A new land cover classification based stratification method for area sampling frame construction

0213 - Area Sampling Frame Construction - July 2012.pdf

Agricultural Surveys Program

A new land cover classification based stratification method for area sampling frame construction

OMB: 0535-0213

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A new land cover classification based stratification
method for area sampling frame construction
Claire G. Boryan, Zhengwei Yang
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
3521 Old Lee Highway, Room 305, Fairfax, VA 22030, U.S.A
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—This paper proposes a new automated USDA National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Cropland Data Layer
(CDL) based method for stratifying U.S. land cover. The
proposed method is used to stratify the NASS state level Area
Sampling Frames (ASFs) by automatically calculating percent
cultivation at the Primary Sampling Unit (PSU) level based on
the CDL data. The CDL based stratification experiment was
successfully conducted for Oklahoma, Ohio, Virginia, Georgia,
and Arizona. The stratification accuracies of the traditional and
new automated CDL stratification methods were compared
based on 2010 June Area Survey (JAS) data. Experimental
results indicated that the CDL based stratification method
achieved higher accuracies in the intensively cropped areas while
the traditional method achieved higher accuracies in low or non
agricultural areas. The differences in the accuracies were
statistically significant at a 95% confidence level. It is concluded
that the CDL based stratification method will improve efficiency
and reduce cost in NASS ASF construction, and improve the
precision of NASS JAS estimates.
Keywords-stratification; land cover; area sampling frame;
primary sampling unit; CDL



Area Sampling Frames (ASFs) are the foundation of the
agricultural statistics program of the National Agricultural
Statistics Service (NASS) and many other statistical survey
programs. ASFs have been used since 1954 as a primary tool
for conducting surveys to gather information on crop acreage
and other agricultural information. They are considered “the
backbone to the agricultural statistics program of the National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)” [3]. NASS’ primary
area frame survey is the June Area Survey (JAS) in which
11,000, one square mile sample segments, are visited by
enumerators each year at the beginning of the growing season
to collect crop type and acreage information. Estimates of crop
acreage and livestock inventories are based on the data
collected during the JAS. The NASS ASFs are based on the
stratification of U.S. land cover into homogeneous groups or
strata based on percent cultivation. This stratification of land
cover has been conducted using visual interpretation of aerial
or satellite data for the past fifty eight years. The precision and
accuracy of the survey statistics are dependent on the
techniques used to construct and sample the NASS Area
NASS, also, has a remote sensing acreage estimation
program in which satellite data acquired throughout the

growing season are utilized as inputs to produce crop specific
land cover classifications from which independent acreage
estimates are generated. These state level agricultural land
cover classifications are known as Cropland Data Layer (CDL)
products. The NASS CDLs are 30-56.0 meter raster-formatted,
geo-referenced, crop-specific land cover classifications.
Historically, CDLs were produced, beginning in 1997, for
major crop producing states in the Midwest of the United
States to provide acreage estimates to the NASS Agricultural
Statistics Board (ASB) and Field Offices (FOs). Over the
years, the program has expanded to include all 48 US
conterminous states for years 2008-2011. Total crop mapping
accuracies for historic CDLs ranged from 85% to 95% for the
major crop categories. Boryan et al., [1] provide greater detail
regarding CDL production. The CDL data are publically
available from NASS’ online geospatial application CropScape [2].
Currently, NASS’ Research and Development Division is
working to improve the efficiency, reduce the cost and improve
the precision of the estimates generated from the June Area
Survey. Toward this goal, a new automated method has been
developed to objectively, consistently, and rapidly stratify U.S.
land cover, based on percent cultivation, of the Area Sampling
Frame (ASF) Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) using the 2010
CDL products.
This paper proposes a new automated, NASS CDL based
stratification method and makes a performance comparison
between the NASS traditional method which is based on visual
interpretation and the new automated CDL stratification
method. The effectiveness of the traditional and CDL based
methods in determining percent cultivation, at the Area Frame
Primary Sampling Unit (PSU) level, were assessed using in situ
validation data collected at the segment level as part of the
2010 JAS. The goal of this investigation was to determine the
utility of the automated CDL based method for use in the
stratification of U.S. land cover and potentially in ASF
construction [3]


