Flight Training Providers

Flight Training for Aliens and Other Designated Individuals; Security Awareness Training for Flight School Employees

AFSP Provider Application Process June 2015 for PRA 8282015

Flight Training Providers

OMB: 1652-0021

Document [pdf]
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Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OIA)
Program Management Division – Aviation Branch

Alien Flight Student Program
Provider Application
June 2015

Application for Training

Applicants must provide the following using the AFSP website for each training event:
 Basic Information
• name, gender, height, weight, DOB, eye color, hair color
 Other Names
 alias type: birth, Americanized, maiden, geographic, variations
 Citizenship Types (current, dual, historical)
 Document Information (current & all previous)
• unexpired passport and visa, all airman certificate & type rating, lawful permanent resident
card, driver’s license
 Address Information (current, historical at least 5 years)
 Employment History (current, previous for at least 5 years)
 Dates and location for training


Fingerprints required for training application approval


Applicant must start training within 180 days from date request is accepted by provider


Applicant must complete training within 365 days of date training request is approved


Categories of Training

Category 1: for applicant not eligible for expedited processing for flight training
in the operation of aircraft with MTOW of 12,500 pounds or more


Category 2: for applicant eligible for expedited processing for flight training in
the operation of aircraft with MTOW of 12,500 pounds or more


Category 3: for applicant applying for flight training in the operation of aircraft
with MTOW of 12,500 pounds or less


Category 4: for applicant requesting for recurrent training
– Flight schools are required to submit similar training and identifying
information for applicant in Category 4, but are not required to submit the
applicant’s fingerprints.


Provider Login Page


Requesting AFSP Provider ID


FSDO Request Confirmation


Flight Training Provider
within AFSP


Initial AFSP Sign-in

If you do not already have
an AFSP account, please
send request for access to
[email protected]

Provider: Home Page


Provider: Training Requests


Provider: Training Requests (cont.)


Provider: Payments


Provider: DOD Endorsements
This tab only appears for providers who have received DOD Endorsements. The majority
of providers will not have an Endorsements tab.


Provider: Help


Provider Actions: Validate TR
New provider with a TR just submitted to validate, click on the 1


Provider Actions Needed
Missing Information:
• Contact Info
• Training Location


Provider Actions Needed

Upload photo at start of
Change TR Status as needed
Training dates ONLY


Paperwork Reduction Act
Paper Reduction Act Statement
The public reporting burden to complete this information collection is estimated at 104 annual hours per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collected information. TSA may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number and expiration date. The OMB control number assigned to this collection is
1652-0021, EXP. 08/31/2015. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden to TSA/TSNM, 601 S 12th Street Arlington, VA 20598-6019 : ATTN: PRA (16520021).


Privacy Act and Assertion of Data


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSlide 1
File Modified2015-08-28
File Created2015-07-02

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