MFS-IP Follow back Interviews Female Post-release

Evaluation of The Marriage and Family Strengthening Grants

0990-0331Appendix A_instruments

MFS-IP Follow back Interviews Female Post-release

OMB: 0990-0331

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Qualitative Follow-Back Questions: Men’s Cross-Sectional Protocol
March 2014

Family Structure

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. I’d like to start by getting a sense of who is in your family right now. Please tell me who you interact with regularly whom you consider to be your family members.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1D026 34MFU Genogram Intro

Now I'd like to make a chart of everyone in your immediate family. We made a chart like

this the last time you were interviewed, and now we would like to know if there have been

any changes in these relationships since your last interview.

Question Type: TNext


New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you define your relationship with [MFS partner] (e.g., married, committed, separated)? How serious is your relationship? How long have you been together?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1F065* 34MFU Confirm Romantic Involvement

And just to confirm, are you currently romantically involved with ^prld.Namefill? That is,

do you consider yourselves to be a couple?

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*also see questions MT1F062-64c

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Are you currently involved with any other partners? If yes, length of courtship and seriousness of relationship with partner(s)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1F069 34MFU Romantic Other

Are you currently romantically involved in any way with anyone else?

Question Type: TYesNocaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Thinking about the good and the bad in your relationship with [partner], what was most important in your decision to continue/end it?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1F067 34MFU Relationship Split


I'm going to read a list of reasons that couples split up.  Which of these issues were

reasons for you and ^prld.Namefill splitting up? Please select all that apply.


Question Type: Tsplit1Set

Argue 1 ^F[1]You argued too much^F[1]

PhysFight 2 ^F[2]Your fights got too physical, like pushing or hitting^F[2]

NoCloseInc 3 ^F[3]You did not feel close to one another during your


NoCloseRel 4 ^F[4]You did not feel close to one another after you were


Diff 5 ^F[5]You were just too different from one another^F[5]

Trust 6 ^F[6]You and she had too many jealousy or trust issues^F[6]

FeInvd 7 ^F[7]She got involved with someone else^F[7]

MaInvd 8 ^F[8]You got involved with someone else^F[8]

HeDrugs 9 ^F[9]You had problems with drug or alcohol use^F[9]

SheDrgs 10 ^F[10]She had problems with drug or alcohol use^F[10]

Money 11 ^F[11]You had conflicts over not having enough money to support

the family^F[11]

HeCrim 12 ^F[12]You had conflicts about being involved in illegal


ChildConf 13 ^F[13]You had conflicts about how to raise children^F[13]

Other 14 ^F[14]Some other reason (SPECIFY)^F[14]

None 15 ^F[15] (None of the above)^F[15]

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Please tell me about your wants and expectations for your family.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V087* 34MFU Chances of Marriage

What do you think the chances are that you will marry your Survey Partner in the future?

Would you say. . .

Question Type: TChance

NoC 1 No chance

Little 2 A little chance

Fifty50 3 A 50-50 chance

Good 4 A pretty good chance

Certain 5 An almost certain chance

*also see questions MTACASI6V058, MTACASI6V079, MTACASI6V085-86, MTACASI6B087a, MT7J016-18, and MT7V022-37.

Household Structure and Living Arrangements

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What were your living arrangements before you were incarcerated?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MB2J010 Ever Live

At any point during the 6 months prior to incarceration, did you ever live in these places? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Any other places?

Question Type: TResidence

Own 1 In your own house or apartment, meaning your name was on the title, mortgage,

or lease

Elses 2 In someone else's house or apartment

Transitional 3 In a transitional housing building or halfway house

Motel 4 In a motel/hotel or rooming house

Treatment 5 In a residential treatment facility

Shelter 6 In a shelter

Street 7 On the street

Outdoor 8 In an outdoor location where you camped out

Vacant 9 In an abandoned building or vacant unit

Other 10 In some other place

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How did those living arrangements change, if at all, for [partner] and your child(ren) during your incarceration? Why did they change?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N095 34MFU Focal Child Residence


The next items ask about your relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD.

With whom does ^prld.FOCCHILD currently live? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anyone else?

Question Type: TFocalFU

You 1 ^F1 You ^F1

Mother 2 @BThe child's mother@B

GrandparentM 3 @BThe child's maternal grandparent(s)@B

GrandparentP 4 @BThe child's paternal grandparent(s)@B

StepGrand 5 @BThe child's step-grandparent(s)@B

RelativesB 6 @BOther blood relatives of the child@B

Stepparent 7 @BThe child's stepparent@B

NonBlood 8 @BOther non-blood relatives@B

SocialS 9 @BThe child is in custody of social services@B

Other 10 @BOther (SPECIFY)@B

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What are your living arrangements now? If current living arrangements are different than before or during incarceration, ask: It sounds like your current living arrangements are different than they were before your incarceration. How did that change happen?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5J010 34MFU Ever Live


Now, I'd like to know about your living situation. At any point since your release, have you lived in these places? Select all that apply.


REQUIRED PROBE: Any other places?

Question Type: TResidence

Own 1 In your own house or apartment, meaning your name was on the

title, mortgage, or lease

Elses 2 In someone else's house or apartment

Transitional 3 In a transitional housing building or halfway house

Motel 4 In a motel/hotel or rooming house

Treatment 5 In a residential treatment facility

Shelter 6 In a shelter

Street 7 On the street

Outdoor 8 In an outdoor location where you camped out

Vacant 9 In an abandoned building or vacant unit

Other 10 In some other place

Reflections on Incarceration and Family

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Let’s talk more now about how your incarceration affected your relationship with [partner] and your family. What was it like for [partner] during the time that you were incarcerated?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q020 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

your incarceration? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFU

Apart 1 Your time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what your place in her life is when

you're in prison

Accept 3 You don't know whether she will accept collect charges for your

calls or be at home when you call

Lifestyle 4 She is concerned about your lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 She won't forgive you for problems or conflicts you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard to open up to her or let yourself

get close to her

Involved 7 You don't know whether she will get involved with someone else

while you're in prison

Other 8 Some other concern

None 9 No concerns

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, would you say that your incarceration affected your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q019 34MFU Incarceration Changed Relationship

How has your time in prison or jail changed your relationship with ^prld.Namefill, if at

all? Has it made you closer, has it made you drift apart, or has there been no change?

Question Type: TChange




New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. During your incarceration, what strengths did you and [partner] have going for you in your relationship?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)


How often do you and your Survey Partner work together on something?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also MTACASI6V056-62, 65-72

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What was hardest for you in the relationship during your incarceration? What do you think was hardest for her?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q020 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

your incarceration?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFU

Apart 1 Your time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what your place in her life is when

you're in prison

Accept 3 You don't know whether she will accept collect charges for your

calls or be at home when you call

Lifestyle 4 She is concerned about your lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 She won't forgive you for problems or conflicts you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard to open up to her or let yourself

get close to her

Involved 7 You don't know whether she will get involved with someone else

while you're in prison

Other 8 Some other concern

None 9 No concerns

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, would you say that your incarceration affected your relationship with your child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3R054 34MFU Relationship with Child Since Incarceration

How has your time in prison or jail changed your relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD, if at

all? Has it made you closer, has it made you drift apart, or has there been no change?

Question Type: TChange




New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think was your biggest challenge in your relationship with your child(ren) during your incarceration? What, if anything, helped with this challenge?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3R055 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during your incarceration? Select

all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorrySet

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that you will not be as close emotionally as you were

before you were incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also MT3R023

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think was your child(ren)’s biggest challenge in their relationship with you during your incarceration? What, if anything, helped with this challenge?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3R055* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during your incarceration? Select

all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorrySet

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that you will not be as close emotionally as you were

before you were incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also MT3R032-54

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What, if any, were the main turning points during your incarceration in terms of your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)


How often have you discussed or considered divorce, separation, or ending your current

relationship with your Survey Partner?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also MT3Q004-20

Reflections on Reentry and Family I: Expectations and Actual Experience for Self, Partner, and Relationship

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking about your family relationships during your incarceration. Now I have some questions about what your relationships were like after you were released. I want to remind you that in this interview, we’re interested in hearing about when you got out of prison around [MONTH/YEAR], which was the first time you got out after you started participating in [MFS Study]. Before you were released from prison, what did you expect it would be like after you were released?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

ME7V022* 34MFU Relationship with Partner

How easy or hard do you think it will be to have a good relationship with ^prld.Namefill

after you get out?

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also ME7L006-ME7V021 and ME7V023-37p

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What was your relationship with [partner] like during your first week out of prison?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V022* 34MFU Relationsip with Partner

How easy or hard has it been to have a good relationship with your Survey Partner since you

were released?

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also MT5U005a, MTACASI6V023-29

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, has your relationship with [partner] changed since that first week?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V023* 34MFU Biggest Challenges Post-Release

Since you were released, what have been the biggest challenges in your relationship with

your Survey Partner? Select all that apply.

Question Type: TBChallengesFUm

Find 1 Not knowing how to get in contact with her

Close 2 Being able to feel close to her again after the time in prison

Trust 3 Being able to trust her after the time in prison

Problems 4 Problems or new situations that have come up since you were


Missed 5 Having missed out on so much that happened in her life while you

were incarcerated

Except 6 Trying to meet her expectations for you related to finding a job,

staying clean, helping her financially

Angry 7 Being angry at her or not wanting to see her

PartAngry 8 Her being angry at you or not wanting to see you

Other 9 Some other challenge

*see also MTACASI6V024-29

Reflections on Reentry and Family II: Impact of Prisoner/Parent/ Partner Identities

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Being incarcerated can affect people in all different ways. How, if at all, do you think the experience of being incarcerated affected your mindset or the way you think?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6Z001* 34MFU Control Important Things in Life


These next questions deal with your feelings, attitudes, and how things are going for you


How often do you feel that you are not able to control the important things in your life?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also MT6Z002-13

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What goals do you have for yourself right now?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6Z015* 34MFU Goal Orientation 2

You have many goals that you will work to achieve.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT6Z014

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What goals do think [partner] has for herself right now?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT7V021 34MFU Want to Continue Relationship 2


Do you think ^prld.Namefill wants to remain in a committed romantic relationship with you

after you are released?