A. NASS Area Sampling Frames
The NASS ASFs are based on a stratification of land cover
in the U.S. by percent cultivated cropland, and are the
statistical foundation for providing estimates with complete
coverage of U.S. agriculture. The Area Frame program is

conducted in 49 states using approximately 11,000 one square
mile segments made up of approximately 41,000 individual
farms. Selected farms are visited each year by enumerators, as
part of the JAS, to identify the planting intentions for all
agricultural land within the segments, including planted
acreage and acreage intended for harvest. Acreage estimates for
major commodities such as corn, soybeans, winter wheat,
spring wheat, durum wheat and cotton are generated from the
JAS at the state and national level.
The primary use of the ASF within NASS is as the
foundation of the JAS. The ASF is also used to measure the
incompleteness of NASS list frame, provide ground truth for
the NASS Cropland Data Layer (CDL) program to generate
independent acreage estimates, and for additional surveys such
as NASS’ objective yield survey and the Agricultural Coverage
Evaluation Survey.
Area frame construction is a lengthy process conducted one
state at a time. Frames are generally in use for approximately
15 to 20 years with some in operation for as long as 30 or more
years. Fig. 1 illustrates the implementation years of current
NASS state level Area Frames. Originally when ASFs were
created on paper, only two frames were built per year.
Currently three to four frames are built each year due to
technological improvements including the use of ESRI’s
ArcGIS software, aerial photography, satellite imagery and
ancillary agricultural information when available. On average,
five full time employees working for a period of four months
per state are required for new frame construction [3].

frequently used estimators based on an ASF utilized in
agricultural surveys.
B. NASS Area Sampling Frame: Land Use Stratification
Land use stratification is “the division of land area into
broad land use categories” and is known to improve efficiency
for statistical sampling and estimation. In the construction of a
NASS area sampling frame (ASF), general cropland (based on
commercial, and non agriculture are the commonly identified
strata. The agricultural strata definitions vary between states
depending on the type and intensity of agricultural production.
Strata homogeneity is critical for the performance of the NASS
ASFs. Once strata definitions are assigned, all land is
subdivided into primary sampling units (PSUs). Specific PSUs
are allocated for inclusion in JAS. These PSUs are further
subdivided into segments, and a segment is randomly selected
from each allocated PSU for enumeration [3].
TABLE I. Land-use stratification codes and definitions represented in
the NASS Area Sampling Frames (Benedetti, 2010)
Land-Use Strata
Codes (Stratum)

Strata Definition
General Cropland, greater than 75%
General Cropland, 51-75% cultivated
General Cropland, 15-50% cultivated.
Ag-Urban, less than 15% cultivated, more than
100 dwellings per square mile, residential
mixed with agriculture.
Residential/Commercial, no cultivation, more
than 100 dwellings per square mile.
Less than 15% cultivated

For the past 58 years, land use stratification has been
conducted using visual interpretation of satellite imagery or
aerial photography. Most recently, the satellite data used was
acquired by the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), which was
primarily relied upon to identify cultivated cropland and, when
necessary, identify specific crop types.
The National
Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) data; which are one
meter, ortho-rectified, air photos acquired during the growing
season; are utilized as the base for digitizing PSU boundaries.

Figure 1. US map illustrating the implementation years of current
NASS Area Frames

Area Sampling Frames (ASFs) have been used in a variety
of research applications including an evaluation of the
prevalence of brown stem rot in the north central United States
[4], to improve agricultural ground survey estimates as part of
the Monitoring Agriculture with Remote Sensing (MARS)
project launched by the European Union in 1989 [5] and to
developed a Geographic Information System for crop area
estimation at a regional level in the Islamic Republic of Iran
[6]. Faulkenberry and Garoui [7] compared the utility of

C. The NASS Cropland Data Layer Products
The NASS Cropland Data Layer (CDL) products are 3056.0 meter, raster-formatted, geo-referenced, crop-specific land
cover classifications. The first state level CDL was produced in
1997 and CDLs for all 48 conterminous states in the U.S were
produced from 2008- 2011. The purpose of the CDL program
is to use satellite data to provide acreage estimates for
important crop producing states to the NASS Agricultural
Statistics Board (ASB). All historic CDL products are
publically available on-line for accessing, visualization,
downloading, map printing, as well as on the fly statistical and
change analysis from the NASS’ web service based CDL
application – CropScape [2].

