities be made available to
the Commission.
(June 21, 1938, ch. 556, § 11, 52 Stat. 827.)
§ 717k. Officials dealing in securities
It shall be unlawful for any officer or director
of any natural-gas company to receive for his
own benefit, directly or indirectly, any money
or thing of value in respect to the negotiation,
hypothecation, or sale by such natural-gas company of any security issued, or to be issued, by
such natural-gas company, or to share in any of
the proceeds thereof, or to participate in the
making or paying of any dividends, other than
liquidating dividends, of such natural-gas company from any funds properly included in capital account.
(June 21, 1938, ch. 556, § 12, 52 Stat. 827.)
§ 717l. Complaints
Any State, municipality, or State commission
complaining of anything done or omitted to be
done by any natural-gas company in contravention of the provisions of this chapter may apply
to the Commission by petition, which shall
briefly state the facts, whereupon a statement
of the complaint thus made shall be forwarded
by the Commission to such natural-gas company, which shall be called upon to satisfy the

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File Modified2012-05-31
File Created2012-05-31

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