Would you say . . .

Question Type: TYND

Yes 1 Yes

No 2 No

Dknow 3 Don't know

Family Roles and Relationships

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Now I’d like to hear some of your thoughts about parenting. As I said earlier, there are no right or wrong answers in this interview, I’m just really interested in hearing about your perspective. What would you say are the hardest things about parenting?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3R055* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during your incarceration? Select

all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorrySet

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that you will not be as close emotionally as you were

before you were incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also MT6N121-127, MT6N096-120, MT5N059-64, MT5N036-37

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say are the best things about parenting?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5N064* 34MFU Enjoy Being Together

Since your release, how often have you, ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD enjoy being

together as a family?

Question Type: TOSRN

Often 1 Often

Sometimes 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also MT6N096-128, MT5N059-63, MT5N036-37

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your own experience, what has made it easier to be a good parent? What has made it harder to be a good parent?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5N036* 34MFU Relationship with Children

How easy or hard ^lcfill to have a good relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD ^lcfill2

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also MT6N096-128, MT5N059-64, MT5N037

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How long were you and [partner] together before you found out you were going to have [focal child]? How did you feel when you first found out? What did [focal child] being born mean for your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N099a* 34MFU Count on One Another

How often can you and ^prld.Namefill count on one another to follow through on your

parenting responsibilities?

Question Type: TOSRN2

Often 1 Often

Sometimes 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

NotAp 5 Not applicable

*see also MB1G065a

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your opinion, what is a father’s role in a family?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N122* 34MFU Fatherhood Attitude 2

Fathers should spend as much time taking care of their children as mothers.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT6N121, 123-127

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think makes someone a good father?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N124* 34MFU Fatherhood Attitude 4

The activities a father does with his children don't matter. What matters more is whether

he supports them financially.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT6R039a-42, MT6N121-123, 124-127

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your opinion, what is a mother’s role in a family?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N101* 34MFU Focal Child's Relationship with Mother

Please rate ^prld.FOCCHILD's relationship with ^FOCSEX3 mother or main caretaker.

Would you say it is...

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think makes someone a good mother?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N101 34MFU Focal Child's Relationship with Mother

Please rate ^prld.FOCCHILD's relationship with ^FOCSEX3 mother or main caretaker.

Would you say it is...

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking about parenting, let’s talk now about partnerships. When answering these questions, you don’t need to talk specifically about your relationship with [partner]. I’m interested in hearing what you think more generally. In your opinion, what is important in a relationship?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V077* 34MFU Fidelity 5

Here are some statements about your relationship with your Survey Partner. For each one,

please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

It is very important to you to be completely faithful to your Survey Partner. By faithful,

we mean never having sexual contact with anyone except your Survey Partner.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT6Z021-27, MTACASI6V078

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say makes a relationship “healthy?”

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI2M038* 34MFU Safe in Relationship

Now, I'm going to ask you some questions about your relationship with your Survey Partner

Since your release. Thinking about this time period, please tell me how much of the time each of these

statements was true.

How often did you feel safe in your relationship with your Survey Partner? Would you say..

Question Type: TAOSRNlower

Always 1 Always

Often 2 Often

Some 3 Sometimes

Rarely 4 Rarely

Never 5 Never

*see also MT6Z021-27, MTACASI6V064-72, MTACASI2M039-58

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say makes a relationship “unhealthy?”

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6Z027* 34MFU Relationship Skills 7

It is sometimes OK for couples to get a little rough physically, like pushing or hitting.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

**see also MT6Z021-26, MTACASI6V064-72, MTACASI2M039-58

Parenting Specifics

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking a lot about parenting in general. I want to ask you some specific questions about your relationship(s) with your child(ren). How would you describe your current relationship(s) with your child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N097 34MFU Relationship with Focal Child

Would you say your current relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD is..

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Tell me how you and [partner] have managed your relationships with the other parents of children that you each have.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N100* 34MFU Decisions about Child/Health Care

Who makes major decisions about things such as child care and health care for


Question Type: TDecisionsPFU

Both 1 ^prld.Namefill and you make most of the decisions together

Mother 2 ^prld.Namefill makes most decisions without you

Respondent 3 You make most decisions without ^prld.Namefill

Someelse 4 Someone else involved in raising the child makes most decisions

without you or ^prld.Namefill

RandOther 5 You and someone else involved in raising the child make most of

the decisions

*see also MT1D027d, MT3R049

Employment and Money

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Are you currently working?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5I010 34MFU Currently Employed

Are you @Bcurrently@B working at a job?

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What was it like to look for work after being released from prison?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5I017 34MFU Difficulty Finding Job

How easy or hard was it to get a job?

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How has it been for you to look for work since your release from prison?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5I019 34MFU Barriers to employment


Please tell me whether any of the following factors have made it difficult for you to look

for a job, get a job or keep a job. Select all that apply.

Question Type: Tbarriers

Notrns 1 Not having transportation

NoChldcar 2 Not having someone to watch your child/children

Noskills 3 Not having the skills they were looking for

Nowkexp 4 Not having the kind of work experience they were looking for

Noedu 5 Not having the education they were looking for

Dismed 6 Having a disability or serious medical condition

Faildrg 7 Not being able to pass a drug test

Drgalc 8 Having a drug or alcohol problem

Crmrec 9 Having a criminal record

Discrm 10 Being discriminated against for something other than a criminal


Parole 11 Being on parole or community supervision

Nojbs 12 Lack of jobs in your neighborhood

Other 13 Some other reason (specify)


New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you describe your current financial situation? (e.g., contributions to household such as income, child care, etc.)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5K013* 34MFU Determination to Support Self

Since your release, how easy or hard has it been to make enough money to support yourself?

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also MT5K016-33

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How has your financial situation affected your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5K016* 34MFU Share Income with Partner

Since your release from incarceration, have you and ^Namefill shared any expenses, such as rent, mortgage, food, car expenses, utility bills,

or credit card bills?


Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*see also MT5K017-33

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Children have many needs that cost money. Please tell me about the sources of financial support you or others provide for your child(ren).

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT4G069a 34MFU Amount of Financial Support


In what way or ways have you provide financial support for ^prld.FOCCHILD since your release? Please include support you provide to the child directly as well as support you provide to the child's other parent or caretaker.

Select all that apply.

Question Type: TMonetary2

Gift 1 Buying (CHILD) birthday or holiday gifts

Shopping 2 Taking (CHILD) shopping for clothes, school supplies, or other

things s/he needs

Expenses 3 Helping out occasionally with bills, rent or other expenses in the

child's household

More300 4 Providing steady, regular financial support of over $300 per month

Two300 5 Providing steady, regular financial support of $200-$300 per month

One200 6 Providing steady, regular financial support of $100-$200 per month

Upto100 7 Providing steady, regular financial support of up to $100 per

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How have your experiences with the formal child support system helped or hurt relationships with spouse/partner, coparent(s), and child(ren)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1G072* 34MFU Number of Children Supported

For how many children were you required to pay child support for since ^refdate?

Question Type: 1..30

*see also G073-76.

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How work and financial situation affect relationships with spouse/partner and child(ren)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V023* 34MFU Biggest Challenges Post-Release

Since you were released, what have been the biggest challenges in your relationship with

your Survey Partner? Select all that apply.

Question Type: TBChallengesFUm

Find 1 Not knowing how to get in contact with her

Close 2 Being able to feel close to her again after the time in prison

Trust 3 Being able to trust her after the time in prison

Problems 4 Problems or new situations that have come up since you were


Missed 5 Having missed out on so much that happened in her life while you

were incarcerated

Except 6 Trying to meet her expectations for you related to finding a job,

staying clean, helping her financially

Angry 7 Being angry at her or not wanting to see her

PartAngry 8 Her being angry at you or not wanting to see you

Other 9 Some other challenge

*see also MT5K017-33

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How have your family relationships affected your work and financial situation (e.g., pressure to provide for family, willingness to take low-paid jobs and/or informal or illegal work)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5I019* 34MFU Barriers to employment


Please tell me whether any of the following factors have made it difficult for you to look

for a job, get a job or keep a job. Select all that apply.

Question Type: Tbarriers

Notrns 1 Not having transportation

NoChldcar 2 Not having someone to watch your child/children

Noskills 3 Not having the skills they were looking for

Nowkexp 4 Not having the kind of work experience they were looking for

Noedu 5 Not having the education they were looking for

Dismed 6 Having a disability or serious medical condition

Faildrg 7 Not being able to pass a drug test

Drgalc 8 Having a drug or alcohol problem

Crmrec 9 Having a criminal record

Discrm 10 Being discriminated against for something other than a criminal


Parole 11 Being on parole or community supervision

Nojbs 12 Lack of jobs in your neighborhood

Other 13 Some other reason (specify)


*see also MT5K017-33

Sources of Support

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. This has been a really helpful conversation. My final questions for you are about things that might have been helpful or unhelpful during your incarceration and return from prison. Thinking about the time of your incarceration and return from prison, who or what would you say helped the most in your relationship with [partner]? Your relationship(s) with your children? In [partner’s relationship] with your children?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MB3S070 Skills Learned from Classes

What knowledge or skills did you learn in relationship classes or relationship counseling that helped you improve your relationship with ^Namefill?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TClasses

Talk 1 How to talk with ^Namefill about things that matter

Work 2 How to work through problems calmly and fairly

Calm 3 How to calm down when things get heated

Care 4 How to work together on caring for the child(ren)

Trust 5 How to build and keep each other's trust

Feel 6 How to work with each other's feelings about other family members, ex-partners,

and friends

Stress 7 How to deal with stress and life changes together

Other 8 Some other skill (SPECIFY)

None 9 NONE

*see also MB3S057a-69s, MB3S071-MB3S076

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Were there people or things that were unhelpful in those relationships? [If yes]: Tell me about that, and why they were unhelpful.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V023 34MFU Biggest Challenges Post-Release

Since you were released, what have been the biggest challenges in your relationship with

your Survey Partner? Select all that apply.

