60Day Federal Register Notice


Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2013-2016

60Day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 1850-0582

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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 50 / Thursday, March 14, 2013 / Notices
Action Alternative does not meet the
purpose and need of the proposed
Environmental Issues and Resources
To Be Examined: After scoping is
complete, the EIS/OEIS analysis will
evaluate potential environmental
impacts associated with each alternative
selected for full analysis. Issues to be
addressed include, but are not limited
to, noise, cultural resources,
transportation, utilities,
socioeconomics, biological resources,
geology and soils, water quality, air
quality, airspace, land use, recreation,
safety, hazardous materials and waste,
visual resources, and environmental
Resources, activities, and issues
identified through the scoping process
will be considered in the EIS/OEIS. The
analysis will include an evaluation of
direct and indirect impacts and will
account for cumulative impacts from
other relevant past, present and
reasonably foreseeable future actions in
the Mariana Islands.
Agency Consultations: MARFORPAC,
as Executive Agent, will undertake
appropriate consultations with
regulatory entities pursuant to the
Endangered Species Act, National
Historic Preservation Act, Coastal Zone
Management Act, Clean Water Act, and
other applicable laws or regulations.
Consultation may include, but will not
be limited to, the following federal,
state, and local agencies: U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, National Marine
Fisheries Service, the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, National Park Service,
CNMI Historic Preservation Office, and
the CNMI Coastal Resources
Management Office.
Schedule: This NOI initiates a 45-day
scoping comment period to identify
issues to be addressed in the EIS/OEIS
and reasonable and feasible alternatives
to implement the proposed action. The
next step in the NEPA process occurs
with publication of a Notice of
Availability (NOA) in the Federal
Register and local media, announcing
release of the Draft EIS/OEIS and
commencement of a 45-day public
comment period. A notice will be
published in local newspapers to
advertise public scoping meetings for
the project during the 45-day comment
period. MARFORPAC, as the Executive
Agent, will consider and respond to all
comments received on the Draft EIS/
OEIS when preparing the Final EIS/
OEIS. MARFORPAC, as the Executive
Agent, intends to issue the Final EIS/
OEIS in late 2015, at which time an
NOA will be published in the Federal
Register and local media. The NOA will
initiate a 30-day waiting period, after

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which the Assistant Secretary of the
Navy will issue a Record of Decision.
Dated: March 8, 2013.
C.K. Chiappetta,
Lieutenant Commander, Office of the Judge
Advocate General, U.S. Navy, Federal
Register Liaison Officer.


Federal Officer, Naval Postgraduate
School, 1 University Circle, Monterey,
CA 93943–5001 or by fax 831–656–3145
by April 16, 2013.

[FR Doc. 2013–05837 Filed 3–13–13; 8:45 am]

C.K. Chiappetta,
Lieutenant Commander, Office of the Judge
Advocate General, U.S. Navy, Federal
Register Liaison Officer.


[FR Doc. 2013–05926 Filed 3–13–13; 8:45 am]


Department of the Navy
Subcommittee Meeting of the Board of
Advisors to the President, Naval
Postgraduate School
Department of the Navy, DoD.
Notice of Open Meeting.


Pursuant to the provisions of
The Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463, as amended), notice is
hereby given that the following meeting
of the aforementioned subcommittee
will be held. (Parent Committee is:
Board of Advisors (BOA) to the
Presidents of the Naval Postgraduate
School and the Naval War College
(NPS). This meeting will be open to the
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Wednesday, April 24, 2013, from 8:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on Thursday,
April 25, 2012, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. Pacific Time Zone.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Naval Postgraduate School, Ingersoll
Hall, Room 361, 1 University Circle,
Monterey, CA.
Jaye Panza, Naval Postgraduate School,
Monterey, CA 93943–5001, telephone
number 831–656–2514.
purpose of the meeting is to elicit the
advice of the Board on the Naval
Service’s Postgraduate Education
Program and the collaborative exchange
and partnership between NPS and the
Air Force Institute of Technology. The
board examines the effectiveness with
which the NPS is accomplishing its
mission. To this end, the board will
inquire into the curricula; instruction;
physical equipment; administration;
state of morale of the student body,
faculty, and staff; fiscal affairs; and any
other matters relating to the operation of
the NPS as the board considers
pertinent. Individuals without a DoD
government/CAC card require an escort
at the meeting location. For access,
information, or to send written
comments regarding the NPS BOA
contact Ms. Jaye Panza, Designated

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[Docket No. ED–2013–ICCD–0029]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request;
Integrated Postsecondary Education
Data System (IPEDS) 2013–2016
National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), Institute of Education
Sciences (IES), ED.
ACTION: Notice.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), ED is proposing a revision of a
current information collection.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before May 13,
ADDRESSES: Comments submitted in
response to this notice should be
submitted electronically through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://
www.regulations.gov by selecting
Docket ID number ED–2013–ICCD–0029
or via postal mail, commercial delivery,
or hand delivery. Please note that
comments submitted by fax or email
and those submitted after the comment
period will not be accepted. Written
requests for information or comments
submitted by postal mail or delivery
should be addressed to the Director of
the Information Collection Clearance
Division, U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ Room
2E117, Washington, DC 20202–4537.
Electronically mail
[email protected]. Please do not
send comments here.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
that Federal agencies provide interested
parties an early opportunity to comment
on information collection requests. The
Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Privacy, Information
and Records Management Services,
Office of Management, publishes this
notice containing proposed information
collection requests at the beginning of
the Departmental review of the



tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 50 / Thursday, March 14, 2013 / Notices

information collection. The Department
of Education is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) Is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System
(IPEDS) 2013–2016.
OMB Control Number: 1850–0582.
Type of Review: Revision of a Current
Information Collection.
Respondents/Affected Public: State,
Local, or Tribal Governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 77,600.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 954,030.
Abstract: The Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System
(IPEDS) is a web-based data collection
system designed to collect basic data
from all postsecondary institutions in
the United States and the other
jurisdictions. IPEDS enables NCES to
report on key dimensions of
postsecondary education such as
enrollments, degrees and other awards
earned, tuition and fees, average net
price, student financial aid, graduation
rates, revenues and expenditures,
faculty salaries, and staff employed. The
IPEDS web-based data collection system
was implemented in 2000–01, and it
collects basic data from approximately
7,500 postsecondary institutions in the
United States and the other jurisdictions
that are eligible to participate in Title IV
Federal financial aid programs. All Title
IV institutions are required to respond
to IPEDS (Section 490 of the Higher
Education Amendments of 1992 (Pub. L.
102–325)). IPEDS allows other (non-title
IV) institutions to participate on a
voluntary basis. About 200 elect to
respond. IPEDS data are available to the
public through the College Navigator
and IPEDS Data Center Web sites. The
National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES) seeks authorization to continue
its IPEDS data collection. Current
authorization expires 6/30/2014 (OMB
No. 1850–0582). We are requesting a
new clearance for the 2014–15 and
2015–16 data collections now in order
to provide institutions a one-year
advance notice of changes to the current

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data collection. Because the already
approved 2013–14 IPEDS data
collection has not yet taken place, we
are carrying over the documentation and
estimated burden associated with the
2013–14 data collection.
Dated: March 11, 2013.
Kate Mullan,
Acting Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Privacy, Information and
Records Management Services, Office of
[FR Doc. 2013–05958 Filed 3–13–13; 8:45 am]

Environmental Management SiteSpecific Advisory Board, Paducah
Department of Energy (DOE).
Notice of Open Meeting.


This notice announces a
meeting of the Environmental
Management Site-Specific Advisory
Board (EM SSAB), Paducah. The
Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub.
L. No. 92–463, 86 Stat. 770) requires
that public notice of this meeting be
announced in the Federal Register.
DATES: Thursday, April 18, 2013, 6:00

Barkley Centre, 111
Memorial Drive, Paducah, Kentucky



Rachel Blumenfeld, Deputy Designated
Federal Officer, Department of Energy
Paducah Site Office, Post Office Box
1410, Paducah, Kentucky 42001, (270)
Purpose of the Board: The purpose of
the Board is to make recommendations
to DOE–EM and site management in the
areas of environmental restoration,
waste management and related
Tentative Agenda
• Call to Order, Introductions, Review
of Agenda
• Administrative Issues
• Public Comments (15 minutes)
• Adjourn
Breaks Taken as Appropriate
Public Participation: The EM SSAB,
Paducah, welcomes the attendance of
the public at its advisory committee
meetings and will make every effort to
accommodate persons with physical
disabilities or special needs. If you
require special accommodations due to
a disability, please contact Rachel
Blumenfeld as soon as possible in

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advance of the meeting at the telephone
number listed above. Written statements
may be filed with the Board either
before or after the meeting. Individuals
who wish to make oral statements
pertaining to agenda items should
contact Rachel Blumenfeld at the
telephone number listed above.
Requests must be received as soon as
possible prior to the meeting and
reasonable provision will be made to
include the presentation in the agenda.
The Deputy Designated Federal Officer
is empowered to conduct the meeting in
a fashion that will facilitate the orderly
conduct of business. Individuals
wishing to make public comments will
be provided a maximum of five minutes
to present their comments. The EM
SSAB, Paducah, will hear public
comments pertaining to its scope (cleanup standards and environmental
restoration; waste management and
disposition; stabilization and
disposition of non-stockpile nuclear
materials; excess facilities; future land
use and long-term stewardship; risk
assessment and management; and cleanup science and technology activities).
Comments outside of the scope may be
submitted via written statement as
directed above.
Minutes: Minutes will be available by
writing or calling Rachel Blumenfeld at
the address and phone number listed
above. Minutes will also be available at
the following Web site: http://
Issued at Washington, DC on March 11,
LaTanya R. Butler,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2013–05915 Filed 3–13–13; 8:45 am]

Environmental Management SiteSpecific Advisory Board, Savannah
River Site
Department of Energy.
Notice of Open Meeting:


On March 4, 2013, the
Department of Energy (DOE) published
a notice of open meeting announcing a
meeting on March 25–26, 2013 of the
Environmental Management SiteSpecific Advisory Board, Savannah
River Site (78 FR 14088). This document
makes a correction to that notice.
Gerri Flemming, Office of External
Affairs, Department of Energy,
Savannah River Operations Office, P.O.



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File Modified2013-03-14
File Created2013-03-14

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