The 2010 CDLs were produced for all 48 states at a 30
meter spatial resolution as illustrated in Fig. 2. The 2010 CDLs
were produced using satellite data acquired, during the growing
season, from the Indian RESOURCESAT-1 (IRS-P6)
Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS), Landsat 5 Thematic
Mapper (TM) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus
(ETM+). Ancillary data inputs were also used. They included:
the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National
Elevation Dataset (NED), the USGS Percent Canopy layer, the
USGS Percent Impervious layer, and the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250 meter 16 day
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) composites.
Farm Service Agency (FSA) Common Land Unit (CLU) data
were used for training and validation of agricultural categories.
The USGS National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) 2001 was
used as training and validation for the non agricultural
categories. In general, total crop mapping accuracies for the
2010 CDLs ranged from 85% to 95% for the major crop
categories [1]. The accuracies for major crops, such as corn and
soybean in major US agricultural areas are in the high 90th
percentile. These accuracy numbers are considered high for
stratification purposes as errors between crop categories can be
canceled in the stratification process.

non-cultivated pixels respectively. The crop mask is overlaid
with an ASF with PSU boundaries. The exact crop types in
each PSU are illustrated in Fig. 3(b) by overlaying the ASF
over the CDL. The results of the traditional stratification and
the corresponding CDL based stratifications were compared
based on the JAS segment in situ ground truth.

Figure 3. (a) An ASF with PSU boundaries overlaying a CDL crop mask
(green- cultivated, white- non cultivated); (b) the same ASF overlaying a
2010 CDL image product (brown – winter wheat, yellow, corn, orange –
sorghum, pink- alfalfa, pale green – other hay, blue-water).

Figure 4. (a) CDL crop mask based PSU percent cultivation; (b) an ASF
with CDL derived stratification.

Figure 2. 2010 NASS Cropland Data Layer products.



A. Data and Preprocessing
The data files required for each of the five state analyses
conducted in this investigation included: a state level ASF with
strata specific PSUs, a 2010 state level NASS CDL, and a 2010
JAS segment file with segment level percent cultivation
calculated. The 2010 CDLs included as many as fifty
categories and a wide variety of crops. For the purpose of
stratification, a crop mask [8] was first generated by recoding
CDL pixels of crop categories into “cultivated” and non crop
pixels into “non-cultivated”. To build the 2010 CDL crop
masks, crop and non-crop categories were recoded to “1” and
“0” respectively. A typical crop mask is illustrated in Fig.3 (a)
with green and white colors representing the cultivated and

B. Stratification Method
NASS’ traditional area frame stratification process
involves visual interpretation of ASF PSUs into different
strata based on percent cultivated land within a PSU boundary.
The percent cultivation of each ASF PSU can be calculated
from state level crop masks derived from CDL by counting
pixels with value “1” (cultivated) and total number of pixels
within the PSU boundary. The percent cultivated is given by
the number of “1” pixels divided by total number of pixels.
Fig. 4(a) illustrates PSU percent cultivation calculated from
CDL based crop mask. With the calculated percent cultivation,
each PSU’s stratum could be labeled into a different stratum
category based on the state specific strata definitions as given
by Table 1. The resulting CDL based stratification for the
same frame is shown as Fig. 4(b). This proposed new CDL
based process is objective and automated while the traditional
stratum labeling method is subjective and manual. This new
method improves efficiency, objectiveness and accuracy in

TABLE II. Oklahoma 2010 ASF Analysis, Traditional vs. CDL Stratification Method

% Cultivated
51% - 75%
15% - 50%
< 15%

Traditional Stratification
Segments Correct Accuracy (p₁)

CDL Stratification
Segments Correct Accuracy(p₂)

Ha: p₁ ≠ p₂

TABLE III. Ohio 2010 ASF Analysis, Traditional vs. CDL Stratification Method

% Cultivated
51% - 75%
15% - 50%
< 15%

Traditional Stratification
Segments Correct Accuracy (p₁)

CDL Stratification
Segments Correct Accuracy(p₂)

Ha: p₁ ≠ p₂

TABLE IV. Five State 2010 Strata Summary, Traditional vs. CDL Stratification Method

% Cultivated
51% - 75%
15% - 50%
< 15%

Traditional Stratification
Segments Correct Accuracy (p₁)