Question Type: TBChallengesFUm

Find 1 Not knowing how to get in contact with her

Close 2 Being able to feel close to her again after the time in prison

Trust 3 Being able to trust her after the time in prison

Problems 4 Problems or new situations that have come up since you were


Missed 5 Having missed out on so much that happened in her life while you

were incarcerated

Except 6 Trying to meet her expectations for you related to finding a job,

staying clean, helping her financially

Angry 7 Being angry at her or not wanting to see her

PartAngry 8 Her being angry at you or not wanting to see you

Other 9 Some other challenge

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Who or what would you say helped the most in getting a job, complying with parole/staying out of trouble with the police, and avoiding problems with alcohol of substance use?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI5W136 34MFU Factors Associated with Desistance

What do you think has made the @Bmost@B difference in terms of keeping you out of trouble

Since your release? Select all that apply.

Question Type: Tdesistance

GdJob 1 You found a good job

Chnge 2 You wanted to change for your children’s sake

StpAssoc 3 You stopped associating with friends that got you into trouble

GdLive 4 You found a good place to live

Neigh 5 You live in a safe neighborhood where it is easy to stay out of


NmeHlp 6 Survey Partner helped to keep you out of trouble

NmeLve 7 Survey Partner loved and inspired you

NmeSupp 8 Survey Partner provided material support for you, such as money,

housing, or food

FamSupp 9 Other family members are supportive

NoDgsAlc 10 You stopped using drugs or alcohol

RcdServ 11 You got the services you needed

NoStress 12 You learned how to deal with the stress or pressure in your life

Relig 13 Your religion or spirituality has helped you stay out of trouble

Other 14 Some other reason

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Were there people or things that were unhelpful in those activities? [If yes] Tell me about that, and why they were unhelpful.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI5W138 34MFU Factors Associated with Recidivism

What would you say are the @Bmain@B reasons that you committed crimes or got in trouble?

Select all that apply.

Question Type: Trecidivism

NoJob 1 You could not find a good job

ProbNme 2 You had problems with your Survey Partner

ProbFam 3 You had problems with other family members

ProbFrnd 4 The people you were hanging out with made it hard to stay out of


NoHome 5 You could not find a place to live

BdNeigh 6 You lived in a neighborhood where it was hard to stay out of

DrgsAlc 7 You were using drugs or alcohol

NoServe 8 You couldn’t get the services you needed

Stress 9 You were under too much stress or pressure

Discrim 10 You were discriminated against in the legal system

Other 11 Some other reason

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve talked a lot today about different aspects of reentry, like relationships, parenting, employment, and substance use. How, if at all, have correctional programs or policies/human services programs/probation or parole conditions affected these aspects of your return from prison?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5U004* 34MFU Talk to Service Agency

On the day that you were released from incarceration, did you see or talk to anyone from a

service agency?

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*see also MT5U003, MT5U009, and MTACASI5W136

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What were the pivotal time points for support during incarceration/after reentry

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5U009* 34MFU Prepared to Live on Outside

Overall, in the first 24 hours after your release from incarceration, how prepared did you

feel to live on the outside?

Question Type: preplev

Vprep 1 Very prepared

Prep 2 Prepared

Unprep 3 Unprepared

Vunprep 4 Very unprepared

*see also MB3S058, MB3S065, and MB3S074

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What kinds of help would you have wanted to receive that you didn’t get?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q003* 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner

You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during this incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at your facility, clergy, correctional officers, or other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT3R023, MB3S057a-107

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What kinds of help do you think should be available for other men and their families who go through this experience?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q003* 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner

You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during this incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at your facility, clergy, correctional officers, or other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT3R023, MB3S057a-107

Qualitative Follow-Back Questions: Women’s Cross-Sectional Protocol
March 2014

Family Structure

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. I’d like to start by getting a sense of who is in your family right now. Please tell me who you interact with regularly whom you consider to be your family members.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT1D026 34MFU Genogram Intro

Now I'd like to make a chart of everyone in your immediate family. We made a chart like

this the last time you were interviewed, and now we would like to know if there have been

any changes in these relationships since your last interview.

Question Type: TNext


New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you define your relationship with [MFS partner] (e.g., married, committed, separated)? How serious is your relationship? How long have you been together?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT1F065* 34MFU Confirm Romantic Involvement

Are you currently romantically involved with ^prld.Namefill? That is, do you consider yourselves to be a couple?

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*also see questions FT1F062-64c

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Are you currently involved with any other partners? If yes, length of courtship and seriousness of relationship with partner(s)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT1F069 34MFU Romantic Other

Are you currently romantically involved in any way with anyone else?

Question Type: TYesNocaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Thinking about the good and the bad in your relationship with [partner], what was most important in your decision to continue/end it?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT1F067 34MFU Relationship Split


I'm going to read a list of reasons that couples split up.  Which of these issues were

reasons for you and ^prld.Namefill splitting up? Please select all that apply.


Question Type: Tsplit1Set

Argue 1 ^F[1]You argued too much^F[1]

PhysFight 2 ^F[2]Your fights got too physical, like pushing or hitting^F[2]

NoCloseInc 3 ^F[3]You did not feel close to one another during your


NoCloseRel 4 ^F[4]You did not feel close to one another after you were


Diff 5 ^F[5]You were just too different from one another^F[5]

Trust 6 ^F[6]You and she had too many jealousy or trust issues^F[6]

FeInvd 7 ^F[7]She got involved with someone else^F[7]

MaInvd 8 ^F[8]You got involved with someone else^F[8]

HeDrugs 9 ^F[9]You had problems with drug or alcohol use^F[9]

SheDrgs 10 ^F[10]She had problems with drug or alcohol use^F[10]

Money 11 ^F[11]You had conflicts over not having enough money to support

the family^F[11]

HeCrim 12 ^F[12]You had conflicts about being involved in illegal


ChildConf 13 ^F[13]You had conflicts about how to raise children^F[13]

Other 14 ^F[14]Some other reason (SPECIFY)^F[14]

None 15 ^F[15] (None of the above)^F[15]

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Please tell me about your wants and expectations for your family.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI6V087* 34MFU Chances of Marriage

What do you think the chances are that you will marry your Survey Partner in the future?

Would you say. . .

Question Type: TChance

NoC 1 No chance

Little 2 A little chance

Fifty50 3 A 50-50 chance

Good 4 A pretty good chance

Certain 5 An almost certain chance

*also see questions FTACASI6V058, FTACASI6V079, FTACASI6V085-86, FTACASI6B087a, FT7J016-18, and FT7V022-37.

Household Structure and Living Arrangements

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What were your living arrangements before [partner] was incarcerated?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FB1F059* Residence before Incarceration

During the 6 months before ^Namefill's incarceration, were you living with him at any point?


Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*also see FB1G067, FB1G069a

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How did those living arrangements change, if at all, for you and your child(ren) during [partner’s] incarceration? Why did they change?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FB6J040 Ever Live

Now, I have some questions about your current living situation. Are you currently living in any of these places? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Any other places?

Question Type: Tresidence

Own 1 In your own house or apartment, meaning your name is on the title,

mortgage, or lease

Elses 2 In someone else's house or apartment

Transitional 3 In a transitional housing building or halfway house

Motel 4 In a motel/hotel or rooming house

Treatment 5 In a residential treatment facility

Shelter 6 In a shelter

Street 7 On the street

Outdoor 8 In an outdoor location where you camp out

Vacant 9 In an abandoned building or vacant unit

Other 10 In some other place

*Also see FB6J044a-45

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What are your living arrangements now? [If current living arrangements are different than before or during incarceration, ask]: It sounds like your current living arrangements are different than they were before/during [partner’s] incarceration. How did that change happen?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT4J040 34MFU Ever Live

Now, I have some questions about your living situation over the time since [partner’s release].


Since ^REFDATE, have you lived in any of these places? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Any other places?

Question Type: Tresidence

Own 1 In your own house or apartment, meaning your name was on the

title, mortgage, or lease

Elses 2 In someone else's house or apartment

Transitional 3 In a transitional housing building or halfway house

Motel 4 In a motel/hotel or rooming house

Treatment 5 In a residential treatment facility

Shelter 6 In a shelter

Street 7 On the street

Outdoor 8 In an outdoor location where you camped out

Vacant 9 In an abandoned building or vacant unit

Other 10 In some other place

*Also see FT5J040, FT5N095-FT5J045

Reflections on Incarceration and Family

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Let’s talk more now about how [partner’s] incarceration affected your relationship and your family. What was it like for you during the time that [partner] was incarcerated: emotionally, practically, and logistically?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q020a 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

this incarceration?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFB3

Apart 1 His time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what his place in your life is when he

is in prison

Accept 3 Sometimes you can't accept collect charges for his calls or be at

home when he calls

Lifestyle 4 You are concerned about his lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 You may not be able to forgive him for problems or conflicts

you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard for him to open up to you or let

himself get close to you

InvolvedHim 7 You don't know whether he will get involved with someone else

during this incarceration

InvolvedYou 8 You have become or might become involved with someone else during

this incarceration

Other 9 Or some other concern that I haven't mentioned

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, would you say that incarceration affected your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q019a 34MFU Incarceration Changed Relationship

How has ^prld.Namefill's time in prison changed your relationship with him, if at all?

Has it made you closer, has it made you drift apart, or has there been no change?

Question Type: TChange3




New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. During [partner’s] incarceration, what strengths did you and [partner] have going for you in your relationship?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)


How often do you and your Survey Partner work together on something?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also FTACASI6V056-62, 65-72

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What was hardest for you in the relationship during [partner’s] incarceration? What do you think was hardest for him?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q020a 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

this incarceration?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFB3

Apart 1 His time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what his place in your life is when he

is in prison

Accept 3 Sometimes you can't accept collect charges for his calls or be at

home when he calls

Lifestyle 4 You are concerned about his lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 You may not be able to forgive him for problems or conflicts

you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard for him to open up to you or let

himself get close to you

InvolvedHim 7 You don't know whether he will get involved with someone else

during this incarceration

InvolvedYou 8 You have become or might become involved with someone else during

this incarceration

Other 9 Or some other concern that I haven't mentioned

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, would you say that incarceration affected [partner’s] relationship with his child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3R054p 34MFU Relationship with Child Since Incarceration

How has ^prld.Namefill's time in prison changed his relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD, if

at all? Has it made them closer, has it made them drift apart, or has there been no change?

Question Type: TChangeFU




New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think was [partner’s] biggest challenge in his relationship with his child(ren) during his incarceration? What, if anything, helped with this challenge?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3R055p* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during ^prld.Namefill's

incarceration? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorry

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD will not be as

close emotionally as they were before he was incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also FT3R022p-54p

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think was your child(ren)’s biggest challenge in their relationship with [partner] during his incarceration? What, if anything, helped with this challenge?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3R055p* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during ^prld.Namefill's

incarceration? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorry

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD will not be as

close emotionally as they were before he was incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also FT3R022p-54p

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What, if any, were the main turning points during [partner’s] incarceration in terms of your relationship with him?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)


How often have you discussed or considered divorce, separation, or ending your current

relationship with your Survey Partner?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also FT3Q004-20

Reflections on Reentry and Family I: Expectations and Actual Experience for Self, Partner, and Relationship

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking about your family relationships during [partner’s] incarceration. Now I have some questions about what your relationships were like after he was released. I want to remind you that in this interview, we’re interested in hearing about when [partner] got out of prison in [MONTH/YEAR], which was the first time he got out after you started participating in [MFS Study]. Before [partner] was released from prison, what did you expect it would be like after he was released?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FE7V022* 34MFU Relationship with Partner

How easy or hard do you think it will be to have a good relationship with ^prld.Namefill

after his release?

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also FE7L006-FE7V021 and FE7V023-37p

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What was your relationship with [partner] like during his first week out of prison?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI6V022* 34MFU Relationsip with Partner

How easy or hard has it been to have a good relationship with your Survey Partner since he was released?

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also FTACASI6V023-29

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, has your relationship with [partner] changed since that first week?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI7V023 34MFU Biggest Challenges Post-Release

Since he was released, what were the biggest challenges in your relationship with your

Survey Partner? Select all that apply.

Question Type: TBChallengesFU

Find 1 Not knowing how to get in contact with him

Close 2 Being able to feel close to him again after his time in prison

Trust 3 Being able to trust him after the time in prison

Problems 4 Problems or new situations that have come up since he was


Missed 5 His having missed out on so much that happened in your life while

he was incarcerated

Except 6 His trying to meet your expectations related to finding a job,

staying clean, helping you financially

Angry 7 Being angry at him or not wanting to see him

PartAngry 8 Him being angry at you or not wanting to see you

Hedecide 9 Him trying to make all of the decisions for you and your

NoInvolve 10 Him not getting involved enough in running the household

Other 11 Some other challenge

*see also FTACASI6V024-29

Reflections on Reentry and Family II: Impact of Prisoner/Parent/ Partner Identities

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Being incarcerated can affect people in all different ways. How, if at all, do you think the experience of being incarcerated affected [partner’s] mindset or the way he thinks?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q020a 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

this incarceration?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFB3

Apart 1 His time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what his place in your life is when he

is in prison

Accept 3 Sometimes you can't accept collect charges for his calls or be at

home when he calls

Lifestyle 4 You are concerned about his lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 You may not be able to forgive him for problems or conflicts

you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard for him to open up to you or let

himself get close to you

InvolvedHim 7 You don't know whether he will get involved with someone else

during this incarceration

InvolvedYou 8 You have become or might become involved with someone else during

this incarceration

Other 9 Or some other concern that I haven't mentioned

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What goals do you think [partner] has for himself right now?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT7V021 34MFU Want to Continue Relationship 2


Do you think ^prld.Namefill wants to remain in a committed romantic relationship with you

after you are released?

Would you say . . .

Question Type: TYND

Yes 1 Yes

No 2 No

Dknow 3 Don't know

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What goals do you have for yourself right now?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6Z015* 34MFU Goal Orientation 2

You have many goals that you will work to achieve.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT6Z014

Family Roles and Relationships

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Now I’d like to hear some of your thoughts about parenting. As I said earlier, there are no right or wrong answers in this interview, I’m just really interested in hearing about your perspective. What would you say are the hardest things about parenting?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3R055p* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during ^prld.Namefill's

incarceration? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorry

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD will not be as

close emotionally as they were before he was incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say are the best things about parenting?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5N064 34MFU Enjoy Being Together

How often have you, ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD enjoyed being together as a family

since his release?

Question Type: TOSRNcaps

Often 1 OFTEN



Never 4 NEVER

*see also FT5N059-63 and FT6N096-100

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your own experience, what has made it easier to be a good parent? What has made it harder to be a good parent?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5N006* 34MFU Ease of Raising Child(ren)

Since ^prld.Namefill was released, it has gotten easier to manage the work of raising

(a) child(ren).

Question Type: TAgreeNALower

StroAgree 1 Strongly Agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly Disagree

NA 5 Not Applicable

*see also FT5N030-FT5N005 and FT6N096-100

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How long were you and [partner] together before you found out you were going to have [focal child]? How did you feel when you first found out? What did [focal child] being born mean for your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N099a* 34MFU Count on One Another

How often can you and ^prld.Namefill count on one another to follow through on your

parenting responsibilities?

Question Type: TOSRN2

Often 1 Often

Sometimes 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

NotAp 5 Not applicable

*see also FB1G065a

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your opinion, what is a father’s role in a family?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N122* 34MFU Fatherhood Attitude 2

Fathers should spend as much time taking care of their children as mothers.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT6N121, 123-127

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think makes someone a good father?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N124* 34MFU Fatherhood Attitude 4

The activities a father does with his children don't matter. What matters more is whether

he supports them financially.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT6N121-123, 124-127

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your opinion, what is a mother’s role in a family?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6R039a* 34MFU Parental Warmth 1

For the next set of questions, I'd like you to think about what things are like when you

see or communicate with ^lcfill

On average, how often do you do each of the following with ^prld.FOCCHILD when you

communicate with ^FOCSEX2?

Hug or show physical affection to ^prld.FOCCHILD?

Question Type: Tphysical

Always 1 ^F1 Always ^F1

Usually 2 ^F2 Usually ^F2

Sometimes 3 ^F3 Sometimes ^F3

Never 4 ^F4 Never ^F4*

*see also FT6R040-42

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think makes someone a good mother?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N096 34MFU Feelings as a Parent

Please think about how you feel about yourself as a parent to ^prld.FOCCHILD.

Would you say you are . . .

Question Type: TType

Excel 1 An excellent parent

Vgood 2 A very good parent

Good 3 A good parent

Nogood 4 Not a very good parent

*see also FT6R039a-42

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking about parenting, let’s talk now about partnerships. When answering these questions, you don’t need to talk specifically about your relationship with [partner]. I’m interested in hearing what you think more generally. In your opinion, what is important in a relationship?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI6V077* 34MFU Fidelity 5

Here are some statements about your relationship with your Survey Partner. For each one,

please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

It is very important to you to be completely faithful to your Survey Partner. By faithful,

we mean never having sexual contact with anyone except your Survey Partner.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT6Z021-27, FTACASI6V078

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say makes a relationship “healthy?”

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI2M038* 34MFU Safe in Relationship

Now, I'm going to ask you some questions about your relationship with your Survey Partner

since his release. Thinking about this time period, please tell me how much of the time each of these statements was true.

How often did you feel safe in your relationship with your Survey Partner? Would you say..

Question Type: TAOSRNlower

Always 1 Always

Often 2 Often

Some 3 Sometimes

Rarely 4 Rarely

Never 5 Never

*see also FT6Z021-27, FTACASI6V064-72, FTACASI2M039-58

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say makes a relationship “unhealthy?”

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6Z027* 34MFU Relationship Skills 7

It is sometimes OK for couples to get a little rough physically, like pushing or hitting.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

**see also FT6Z021-26, FTACASI6V064-72, FTACASI2M039-58

Parenting Specifics

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking a lot about parenting in general. I want to ask you some specific questions about your relationship(s) with your child(ren). How would you describe your current relationship(s) with your child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N097* 34MFU Relationship with Focal Child

Would you say your current relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD is..

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

*see also FT6R039a-42

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What are your hopes for your relationship with your child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N097* 34MFU Relationship with Focal Child

Would you say your current relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD is..

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

*see also FT6R039a-42

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What are your thoughts about wanting to have more children?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT1D033 34MFU Add New Children

Do you parent any other children under age 18 that I haven’t already mentioned?


Question Type: TYesNo

yes 1 Yes

no 2 No

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you describe [partner’s] current relationship(s) with his child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N101p 34MFU Focal Child s Relationship with Father

Please rate ^prld.FOCCHILD's relationship with ^prld.NAMEFILL.

Would you say it is . . .

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Tell me about how you and [partner] have managed your relationships with the other parents of children that you each have.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N100* 34MFU Decisions about Child/Health Care

Who makes major decisions about things such as child care and health care for


Question Type: TDecisionsPFU

Both 1 ^prld.Namefill and you make most of the decisions together

Mother 2 ^prld.Namefill makes most decisions without you

Respondent 3 You make most decisions without ^prld.Namefill

Someelse 4 Someone else involved in raising the child makes most decisions

without you or ^prld.Namefill

RandOther 5 You and someone else involved in raising the child make most of

the decisions

*see also FT1D027d

Employment and Money

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you describe your current financial situation?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5K034* 34MFU Money Better, Worse, Same

Since ^prld.Namefill was released, is your money situation better, worse or about the

same as it was before he was released?

Question Type: TBetWrseSme

Better 1 BETTER

Worse 2 WORSE


*see also FT5K016-33

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How has [partner’s] impact on your financial situation affected your relationship with him?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5K016a* 34MFU Both Contribute to Income

Have you and ^prld.Namefill both contributed to the assets you share? That is, have

both you and ^prld.Namefill had money coming in that you have used for your shared

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*see also FT5K017-34

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Children have many needs that cost money. Please tell me about the sources of financial support that you, [partner] or others provide for your child(ren).

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5N032p 34MFU Financial Support for Focal Child


In what way or ways has ^prld.Namefill provided financial support for ^prld.FOCCHILD

since he was released. Please include support provided to the child directly as well as support

provided to you or another caretaker of the child.