C. Stratification Result Evaluation
To evaluate the effectiveness of the CDL based
stratification method, the results were compared with the
traditional stratification method based on 2010 JAS segment
ground truth data. Stratification performance was assessed
based on the percent of segments matching the definition
(correctly labeled stratum) among all segments labeled with a
given stratum of the PSUs within which they are located. The
reference segment data were derived from JAS survey. The
enumerators recorded ground truth in the survey.
An assessment of the resulting accuracies indicated that the
CDL stratification method generally resulted in higher
accuracies, but these results did not indicate whether the
differences in the two methods were significant statistically.
The ultimate goal of this evaluation was to determine whether
the proposed CDL based stratification method achieved
equivalent or improved accuracies when compared to the
traditional Area Frame stratification method. Therefore, twotailed proportion tests, a Chi-Square test or a Fisher’s Exact test
for sample sizes less than five were conducted for each state
and each stratum. In these tests, two sample proportions were
p1 the accuracy results from the traditional stratification
method and p2 the accuracy results from the proposed CDL
based stratification method. The hypotheses of the significance
tests were H0: p1=p2 and Ha: p1≠p2. The null hypothesis stated
that there was no difference in the accuracies of the two
stratification methods while the alternative hypothesis stated
that the accuracies of the two stratification methods were
significantly different. The tests were performed and p values
were calculated for each state and each stratum with a
confidence level of 95%.

CDL Stratification
Segments Correct Accuracy(p₂)


Ha: p₁ ≠ p₂


A comparison was made between the stratification results
achieved by the traditional stratification method and those of
the CDL based method using JAS reported data as in situ
validation. It should be noted that the CDL stratification
method could only identify percent cultivation, non agriculture,
and water. ASFs often have additional strata such as stratum
31 (Ag-Urban, less than 15% cultivated, more than 100
dwellings per square mile) and stratum 32 (residential/
commercial, no cultivation, more than 100 dwelling per square
mile). For this analysis, these strata were included in stratum
40 (less than 15% cultivated). All stratification was PSU based.
Table 2 and Fig. 5 presented the accuracy results for both
the traditional stratification of the ASF PSUs and those of the
CDL derived stratification of the ASF PSUs for 2010
Oklahoma frame analysis. All other states were evaluated in
the same manner. In Tables 2, 3, and 4, the accuracy results of
the traditional (visual interpretation) stratification method and
the CDL based stratification method were presented side by
side. The column at the far right identifies the p-values of the
Chi Square or Fisher’s Exact tests.
As shown in Table 2, for the Oklahoma 2010 traditional
stratification, of the 323 total segments in the state, 140 were in
PSUs that were identified as being stratum 11 (greater than
75% cultivated) by NASS carto-technicians based on stratum
definition. Of the 140 segments, JAS reported that 47 were
stratum 11, an accuracy of 34%. For the CDL stratification
results, of the 323 segments, 43 were labeled in stratum 11
PSUs. Of the 43 segments, the JAS reported 27 segments were

stratum 11, an accuracy of 63%. The accuracies of the CDL
stratification method were higher than those of the traditional
area frame stratification method.

Figure 5. Oklahoma 2010 ASF Analysis, Traditional Method vs. CDL
Based Stratification Method

Similarly, in Stratum 20 (15% - 50% cultivated), 74
segments were in PSUs identified by the traditional
stratification as stratum 20. Of these 74 segments, the JAS
reported that 26 were stratum 20, which represented an
accuracy of 35%. Of the 323 segments, 98 were located in
PSUs identified by the CDL based stratification as stratum 20.
Of the 98 stratum 20 segments, the JAS reported that 42 were
stratum 20, an accuracy of 43%. The accuracies of the CDL
stratification method were higher than those of the traditional
stratification method.
As shown in Table 2, the accuracies of the traditional
stratification, the CDL based stratification and the JAS survey
reported were calculated for the Oklahoma ASF and
summarized in the same manner for all strata. In Table 2, the pvalues were highlighted in red if the differences were
considered statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Out of the eight comparisons, six were significantly different
from one another. Stratum 20 was the only stratum that
showed no statistically significant difference between the two
stratification methods at the confidence level of 95% although
the accuracies of the CDL stratification method were higher
than those of the traditional stratification method.
Note that in Table 2 the accuracies are derived for
Oklahoma segments meeting formal stratum definitions using
the traditional and CDL based stratification methods. Tables 2
and 3 illustrate the results for the Oklahoma and Ohio analyses.
Figs. 5 and 6 provide graphical representations of the
Oklahoma and Ohio results.