Question Type: TMonetary3

Gift 1 Buying ^prld.FOCCHILD birthday or holiday gifts

Shopping 2 Taking ^prld.FOCCHILD shopping for clothes, school supplies, or

other things ^FOCSEX1 needs

Expense 3 Helping out occasionally with bills, rent or other expenses in

the child's household

More300 4 Providing steady, regular financial support of over $300 per month

Two300 5 Providing steady, regular financial support of $200-$300 per month

One200 6 Providing steady, regular financial of $100-$200 per month

Upto100 7 Providing steady, regular financial support up to $100 per month

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How experiences with formal child support system help or hurt relationships with spouse/partner, coparent(s), and child(ren)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT4K021 34MFU Child Support Received

Next I'm going to read a list of income sources. For each, tell me if you have received

income from this source during the time since ^REFDATE.

Child support payments?

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

Sources of Support

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. This has been a really helpful conversation. My final questions for you are about things that might have been helpful or unhelpful during [partner’s] incarceration and return from prison. Thinking about the time of [partner’s] return from prison, who or what would you say helped the most in your relationship with [partner], your relationship with your children, and in [partner’s] relationship with your children?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FB3S070 Skills Learned from Classes

What knowledge or skills did you learn in relationship classes or relationship counseling that helped you improve your relationship with ^Namefill?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TClasses

Talk 1 How to talk with ^Namefill about things that matter

Work 2 How to work through problems calmly and fairly

Calm 3 How to calm down when things get heated

Care 4 How to work together on caring for the child(ren)

Trust 5 How to build and keep each other's trust

Feel 6 How to work with each other's feelings about other family members, ex-partners,

and friends

Stress 7 How to deal with stress and life changes together

Other 8 Some other skill (SPECIFY)

None 9 NONE

*see also FB3S057a-69s, FB3S071-FB3S076

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Were there people or things that were unhelpful in those relationships? [If yes]: Tell me about that, and why they were unhelpful.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI7V023 34MFU Biggest Challenges Post-Release

Since he was released, what were the biggest challenges in your relationship with your

Survey Partner? Select all that apply.

Question Type: TBChallengesFU

Find 1 Not knowing how to get in contact with him

Close 2 Being able to feel close to him again after his time in prison

Trust 3 Being able to trust him after the time in prison

Problems 4 Problems or new situations that have come up since he was


Missed 5 His having missed out on so much that happened in your life while

he was incarcerated

Except 6 His trying to meet your expectations related to finding a job,

staying clean, helping you financially

Angry 7 Being angry at him or not wanting to see him

PartAngry 8 Him being angry at you or not wanting to see you

Hedecide 9 Him trying to make all of the decisions for you and your

NoInvolve 10 Him not getting involved enough in running the household

Other 11 Some other challenge

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Who or what would you say helped the most in [partner] getting a job, complying with parole/staying out of trouble with the police, and avoiding problems with alcohol or substance use?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI7V026* 34MFU Partner Support Expectations 3

Please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with

the following statements about how you and your Survey Partner have treated one another

since his release.

You have helped your Survey Partner with whatever problems he has faced.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*also see fTACASI7V025, 28-29

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Were there people or things that were unhelpful in those activities? [If yes]: Tell me about that, and why they were unhelpful.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5L036p 34MFU Other Family Support Expectations 4

Since his release, how often have the people ^prld.Namefill spends time with convinced him

to do things he knows he shouldn't be doing?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve talked a lot today about different aspects of reentry, like relationships, parenting, employment, and substance use. How, if at all, have correctional programs or policies/human services programs/probation and parole conditions affected these aspects of [partner’s] return from prison?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q003 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner


You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during his incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at the correctional facility, clergy, correctional officers, or

other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. After [partner] was released, were their particular points in time when you needed help the most?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5Y001 34MFU QOL 1

Overall, your life is harder since ^prld.Namefill was released.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT5Y002, FB3S058, FB3S065, and FB3S074

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What kinds of help would you have wanted to receive that you didn’t get?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q003* 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner


You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during his incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at the correctional facility, clergy, correctional officers, or

other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FTFL006-11

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What kinds of help do you think should be available for other women who go through this experience?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q003* 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner


You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during his incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at the correctional facility, clergy, correctional officers, or

other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FTFL006-11

Qualitative Follow Back Questions: Men’s Longitudinal Protocol: Time 1
March 2014

Family Structure

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. I’d like to start by getting a sense of who is in your family right now. Please tell me who you interact with regularly whom you consider to be your family members.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1D026 34MFU Genogram Intro

Now I'd like to make a chart of everyone in your immediate family. We made a chart like

this the last time you were interviewed, and now we would like to know if there have been

any changes in these relationships since your last interview.

Question Type: TNext


New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you define your relationship with [MFS partner] (e.g., married, committed, separated)? How serious is your relationship? How long have you been together?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1F065* 34MFU Confirm Romantic Involvement

And just to confirm, are you currently romantically involved with ^prld.Namefill? That is,

do you consider yourselves to be a couple?

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*also see questions MT1F062-64c

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Are you currently involved with any other partners? If yes, length of courtship and seriousness of relationship with partner(s)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1F069 34MFU Romantic Other

Are you currently romantically involved in any way with anyone else?

Question Type: TYesNocaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Thinking about the good and the bad in your relationship with [partner], what was most important in your decision to continue/end it?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT1F067 34MFU Relationship Split


I'm going to read a list of reasons that couples split up.  Which of these issues were

reasons for you and ^prld.Namefill splitting up? Please select all that apply.


Question Type: Tsplit1Set

Argue 1 ^F[1]You argued too much^F[1]

PhysFight 2 ^F[2]Your fights got too physical, like pushing or hitting^F[2]

NoCloseInc 3 ^F[3]You did not feel close to one another during your


NoCloseRel 4 ^F[4]You did not feel close to one another after you were


Diff 5 ^F[5]You were just too different from one another^F[5]

Trust 6 ^F[6]You and she had too many jealousy or trust issues^F[6]

FeInvd 7 ^F[7]She got involved with someone else^F[7]

MaInvd 8 ^F[8]You got involved with someone else^F[8]

HeDrugs 9 ^F[9]You had problems with drug or alcohol use^F[9]

SheDrgs 10 ^F[10]She had problems with drug or alcohol use^F[10]

Money 11 ^F[11]You had conflicts over not having enough money to support

the family^F[11]

HeCrim 12 ^F[12]You had conflicts about being involved in illegal


ChildConf 13 ^F[13]You had conflicts about how to raise children^F[13]

Other 14 ^F[14]Some other reason (SPECIFY)^F[14]

None 15 ^F[15] (None of the above)^F[15]

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Please tell me about your wants and expectations for your family.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V087* 34MFU Chances of Marriage

What do you think the chances are that you will marry your Survey Partner in the future?

Would you say. . .

Question Type: TChance

NoC 1 No chance

Little 2 A little chance

Fifty50 3 A 50-50 chance

Good 4 A pretty good chance

Certain 5 An almost certain chance

*also see questions MTACASI6V058, MTACASI6V079, MTACASI6V085-86, MTACASI6B087a, MT7J016-18, and MT7V022-37.

Household Structure and Living Arrangements

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What were your living arrangements before you were incarcerated?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MB2J010 Ever Live

At any point during the 6 months prior to incarceration, did you ever live in these places? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Any other places?

Question Type: TResidence

Own 1 In your own house or apartment, meaning your name was on the title, mortgage,

or lease

Elses 2 In someone else's house or apartment

Transitional 3 In a transitional housing building or halfway house

Motel 4 In a motel/hotel or rooming house

Treatment 5 In a residential treatment facility

Shelter 6 In a shelter

Street 7 On the street

Outdoor 8 In an outdoor location where you camped out

Vacant 9 In an abandoned building or vacant unit

Other 10 In some other place

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How did those living arrangements change, if at all, for [partner] and your child(ren) during your incarceration? Why did they change?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N095 34MFU Focal Child Residence


The next items ask about your relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD.

With whom does ^prld.FOCCHILD currently live? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anyone else?

Question Type: TFocalFU

You 1 ^F1 You ^F1

Mother 2 @BThe child's mother@B

GrandparentM 3 @BThe child's maternal grandparent(s)@B

GrandparentP 4 @BThe child's paternal grandparent(s)@B

StepGrand 5 @BThe child's step-grandparent(s)@B

RelativesB 6 @BOther blood relatives of the child@B

Stepparent 7 @BThe child's stepparent@B

NonBlood 8 @BOther non-blood relatives@B

SocialS 9 @BThe child is in custody of social services@B

Other 10 @BOther (SPECIFY)@B

Reflections on Incarceration and Family

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Let’s talk more now about how your incarceration affected your relationship with [partner] and your family. What has it been like for [partner] during the time that you have been incarcerated?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q020 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

your incarceration? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFU

Apart 1 Your time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what your place in her life is when

you're in prison

Accept 3 You don't know whether she will accept collect charges for your

calls or be at home when you call

Lifestyle 4 She is concerned about your lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 She won't forgive you for problems or conflicts you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard to open up to her or let yourself

get close to her

Involved 7 You don't know whether she will get involved with someone else

while you're in prison

Other 8 Some other concern

None 9 No concerns

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, would you say that your incarceration has affected your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q019 34MFU Incarceration Changed Relationship

How has your time in prison or jail changed your relationship with ^prld.Namefill, if at

all? Has it made you closer, has it made you drift apart, or has there been no change?

Question Type: TChange




New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. During your incarceration, what strengths have you and [partner] had going for you in your relationship?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)


How often do you and your Survey Partner work together on something?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also MTACASI6V056-62, 65-72

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What has been hardest for you in the relationship during your incarceration? What do you think has been hardest for her?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q020 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

your incarceration?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFU

Apart 1 Your time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what your place in her life is when

you're in prison

Accept 3 You don't know whether she will accept collect charges for your

calls or be at home when you call

Lifestyle 4 She is concerned about your lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 She won't forgive you for problems or conflicts you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard to open up to her or let yourself

get close to her

Involved 7 You don't know whether she will get involved with someone else

while you're in prison

Other 8 Some other concern

None 9 No concerns

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, would you say that your incarceration has affected your relationship with your child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3R054 34MFU Relationship with Child Since Incarceration

How has your time in prison or jail changed your relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD, if at

all? Has it made you closer, has it made you drift apart, or has there been no change?

Question Type: TChange




New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think has been your biggest challenge in your relationship with your child(ren) during your incarceration? What, if anything, helped with this challenge?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3R055 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during your incarceration? Select

all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorrySet

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that you will not be as close emotionally as you were

before you were incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also MT3R023

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think has been your child(ren)’s biggest challenge in their relationship with you during your incarceration? What, if anything, helped with this challenge?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3R055* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during your incarceration? Select

all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorrySet

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that you will not be as close emotionally as you were

before you were incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also MT3R032-54

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What, if any, have the main turning points been during your incarceration in terms of your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)


How often have you discussed or considered divorce, separation, or ending your current

relationship with your Survey Partner?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also MT3Q004-20

Expectations for Reentry and Family I: Family Relationships

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking about your family relationships during your incarceration. Now I have some questions about what you think your family relationships will be like after you are released. In general, what do you expect life will be like after you are released?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

ME7J016* Reside with Partner Post-Release

Do you expect to live with ^Namefill after you are released?

(PROBE, AS NEEDED: Please answer based on your realistic expectations.)

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*see also ME7J017-18, ME7N030-37, and ME7V020-29

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Thinking ahead to when you are released, what do you expect that you will do in an average weekday? An average weekend?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MB7K012* Financial Support


Next, I'd like to know more about your plans for your financial and living situation when you are released.

What sources of financial support do you expect to have in the first 1 month following your release? Select all

that apply.

(PROBE, AS NEEDED: Please answer based on your realistic expectations.)

REQUIRED PROBE: Any other source?

Question Type: TMoney

None 1 None

Job 2 Pay from a job

Savings 3 Your own savings

PartnerSav 4 Money from your spouse/partner's job or savings

Family 5 Money from other family members

Friends 6 Money from your friends

PA 7 Public assistance

Illegal 8 Money from illegal sources

Other 9 Some other source (SPECIFY)

*also see MB7I014- MB7W001

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you expect your relationship with [partner] will be like when you are released?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

ME7V022* 34MFU Relationship with Partner

How easy or hard do you think it will be to have a good relationship with ^prld.Namefill

after you get out?

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also ME7L006-ME7V021 and ME7V023-37p

Expectations for Reentry and Family II: Impact of Prisoner/Parent/ Partner Identities

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Being incarcerated can affect people in all different ways. How, if at all, do you think the experience of being incarcerated affected your mindset or the way you think?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6Z001* 34MFU Control Important Things in Life


These next questions deal with your feelings, attitudes, and how things are going for you


How often do you feel that you are not able to control the important things in your life?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also MT6Z002-13

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What goals do you have for yourself right now?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6Z015* 34MFU Goal Orientation 2

You have many goals that you will work to achieve.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT6Z014

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What goals do think [partner] has for herself right now?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT7V021 34MFU Want to Continue Relationship 2


Do you think ^prld.Namefill wants to remain in a committed romantic relationship with you

after you are released?

Would you say . . .

Question Type: TYND

Yes 1 Yes

No 2 No

Dknow 3 Don't know

Family Roles and Relationships

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Now I’d like to hear some of your thoughts about parenting. As I said earlier, there are no right or wrong answers in this interview, I’m just really interested in hearing about your perspective. What would you say are the hardest things about parenting?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3R055* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during your incarceration? Select

all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorrySet

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that you will not be as close emotionally as you were

before you were incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also MT6N121-127, MT6N096-120, MT5N059-64, MT5N036-37

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say are the best things about parenting?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5N064* 34MFU Enjoy Being Together

Since your release, how often have you, ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD enjoy being

together as a family?

Question Type: TOSRN

Often 1 Often

Sometimes 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also MT6N096-128, MT5N059-63, MT5N036-37

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your own experience, what has made it easier to be a good parent? What has made it harder to be a good parent?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5N036* 34MFU Relationship with Children

How easy or hard ^lcfill to have a good relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD ^lcfill2

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also MT6N096-128, MT5N059-64, MT5N037

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How long were you and [partner] together before you found out you were going to have [focal child]? How did you feel when you first found out? What did [focal child] being born mean for your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N099a* 34MFU Count on One Another

How often can you and ^prld.Namefill count on one another to follow through on your

parenting responsibilities?

Question Type: TOSRN2

Often 1 Often

Sometimes 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

NotAp 5 Not applicable

*see also MB1G065a

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your opinion, what is a father’s role in a family?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N122* 34MFU Fatherhood Attitude 2

Fathers should spend as much time taking care of their children as mothers.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT6N121, 123-127

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think makes someone a good father?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N124* 34MFU Fatherhood Attitude 4

The activities a father does with his children don't matter. What matters more is whether

he supports them financially.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT6R039a-42, MT6N121-123, 124-127

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your opinion, what is a mother’s role in a family?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N101* 34MFU Focal Child's Relationship with Mother

Please rate ^prld.FOCCHILD's relationship with ^FOCSEX3 mother or main caretaker.

Would you say it is...

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think makes someone a good mother?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N101 34MFU Focal Child's Relationship with Mother

Please rate ^prld.FOCCHILD's relationship with ^FOCSEX3 mother or main caretaker.

Would you say it is...

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking about parenting, let’s talk now about partnerships. When answering these questions, you don’t need to talk specifically about your relationship with [partner]. I’m interested in hearing what you think more generally. In your opinion, what is important in a relationship?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V077* 34MFU Fidelity 5

Here are some statements about your relationship with your Survey Partner. For each one,

please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

It is very important to you to be completely faithful to your Survey Partner. By faithful,

we mean never having sexual contact with anyone except your Survey Partner.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT6Z021-27, MTACASI6V078

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say makes a relationship “healthy?”

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI2M038* 34MFU Safe in Relationship

Now, I'm going to ask you some questions about your relationship with your Survey Partner

Since your release. Thinking about this time period, please tell me how much of the time each of these

statements was true.

How often did you feel safe in your relationship with your Survey Partner? Would you say..

Question Type: TAOSRNlower

Always 1 Always

Often 2 Often

Some 3 Sometimes

Rarely 4 Rarely

Never 5 Never

*see also MT6Z021-27, MTACASI6V064-72, MTACASI2M039-58

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say makes a relationship “unhealthy?”

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6Z027* 34MFU Relationship Skills 7

It is sometimes OK for couples to get a little rough physically, like pushing or hitting.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

**see also MT6Z021-26, MTACASI6V064-72, MTACASI2M039-58

Parenting Specifics

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking a lot about parenting in general. I want to ask you some specific questions about your relationship(s) with your child(ren). How would you describe your current relationship(s) with your child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N097 34MFU Relationship with Focal Child

Would you say your current relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD is..

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Tell me how you and [partner] have managed your relationships with the other parents of children that you each have.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT6N100* 34MFU Decisions about Child/Health Care

Who makes major decisions about things such as child care and health care for


Question Type: TDecisionsPFU

Both 1 ^prld.Namefill and you make most of the decisions together

Mother 2 ^prld.Namefill makes most decisions without you

Respondent 3 You make most decisions without ^prld.Namefill

Someelse 4 Someone else involved in raising the child makes most decisions

without you or ^prld.Namefill

RandOther 5 You and someone else involved in raising the child make most of

the decisions

*see also MT1D027d, MT3R049

Employment and Money

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you describe [partner’s] current financial situation?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5K016* 34MFU Share Income with Partner

Since your release from incarceration, have you and ^Namefill shared any expenses, such as rent, mortgage, food, car expenses, utility bills,

or credit card bills?


Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*see also MT5K017-33

Sources of Support

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. This has been a really helpful conversation. My final questions for you are about things that might have been helpful or unhelpful during your incarceration and return from prison. Thinking about the time of your incarceration and return from prison, who or what would you say helped the most in your relationship with [partner]? Your relationship(s) with your children? In [partner’s relationship] with your children?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MB3S070 Skills Learned from Classes

What knowledge or skills did you learn in relationship classes or relationship counseling that helped you improve your relationship with ^Namefill?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TClasses

Talk 1 How to talk with ^Namefill about things that matter

Work 2 How to work through problems calmly and fairly

Calm 3 How to calm down when things get heated

Care 4 How to work together on caring for the child(ren)

Trust 5 How to build and keep each other's trust

Feel 6 How to work with each other's feelings about other family members, ex-partners,

and friends

Stress 7 How to deal with stress and life changes together

Other 8 Some other skill (SPECIFY)

None 9 NONE

*see also MB3S057a-69s, MB3S071-MB3S076

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Were there people or things that were unhelpful in those relationships? [If yes]: Tell me about that, and why they were unhelpful.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MTACASI6V023 34MFU Biggest Challenges Post-Release

Since you were released, what have been the biggest challenges in your relationship with

your Survey Partner? Select all that apply.

Question Type: TBChallengesFUm

Find 1 Not knowing how to get in contact with her

Close 2 Being able to feel close to her again after the time in prison

Trust 3 Being able to trust her after the time in prison

Problems 4 Problems or new situations that have come up since you were


Missed 5 Having missed out on so much that happened in her life while you

were incarcerated

Except 6 Trying to meet her expectations for you related to finding a job,

staying clean, helping her financially

Angry 7 Being angry at her or not wanting to see her

PartAngry 8 Her being angry at you or not wanting to see you

Other 9 Some other challenge

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What were the pivotal time points for support during incarceration/after reentry

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT5U009* 34MFU Prepared to Live on Outside

Overall, in the first 24 hours after your release from incarceration, how prepared did you

feel to live on the outside?