Figure 6. Ohio 2010 ASF Analysis, Traditional Method vs. CDL Based
Stratification Method

Table 4 and Fig. 7 provide a summary of all state level
analyses across five strata. In summary, land cover in the five
states stratified with the automated CDL method has a higher
rate of accuracy than that of the traditional method when using
the JAS survey data as validation. Across all ASF strata
specifically, 11, 12, 13, 20 and 40, the traditional method
achieved a total accuracy of 61% and the CDL stratification
method achieved a total accuracy of 71%, as shown in Table 4.
The CDL stratification method achieved higher accuracies in
all strata except stratum 40 (Traditional Method - 95% vs. CDL
method - 86%). The CDL method achieved higher accuracy in
the more highly cultivated strata such as stratum 11
(Traditional Method - 52% vs. CDL Method - 80%) and
stratum 13 (Traditional Method - 53% vs. CDL Method -76%).
Two sided proportion tests were conducted on all
comparisons to test whether the differences in accuracies
achieved using the two different methods were statistically
significant. In these tests the significance level was set to be
0.05 and the null hypothesis was accepted if the p-value
exceeded the significance level. Across all strata, when state
results were combined, the p-values were less than 0.05. The
tests indicated that in strata 11, 12, 13 and 20 the CDL
stratification method was more accurate at determining percent
cultivation. In stratum 40, the traditional method was more

Figure 7. Five State 2010 Strata Summary, Traditional Method vs. CDL
Based Stratification Method

As observed in Tables 2, 3 and 4, the CDL method
achieved higher rates of accuracy in the highly cultivated strata
(11, and 13). Identification of cropland is the strength of the
CDL process. Satellite imagery collected across the entire
growing season, decision tree classification software, useful

ancillary data and an abundance of training data enable the
CDLs to achieve total crop accuracies of approximately 85 –
95%. Furthermore, the CDL method is objective and
Both methods struggled in having the identification of
percent cultivation for the PSUs match the JAS segment level
data in strata 12 and 20. The primary issue with these strata is
due to the heterogeneity of the land cover. In the construction
of the ASF, cartographic technicians attempt to define PSUs
that are homogeneous. It is very difficult to define a stratum 12
or 20 PSU that is homogeneous across the PSU. The cropland
generally is clustered in one portion of the PSU and the
remainder of the PSU has small amounts of agriculture. When
the segments are selected in these PSUs it is not unusual that
they not represent their strata definition. One recommendation
to improve PSU homogeneity would be to reduce the size of
PSUs during new ASF construction. This would improve ASF
performance in strata 12 and 20 PSUs. One area of further
research for this project is to determine if the CDL based
method can more accurately identify percent cultivation in the
strata 12 and 20 PSU using multi-year data rather than single
year CDL data.


This paper proposed a new automated CDL based method for
deriving percent cultivation and subsequently stratifying U.S.
land cover. The CDL based stratification of NASS ASF PSUs
was successfully conducted for Oklahoma, Ohio, Virginia,
Georgia, and Arizona. The stratification accuracies of the
traditional and new CDL based stratification methods were
compared based on in situ validation data collected by
enumerators during the 2010 JAS. Results of the five state
analyses indicated that the new automated CDL method was
more accurate in determining U.S. percent cultivation in
intensively cropped areas and weaker in non agricultural areas.
The CDL based stratification achieved higher accuracies in
strata 11, 12, 13 and 20 while the traditional method achieved
higher accuracies in stratum 40. The differences in the
accuracies were statistically significant at a 95% confidence
level. The novelty of the proposed method is using geospatial
CDL data to objectively and automatically compute percent

cultivation of the ASF PSUs as compared to the traditional
method that subjectively determining percent cultivation based
on visual estimation of satellite data. This proposed new CDL
based process improved efficiency, objectiveness and
accuracy as compared to the traditional stratification method.
It is concluded that adoption of the automated CDL
stratification method in ASF construction will help NASS
achieve the goals of improving efficiency, reducing cost and
improving the precision of JAS estimates by updating the
NASS ASFs with greater frequency and stratification








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File Titleuntitled
File Modified2012-06-12
File Created2012-06-12

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