Question Type: preplev

Vprep 1 Very prepared

Prep 2 Prepared

Unprep 3 Unprepared

Vunprep 4 Very unprepared

*see also MB3S058, MB3S065, and MB3S074

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What kinds of help would you have wanted to receive that you didn’t get?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q003* 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner

You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during this incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at your facility, clergy, correctional officers, or other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT3R023, MB3S057a-107

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What kinds of help do you think should be available for other men and their families who go through this experience?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

MT3Q003* 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner

You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during this incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at your facility, clergy, correctional officers, or other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also MT3R023, MB3S057a-107

Qualitative Follow Back Questions: Women’s Longitudinal Protocol: Time 1
March 2014

Family and Household Structure and Typical Daily Activities

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. I’d like to start by getting a sense of your daily life right now. Can you please tell me what you typically do on a weekday?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT4N062 34MFU Frequency of Activities with Focal Child

In a typical week since ^REFDATE, how many days have you participated in an activity

with ^prld.FOCCHILD, such as eating meals, going shopping, helping with homework, or

doing something fun with him or her?


Question Type: TDays

None 0 NONE








*see also FT4I034a, FT4L134a-FT4L128a, FT5J044a, FT5J002, FT5N063-64, FT5I34

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you typically do on the weekend?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5N063* 34MFU Frequency Family Activities

How often have you, ^prld.Namefill, and ^prld.FOCCHILD all done family-oriented

activities together, such as recreational activities, eating meals, or going to church

since ^lcfill1 ^lcfill2? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely or never?

Question Type: TOSRNcaps

Often 1 OFTEN



Never 4 NEVER

*see also FT5I34

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you define your relationship with [MFS partner] (e.g., married, committed, separated)? How serious is your relationship? How long have you been together?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT1F065* 34MFU Confirm Romantic Involvement

Are you currently romantically involved with ^prld.Namefill? That is, do you consider yourselves to be a couple?

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*also see questions FT1F062-64c

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Are you currently involved with any other partners? If yes, length of courtship and seriousness of relationship with partner(s)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT1F069 34MFU Romantic Other

Are you currently romantically involved in any way with anyone else?

Question Type: TYesNocaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Thinking about the good and the bad in your relationship with [partner], what was most important in your decision to continue/end it?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT1F067 34MFU Relationship Split


I'm going to read a list of reasons that couples split up.  Which of these issues were

reasons for you and ^prld.Namefill splitting up? Please select all that apply.


Question Type: Tsplit1Set

Argue 1 ^F[1]You argued too much^F[1]

PhysFight 2 ^F[2]Your fights got too physical, like pushing or hitting^F[2]

NoCloseInc 3 ^F[3]You did not feel close to one another during your


NoCloseRel 4 ^F[4]You did not feel close to one another after you were


Diff 5 ^F[5]You were just too different from one another^F[5]

Trust 6 ^F[6]You and she had too many jealousy or trust issues^F[6]

FeInvd 7 ^F[7]She got involved with someone else^F[7]

MaInvd 8 ^F[8]You got involved with someone else^F[8]

HeDrugs 9 ^F[9]You had problems with drug or alcohol use^F[9]

SheDrgs 10 ^F[10]She had problems with drug or alcohol use^F[10]

Money 11 ^F[11]You had conflicts over not having enough money to support

the family^F[11]

HeCrim 12 ^F[12]You had conflicts about being involved in illegal


ChildConf 13 ^F[13]You had conflicts about how to raise children^F[13]

Other 14 ^F[14]Some other reason (SPECIFY)^F[14]

None 15 ^F[15] (None of the above)^F[15]

Reflections on Incarceration and Family

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Let’s talk more now about how [partner’s] incarceration has affected your relationship and your family. What has it been like for you during the time that [partner] has been incarcerated: emotionally, practically, and logistically?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q020a 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

this incarceration?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFB3

Apart 1 His time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what his place in your life is when he

is in prison

Accept 3 Sometimes you can't accept collect charges for his calls or be at

home when he calls

Lifestyle 4 You are concerned about his lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 You may not be able to forgive him for problems or conflicts

you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard for him to open up to you or let

himself get close to you

InvolvedHim 7 You don't know whether he will get involved with someone else

during this incarceration

InvolvedYou 8 You have become or might become involved with someone else during

this incarceration

Other 9 Or some other concern that I haven't mentioned

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How did [partner’s] incarceration affect your living situation?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT4J041 34MFU Primarily Reside

During the time since ^REFDATE, where did you mostly live?


Question Type: TResidenceFB

Own 1 ^F1 In your own house or apartment, meaning your name is on the

title, mortgage, or lease ^F1

Elses 2 ^F2 In someone else's house or apartment ^F2

Transitional 3 ^F3 In a transitional housing building or halfway house ^F3

Motel 4 ^F4 In a motel/hotel or rooming house ^F4

Treatment 5 ^F5 In a residential treatment facility ^F5

Shelter 6 ^F6 In a shelter ^F6

Street 7 ^F7 On the street ^F7

Outdoor 8 ^F8 In an outdoor location where you camp out ^F8

Vacant 9 ^F9 In an abandoned building or vacant unit ^F9

Other 10 ^F10 In some other place ^F10

Logic after:

Add a consistency check after FT4J041 if R chooses a response that was not also selected



New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, would you say that incarceration affected your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q019a 34MFU Incarceration Changed Relationship

How has ^prld.Namefill's time in prison changed your relationship with him, if at all?

Has it made you closer, has it made you drift apart, or has there been no change?

Question Type: TChange3




New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. During [partner’s] incarceration, what strengths have you and [partner] had going for you in your relationship?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)


How often do you and your Survey Partner work together on something?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also FTACASI6V056-62, 65-72

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What has been hardest for you in the relationship during [partner’s] incarceration? What do you think has been hardest for him?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q020a 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

this incarceration?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFB3

Apart 1 His time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what his place in your life is when he

is in prison

Accept 3 Sometimes you can't accept collect charges for his calls or be at

home when he calls

Lifestyle 4 You are concerned about his lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 You may not be able to forgive him for problems or conflicts

you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard for him to open up to you or let

himself get close to you

InvolvedHim 7 You don't know whether he will get involved with someone else

during this incarceration

InvolvedYou 8 You have become or might become involved with someone else during

this incarceration

Other 9 Or some other concern that I haven't mentioned

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How, if at all, would you say that incarceration has affected [partner’s] relationship with his child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3R054p 34MFU Relationship with Child Since Incarceration

How has ^prld.Namefill's time in prison changed his relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD, if

at all? Has it made them closer, has it made them drift apart, or has there been no change?

Question Type: TChangeFU




New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think has been [partner’s] biggest challenge in his relationship with his child(ren) during his incarceration? What, if anything, helped with this challenge?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3R055p* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during ^prld.Namefill's

incarceration? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorry

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD will not be as

close emotionally as they were before he was incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also FT3R022p-54p

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think has been your child(ren)’s biggest challenge in their relationship with [partner] during his incarceration? What, if anything, has helped with this challenge?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3R055p* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during ^prld.Namefill's

incarceration? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorry

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD will not be as

close emotionally as they were before he was incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

*see also FT3R022p-54p

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What, if any, have been the main turning points during [partner’s] incarceration in terms of your relationship with him?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)


How often have you discussed or considered divorce, separation, or ending your current

relationship with your Survey Partner?

Question Type: TOSRNlower

Often 1 Often

Some 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

*see also FT3Q004-20

Expectations for Reentry and Family I: Family Relationships

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking about your family relationships during your incarceration. Now I have some questions about what you think your family relationships will be like after you are released. In general, what do you expect life will be like after you are released?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

ME7J016* Reside with Partner Post-Release

Do you expect to live with ^Namefill after you are released?

(PROBE, AS NEEDED: Please answer based on your realistic expectations.)

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*see also ME7J017-18, ME7N030-37, and ME7V020-29

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you expect your relationship with [partner] will be like when you are released?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

ME7V022* 34MFU Relationship with Partner

How easy or hard do you think it will be to have a good relationship with ^prld.Namefill

after you get out?

Question Type: TDifficulty

Veasy 1 Very easy

PretEasy 2 Pretty easy

PretHard 3 Pretty hard

Vhard 4 Very hard

*see also ME7L006-ME7V021 and ME7V023-37p

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you expect your other close relationships will be like when [partner] is released?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FB7L006* Other Family Support Expectations 1

The next set of questions are about your expectations for your relationships with family members

other than ^Namefill ^lcfill after ^Namefill's release from prison.

Do you have a family member who will loan you money if you need it?

(PROBE, AS NEEDED: Please answer based on your realistic expectations.)

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

*see also FB7L007-11

Expectations for Reentry and Family II: Impact of Prisoner/Parent/ Partner Identities

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Being incarcerated can affect people in all different ways. How, if at all, do you think the experience of being incarcerated affected [partner’s] mindset or the way he thinks?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q020a 34MFU Relationship Concerns During Incarceration


What concerns or worries do you have about your relationship with ^prld.Namefill during

this incarceration?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TConcernsFB3

Apart 1 His time in prison will make you drift apart

Insecurity 2 It is hard for you to know what his place in your life is when he

is in prison

Accept 3 Sometimes you can't accept collect charges for his calls or be at

home when he calls

Lifestyle 4 You are concerned about his lifestyle in prison

Forgive 5 You may not be able to forgive him for problems or conflicts

you've had

Close 6 Being in prison makes it hard for him to open up to you or let

himself get close to you

InvolvedHim 7 You don't know whether he will get involved with someone else

during this incarceration

InvolvedYou 8 You have become or might become involved with someone else during

this incarceration

Other 9 Or some other concern that I haven't mentioned

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What goals do you think [partner] has for himself right now?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT7V021 34MFU Want to Continue Relationship 2


Do you think ^prld.Namefill wants to remain in a committed romantic relationship with you

after you are released?

Would you say . . .

Question Type: TYND

Yes 1 Yes

No 2 No

Dknow 3 Don't know

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What goals do you have for yourself right now?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6Z015* 34MFU Goal Orientation 2

You have many goals that you will work to achieve.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT6Z014

Family Roles and Relationships

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Now I’d like to hear some of your thoughts about parenting. As I said earlier, there are no right or wrong answers in this interview, I’m just really interested in hearing about your perspective. What would you say are the hardest things about parenting?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3R055p* 34MFU Concerns/Worries About Focal Child


What concerns or worries do you have about ^prld.FOCCHILD during ^prld.Namefill's

incarceration? Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TWorry

Money 1 Concerns about there being enough money to support ^focsex2

School 2 Concerns about how ^focsex1 is doing in school

Happy 3 Concerns about ^focsex3 happiness

Peers 4 Concerns about ^focsex2 getting teased or threatened by peers

Emotional 5 Concerns that ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD will not be as

close emotionally as they were before he was incarcerated

RoleModel 6 Concerns that ^focsex1 won't have a male role model

Trouble 7 Concerns that ^focsex1 will get in trouble

Other 8 Other concerns

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say are the best things about parenting?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5N064 34MFU Enjoy Being Together

How often have you, ^prld.Namefill and ^prld.FOCCHILD enjoyed being together as a family

since his release?

Question Type: TOSRNcaps

Often 1 OFTEN



Never 4 NEVER

*see also FT5N059-63 and FT6N096-100

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your own experience, what has made it easier to be a good parent? What has made it harder to be a good parent?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5N006* 34MFU Ease of Raising Child(ren)

Since ^prld.Namefill was released, it has gotten easier to manage the work of raising

(a) child(ren).

Question Type: TAgreeNALower

StroAgree 1 Strongly Agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly Disagree

NA 5 Not Applicable

*see also FT5N030-FT5N005 and FT6N096-100

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How long were you and [partner] together before you found out you were going to have [focal child]? How did you feel when you first found out? What did [focal child] being born mean for your relationship with [partner]?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N099a* 34MFU Count on One Another

How often can you and ^prld.Namefill count on one another to follow through on your

parenting responsibilities?

Question Type: TOSRN2

Often 1 Often

Sometimes 2 Sometimes

Rarely 3 Rarely

Never 4 Never

NotAp 5 Not applicable

*see also FB1G065a

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your opinion, what is a father’s role in a family?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N122* 34MFU Fatherhood Attitude 2

Fathers should spend as much time taking care of their children as mothers.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT6N121, 123-127

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think makes someone a good father?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N124* 34MFU Fatherhood Attitude 4

The activities a father does with his children don't matter. What matters more is whether

he supports them financially.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT6N121-123, 124-127

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. In your opinion, what is a mother’s role in a family?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6R039a* 34MFU Parental Warmth 1

For the next set of questions, I'd like you to think about what things are like when you

see or communicate with ^lcfill

On average, how often do you do each of the following with ^prld.FOCCHILD when you

communicate with ^FOCSEX2?

Hug or show physical affection to ^prld.FOCCHILD?

Question Type: Tphysical

Always 1 ^F1 Always ^F1

Usually 2 ^F2 Usually ^F2

Sometimes 3 ^F3 Sometimes ^F3

Never 4 ^F4 Never ^F4*

*see also FT6R040-42

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What do you think makes someone a good mother?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N096 34MFU Feelings as a Parent

Please think about how you feel about yourself as a parent to ^prld.FOCCHILD.

Would you say you are . . .

Question Type: TType

Excel 1 An excellent parent

Vgood 2 A very good parent

Good 3 A good parent

Nogood 4 Not a very good parent

*see also FT6R039a-42

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking about parenting, let’s talk now about partnerships. When answering these questions, you don’t need to talk specifically about your relationship with [partner]. I’m interested in hearing what you think more generally. In your opinion, what is important in a relationship?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI6V077* 34MFU Fidelity 5

Here are some statements about your relationship with your Survey Partner. For each one,

please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

It is very important to you to be completely faithful to your Survey Partner. By faithful,

we mean never having sexual contact with anyone except your Survey Partner.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT6Z021-27, FTACASI6V078

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say makes a relationship “healthy?”

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI2M038* 34MFU Safe in Relationship

Now, I'm going to ask you some questions about your relationship with your Survey Partner

since his release. Thinking about this time period, please tell me how much of the time each of these statements was true.

How often did you feel safe in your relationship with your Survey Partner? Would you say..

Question Type: TAOSRNlower

Always 1 Always

Often 2 Often

Some 3 Sometimes

Rarely 4 Rarely

Never 5 Never

*see also FT6Z021-27, FTACASI6V064-72, FTACASI2M039-58

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What would you say makes a relationship “unhealthy?”

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6Z027* 34MFU Relationship Skills 7

It is sometimes OK for couples to get a little rough physically, like pushing or hitting.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

**see also FT6Z021-26, FTACASI6V064-72, FTACASI2M039-58

Parenting Specifics

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. We’ve been talking a lot about parenting in general. I want to ask you some specific questions about your relationship(s) with your child(ren). How would you describe your current relationship(s) with your child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N097* 34MFU Relationship with Focal Child

Would you say your current relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD is..

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

*see also FT6R039a-42

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What are your hopes for your relationship with your child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N097* 34MFU Relationship with Focal Child

Would you say your current relationship with ^prld.FOCCHILD is..

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

*see also FT6R039a-42

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you describe [partner’s] current relationship(s) with his child(ren)?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N101p 34MFU Focal Child s Relationship with Father

Please rate ^prld.FOCCHILD's relationship with ^prld.NAMEFILL.

Would you say it is . . .

Question Type: TEGFP

Excel 1 Excellent

Good 2 Good

Fair 3 Fair

Poor 4 Poor

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Tell me about how you and [partner] have managed your relationships with the other parents of children that you each have.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT6N100* 34MFU Decisions about Child/Health Care

Who makes major decisions about things such as child care and health care for


Question Type: TDecisionsPFU

Both 1 ^prld.Namefill and you make most of the decisions together

Mother 2 ^prld.Namefill makes most decisions without you

Respondent 3 You make most decisions without ^prld.Namefill

Someelse 4 Someone else involved in raising the child makes most decisions

without you or ^prld.Namefill

RandOther 5 You and someone else involved in raising the child make most of

the decisions

*see also FT1D027d

Economic Support for Children

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How would you describe your current financial situation?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5K034* 34MFU Money Better, Worse, Same

Since ^prld.Namefill was released, is your money situation better, worse or about the

same as it was before he was released?

Question Type: TBetWrseSme

Better 1 BETTER

Worse 2 WORSE


*see also FT5K016-33

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Children have many needs that cost money. Please tell me about the sources of financial support that you, [partner] or others provide for your child(ren).

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5N032p 34MFU Financial Support for Focal Child


In what way or ways has ^prld.Namefill provided financial support for ^prld.FOCCHILD

since he was released. Please include support provided to the child directly as well as support

provided to you or another caretaker of the child.


Question Type: TMonetary3

Gift 1 Buying ^prld.FOCCHILD birthday or holiday gifts

Shopping 2 Taking ^prld.FOCCHILD shopping for clothes, school supplies, or

other things ^FOCSEX1 needs

Expense 3 Helping out occasionally with bills, rent or other expenses in

the child's household

More300 4 Providing steady, regular financial support of over $300 per month

Two300 5 Providing steady, regular financial support of $200-$300 per month

One200 6 Providing steady, regular financial of $100-$200 per month

Upto100 7 Providing steady, regular financial support up to $100 per month

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. How experiences with formal child support system help or hurt relationships with spouse/partner, coparent(s), and child(ren)

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT4K021 34MFU Child Support Received

Next I'm going to read a list of income sources. For each, tell me if you have received

income from this source during the time since ^REFDATE.

Child support payments?

Question Type: TYesNoCaps

Yes 1 YES

No 2 NO

Sources of Support

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. This has been a really helpful conversation. My final questions for you are about things that might have been helpful or unhelpful during [partner’s] incarceration and return from prison. Thinking about the time of [partner’s] return from prison, who or what would you say helped the most in your relationship with [partner], your relationship with your children, and in [partner’s] relationship with your children?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FB3S070 Skills Learned from Classes

What knowledge or skills did you learn in relationship classes or relationship counseling that helped you improve your relationship with ^Namefill?

Select all that apply.

REQUIRED PROBE: Anything else?

Question Type: TClasses

Talk 1 How to talk with ^Namefill about things that matter

Work 2 How to work through problems calmly and fairly

Calm 3 How to calm down when things get heated

Care 4 How to work together on caring for the child(ren)

Trust 5 How to build and keep each other's trust

Feel 6 How to work with each other's feelings about other family members, ex-partners,

and friends

Stress 7 How to deal with stress and life changes together

Other 8 Some other skill (SPECIFY)

None 9 NONE

*see also FB3S057a-69s, FB3S071-FB3S076

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. Were there people or things that were unhelpful in those relationships? [If yes]: Tell me about that, and why they were unhelpful.

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FTACASI7V023 34MFU Biggest Challenges Post-Release

Since he was released, what were the biggest challenges in your relationship with your

Survey Partner? Select all that apply.

Question Type: TBChallengesFU

Find 1 Not knowing how to get in contact with him

Close 2 Being able to feel close to him again after his time in prison

Trust 3 Being able to trust him after the time in prison

Problems 4 Problems or new situations that have come up since he was


Missed 5 His having missed out on so much that happened in your life while

he was incarcerated

Except 6 His trying to meet your expectations related to finding a job,

staying clean, helping you financially

Angry 7 Being angry at him or not wanting to see him

PartAngry 8 Him being angry at you or not wanting to see you

Hedecide 9 Him trying to make all of the decisions for you and your

NoInvolve 10 Him not getting involved enough in running the household

Other 11 Some other challenge

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. After [partner] was released, were their particular points in time when you needed help the most?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT5Y001 34MFU QOL 1

Overall, your life is harder since ^prld.Namefill was released.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FT5Y002, FB3S058, FB3S065, and FB3S074

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What kinds of help would you have wanted to receive that you didn’t get?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q003* 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner


You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during his incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at the correctional facility, clergy, correctional officers, or

other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FTFL006-11

New Question (used in Qualitative Follow-Back)

  1. What kinds of help do you think should be available for other women who go through this experience?

Old Question (Used in Quantitative Interview)

FT3Q003* 34MFU Assistance with Contact with Partner


You are satisfied with the amount of help you've received with staying in touch with

^prld.Namefill during his incarceration. This could be help from outside programs or

agencies, program staff at the correctional facility, clergy, correctional officers, or

other staff.

Question Type: TAgreeLower

StroAgree 1 Strongly agree

Agree 2 Agree

Disagree 3 Disagree

StroDisagree 4 Strongly disagree

*see also FTFL006-11


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorTasseli McKay
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-24

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